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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2023 4:00am-4:31am EET

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chevrons approaching victory. assault troops, the path where a soldier becomes a warrior, where the brave become relentless. where the strong become the mighty and the determined become the invincible that's your way, take the cheap cutie, you're like, i feel you're having a hard time, maybe you're confused and right now it seems like nothing's going your way, you know what i do when confused, i go to the mirror, look at myself, remember what i have already succeeded in and say: i am well done, at the same time
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i just need to pat myself on the head, whether in imagination or in reality. you see what we are like well done, doing what helps. on the website how are, the caring people from the tiyak mental health program and their friends from unicef have collected tips on how to help yourself and your child cope with stress. news at four o'clock in the morning in the studio. marina kuhar, volodymyr zelenskyi went to argentina for the inauguration of the newly elected president javier miley. on the way to buenos aires, the president of ukraine met with the prime minister of the republic of cape verde. this meeting was the first in the history of bilateral relations between the countries. cape verde supports un resolutions and the humanitarian initiative "grain from ukraine" that are important for ukraine. zelensky stated. let me remind you that at the end of november , presidential elections were held in argentina, at which... and
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during the election campaign, he repeatedly declared his support for ukraine. and he also criticized russia, china and brazil in every possible way, and also declared his intentions to develop relations with israel and the united states. the general staff reported 45 military clashes in the past day in the evening summary. ukrainian defenders in the avdiyiv direction 11 were repelled. yes, eight on maryansky, and 12 on bakhmutsky. the enemy launched rocket and five airstrikes, fired 25 rocket-propelled grenades at positions of ukrainian troops and populated areas, the kh-59 guided missile was successfully destroyed by air defense forces. units of the missile forces of the armed forces of ukraine damaged two fuel and lubricant warehouses of the enemy. in zaporizhzhia. civilians want to learn to be
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a drone operator, but it is not always possible, there are no free courses, paid courses are expensive, and it is not for everyone, it is not possible to control drones it's just that, the instructors say, they admit, they don't always want to spend time on civilians, because they have to train the military first. report from zaporizhzhia. kateryna butenko is 19. she is a second-year student at zaporizhia national university, studying to become a journalist. in recent months, the only thing on my mind is to become a drone operator, for a very long time i felt out of place, that i am here and not where i should be, and to meet again face to face with the enemy , i am not afraid of the enemy at all. katya from berdyansk saw with her own eyes what an enemy it was insidious, because she lived in the occupation for one and a half months. they entered our city on the 26th, it seems. i didn't go out for a very long time, they didn't let me go, and once my mother just forgot lunch at home and went to work.
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and i asked to bring it, and then i heard a lot of interesting things that they say about us, that the people of bandera, like, we will torture women so that there will be no one to give birth to bandera people, her father and fiancé are at the front, katya wants to fight in her unit beloved, and danylo himself is not against the fact that katya is going to that army, i was, of course, very much surprised, but i support her in this, i think women like her a lot... will achieve, i believe in her very much, and she still can't find places for training, free courses are only for the military, and money for she has no salary, she spends her entire scholarship to help the military, and these are dry souls for our boys, 40 pieces, zaporizhia volunteer rudolph and his team have been making drones for our soldiers for two months, this is a kamikaze half-drone, it was taken for... drone control lessons , because
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it is important for manufacturers to understand the specifics flight in order to improve the birds later, but it turned out to be more difficult than expected, he says his hands do not obey. it's very, very hard work , it's very, very good hand motility is very, very necessary, because even my hands are there, when my hands tremble and shake, the drone, the drone will just fly like that, ihor is a lawyer by education, but how did it start a full-scale war, he took drone control courses and is now an instructor himself, he says there is simply not enough time to train civilians, there is a queue even for the military, we are not chasing numbers to more, more, our main emphasis is on the fact that during the period they are studying with us, they get the maximum amount of knowledge both practical and theoretical. not everyone who goes through the training becomes a drone operator, the younger the person, the instructors say, statistically, the more
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likely they are to take the drone into the sky. elms work better, so if there is a student warrior who is 45 and a student warrior who is... 25, then usually the younger one will pass better. kata has a plan to become a drone operator if she fails to pass the courses now, she will still go to the front and sign up for training as a soldier. infantry, i will join the infantry. from zaporozhye. olena kaptyuk, derya zeryanova. we are ukraine marathon, the only news. in vinnytsia, the second group of veterans' assistants is completing their training. first issue. have already completed special courses and advise demobilized soldiers and their families. vinnytsia became the first city out of a dozen participants in the experiment, where after training , veterans officially work in administrative service centers. ours will tell the story of veterans' assistants and their wards
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victoria hetman. on february 24, 2022, at 10 o'clock in the morning, i saw. our soldier of the occupiers. the great war caught mykhailo kuznitsov in okhtyrka, sumy oblast, with a steel knee, which he had as a military man since the time of the ato. he went to the local teroboron, and from there to vinnytsia, where he heard about the recruitment of veterans' assistants. he managed to submit on the first try, so for two months he has been helping his brothers to adapt to a peaceful life. when you lived and served, everything was clear to you. clearly laid out on the shelves, and you already knew what you would do next sometimes, here, as they say, is freedom, but what to do with it? now, as they say , having gained some experience, i already know, at least where to start, what to tell a person, what to do first of all, how to overcome
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all these paths later. currently, 12 assistants work in administrative service centers throughout the city. during this time, more than 900 applications from veterans were processed. and members of their families, i was sent here to register as a member of the armed forces of the war, to register some benefits for the family, we are immigrants, and it seems that everything should be processed, they told me to come here to war veteran most often , veterans' assistants help with the registration of benefits, the status of a participant in hostilities, and housing and communal issues. the veteran's assistants still have the authority to provide proactive services, that is, to... or to their acquaintances, veterans who know that they need help, advice, support there, or to visit a hospital, a hospital, a prosthetics company, tell about this particular project, and whoever has a desire, they
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can also turn to, that is, it is not necessary to come to the center of provision of administrative services, and these are newbies, currently the second group of veteran assistants is finishing their studies... preparing for graduation, since my son was killed, so there was such a desire to help such people with something, when my son was alive and fighting, i already now i project the information that he gave me on my current situation, that i have to be a veteran's assistant, i understand that it would also be very useful for him, both theory and practice are studied, at the end of the course there are mandatory exams , we have six blocks, and... they are related to social protection, legal training, professional adaptation, technical operational work of the veteran's assistant and issues related to the psychological adaptation of veterans. to date, we have 29 students
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who represent veterans and their members . the project is implemented in ten cities of ukraine. starting next year, the ministry of veterans affairs plans to train up to 15,000 new assistants. already from all regions from vinnytsia victoria hetman, dmytro kabak, we ukraine, marathon, only news. starting tomorrow , hungarian carriers will begin blocking the ukrainian border. they threaten to block the checkpoint for khonchop. strikes continue on the polish border. currently , there are almost 3,500 trucks in queues at four checkpoints. in the meantime, european deputies appealed to the polish president and the heads of the european commission and the european council to restore traffic on the ukrainian-polish border. the blockade may lead to a decrease in ukraine's ability to defend itself against russian aggression and slows down receipts. not only military, but also humanitarian aid, they emphasize. and they add, such a situation is in the hand, except
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for the kremlin. at the same time, the trade associations of belgium, austria, the netherlands and italy call to block the work of polish carriers, not to renew or conclude new contracts with companies from poland, until they end the blockade. russian and belarusian athletes will not hide. under white flags at the 24th olympics, according to the statement of the international olympic committee on the admission to the games in paris of athletes from countries the aggressors responded in the ukrainian ministry of youth and sports. mok's decision was criticized not only in ukraine, but also all over the world. in lithuania and estonia, they recalled that russian and belarusian athletes are often active military personnel, so they are directly related to the crimes committed in ukraine. reaction to mok's decision was collected by lesya golovina.
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the ukrainian ministry of youth and sports called mok's decision irresponsible and shameful. and if russians and belarusians can pack their bags for the olympics in paris, will they go there? ukrainians, one more question. if we analyze and understand that we should participate in such competitions and use the olympic games of the olympics in order to promote our position in the world, to inform the world. our experience tells us what is happening in ukraine today, we will continue to work in this direction if we see the absolutely unconstructive position of the international olympic committee, which will tolerate the participation of the henchmen of the bloody russian regime, and such participation is practically impossible our participation in these competitions. the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine also reacted to the moc's decision. the participation of russians and belarusians in the 2024 games undermines the main olympic principles - wrote
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the head of the department dmytro kuleba on the network. the international olympic committee has essentially given russia the green light to use the olympics as a weapon, because the kremlin will use every russian and belarusian athlete as a weapon in its propaganda war. that many russian athletes are directly related to the russian army, which commits war crimes in ukraine - reminded the principals. diplomats of estonia and lithuania. allowing russian athletes to participate in the olympic games without a flag will not wash the blood off their hands. mock's decision goes against everything the olympic movement stands for. russia is recruiting sportsmen and women into its genocidal army. this is neutrality. this decision goes against everything the olympic movement is supposed to stand for. however, not everyone is ready to listen to mog's decision. the world athletics association said. neither russians nor belarusians will be allowed to compete in paris, even under neutral conditions flag you can see neutral
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athletes from russia and belarus in paris, just not athletics. i think it is right that international federations should make decisions in the interests of their sport. what did we do? the decision of mok in the czech republic was condemned. reflex weekly published photos generated by artificial intelligence, on them a variant of neutral form for athletes from russia and belarus, journalists. wrote that only in such a bloody form can they participate in competitions. lesya golovina, we are ukraine, marathon, only news. forest farms of ukraine have started selling new year's trees, christmas tree bazaars are opening in cities, prices start at uah 80 per tree, but not everyone is in a hurry to buy them, our olga kosenko asked how the war affects the new year's mood of ukrainians. every hour a patrol of forest rangers goes around the forest lands,
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making sure that they do not cut down trees illegally, and although, the foresters say, since the beginning of the war , christmas tree poachers have decreased many times , there is no shortage of people who want to get a christmas tree for nothing, they talk to the violators, we explain, that where christmas trees are sold, those that go for the new year, he agrees, some even dried themselves. who argue, this year, ukrainian forest farms have prepared more than 150,000 new year's trees, grown on special plantations, for the holidays. made for sale. pine trees from 5 years and older. the price depends on the size: foresters sell pines about a meter high for uah 80-120. for a tree with a height of 2.5 m, already 250 hryvnias and more are in order. the cost of christmas trees in pots starts from uah 360. prices are last year's. greatly inflate prices, understanding that there is now a war, not all of the population has enough money to buy
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a christmas tree. but the prices are much higher at christmas markets. depending on the splendor of their beauty and growth. from uah 150 to uah 1000, some have already bought a christmas tree at home and even decorated it, and there are also those who this year decided to give up new year's attributes altogether, a small child, and well, i want to give at least some joy, so let's put up a small one and decorate it, but not now at the time, everything should be only for soldiers, all the opinions of the defenders about whether it is appropriate during the war to put up christmas trees and celebrate the new year, we also split up, it's not that it's annoying, but life goes on, i think that it's normal without fanaticism, i think that we're burning wars, celebrating something, it's a shame and guys
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die every day. more and more cities are abandoning large christmas trees in the squares, but you can make a small holiday at home, not forgetting the difficult wartime, decorate the christmas tree with patriotic toys and pay for the armed forces. from the cherkasy region, olga kosenko, oleg klymenko, my ukraine, marathon only news. i have everything for now, yuliya halushka and oleg biletskyi will continue the broadcast of the marathon. i wish all of us a nice and peaceful sunday. chevrons approaching victory. time to attack and fight back. turn your people into weapons.
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join our fighters, the national rage police brigade. you can fill out the questionnaire at... or by calling 097 725-25-13. thanks to them, minefields become offensive routes, bridges and crossings appear on rivers, and reliable barricades grow on combat positions. thanks to them we can to attack and defend effectively. they destroy enemy equipment and save infantry lives. they go ahead of the first, to break the way to our victory. glory to the engineering troops of the armed forces of ukraine. we will be there on christmas night. mentally in the chat, in the family
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circle. from now on , we celebrate christmas together with the whole christian world on december 20.5. the 10th day of december, 19 minutes past four in the morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to everyone, live broadcast, yuliya holoshka. oleg biletskyi, good morning, let's start right away with this: in what condition ukrainian energy, how the russians are destroying the zaporizhzhia aes, and whether to wait for power outages after shelling by the russians, and not only that. further, in an exclusive interview , minister of energy herman galushchenko told. attacks on energy infrastructure facilities, the probability of blackouts and shortages in ukraine's energy system. we will talk about all this and more today with herman galushchenko, minister of energy of ukraine. mr. herman, we welcome you. i congratulate you. mr. herman, look, this week, for the first time in almost 80 days
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, russia massively attacked ukraine with missiles. or we can say that it was purposeful. on energy infrastructure objects and what are the consequences? well, look, in fact , our air defense system worked perfectly, and therefore there are no such massive consequences for the energy sector, but we must not forget that , unfortunately, during this week in particular, constant attacks on one of the energy facilities, where they can reach with missiles less. ranges and artillery, so in fact the attacks are happening every day, are the russians now attacking our tes, tes, and if so, in which regions? well in fact, they constantly attack the kherson region, they constantly attack the donetsk region, kharkiv region, sumy region, that is, the attacks
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there are repelled every day, and accordingly, there is quite significant damage in generating companies, as well as in local networks, so it is literally there every day that we receive there are constant messages. about bursts of lines as a result of hostilities and about the stopping of blocks as a result of hostilities, but this last mass attack, it cannot be said that it was directly aimed at the object of the energy infrastructure, or was it exactly is this attack for? well, according to statistics , there were 19 rockets there, they were launched like that, most of them were shot down, the majority, so it’s hard to say where they were headed, but at the moment... if we’re talking about last year , we can compare yes, then, once, somewhere close they launched 100 rockets on october 10,
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so it's not the same picture. we know that the energy workers prepared for this winter quite hard, they prepared additional protection of energy facilities, i actually showed this protection, manifested itself, since you already say that we constantly have attacks, protection there was really a lot of work. carried out , well it is happening and carried out, by the way, regarding the so-called passive protection systems, this is something that is not related to the work of air defense, and in fact, i think, our main test is still ahead, it was also reported several times already this week about the deficit in the energy system of ukraine, whether there is actually a disconnection and how the energy companies cover this deficit, but actually. the key was that there were no outages, just where, again, going back to the first one the question is, only where there were certain consequences of the destruction, as a result of hostilities, and even then this
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was of a temporary nature, restoration work is constantly taking place, therefore , it is really due, first of all, to the loss of a whole number of generations, the cooling and the increase in consumption, and indeed we observed a deficit on certain days , it's not critical, it 's close there... consumption, but really, here , you know, the key thing is that we have to provide people with light, and in principle, people should not be interested in how we solve the issue of covering the deficit, so it this is ours the decisions that we make, there are many different options for coverage, but the main thing to understand is that there have been no... and there are no plans at this time, you said about the increase in consumption, is that meant there compared to the summer, is that meant even compared to the same period last year? we take
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the 21st year before the big war, and indeed we observe the growth of consumption compared to the 21st year, and we are really now appealing to our citizens and to businesses. it is normal to save electricity consumption, i understand that we are already a year we have been living, well, for almost a year we have been living with the feeling , well, since march, let's put it this way, the feeling that there is light all the time, and it's really good, but this feeling definitely immediately switches to the fact that you don't think about saving light, you don't think about... energy efficiency is conditional, so it's very, very important that our people also understand that we're at war, and it's very important that
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we're really frugal with the use of electricity, especially when it comes to peak hours , in fact it is possible, and it is in last year, by the way, we constantly communicated with society, and i want to say that ukrainians showed such a real unity and readiness to share the world. you said an increase even with the period before a full-scale invasion, and why is this an increase, it's businesses, you know, well , first of all, this year, that is, in fact , electricity is the lifeblood of any economy, and when it is constantly functioning, then accordingly there is growth, that is, you can even look in those official reports that are available for ukraine, exactly the continuity of the supply of electricity. it gave an impetus to the growth of the economy, accordingly, this is very good actually, and eh, we, we are very, very glad that such processes
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are taking place, and definitely. the key is to ensure that continuity , and so it definitely affects consumption, and secondly, you know, it's, well, i think it's also an effect where people have been living in a kind of limited supply of electricity, and then it 's available without restrictions, then well, you start to use it more, probably this is a completely natural thing, but it is really important to understand that... forces are happening, we are losing generation facilities, unfortunately and definitely, but we must help, that is , we must be frugal with consumption, you said that this deficit is insignificant, it is 1%, and how are the energy companies covering it, which countries are we in this help, well, there are, look, there are several options for this, yes, well, this is as such,
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as one of the solutions, this is a ... assistance that can be provided by our partners, and this is a completely normal process where we take, if we need, ukraine also provides emergency aid when our neighbors needed it, secondly, it is the import of electricity, and here it is very important, we are now communicating with businesses, we urge them to import more electricity, especially since today there are price gaps in the european markets, which are so directly significant. there is no, as was the case last year, due primarily to russia’s blackmail on the european gas market, therefore there are opportunities, according to the decision of the nsi, the possibility of importing into ukraine has been increased to 1.7 gvv, that is , this is a very, very large volume, so the more imports, the it will be easier for us to match way to balance the system. we see that energy experts are turning to ukrainians
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in order to... electricity, as you also said about it today, do people hear you today, because earlier you compared there with last year, yes, when ukrainians understood what it was like to sit without light , and back then, when they were given light, even then they could save money, not include a washing machine and an iron there, but now we understand that people, as you say, have already forgotten a little that this is such a disconnection of the world, well, i will have it effect, i'm sure of it it will have an effect, because really... you remember last year and you know, it's when there is a person or a family, they didn't have light, for example, for a day, and here they were given light for a conditional four hours or five, and they have to , well, definitely do everything, yes at this time, but at the same time they understand that someone is now at this very time, he has no light, and they were very frugal, this, i believe, is
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a trait of ukrainians, in this there is a trait for... victory in fact, yes, because we are really ready, we endure such, well, this is suffering for a person, yes, too, and in fact, i am sure that there will be an effect from this, of course, that is, we have now started this communication campaign, we are appealing to people, we are really asking them to save as much as possible, in fact, this creates certain inconveniences, but it is not difficult, do they threaten ukraine blackout now? and is it possible that it will be there in some regions, yes, which are constantly under attack or not, see, well, in fact, the only, the only threat for such a systemic accident in the energy system is attacks by russia, and again, predict level, and yes, predicting when they will be is difficult, ah, and, well, i
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already have a lot of questions. because frankly speaking, i expected a certain different picture for today's situation, but again you know this, it's some feeling there or expectations, and there are no prerequisites for blackouts, moreover, even if there will be a critical impact due to attacks on the power system, blackouts may be, but they will have... you say you expected a different picture, a worse one? well, you know, i honestly, well, if today we have, well, take the past a year, then today they have been attacking the power system every day for two months. and, i, uh, well, to hope that, they, that the terrorist changed the terrorist plans, well, i don't believe it.


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