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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 10:00pm-10:30pm EET

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attacks in the future. my name is daria kudimova. good evening. russia this night inflicted the most massive ballistic strike missiles on kyiv. and this is the first time since the full-scale invasion, when the russian federation fired 10 ballistic missiles at the capital in one attack. all 10 were shot down, which is also a record for the destruction of ballistic targets at the same time, taking off in the air defense forces. and although there are no direct hits to the buildings, due to falling debris, there are numerous damages to residential buildings. fragments of rockets fell in four districts of kyiv, more than fifty people were injured. these are mostly cut wounds. in addition to residential buildings, a children's hospital was also damaged. cars were also on fire. this is the second russian missile attack on kyiv this week. well, how are the people of kyiv recovering from another attack by the russian federation, further in the article by iryna sysak.
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a residential area on the left bank of the capital, in the yard of this high-rise building, a downed russian rocket fell, damaging tens or even hundreds of apartments. at 3:00 in the morning, everything and everything collapsed instantly, there is no place to live, there is nothing, there is no kettle, they bought a new kettle, there is no car, everyone was immediately left without a home and... the car was sleeping with the woman, and when it was good, we grabbed it, yes, but the windows and doors have already blown off on splinters, they somehow searched for clothes with bare feet, because it was dark, the window flew right into my face, the frame itself, fragments, everything is on fire here, i was simply shocked... i could believe it, i
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broke down, what i was wearing to the window and i see , everything there is babbling, breaking , windows and glass are blown out, thank god we are alive, healthy, there is nothing for us, bang bang, then bang, well , how would it be, then the fire is there, i ’m like that, i wanted to do something - that's when i took out the glass, blood flowed, he saw nothing, well, alive, people jumped out,
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this is exclusively genocide, what is happening, only people were injured by shards of glass, there were no victims, thank god, in such explosions , when the kindergarten was damaged, on the third day a signal came that the alarm had gone off, but no one answered, and the whole kindergarten, all the staff were already on their feet. have already been here , no one was hurt, thank god, there were no children in kindergarten, property was damaged, who do you work with, you will raise raise, where is your group, here it is, here is our group, demonstration material, well, there are no words, well, what can you do
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to feel in such a case, well, only horrors and tears and pain, that's all, the children will all remain at home, we clean. now, now the girls are cleaning the premises, she promised help, they said that our kindergarten will be even better than it was. first, let's do an inspection of this house, we can first say that the load-bearing structures are not damaged. they said that there will be a commission that will see if the house is suitable for further living. will be recognized as an emergency, then they will not start it, if it is not an emergency, then they will start it, now they will let you clean it up, you have already applied for compensation, there will be police in the palace the investigative-operational group, for now , come to yourself, i want to kill putin, so if somewhere, yes, they are already going to get into the front room,
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their apartment, and bring some order there, order windows, doors. well, what can be restored, we will live somehow, petro chernyk, a military expert, joins our broadcast, mr. peter, my congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, regarding the type of missiles that the russian federation used today, at the moment, in the air force command, this column goes with a prescription is being clarified, while the truck is in the office the president is told about the 48n6 missiles from the zrks-400, which russia uses... on december 11, if such information is confirmed, what are these s-400 complexes and how dangerous are these 48n6 missiles, do they have any special features, the s-complex complexes 400 is actually an anti-aircraft missile complex, because the russians
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are starting to use them in the surface- to-surface mode, this means that with classic ballistics, primarily with regard to iskanders, they really have very big problems, but there is another the nuance of the same launchers in... released more than 560, this is an incredible amount, of course we must understand that not all of them will be transferred to the surface-to-surface mode, but a certain amount has definitely already been transferred in fact, and the ammunition in general for these complexes is quite large, it is calculated in several thousand 11, again , these are not thousands of missiles that will be used, but several hundreds for sure, this complex can strike in the surface mode, the surface is somewhere up to 200 km, why it is very dangerous, because the missile is incredibly high-speed. it can move at a speed of almost 9,000 km/h, therefore, it stays in the air for a minute and 30 seconds, no more , it is very difficult to calculate and understand it, but nevertheless our air defense system, i think, thanks to the mim 104, patriot and sumpti complexes
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, coped with the task, we understand that the missile, which crashes, still has debris, such a harsh reality, the missile is heavy, the warhead can vary from 80 to 180. kilograms, this is quite serious and it is impossible to avoid debris as such in principle, ugh, did i understand you correctly, what exactly with this the speed you are talking about noted 900 km/h and the connection is that these two last attacks the alarm sounds already after the explosions, the defense forces explain that there are literally a few minutes to shoot down ballistic missiles, but we were just talking about the fact that they were hit with ballistics and earlier there was a little more time, that is, did i understand correctly that these rockets are even faster? no, they are not faster, not faster, they have the same speed as iskander, but iskander is an operational depth within 500 km, and let 's use very simple examples on the fingers let's figure it out: a rocket that flies for 500 km, how long does it stay in the air, and
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a rocket that flies at the same speed, half as much, even twice and a half distance, that is, 500 km, a rocket in the air at a speed of 900 km is one time. and with the same speed a rocket at 200 km, this is a different time, here lies the philosophy, the philosophy of understanding what is happening, there is no greater speed, there is at the same speed. shorter distance, this must be understood, i heard, mr. peter, today there is a message from british intelligence about the fact that the troops of the russian federation began to use a new site in crimea, namely balaklava, to launch shaheeds, and this is already, as analysts note, the fifth uav launch site used in russian operations against ukraine, myschau, daesk, primorsk, kursk , and now there is balaklava, why does the russian federation resort to such steps and how does it affect work. air defense forces, increasing the number of sites from which missiles are launched, they disperse
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the launch sites and increase what are called routes, they lay a wide variety of routes from different points in order to understand how our air defense system works and wear it down, why they do all this in such a comprehensive approach, i have no doubt that sooner or later there will be a point when massed, a mixed strike of both shaheds and iskanders, the s-400s themselves, possibly the s300s converted to surface-to-surface mode, and there is also a p-800 onyx launcher in combination with cruise missiles, both sea-based and air-based. why, why is this happening right now? since time last winter, our air defense system was significantly strengthened, very significantly strengthened, but even according to today's ballistics, it is by and large 100%, well, this is a very rare phenomenon, and i want to understand that... and the shaheds of this, this time they were almost killed 100% this is also a very serious
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phenomenon. when the enemy launches all these devices, everything happens in radar mode. our anti-aircraft missile complexes, in order to shoot them down, must use radar stations, and therefore there is what is called a radio beam or a radio beam or radio waves, and on the other hand, the enemy has radio equipment designed to calculate all this. that is, they study how much we have strengthened, how our defense system is built, and the like , in order to prepare and understand how the next big salvo should take place, in order to annoy us as much as possible, nothing has changed and cannot and will not change, the enemy has attacked, is attacking and will strike, this should be perceived as a constant and understand that you should never cover the sky 100%, yes, there are 100% success rates, but this is... rather an exception than regularity. mr. peter, let's go from the rear to the front. in
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its latest report, the institute for the study of war writes that during the past day, ukrainian troops advanced in the northeast, south of bakhmut. at the same time, the russian army has certain successes in the southwest of avdiyivka and on the left bank of the kherson region, south of krynyk. what do such changes in the front line indicate, and in general, what trends can we talk about this winter? let's start with what is fundamental, cardinal. there are currently no major changes in the front, yes the enemy has partial successes, but these partial successes are calculated in several hundreds of meters in the rare case of several kilometers. the real success for the enemy will be if they manage to advance on a separate section of the front, say, to a depth of 3-5 km, in the width of the strip, again the same 3-5 km, these are battalion tactical orders, it is very important to formulate accents correctly, because , unfortunately, we have information. there is a certain inclination in the space, that's all, the enemy has seized the initiative and the
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like. yes, the enemy is now ready of the attacking side, why, especially along the eastern bridgehead. putin realized that he is in a strategic class, putin realized that it will not be possible to eliminate ukrainian statehood by force of arms, they need a banal task, at least, he has a conversation with his peasantry, literally tomorrow, in the spring, he will re-appoint himself to the post of president, any tyranny - this is an endless... ritual, any, any tyrant wants his commoners to love, yes, yes, he does, he hates them, he spit on them, but he wants to be loved like that, he needs some positive results, in his understanding a positive result is an exit to the administrative borders of donetsk region and luhansk region, which they are trying to implement, whether it will be successful, time will tell, the situation is really difficult, but not yet catastrophic, i am sure that it will not be catastrophic. mr. peter, well, in the context of what you say. i still cannot help but mention that the analyst of the institute for the study of war writes that precisely the russian offensive operations in the east
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of ukraine, both in the fall of this year and throughout the next winter, are aimed not to achieve some operational goals, including to reach the borders of the regions, as you say, and to weaken the support of ukraine from the west, as the military said this so-called barren corner during the winter will exhaust the western support of ukraine and give the russian troops an advantage despite high losses. do you agree with this statement? and where , in your opinion, will the russian federation concentrate its greatest efforts? no, i don't agree, the institute for the study of war is quite a solid organization, i respect them a lot, but i have the right to remain in my own position. my position is that putin gave the order to go to the administrative borders of donetsk and luhansk regions. i will repeat again in the second, whether it will be possible to warn. heard. thank you very much for joining the broadcast. petro chernyk, a military expert, was in direct contact with us. thank you. russian hackers claimed responsibility for the attack on kyivstar.
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the sbu reported this and added that the group is a hacking unit of the main directorate of the general staff. or the armed forces of the russian federation, thus, they consider the security service to be a russian game publicly legalizes the results of his criminal activity. well, i will add that it is said that the santsepiok hacker group from the russian federation took responsibility for the attack, it will be spread by the russian media, and in fact, it is said about it on the telegram channel, which allegedly belongs to this group. the page contains a message addressing zelenskyi and explaining that kyivstar has become a target. because of the fact that it helps the armed forces. meanwhile, the general directorate of intelligence notes that the russian attack on kyivstar was directed against civilians and did not have much impact on the military. at the same time, they emphasize that this attack is not russia's response to the attack on russia's federal tax system that took place a few days ago. after all, according to gur representative andrii yusov, both of these
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attacks are long enough in the context of preparation and implementation. intelligence agencies warn that similar russian cyberattacks will continue in the future, and let me remind you that a large-scale failure in the work of the largest operator of ukraine, kyivstar, occurred on the eve of the morning. the company announced a hacker attack and promised to restore communication within a few days. in some places , the connection is already being restored, at the same time, it is not known when all services will be restored. what, or who is behind the attack, and as quickly as possible. fix the connection and what does the russian sanctioned oligarch mykhailo fridman have to do with kyivstar. we asked petro chernyshov about this, and from 2014 to 2018 he managed the kyivstar company. please tell me, you managed the kyivstar company for many, many years, from 2014 to 2018 you managed
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by the kyivstar company, and what happened from your point of view now, and was there anything? similar once before. there was a cyber attack on the company, and for some reason the company was unprepared for it. it is very difficult for me to say why the company was not ready. perhaps there was some very serious, well-prepared attack. i don't want to blame anyone. there were also attacks when i was in charge. if you remember, there was such a petya virus. it was at that time, and then the company resisted, but i don't want to say anything, just since then the methods of attack very. intensified and it is clear that now the company is being attacked by a very serious state, so i don’t want to blame anyone, they broke through, they succeeded, they broke through, that is , you believe that russia is behind the attack, you have no doubts, i didn’t say such a word, i said so didn't say a word, but look , we can say that not everything is clear , that we will never know the whole truth, that maybe
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the planet mars or australia attacked us, but why say such things, it is probably clear who attacked us, do you understand , why was the company unprepared for such an attack? i can't say, i don't know what 's going on inside their company right now, i think it was some kind of professional, serious attack and somehow they were unprepared, i can't tell you anything about that, i 'm sure they will sort it out and come to serious conclusions, how about you, do you have any idea how long it might take. to fix it all. they tell me that from 15:00 kyiv time today they will slowly start returning subscribers to the network. since it is 24 million subscribers, it is not possible to think that all subscribers can be returned to the network in an hour. they will gradually start letting a million subscribers in half an hour. from 10 to 12 hours, it will probably take them to
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restore the entire network. it is no secret that among the vlas. less well-known, but the amsterdam stock exchange, that is , on two exchanges, and here in this company part of the shares, and less than half, is owned by the company letter one, whose shares were once owned by mr. friedman and his colleagues, the friedman group. it is incorrect to say that through a series of companies friedman continues to own kyivstar, kyivstar shares? it is absolutely incorrect, to
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put it this way, absolutely incorrect, but how can we say that before the war , friedman received economic benefits from the activities of the kyivstar company, that is, when kyivstar paid some dividends, a part of these dividends went to friedman and his colleagues, that is what it would be correct to say, but since sanctions were imposed in the first week of the war, no economic benefits from... there is a war, he doesn't get any, he can't get any dividends, he can't give any orders, because all employees and the board of directors of the vion company are forbidden to communicate with him, as it is written in the sanctions, that is , he has no influence and does not receive any economic benefits, the last question, do you think, will the company still have enough resources and means to fully restore the connection and well, everything that happened. of course, this is a very strong company, they have serious engineers, i am 100% sure that they will restore the network, i hope that
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it will be over tonight, that is, tomorrow morning, i hope that ukraine will wake up and everything will work, well, maybe it will take another day, i hope from tomorrow morning, but we will see, konstantin corson, cyber security expert and founder of the first center. response to emergency situations in the state intelligence service joins the air. konstantin, good evening. good evening. i want to go back to what we just heard about whether russian oligarchs can have influence over kyivstar. as we can see, the ex-head of kyivstar believes that friedman has no influence and lost some dividends from kyivstar at the beginning of the full-scale intrusion. is this really the case, because the media repeatedly pointed to fridman's share in kyivstar, well...forps wrote that the ministry of justice in the fall of this year was even preparing a lawsuit to the higher anti-corruption court regarding the recovery of the assets of the sanctioned businessman fridman,
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including shares in mobile operator kyivstar. what is your opinion on this matter? well, look, i'm a cyber security expert, i'm ready to professionally and expertly comment on technical aspects of any or organizational aspects of cyber security in relation to this a difficult story. about the ownership of the kremlin oligarchs to the operational activities of the kyivstar company, and i think it is difficult to say in reality, well, the fact remains that kyivstar belongs to the vion company, and vion is 47% owned by the vats, owned by a company associated with friedman, which has sanctions imposed on it, ok, but we know very well how the russians know how to circumvent sanctions , it can be... there can also be false campaigns and other , well, that is, very different, many different schemes, so maybe, in fact, somewhere , if we delve deeper into this issue, it will turn out to be some
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beneficiaries who are in one way or another connected with the citizens of the aggressor country, so i still do not rule out this factor, that it is possible that the kremlin oligarch owned some share through front persons in the front company or in some other way. well, whether he had an influence, maybe not significant, maybe he only received some economic benefits from his activities, it is difficult to say, but well, to completely reject the version of a possible russian trace of the involvement of the kremiv oligarchs in what happened to the kyivstar company, for now to reject this completely, i would not hurry, even then about the technical points, and which you can comment on, here are these hackers who took responsibility for the so-called. in the corresponding post, they hinted in a telegram that kyivstar employees were not involved, but could this be true, or does such a cyber attack really
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require some internal help, so to speak? well, these attacks, in a professional environment, are classified as apt, advanced persistent thread, that is, attacks of the highest complexity and the highest non-danger for the victim, and quite often... in world practice, similar attacks have happened more than once, not twice, not 10 and not 20, hundreds of times, and quite often an insider is involved in such attacks, that is , a person who from the middle to about this case we are talking about, kyivstar has a serious and real team of professionals, there are no questions from this side, but if you have a traitor inside the network, who carefully hides there and does not reveal himself, there is a so-called canned food, yes... it is very difficult to fight this, if you don't know what you have among your personnel a traitor and it is not known on what level, what access he has, what information he possesses, what
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opportunities he has to help. the enemy, the attacker , so, well, even if there is a super mega-extra professional team, this, it will not save, because, well, a traitor, he is a traitor, that's why it is so, this is such a status, and such a danger is very maximum. konstantin, if we talk about the attack itself, how expected, predicted, so to speak, was it, and in general, what conclusions can be drawn from it? actually, i'm still six months away. before a full-scale invasion predicted that in by the way, at that time many still doubted whether the invasion would be full-scale at all , i even then warned six months before it that in the next stage the primary targets for cyberattacks would be telecommunications operators, mobile providers, internet access providers and so on, exactly the same
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and it happened on... well, it's not really public information, but all the key players in the industry, the telecom industry, i mean, ah, and they got through the attack because they were preparing for it, because they were also counting risks, they also understood that they are the object of priority directions, this is definitely a critical infrastructure, as we all have now become convinced of this, who use kyivstar, ah, and then it did not work, in february, in march there were... very powerful cyberattacks , but they did not achieve the desired success, so maybe, after those failures, maybe the russians hoped that kyiv would fall in three days, and in principle you can embezzle the money that you allocated for the preparation of attacks, and maybe there were other reasons , perhaps insufficiently qualified personnel were employed there to organize all this, but after that
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failure at the beginning of the invasion. maybe they reoriented themselves, focused on not many targets, victims, on a few key ones, one of which is definitely the kyivstar company, as one of the leading mobile operators in ukraine, and maybe the preparation of this attack began right there on in the spring of 2022, and for such attacks it is quite... well, the preparation for them will last from several months to several years , and it can take millions of dollars it is difficult to use up to a hundred different specialized specialists and how did it happen to a quite qualified company in terms of cyber security, why did criminals break into the core of the system
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during the holidays... without data from the investigation of the campaign itself and the sbu, the cyber police, which i hope in the near future they will share with us the details of this cyber attack. konstantin, well, taking into account what you say, that such attacks can be prepared and implemented for more than one month, and maybe even years, that they are expensive, can we talk about a certain parity between ukraine and russia in cyberwars, and whether ukraine can prepare better. even before possible attacks in the future in the current conditions? at the beginning of the introduction of martial law in ukraine , any information in the public space about cyberattacks, about successful ones, about unsuccessful ones, absolutely any, was completely closed, so to objectively assess parity, well, it will be a very subjective impression, maybe there is some kind of parity, but i
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just want to remind you that in the spring... of the year , unknown pro-ukrainian hackers put rutube , for example, such and such a russian one version.


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