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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2023 9:00pm-9:29pm EET

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don't switch, we are with you all evening today. why did volodymyr zelenskyy go to argentina and did ukraine enlist the support of latin american countries. on the air of bbc news ukraine, in the studio of jafer rumerov. warm hugs with javier miley and intense dialogue with the hungarian leader viktor orbán. what to president zelenskyi? managed to achieve in argentina and what will this visit change in ukraine's relations with the latin american region? not only in attempts to prevent the world from forgetting about the war in ukraine and to acquire more allies among western countries, but also in latin american countries, zelensky visited argentina. there he took part in the inauguration of the newly elected president... javier miley. he
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supported ukraine from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, and this is important, because miley is close in views to, for example, donald trump or viktor orban, who advocate dialogue with russia. by the way, zelenskyi had the opportunity to talk with the latter. in general, the countries of latin america are divided into three groups, if we talk about the attitude to russia's war against ukraine. the first group is ancient friends of russia: nicaragua, bolivia, cuba, venice. as well as el salvador. countries refrain from condemning russia's actions at the un. recently, zmi was informed about the presence of almost one and a half hundred cubans in the russian army. and a year before the full-scale invasion, nicaragua opened an honorary consulate in occupied crimea. ukraine introduced sanctions against nicaragua, but, for example, their coffee can still be bought on the territory of ukraine. the second group of countries is the largest latin american economies. region, brazil,
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mexico, colombia and argentina. these countries vote for the territorial integrity of ukraine, but no major steps were taken to support kyiv, and the president of mexico last september called spending billions of dollars by the united states to help ukraine an irrational policy. the president of brazil also said last year that zelensky is as responsible for the war as putin. and the third group of countries - countries that strongly condemn the invasion of russia and support ukraine. these are eight countries: costa rica, uruguay, guatemala, paraguay, panama, the dominican republic, peru and chile. for example, the president of the latter country , gabriel borych, condemned russia's attack from the very beginning and repeatedly demanded a similar position from other countries in the region, and until now actively supported ukraine, the kolstarika condemned russia's war against ukraine, joined the crimean platform and the special ... tribunal
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for crimes of aggression from russia. attempts to find new allies and not to lose old ones are precisely what ukrainian diplomacy is currently engaged in. however, historically, latin america has been very good relations between moscow and a number of countries in the region. in terms of information , ukraine's position in comparison with russia is weak. moscow has its own spanish- and portuguese-speaking media, and the expansion of the ukrainian presence in the region is generally resisted. in ukraine's financial problems, namely the lack of necessary finances. olena zelenska also said in an interview with the bbc about the fear that ukraine may lose, that ukraine may lose vital support. this is further in the issue, and now what is being said about zelenskyi's visit in the magazine itself argentina, my colleagues spoke to the correspondent of bbc mundo, and this is what he had to say. i think it was a surprise, a big surprise.
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the selection of javier millay was a big surprise, and he came with his own surprises. one of these surprises was zelensky's visit. i believe that argentina was really happy to see zelensky, because our country is really far from the rest of the world. we are really in the south and the fact that a war leader who has been really popular in the news for the last year and a half or two years, not for the best reasons, of course, and because of the war, but he is really popular, we can... consider zelensky a global leader, when he visited us, it is really nice for us, for a moment, it made us feel not so far from the world's decision-making centers , it was a bright touch, his reception in argentina, the war between ukraine and russia is felt in latin america as something very far away, which is not our problem, we have many problems of our own, argentina is not europe, europe may feel it differently, but two clearly appear.
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points: first, geopolitically, miley wants to bring argentina back to consensus with washington, so there is a solution based on the washington line, in society i think people who thought that the war ... was somewhere very far from our problems after zelensky visited our city, our capital, our streets, it will be more interesting for us to learn more about ukraine, but we must remember that argentina is going through a deep economic crisis, we have our own big problems and an outsider like miley is the new president, so we have a lot own trouble to worry about another country, but i believe that zelensky can bring a little closer to what is happening in... and more about zelensky's visit and his attempts to find allies with my colleague georgy erman. congratulations, we just heard from our bbc spanish correspondent that the argentines were pleased to see him in
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argentina. but why did volodymyr zelenskyy go to javier miley's inauguration, did it increase support for ukraine? congratulations, this is true, volodymyr zelenskyi could to feel a kind of hand-star in argentina, because local politicians took selfies with him, he communicated with the ukrainian diaspora, which has ancient historical roots, but of course the purpose of the visit was not selfies, but first of all to receive support from latin american countries, it was a sin not to take advantage of this visit to hold talks with latin american leaders who arrived in buenos aires for the inauguration of president javier miley, that is... volodymyr zelenskyi held talks with several latin american presidents and directly promoted if the ukrainian peace formula were to promote the improvement of relations with the countries of the region, and it was also of course a good reason
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to try to find a way out for latin american right-wing politicians, since javier millay belongs to the right wing of latin america. politician, as it was already said, has good relations with donald trump, and these are, in principle, those policies, the support of which ukraine currently lacks in the western hemisphere, besides, it can be said that, first of all, it will be a very difficult week for of ukrainian foreign affairs politicians, since in the usa volodymyr zelenskyi needs to convince the republicans to vote for assistance to ukraine in the euros will be at the end. week's european union summit, where it is not known whether a decision will be made on the start of negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu, on the provision of financial assistance, that is why this visit to argentina, it was such a kind of positive signal for ukrainian
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society, that support for ukraine in the world continues , since later this week there may be really certain, well , disappointments and negative events for... the country, well, after all, there was no visit of the president of ukraine to latin america for 12 years. this is actually a problem. that is, if ukraine set a goal of receiving support from the countries of the so-called global south, then of course there should have been more of these visits over the past 12 years, and there should have been more of these meetings, but only this year we are witnessing the intensification of politics in the latin american direction. the number of visits by latin american journalists is increasing. to ukraine, they finally see the realities of life in ukraine and pass it on to the latin american audience, which is now, alas, which is now subject to, well, basically being processed by the spanish-speaking portuguese-speaking media created by the russian federation, but that's exactly what i wanted to ask, so that now
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russia and ukraine are fighting not only on the front during the war , and for the support of latin american countries, who wins and what does this victory depend on? well, how was it? it is said that there are few financial resources in ukraine in order to develop diplomatic activity, informational activity in this region, unfortunately, there are few, in fact in ukraine it would be possible to find resources if for the high level of corruption in previous decades, and for the embassy and cultural centers, but now ukraine is facing the reality that the budget lacks tens of billions of dollars for the next year to finance social expenses, and therefore there is such danger... the danger that if the spread of informational activity, diplomatic activity of ukraine in latin america would again be at risk next year. unfortunately, even under these conditions, of course, russia has more resources, russia has them historical ties with certain left-wing and right-wing
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politicians in latin america, russia has a high and large network of embassies, cultural centers, honorary consuls in this region, russia finally has information tools that... russian propaganda about the war. for ukraine, the only way out here is cooperation with the countries of the european union, with the closest western neighbors. of ukraine, in order to overcome somehow. this is the dominance of russia in the information space of latin america, these narratives and it is possible to get some, to join some european projects in the information space of latin america. thank you, georgy erman, a bbc correspondent, was in touch with us. and the first lady of ukraine. in an interview with the bbc, olena zelenska warned that if western countries do not continue financial support, ukrainians will be in mortal danger. such a warning sounded in an interview with the bbc shortly after
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republican senators in the us blocked a key bill on aid to ukraine. below is a fragment of the conversation. circumstances are putting pressure on ukrainians, but at the same time there is also pressure from outside border when we talked with you last time, we talked about the huge support of ukraine from the western allies. but now we see that the mood has changed. the american congress is delaying providing such important financial assistance, if this money does not come, what do you think will happen, well, this is a very difficult situation for us, and we really, really need help, well, in simple terms, a- ah, we cannot get tired of this situation because otherwise we will perish. and if the world gets tired, they'll just
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let us die, and that's it is happening, it is a threat that aid will be slowed down, it is dangerous for us, deadly dangerous, and therefore it cannot help but scare us and cannot support us, we need support, even moral support, very much now. the fact is that the shells that our military needs, they count them, thank god, and the air attack on kyiv was repulsed today. due to the fact that our anti-aircraft defenses have enough missiles to shoot down what is flying,
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when they run out, what will happen, well, that is, we count the losses every day, if it runs out help, but it will be possible not to count. what would you say to american politicians who are currently debating whether more money should be given to ukraine and... tell our viewers who think that the war has been going on for so long and it doesn't look like ukraine can win, maybe we need to look for other ways, which ones would work? it seems to me that we have a big problem in the world in general, we are used to the fact that the world is supposedly calm. in fact, this is what we have been saying for two years running, that aggression that is not stopped spreads like a virus, she starts traction reaction, which then does not stop, and in the world, unfortunately, there are a lot of
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destructive forces that are waiting for when it is possible to act, and when they see that the reaction of large organizations that are supposed to stand for the protection of peace is sluggish, and that these organizations only express concern that if the aggressor... is not stopped in time, this chain reaction will continue. subscribe to our social media pages so you don't miss the most important news, interviews and analytics on facebook, instagram, tiktok and youtube, where, by the way, you can leave a comment under this issue and share your thoughts. and that's all for today, on the air tomorrow at 9 o'clock, take care.
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greetings, friends, the live broadcast of the espresso tv channel continues with the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, today we are talking about domestic politics, foreign policy, and what awaits ukraine in the coming days. the period of half-life, the situation in the verkhovna rada, why the people's deputies want to draw up their mandates. satisfied in the west, how russia is spreading the next wave of ipso and how to do it counteract? mobilization and demobilization in a new way, as the ukrainian authorities seek to attract more people to the army. friends, during today's entire broadcast, the big evening one, we are conducting a survey,
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we are asking you about this, do you trust the current verkhovna rada of ukraine? yes, no, please vote! on your smartphones, if you see us now on the tv screen and in front of the tv, sit, 0800-211-381, if you trust, no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, if you vote on youtube, that's all quite simply, or take your pick yes or no, or write your comment under this video, if you have your own opinion, political experts are guests of the verdict today. i congratulate you, i congratulate you, viktor boberenko, mr. viktor, congratulations, good health, and igor reiterovych, mr. igor, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast, congratulations, gentlemen, let's start with a rather strange statement, which came out today from the mouth of the leader of the servant of the people faction david
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arahamiya, that a large number of people's deputies want to write mandates, but they are not released, as he said. said david arahamia, they have to wait. in reality , the number of people who want to leave the parliament, said david arahamiya, is much larger. we are no longer letting people go, we are saying that we simply will not vote for it, because people have to sit until the end, well, that means in the current term of the verkhovna rada, and pass laws necessary for the state. well , according to data as of december 11 , 2023, the number the composition of the verkhovna rada is now 400 people's deputies, that's what, what does this mean, is it a crisis of monopolies, or is it a crisis of the verkhovna rada as one of the institutions of the current government, so what, what, what is it in general , when the leader of the monomajority in the verkhovna rada says, yes, they are already fleeing, we are closing the door there so that they do not run away, mr.
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volodymyr, we will start with you, i think that it is not a monomajority here. in the fact that the weight of the status of the people's deputy of ukraine has fallen significantly. several reasons worked at once, in particular in the conditions of war, as well as, for example, a reason that is less talked about in society, but which is very sensitive for deputies, is financial monitoring, strengthening control over electronic declarations , by the way, this applies to former deputies as well, but when you have the status of a deputy... the control is even greater, and now, well, let's put it this way, there are additional problems and restrictions in wartime conditions, for example, restrictions on traveling abroad, er, for me, for example, i can leave without worry due to my age, but i don't
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travel often, because it's even difficult, so they ask if you have a position or not.. .. are you deputies and so on, and for deputies, for some it is a problem, and especially in this one increased control, they want for themselves more freedom and less obligations, less responsibility, previously the status of a deputy gave a lot of political influence, now, perhaps, the influence of the current members of the verkhovna rada is the smallest in the entire time of ukrainian parliamentarism, and here is such a combination of problems, demands and restrictions on the one hand, and on the other hand the reduction of their real influence, their real power status, this is what causes, let's say, such an escape from the verkhovna rada, by the way, not so many deputies are fleeing from the servants of the people, there are more of them are excluded, by the way, they are also deprived, if so forcibly or even voluntarily,
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they deprived deputies from opzh, now majority members are fleeing, and here there is a risk definitely connected with the fact that, well, in principle, if there is at least 301-302 deputies, more than 300 deputies, the verkhovna rada will be empowered , but everything is equal, here we must not give up in the verkhovna rada, we must work, that is the problem, we must work, and work responsibly, most of the current deputies understand that they have no political future, and therefore it is better for them to get rid of it now of this deputy status, than staying further in the verkhovna rada, has little effect. and having a lot of problems. thank you, mr. volodymyr. mr. viktor, oleksandr kornienko , the vice-speaker of the ukrainian parliament, about a month ago, slandered the fact that... we are testing a presidential republic, although, well, de facto, it is already presidential in conditions of monopolies and in conditions of war, military time how do you now
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feel about these various statements of arahamia, about the fact that people's deputies should be kept, well , if the people's deputies no longer want to to work, they realized that they made a mistake, that they went there to that verkhovna rada. ukraine, what to do? it is clear that mr. volodymyr is saying that 301 deputies, well, so that the constitutional majority is correct in the verkhovna rada, no, this is a norm of the constitution, i apologize, the powers of the verkhovna rada, it is authorized when there are at least 300 deputies, yes, yes, well that in order for the verkhovna rada to be able to function, including making changes to the basic law, that's right, that's right, mr. viktor, what do you say about the statement arakhamia, regarding what is happening and... what role does the verkhovna rada currently play in society? well, i would say that our republic is not a presidential republic, they test, but
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an office-presidential one, firstly, secondly, well , i wouldn't say that the deputies there want to run away, because it's hard work, well, it's how to behave , if you work, then you can work and thrive at this job, but you can feel... feel very, if only easy, even if, well, now, of course, not like it used to be, when it was possible, as akhmetov was a deputy , that he is not, he is on i didn't go to the meetings of the council, it's not that i didn't go to the committees, i didn't go to the committees even there in the penultimate term, yes, parobiy had a problem all the time, they would drive the deputies there so that they, if they went to the hall, not so much to the committees, but again... what kind of non-prestigious work there is, well, let's say this, during the big construction, there were chubby envelopes, and let's say that you can't
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say that the deputies made a mistake when they came there, who followed what, if someone went for to raise not just one's social status, but the status of the people deputy is quite high, although i am with mr. volodymyro. i agree with my colleague that there is no such influence, and the status is there, there is no influence , but let’s say this, those who wanted to become richer became, er, and this is evident from the many majoritarians who slipped by anonymously, under the ee, well, in fact, under the zelenskyi brand on took place in majority districts, those who were there yesterday were nannies in dozens of photographers. then believe me, no babysitter and no photographer earns as much as they did, that is, they are doing well, and that's why i think it's
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a little bit from the evil one, the servants of the people don't want to run away, they just want to sit down, no one wants to work, but they want to sit down, they want to receive a ration, and also, i wouldn't believe the words of arahamia at all, because. .. what arahamia says can very often be a provocation, or very often can be topics that are tested by the same office of the president in general, that's why i will say that no one and yes, i agree with you again and again i agree that maybe those who are from the neighborhood, who are already fed up, who want to run away understood that it would not pass, who understood... that there are no influences, there is business, and perhaps the business is already being transferred to europe, and if it has been there for 60 years, for example, then you can already
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go to europe yourself, and they will forget there about this country, moving to another country, yes, it is possible, but there are also not many such deputies, believe me, and from opzh and non-factional members and all that, if only in order to still have the status of a people's deputy after all... more more yes, yes, in the days when we have a presidential republic office, it is not a coat, but not less, that is, i would not believe marahan's words. thank you, mr. viktor, mr. igor, in the current conditions, it is clear that when a people 's deputy does not want to work and the majority member is empowered, then it is impossible to hold re-elections in the districts, because elections during martial law are not... held, and it is clear that here the question is that there are only those who pass by the party lists, they quite simply change, because it is the turn
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of the leaders. another people's deputy of ukraine fits such a list, or in this case rahamiya is not trying to say that well listen, let 's decide somehow already in the 24th year, let's recruit a new, new verkhovna rada, although everyone has already signed the memorandum, everyone has already said that there will be no elections until the end of the war, and then another six months after our victory, according to you , for which it is a representative of the monomajority. to tell one of the leaders of the ukrainian state that the verkhovna rada is just a shoe-in. look, i think he's actually pursuing a couple of goals here, one is to state a really problematic situation that 's unfolding, and you know, i'm partial here, i'm not i will say that they have great strategies there, but they know how to look at the perspective, and in this way simply protest, including the reaction of society, see what it will be on...
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the possibility that a significant part of the deputies will start handing in their mandates, because right away look , there is one nuance, if they do it publicly , well, it is difficult for me to imagine how the verkhovna rada will look for reasons not to vote for the deprivation of their mandates, simply a more paradoxical situation may occur, which will have a very strong impact on ukrainian parliamentarism in general and will clearly be to look bad against the background of the war with russia and there, for example, the support that we want to receive from our partners, so arahami throws a duck somewhere for the future, well, so that... just in case, they understand that there may be such a situation that will require unpopular actions that will go against the memorandum , listen, the memorandum is great, but let's be honest, if tomorrow the bankers decide that elections are necessary, elections will be held, and it will be possible to do it, because, well, for example, with regard to the presidential elections there is no even restrictions in the constitution, regarding the elections to the verkhovna rada, well, today these restrictions are there, and tomorrow the lawyers will say that there are no such restrictions, by the way, stefanchuk
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talked about it, so there is a certain kind of... calculation, i don't think so , that these are just some of his emotions, that is, he tried to look at the situation from different angles, and by the way, maybe how to make a certain tension to those who want to jump off, that everything will not be fine with you, yes, because society is against it will react, to put it mildly, not very well, i, for example, have freedom, a citizen of ukraine, i i don't react very positively to such things, because listen, it reminds, excuse me for the analogy of curtains escaping from a ship, to the fact that ukraine is not a sinking ship, but just people... tired of the great responsibility that on they fell, and now they want to follow such a simple path , which means to draw up this mandate, no, if you have already come here, then work, do everything for which these powers were delegated to you, and then at the next election you will make decisions for yourself , you know i wanted to to add, they resemble rats that are locked in a cabin, in a ship, they say don't come out and just press the buttons there and
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don't do anything else, you know, something like that, but during our broadcast we ask our viewers what they think , do they trust the current verkhovna rada of ukraine, you see how rahamia pushes us to such a poll, and we ask, now we will look at the interim conclusions of our tv viewers, because there are already many viewers, more than 200 voted in our poll, so what do 6% say trusts, 94% do not, well, actually there is nothing here, probably strange. because the level of trust in the verkhovna rada has always been, let's say, not too high in society, or am i wrong, mr. volodymyr, no, no, that's right, on the contrary, we very rarely had situations when at least a relatively majority of ukrainians trusted the verkhovna rada radi, i remember, it was like this after the orange revolution...


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