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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2023 1:00pm-1:30pm EET

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or because, unfortunately, many people in the west are ready to do this, many people are really afraid of them, despite the fact that, in fact, we see what they are worth in reality, so if they can't be with us in two years to cope, they carried out the largest mobilization since the second world war, and so far their maximum achievement is that they restrained our offensive, well, you yourself understand where to restrain, how to restrain the kakhlyat breakthrough, and excuse me... to fight against all of nato, well let's compare these things, and just everything at once is falling into place, but unfortunately, there are still a lot of people in the west who are very afraid of russia precisely because of inertia, but they are very afraid of a direct conflict, and putin skilfully plays on this. well, the prime minister, the minister of estonia, kaya kallas, in her author's article on the page of the german rnd agency, wrote about the fact that... is preparing for long-term
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hostilities, which is why the european union needs to be ready for a long-term struggle. to quote: in its essence, this is a struggle of wills. in this struggle, we must not be afraid of our own strength. the last trap of russian disinformation is to make us believe that supporting ukraine is a lost cause, that we will be the first to tire, but we can prove the opposite, said kaya kalas. well, by the way, i don't know if the europeans saw it. as estonians, we have already won the war, as estonians, as lithuanians, as latvians, yes, yes, well simply, they know perfectly well what russia is, what russian occupation is, they don’t need to be explained, the problem is that , that the further to the west, the more difficult it is to explain, well, how do you explain, mr. yevgeny, the fact that eastern european states, some eastern european states after all, slovakia and hungary. led by fitso and
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orban, that they are now doing this in order to put sticks in the wheels of ukraine, ukraine wants to join the european union, and it is obvious that such sticks will come from the countries of eastern europe when we go to nato, that is, it is money, only eastern, but if orban was completely alone a year ago, then he is just such an absolutely burnt-out outspoken agent of putin alone on... all of europe, currently there are already two of them together with fico, and from the spring there will be three, when villiers will most likely form a government and become prime minister in the netherlands, that is , there will already be three putin agents on the european continent, in this case three orban not one, in three they will really be able to block any decision in nato and the european union, and it will no longer be about us, it will be more about a deep institutional crisis of nato and the european union itself.
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both of these institutions are based on the principle of consensus, the principle of consensus, it is absolute not a worker in crisis situations, that is actually not only you and i understand, the european union already has a very deep understanding of this, but it is much more difficult to move from this understanding to how to actually get out of this trap, how to transition from the european union with consensus to the european union with a qualified majority, then... when the actual decision on transition must be made by consensus, this is the same trap, the same paradox as in the un security council. in principle, all organizations based on the consensus principle, they turned out absolutely incapacitated, provided that there is at least one player who simply plays against this organization as such, that's how it is, this is actually a huge problem of the entire western world, he has lived in a warm bath for too long and he just, they turn out to be just.. .. did not
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institutionally bet on the fact that there could be a russian agent among them at the level of the entire country, and now they, accordingly, have encountered such a situation for the first time and do not know what to do about it. mr. yevgeny, the wall street journal says that the main blow that ukraine and the ukrainian army can make should be, according to their forecast, somewhere in the 25th year, taking into account the fact that the journalists of this publication do not fail to analyze. what blows can be in the 24th year, i will still ask you what - that they confused us a little with our opponents, but just in russia there is a clear plan precisely with a reference to the 25th year, and there it is absolutely justified, they understand very well that in the 24th year there is simply no way for them to go beyond kupyansk or to the edge of the donetsk region, but there are no trips to kyiv, kharkiv, odesa, well, there is no question. here
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ah, uh, but they hope, well , i will remind you once again, here we are at the end of the 23rd year, and it is considered that the war did not go very well for us this year, and this, by the way, is a salute to our rear and in the first... priority of our mobilization , in fact, the fact that you and i don't drink coffee in a christmas tree is exactly half, our allies with arms supplies, half is us and you, namely our friends, relatives, compatriots, with their attitude to mobilization, yes, but from the fact that you and i are not drinking coffee in a christmas tree now, for some reason a wave has gone, that in general everything is gone and everything is bad, so let me remind you once again that at the end of the 23rd year, russia considers... its huge achievement that it was able to restrain our offensive, that is, it simply did not let us inflict a complete military defeat on them and throw them out for bribing them, the second army of the world is proud of this and for this went on the largest mobilization since the second world war, by the way, i checked neither in afghanistan nor
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in chechnya for any war after the second world war, neither the union nor russia mobilized such a number of people, this is the second mobilization after of the world war, and in order to... restrain the khachlovs, that is, this is actually the schedule in which we are now, that is, they and i have by and large changed roles, if we compare, for example, a year ago, and in this situation, they really need a pause before the election of trump, their task is to hold out for the 24th year, trump comes in the 25th, or rather he is elected at the end of the 24th, and from the 25th he cuts off the supply of weapons and bc to us, their entire victory plan is based on this. and that is why it is tied precisely to the 25th year, in our country the picture is exactly the opposite, our main chance is the 24th year, not the 25th, but they are weak enough at the moment , because the fact that we have problems and far from being successful does not at all imply that they have chocolate, they have huge problems, and
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we must not let them solve these problems, we must not give them time to accumulate the necessary weapons, revive the military industry, spend a few more minutes. mobilization and to accumulate manpower as well, but on the contrary, our task in the 24th is precisely to crush them, while they have these weak points, we will most likely preserve them at least the level of support that was in the 23rd, but for this we have to fight differently, for this we have to approach this war again as we did in the 22nd, and not as we did in the 23rd well, in the 22nd , not everyone picked up a machine gun, but everyone did something, that's why we lived for the war. with this every day, and that is why we had such results that amazed the world, amazed the russians, and surprised ourselves a little. in the 23rd, we relaxed, we began to repeat this mantra "faith in the armed forces, as if we had a professional the armed forces, which we nurtured for years, in which we invested, where people trained for years, and not, but
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these are the same, sorry, mobs, they are the same civilians as you and i, only they have already put on a pixel, and we said: " that's all, that's all, now you've put on pixel forever, and we believe in..." behind your back, well, sometimes we'll donate, it's okay, so be it, oh, and so, as there, as, i really love it when kyivstar me they say, when there is a busy caller, your caller is talking, and while he is talking, victory is near, but we really believed that while we are talking, victory is approaching, and that's why the results of the year are 50/50, here is the balance with the muscovites, and if on the 24th we see the light of our war again, as we saw it a year ago, that is... and don't dwell on the issue of the 25th. thank you, mr. yevgeny, thank you for the conversation, stay healthy, see you in other broadcasts. it was yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. friends, during our program we conducted a survey and asked you about whether you trust the current verkhovna rada of ukraine. now we will look at the results of the telephone survey,
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which we conducted during this program and will continue in the second part of our program 6% yes, 94% no. i will support a little more on youtube. the current verkhovna rada. attention, an incredible novelty from razpak tv. alaska stayle boots are super warm and very comfortable. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska stayle boots have a universal design and practical black color. therefore, they will fit both men and women. sizes - from 36 to 46. therefore, take two pairs at once. to yourself and yours. men's side zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg. the insulation perfectly retains heat and wicks away moisture, and the top is made of waterproof and wear-resistant raincoat fabric and reinforced with eco-suede. alaska stayle boots can be worn both in wet weather and in very
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light and warm alaska style boots will provide comfort in changeable damp autumn, and in frosty winter, and in unpredictable spring, you will always be warm, comfortable and dry, universal design, basic black color and a favorable price, only from uah 799. call! vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what the world lives two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. big broadcast of vasyl zima, project. smart and caring in the evening for espresso. verdict with
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serhii rudenko is now in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, stay every day. from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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greetings, friends, the live broadcast of the espresso tv channel continues with the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, today we are talking about domestic politics, about foreign policy, about what awaits ukraine in the coming days, today in the program. the period of half-life, the situation in the verkhovna rada. why do people's deputies
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want to draw up their mandates? zelenskyi is not satisfied with the way in which russia spreads the next wave of ipso and how to counter it? mobilization and demobilization in a new way. how the ukrainian authorities seek to attract more people to the army. friends, during today's entire broadcast, the big evening one, we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about whether you trust the current verkhovna rada of ukraine, yes, no, please vote on your smartphones if you see us now on the tv screen and in front of the tv , sit 0800-211-381, if you trust no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, if you vote on youtube, there everything is quite simple. you choose yes or no, or write your comment below this video if you have your own opinion.
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today, political experts are visiting the verdict, volodymyr fisenko, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, viktor boberenko, mr. viktor, i congratulate you, good health to everyone and igor reiterovych, mr. igor, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our ether congratulations! let 's start, gentlemen, with a rather strange statement that came out today... from the mouth of the leader of the servant of the people faction, david arahamiya, that a large number of people's deputies want to draft mandates, but they are not released, as david said. hamia, they have to wait. in reality , the number of people who want to leave the parliament is much higher, said david rahamia. we are no longer letting people go, we are saying that we simply will not vote for it, because people have to sit until the end of the current term of the verkhovna rada, and pass laws necessary for the state. well , according to the data available as of december 11
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, 2023, the quantitative composition of the verkhovna rada. now 400 people's deputies, what does this mean , is it a crisis of monopoly power, or is it a crisis of the verkhovna rada, as one of the institutions of the current government, what, what, what does it mean when the leader of the monomajority in the verkhovna rada says, yes, they already are running away, we are closing the door there so that they do not run away, mr. volodymyr , we will start with you, i think that the issue here is not a monomajority, it is that... we fell, the weight of the status of a people's deputy of ukraine fell, several reasons worked at once , in particular in the conditions of war, as well as, for example, the reason which is less talked about in society, but which is very sensitive for deputies, is financial monitoring, increased control over
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electronic declarations, by the way, this also applies to former deputies, but when you have the status of a deputy... the control is even greater, and now , well, let's put it this way, there are additional problems and you and restrictions in war conditions, well, for example, restrictions on traveling abroad, i, for example, well, due to my age, i can already leave safely, but i don't travel often, because this even difficult, so they ask whether you have a position or not deputies? and so on, and for deputies , for some it is a problem, and especially this increased control, they want for themselves more freedom and less obligations, less responsibility, previously the status of a deputy gave a lot of political influence, now, perhaps, the influence of the current deputies of the verkhovna rada the council is the smallest for the entire
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time of ukrainian parliamentarism, and here is such a combination of problems, requirements and restrictions, on the one hand, and on the other... a decrease in their real influence, their real power status, that is what causes, let's say it like this, such an escape from the verkhovna rada, by the way , it is not so much the deputies from the servants of the people who are fleeing, there they are more excluded, but by the way, they are also deprived, if so forcibly or even voluntarily, they deprived the deputies of the opzh, now the majority members are fleeing, and there is definitely a risk here is connected with the fact that, well... in principle, if there are at least 301-302 deputies, more than 300 deputies, the verkhovna rada will be empowered, but it's all the same, here it is necessary not to give up in the verkhovna rada, we need to work, here what is the problem, you have to work and work responsibly, and the majority current deputies understand that they have no political future, and therefore it is better for them to get rid of this deputy status now,
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than to remain in the verkhovna rada, influencing little, and having... problems. thank you, mr. volodymyr. mr. viktor, oleksandr kornienko, the vice-speaker of the ukrainian parliament, said about a month ago that we are testing the presidential republic, although, well, de facto, it is already presidential in conditions of monopolies and in conditions of war, wartime. how do you now feel about these various statements of arahamia that that it is necessary... to keep people's deputies, well, if the people's deputies no longer want to work, and they realized that they made a mistake, that they went there to that verkhovna rada of ukraine, that's what to do , it's clear that mr. volodymyr says that 301 deputies, well, in order for the constitution to have a majority in the verkhovna rada, no, this is a rule of the constitution, i apologize, the powers of the verkhovna rada are
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full when there are at least 300 deputies, so that the verkhovna rada can. what do you say about arahaimia's statement, about what is happening and what is the role of the verkhovna rada now plays a role in society? well, i would say that our republic is not presidential, they test, but office-presidential, firstly, secondly, well, i would not say that there is a deputy. they want to run away, because it's hard work, well , it's how to behave, if you work, you can work and thrive at this job, but you can feel ... it was possible that akhmetov was
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a deputy, that he did not go to council meetings, not that he went to committees, the committees did not go there in the penultimate term, and parobiy always had a problem with getting the deputies there so that they would go to the hall, if they did go to the committees, not so much, but again , that is such a non-prestigious job, well, let's say that, in the times of big construction were chubby envelopes, and let's say that it is impossible to say that the deputies made a mistake when they came there, who followed what, if someone went in order not just to raise his social status, but rather the status of a people's deputy tall, eh, although i am with mr volodymyr, with a colleague... uh, let's say, who wanted to become richer, became, and this can be seen from the many majoritarians who slipped through the no-names, under er, well, actually under the
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zelenskyi brand, they walked in the majority districts, those who were still there yesterday as babysitters, photographers, believe me, no babysitter and photographer earn as much as they did. that is, everything is going well with them, and that is why i think that it is a little bit from the evil one, the servants of the people do not want to run away, they just want to sit there, nobody wants to work, but sit there they want, they want to receive rations, and also, i would not believe the words of the arahamia at all, because what the arahamia says can very often be a provocation, or very often... can be what the same person is testing the president's office in general,
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and that's why i will say that no one, yes, yes, i agree, once again i agree with you, that maybe those who are from the block, who are already fed up, who understood that it will not pass, who want to flee understands that there are no influences, but there is business, and perhaps business is already being transferred to europe, and if... if there are 60 years there, for example, then you can already go to europe yourself, and they will forget about this country there, move to another, then it is possible, yes, but there are also not many such deputies, believe me from opzzh and non-factional and all that, if only in order to still have the status of a people's deputy, but yes, in the days when we have the office of the presidential republic, it is... not the coat, but nevertheless, that is , i would not believe orahan's words. thank you, mr. viktor, mr. igor, in
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the current conditions it is clear that when the people if the deputy does not want to work and the majoritarian makes up the mandate , then it is impossible to hold re-elections in the districts, because elections are not held during martial law, and it is clear that the issue here is that there are only those who... pass according to party lists , they change quite simply, because the turn of this big list goes to another people's deputy of ukraine, or in this case rahamiya is not trying to say that, well, listen, let's decide somehow already in the 24th year , let's recruit a new, new verkhovna rada, although all the memorandum has already been signed, everyone has already said that there will be no elections until the end of the war, and then another six months after ours... can , in your opinion, what is the purpose of this to the representative of the monomajority, one of the leaders of the ukrainian state, to say that, well just
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a slipper-slipper in the verkhovna rada. look, i think that he actually pursued several goals here, one is the statement of a really problematic situation that is developing, i know, i partly agree with both mr. volodymyr and mr. victor, a really significant part of the deputies, she does not is going to run away. they will sit as long as they can, and the longer the better, because they will never get to the verkhovna rada again in their lives, but there is a certain number of those who, in principle, do not see for themselves now an incentive to work, no motivation of any kind, and they are actually very afraid of the responsibility that may fall on them, well, it has already partially fallen somewhere, and it may fall in the future, well , for example, some not very popular decisions that will not be perceived that way by citizens, because it is possible that this verkhovna rada will have to vote for something related to... with peace, for example, as an option, or some other things, which, to put it mildly, will not divide society the way a people's deputy would like, and that's why somewhere they are greasing their skis
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in order to simply... jump off the verkhovna rada. on the other hand, i think rahamia should really be understood by such statements that there, well, guys from the fashionable majority and girls, they are the ones who make decisions, they, i won't say that they have a big strategy, but they know how to look at perspective and in this way simply protest, including the reaction of society, to see what it will be on the possibility that a significant part of the deputies will start handing in their mandates, because look here, there is one nuance, if they do it... publicly, well it is difficult for me to imagine how the verkhovna rada will look for reasons not to vote for the deprivation of their mandates, simply a more paradoxical situation may occur, which will hit ukrainian parliamentarism very hard in general and will clearly look bad against the background of the war with russia and there, for example that support that we want to receive from our partners, therefore arahami is throwing a duck somewhere for the future, well, so that citizens understand just in case that there may be such a situation that
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will require unpopular actions that... will go against the memorandum, listen, the memorandum is great, but let's be honest, if tomorrow the banks decide that elections are necessary, they will hold elections, and it will be possible to do it, since, for example, there are no restrictions in the constitution regarding elections to the supreme council, well, today there are these restrictions, and tomorrow the lawyers will say that there are no such restrictions, by the way, stefanchuk talked about this, so there is a certain kind of calculation here, i don’t think that these are just some of his emotions, that is, he was trying to look at the situation here from different sides. and by the way, maybe how to make a certain tension to those who want to jump off, that everything will not be fine with you, yes, because society will react to it, to put it mildly, not very well, i, for example, am a citizen of freedom of ukraine, i don't react very positively to such things, because listen, it reminds me of excuse me for the analogy of the curtains escaping from the ship there, to the fact that ukraine is not sinking the ship, but simply people are tired of the great responsibility that has fallen on them, and now they want to follow such
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a simple path, which means to submit this mandate , no, if you have already come here, then work, do everything for which these powers have been delegated to you, and then at the next election you will decide for yourself whether to go or not, you know, i wanted to add, they resemble rats, who were locked up in a cabin, in ships, they say don't go out and just press the buttons there and don't do anything else, you know, well, something like that, but during our broadcast we ask our viewers what they think, whether they trust... the current verkhovna rada of ukraine, you see how rahamia pushes us to such a poll, and we ask, now let's look at the intermediate conclusions of our tv viewers, because there are already many viewers, more than 200 voted in our poll, so what they say 6% trust, 94% no, well, actually there is nothing here perhaps strange, because the level of trust in verkhovna rada has always been, let's say, not
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too high in society. am i wrong, mr. volodymyr, no, no , that's right, on the contrary, we very rarely had situations when at least a relative majority of ukrainians trusted the verkhovna rada, i remember, there was such a situation after the orange revolution, and in the first the months of the war, that is the current full-scale war, by the way , just two words about arahami, mr. david very often, like akin in the anecdote, who sees, then speaks, does not look for... he has double triple meanings, by the way, because of this, he had unpleasant conversations with zelenskyi and yarmak, so this is the specifics of mr. rahami. mr. viktor, there is such a lack of trust in the verkhovna rada, because even our telephone survey shows that very few people trust the verkhovna rada of ukraine, or is this a reason to say that the wrong people are sitting in the verkhovna rada, that
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some are needed.. re-elections to think about it, or not to think about it at all, well, during the war, that’s for sure, and the only thing that it shows is that the verkhovna rada in the conditions parliamentary-presidential republic, although you call it an office-presidential republic, well, in principle, this model does not work, because the institution, the verkhovna rada, parliamentarism, well, it simply does not work, and in the current conditions, we simply do not see it. live broadcasts of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, journalists do not go there, they are not allowed, because, well, it is a regime object, and therefore they do not allow what, what can be said about the parliament, as about this institution, which was supposed to be the first in the parliamentary-presidential republic, no people trust not because...


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