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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2023 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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in wartime. oleksandr morchuvka is already with me. oleksandr, please speak to you. good evening. good evening viewers. thank you vasyl for the word. in the next few minutes, we will learn about money from the international currency fund, how much they promise to give to ukraine in the near future, about this and not only in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. the situation with mobile operators is really important today. personal data of kyivstar subscribers has not been compromised due to a hacker attack. this is stated in the company's official statement, where they apologized for the temporary inconvenience and even promised compensation to customers who are not in touch today. kyivstar reported that hackers attacked the servers in the morning, because of this the users mobile communication and...
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the internet temporarily disappeared, all services and specialists are working to solve the problem. let's listen to the direct speech of the company's top manager. the war with russia has many dimensions, and one of them is in cyberspace. we are working to eliminate the consequences of this attack in order to restore communication as soon as possible. in order to find out the circumstances and consequences of illegal actions, interference in the activities of the network, we involved representatives of law enforcement agencies and special government services. kyivstar is a must. who will provide compensation to subscribers, who did not have a connection or could not use the operator's services. we apologize to subscribers for the temporary inconvenience and thank you for your understanding and support. indeed , monobank was also hacked today, there were also failures during online payments, when withdrawing cash from clients of the private bank, of course, vasyl, today your cyber security expert said in the studio that the problem is that there are many, well. .. clients of the private bank
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are established precisely on kyivstar, that is why switching like this quickly solves the withdrawal problem cash or by payment in a supermarket , well, it’s not exactly in hours, just like people who have now bought starter packages of other operators , it also turns out not so quickly, it will be possible now, when there is a large load, to register a number and start working with it, so these are not a fact , that these or these companies will not also become hostages of the situation in which kyivstar found itself, but when... they will restore the service to consumers now they are not telling, the dates are different and from a day, from several days, even a week. let's not predict, we believe in the best. and here is the council directors of the international monetary fund approved the second revision of the extended lending program for our country. now ukraine will be able to receive the third tranche in the amount of 900 million dollars. this was reported by imf deputy executive director vladyslav rashkovan. let me remind you that this is another share.
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koziky from the total of more than 15 billion in the current program, just yesterday the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi met with the managing director of the international monetary fund kristalina georgieva, a really constructive dialogue took place, the money will be, but there are still several structural beacons , vasyl, well, ukraine has fulfilled one of the previous beacons, which is the restoration of business inspections, they have returned and... indeed , the fiscal authorities will now monitor how ukrainian entrepreneurs pay taxes more carefully, although under wartime indeed - it was planned that this moratorium would last, well, but a number of requirements, in particular, they will concern small and medium-sized enterprises, state companies, how they work, audit services, well, we will monitor these requirements and monitor when these 900 million will go to the state.
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treasury, as well as the international monetary fund , improved expectations for the growth of the ukrainian economy, according to the results of this year, gdp growth will be 4.5%. despite... well, macroeconomic indicators turned out to be stronger than expected, imf analysts say, this contributed to precisely this forecast in the direction of growth, but the imf adds prospects, remain prone to risks, well , of course, they are related to the uncertainty caused by the war , potential policy mistakes as well, and an important reason why that the economy may still oscillate in the downward direction is a delay. international funding, in particular from external funding from the united states and the european union. the european commission welcomed the unblocking of the jagodyn dorogusk checkpoint on the polish-ukrainian border and at the same time called on poland to open
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the rest of the checkpoints. they emphasized that it is vital to take the necessary measures to ensure the movement of goods across the external borders of the european union. also. traffic restrictions continue, unfortunately, on the border with slovakia, there there are almost 600 ukrainian trucks in the queue, but i think that this problem should also be solved in the next few days. well, if we talk about exports, it is interesting that the economic effect of the operation of the ports of chornomorsky, odesa and pivdenny can amount to up to 8% additional growth of the gross domestic product. such forecasts for the next year were voiced by the deputy prime minister from one oleksandr kubrakov, since september, almost 9 million tons have been transported through the temporary corridor in the black sea, the security of which is ensured by the navy of the armed forces of ukraine of cargoes, almost 70% are, of course, agricultural products, and the dynamics are very positive,
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says oleksandr kubrakov. the cabinet of ministers announced the amount of taxes that will be spent on defense next year. the authorities will direct to the war all the fines that... will come to the state budget from the population and businesses, it is expected that it will be approximately uah 15. it is also planned to attract funds from the placement of military bonds, dividends from state-owned companies, profits from the national bank, as well as money from privatization to the defense sector. and interesting information that great britain creates a trade sanctions administration. the agency will strengthen control over'. restrictions, which were introduced, in particular after russia's attack on ukraine, reported in the british government. well, vasyl, it is interesting that the use of compliance with restrictions is important, because recently i told that russia receives, in fact, income
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from energy resources, and precisely because of the fact that the control is weakened, it is not monitored as much, there are not such punishments for, well , for the fact that, for example, companies... truckers, tanker companies do not comply with the sanctions, i think, here it is necessary to monitor and brutally , well, punish this business after all, russia should pay money, there are enough of those who can bypass the sanctions or think that they have not been noticed, plus we know perfectly well that third-party companies transport certain uh-uh there to russia technologies, microcircuits , all these things that are needed for the manufacture of weapons, there are actually a lot of foreign components in russian weapons, so of course it is necessary to monitor this and punish it as much as possible, not to destroy the business, but to punish it so that people... well, i didn't want a long russian ruble. well, if we talk about restrictions, then finally blocked. the united states house of representatives has banned the import of russian uranium. this is reported by international agencies. both parties voted for this decision. the law will take effect 90 days after approval
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by the us senate and president joe biden. let me remind you that 12% of american power plants use uranium-zarefi. and this is already a number. which was witnessed after the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, indeed, we hope, vasyl, that in the next package of sanctions, after all, the nuclear industry the aggressor countries will be subject to restrictions , and the use of nuclear fuel, in particular, by russia in the european union countries, in the states in particular, will be minimized, because all this resource is still being used and the money, the income from it goes to... well, absolutely, i am here with you i agree, all the more so once we talked with you about the nuclear issue, they will not dare to make any restrictions on nuclear fuel and so on and so on, well, but i see, i think that over time, the further russia continues its unjust war, the more there will be more limitations, because it must be overcome. undoubtedly, this will be the end of my
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release, the big broadcast is going on, there will be more and more about energy, watch us. actually, now we will continue the economic topic, to one degree or another, the security and stability of the ukrainian energy industry, government officials, international experts and ukrainian specialists have gathered to form a stable vision. this sector. our correspondent katryna galko attended the discussions. katya, congratulations. so, what were the main theses sounded at this conference? please. congratulations to vasyl. greetings to the viewers of the tv channel. such an international conference is already in its third year and they are discussing the security and independence of ukraine's energy sector, because, as you know, especially from our experience. last winter, it is very important to have a stable and independent energy supply system, because
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ukrainians have experienced for themselves what it is like to live without light and heat, so today they discussed how to ensure such stability, so it is known that the government, companies and donors together are working on it and believe that in general such security must be ensured at two levels at once, at the national level. of electricity, and as you know, the load on the system is already quite high, and how do you manage to control all this, i suggest you hear right now. then, when there is a deficit, this one is insignificant, we are able to cover it at the expense of imports from neighboring countries, since ukraine joined. our energy system has joined the european one, we have this additional
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instrument of coverage, an additional instrument of balancing and ensuring the security of our energy system at the expense of imports from countries neighbors, the price is almost the same, sometimes it is much higher, we are talking about emergency assistance, that is, this emergency assistance price, it is not absolutely fixed there, it is essentially the price of a balancing market. neighboring countries, it is tied to this price, so it also varies, it can change every hour. they also talked about decarbonization, because it is also important to immediately think about what the energy sector of ukraine will look like after the war and that it should still meet european standards, and they also mentioned the possibilities and capacity of individual regions , so that they could be independent and stable in... in wartime, so, in general, we know that the ukrainian energy system
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is going through not the easiest times for the second winter in a row, of course, but this is exactly what allows it to remain stable and all- does provide certain steps forward, for example, we know that very recently our energy system was synchronized with the system of the european union, so we believe that... there will be many more steps forward, this is all the information that the state has at the moment, vasyl, you have my word , thank you very much, kateryna halko was in touch with us, well, actually she followed the discussion between government officials, international experts and ukrainian specialists who tried to discuss the issue of the stability of the ukrainian energy sector, this is very important now and it is very important now to listen to this advice to save money , turning on energy-saving light bulbs somewhere is one story, but saving where... saving, because you know, when it goes off, and the light will not go away, and the heat will not go away, then you will be able to scratch
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the back of your head and say: " well, if only knowledge, and what kind of people, five signs of the people of chukhrain , if only knowledge, somehow it will be and so on, so it is better to act in advance, and now i will invite you to a conversation with serhiy rudenko, the verdict program starts at 8:00 p.m., what will it be about speech, serhii will tell, serhii, please, have a word, good evening, congratulations to vasyl, literally in 16 minutes we will be on the air with hour-long verdict, the first part of our verdict will feature politicians and diplomats roman bezsmertny and volodymyr ogrysko. let's talk about the results, intermediate results of the visit zelenskyi to the united states of america. today he met with senators, and he will have a meeting today with the president of the united states of america, joseph biden. we are talking about military aid to ukraine in the amount of 61 billion dollars. so far... the decision on this has not been adopted by the congress of the united states of america, whether it will be adopted and
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what the failure to adopt such a bill will lead to, we will talk about this with the immortal and ogryzko. of course, we ask about today's story with kyivstar, because the disconnection, or let's say, the fact that the network went down and many subscribers remained without communication, almost all kyivstar. this is also such a bad bell, regarding the work of the russian special services, maybe the work of the russian special services, because the overload goes to other mobile phones. operators about the new stage of war, cyberwar, we will talk about it in the first part of our program, we will also mention the european union and the path to the european union from strasbourg, we will have tatyana vysotska commenting on what is happening now in the european parliament and how this summit is being prepared at the highest level, which will take place on 14-15
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december in the second part of our program. will be people's deputies of ukraine, oksana savchuk, oleksiy kucherenko, iryna gerashchenko, let's talk about how the united states of america is proposing a new strategy for ukraine in the war with russia for 2024, well, at least the new york times writes about it with reference to its sources says that such a strategy is being developed, that in this strategy, how the country will live in the 24th year. well, what will be the steps of ukraine towards the european union, because in principle, the future of ukraine in the european union is this the top topic of the next few days, and i think that we will talk about it in almost all broadcasts, so wait, literally in 13 minutes we will start with the verdict, well, then
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the big broadcast of vasyl zima continues, vasyl, you have the floor, thank you very much serhiu, 20:00 , wait about... the verdict program, and now i, let's watch and understand what lina chechenina will talk about, and i will tell you about what, a movie that resembles life, by the way, this is a movie that i watched itself on saturday, it is worthy of being talked about, so sometimes so much so that it becomes creepy, ukrainians have been lively discussing the thriller illusion of security on social networks for several days now, or as it is written in english the world behind us, this american film is about a family that goes on vacation in the suburbs of new york, but on at the very beginning , something starts to happen. well, actually what is happening now in ukraine, the mobile connection is disappearing, something that is very reminiscent of the beginning of a full-scale invasion in ukraine, lena chechenina will tell more about this super hit and where you can watch it. lina, you have a word, good evening. people who are engaged in cinema are moviegoers or directors, cinematographers
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very often like to repeat that cinema resembles life, and life reminds... well , it is often all very intertwined, but it seems to me that in recent years cinema has become so hyper-realistic and relevant , that sometimes you don't know if something influences and inspires directors in life, or if life really imitates cinema, and now all possible social networks are discussing a new tape from netflix, which is called the illusion of safety, it was released on december 8 and became quite popular. especially in ukraine, why, because when you watch this film, and it is a thriller enough to keep you in suspense, at some point you understand that it is something about ukraine, that these are the heroes who went beyond new york, to the suburbs of new york, they are very similar to the heroes who
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found themselves in the suburbs of kyiv on february 24, 2022, in buchiev, verpin, in gostomil, well, the plot develops as follows: the wife suggests to her husband to go out of town in the morning to recharge, she hired big a beautiful house, and they happily go there, a husband, a wife, two children, but we understand that something is wrong, they are sitting on the beach and they see that a huge oil tanker just slides onto the beach and just crashes into this beach, it turns out that he simply lost navigation, then everyone loses mobile communication and in the end... a blackout occurs throughout new york and the suburbs, i won't tell you, i wo n't spoil anything further, because there are many unexpected moments, just let's look at the passage, what are you talking about, why are you doing this you tell me, we repeat, a cyber attack across the country, the truth is much scarier, the truth
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, of course. literally from the eighth, when the tape appeared on netflix, literally from that very day, the first viewers were struck by this similarity, began to share their impressions on social networks, but this morning , i think, the situation reached its peak, because in the morning everyone got up and realized, that each other's mobile connection from mobile operators disappeared, and they began to remember this tape, because it actually started with this very thing and they're already boiling, i don't know... what's so nervous, nervous jokes already, that let's go now , the radiation will go away, and finally we'll all gather at the campfire, although it's cold, but it's already as we agreed, well, really. in the film , it all begins with the real disappearance of mobile communication, but i still urged people not to panic, because the employees of our mobile operators of mobile communication, they have already
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proven that they are able to quickly cope with various breakdowns, challenges, really their we need to support here, we hope this one mobile connection will be restored as soon as possible, but i also wanted to remind you of a very similar incident, a movie incident that happened in 2021, we are all here too on social media or... discussed a move from the same netflix called don't look up, now in principle, this expression has already acquired a special meaning, it was about american scientists who found out that a huge meteorite is coming to earth, which is almost impossible to stop, and it is definitely deadly and something must be done, they come to the president of the united states and it turns out that she is not very interested in this, she is busy with the election campaign, some political affairs, campaigning, and we... just see some kind of absurd festival, when people who are in mortal danger ignore her, and politicians call not to look at the sky, not to look at
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the mountain, because this is some nonsense, and it only distracts them, i will remind you that this happened precisely against the background of constant warnings by various people about the threat of a full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine and how many people, in particular and politicians and ordinary people, citizens of ukraine. categorically refused to believe it, so the situations echoed each other, we understand how it all ended, watching this film, some new impressions, new thoughts appear, but again, this is such a trend in cinema now, and to make such hyperrealistic situation, and i really expect that ukrainian filmmakers will start making the same kind of cinema, which is simply indistinguishable from the situations that are happening now in reality. that's all i have. i wish you a peaceful evening, stay with espresso! the movie really
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deserves to be watched and thought about, i urge you to watch it, and i urge you to listen to natalka didenko, she will talk about what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, let's watch and listen carefully. synoptic greetings to all, our dear viewers, we are talking to you about the weather that is expected in the next day in ukraine, december 13, and for now we will remember in connection with such variable cloudiness, with a bunch of sparrows in puddles, about folk omens, and do i, for example, use them in the forecast and should i trust them so much without appeal, so to speak , well, i want to say right away that, of course, no forecasters... never use folk signs in their forecasts, not because we don't like them or because we treat them with disdain, but there are a number of reasons for this , well, one of them is to agree
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that folk signs have been formed for many, many years, if not centuries, and over the years everything has changed so much that to use some folk sign, even if you like it very much, well, frankly, it is incorrect, it firstly, secondly, let's imagine how for also some last in the historical context, of course, has changed over the years, the environment has changed, what industrialization has done, what human activity has done, so folk omens, to be honest, do not work here either, well, i want to say that, of course, science is, and evidential, as they say, and some such folk methods, and here, for example , in medicine, and of course in weather forecasting, these are parallel lines, if they help someone, it’s just great, but to be honest, i would still recommend you to trust only the forecasts of specialists, and even such a small one a detail that very often i certainly do not
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once i addressed this topic, a person usually observes folk signs already in the evening or in the afternoon, and what will be there, for example, the next day, forecasters are already talking about the forecast, and they know the weather much longer, by one. for three days and the trend even for 5-7 days further no, but for a day for three days i promise you a high reliability of the forecast. we now turn to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. fluctuations will be observed tomorrow, strong magnetic fields are not expected, so i hope that this weather will not affect many has a very good effect, so we will do without magnetic storms. and we move on to the weather itself, to the weather forecast for december 13. right away i want to... say that it will be humid everywhere, but relatively warm. in the west of ukraine , the maximum air temperature will fluctuate or be close to zero, maybe a little negative somewhere, a little will jump out and be positive,
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of course, therefore... either sleet or rain, depending on the phase, or rather the precipitation phase will depend on the air temperature. in the northern part of ukraine tomorrow is also expected to be so cloudy, wet, i would say in general, it is not december, but november weather, because the air temperature will be close to zero during the day and there will also be precipitation. in the eastern part of ukraine, there will be more minuses, albeit small ones, so there is a higher probability of wet snow. and don't forget that the roads are not very... comfortable, sometimes even dangerous, slippery. in the central part of ukraine, from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk region, it will also be cloudy, damp, light precipitation, air temperature close to zero. temperature in the southern part of ukraine the air will be higher, up to 5, up to 6 degrees of heat, in the crimea even higher, somewhere up to +10, maybe, and that is why it is mostly raining there. cloudy, humid weather is expected tomorrow in kyiv, relatively
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warm, of course, but we... know that this kind of dampness, dampness, sometimes has a negative effect on our health, so please those who suffer from bronchopulmonary diseases, cardiovascular diseases , pay special attention to your health now, the weather is just such that you don't go out much, go for a walk, so it's time to take care of your health, everyone of course always good weather, thank you very much , didenko for the information about the weather, well , there was no sport today, i will say a few words about the ongoing struggle for fair sports, and sports politics, and such a respectable organization as the international olympic committee, it was fair and realistic in relation to what is happening, we remember how the czech edition created
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a form for russia with the help of artificial intelligence. and belarusian athletes, in which they could represent your country in the olympics in paris next summer and it was such a bad shape and then they said if you go to the olympics in this shape, okay, so be it, but this is just the beginning, i think this struggle will continue, many sportsmen in ukraine strongly criticize this decision, many sportsmen abroad say that what russians and belarusians are, but here the appeals are actually to people who are either corrupt. or want to be friends with the tyrant, they will not affect in any way, we have it fine, we have it fine understand, but what can affect it, it can be affected by such a move as a boycott, and when certain countries boycott the olympic games, then it will have an impact, an impact, well , in particular, so far the baltic and scandinavian countries are planning to boycott the olympics, they at least they are discussing the possibility of boycotting the olympics, well... here is a very
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important remark from the journalist nikolov, who at one time began to dig up these corruption scandals in the army, he said yes, no , we now have other information, there is no such question today, defense minister rustem umeru answered whether he had submitted a proposal to change the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, in particular regarding the dismissal of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny and the commander of the united forces general serhiy naiv, at the same time somerov emphasized that there are always transitional things in the military leadership, that he too is no longer the first minister. and assured that in the event of such a need , the ukrainians will be informed about it, and now the issue of changing the leadership of the armed forces is being shaken by the russians and the enemies of ukraine. such issues as the russians want, or our enemies want to expand, no, if they will, i will come out with this question and tell. i am probably the fifth minister in this position. lavcom, i don't know what he was, that is, everyone changes. everyone
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changes completely, everything we need to win, we will do, but for today there is no such question, well, the mayor is definitely not the fifth, if not the 10th, well, thank you for being with us, see you tomorrow , then verdik, let's watch together. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program.


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