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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EET

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skorenny kherson. the heroes of the tape were kherson journalists who recorded everything that happened in the city during the period of enemy occupation. my colleague iryna skrypachova was also present in the audience, and she will tell more. olga pistorska from kherson, together with her family, currently lives in kremenchuk, in the status of a resettled person. the woman came to the premiere because she really misses her native home, which she had to leave after three months of occupation. everything is interesting. from different sides, because i only knew my side, what i heard, and i wonder how it was there, well this lilac park, that’s where a lot of ours lay, then they wrote that it was a fake, then it was not a fake, well, i know that it is not a fake, well, these views are interesting, well, i want to see the truth from different angles, the director of the film ustin danchuk together with a team of media representatives recreated the realities of life in kherson, rallies, the occupation and liberation
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of the city, its flooding as a result of the explosion of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant, and the daily shelling of the russians. if shooting the next film, what should it be. such a question was posed to one of the film's heroines, journalist elizaveta zharkyh. we would i wanted to make a film about, maybe it will be a series of documentary series about oleshki, holopristan, kakhovka, nova kakhovka, genichisht, because you will see in the film footage of people from kherson. go to rallies, but they went to rallies not only in kherson, they went out in the bare pier, in kakhovka, in nova kakhovka, people protest against the russian occupation, and not all of them, it is clear that we can hear their voices now, it may be possible only after release. a full hall of people waiting for the film, the next 72 minutes of experiences and memories, but this time full of optimism, heroism and indomitability, as well as the understanding that everyone has a moment of victory
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, motivating and inspiring - say the viewers about the tape unconquered kherson. this is a movie. allows you to once again experience those emotions, on the one hand, excitement for people who dared to go to pro-ukrainian rallies, who dared to literally stand against the shots, and on the other hand, it is still some kind of inspiration and motivation, that we understand, what we stand for we are fighting, what we are fighting for and why ukraine is important to us. the creators of the film are planning to show the tape in different cities of ukraine and intend to submit it to... skoreniy kherson to
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international documentary film festivals. iryna skrypachova, oleksandr popenko, from kremenchuk for espresso tv channel. well, we continue and the great aether continues, now it's time to talk about what happened in the world. yuriy fizar is with me. yury, good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us. as always, at this time, i will talk about the most important things that happened in the world during the past day. in particular, from the news such aid to ukraine, of course from the united states of america, the leaders of the european union in china, what they talked about and what they could agree on, and venezuela, well, it really wants to absorb a part of the neighboring state, guyana, about this and other things have already been covered in the world about ukraine column, well but i will start with this, a miracle did not happen, although in the end it was not expected, well
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, at least i did, in the american senate they did not even put to a vote the question of ratifying the submission of president joe biden on the allocation of aid to ukraine, against, 51 senators spoke, only 49 voted in favor, while at least 60 votes are required. most importantly, senate majority leader chuck schumer also voted against it, but only to bring the bill up again in the future. republicans continue to push back, demanding more money and increased military action to secure the southern border with mexico. joe biden, who addressed the senators with a statement before the meeting, did not convince them either. what exactly did the owner of the white house say, come on let's listen in direct speech. do not doubt, today's vote will be remembered for a long time. history will punish severely. those who
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turned away from the cause of freedom. we cannot allow putin to win. it is in our national interest and in the interest of all our friends. any interruption in our ability to supply. weapons and ammunition in ukraine, certainly strengthen putin's position. we are now running out of money for this aid, and some republicans are playing with our national security by holding funding for ukraine extremely hostage biased border policy. you know, there are such strong words. americans, by the way, know their history very well and know that it can punish some bad deeds. and i'm sure they'll listen, i mean the republicans. will listen to the president of the united states of america, joe biden, and by the new year we will receive help from this country. well, even after this failed signal vote, and i will remind you that it was a signal vote, that is, if there were enough votes, then
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a normal vote would have been set. so, after the failure of this signal vote, the national security adviser of the president of the united states of america, jakes, addressed the senators. he, among others, said, quote: the world is watching, and history will judge everyone. if we leave and putin takes over ukraine, he will not stop there . well, jake salvan said a little more. so let's hear what else. the president's additional request is critical to advancing our national security interests, from providing assistance israel and ukraine, to provide humanitarian aid to civilians. population around the world. additionally, strengthening border security and combating the flow of fentanyl into the us are bipartisan priorities that deserve bipartisan support. today's vote does not change the fact that congress must take action to address these urgent needs, including by
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providing much-needed funding to ukraine through the end of the year. well, you noticed the last sentence. that is, congress must turn. that is, there will be a vote in the congress that is why. the leader of the democratic majority , chuck schumer, and voted against to allow this re-vote in the senate to happen, when it will happen, well, it is not yet known, biden is ready to compromise, and he said this in his address to the senators, in washington now there is a ukrainian landing force , who meets with american lawmakers and tries to convince them to single out: well, the only thing that vasyl has for me in this ukrainian landing party, i don’t understand why in this ukrainian landing party is making the president’s state record, such office-presidential landing party, well here it is good that there is a chairman of the supreme council, at least the second person in the state according to the constitution, but yes , it looks a little like that, but
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let all the higher forces help them in order to convince the americans after all, although i honestly, i repeat once again that for some reason i am determined that by the new year there will be help. there will be states of america, and the republicans, at least those who are now very stubbornly not voting against the allocation of this aid, are simply trying to earn themselves some bonuses in front of their voters, so i will say that, well, the united states of america is actually a very institutionalized and bureaucratic country, at least its government, and they do not understand very well why a person who has certain powers exercises his powers not inherent in them, who gave them them, is the law not being violated, because if a person makes some decision, makes some promises, he must have the authority to make these promises, because then you don't, me, and i couldn't make such a promise, what about you, no, i'm just a bench of the president, well there thieves, back and forth, you know, it's a job to have paper constantly, so that the cartridges in the printers are constantly filled, but let's move on, we are talking about the international community, it is pleasing that there are other
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countries in the world that are already saying that they will continue to help ukraine as much as is necessary for complete victory, for example the leadership of the czech republic decided to continue providing maximum support to ukraine, this was announced by the president of the czech republic petr pavel, based on the results of the council with the participation of the head of government, the speaker and both houses of the parliament and the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine. at the same time, peter pavel emphasized that official prague will do this until kyiv achieves its goals as much as possible. and then a short direct speech by the president of the czech republic, petr pavl. this is ours too. the goal is to make europe east of our borders stable. well , we also receive damages of one and a half billion dollars from japan. this was reported in the press service of the prime minister of the land of the rising sun,
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fumio kishida. according to published information, he said this during an online meeting with colleagues from the so-called group of seven, or big seven. with we will receive aid either from... or through the world bank, money for ukraine, from the land of the rising sun, they want to direct to post-war reconstruction, as well as humanitarian aid. in addition, the japanese prime minister reiterated his sentiment that he will continue to help kyiv and maintain sanctions against moscow, that is, his government. the world is facing serious challenges, and china , together with the european union, can face these challenges. he said this during a meeting with the president of the european commission, ursula von derlajen, and the president of the european council charles michel in beijing, today - said the leader of the heavenly xiji. pin, at the same time, he emphasized that such cooperation would be mutually beneficial, but, but what, but, let
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sijinping, he says himself in direct language. china and the european union should be partners for mutually beneficial cooperation. we must constantly strengthen mutual political trust, build strategic consensus, and cement bonds of common interests. both sides. to avoid all kinds of interventions, to intensify dialogue and cooperation for the benefit of our peoples, as well as join forces to solve global problems and promote stability and prosperity around the world. and by the way , the president of the european commission, ursula fondern, also commented on the results of the negotiations between the leaders of the european union and china, she said that these results will have an impact, will have a positive impact on the security of people
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around the world, what exactly she meant is unknown, so that it is not known what else they talked about, although it is known that they did talk about ukraine, when they meant, apparently, about the solution of these global and confrontation global challenges, challenges at the press conference dedicated to the promotion of the results of the summit between china and the european union, the representative of... the ministry of foreign affairs of the heavenly kingdom said that in order to end the russian war in ukraine , which he has already called neither a war nor a russian one, it is necessary and here the drum beat should be, just stop shooting, and then his quote: china's position on the ukrainian issue can be described in one sentence: it is necessary to look for ways of an immediate ceasefire and a political solution, but rather, he appealed to the leadership of the european union to start talking about ukraine with putin, and here's the gist: one of his quotes: it is important for europeans to talk with russians about the security architecture in europe.
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well, some such kremlin methods , security architecture in europe, in europe should listen to some opinions about security in other countries, this is all that putin and his cronies talked about a few months, well, almost a year before the start of a full-scale invasion of ukraine . and now we are talking about this in china, well, although i don't know, maybe in a few in the next few days, more information will appear about what the representatives of the european union agreed with the leaders of the celestial empire, but the venezuelan parliament voted to include the region of essequibo, which is a sovereign part of neighboring guyana, into its composition, the decision was adopted in the first reading in the highest legislative body of the national assembly of ukraine was informed that guyana ssekibo is being created as part of the country's political-territorial system, and what
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's more, they even said that before the elections to be held in this region, president nicolas maduro appointed a temporary manager, this one also has the same map as lukashenko, you remember, he says, and i brought a map from where the attacks were being prepared, well, it's true, it's true, they're already showing the map that they annexed this part. essequibo, well, and this is just a horror, well, this horror is already being commented on in guyana itself, the president of guyana , irfan ali, said that his country is doing everything necessary to protect it from venezuela, which has declared this guyanese region of sequibo as its 24th state, about this he said in an interview with the associated press agency, he said in particular that the government of guyana turned to allies and regional partners to protect the cis. he clarified that negotiations with other countries are being conducted by the armed forces of guyana, but did not specify which countries
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, and further, his quote: if venezuela continues to act so recklessly and adventurously, the region will be forced to respond, this is exactly what we are doing, we are preparing a regional response. i would very much like regional partners, neighbors to support guyana, because you know, it is possible. meet and talk about the fact that we need help, we will help you, sign memoranda, we will help you, and then throw these memoranda away, well, but the usa has already said that they support the territory. guyana's secretary of state anthony blinken said this, and he said he also advised to settle this situation in accordance with the norms of international law. a shooting in a russian school, at least two children died, five were injured, it happened in one
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of the schools in bryansk. according to information from local law enforcement officers, one of the eighth-grade students brought it with her to school. parental hunting rifle, she holstered it and started shooting wildly in her classroom. currently, the reason for what happened is unknown, one of the possible motives for settling scores with a classmate, the girl's father has already been questioned about how it could happen that his daughter got access to his rifle. well, now many different possible reasons are being considered, but to me. i liked it, well , i liked it the most, you can laugh, you can even laugh at it, the russian propaganda telegram channel, obviously ridovka said that the roots and traces lead to ukraine, to ukraine, it is the ukrainian special services that are trying to exert maximum effort in order to stir up the calm situation inside russia, and it is they who have done
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such a thing, well, it is already some, that is, when these exwagnerists arrive from the front , they kill people, butcher them. they are tortured, abducted, raped, it is also necessary to look for the roots, that is, the ukrainians released them from the prison of these rapists, cannibals, by the way, there are really sly people there , and then they were sent to peaceful russian cities to be killed , that's all of us, that's for sure, and finally , fire at russian industrial enterprises is already a common phenomenon, and today is not an exception . an electrical plant was burning in moscow, the fire was captured on video, the heat and... the smoke was seen many kilometers from places of ignition according to the russian media, the fire started on the first floor of the paint shop, which is located at the factory for the production of reinforced concrete products and metal structures. and i will only add, yur, that this plant was built, well, initially back in 1928, that only lenin died, because
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it took four years to build this plant and it finally caught fire. and let's hope that it will burn, yes, well, let it burn before 100 years, yes, well, that's all i have for today in the world about ukraine section, everything is just as usual for today, because tomorrow will be a new day and there will be new international news, but not everything on our air, because in a few minutes my colleague oleksandr morchevka, as always, will tell in detail all the most important things from the world of money, so don't switch. thanks to yuri fizer, i have a plot for your attention, so ukrainian drivers have been standing in kilometer-long queues on the polish-ukrainian border for a month, the street is severely minus, there are no sanitary conditions, the situation is only getting worse , the drivers are persuading, traffic has slowed down , strikers are keeping cars with dangerous cargo in line for a long time, on the other side of the border,
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our colleague, maria chornihivska, and she will tell more. so. once he has been standing in line at the polish-ukrainian border for eight days, he is taking frozen chicken to ukraine, but he himself lacks food, but only the basics, but the kitchen is gas on canisters disposable, such canisters are enough for a week, well, a kettle, literally enough to feed yourself, to eat some sandwich with warm tea, to warm up, the refrigerator, but it is already empty under your feet, what time is it already, because it is already food, all the products are long gone already. have run out, the drivers are standing in the middle of the field , there are biotoilets about every half kilometer, this is where the benefits of civilization end, a toothbrush, warm water, a towel, soap and wet wipes, nothing else, you can’t think of anything else here, now it’s cold, now a shower, you can’t think of anything else elderly, taras is in this line for the second time during the strike, the first time he stood at the border for eight days, now
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it will be at least 12, the guy predicts, because the forward movement is very slow, a kilometer a day. it is so systematically a kilometer long, sometimes 900 m , sometimes 800, saved by volunteers, poles and ukrainians who bring warm food twice a day, one of the caring poles, david, a husband, despite work, studies and three children, finds time not for the first time, to come from warsaw to the border with food and medicine for ukrainian drivers, and i feel so guilty because it worries me, after all, we are ukrainians... of the european union, and we live in a country that respects human rights, we actually have problems with this, it can be seen here, this time david and volunteers brought 60 liters of goulash. which was prepared by chefs in a ukrainian restaurant in warsaw. in addition, sandwiches, canned goods, bread, goodies and medicine. david does not support the actions of polish protesters at the border. in my opinion, the city, in
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my opinion, is to some extent an artificially created situation when it comes to this protest. this protest should be directed elsewhere, must motivate someone else, and these drivers here have nothing to do with making political decisions. if it is about the permits that you... it is the competence of the european union, also poland, as a country can take certain steps to help people. ukrainian drivers are impatient, primarily because the rules for passing trucks are constantly changing, and they don't know what to expect tomorrow. now it is getting much worse, well, that is , even if you take adera, yes, they are not allowed at all, not refrigerators, nothing they let them in as they want, cordor, no one wants to go, because there is a house, what is being done, because of this, the cars just stand at night, yesterday i went there, i came with these women with
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documents, i have cheese, zero, temperature, constant , work, refa, that the police allowed me to leave yesterday, i went there last night, the police let me pass, if the protesters needed all the documents, the declaration, the idzon tsmerki, the invoice, the packing slips, they looked, they said you have cheese like the expiration date may still be to be, turn back into a ball and that's it. we are heading to the polish ones strikers, to find out what is the matter. we are on the territory of poland not far from the dorogusk jagodyn checkpoint. poles are rallying behind me. on the other side - a 17-kilometer queue of ukrainian trucks. at first, the poles did not want to comment, but later they talked. i come every hour, as there is a protest. tak o płownej godzinie płownej godzina 13 14 15 16 za 45 minut next auto będzie przejeżdąć w nocy
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to tak samo po prostu kierecyty ukraiński míjeli mnie że w ten w tej noci no ostatniej noczerwa była przeshka kadzy ryoćica byl powirmowany ebę odpoczęli przespali się normalnie tak samo jak i my that demanded strajkar changeable. permits and queue permits and queues, but permits are the most important. let me remind you that the strikers want to restore the permits for the passage of ukrainian carriers to the eu. the ministry of infrastructure of poland supports this demand. the european commission, on the other hand, is advocating the maintenance of visa-free transportation for ukraine. maria chernyakhivska ihor antonyuk for espresso tv channel from poland. icelandic moss vitamin. this is your power to fight cough and snoring, icelandika, there are discounts on icelandika lozenges, 15% vamorozhnyk knows that it helps,
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kanal espresso and ukrainian pen present the project of own names with myroslava barchuk, a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment the most. social discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk sunday at 5:10 p.m. espresso.
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next boy. good evening, we are from ukraine, so we continue, and it's time to talk about money during the war, well, the key question is how do we now without money from our partners,
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oleksandr morchenko is with us, oleksandr, i congratulate you. please, thank you, vasyl , i welcome the audience, in the next few minutes i will really talk about international aid, what forecasts experts make if there is no money, and you will also learn about the situation on the fuel market, wait, i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money, under during the war, therefore, due to the cold weather, ukrainians began to consume more electricity, this has already led to... a deficit in the energy system, for this, in order to balance, they had to request emergency assistance from slovakia, romania and poland, this was reported by the ukrenergo company, they add that the consumption of kilowatts due to frosts exceeded the forecast in general, the forecasted indicators by as much as 3%, this is equal to the work of two additional units of thermal power plants, but at the moment there are no such free capacities in our country, energy experts say that so far there are no shutdowns
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there is no light, they do not predict. however, ukrainians were urged to conserve electricity. by the way , ukraine, with the support of the united states agency for international development , will receive 69 mini-thecs by the end of the year. this was announced by prime minister denys shmigal. for this purpose, the government has already simplified the procedure for their connection, canceled a number of permit procedures, minitets will be used to ensure uninterrupted power supply to schools. objects of critical infrastructure, in addition to mynitec electricity, simultaneously produce heat. ukrzaliznytsia is preparing to massively transport trains with trucks across the ukrainian-polish border and has already launched a test train. it is at the crossing with the hrubeshiv checkpoint. the train is loaded with more than 20 ukrainian trucks. they were blocked
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before entering ours. due to the strike of polish carriers, the deputy director of the department of commercial work of ukrzaliznytsia valery tkachev informed about it. the parties are currently negotiating technical points. the polish customs has questions about the dimensions and availability of these vans in the tanks fuel well, we are really talking about energy, we are talking about fuel, which is currently hanging on the ukrainian-polish border, well , last week. we talked about the fact that in small gas stations, especially in such small towns, consumers already complain that there is no autogas, prices for it have also started to rise, and we will not only talk about this with the analyst of the consulting company naftorynok oleksandr stirenko in our contact yazuk, good evening, good evening, mr. oleksandr, well, really, we also remembered the plot before the column was about ukrainian-polish border, what is the situation, to what extent are there delays in the supply of not only
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autogas, gasoline to ukraine and how does this affect the market in general? undoubtedly, the polish border is more important for the market of petroleum products, because 30 to 45% of petroleum products pass through it, but not all, not all of this volume passes by freight transport, truck transport, a lot goes by rail, so the closed border on... is not such critical point for the market of oil products, so was the problem with autogas, but it no longer applies to strikes at the border, and due to the fact that in the fall customs tightened control over the origin of petroleum products supplied to us, and it was the russian resource that stopped coming to us, if you know


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