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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 p.m. on espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and westerners intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, there will be topics. topical, guests, special,
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proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday, 5:10 p.m. at espresso. dear friends, we are back on the air, we held a small, so to speak, a little bit, listen, how you say it differently, it somehow sounds ukrainian, such a small journalistic meeting, conference, no, not that, a small briefing. we talked about what we were going to talk about next, now ivanna klympush tsintsadze, a people's deputy of ukraine, is here, mrs. ivanna is on the phone with us, mrs. ivanna, actually, you know how we wanted to start our conversation with you the conversation from the meeting with president zelenskyi, well, it’s not a meeting, it’s such a short conversation, i took the opportunity with viktor orban, i just remember that...
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two weeks ago, petro poroshenko was going to europe, and he was not missed, and then the security service of ukraine said about what is not missed because he planned to meet with the same viktor orban, and i think, how should we perceive this meeting of volodymyr, this conversation with the same orban, as some kind of betrayal? well, look, you correctly noticed that it is difficult to call it a meeting, it is obviously a very short conversation during the inauguration of the argentine president, it is a rather ritual conversation, i do not think that there was an opportunity and there was an opportunity to thoroughly communicate about all the concerns that we have evoke the statements of prime minister orbán, but it's good that president zelenskyi...
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took advantage of this conversation, or this opportunity, i don't know to what extent he managed to convince the hungarian prime minister of something, but i have already repeatedly said that what if petr had the opportunity poroshenko or any of the other serious leaders of ukraine who have personal contacts with various players who, unfortunately, today put us in the wheels of our progress towards european integration, in receiving financial assistance from the european union, etc. somehow to influence a change in their position and convince them that it is necessary to do so, then president zelenskyy should contribute to this as much as possible, and therefore, of course , it is very unfortunate that, unfortunately, we understand, are aware that the security service of... ukraine
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allowed itself to be used as a tool of internal political struggle, which, unfortunately, worked against ukraine, because the fact that president poroshenko was not allowed to go on an international trip to poland at that time, and to the united states of america , was used by all those who want it stop and aid to ukraine, and wants to stop our path to the european union. so, you know, it shows that, unfortunately, our current leadership of the country does not have the ability to systematically see the problem and the ability to solve it, there is no ability to really ensure unity that could work for the benefit of the state of ukraine, and by the way , what we learned from the guardia newspaper. and we see that, unfortunately, just
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today and tomorrow in the united states of america such a large anti-ukrainian event is being prepared by one of the strongest and most powerful organizations of the americans, which for many years was, well, you know, a reagan-type anti-russian organization, the heritage foundation, and now this organization works against the provision of aid to ukraine, and this organization is american, together with one, with several hungarian institutions, and will be, well, plans for such a closed event. type with radical republicans against aid to ukraine, unfortunately, the heritage foundation for, again, according to data that was published in the american press earlier, received funds from such a danube
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institute, i don't exactly remember strategic relations or something , the hungarian, during this year, a large contribution, and they signed a memorandum there about... interaction and about partnership, i do not rule out that these hungarian funds could have originated not purely from hungary and these are very, very serious bells and whistles that are working against ukraine today, it simply means that we need to change both strategically and tactically our behavior in the international arena in order to reverse the trend that has started now, and efforts... from all sides, from all holes already to shout about the fact that we, we, hear it from abroad, and to start forcing ukraine to negotiate. if we talk about this very short meeting, those 20 seconds of conversation that took place in the argentine parliament between
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president zelenskyi and viktor orban, you as a diplomat can in principle do something about it. conclusion, it must have been some kind of huge work behind it, on the one hand, for them to end up together, for this very short meeting, but it still happened, it was hardly such a coincidence that they ended up nearby in this hall, and on the other hand, we also understand that it was not possible to organize an official meeting so that it took place in normal conditions, and not in such field conditions, in a word, what conclusions can you draw from this and what is your responsibility... the opinion could be told to the president in 20 seconds, looking into the eyes of prime minister orbán? yes, you and i see that, unfortunately, ukrainian diplomacy failed to organize a full-fledged
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meeting between the president of ukraine zelenskyi and prime minister orban, and this means that that's all the effort we've seen there. and the efforts of, well, i don't know, a person who does not have the authority to do this, but yermak, who was talking there with mr. siyart, the other day instead of the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, mr. kuliba, i think that yermak tried to agree on or this meeting, tried to arrange a phone call, some real full-fledged interaction between president zelenskyi and... uh, prime minister orbán, and it didn't work out, which means that, uh, the hungarian leader, unfortunately, avoids meaningful and thorough work, but these you know, unsystematic and uh, well, so strange from
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the point of view of ukraine's diplomatic efforts, they did not give their own, but the results that you could have time to say, say, good afternoon, we really count on the fact that... you will support all the decisions there regarding ukraine on december 14-15 during the european council, and even at this , actually speaking, i think that no more such serious things were said, maybe it was also said that it would be good to have a thorough conversation there, and i think that only a diplomatic curtsy in the answer happened. let's say this, the prime minister of hungary, we see that even his visit to president macron did not give the expected results, at the moment, and we see that, unfortunately, charles michel's communication with prime minister orbán did not give either the expected
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result, we see that yesterday the european, well, the ambassadors of the european union, the countries of the european union spent the whole day in consultations regarding the potential... decisions of the european council did not reach an agreement on the issues that concern ukraine, and these are of course very disturbing trends, we need to be broken, and again... i emphasize that ukraine really did everything in its power to provide maximum positive signals from ukraine regarding us, our homework, i am glad that we managed to reach a consensus , we managed to reach an agreement with various representatives of various political forces in the parliament and vote. all draft laws that were, at least in some way , already ready for voting by the verkhovna rada
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of ukraine. i hope, by the way, that the government will draw certain conclusions and stop introducing initiatives for consideration by the parliament without prior consultations with various political forces and factions and will stop, that is, as soon as he receives some constructive remarks, he will go out with a checker and criticize, for example. european solidarity, and then, as a result, accept all comments and proposals and amendments proposed by european solidarity, as happened with the draft law on amendments to the law on national minorities and communities, and actually other laws on education, media, which succeeded to spend through the parliament literally last week these things, we now need... to use these tools as much as possible to convince everyone, all the other 26 countries of the european union, that this is everything
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that the prime minister insisted on until this moment, until two or three weeks ago minister orban. unfortunately, i have long spoken about the fact that i have repeatedly spoken about the fact that, in fact, all of orban's blockades have nothing to do with real concern for the rights of national minorities in ukraine, i spoke about... the fact that even , if ukraine there declares hungarian as the second state language and everyone will switch to the hungarian language, this will not solve the issue of hungary blocking our, our european integration and euro-atlantic progress, but few people wanted to hear it, for some reason , you know, all the time everyone thinks that you can reinvent the wheel every time someone comes to power, no taking into account the experience of those who already, who have already... worked in this or that field and can provide specific recommendations,
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this once again, once again suggests that only by joining our efforts, we can, we can be successful, but definitely not necessary to put sticks in the wheels of representatives of the opposition faction, such as european solidarity, and in this way to give arguments to such figures as mr. orban, who today declares that ukraine, they say... is the most corrupt country in the world, which is obviously not true, despite the fact that we have a large number of problems in the field of anti-corruption, and at the same time he is the representative and head of the country that is the most corrupt according to transparency international among the countries of the european union, and, that is, he is the same today speaks about the undemocratic nature of ukraine. with dubious democracy inside hungary , we have no right, as
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the ukrainian state, to give such arguments to such figures as mr. orban, well, but at least we now have the head of the free speech committee in the parliament, and finally, as you think, should we rejoice or rejoice early , you know, by the way, it is interesting that lezia noticed in this picture that everyone is smiling, except for... the only journalist in this photo, actually mr. serhiy, a rakhmanin, well, that is , we all know yaroslav yurchyshyn and consider him not a badass candidacy, but even from the fact that he made public among the top priority tasks in his position, there is not exactly what concerns freedom of speech, i would say it like that, i didn't even formulate it like that. questions about violations of human rights, i would yes, violations of the rights of journalists, yes, that is, it is also about freedom
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of speech, but about, for example, about journalists who are in captivity, or about the fact that journalists are prevented during filming, although, well , there are questions, and after all, this is what the western partners are saying, that there are questions to freedom of speech in ukraine, is there a feeling that it is actually an opposition deputy who finally headed this committee, i am sorry to state that the voice faction, which is trying... to position itself as an opposition faction, actually works in such a rather specific and deep interaction with banking, that's right. is confirmed by the manner in which this vote took place, and because, unfortunately, there , for example, the draft resolution submitted by european solidarity with the proposal of its candidacy for the head of this committee , the no less respected rostislav pavlenko, is not a less profound, systemic, valuable person
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, for sure, than yaroslav yurchyshyn in... this resolution was not considered, well, it was stubbornly not considered by the regulatory committee, and for some reason it did not bother the representatives of the voice team in any way, you know, if we are talking about real democracy, then it's about principles, it's not about personalities, we barely managed to get our resolution also submitted for consideration by the parliament itself, and that's how such a discussion took place. and maybe not thorough enough, in my opinion, because both the applicants were not allowed, although, despite the previous agreement, to speak in the hall and present their priorities in the hall, which would certainly be correct in my opinion, well , after that we saw how mr. yaroslav made public his priorities for
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the position of chairman of the committee on issues of freedom of speech, without... in any way showing their, well, at least some kind of, you know, veiled concern about censorship, which today is political censorship, which today reigns in ukraine, not military, but we all we can agree that military censorship is needed during martial law, and you and i understand that there is no need to publish specific data there, the placement of our troops, any arrivals and so on, and with that i think there are no problems at all, but... mr. yurchyshyn, unfortunately, did not mention that the verkhovna rada of ukraine remains a completely closed institution, he did not say that he would somehow plan to return journalists to the hall of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, that he was somehow concerned by the presence of this one marathon propaganda channel, which does not ensure any balance of the presence
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of different political forces and opinions. didn't show his effectiveness, well, so nice, so you see , so veiled, yes, yes, so already wrapped in pieces of paper, that you have to guess, and what he means, it's not about the ineffectiveness of the marathon, it's actually about using the marathon, as of propagandistic and censored history by the ukrainian authorities. unfortunately, the voice faction, for example, voted for the allocation of funds for this single marathon, voted for the allocation of uah 170 million for year on the rada tv channel, which does not fulfill its function as a parliamentary bulletin, but has turned into a mouthpiece of the banking and cabinet of ministers, but definitely not a channel
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that presents the work of the parliament and so on, that is, we will see what the next actions will be . .. so far, from what was announced as priorities, i do not see that the committee on freedom of speech will really prioritize freedom of speech, the protection of freedom of speech in ukraine. the other things that mr. yaroslav is talking about are also definitely very important, and the rights of journalists and journalists in polonia, and it is good that these surnames of people, which are in russian today, will finally be heard. there are prisoners in the occupation, until now it was european solidarity that raised these issues, but the issue of freedom of speech in ukraine is not limited to this. and by the way, yurii butusov, a well-known ukrainian journalist, reminds us that 1.5
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billion hryvnias were allocated to finance the telethon, the only news, and, as you say, the faction also voted for them. voice and he calls this money subsidies for the oligarchs' tv channels, well, that's how it is, and actually says that instead of a personal one, this is a quote, instead of a personal pr zelenskyy spent the telethon money, if instead of a personal pr zelenskyy spent the telethon money to purchase fpv drones, the ukrainian army should have received 80 thousand fpv drones, and he further says that it would be at least 800 killed russian soldiers, i.e., uh, i.e. 20 battalions of russian infantry, you know, literally yesterday i went to ours for defenders on one of the front lines. and defense and ee, really, well, everyone is worried about the fact that there is not enough of those tools, technological tools from
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the state of ukraine, ah, which would help them to be much more successful, and we see how russia managed during this time to establish such an incredible large-scale mass production of various types of drones and... re-equipment, the one that is widely used today on the front by the russian federation, and ukraine, despite the fact that, well, a huge amount of funds were allocated in this direction, we do not see a qualitative change on the front due to the fact that the state allocated this money, so there is a question of how they were used but sure botusov is right when he says that the additional funds that could be... managed from telemarathon, they could, well, change the weather, let's say, at the front, we talked about it repeatedly, we insisted on it, we submitted amendments to to
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the draft of the state budget, and they also proposed that the allocated funds be directed to the defense forces of ukraine from marathon, but unfortunately, by the way, our colleagues did not even support these amendments of ours. well, you know, well, at least it would be nice if we tried and got their support, but even this did not happen, was not done, so we will follow carefully, uh, and well , encourage colleagues, if they claim to be called the opposition faction, and this is exactly how it has always been, that it is the opposition faction that should head the committee with freedom of speech, by the way, and the regulatory committee, by the way, and the budget committee, this is how democracy generally works in the world, well , if they claim that they are an opposition faction, we will see to what extent the struggle for
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freedom of speech, real freedom of speech will become a part , and this briefcase, which he took on mr. yaroslav, we only have two minutes left before the end of our part of our conversation and our part in the marathon, the espresso marathon, i wanted to... ask you how often you were invited to the only news marathon, and if so, which one slots, slots of which tv channel? well, this can be followed by analytics, media detector monitoring, i really appreciate the fact that we have public organizations that continue independent activities, in fact , they were invited exclusively in the public slot, exclusively in the public slot, and it is good that public broadcaster. is trying to at least somehow maintain a balance, we appreciate and present different opinions and points of view, no other tv channel, including the tv channel rada, which
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works in the marathon, did not invite me to comment in the framework of the united marathon. i think it's a little strange if we talk about the fact that european integration is a priority of the country, and i see that everyone is commenting on it, but not those who have from ... relevant knowledge and well in the only marathon i have i mean, who has, well, who deals with it every day, that's why it's such an interesting phenomenon, which produce the only news today, by the way, i have a separate opinion here, mrs. ivanna, i agree with you that the public is to some extent such a bright spot in that whole marathon, but in my opinion, the actual presence is in us, there is a marathon, i mean , marathons are the only news, the public has its own advantages. presence there as a public broadcaster actually legalizes and justifies the existence of this very marathon, where money is received , including by oligarchic channels and yesterday's
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pro-russian channels, and it seems to me that it is precisely the lack of leadership that would have to take over the leadership of the public, the public in principle as an organization, and the public does not fully fulfill its role here, does not set the tone, or to be the tuning fork of freedom of speech in ukraine, my position is that you... you know, i would i would wholeheartedly support the fact that the public came out of this marathon and continued to simply produce its own content, really balanced and of better quality, and this is one of those things that we managed to do during the previous term of both the government and the parliament, and very appreciate that he, that he is still alive, and of course i would like him to be just like that. ugh. the people's deputy of ukraine was with us. thank you, dear viewers, for being with us, and we, lesya vakulyuk, andriy, were with you. see you tomorrow. with you
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