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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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from the air and not having enough long range missiles, of course not, my command would never have given me such a task when we are talking about such limited resources at our disposal, but i want to say that if in the end it was, i would do anything , which is in my power to complete this task. and execute it successfully, in the end, what general zaluzhny did. yes, the us expects that the armed forces of ukraine, they, they expected from the ukrainians, certain successes, but did not provide f-16 fighters, and that is why we see why exactly is the responsibility on our shoulders for such and such a result. sir general, another publication in walstra. believes that
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the next strike by the armed forces of ukraine against russian positions should take place no earlier than 2025, that is, ukrainians should prepare, western partners should help the ukrainian army, and only then should this strike take place. do you agree with these forecasts or expectations relayed by the wall street journal. we understand that the ukrainian armed forces will be working for the next few months will try to do everything in order to seize the initiative, they will not sit idly by. the main target now is russian logistics, because it is such a weak point, and that's why. the ukrainians will impress in
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the near future, but we know what ukrainian soldiers, russian soldiers are doing now, that is about entrenchment, i.e. how seriously the fortifications are laid, but first of all in the next few months it is necessary to improve the actual situation with human resources, we we know what the mobilization power is in ukraine, we know that now, unfortunately, not so many soldiers are in a hurry to join the army, secondly, ukraine will work very hard to strengthen its defense industry, to produce weapons for myself, but i will...
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ukraine failed to achieve its results, and also ukraine will use many drones and carry out exactly such attacks from drones on russian territories, at one time, mr. general, you predicted that ukraine could eventually on the 23rd year in... leave to crimea, or at least to set foot on crimean land, you have repeatedly said in your interviews that crimea is the key to the failure of the russian military campaign to the failure of putin in ukraine. in your opinion, if crimea, the peninsula turns into the island of crimea, will this allow ukraine to have
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a russian military machine? of course, i believe that crimea is the most important story, and in general , when we talk about the occupation, yes, and we know that, unfortunately, this peninsula is still occupied, and i am sure that the ukrainians know, the general staff knows that never ukraine is not will be safe, as long as the russians keep an eye on... the economy, as long as the russians are in the crimea, they will have black marches to azovstal and the like, it is very important, actually, that all regions, odesa, kherson, mykolaiv, yes, these regions are actually very important , but in order to strengthen the actual defense and reconquest of ukrainian territory, crimea is key here.
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and of course, yes, maybe i was a bit wrong in my predictions when i talked about the year 2023, but again, if ukraine had earlier attacks and ... f-16 and other necessary equipment, then it is clear that it would did it's faster. but unfortunately we, we americans, we did not provide what you asked for. nevertheless, mr. general, i will ask you to make a forecast for the 24th year. we are living in anticipation of a new year, and we still want to understand what can await ukraine, to what extent... in the 24th year it will be able to renew its military-industrial complex, to what extent they can provide themselves with the weapons that will help them, and most importantly, in what way can ukraine change the situation in
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the war with russia? first i want to say. that actually ukraine and the west can try more actually in the information space. yes, ukrainians can knock on people inside russia, trying to explain or convince them about what is really happening. i think many russians understand what is happening, but many of them do not, because it is about hundreds of thousands of russians killed. soldiers, they do not know how much resource is spent, how much of their money is actually spent on this military campaign. again, the west must say that we have a clear policy, and
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ukraine must win the war, this is our policy. i think that this is actually what... the president has to explain to the american people that we have to do this, we have to help the ukrainians win, this is our duty, this is what we have to do, but so far it has not happened, it is very important that the west preserves unity and in the end fulfills what it promised earlier, we must help ukrainian soldiers by increasing their training on our territory, it is very important now actually that ukraine solves this problem with the lack of soldiers, that there is a constant rotation, constant restructuring separate battalions, separate for
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to continue the counteroffensive. mr. general, today the deputy secretary general... mircea joane stated that nato hopes for the expansion of the north atlantic alliance in the coming years, the border will move eastward. according to the deputy secretary general of nato, in the coming years , ukraine, moldova, georgia and the western balkans will become part of the european union, and then nato. and this is a fairly optimistic forecast for the coming years. in your opinion, how much time should pass before ukraine becomes a rooster a member of the north atlantic alliance? of course, in my opinion, ukrainians are already in nato.
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we know that if ukraine were already in nato, we would not even be conducting such a dialogue now, i am not so optimistic now . as for ukraine being invited to nato this summer, i think there are a lot of countries, including the united states, that are choosing to wait, and that's a very big mistake, in my opinion, god forbid i'm wrong, i want to say no have such hopes for this year. are you a supporter, general? that ukraine can legally become a member of the north atlantic alliance even before the end of the war in ukraine with russia? i would say yes, but unfortunately, the probability is very
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small, i hear conversations, because if there is a clear settlement, that is, conditionally speaking, if there is any agreement. that certain territories occupied by russia remain with russia, and the part that remains with ukraine will be taken to nato. i have heard such conversations. on the sidelines and, but if someone thinks that this is possible, then, unfortunately, i want to say that there is very little chance of this. ukraine must completely win, dislodge the occupiers, and only then will it be able to join nato. thank you, mr. general, for speaking to you, this was bent hodges, lieutenant general of the united states army, former commander of the army. from the united states of america in europe. friends, we will continue to work on
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our broadcast and on our youtube and facebook platforms. therefore, please do not forget that we are voting, and we are voting for such an issue, we are conducting a survey. do you trust the current verkhovna rada of ukraine? yes, no, please vote. and with mr we have already said goodbye to hodges. goodbye once again, mr. general, i wish you all the best... so, dear friends, where are we voting in our poll, we are asking you this, do you trust the current verkhovna rada of ukraine, yes, no, please vote on our, on our youtube, and also on our platforms on facebook, and on television, we conduct polls, we ask about it, if you trust the current one. welcome, then vote on the number 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382, all
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calls are free for you, already over 1,000 tv viewers took part in our vote, what do we watch, so 6% yes, 94% no. next, we have the former platoon commander of the aidar battalion, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, yevhen dykiy. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you and thank you for joining. to our broadcast, good evening , glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, so let's start the situation in the east, the spokesman of the defense forces of the tavria direction, oleksandr shtupun, said that the occupiers have launched a massive offensive in the vdiiv and mariyan directions, and they are saying that enough they are actively using aviation, guided air bombs have carried out 15 airstrikes per day, the front lines... haven't moved much in the last few weeks, but fierce battles are going on, which
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is what you think is happening in the east today, mr. yevgeny, they have been busy with avdiivka for so long, and mariyanka, that is, their ultimate goal is to reach the borders of donetsk and luhansk regions, or after all, to focus on these, well, at least two settlements, plus kupyansk, so come on. here i understand what you really meant, but we are with you together with such formulations we can very significantly, let's say, confuse people. let's always remember that when we talk about the ultimate goal, the ultimate goal is the occupation of the entire territory of ukraine. this goal did not change, on the contrary, during this war itself, they finally... convinced themselves that only this goal has real meaning for them, everything else is
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a disaster for them, and therefore any other things are intermediate goals , just as the intermediate goal is avdiivka or maryivinka, the entire donetsk region is also the intermediate goal, therefore, when we say that their ultimate goal is to exit to the borders of donetsk region, no, their ultimate goal is to exit, roughly speaking, to ukrainian. the polish border, so let's see it in this perspective all the time, but if we talk about time perspectives, then for now maryinka and avdiivka are the nearest goal, ideally within this year, well, not ideally , well , at least somehow it is acceptable, it is until the first of march next year, that is, during the winter until that purely ritual action. what is it in they should be depicted by the alleged election of the president of russia, but by the way
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, i would not exaggerate the connection with the presidential election, as i think many western analysts do, but western analysts are still to some extent in the grip of this opinion that in russia, someone elects someone and that putin, in principle, needs someone's votes, and some, in particular, military and political decisions are seen through this prism, well, russia... well , russia has turned this page of history for about two decades, and currently, as their this fake jester piskov, i quote her:
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when you last saw the queue for eggs , the concept of shortages appears, in them, here we are, here in russia they are already there again, when there is someone from the older generation, here is ours with you there is a plus, he still remembers such terminology, how they threw out, gave the name of the product, but now when cheap food is thrown away in russia, there are really exactly such queues as in the years of my soviet childhood, and if... then at the election in the precincts there will be some of the cheap shortages and they will go, well, but it has absolutely no direct effect on the war, so precisely because the result of the so-called elections is predetermined and absolutely guaranteed, well, they will take avdiivka, maryanka and kupyansk to the elections, it will be pleasant for the sovereign, they will not take exactly the same number of votes
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, they will announce, so let's not act on it, let's not think, that they have these two things, actually war and... elections are already too closely connected, but look, mr. yevgeny, they quite actively sell in quotation marks, sell war, fear and everything else, that is, opportunities of the russian army, because another kremlin jester, dmitry medvedev said that the threat of a war between russia and nato is more real than ever, well, there is a whole theory about what it will be like, even worse than the caribbean crisis. and there is no more real threat than there is now. biden says that if we don't give enough weapons to ukraine and don't give money to ukraine, then american soldiers will fight on the european continent, well, that is, this topic, it is quite actively torpedoed and pumped into russian propaganda, not
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only russian, you see , even the president of the united states of america, in this case yes, the same thesis is used for different purposes. to thank biden that he is at least trying to convince the stubborn republicans that after all, we should not be left alone with russia now, although i think that it is biden and, although, you know, biden and his administration, to things, just very cautious, so cautious that in fact we have already paid for this their caution and continue to pay an insanely high price in fact, for their constant fear of escalation, so i do not rule out that when biden now... he says, he really sincerely believes it, but when medvidka says it, he does not believe it, but he actually knows very well that russia is most afraid of a direct military conflict with nato, primarily with the united states, well, they are really not afraid of europe, but they are madly afraid of the states, they know very well what will be left of them in the case of direct confrontation,
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they had such a small experiment somewhere, i don't remember, in the 20th or 21st year . when because of some there or because of some of their there domestic toad, for some reason they angered the wagners in syria then, for some reason they gave the americans information through official channels that ours were not there, but theirs were not there, actually the only direct battle between the russians and the americans in the 21st century lasted about one hour , over 200 russians killed , not one american killed, it's really such a level of technology, it 's really like... exactly the difference between the two armies, american and russian, and the russians know it very well, and what do you think they still don't even try to bomb even though one our ac. and precisely because they received a direct warning, in the case of the use of nuclear weapons or an attack on nuclear reactors, it was equated to them, but in this case, nato will intervene directly, and pay attention, they
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are doing everything they can against us they do, but they don't do it, precisely because they are actually very... afraid of a direct confrontation, but they understand very well what the result will be, but, but you have to give credit to putin, he really knows something, he is a very good player in poker, to do this poker face with a really bad game for himself, this is one of his strongest features in general , which made him who he is now, it was probably taught in the kgb in his youth, he is really brilliant at keeping a poker face and bluffing, and that's all talks about russia... scaring nato with the very war it fears the most is a brilliant bluff, brilliant because, unfortunately, many in the west are ready to do this, many are actually afraid of them... , despite the fact that in fact, we see what they are worth in reality, if they cannot cope with us in two years, they have carried out the largest mobilization
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since the second world war, and so far their maximum achievement is that they restrained our offensive, well, you yourself understand where to restrain, how to restrain the khakhlyat breakthrough and , excuse me, fight against of all nato, well , let's compare these things and everything just becomes clear at once. to places, but unfortunately, there are still a lot of people in the west who, precisely because of inertia, are very afraid of russia, but they are very afraid of a direct conflict, and putin skilfully plays on this. well, that's it prime minister, minister of estonia kaia kalas wrote in her author's article on the page of the german agency rnd that russia is preparing for prolonged hostilities, which is why the european union needs to be ready for... a total struggle, i quote: in its essence , this is a struggle of wills, in this struggle we should not be afraid of our own strength. the last trap of russian disinformation is to
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make us believe that supporting ukraine is a lost cause, that we will be the first to tire, but we can prove the opposite, she said kaya kalas. well, by the way, i don't know if europeans were like estonians, then we would have already won this war. they simply know perfectly well what russia is, what the russian occupation is, they don’t need to explain, the problem is that the further, the further to the west, the harder it is to explain, well, how will you explain, mr. yevgeny, that eastern european states, some eastern european states after all, well, there is slovakia and hungary led by fico and orban, what are they doing now? this is to put sticks in the wheels of ukraine, ukraine wants to join the european union, and it is obvious that there will be such sticks from the countries of eastern europe when we
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go to nato, that is, it is money, only eastern, but if orban was completely alone a year ago, then he is just such an absolutely burnt-out, outspoken agent of putin alone all of europe, currently there are already two of them together with fico, and from the spring there will be three, when... in fact, most likely , villiers will form a government and become prime minister in the netherlands, that is, there will already be three putin agents on the european continent, in this in this case, there are three orbans, not one, there are three of them will really be able to block any decision in nato and the european union, and it will no longer be about us, it will be more about a deep institutional crisis of nato and the european union itself, both of these institutions are based on the principle of consensus, the principle of... consensus, he is absolutely not a worker in crisis situations, but actually not only you and i understand this, there is already a very deep understanding of this in the european union,
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but it is much more difficult to move from this understanding to how to get out of this trap, how to move away from the european union with by consensus to the european union with a qualified majority, when the actual decision on transition must be made by consensus, this is the same... trap - the same paradox as in the un security council. in principle, all organizations based on the principle of consensus, they turned out to be completely ineffective, provided that there is at least one player who simply plays against this organization as such, that's it, this is actually a huge problem of the entire western world, he is too lived in a warm bath for a long time, and he just, it turns out, just not bet institutionally on the fact that among them there could be a russian agent for... the whole country, and now they, accordingly, have encountered such a situation for the first time and do not know what to do about it. mr. yevgeny, the wall street journal says that the main blow that
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ukraine and the ukrainian army can make, according to their forecast, should be sometime in the 25th year, taking into account the fact that the journalists of this publication do not analyze what blows can to be in the 24th year, i'll still ask you what... yeah, i think they 've got us a little confused with our opponents, right in russia, there is a clear plan specifically with reference to the 25th year, and there it is absolutely justified, they understand very well that in the 24th year they have nothing further, kupyansk there or on the edge of the donetsk region, there is simply no light, that's it no marches to kyiv, to kharkiv, to odesa, well, there is no question, but they are hoping , well, i will remind you once again, here we are at the end of... the third year, and it is considered that the war did not go well for us this year well done, and this, by the way, is a salute to our rear and, first of all , to our mobilization, in fact, what we you don't drink coffee in a christmas tree,... it
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's exactly half our allies in terms of arms supplies, half it's us and you, namely our friends, relatives, compatriots, with their attitude to mobilization, yes, but from the fact that we we don't drink coffee with you at the christmas tree now, for some reason the wave has passed that everything has disappeared and everything is bad, so let me remind you once again that at the end of the 23rd year, russia considers the fact that it was able to be a huge achievement to hold back our advance. that is, she simply did not allow us to inflict a complete military defeat on them and throw them out damn it, the second army of the world is proud of this, and for this went on the largest mobilization since the second world war, by the way, i checked neither in afghanistan, nor in chechnya, for any war after the second world war, neither the union nor russia mobilized such a number of people, this is the second mobilization after the world war, and in order to restrain khakhlov, that is, this is actually the schedule in which we are now,
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that is... with them, by and large , we changed roles, if we compare, for example, a year ago, that is in this situation, they really need a break before trump is elected, they have the task of holding out for the 24th year , trump comes in the 25th, or rather, he is elected at the end of the 24th, and from the 25th he cuts off the supply of weapons and bc to us, that’s their whole plan for victory, here he is it is based on this, and that is why it is tied precisely to the 25th year, in our country the picture is exactly the opposite, our main... it is precisely the 24th year, not the 25th, but just as long as they are currently quite weak, because from the fact that we have problems, and not everything has been successful, it does not follow at all that they have chocolate, they have huge problems, and we must not prevent them, these to solve the problems, we must not give them time to accumulate the necessary weapons, revive the military industry, carry out several more waves of mobilization and accumulate manpower as well, but on the contrary, our
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task in the 20th... the fourth is precisely to crush them while they have these weak points, in we will most likely retain at least the level of support that was in the 23rd, but for this we have to fight in a different way, for this we have to approach this war again as we did in the 22nd, and not as we did in the 23rd, but in the 22nd not everyone took a machine gun, but everyone did something at least for the war, we lived it every day, and that is why we had such results that shocked the world, shocked the russians, a little...surprised ourselves, on the 23rd we relaxed, we began to repeat this mantra with faith in the armed forces, as if we had a professional armed forces from somewhere, which we nurtured for years, in which we invested, where people trained for years, and no, but these are the same ones, sorry mobs, these are the same civilians as you and me, only they have already put on the pixel and we said, that's it, that's it, you've now put on the pixel forever, and we believe in the zsu according to your back, well, sometimes we’ll give advice, it’s okay
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, so be it, but since there, i really like it when kyivstar people talk, when there is a busy caller, your caller is talking, and while he’s talking, victory is approaching, but we really believed that while we are talking , victory is approaching, and therefore the results of the year are 50/50, here is the balance with the muscovites, and if on the 24th we again see the world of our war, as we saw it a year ago, then there will be no question about the 25th . thank you, mr. yevgeny, thank you for the conversation, please. see you in other broadcasts, it was eugene dyky, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. friends, during our program, we conducted a survey, asking you about whether you trust the current verkhovna rada of ukraine. we will now look at the results of the telephone survey that we conducted during this program and will continue in the second part of our program. 6% - yes, 94% - no. on youtube, he supports the current verkhovna rada a little more. in 15 minutes we have a continuation
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of the verdict with volodymyr fisen. igor reiterovych and viktor boberenko. do not switch, we are with you all evening today. why did volodymyr zelensky go to argentina? so, has ukraine secured the support of latin american countries? bbc news ukraine broadcasts. jafer umerov is in the studio. warm hugs with javier miley and intense dialogue with the hungarian leader. orban, what president zelensky managed to achieve in argentina and that this visit will change ukraine's relations with the latin american region. in an attempt to prevent the world from forgetting about the war in ukraine and to acquire more allies not only among western countries, but also in latin american countries.


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