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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 9:00am-9:30am EET

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what will emerge from this ambitious request in reality, the silence for all the dead, for all the victims of this war has come closer. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings, my name is oleg galiv, you are watching the svoboda ranok project, and we will talk about this later in our broadcast. avdiivka remains one of the hottest areas. shelling there, despite the change in weather, does not subside, at the american institute for the study of war note the advancement of the forces of the russian federation in this direction. we will talk more about the situation at the front with the military. almost 7.5 million tons of goods were transported through the black sea export corridor, which was launched by ukraine. such data were announced by president zelensky in an address to the leaders of the big seven. does it mean that the sea has become safer and calmer? until december 10 at the nazk. to complete all works and reopen
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access to the declaration of ukrainian officials, although, taking into account security and challenges, the agency will not show all declarations. what do you need to know about this process and why is re- declaration important? and, of course, one of the topics we will talk about is the morning air alert on the territory of the entire country. unfortunately, according to some regional administrations, there was a hit, there are casualties, you will be able to hear all the details during this broadcast. russian troops made some progress near avdiivka, in particular near stepovoy, which is northwest of the city, as well as southeast of avdiivka itself. this is what analysts of the american institute say the study of war. but the presenter of the russian state tv channels, volodymyr solovyov, who is under the sanctions of ukraine and the eu, declares that the russian troops have gone beyond the so-called line of defense south of avdiyivka. about the capture of which russian military bloggers reported two weeks ago. i will note that in the ukrainian general staff.
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of russian troops within the line of sight is neither confirmed nor denied, and analysts of the deep state project wrote that the statements of russian military bloggers about complete control over this territory are premature. the russian ministry of defense does not mention avdiivka in its latest reports, while the ukrainian general staff reports on 30 repulsed attacks by russian troops in the avdiivka direction. this is the morning meeting of the general staff. in the ministry of defense of great britain, they say that the russian troops near avdiyvka accepted large losses for the sake of minor ones. territorial gains, on its page on the network, which used to be twitter, the ministry of defense published a video from the audio, noting that in 2022 the russian army planned to capture the city and all of donbas in 10-14 days, instead, the new offensive led to an increase in their losses by 90%. in the last month alone, several thousand russian servicemen have been lost, and in the last few weeks, 200 units of armored vehicles have been lost, according to the video.
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what is happening in the avdiivsk direction , we are talking with our guest , serhiy tsyhotsky is joining the broadcast, he is an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, i greet you, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, thank you for finding opportunity to join, the institute for the study of war writes that russian troops have slightly advanced east of stepovoy, that is 3 km northwest of avdiivka, if you look at the map and actually southeast of avdiivka, the general staff has this information at the moment. does not comment, please tell us in general what is the situation near these settlements, of course, what can we talk about? a hot situation, hot in the direct figurative sense, despite the favorable conditions that have developed today, that is, they really have as their goal until some specific date of the next one, to fulfill the tasks set before them by their political leadership there.
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that's why they increased, increased the number of attacks , increased the intensity of shelling, increased the number of unmanned aerial vehicles in the sky constantly and... and in recent days it has been observed that they also use them at night, they already have new drones, which, let's say, are equipped with night vision devices , and so they can, well, they can't use them at night, well, but despite the publications that are going on, the fact that they have advanced somewhere there is a war, and it is, well, let's say, no, no, no is such a great achievement. and the goal they set for themselves. tell me, please, can you somehow note for yourself, how do you explain it to yourself , that avdiyivka itself, or perhaps the villages nearby, as british intelligence says, to show minor territorial gains, that is, what the expectations and demands of the russian forces
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now, are they decreasing, considering the huge losses, or on the contrary are they not decreasing and remain the same, they, they have increased in recent days, they increased their task, i will say this, is to take the name of the city of ovdiivka, they don't need this city, they don't need it, and the people, the people who stayed, excuse me, the people who stayed there, they don't need it, they need the name of ovdiivka, and for them to tell the whole world about this, this is the main thing they need, and for this they are actually ready to risk human lives, for this they simply risk yes... their lives, theirs, their citizens, it is nothing at all for the political leadership worth it, i don't know what it is to be such a sheep, sorry for such slang, it's so stupid to let them in, for example, that they took
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the audiobook, what did it give them, nothing, we 'll drive them away anyway, they know that they 're going to lose this war, i'm taking this opportunity, excuse me now , maybe it wasn't in the plans, we... today is the ninth anniversary of the creation of our brigade, therefore, using the opportunity of your excellent broadcast, i want to congratulate all my brothers, all my friends, well, how is this one family with such a holiday, with on the ninth anniversary, to congratulate all relatives of our servicemen, to congratulate their families our dead, unfortunately, we do not name these numbers, but... everyone understands that they are there, so that they all understand that we are now and forever, we will always be together, so that they understand this, and wish her for our victory to be as soon as possible, no one doubts that it will be as soon as possible, but
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for it to come as soon as possible, mr. serhiy, i congratulate you, instead, and please tell, a few days ago, on our broadcast, the military from kup' yansky direction told about the fact that... the forces of the russian federation are actually there the newly mobilized are being brought into battle, in particular those fighters who literally at the end of october, according to their own words, signed a contract with the ministry of defense of the russian federation, that is, in fact, almost immediately from the military to the front. what is the situation on your part of the front, are there also such newly mobilized russian soldiers there? yes, yes, there is, there is such a one, you know, they have a winged now, that is, local collaborators. there who voluntarily forcibly drove her there, plus these prisoners, the so-called stormtroopers, and plus the mobilized, they have such a thing going on for this, let's say, there are constant disputes among themselves, who should go to die first, then
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they will die, they also understand that, but the culprits must be found there first, that means before the state, who has committed a crime in our country, they are sent, and they say why. .. we have already bought blood there and so on and this also has a normal effect in a good sense for us on the moral and psychological state, mr. sergey, in conclusion very briefly, we literally have 20 seconds, what is the weather, what is the weather now in the ovdiiv region, which is a little frosty, it is snowing today, so let's say so, i i think that this will also prevent them from fulfilling the tasks before them, that this is our ukrainian, take care of yourself serhiy tsykhodskyi, officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, guest of our broadcast, according to mr. serhiy, the situation in the avdiiv direction remains hot, this is literally a direct quote. well, for the first time in 79 days, at least according to the authorities in
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kyiv, the russian army attacked ukraine with cruise missiles from strategic bombers. in the very morning for many air alert was declared in ukrainian regions. it happened: after the air force officially announced the launch of cruise missiles from tu-95 ms strategic bombers. according to telegram channels, the air defense forces of ukraine managed to shoot down more than 10 such missiles, this information is being clarified, i must say right away that i do not welcome official confirmation of the number of missiles shot down at the moment from the institution that should provide this information. i understand that the calculation is still underway, probably about how many rockets flew, how many succeeded shoot down, what's the situation, tell me quickly what is known as of this moment, mr. yuriy, well , let's sum up, you see that there have been strikes over ukraine, uh, nine planes beforehand, yes. tu95, which carried out missile attacks
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on ukraine, they divided into several groups and actually launched missiles, they went in the direction of dnipropetrovsk region, some were sent there, and part from dnipropetrovsk region went towards the capital, and there are missiles shot down in dnipropetrovsk region and in the capital, worked out air defense, we will soon... try to report the results of this combat work, you see, everyone expected that, in principle, it should not become something new for us, everyone understood that sooner or later strategic bombers would start working, well, in the end, as it was in the past year, so we hope for successful results, now we will try to inform as soon as possible, but the results are quite successful, mr. yuri, i would like to clarify specifically about dnipropetrovsk. because the regional military administration reported that there was actually a dead and wounded, that is, it is all about the shooting
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down of missiles, and not about any kind of hitting, well , from what is known as of now, as of now, unfortunately, not all of the missiles managed to be destroyed, that is clear, well, just like not all shaheds, you remember that there was an early morning attack by shaheds also in dnipropetrovsk oblast, in particular, s300 missiles in kharkiv oblast, shahed managed to destroy five out of seven, well, in fact , approximately in that direction... the enemy directed his missiles, that's why , and when in the case of shaheds, you understand that shahed is a maximum of 40 kg of explosives, and the missile is already 500 to 500 kg, so if there is combat work, even anti-aircraft defense and even missile fragments can cause, well, such consequences are undesirable, unfortunately, but unfortunately, not all of them were shot down this time, well, but anyway no matter how there is anti-aircraft defense. worked both in the air command east and in the air command center. mr. yuri, i understand that you are getting a lot of calls now
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and everyone wants your comments right now, you don't have much time, but there are still a few questions i would like to ask you. 79 days, that is previous data, in particular from the kyiv authorities , there were actually no attacks on ukraine from bombers, all this time the russian federation was preparing, they were building up these reserves, and can we expect that now conditionally these attacks will be, if not directly so frequent, then more frequent , given the fact that this strange thing did not happen, i want to remind you once again that we are waiting for it to finally happen, all of ukraine is waiting for bombers, and guided air bombs on the front-line zones up to 100 per day, and shaheds, and kh-59 missiles , jet artillery and so on, well, it is clear why there is such excitement about those, because they fly far and, well, they fly as far as the western borders and so on, so this is only one type of x101, x555 weaponry, which the enemy has somewhat... increased its combat potential, its in just a few months, i want to remind you , that
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in the summer these missiles still flew in and in august, in particular , as well as caliber missiles, so there is nothing surprising that the enemy uses them, it must be understood that the threat remains, and the threat of strikes, shelling of critical infrastructure and other strategic objects state, therefore we keep calm, take care of ourselves and fight back, and very briefly literally 20 seconds before the end, the trajectory along which these missiles flew, it is already familiar, is it some new path that they tried to choose, each time the enemy can calculate any route, change it was 5-10 or 100 km to the left and right, just as it is done with the shaheds, they flew to the dnipro, from the dnipro they flew to kyiv, part of the rockets worked in the dnipropetrovsk region, and part flew further, this was the route, mr. yuriy , thank you very much for the prompt activation, we are actually waiting for the official count, when it will appear, so that there and in telegram channels, in particular, we do not manipulate those ignat, the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, a colonel, the guest of our broadcast, we talked about the morning attack
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of russian forces on the territory of ukraine , and mr. yuriy named the preliminary information that is known as of now. 7.5 million tons of grain were exported from ukraine via the black sea since the black sea export corridor was in operation. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said this in an address to the leaders of the g7. he declared that ukraine has won the battle in the black sea, and russian terror no longer reigns in this water area. according to the words. normal shipping is restored and food security is restored with each installation. the minister of infrastructure of ukraine oleksandr kubrakov announced that the ukrainian ports of south odesa and chornomorsk have left. 200 ships that exported 7 million tons of grain, 5 million of which were grown by ukrainian farmers, instead several ships entered ukrainian ports. i would like to remind you that after russia withdrew from the grain agreement in july of this year, ukraine, turkey and the un have organized a temporary export corridor in the black sea. crossing waters of romania, bulgaria and turkey. the first vessel this year
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left the port of odesa on august 16. after that , russian troops began to attack ukrainian ports en masse. actually in odesa region. dmytro pletenchuk, spokesman for the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, captain of the third rank, joins our broadcast. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you. greetings from the studio, greetings to the audience, good morning. thank you for joining, here is information from the president zelenskyi, how many tons of cargo were actually exported within the framework of the export corridor that is working. tell us what the situation is with the passage of ships now and whether it was possible in the last few days. attempts by the russian federation to somehow hinder this process, well, they don’t stop trying all the time, but it should be noted that now they have only one window of opportunity left, this is airspace, and by the way, the downing of the su-24 just the day before yesterday, for which we individually thanks to our colleagues from the air force, this is exactly what became one of
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the elements of the protection of this grain corridor, because it was precisely this one that was engaged in dropping mines in the path of these ships, and accordingly, what happened is precisely one of those elements that closes, in fact , the possibility of further trying to oppose us, of course, and this worries russia a lot, of course they don't like it very much, they have taken away such a tool of influence, more than two hundred ships have already entered this area. near and accordingly they are trying to counter it somehow, but given that we cover the water area, our rocket coastal artillery troops do not allow them to enter our territorial waters in this area, accordingly they only have to inflict fire damage through the air, i.e. drones, missiles and this remote
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mining, i.e. the words of president zelensky that ukraine won the battle in the black sea, they are such ... in fact, what is the situation in the seas now? in fact , the situation is as follows, they are now forced to regroup, forced to choose tactics, wait, and most importantly, they are forced to resort only to those methods of making a fire impression, which actually do not work with the sea are related, and in general the use of the black sea fleet will now be reduced. to the use of only the launch vehicle, that is, the rest of the ships do not actually take part in hostilities, and that is why they redeployed these ships in the first place to the novorossian apse, and even from time to time there is even serious talk about a possible redeployment to
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abkhazia, because temporarily occupied territory of georgia, therefore, accordingly, they... now, one can say, they do not have the initiative in this, that is, they are dispersed, in fact, they are there are not staying somewhere in one place, they are concentrated in several points, just like that, and in fact this is a success, because, if you remember, it all started with the fact that they were approaching the shores of odesa, mykolayiv oblast, they could be seen simply from the multi-story buildings in odessa on the obryi sea, after that... they were chased away and they did not immediately understand that they are not welcome here, now they cannot afford to approach stomorskyi moths, and in this fire control zone, by the way , there is yoiny, and the so-called towers of boiko, and that's it happened more than a year ago, but they continued to dominate in the south-western part of the black sea, remember, they
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stopped a dry cargo there this summer, the maintenance team was lowered, now actually... we don't see them there very often, in my memory it was only two times when they met the rosoboron logistics vessels of the syrian express, which carry weapons, personnel, and something else back to syria, accordingly, they did not appear there again, and in the central part of the black sea, they also cannot feel himself in security, that's why they're there now, and they've even been forced from novorossiysk... to redeploy some units back to sevastopol because of the lack of a dock front. dmytro, here is an interesting point, and what is the situation with those ships that were damaged as a result of attacks from... on the shipbuilding plant, the ship repair plant, as it was correctly called there, what is the situation with them, did they try to restore them, or restore them already could not, and that's how protected they are now, if you know these
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plants, in particular, when we are talking about the territory of the occupied crimea, and in general, as they said, everything is so covered there that it is protected better than moscow, well, just kidding, in fact, we can see what their priorities are, barricades, for example, by a storm... scattered as well around the so-called crimean bridge, and around the main base in sevastopol, but they started in sevastopol itself, and now 60% of these boom barriers have been restored there, and they still can’t get their hands on the bridge , and the same applies to the plant, of course they they are trying to cover up these objects, but returning to the topic of the fate of these ships, which escort was affected. they lifted it out of the water, put it on the pier, and most likely now they will try to restore it, and at least now it must be defective, that is, the
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fact that they put it on the pier may indicate that they can undertake its restoration, but they are more likely to everything will take care of its restoration, in general , the history of these small missile ships is very interesting, five units of them were planned in the black sea, that is, the black sea fleet of the so-called of the russian federation was supposed to get... five get five such ships, the first of them is, well, this is the karakurt series, in general, although the ships are newly built, in fact, the project is quite old, it was developed in the 90s, and russia was forced to return to this project, due to the fact that since the 14th year it stopped receiving power units of the zarya mykolayivskyi plant from ukraine and a series of admirals, admirals, and admiralty. ships, they were even forced to suspend and even sold hulls without these installations to india, and returned to these, because the plant they have such a star that produced, produces
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engines on them, and can also put foreign-made engines on them, which are still available, ah, that's why they planned this series, they are smaller, accordingly, it's a river, a sea, nevertheless they are carriers of cruise missiles and... as a result, they had to be completed at this factory in kerch on zaliyiv, the first of them was the cyclone, which is currently guarding the sevastopol base as an air defense cover ship, that is, with its missiles something doesn't work anymore for two years, he never launched them, but he has anti-aircraft missiles on board and now they are using them to protect this base, including among other things. second it was the amur , which is currently undergoing sea trials, the third was the askolt, which is now standing on the pier after being damaged, but recently they are zelenodolsk, this is kazan, and here it should not
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be confused with zelenodolsk, as in ukraine, they also have zelenodolsk, volga launched another one, it is called tucha, it is exactly the same project, and now it is already in the black sea, we we have repeatedly discussed this topic with you, whether it is possible to replenish the black sea fleet, taking into account... that the bosphorus is closed , they were able to pass it through the internal waters of the plant, taking into account its dimensions, it was also not tested there near novorossiysk, and they are still planning. thank you very much dmytro, for such a really detailed analysis, and we reminded the audience about the ships that were affected, about whether the black sea fleet itself is being replenished, dmytro pletenchuk, spokesman for the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, the captain of the third rank, the guest of our broadcast, we talked about the situation in the seas. from december 11, the national agency for the prevention of corruption will open public access to the registration of the declaration, explaining that they worked on removing from the public part of the register the declarations of persons who are defenders
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of ukraine and their family members. this was reported by the press service of the department. the priority of the national security agency is to ensure the protection of information about declarants who protect our state and their family members. currently nazk is working on removing the declaration from the public part of the unified state register, where. persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government, submitted by such persons. the department also noted that the initiator of the withdrawal of declarations submitted by the subjects of the declaration, who are currently mobilized to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, is the general staff of ukraine, and full access to the register will be provided after the end or abolition of martial law in ukraine. the nsc reminded that there is little time left to submit to the nk declaration, and according to the chesno movement data , as of the end of september, only 38 people's deputies for example. freely submitted declarations for 2022. i will remind you that after the start of the full-scale russian invasion, electronic declaration for officials was stopped. in september, the parliament
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supported the draft law, which provides. restoration of electronic declaration. however , the document provided for the opening of the declaration only after a year. after a petition against it, president zelenskyi vetoed the law and declared that there should be registers open immediately. later, this decision was supported by the verkhovna rada. also , the national agency for the prevention of corruption announced that they are launching the world's first open database of foreign components in russian weapons. the database is called "war and sanctions". she already has overtime. thousands of components used by russia and iran in missile drones, electronic warfare systems and many other types of weapons and military equipment. thousands of electronic components that should improve life and to serve development, russia and iran turn into weapons for murder. revealing their path from the producer to the hands of the killers is a large-scale task for any government body, but it is within the power of thousands of journalists, investigators, customs officers, bankers,
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consultants and many others. others who seek justice and peace. now that this data has become public, everyone can contribute to global world security. joining our broadcast is kateryna budko, she is the head of the public council at the national anti-corruption, anti-corruption, national agency on corruption prevention issues. mrs. katerina, i congratulate you. yes, good morning. thank you for finding the opportunity to join. tell me , please, about the opening of the declaration itself, whether it will not be opened, what are the arguments for this and what are the explanations in general? well. in fact, as soon as we talked about the opening of the declaration, when the whole public demanded the opening of the declaration, i will remind you that initially the law was passed in such a way that it provided that the declarations would be opened after a year, i did not understand why after a year, why exactly decided that after a year something would change, but it looked like that then this deadline could be pushed further, further, further, and of course, this,
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well, i guess, is such an example of transparency and openness, that is why a petition was registered, after which the president saw through the draft law and returned it with a demand to finalize it specifically regarding the opening of the declaration, but even then the public official said that of course we do not say that absolutely all declarations must be opened, everyone understands what time we live in, and it is obvious that due to security reasons components of the declaration'. should be closed because these are declarations of military people, these are declarations of intelligence officers, these are declarations of people who, in which family members, mobilized and went to fight, of course, such declarations should be closed, in fact, these 90 days, namely, how much has passed since the adoption of the law, they went to discuss the mechanism itself, how to close, how to remove these
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declarations, which... uh, are dangerous for publication, for these people, uh, and, uh, on in fact, this is how the mechanism was invented, namely the withdrawal of the declaration, but here it is very interesting, an interesting nuance, we will continue the conversation now, and what about the reasons for the example of the leadership of the territorial centers of staffing of tsc employees, because we remember these scandals against the background of accusations of illegal enrichment and the dismissal of employees and managers of tsc, as with them, representatives of tsc, and also employees... their declarations will be open, this is an exception, and this was what was also said when the bill was adopted, taking into account all the scandals with lifestyle monitoring, everything that was discovered in the representatives of the tsc, their the declarations should definitely be open, this was the position, including the head of the anti-corruption committee and many others. tell me, please, will ukrainian officials, officials, deputies have time to file?


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