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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2023 3:30am-4:01am EET

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built literally there in a day or there in a couple of days, how does it fit together, well, this is a misconception, in fact, i will explain, we are one of the hundreds of puzzles that china has, in china's strategy of dominating five regions there, starting from latin america, ending with the asia-pacific region, this is africa and the middle east, and the asia-pacific region, and in all these regions he dominates due to investments and... which he ties to himself, he pays out huge investments, plus he builds infrastructure, just like in africa, he pushed out from there europeans and displaced the americans at the expense of this policy, he went there with peacekeeping missions, with international ones, he understood that in the un, how to use a peacekeeping mission, first the chinese came as scouts , like those from the u.n., and then business came in and began to invest and build, everything he dominates these regions in five regions, ukraine, among these five, well, look, africa is 55. countries, and
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ukraine is one, that is, it is one of the puzzles and not a very big such puzzle. trade with china and ukraine with china is 0.97% of foreign trade trade of china, so that we understand how much interest we are talking about the big reconstruction that is planned here and there businessmen, no one will refuse to earn, of course, but i am just saying that we understand the scale from the point of view of china, how it looks at this whole general picture in the world , but nevertheless, it seems to me that they are also very carefully watching this political... process that is currently taking place in the united states, because this aid package includes aid not only to ukraine, but also to israel and taiwan, taiwanese, definitely, definitely , it is important for china how the war will end, this is the first moment, and it is important for china whether the geopolitical structure in eurasian security will be changed if ukraine leaves, will be separated from russia and will go under the umbrella of nato, from china's point of view , it will be a message. west
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at the expense of russia's security, and russia is already a zone of china's interests, that is, russia's western border is china's sphere of influence, because russia completely belongs to china, politically, security-wise, economically , of course, i think that even china is here used the russian federation itself, used as a proxy at the very beginning, if you remember, the same ultimatum to nato that you should move to the borders of 97. the united states should be pushed out of europe, and here is the same border there, relatively speaking, along the atlantic ocean and do, that is, they hoped, i understand that precisely because of this , that ukraine will fall in 72 hours, as they and our western partners thought, then nato will be unsustainable and crumble. nato will fall,
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now we see, by the way, china as well the last, somewhere in the latest news was that china's proposal that they believe that russia, with regard to ukraine, is achieving its security goals, that is, they actually admit that what the russian federation is doing in ukraine is justified, justified , relatively speaking. right, that's the way it is, but there is an interest in security, but i'll tell you a little differently later, another interesting international track, but we'll talk about it a little later, we'll probably talk about it, but there 's still a question, right, of the pacific region, and again still going back to the united states, when you talk about what's going on with the average american, well, what's going on guys, it's money in your budget right now, but if ukraine falls, it's going to be your soldiers in the pacific . biden also talks about this
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, he has talked about it more than once, biden also talks about what may not be in the pacific region, in the european region, that is, in nato countries , nato countries will need to be protected by the american, but there is the chinese factor, and indeed china is here looks at how this war will end, and then okay if it will end with the fact that it is possible to review the borders by force, why not, yes, what then, what international diplomacy? in general, you can talk about laws, okay, but this game of china, i will try to divide the strategic partners, it seems to me that it is so obvious, so clear, they really think that it is so simple, well, they can do it, look, china has gone even further, he is not only interested in the line of 1997, if you remember, the 12-step initiative of these, the chinese peace initiative, the 12 steps, where he said to abandon the logic of the cold war and give up blocking. digital, and china
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stands for cooperation, for the equality of these countries, for prosperity, which means that if the europeans abandon euro-atlantic blocism, nato should leave europe. and china should cooperate on a bilateral basis with any country as if on an equal footing. the potential of no european country can be compared with the chinese potential. this means that on the eurasian continent, if there is no bloc, china will dominate automatically. and that's it, and here's your refusal the logic of the cold war and from blocs. the block is moving, china is dominating, everything, so the lord, nothing has changed in thousands of years. neither germany nor britain, individually, will be able to oppose anything. even the strongest economy, not even the united states , can't compete with china, and it hasn't risen yet, it's only on the second rung, it's already struggling, because china is already influencing companies like intel, if you want, i can tell you how it's merging, a merger outside
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of china does not allow such companies as intel to make an impact already, but at the same time an interesting fact, in contrast to the fact that china is gaining weight there. becoming a more powerful player and things like that, which is that china has a demographic problem now, and according to international experts, by 2030 there will be fewer workers in china than in the united states, strange as it may be, and there will be to continue with the hungarians, with the mongols, of course, it is dangerous, and it will lead to the fact that, in the future, those companies that are currently in china, the same apple, will leave the territory of china and, for example, doing factories in the same mexico where... the cost of labor will be cheaper than in china, so there are other reverse trends that are also worth paying attention to, and they affect china's strategy in terms of how to speed up, let's say, its growth and prevent this global loss to the countries of the west and the united states, first of all, look, here
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there is a strategy after a strategy, china definitely understands that the west has adopted a strategy of withdrawing technology and withdrawing capital from china, after that , as xi jinping moved to the third term, he facts... he actually destroyed such a gentleman's agreement with the united states of america, that is, he did not let it pass, he broke the mechanism of the changeability of the elites, after that they decided to withdraw capital and raise india as a counterbalance, a counterbalance to china, which china is doing it through its companies, the bit company, for example, recently offered a billion dollars to jointly build electric cars with india, the united states announced at the g7 in japan that they will launch the same in parallel showy through the middle east from india through the middle east to europe, and suddenly iran and russia interrupted this project, although they had already created a fund, 600 billion had been allocated there, they dropped out, they were all ready to launch this whole project, since there is a war in the middle east, that is why there is a war here in chess, you know, like strategy
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on strategy, let's move to one board then, president zelenskyy flies to latin america for the first time, attends the inauguration of javier miley. mr. gore, then let's start with you, what are the tasks now in... ukraine, of ukrainian diplomacy, the ukrainian president, on this huge chessboard, we have not yet involved this america, does it understand our history, our dispute, our war, are there areas of contact, are there arguments to explain to them why colonial times are still dangerous for the whole world, we are working with south america, and we have been working since the time of the full-scale invasion, and there is contact with them. such, probably, that the president would not fly for now, but again, our main story is military support, ugh, this is a formula for peace, which, in principle, includes the creation of a tribunal, because we need the support
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of as many countries as possible for it to be legitimate, and here we need to gather latin america, africa and others, there are specifics of the work, of course. what to tell decolonization america about it is complicated, complicated, yes , that is why it will be interesting, interesting, i think that the trip will again repeat that the main issues here are the formula of mir zelenskyi, because we have all their points, and not only about the agreements that must be concluded military from... russian from the territory of ukraine to korea and we have to return the border of 1991, and there is also about the tribunal and reparations, well, other types of security, food security, radiation security and so on, you touched on military aid, how can
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argentina help us here, we don't refuse any yes from any countries, in fact we do it there... in different ways, let's say, and countries help us in different ways, some openly and from the first days, some not from the first days and not opened there because of the second or third countries. and everyone chooses their own way, how they can help, some with what they have, and how the united states, for example, someone like canada buys for us somewhere in third countries, for example, tell me please, you said the word, you know interesting, i immediately remembered this character, well, the staff of the new president, to whom president zelensky is flying, president of argentina javier millay, such a personality is very interesting, ambiguous, extremely bright, who among our viewers has not seen it, i highly advise you to google it and take a look. celebrated his victory, it's no secret that he came to polling stations wrapped in the ukrainian
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flag, mr. maksym, is it possible, can we expect real real steps in support of ukraine from this person, can he become such, you know, i would like to be a great ambassador in this region, well, i would say that world politics and diplomacy, in principle , are changing and taking on completely new contours, and we can observe many election campaigns, which personalities become... leaders of the country, who win parliamentary races and similar things, so, let's say, well, the president of ukraine absolutely a new approach in ukrainian politics, which appeared with new practices of conducting diplomatic negotiations, which actually show their effectiveness, so i don't think that this is the external form that the new president of argentina demonstrates there, that it determines his approaches to life there , because he is a person for a second with a mathematical ...
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extraordinary person, but at the same time there is interest in this and there is an opportunity to change somewhat the approaches of the same argentina or, in principle, the countries of latin america to the war in ukraine, because precisely thanks to some non-standard unconventional approaches, which actually have already survived, we can see it at the un, we can see it at many other sites that are no longer working and they need this or that change, by the way, it seems to me that it is ukraine. will be the reason for changing the rules of the game in these venues, maybe not now in the united nations, if we talk about the european union, why is the european parliament now talking and passing resolutions that we need to change the rules of decision-making, we cannot on a consensus basis accept them, a qualified majority is needed , this is happening because of the war in ukraine and the position of the same hungary, i think we will talk about it, that's why, actually, that 's why the position of the president of argentina, considering what we already have... the background, the context of the fact that he came to the ukrainian embassy and
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communicated about it in public addresses, these are very important things, especially in the region in which, unfortunately, we lost for decades to russian diplomacy, russian propaganda, here in many countries there were no messengers until the last time, and the same brazil, a country that brought its diplomatic cooperation with russia to such a level that they launched a joint space program, well, for a second, these are important players who at the same time remain... centric towards russia, this needs to be changed , and it is good that now those politicians appear who seemed to have no previous prerequisites, but turned out to be so pro-ukrainian and ready to help ukraine, and this invitation of president zelenskyi is not accidental, because at all these events people come who have a certain the agenda, something needs to be agreed upon, so we will watch how it happens, i think that the outlook is positive for us, it is worth working with other countries of that region, well, actually, let's move on to the eurosou.
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for which preparations are underway, that is, it is completely open, there you really need to discover that part of the world for yourself, it will be interesting to actually observe this visit, but i want to go to europe, president zelenskyy even in his address spoke about the fact that... there were adopted important in council of laws, i asked you if you were there today, what was passed, and he said that we have made the promises, what we promised to the european union, and he is waiting for the promises from the european countries to be fulfilled as well, what are we talking about, i think that, first of all, it is about something that can be bypassed in some way, probably in... viktor orbán, the way he threatens us about ukraine's accession to the european union, especially since
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the law that hungary was talking about was amended today , this is the law on national minorities, are they inventing something new there, but the most important thing is, can we have such a leeway in this period, you know, while political discussions are going on in the united states, there are their own political battles and aid is being postponed, can the european union help us here , because we need money for yesterday. we don't have much money of our own, can they help us here? well, actually, the european union is currently conducting negotiations for about 50 billion, which should be allocated to the hungarian factor. for four years, the hungary factor is not new for us, let's be honest, absolutely, and we talk about it every time for the hell of it, and it is not new for europe either, because remember last year basically the same situation, the same blocking, but the blocking of funding for 2023, now we are talking about four years, and we found last time
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levers in the european union, found, i think that again, once no, once found, i think that nevertheless, not what i think, i know that the european union and nato, so that in nato, hungary is also somewhere putting stones in the wheels, they understand absolutely clearly, what is happening and how to influence it. for our part, we have completed our homework, we have done everything that the european union required of us. including, yes, and regarding national minorities, which now our legislation meets all the norms of the european union, which means... according to which hungary lives, that is why we are completely open, we also understand that, unfortunately, this often happens within , conditionally speaking, this kind of blackmail, where there is no oppression of some, some of our hungarians in transcarpathia, and every time it is invented
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some new and new stories, but again, open politics and our homework... done homework give more arguments to our european partners to talk to hungary in a different way. mr. igor, you know, i will distract you from geopolitics for a second. she said the following phrase, that the money is needed today or for yesterday. and today such an event took place in kyiv, which is being actively discussed. you know how 12 shaheds were shot down in this. today we have minus six metro stations. and as soon as i see the urgent statement, i instructed the prime minister mr. denys shmyhal on december 9, hold a meeting of the state commission on technogenic ecology. of security and emergency situations with the participation of deputy prime minister kubrakov, minister of internal affairs klymenko, head of the ministry of the province kamyshin, temporary acting head of the state emergency service dymchuk, head of the kyiv metro braynskyi, we are expecting the presence of the head of the kmda vitaliy klychko with a detailed report on this the question is, what should we do to you as a representative of the authorities so that our bridges and stations stop sinking? to be
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do we need a little less money for tomorrow? i think that this is a question more... for the representative of the local government, for mayor klitschko, who, after all, has to work in advance, and not after the disaster occurs, not to put out fires, as we have also repeatedly said today that you are trying to put it out for us, because they put out what was not needed, filled it with water, well, this is about the inspection of the subway itself, which is in the communal property of the city, if you are the managers of money. you keep this subway - it's a big machine, you still have to inspect it and not that there are not bridges there, which get very tired and subways , which i understand also get tired, well, that is, there are routine works, there is an inspection, was it not carried out, or did it happen for no reason, it was in perfect condition, well
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, i think not, you know, i have a slightly broader question, the question is not just about the subway, well, of course, we would say, the question is about the state of our critical infrastructure, critical infrastructure objects, because you already they said bridges, but we understand that without bridges the country does not exist, the same subway, sorry, there is a huge number of people, at least hiding during air alarms, tonight almost two dozen missiles, we, we have a list of critical infrastructure objects, and just as the full-scale attack began, they were the bridges have been reinforced for the security of the crossings, and... and of course, our energy facilities, now, in preparation for these strikes, they have been fortified, as much as possible, to protect their reinforcements with our air defense systems, that is, of course, that we understand , where our critical points, and unfortunately, the russian federation also understands them, because we grew up, built together, yes,
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institutions, unfortunately, and that's why they know where to hit, and and and that's why we try to protect it as much as possible, where to hit. if we don't hit you ourselves, then let's go back to europe, hungary, yes, today we have already heard the statements of mr. tusk, the future, yes, the prime minister of poland, who has already declared that hungary has openly sided with russia, reads the russian subpoena, this indicates that the european union understood the danger of hungary, they will understand whether something should be done with orbán or not, and whether they have any leverage, you know, it seems to me that until recently the representatives of the european union thought that they were from hungary. it is possible to come to an agreement, just as they thought that it was possible to come to an agreement with russia and that it would not attack, orbán went to macro, to macron for dinner, and macron decided to himself that he could somehow set him up. and, unfortunately , everyone stood their ground as a result, but at least we give five for the attempt and, unfortunately, there is no execution. the point is that hungary is a really specific country, with its
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corrupt connections, cheap gas, russian gas, an attempt to sit on two wheels at the same time, and a country that, despite the fact that it gives such anti-european rhetoric, talks about the split within european institutions, is very dependent on european money, without these tranches that europe provides them. cannot survive, accordingly, i have a feeling, which is confirmed by several facts, in particular, scholz spoke in the bundestag this summer, where he said that it is necessary revise the decision-making format based on majority consensus, which is actually an incredibly important step and will deprive hungary of these opportunities for blackmail, if, of course , it is adopted by a huge number of european institutions, which is also a question, but in the european union, besides that . a way, let's say, to solve the issue with hungary, there is also the possibility of economic influence, ask, wait, well , hungary receives huge subsidies from the european union, well, just the other day
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they unblocked a huge court in the amount of several hundred billions of euros, and obviously this decision is connected with the, sorry, 900 billion, which will be connected with the decision to unblock negotiations with ukraine, that is, now orban is completely openly mocking european institutions by selling. his decision for just colossal money, and mr. yehor is right that last year it was a smaller amount, we agreed, but now the rates are rising, we simply understand that if we do not stop this factor of hungary's influence on european politics, what will be the next step, what will it be the next requirement, they will want trillions, it is possible that orban wants to run parallel tracks at the same time, he does not hide the fact that russia is building nuclear power plants there, there is a project worth 10 billion, 900 million, by the way, 10. billion dollars, while orban is meeting with putin in china , in the same way, he openly demonstrates his anti-european position, surely
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europeans don’t have blackmail, not money, but such blackmail, so that you know, it can be intimidating there, well , if you are more comfortable and convenient there, a democratic democratic union, they have but there are rules, there are norms, standards, it is different i will ask a question, the europeans have... that something must be done about this, because they are being blackmailed and bent, and with their own money, the fact is that there are european countries that use the orban factor as well, they hide their position behind orban, that is, i explain, if you look at europe, for two decades, putin created the conditions for the coming to power of the extreme right and extreme left in europe, in what way, well, first of all, the leaders introduced people like fizo and brought them to power. and he formed the conditions from the outside, starting the war in syria, he formed migration flows and migration the crisis in europe, pmc wagner, having made coups in five countries in africa from
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africa, sent migration flows there, these two flows were transported and paid to turkish carriers, the russian fsb and gru paid funds for the transportation of these migrants to europe, this is already known, what did it lead to, the migration crisis, they could not divide the quotas. against this background, when you have half of europe migrants, who comes to power, the netherlands, the netherlands is an example for you, italy is a party, germany is a party, which right-wing parties, who say, are gaining momentum, they had 3, 5% each, they did not vote for them, now they take 20% each in the elections, in the next elections they will take 50, because it is growing, growing, let’s already somehow have such radical ones, ok, the trend, the trend is such that they lead to the power of the extreme right, the extreme left , it is beneficial to whom, it is beneficial to moscow, that is, not only orban, and these parties will say,
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we do not need ukraine anymore, because we need to change the financial flow, direct it to support ukraine, bring it up to standards, we it is necessary to change the structure of the economy, because ukraine is an agrarian country, an agro-industrial country, and someone, we have 5 minutes left, go to the conclusions, no, go to the conclusions, what is your forecast for... december is decisive from my point of view, december is a bifurcation point in the development of all international relations , this is a vote in the european council, this is a vote in the congress of the united states of america, and this will determine the perspective of not one year, it is at least a perspective of ten years, where the world will go, how it will move, if there is no agreement in the united states and no agreement in europe , the script is very bad for the 24th year. therefore, we need to have some kind of anti-crisis plan to rely on our minimal resources, how to move on our own, so that we are not put at the negotiating table, forced, twisted, so that we sign something that we
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do not want to sign. write, that's why i say december is very important and why is this all done in december? putin is re-elected in the 24th year . he is very vulnerable to being re-appointed . well, he is being re-appointed. he is now the only period when he is very vulnerable and needs victories. or at least stop the war this quarter before before the elections, when he is re-elected , he will also conduct a new mobilization and will do everything, he worked on preemption , look, he worked on preemption of european unity. destroyed, there are discussions on support, in the united states, discussions, we do not know what they will be, it worked in advance, in fact, the polish border is closed, partial aid to us is stopped, that is, all these factors indicate that we did not overestimate the informational and psychological operations and the influence they exert on politics and the security sphere, do we have a chance to fix something in this situation by the end of december, i will try to consider the situation from
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an institutional point of view... which cannot be broken just like that, but we are talking about the fact that wilders, a radical, has now won in the netherlands, such eurosceptic sentiments and ambiguity regarding ukraine, but the problem is that it is not a fact that he will ever become prime minister and be able to influence decision-making due to the very complex structure of the coalition agreement and the parties that... came to the parliament, it is exactly the same story with orban, if he does not now vote for the decision to open negotiations on the accession of ukraine to the european union, i am sure that the european union will be able to come up with levers that will force orbán to change his decision , because i will explain why, because if they don't do it, then those people who were behind orbán's back and now did not vote, they will start doing the same things, that is, now the european union is at the end it is important to show
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its... systematicity and showing that the position of one country is completely unfounded cannot be a reason not to expand the european union, not to make some important decisions in the context of the internal politics of other things. as for the united states, there is a lot of talk now that trump will win, and that will be the end of the world, ukraine will fall and there will be many problems. and here everything is not so simple: the united states is the inventor of the system of checks and balances, it is a country where any decision of the president can. be reviewed and bequeathed or the same parliament or the judicial branch of government, that is why we are absolutely not sure that even in the event of a victory, trump will simply turn the situation around completely and ukraine will not receive funds and aid, that is why i actually have more that no one understands at all whether trump will be pro-russian, when he will come this time, a person is absolutely not foreseen, so absolutely, that's why i'm positive, panego, you have a minute, what events will you
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follow until the end of the year, which a... will determine the fate of our, our country in the first place, of course, first of all it is the united states, but i see quite optimistic signals that they will come to an agreement, and now i see that they have released a statement, a declaration, even a cake of freedom, it's so right-wing, including trumpis johnson, the speaker, who say that we are okay with aid to ukraine, israel, that is, it does not raise questions, it remains. the border issue, but i think that by the end of the year the senate will still pass it, if there is political will and congress and the house of representatives, and this, i think, will be an additional incentive and a signal to european partners that it is necessary to move rather, briefly, literally two words, actually about the speaker of the parliament , who is actually a trumpist and came on anti-ukrainian grounds, now says that the issue of supporting ukraine is one of the key issues in the history of the united states, now this year and next, so everything will be fine, let’s keep pegs, everything
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will be really good. thank you, gentlemen, yes , we understand that summing up, although somehow the end of the year is approaching, but there is no possibility, yes, we are starting to monitor the processes only gaining momentum, but thank god that we understand in which direction they are going, and yet almost everyone in this country understands in this world that to let an authoritarian regime win means to destroy this world for good. thank you, gentlemen, ruslan osypenko, maksym dzhigun, yehor cherniv, thank you for joining this conversation, we hope everyone has a good night. that we will sleep the way you couldn't sleep this night, and have a quiet weekend, it will be ukraine. chevrons approaching victory.


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