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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 4:30am-5:01am EET

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very, very quickly, in principle, everyone left, civilians, we remained, the military and everything , ah, the police, in fact, all the volunteers, all the doctors, they left at once, and that’s right, we still provided help there on the spot, but it was more psychological support, because at such a moment, anyone, a member of the state emergency service, a military officer, a policeman, a volunteer, were people. in which, well , a panic attack was starting and we needed our support there and we couldn’t escape anywhere, that is, we were not allowed, we broke the windows in the minus first floor of some building and we all hid there, and that was the first day, after about three hours we were able to get out of there, on the second day, almost the same situation awaited us, but at a different point, our doctors also joined us. and we also
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went to the region, we got into a car, the personal car of one of our ideologues, in order to understand what was going on in the region, we already knew that in kherson, where our help was needed, we were already on our own could consult whomever was needed, but we understood that in the region, we know that people are also being taken there, but is there help there, is there there are doctors there, are there, well, something, and before we reach the region we come under fire... at the post block, where everything happened in seconds, that is, if we did not get out of the car at that second, if after 5 seconds we did not run to another bomb shelter where there were military personnel, which was anti-tank, then it would have been completely different, a different development of the situation, all eight landings that were less than 100 meters from it. warehouse at the checkpoint, the car was all
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mutilated, and it was such, well, such a feeling of some, some such stupor, that moment, and on the first day at the shipyard i felt it for the first time, when for a few seconds i couldn't do anything, and i got a call, mark is calling, roman is calling, vlad, where are you, we are here, come here, and i don't understand where to go . i say give me a second, just, and i'm standing there, and there's explosions, and people are lying down, and i can't move, and it's, well, it's the first time for me, it's an incredibly difficult ride, also because you save people from the flood, and you help those who are evacuating, and then there is also shelling, you also need to save people from this, indeed, yes, i met with the frido mission then, i was also in kherson, with roman, we talked then how difficult it was.
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a trip that was different, not the same, after all, as in the frontline, and where the cities were occupied, because here a whole set of problems had to be solved, and i think that after such a trip it was necessary to recover, a lot had to be done to rethink, in principle, we immediately started thinking as a team, where are we, where are our gaps, yes, can we react correctly to such? it will be harder for whom it is easier for whom, because there were people who, let's say, i don't know, counted on, or we knew that this person would endure absolutely stably, and it was difficult for him to orient himself, and therefore we understood how we should react , that we don't have enough, where we can be, where we can't, and these were our first steps, but we spent almost 5 days there, because... it was wednesday,
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thursday, friday, and already in friday evening came for this weekend, we were just planning our big trip to kherson. kherson and the region have been together for a long time, if that's the case to say, it seems to me that any grandmother in kherson knows who frida's doctors are, because immediately after the deoccupation we came there as doctors and our big trip was planned for this weekend, that is, many doctors, equipment, medicines, we accept in kherson, we accept in the region, people are waiting for us , this situation is happening here, and of course, the question is whether to go or not, because the situation without packing is getting worse all the time, and the water is rising, we are already getting calls from the region saying that there may be no electricity, maybe there will be no light, and we do, you know, every day, every hour to me the doctor responsible for this trip calls and says, the authorities, what are we doing, i say, well...
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while we have it, while we can, then they say, there is no light, so we will take a generator, and somehow we did not leave this thought, because we understand that the doctors are all ready, well, no one refused, but the people... are waiting and they will understand, well, you know, many of them said then on saturday and sunday that we thought you would not come, yes, well, why for you children to go here, we have water here, we have shelling here, but it was important to come, to show that, well, again, yes, we are here, we are nearby, and let's make some kind of separation, yes, we have, we have a disaster, we have an accident, but here we will still look at... and take care of your health, and therefore this our arrival of these doctors , he has already rehabilitated a little, these were our thoughts, not about recovery, but about what we lost, yes, where we did not finish something, where it could have been better, and we have, unfortunately,
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to be ready for this, for various such situations, our team must be ready, you mentioned the two ideologues of fried's mission, they are israelis. i can't help but ask how the war in israel has affected the mission of fried ukraine, because i understand that these doctors are currently providing care there, and does not endanger the existence of the mission in ukraine, maybe they will switch to the israeli conflict after all, for that war, and this is understandable, because they are citizens of this one, it is necessary here. to understand and know the israelis very much, first of all, they are morally, well, i don't want to say ready for this, but they are really ready for such situations, because they have lived in this all their lives, they have had war all their lives, the last 70 years, and we when it
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it started, of course, we immediately supported our doctors, acquaintances, because some doctors, including me, we were in israel in... lectures, master classes, on such an internship, and we already have some even personal contacts, there are already friends on facebook, somewhere else, and we immediately called there, asked how things are, what we are doing, they are all somehow so gathered, some of them have already been mobilized, and independently, and some, for example, now we have a doctor, a psychiatrist. which is the main, as it were, the main psychiatrist in tel aviv, one might say, and we are starting a direction in frida, the one related to post-traumatic disorders with different, we started doing it 3-4 months ago,
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and even despite the situation that is in israel, she started working with us, today she even reads training for... us and they are ready for it, and when we started talking about it in the first days with roman and with mark to support them, they only said, we were so exhausted in the first few days, let's talk about frida, let's talk about work, let's see what else we can do here, well right and good, and let's go further, but of course constantly in touch with home, with friends, some of them are mobilized, everything they can do. they provide this support, and in others, if there are other waves of mobilization, i will not be at all surprised if they go, because all the planes to israel, they are full, all the jews from all over the world
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go to israel, because this is their land , and they go to protect her, and even this situation was the same on the second day of the war in israel. we had to have, we had a doctor with to israel, yuriy, an anesthesiologist, and he was supposed to go home via chisinau, i call him in the morning, he was on evacuations in kramatorsk, he is returning to kyiv, he literally packs his things and is already on the plane, i call him, i say yuriy, maybe you will be in we still have at least a few more days, because maybe they will close the airport, he didn't even have a second of hesitation, he said no, i'm going anyway, i... they will be waiting in the kishe, well , that one in kyshenyoviv, this plane, but now it seems like the whole summer, and he absolutely did not stay in ukraine for an hour, he went home to israel, and the next day he already threw us a photo in our general group, how he
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is standing next to the patient in the operating room, that's why it's about such people, and you know, it's what to rally and do, well, 100% volunteering, work, what are you you can, that is, they, even watch the news, yes, or read, well, we have many friends in israel, who... what they are doing, they are doing everything in order to strengthen themselves at this time, and this, well, it is necessary to it is to watch, one must draw conclusions, we ukrainians are already doing this now, but even now we see a lot of people who are not very good understand that the war affects everyone, yes, i often encounter such people, and there everyone is as one, i think that every state and every nation should take an example from this, absolutely agree. with you, this is really an example of the courage of love for one's homeland, and
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an absolutely frank, sincere, selfless kind of love. it is wonderful that people will really leave this project of frida in ukraine, that it will really continue to work, and they have enough strength, effort, time for all this, you are a gastroenterologist, a doctor, ah,... and this is a big the problem is now during the war in ukraine, and i think you have added work, it is true, because the diet of ukrainians now with anxiety, with the war and so on, all this has gone very, very wrong, and there is a suspicion that it is precisely among doctors of your profile , it's true, here it's more, even the biggest part is that it's difficult to keep the regime in... it's difficult to be in that condition, how were you before that, yes
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, eat like this, go to work like this, do some of your daily, daily items that were important to you, and here i am i can't help but say, yes, because i really like to talk about it, most of the pathologies with which people turn to a gastroenterologist, most of the requests are practically... 70-80% are so, they are called functional states, that is, only 20-30 %, it will be organic organic pathology , where something is wrong with the organ, whether it is an ulcer , whether it is erosion, whether it is inflammation, well, something is wrong with our tissue, with the stomach, with the intestines, everything else, yes, that's all, all other people, all other requests, this will be the basis. psychosomatic, which gives symptoms, or
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stomach pain, or heartburn, or any stomach disorders, and gastroenterologists understand that, modern gastroenterologists, because it's long been written in our guidelines, in our protocols, you know, i always tell patients at this second, because it's a lot of work, to explain to the person who now has a stomach ache. not because there is something wrong with him, because you have already done all the tests, all the tests , all the tests, all the examinations there, you have other pains, because, let's remember, what happened, yes, it's true, the war started, and i developed symptoms, or i moved, i left mine home, and i started having symptoms, that is, there was a heavy trigger, which gave a very wrong adjustment. a complex cascade, and now a person experiences various symptoms
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, and quite serious ones, sometimes, and this is often the case with young people, when they cannot eat absolutely anything, cannot function, go to school, and this is a big job for a doctor, it is to explain, to reach person and to say that no, everything is fine with you, everything is fine with your head, because they immediately say that i need it there, that i need a third to a psychiatrist then, if this is the problem in this. i.e. psychologists, psychiatrists and gastroenterologists work here, but it must be explained in this way, if, of course, the doctor has the goal of explaining something to a person, and not just to write and get rid of it, to explain, to reach out, and honestly now, if you compare the situation now and for example, 3-4-5 years ago, now people understand it when i talk to them, well , you talk, you put them on the shelves, and they say, yes, that's how it was, and... and i'm telling the truth now, if anxiety, or you 're worried, the symptoms are getting worse, so true, and so we go back to what
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every doctor should be a psychologist, this is 100%, a gastroenterologist should be an ace in general, that's why the number of such requests has really increased, and it is difficult to deal with this on our volunteer trips, because there is time in the clinic. there is access to various examinations, to various laboratory data, we are in this, although if we did not import various equipment, we still could not. we can bring a clinic from kyiv, and even there the work is a little ahead of schedule, there the work is based on your experience, on how you feel and how you are, and you must understand that you here you have to help a person, not in a month , when he comes, after something, here and now, because realistically you can, well, not meet this
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person in this place, in a month, even if you come, it can be different, different military situation , you people'. people are moving, and we already, well, i explain this to the new doctors who join us, our doctors who have been with us for a long time, they know that we have to balance here, of course, not to harm , of course, not to do something too much, but to provide the help is full-fledged, well, then you can't ask what you need to do in order not to become yours as a patient, you must listen to yourself, know that, by the way, it is very important. it is difficult to explain to a person that he is healthy, and that basic things like the truth, the regime, the truth, some comfort at work, moral comfort at home and everything else, play a huge role, a basic role, and that's why i always explain that try to do
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not the way you think is normal, like eating three meals a day or four meals a day. there is no norm, there is you, there is your body, there is your individual perception and your comfort, if you are comfortable eat twice a day, great, let's do it so that you don't have any pain and we have healthy organs at the same time, and if, for example, even recently, you had a guy who works at night, constantly works at his job at night , during the day he volunteers or something, well, that is, a person constantly. in motion and weakness, it is difficult to constantly carry out these tasks, and in such a person i will say, maybe it will be difficult, but let's not go back to drugs, a bunch of different things, not to bad things, what else, in some energizing cocktails, come on
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let's try to restore the regime, it will be difficult for you, but let's go back to the base, and here i ... always explain it and talk so that a person understands and individually chooses a convenient regime for himself, if of course there are any errors, well such global ones in nutrition, then i i will point this out, but this is also, by the way, such work is not easy, to explain that strict diets do not work, and most people do not need them, yes, that is , the world of gastroenterology is now fighting to break these cords... because it's psychological trauma again, yes, i ate fried potatoes today, that's it, that's it, tomorrow i'm going for a gastroscopy, i'm going to see ten doctors, well, because something is going to be bad with me, and to convey to the person that this is the norm, there is no need to demonize some things, let's
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treat ourselves correctly and ecologically, because our the body can withstand anything and such... things, we just need to listen, support, that's why i always somehow emphasize this, thank you for your work, for your missions and for coming to our studio today , thank you, thank you very much. chevrons approaching victory. it's winter year again promises to be difficult. the enemy is targeting critical
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infrastructure facilities. so we have to prepare for the most difficult scenarios. keep warm, insulate houses. it will be difficult, but the fighting spirit cannot be borrowed from the ukrainians. consider an additional safe source of heat. everyone should be responsible this winter. invite your relatives, acquaintances from the regions that have suffered destruction, together and it will be warmer and more fun. the best way to warm up is to engage in light sports, because our energy is enough to overcome any cold. stock up on flashlights and power banks. charge them and stock up on food, water, and so on. warm clothes warm up deliciously. fragrant tea or a hot meal gives warmth from the inside, and calories are not superfluous in winter. make friends with your neighbors, the band is easier and the enemy. to beat, and even more so to winter. and most importantly, support the armed forces. thanks to them, we have the opportunity to meet this winter. and as long as we are united,
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we are not afraid of enemies or cold weather. we hold each other. let's beat the winter together. warm country. step by step, they move from one danger to another, step by step step by step, they are freeing our land, fields and forests, houses that have been visited by evil from invisible death, life will not return here without sappers, without the courage and dedication of these people, we will not return home. we thank the sappers of the state emergency service of ukraine for your work and our safety.
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chevorony, approaching victory. dear dad, thank you! thank you, my brother, thank you! sergeant aunt valya, thank you very, very much! thank you for protecting me, mother, and our dog, our home, our country, and i ask you, very, very much, to protect st. nicholas, so that he he brought me gifts. to me and all the children. thank you for jesus, that ukraine can celebrate holidays. dear, how are you? now it is so
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difficult for many to relax, especially when you are at school alone. when i'm really stressed, i do an exercise that always helps me. i open my mouth like that crocodile and yawn sweetly. the first time i can ... and then the jaw relaxes and opens by itself, i feel better and even want to sleep, do like mom to relax or fall asleep? on how are, caring people from the program a mental health professional and their friends from unicef ​​have collected tips on how to help yourself and your child cope with stress. infernal bakhmut direction. under the pincers, kholodnoyariv people destroy
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the occupiers. drone pilots operate from former russian positions. our aviation also works in the sky. about battles in one of the hottest points of the front, exclusive material of our military commander stanislav kuharchuk. to support ukraine as long as necessary, will internal political games in the us affect washington's fulfillment of this promise? it is not can wait congress must approve additional funding for ukraine before it goes on christmas break. how does the ukrainian delegation convince american politicians not to delay aid to ukraine? i explained to our colleagues that the war in ukraine is not a gta computer game, it's children, i pressed
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a button and the soldier starts running faster. about the prospects of aid from the usa, our own correspondent in america, dmytro anobchenko. international day of civil aviation, is at least one airport ready to operate in ukraine? if ukraine opens. it is the first responsibility, as a state that can lower the queue, will take all the risks, all the risks and under what circumstances can the threats be removed, in order to fully guarantee security, we need to increase, significantly increase the anti-missile air defense systems, will the hopes come true nina kolomiets discussed the imminent resumption of civil aviation flights. 20 in ukraine, it's time to sum up the main results of thursday, december 7 on the air news is the only main thing, the information service works for you intra, i'm oleksandr vasylchenko, congratulations, 15
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1,200, that's how many russian troops lost near avdiivka, despite this, the enemy does not stop trying to take the city, only today the rashists made 34 attacks, it's been a month , the avdiiv direction is the hottest on the front, another hellish one, bakhmutsky , here the invaders are stubbornly counterattacking and our defenders are doing everything to stop the blow , infantry, artillery, aviation, even shock units are working the 93rd brigade of the kholodny yar is in full swing, the boys are leaving for their positions, and it is imperative to get to the trenches before dawn. yes
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, you have to drive in at night, yes, of course, there are drones working there, he parked the car 3 days ago, he was taken, he saw, the ceviche banged, yes, our car is heading towards klyshchaivka, the road is bad, and most importantly - dangerous, a nonad party , the guys are quickly unloaded and moved to the shelter, our pilots are constantly being hunted by the enemy. maximum camouflage is in position, dawn is near, the fighters are in a hurry as soon as possible to prepare equipment , what goals they will have during the day, no one knows, every day different goals, it happens that there is nothing at all, and it happens that you just work non-stop and bang, the day is over, it is clear over the donetsk steppes and the guys start work, the pilots are working on the former russian positions in the mud and stench, the local
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positions... are literally littered with the remains of the occupiers, there is a minimum of movement, the pilots come out of the shelter only to launch an attack drone and a repeater. the large copter acts as an antenna so that the strike drone does not lose signal the first goal of the pilots is the dugout, in which a group of russians is stockpiling ammunition, seconds before the strike - the most. worrying, the one that is far or the first? no, the first , the first, everything, destroy, i go to the target , something hit there, caught a branch, caught a branch, hit, there is a fire, however, not only the drones of the cold war fighters are working in the sky, but also front-line aviation, the russians went on another assault and the task of rotorcraft to work on enemy infantry.
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a pilot with the call sign kiba attaches a self-made fragmentation projectile to the drone, the quadcopter will also work against attacking enemy infantry, such gifts for different tastes, if you have a whole backpack, for equipment, for dugouts and for manpower, the main thing is that the adjusters accurately report the goal. the most important thing here , you see, is to choose... the right ammunition for the target, so that they can say exactly what the target is, and not that there is something that flies there, pilots try to achieve the maximum effect in their work, if technically to hit with a high-explosive charge, it will not be there, and there are not so many fpv drones on the front line to scatter them, the cost is like this a drone, the guys call it a seven, somewhere
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around $500. for a day of work, daylight, er, a group of pilots releases about a dozen of these drones at the enemy, then the event costs $500. guys, they are raising money for these drones on a volunteer basis for donations. in addition, the russians have learned to counteract our fpv drones with quite powerful means of reb. one of the drones. a group of cold fighters miss a few meters from the target, but already on the second attempt they hit the russian observation station in murom. i see, i see, i see, right in the eye, right in the eye, boys, right in her eye, boys, right in the eye, from dawn to dusk, only this group of cold fighters fired 13 at the enemy.


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