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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 4:30pm-5:00pm EET

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the information day of the tv channel in rozpala is coming, well, what are we analyzing, the most important thing from the domestic ukrainian agenda and from what is called the international situation in our studio is oleg synyutka, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the subcommittee on ensuring the activities of people's deputies, glory to ukraine, mr. people deputy, well, on the one hand, the news from the united states is disappointing, but frankly speaking, we have disappointing news tomorrow as well. commemorative meetings, meetings in the format of the summit of the leaders of the european union, yes, two days, and we hope to hear about european integration and macrofinance, if, sir, it is appropriate to combine, so to speak, two big cases, yes, that is, there is political and geopolitical history, in particular, about the introduction to the euro-atlantic community, the european community, and there are still questions about the macro-finance, and here the best position of certain pro-moscow... forces was reflected by viktor
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orban, saying that maybe we will give money to ukraine there, somehow, if, for example, they give 30 billion to the hungarians, well, such petty blackmail, you know, hungarian, but er, about it is too early to talk about european integration, and hungary will resist, so we understand that if mr. orbán allows himself to say such things, then he was given a certain permission to be such, you know, an ugly bull terrier, because otherwise he could just be put to sleep a little. that is , they would simply not have given a large sum, well, hungary is not, you know, a central european tiger, to put it mildly. you know, we are ukrainians first and foremost, and especially this week we have to be special ukrainians and special statesmen, because this week and in in the united states, and in brussels , very important decisions for the country will be decided, do we see the mistakes of the authorities, and obviously, who does not see them? should we rejoice in these
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mistakes of the government, because we are supposed to be people who have been in opposition to this government for a long time, but definitely not, because it is not the government that loses, the country loses, and we should first of all be statesmen, that is, not to rejoice, not to gloat , we have to help everything that depends, here is what the european solidarity leader poroshenko is doing today, gathering the ambassadors of european states in order to send a message to brussels: we need... a decision on the start of the transition procedure, we need financial support from ukraine today so that we can withstand all the struggles against the moscow aggressor, these are the key things today, well, you see, the authorities think to the other: they did not give poroshenko the opportunity to be in washington, to be in warsaw in order to meet, to talk, it is empty, it does not matter, because the authorities did worse to ukrainians, did not use a professional diplomat in order to achieve...
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a result, by god sees that we have done everything that it depended on us, as people's deputies, as politicians, as citizens of ukraine, to get this decision. indeed, we have not very good signals from washington. the statement of one of the leading republicans that it is unlikely that ukraine will receive a decision before christmas is certainly not a statement that pleases every ukrainian, because it is difficult for us. the budget, which for some reason was approved so quickly by the authorities, it is very, very large, what to do, roll up your sleeves and work, because we need weapons, we need funds, we need them today unity in order to obtain the negotiation procedure , which is what we are working on, mr. oleg, today zelensky is visiting norway, norway has already announced that it will give us financial assistance of almost 2 billion euros, we also see information from denmark that they are ready. .. they will provide a new aid package
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worth a billion euros, also, as you think, the scandinavian countries are now the countries with which we need to work harder, considering the fact that we do not see the expected financial aid package from the united states, and in fact, what direction do you think it is now ukrainian diplomacy must work, well , it is necessary to work with everyone, and of course it is necessary to work with the scandinavian countries, but first of all, it is necessary to work with the united states and the union, they have key opportunities for decision-making today. of course, it is very good that the provision of additional nasams batteries has been announced today. it is very important that germany has already announced the delivery of the second battery of patriots, because today's attack on kyiv showed that the enemy will not stop, only the ukrainian military can stop them. i think, that zelensky realized belatedly that his place is in european capitals. this incomprehensible
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voyage through argentina to the united states of america, not today, on which islands are these, incomprehensible from such beautiful ones, well, there was a transfer there, and it should be on... the issue of ukraine is being resolved, it is being resolved today in the capitals of our leading allies, so zelensky has to be in washington, and it's very good that he was there, well, unfortunately, it should definitely be faster, he should be in brussels, i hope that he will fly from norway to brussels and will personally convince the leaders of the european states, make a decision, because this meeting with orbán somewhere on the balcony during the inauguration, well... forgive me, it is in order to get a negative answer, well then this is the place and time, a very big argument we gave the representatives of hungary without communicating with him at the highest levels for almost a year. you see, the minister of refia, lavrik,
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this one, who, he used the smallest moment, he was just allowed to join normal people, he immediately ran to meet the minister of foreign affairs. hungary, we understand very well that the promises there were probably sky-high, so ukrainian diplomats, the person responsible for foreign policy, the president of ukraine today, because yesterday and the day before yesterday he was not there, was not, should be among the leaders of the european states, this is a chance for country, this is not a chance for the president, this is not a chance for some official, this is a chance for ukrainians and this is a chance for ukraine, well, olek mykhailovych, well, the situation is really extremely worrying, so we... hope for the best, well, in particular, we are talking about the meeting in brussels, well, but hope or hope is not a plan of action, and accordingly i would like to ask you about the prospects, to make ends meet within the limits of the state budget taking into account those prospects, so let's take a bad
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scenario like this, if, for example, the united states still they will postpone it for a couple of months , there will be a long and tedious process of approving it, coming up with some additional tools, these or other additional programs, the european union... may give part of the funds, may not give them, well , because we counted, we added more to the budget and american funds, and we understand that the scandinavians have already reacted, that is , norway and denmark are dropping a billion each, well, but not all countries can, so to speak, throw in another billion, well, we have to overlap, because these are social payments, and we understand that a large part of the financing of our army comes purely from our budget funds, yes, and the macro-finance goes to... the closing of the social security, that is, here, you know, a difficult budget is drawn up, critical, this is a critical version of it, and i it seems that it will be necessary to do what should have been done a long time ago, almost two years after the full-scale aggression , the government was in the verkhovna rada only once
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in order to communicate, in order to make a decision, they should be invited to the parliament, sit down and ask the gray pigeons, and what do you think to close accordingly... debts, because when we wanted to ask them this during the adoption of the budget, they all ran away, when we submitted amendments to the budget, they all ran away, so today there will be no other option, we have to call them in parliament and it is necessary to ask them questions, why so, and in the end to return to those proposals that european solidarity gave during the approval of the budget, the first is saving and the second is directing money to the military. well, it is an extremely important moment, so we know that nina yuzhanina, your fellow party member, is an extremely professional and serious politician who can really calculate some backup scenarios, it was such an offensive scene when yuzhanina, when honcharenko, when many of
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our other deputies, parliamentarians cried really, as in the desert, to an empty hall, because there was a person standing behind the stand of the podium just to stand up, all for the... proposal, they just rushed into the abyss, well, we will have to go back to all these things that we said, because it turns out that, unfortunately, these things were necessary to take into account during the formation of the budget, well, if we could not now , we will come back now, you know, i mean , there will be no holiday vacations, well , it very often happens that representatives of the authorities even during non-holiday vacations are met with various things. resorts, i hope it won't be just like the meeting last time, when the planned meeting, which should have lasted for three days, lasted for less than one and a half, because it turns out that the servants of the people have already dispersed, there are no votes for accepting their wishes, and stefanchuk simply closes
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the meeting, you know, this is all nonsense about parliament security, people need to see all those people sitting or not sitting at their workplaces . to vote or not to vote, to make a decision or not to make a decision, there is a bomb shelter in the verkhovna rada, there is a place to hide, in between air alarm must be worked on, i finally hope that at... the moment will come when journalists will return to the walls of the parliament and maybe then at least someone will feel ashamed, he will return to his workplace and in the end he will make the decisions that are needed for the country. by the way, we will be able to talk about whether journalists will be able to return to the parliament in a few minutes, pause, literally a few minutes, we will be back, we will discuss important topics, so stay with espress. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a time
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carpathians. washbasin, go there behind the house. and the toilet is downstairs. where is he? and if there are no cigarettes, what will you smoke? he says: well, if there are no cigarettes, then the selrad will smoke, how much time do you need, you need 10 days, this is what you should do, i did not come here to look at old farts who collect cones in the forest, what will be yours!
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i ask you to pray to god, i ask you to drink, and tomorrow fly to your sunny italy, never shed blood on your wedding night, you don't need anyone, where are you? give me a chair. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two
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hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become silent to many. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, a large broadcast vasyl winter, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening with espresso. the espresso tv channel's information day continues, people's deputy oleg synyutka is in the studio, we are now waiting for yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on freedom of speech to join us. congratulations, mr. chairman, on your appointment to this historic and important position. we say the position, so to speak, on the air of the tv channel, which, so to speak, flew out of
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the t2 network, not knowing by whose decision and not knowing, so to speak, when we will return, well and we hope that you will have the political will and civic responsibility to defend the interests of what is called freedom of speech in ukraine, real, not, you know, protocol, in any case, what will be your main steps for new ones now... thank you very much, i will start by priority, unfortunately, the war dictates the priorities of the agenda, verkhovna rada. so far, we have fallen out of a very important direction, which is the struggle for the return of our journalists who are currently in captivity or have disappeared on the demarcation line, everyone is talking about maksym butkevich, who is on trial, a public journalist,
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but more than 20 people are in polonia, several of them, we don't even know where. and it is very important to find political and legal mechanisms, how to achieve verification, where they are, and the next thing is to achieve their release. actually, the key function of the committee is to fight for the rights of journalists, unfortunately, when nestor shufrych was appointed, a lot of powers were taken away from the committee, but we will work with what we have. the second moment ugh, yes, yes. keep going, mr. yaroslav. the second point is that , according to the human rights initiative, the effectiveness of investigations into cases against preventing journalists from carrying out their journalistic activities has fallen by 85%. ah, of course, we will work with law enforcement officers, these are unacceptable indicators, despite the fact that there is
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a war, no one in ukraine has the right to hinder the work of journalists. further. the issue of accreditation and work both on the demarcation line and with authorities, in particular with the verkhovna rada, the issue of competitiveness and accessibility, you are completely you are right, it was not the committee of the verkhovna rada that took away the channels' access to the broadcasting network itself, but there are agreements, there are responsibilities of the parties and all legal mechanisms, of course , efforts will be made to ensure equal access, and not selectivity, and i am in contact with the management i'm closing your channel, i know that, unfortunately, so far we have failed at the first instance, but the matter is in the appeal, we will do our part to help establish justice as much as possible. well, an extremely powerful
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signal, let's hope that we can achieve some kind of shift soon. situation in the country, we understand what it is, well, on the other hand, we understand that if we start saving money, people's deputy oleg senyutka is in our studio and they talked about budget savings, we understand that we may have to save money on the telethon, we will work, so to speak, to inform, well, in a press-free mode. i hoped, mr. yaroslav, that you , in addition to, of course, a very correct goal, to return our journalists. which in fact, i think, due to various circumstances, is impossible for your committee to implement, although i would very much like to i wanted you to work here better than the main intelligence agency is working now , which is actually the body of the state that deals with returns, that is, you can definitely count on us here, but i still expected that at least the second number
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you will say this issue of freedom of speech as one of'. the main criteria for the european integration of ukraine. you, like me, saw the documents and saw the conclusions that ukraine has today for the start of the negotiation procedure, and the issue of freedom of speech is there, well, if not a red tape, then a very, very significant point, and what we talked about, the exclusion from the channels, the non-admission of journalists, this is the question of financing the telethon, when in fact... we finance the oligarchic channels from the state budget, which are now hidden under the single telethon, these incomprehensible situations with the broadcasts of what i consider to be absolutely unnecessary programs on the dom or home tv channel, all these things, in my opinion, should be the main work of your committee, because you know that the representative of european
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solidarity was a competitor of our political power for this position. the verkhovna rada supported you, so we are your assistants today, but you have to take on this very , very difficult work, because if there is no freedom of speech in the country, the country will not be a member of the european union, the country will not be a member of nato, and i am convinced , that you, like me, are a one hundred percent supporter of european integration, yes, well, we would ask mr. yaroslav to react, and thank you very much, there are two components, uh, the first is about expediency, cost effectiveness, and of course, we will be within of its competence, although it is more refers to the budget committee, to ask in the areas that are in our vision, how appropriate and how efficiently the funds are spent, and accordingly work to ensure that they are spent more efficiently, invested
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more efficiently, if a single marathon from a financial point of view with and from the point of view of efficiency does not finalize, accordingly, it is necessary to change in this direction. we have a state audit service, an accounting chamber, we can speak not at the level of feelings, but at the level of specific numbers and qualities. and expediency, now sociology shows that a single marathon loses viewers, accordingly, we will definitely return to this question. and the second point about freedom of speech, well, mr. oleg , thank you very much for the positive assessment, although you did not support my appointment, but now i am a standout, as the head of the position committee of the entire verkhovna rada, and of course, i will count on your maximum support, in particular, in the return of the committee's powers, which were for... work with the national commission on radio broadcasting and television, actually this will significantly simplify my committee's ability
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to fight for freedom of speech not nominally, but in reality. regarding freedom of speech and evaluation of our european partners. you are quite right, we have no alternative, we are moving to the european union and nato, and therefore compliance with the parameters of the balance of information, compliance. active mechanisms of actual access to information, access to information through the law on access to information, this will be one of the priorities, but it is very unfortunate when we do not look into the depth or access to the demarcation line, this is the promotion of freedom of speech, yes, this is the promotion of freedom of speech and adequate information of our citizens, and adequate access and the right to information, or the protection of the rights of journalists - this is a guarantee of freedom of speech, yes, that is why all my arguments... are about freedom of speech, and grabbing some one and to say that we talked about him, well, it is not very correct. that is, i hope, mr. yaroslav,
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that at the next meeting of your committee, first, you will appoint an audit of the spending of funds on the single telethon and the dom tv channel. second, you will make a recovery decision admission of journalists to the verkhovna rada. third, you will resume work. the rada tv channel, as a tv channel that broadcasts live or recorded on the same day, not at midnight, but in those hours, in prime time , the rada tv channel was created for this purpose, you will provide opportunities for people to see who and what they are doing in the parliament , i hope you will accept the decision of the committee of the verkhovna rada regarding the consideration of the issue of the admission of espresso, direct fifth tv channels to the digital air. that is, these will be the specific decisions that are possible take literally this week by convening the committee, and you know that here you can definitely count on our support.
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i understand that it will be somewhat difficult for you, because part of your political power accepted this budget, from which , in my opinion, there are completely unreasonable expenses for the telethon, for the dom tv channel, but let's fix it together, because the money should go to the armed forces of ukraine, this today. a key need for our country, especially in the situation when we receive not the best news from our partners, and we today we are reaping these diplomatic failures that have been going on for a long time. sir, thank you very much for the tasks, mr. oleg, unfortunately, i will not be able to count on the support of your faction in the committee, because your representative has not been there since the beginning of this parl, well, if only with respect to each other, i never interrupted you , thank you, so i
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will do and ask those questions that i am firmly convinced that i can conduct in the committee in the composition in which they are, but about the audit, so we will make a request to the auditors services about the efficiency of the channels in order to be with you as an expert. equal to say what and how and to have arguments for changing the situation, which i do not consider effective, to speak about it publicly, we will definitely work out all other steps so as not to take a position or simply make a statement, this is important, but it is not effective, we need to achieve results, and indeed we have issues in the direction of freedom of speech, which must be solved together, i really hope that with support, in particular... and factions european solidarity in these issues, mr. yaroslav, i would like to clarify, well, there are such rumors, i don't know, substantiated, unfounded, that
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telegram channels in ukraine may be cut off. is it possible to share some information, maybe you, as the new chairman of the committee, already have, so to speak, certain data on this matter? it is technologically impossible to cut off some channels, it is possible to close the network, to close the network there must be a decision of the relevant authorities, as was the case with classmates and other russian vkontakte and so similar, as far as i know, so far at this level the actual solution. not accepted, but we will meet with law enforcement and non-law enforcement institutions of the security service of ukraine to understand the level of threats and understand how the state plans to respond, in order to minimize actual russian inputs, leaks through anonymous channels, and there are two ways , this is the power one that we just talked about with you, and the second one is to increase the level of media literacy, so in another
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direction we will be... with the ministry of education, our media people have completed a course in media literacy, it is very important for us that people , understanding that a lot of their own and russian propaganda is thrown through anonymous channels, just manipulation in the interests of certain players, be critical of these sources, and at best understand , that these are not sources at all, and they were not used, well, we are aware that people are starting to look for alternative ways of information, if the classic ones are starting to not... work, well, here we go back to the return of the tv channel to broadcast t- 2. finally, oleg senyutko, our studio was relieved, that's when the waves receded and the clouds from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zalutny, so the corresponding photos appeared, so the joint trip to the east of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general zaluzhny, and the minister of defense of ukraine umerov, took place, where they met with commander-in-chief with
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the commander of the ground forces. of ukraine by colonel-general sirsky and so on. i'm actually a big believer in common sense. and i believe that society and the government are capable of uniting around the armed forces of ukraine. and these signals, the last ones i saw in the information space, they are certainly very positive, because today the army needs support, and today the army needs to rally around the armed forces. although i was very surprised that after that, as you say, these photos even appeared, we received another criticism from a parliamentarian, from a parliamentarian from the servants of the people, from the monomajority, who once again picked on the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, and you know , if it was her personal opinion, then she certainly has the right to this personal opinion, but when in the parliament, by
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the way, the same representative... of the majority registered a resolution, not to mention the draft resolution registered by representatives of eurosolidarity, to deprive this person of the position of deputy head of the committee on national security, it turns out that mr. venislavsky was the victim, who stopped to be the president's representative in the parliament, and not the lady who still criticizes the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, and what i said, mr. yaroslav, about freedom of speech... i definitely don't have such a habit, it's just the opinion that i hear every day on the streets, every day during the meeting, and maybe, well, you will also hear it and also understand that today your status as the chairman of the committee on freedom of speech is very symbolic for the country, because we once did not vote for nestor shufrych , as representatives of your political power, but
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i repeat again and again, we will do everything to be free from the air, thank you very much, unfortunately, we have to pass the word now, people worked in the espresso studio deputy oleh senyutka and people's deputy yaroslav yurchysin, and we will pass the word to the editorial office of melnyk news. now we will have a selection of news, so wait, we will pass the word. greetings, dear tv viewers, this is news, anna yavamalnyk is with you, and i will start this episode with the following: from today in the capital metro for...


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