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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EET

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another action called "lost connection " took place on independence square, and those who were captured themselves came here, including the military medic taira and the former spokesman of the azo, valeriya subotina. they say that neither ukraine nor the world has the right to forget about those whom the russians torture and keep in inhumane conditions. the bethlehem fire is already in ukraine. ukrainian platoon fighters brought the flame of peace to sofia of kyiv. they gathered to see how the symbol of warmth and support will be lit. dozens of children and our soldiers, it was the ukrainian defenders who were the first to receive fire so that send it to all corners of the front line, then this fire will be sent to the central station, from where it will go to all ukrainian cities by night trains. this has never happened in our country, six metro stations were closed at once this week for six months, demiivska, holosiivska, vasylkivska exhibition. the center
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of the terymka hippodrome is the newest section of the capital's metro, and the solution to the question of how to get to the center for 200 thousand kyivans. on friday, they were faced with the fact that the subway no longer runs to them. in the tunnel cracks appeared and streams of water fell directly on the rails. officials say that they saw the problem only at the end of november, convened a commission from a specialized institute and did not expect such a drastic conclusion to urgently seal one of the stations. local authorities say that this was problematic even during construction, and nods in the direction of yanukovych azarov's government, which opened it. the liquidation plan promises consequences within several weeks, and although now they say that the flow of water has allegedly stopped, the fact that the danger remains, the tsn film crew saw, just a little moved to the side. it was yesterday, and already today the water was seen through one station, the palace of ukraine. activists also began to check pochayn taras shevchenko's run, which they call potentially problematic, and they saw leaks. and there the most difficult thing is now
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for the cut off residents. 14,000 people boarded the subway every day during peak hours. the suspended line was promised to be replaced by additional buses and trolleybuses, but colossal traffic jams are guaranteed for tomorrow. put air alarms here when ground transport stops and you get a collapse. vestibules of closed stations will work as a shelter. this is prime minister shmegal's decision. law enforcement officers opened criminal proceedings against the official. ballast well , our war correspondent andrii saplienko has returned from the front, where our defenders repel not only russian attacks, but also from the ground, he was right here, near avdiyivka. it is very difficult there , we know, but it seems that putin's plans have already been partially broken, because according to one version , the russians wanted to capture avdiivka by december 14, so that their tsar , against the background of this breakthrough, would announce that he is running for president again, on in a direct line with his... according to the data, as
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you can see, hope for this date has already been lost in the kremlin, so the russian dictator promised to run for office again this week on december 8. it was possible to defeat the russian plans thanks to western technology. our andrii was one of the first journalists to see some samples inside. but now that the russians have gone on the offensive, more of this equipment is needed. however , on the contrary, partners are reducing military aid. how western weapons fight and what we need... in an exclusive story, by the way, we announce a muster for one of the brigades where andriy tsaplyuenko visited. you can see the qr code now and we call on all ukrainians to help the armed forces. this is the only way we will win. perhaps, for the first time in its entire history, the marder bmp on ukrainian soil is doing what it was created for, to gain an advantage over soviet and russian equipment on the battlefield. what can i say, german quality,
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this weapon has only one drawback, we still don’t have enough of it for a big continental war, we need as many of these marders and modern equipment as possible, and that the question of ukraine's survival. at the shooting range, next to the front line, we saw with our own eyes how the landing party of the 25th brigade pierced the body of the russian infantry fighting vehicle from kilometers away with a mortar gun. distances: the rate of fire, the speed of this gun, it allows you to cover at a long distance and it hits clearly. according to its characteristics, the marder is something between a tank and an armored infantry vehicle. armor is much better here. for the crew, this is a very big factor that can save more than one life. and the engine is twice as powerful, than russian bmps and high maneuverability on the battlefield. despite the respectable age, advantages over today. it's like comparing a mercedes to a zhiguli, but
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german quality is not enough to overcome horde's quantity. it is known that the germans provided ukraine with 40 such vehicles, we are waiting for more... meanwhile, the russians produce more than a hundred new bmp-3s in just one year. in addition, there are more than 300 old bmp-1 and bmp-2 in russia. this scrap metal has so far been enough for the kremlin to stop the ukrainian advance. we need such machines, not dozens, as in there are us, hundreds are needed. the west is very slowly helping ukraine to achieve parity with russia. some simple decisions require months of negotiations and kilometers of paper. leopard-1a5, we have been waiting for these machines for a long time, and finally they are here, they say that this is an old tank, but the guys convinced us that this tank has enough advantages over the soviet union.
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the armed forces will be able to fully receive the entire package of 178 such tanks only next year. in russia, there are at least 1,600 old people in the prepared reserve. tanks, and from the conveyor every year 150 new ones are arriving, we need to increase the quantity and german quality a little faster. the leopard 1a5 has the same sighting equipment as its more modern successor. this is a system from the leopard 2a4 tank. here we see from above the headlight of additional lighting, the night vision device itself, the right window is an ordinary sight, and the left window is a thermal imager of the instrument vision. the tank is considered obsolete because. such armor, but it is maneuverable and thanks to the rifled cannon, which hits further and more accurately than the russian ones, the old leopard can become a powerful means of supporting infantry. i don't feel any crazy fear there when i ride it, yes, many can say that there is weak armor here and there, no,
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it will hold, i am sure that it will hold its own. i go down to the place of the charger, i am 76 meters tall, and you see, i am moving here. almost without bending over, the projectiles are here, he manually loads them into the cannon, so the guys say that a person does it faster than the automatic loader, which is provided in soviet and russian tanks, many say people that a person gets tired, that person, but believe me, when they shoot at her, she does not get tired, she will throw these shells very quickly, proven by the war, during the zaporizhia counteroffensive, the calculation of this... american saushka probably set a front-line record for fired projectiles we fired 50 shells in an hour. paladin is the most widespread american saw in the world, aluminum armor, kevlar plating, it is all lined from the inside with
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such kevlar plates, which also additionally protect the personnel. by the way, the crew considers aluminum armor not a problem , but an advantage, even if... that a fragment penetrates it, a tube with gunpowder was sewn, but the fragment was already cooled so much due to the fact that the aluminum took heat on itself, that it did not ignite the gunpowder, that did not cause detonation. the crew of this sau is now restraining the enemy near avdiivka. you have marks here, i see. these markings mean that armored vehicles have been knocked down. one trailer, a tank, bmp and apc. gunner andriy fights together with his son vasyl, a boy. dersau, the father is forced to obey his son whether he likes it or not. well, fighting as a son is, well, in my opinion, it just hurts the heart, when on the contrary, it is our common choice to be together. on the one hand, it is difficult, on the other hand, if you know that you can always rely on someone. under
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the avdiivka barrel artillery remains the main means of defeating and deterring russian zombies. every day they press in the area of ​​the steppe. the amount, shall we say, destroyed. life force, it has increased. thanks to the supply of such systems, ukraine managed to approach parity with the aggressor in barrel artillery, but the problem of shells remains unsolved. there are days when 10 russian ones arrive for one ukrainian ammunition. in this proportion, quality cannot beat quantity, even if it is the perfect weapon. glorious bradley. in march, ukraine received 113 such machines. multi-layered, sandwich-like armor, with cor... our infantry in the avdiyiv direction, well , the mood just gets really high when they see bradley leaving the position. bradley saves lives, everything here is done so that, even for
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under the most unfavorable circumstances, both the crew and the landing party remained alive. the crew of this machine is called barbie, after the call sign of its commander. creative lviv... aitishnyk didn't even think about the war six months ago, but the war forced him to change both from the outside and from the inside. and why barbie? ah, before the war, a woman was a colorist, type, and i liked the type in principle. your hair is tinted, i used to have pink hair completely, completely, yes, yes, yes, yes , now, not anymore, now it’s black, it’s grown a little, but you can show yourself with pink hair, that’s you yes, this is me, literally four days before mobilization, a coral-pink, almost every day barbie-colored novice beats the invaders with the fury of rambo, he gives a sense of security behind the multi-layered armor of an american car, and you feel as if you are in some computer room play, you... you are sitting in the car and it seems to you that you are playing with something at the computer somewhere, so far there has not been such a moment when in the car there is a sudden, oh, we are now
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a slipper, well, it did not happen, although it flew right in front of us, somewhere on the side, there was a feeling that it was war, war. when barbie goes to positions near avdiyivka, everything the enemy has is working on him. of the 113 such cars that ukraine received, about two dozen were knocked down or damaged. the russians claim that they won a trophy, but all the crews of the cars were knocked down. for example, when we take our infantrymen , our soldiers, when they are whole or even there , they are wounded, we take them out, i immediately feel relief, in our direction, bradley is doing a very great job, i'm sure everyone feels that way absolutely. ukrainians can to fight with any modern technology. it is only necessary that it be in the right amount and not become a bargaining chip in the political disputes of the powerful of this world. andrii tsaplienko, ilya shynkerenko, serhii perfilov, tsn. week.
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to the questions that torment every ukrainian: will we return crimea, and can they predict the main thing, when we will win? the next point is shown at the end of july, at the end of august there will be a parade of planets, the molfar force against putin's shamans. tsn's exclusive report of the week is coming soon. well, for now, the drama with the selection of american aid to ukraine, it reached its highest point this week. backroom negotiations boiled to the limit and spilled out into the public sphere. on tuesday, the scandal
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erupted at a secret senate briefing, where senior white house and state department officials tried to persuade wavering voters to vote to continue funding. instead, republicans have said they don't want to hear about ukraine's problems until the white house meets their demands. moreover , the republicans are now appealing to the president biden, because the parties do not want to give in to the principles for each. among them the migration issue, but at the end of the week hope still appeared and the white house seemed ready to make concessions. i am now joined from washington by tsn's own correspondent in the states, olga koshelenko. olychko, congratulations, so there is hope, and how did it happen that the republicans, who used to say that they support kyiv, are now using us as a tool of blackmail? hello, elections and awareness happened with them. that this issue is so important to the white house that it can be gambled on. i will not say that the biden administration did not
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foresee this, because when the white house only submitted its request for more than 106 billion, 64.4 of which for ukraine, ukraine, there were already funds for israel and taiwan, as well as for the strengthening of the southern american border, i.e. gesheft was foreseen for the republicans from the very beginning. and almost immediately, if you remember, speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson said that... the package will be considered in parts, but for some reason ukraine and the american border are together. republicans do not need the money themselves strengthening the border, they want to change the rules of the game. their long-standing goal is to reduce, or rather eliminate, the flow of migrants across the border with mexico. well, the problem of illegal migration there is quite real, according to congressmen and senators, it is among the top three questions that voters put before them, and they want it... blackmailing the democrats with money to ukraine, and not only the far-right do it, who are also called
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trumpists and who by definition will not support ukraine and will not vote for us, but also absolutely our supporters, such as senate republican leader mitch mcconnell or senator lynsey graham. we call on the president to get involved and solve this problem. he owes it to the american people to fix the leaky border that i... i mean really leaky, we've had 40,000 illegal crossings in the last four days, two days ago, that was the highest on record, i can go back to south carolina and explain why i helped ukraine, taiwan and israel but did nothing to protect our border. i will help to all our partners, but first to us. the situation overheated when representatives of various departments, including intelligence, came to the closed briefing to senators to
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show on facts why they should immediately vote for the continuation of aid to kyiv, the republicans had no questions at all about ukraine. they wanted to talk and hear answers only about the border, and not finding a response, demonstratively left the briefing. in this atmosphere, zelensky cancels an online speech before senators, biden speaks online with the leaders of the group of seven and zelensky and makes a public speech in which he calls everything that is happening blackmail. he says that he is ready for compromises, but the president's tone is clearly not compromising. extreme republicans are playing dangerously. playing with our national security by holding money for ukraine hostage to radical party demands regarding the border. there must be negotiations. republicans believe they can get everything without a bipartisan compromise. that's not the answer, that's not the answer. now they literally want to bring ukraine to its knees, on the battlefield, and at the same time harm our country
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national security at the same time, biden demands. that the issue be resolved before the christmas holidays , that is, there is only next week left, otherwise kyiv will enter the new year without direct budget support, which has already ended, and also without military aid, which they began to use very sparingly and are dragging so that it will be enough until the end of this year, and here are two more pieces of news, good and bad, reuters learned from a source familiar with the negotiations, the good is that the real ... a number of concessions in migration policy. it is discussed, for example, increasing the requirements for those who will ask for asylum in the united states, also the deportation of illegal migrants should become easier, and another possible innovation is the introduction of the practice of the so-called third safe country, which would reject the migrant before he
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will try to get to the united states. do these compromises satisfy the republicans? hard to say right now? democrats in the house of representatives, jeffries, is still very, very cautious about the possibility of a compromise. a compromise between reasonable border protection and violation of human rights. but the bad news is that they will hardly be able to make it to the holidays. the same reuters sources say that only the framework of the agreement will be possible before the holidays, it will be finalized and voted on after the holidays. and arguments like that. talt, while you are celebrating there, ukrainians are waging a war for survival, unfortunately, they are not acting on the republicans. hello. thanks for these details, olya. ktsn's own correspondent, olga koshelenko, with the latest news about the possibility of assistance from the united states. the news we hear is alarming, but we have to realistically assess the situation and continue to look for partners and support in the world. thank you, olya. well, now
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we are changing our plans a little, the directors tell me that there is an urgent statement from putin. so let's listen. i am addressing the citizens of russia, i have decided to end the special military operation. all set goals have been achieved. well, did you buy it? confess. you believed, although it is not true yet. this video was created by artificial intelligence. yes, we bought it, because there are already two of us we have been waiting for this news for years, but there is another aspect. this news was announced to us by ala mazor, and we are used to believing her. but artificial intelligence. changes our life, he can fake everything and everyone, and even alumazur. look at this clip, don't listen to what the synthesized voice says, but it is completely delusional, but listen to the nuances of this voice: neural networks have learned to catch the smallest nuances. good afternoon, dear ukrainians, according to the decision of the cabinet of ministers, from december 1, all
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schools were the first to fall under the rink of fakes it's famous people - noted the head of the voshchak project, svitlana slipchenko. and the team , among others, is professionally engaged in such forgeries. boryspil airport resumes its activities from december 22. in fact, it is tsn, and next to that i would mention ictv, the hosts of the largest tv channels, the media often use them to create deep fakes, because they are big, well-known, recognizable. in such deep fakes, artificial intelligence repeats the presenters' voice and repeats it quite a lot. similarly, believably, and also very quickly and cheaply, senior analyst kyrylo vosshchek spent as much a whole us dollar to subscribe to a program that stamps fake cids almost in real time.
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the task is whether she will cope with the translation of the brilliant lina kostenko and whether she will convey the entire palette of the voice of the unsurpassed bohdan stupka. and the truth. winged plants do not need soil. the issue of translation into different languages ​​online can be completely taken over by artificial intelligence in 10 years. the dubbing of films will also disappear - convinces expert anton tarasyuk. but the same voices from. why someone has the ability to imitate the profile, i don't know, host, presenter, actor, actress, that is, this
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, this is a commercial asset, let's say this, only this is exactly how artificial intelligence can overcome, the same applies to deep fakes, if, at the moment , there are big discussions about how to fight them, for example, there is such an idea, that they should be marked, on the other hand, svitlana slipchenko disagrees with anton, the company... for example, they will dub movies, they do not need marking, and scoundrels, for example, from russia, will not put any watermarks in their fakes, so how to protect yourself from fake news, which will look all too true until mankind has invented reliable means of verification, you need to develop your own filters, for example, don't immediately believe your eyes, - the expert convinces. on emotions, our critical thinking starts to turn off, we no longer pay attention to details, we want to spread or share it with friends as soon as possible, so it is important at this moment, when we want to spread and share, not to do this, and to pause and go look for
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more information. experts advise everyone to create a selection of serious news sites publications that you trust and are wary of everything that is published on social networks. currently, there is no complete technical protection that we could install and provide to everyone. it is clear what is necessary today. that everything we see around , what we encounter, it is possible that it is a fake, well , a fake in the sense of generated by artificial intelligence, but will our life turn into a complete horror in search of deception, here is my own daughter calling me, hello, hello, dad , top up my account, well, fine , i'll top up, it's definitely my daughter calling, it's not a synthesized voice, whether to ask her for a code word, it's not total distrust, it's... critical thinking, it's doubt, it's doubt within the limits of common sense, in china , the news program on the state tv channel has high ratings, it's been reading them for over two years
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a synthesized host, he never sleeps, never gets tired, doesn't ask for salary and days off , he doesn't even need make-up, and he doesn't have any moral prohibitions, by and large he doesn't exist, indeed even now the border between reality and virtuality is very conditional, well, you and i know that today no... sunday, december 10th evening, this is the tsn studio of the week, not really, no, no, no, actually, we are now in the tsn newsroom of the week, and it's quite a long way from the studio where alla mazur is, and how is it not it sounds strange, i'm a bit in the past, so where am i real and where is virtual, where is the truth and where is a lie, artificial intelligence can create a digital copy of a person that reproduces a voice, facial expressions and... even a gesture, and still useful there is a lot from artificial intelligence, it already controls drones on the front, will help to find exact coordinates
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looking for fragments of an enemy video, looking for disinformation on the internet , completely unexpectedly, in the british office of the children's commissioner, it is proposed to instruct artificial intelligence to determine the age of a person before entering porn sites, so that children do not see too much, and the truth is, artificial intelligence makes our life and even work easier. tv journalists, here is the previous story, my colleague andriy tsylinko voiced it in the old fashioned way, simply reading the microphone. i will not be upset. neural networks have already generated a good voice with a very good one timbre, and we will hear it now. although there is a caveat here too, and if you like this voice more than mine. oleksandr zagorodny, volodymyr parakhonskyi, tsn week 1+1, marathon. sashko zagorodnyi quite precisely and acutely showed what rampant fakes can lead to, if putin's statement on the air of tsn of the week resonated with someone. don't
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be in a hurry to be indignant, principled statements of state leaders can be faked, and no one will bet on real fake watermarks. therefore, while i remind you, adopt a few rules. first, don't believe it immediately to everything you see or hear on social networks, especially when emotions flare up. the first reaction is to check in several sources. second, even television news is more reliable to watch on official channels, and not pulled out and prepared somewhere in the. tiktok and third, so that fraudsters do not fake the voice and image of your relatives, agree on a code word that only your family knows, and do not forget to ask the child about it if he calls you with a request. well, not everyone immediately believed in the reality of this video either, although the first comments, and you thought st. nicholas will not find a way out, but then
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in... the railway confirmed, yes, it found this unexpected way out, and this is how trucks blocked at the polish border will be exported and imported into ukraine. the first batch of trucks is already in poland. and since the politicians clearly still cannot agree on the complete lifting of the blockade, the trade unions of the two countries took up the matter. the first closed meeting of ukrainian and polish entrepreneurs took place on friday. did it bring the light at the end of the tunnel any closer? tsn correspondent of the week andriy orlyak found out. everything can become clear tomorrow, because tomorrow, as expected, warsaw will either leave the newly created government starting with morawiecki, or the sejm will declare no confidence in the two-week-old government and donald tusk will take the prime minister's portfolio. but for the time being , no one seems to be able to stop the whimsical strike of carriers in poland, and it seems that even with tusk's victory, he and relevant ministers will need time to deal with
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the blockade problem in a new way. is the blockade of the polish-ukrainian border similar to the russian one and the inability of the polish government to take steps to stop it shames people throughout the eu, including poland, says the appeal of a group of meps to polish president andrzej duda and heads of eu institutions. officials in brussels say that they will fight for the maintenance of visa-free transportation for ukraine. roughly so, they answered the still current polish prime minister and the slovaks. what, by the way, are ukrainian cargoes. they let it in, but they still want to restore permits. the idea of ​​returning permissions is unacceptable. business associations and unions of a number of eu countries are already calling in response to boycott polish carriers, if there are no other sanctions yet. meanwhile , world agencies and the influential the new york times write about the impact of the polish blockade not only on the economy, but
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separately emphasize the difficulties with the delivery of military aid . to any blockades. however, ukrainian philanthropists say that a bunch of important volunteers are stuck at the border, so both sides seem to be looking forward to tomorrow. will the government in warsaw change, or will it will take hold and exactly how to blockade a small group of carriers. did not block such relations, which both countries need. andriy orlyak, tsn. week 1+1 marathon only news. how garbage can heat, how to tame rainwater and save money, make utility bills less expensive. we should already think about the future of peaceful ukrainian cities, because even those that are now destroyed, and we must first
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rebuild them with new ones. and not according to the old soviet patterns. iryna kovalenko, the correspondent of tsn of the week, gained foreign experience, and she will also tell where these new technologies are being implemented in ukraine right now. natalya escaped from the russian army to poland from chernihiv on march 22. during this time, she had already adapted to local life and polish frugality. they care a lot about savings. energy, gas, hot water , for example, you can adjust the temperature not only in the whole apartment, but in each room separately, the batteries should be adjusted at night, for example, when you go to work, you also adjust the temperature, a separate topic, well-thought-out transport connections. natalya from the city of gdynia commutes to work in nearby gdansk by train that connects three cities: soopyt, gdynia and gdansk, it is like connecting
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irpin, bucha and kyiv by train, it would be very convenient. trams run somewhere.


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