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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EET

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marchenko and her assistants are both accused of bribery and abuse of influence. according to the investigation, the accused received almost 11 thousand dollars, even more. for assistance in illegal border crossing. with the funds received, the deputy, together with her assistant, promised men of draft age to issue a permit to leave ukraine and enter the relevant data into the shlyah information system. law enforcement officers recorded at least two such episodes. the sanction of the article provides for fines or deprivation of liberty for a period of two to to 5 years ago, let me remind you, in july, after the announcement of the suspicion, narodka marchenko was promptly expelled from the servant of the people party. you and i successfully donated funds for the purchase of modern drones for the 23rd separate rifle battalion of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders work in the hot donetsk direction, they needed drones for highly effective reconnaissance. our boys. they were received, and now,
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thank you, the 23rd separate rifle battalion, thank you bf vesna, and viewers and readers of espresso, thanks to your help we received strike and reconnaissance drones, means of electronic radio warfare and components for them, this will enable us to effectively fulfill the tasks set before us to liberate and protect our state. well, we thank our soldiers. for their daily work and daily struggle with the enemy and defense of ukraine. thank you, our viewers and readers of espresso, the espresso site, who joined this important noble cause. one of sumy's hospitals is preparing to operate directly on a bomb shelter. now the institution treats more than 250 patients every day, people provide the entire range of medical services and the main direction of the institution today is operations of various complexity. the idea of ​​equipping the operational underground arose at the beginning of a full-scale invasion already. then the hospital
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became a real fortress, in which doctors often lived as whole families. what will the underground operating room be like? further in the material of my colleagues. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion in february-march 2022, when russian tanks and missiles were already here, ms. olena lived in the underground storage of the hospital with her daughter for about a month. she says she felt it only in the dungeon she felt safe and could work to save people, she only got up to do tests and pick up. patients, and when volodymyr ivanovych arranged all the conditions here so that it would be possible to stay with families and spend the night, we decided, decided to stay here with the child, we spent a whole month making sure that she at least slept peacefully at night, lived as a family and, of course, patients were taken down to the bomb shelter, directly from the operating rooms, by elevator to the dungeon, those who are lying sick, they are also.
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they were worried, i think they were here calmer, they knew that they were in a protected place , mr. oleksiy, an orthopedic doctor, stayed to live at work with his family, says his six-year-old son at that time passed the medical aid course in this way, because he saw how his father saved the wounded. we had doctors who were on duty, who were on duty 24 hours a day, on duty on the floors, doctors who helped in the reception department, and doctors who, let's say, dealt with another organization. work, because at our request volodymyr ivanovich brought us a lot of sand, stood next to us, rolled up his sleeves and began to pour sand. we began to completely fence off our oxygen stations, our power stations so that in case of such a situation we would be constantly provided with both oxygen and electricity, we boarded up the windows, we prepared the reception department as much as possible and we were ready literally in a day and a half for the development of any situation, absolutely , because
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on the morning of the 25th, we received the first wounded. in addition to those injured as a result of russia's military aggression, sumy doctors also saved their regular patients in unusual conditions. names of offices wrote with paint we did not stop our work for a minute. there were also ordinary people who also fell at home, were hit by cars, were injured, and were simply sick. not only in traumatology orthopedics, it was surgery, neurosurgery, neurology, therapeutic profiles. at that time, the covid department was still working. then - says the chief doctor, and thoughts arose to make a reserve operating room, fully autonomous, in case it is necessary to save human lives under rocket attacks, from the idea quickly turned to action, and now work is boiling in the dungeon, this shelter was built in soviet times, the doors are reliable, they were thought out then in case of a radiation threat, but to carry out surgical operations, serious re-equipment, anti-radiation, is required. such that
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we removed such doors here, here, there, well, that is , four exits from this will be a boom, well , a bomb shelter, this is one of those that goes there, there are our communications, here are the pipes, we are changing the ventilation now. we do, there will be an apparatus here and there, which, well, we will remove separately, a diesel generator, a fuel supply, a food supply, operating room, dressing room. according to the chief doctor, about 3 million uah are needed for equipment that will help doctors work in the dungeon and rescue people, hopes for charitable organizations and humanitarian aid, and in the meantime they are preparing for winter and for all possible scenarios, because with an aggressor country in the neighborhood you have to be ready to the worst, but to believe in the best, volodymyr potseluyev is confident, and must implement projects that will help save human lives in the border region. from sumy for the espresso tv channel. well, and we continue, by the way, it's a very good idea,
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and i wish this underground operating room a good implementation, well, now we'll talk to mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine. mr. mykola, i congratulate you. congratulations. the first question i want to ask is about prospects. for ukraine, first of all, and for poland itself, the new government and the position of the new prime minister, first of all regarding assistance to ukraine in unlocking the borders finally, and possibly a new type of cooperation with our state at the level, at the level of power and at levels of civil society. please, look, donald tust, in his speech, the inaugural speech as prime minister, clearly said that the priority for poland will be european unity and support for ukraine, and unity and support. on the basis of the values ​​of democracy, which is extremely important, therefore in the new polish government, in the person of these persons who have become the new polish government, we have good allies who will do everything to ensure that ukraine becomes a member of the european union as soon as possible, and nato. another thing is that
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in the problems we had, there is a part of artificial things, and a part of those that have to be decided at the negotiating table. it is obvious that the polish prime minister should defend the interests of polish citizens. that is, polish representatives of agriculture or polish transporters, but when it is really in their interests, but when people who speak on behalf of all agricultural producers or all transporters actually block ukraine, block our corridor of solidarity, weaken us, then they weaken poland and pose a threat to poland's national security, and tusk is also pro has said this many times, that's why i think all the problems we have now. well, first of all, the problems of transportation with grain, they will be solved, as one of the high-ranking officials said today at the meeting, and i am currently in warsaw, well, in weeks, in one, two or three, but not more than weeks, but that that we remain and will be great strategic partners, this is our
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strategic goal will definitely be fulfilled, well , if we talk about military aid, in any form, then we are now saying what are the expectations here, we understand that there is so much, it is possible that we will not be able to receive as much as poland gave us, there are other urgent needs, but in principle, in this regard, there will also be some development and positivity in the activities of the new government, because we know that poland was also involved in the repair of equipment , and the supply of tanks there , we received a lot, a lot of everything, please, well, repairs will continue to be carried out, and there is a good idea to build joint enterprises for the production of weapons for ukraine on the territory of poland, poland in general is a country where it is easy to run an economy that is about... ukraine, poland does not have so many of its weapons now, they gave us everything they could, but the fact that poland is becoming the third most influential country in europe, together with poland, germany, the entire government, i there is no doubt, and therefore the general position regarding pan-european support, both for our european integration and negotiations for
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membership in the european union, as well as support for financial support from the european union, here poland's role will be key, and this is the most important thing for us. and tomorrow the summit of the country will begin. members of the european union, where the decision should be made, it will be held on december 14-15, i will remind our viewers where the decision on the start of negotiations between ukraine and the eu should be made. today , many leaders of governments and states have expressed their opinions, there is an appeal by members of the european parliament, they call on the european council to make a decision on the opening of negotiations with ukraine. what are your expectations and can we really count on a positive solution to this issue? well, in general, everyone supports us, except for hungary. which simply plays tricks on russia by blocking all initiatives and european integration of ukraine and support of ukraine in general, i think we will find some way to solve this problem with hungary, and we have a very big ambitious goal of becoming members of the european union. in general, the beginning of negotiations is only the beginning of the process, it is not
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the end of this process, this process will last for several years, but how many years it will last, whether there is such an ambitious goal by the 30th year, or whether it will last longer, it already depends on us and from ours. ability to change the country in accordance with european standards, well, it is interesting that even here is the prime minister of the country who spoke against the provision of military aid to ukraine, i mean the prime minister of slovakia, fico, he... well, he spoke in support of this decision, the only one left is again orban, the president spoke with orban, as well as the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, well, the president of ukraine had a conversation with the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, some kind of dialogue started, but here is what mr. president volodymyr zelenskyi said, that he asked a simple question: what is the reason why you are against it, and he has not received an answer so far, in your opinion, this answer only the money it wants to be unlocked for hungary, the hungarian, hungarian... government, i think the answer is money that they get or can get from
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the aggressor country, that is, from russia, and or some other influences that russia is acting on the hungarian leadership, but i think that the argument of the money that the european union can offer remains strong, well, i, since you will follow this event tomorrow, of course, our correspondent will work in brussels, so we will monitor everything that happens, regarding these negotiations, well, the opening of the corridor for these negotiations, but i would like to ask you. but now you are in warsaw not far from the christmas and new year holidays, and i wonder if you talked with your polish colleagues about the prospects of ukrainians in poland, return, non-return, adaptation, this issue is very painful for us and urgent, for us ukrainians are also needed here in ukraine, this is important, that is, you suggest that polish colleagues expel ukrainians from ukraine, absolutely not, but what do they say, you know that they are all cool, work, pay taxes, it is good for us that a lot... these are in ukraine, and you say , well, it would be good for us too, well, for now, it is like that, somehow in this sense, well, it's true, it's our
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big problem, and we should take care of it, but the poles are interested in ukrainians staying here, because for them it is additional working hands, ukrainians do good, high-quality work, that is why there is no cultural barrier between poles and ukrainians, and because of that poles are very interested in ukrainians staying in poland, there is no here some kind of rejection of ukrainians, despite the fact that other countries give more economic aid, and that is why many ukrainians are leaving. travels to other countries, to germany in particular. thank you very much for your comments, thank you for your work, also mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, about the prospects, first of all for ukraine, of the new government in the republic of poland, and we are expecting tomorrow, again, the summit of the member states of the european union regarding the dialogue with ukraine . yuriy fizar is with us, the world about ukraine, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, so i will talk about this: ursula fondelaien from... announced today that the war for the battle for europe continues in ukraine,
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orban continues to blackmail the european union, and a horse without a head on red square in moscow. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well, i'll start with this: the united states of america is interested in ukraine winning the aggressive. war, which was imposed on it by russia, because only in the event of its victory, ukraine will remain independent, now and will be able to restrain further possible aggressions in the future. about it during press conference with volodymyr zelenskyi at the white house, us president joe biden said. according to him, congressmen should unblock his request for the allocation of military aid to kyiv in the amount of more than 61 billion dollars. the current owner of the white house called it wrong. method of withholding funding for ukraine as a hostage to forcefully advance
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the republicans' uncompromising border agenda and stressed that his administration has already offered republicans a compromise option. what kind of compromise is this? it is currently unknown what joe biden offered, what concessions he made, but yesterday after a meeting with volodymyr zelenskyi, the speaker of the lower house of the american mike johnson said that it was the white house that was to blame for the fact that this money was blocked, and he even said so : "i implore them to do their work as time is running out." well, i wonder what kind of work it is. donald tusk, as of today officially the prime minister of poland in the presidential palace, was officially sworn in by the head of the country andrzej duda. in addition, mr president. also approved the composition of the new government. speaking during the solemn ceremony, donald tusk said that he will firmly
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defend the interests of poland and emphasized that the new government will also protect polish interests in relations with all countries. but president andrzej duda assured the new prime minister that he will not block what will benefit the citizens of the country and is ready to actively cooperate with him in this. well, as i... have already said, the ministers of the new cabinet under the leadership were also sworn in today donald tusk, and the most interesting, perhaps, in this cabinet, the most interesting appointment. this is the minister of foreign affairs. so, our good friend, i mean, a good friend of ukraine, radoslav sikorsky, became the new minister, and he is also called the anti-russian hawk. he received such a title, an honorary one, i would even say so, when he was also in the position of minister
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of foreign affairs from 2007 to 2014, also in the donald's government. to tusk, and many times, to radoslav sikorskyi, our viewers, you could see the recording on the air of the tv channel, you saw him in an interview with our journalists, so we expect him to defend the interests of poland, first of all, in the world, but also the interests of ukraine, he will do it, you'll see. moving forward, we must give ukraine what it needs to be, so that it can be strong today, so that it can be stronger tomorrow. at the negotiating table for a long-lasting and just peace, the president of the european commission ursola von derlejen said during her speech in the european parliament, according to her, the war in ukraine is not just a confrontation to the russian occupiers, this is - says the president, the battle for europe. at the same time , ursula fonderlein emphasized
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how important the final victory of ukraine is and called on the european union to play back. crucial role in supporting the country's efforts. and also today, a very important vote took place in the european parliament, in general , the majority of meps, european legislators supported, appealed to the leaders of the countries, members of the european union, to agree at the plenary session to support the start of negotiations with ukraine regarding accession of the european union. in accordance. 468 deputies supported the resolution, 99 voted against and 58 abstained. agree, 468 deputies is a lot for such an issue. putin, as before, is determined to bring ukraine to its knees militarily, and he is also counting
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on the weakening of support for ukraine from western countries. and it is very dangerous if such a tactic works, german chancellor olaf scholz said about it today in the bundestag, in his opinion, that is why it is so important to continue helping ukraine, even more the bundeschancellor called continued support a matter of ukraine's security. in addition, the chancellor emphasized that the purpose of the support is to strengthen ukraine, the defense capabilities of ukraine to such a level that russia will never again... not decide to invade, thank you for such strong messages from german chancellor olaf scholz, and i will tell you this, where are taurus, we constantly ask olaf scholz, i really hope that he certainly does not watch the great pity, although who knows him, but his advisers watch tv channels espresso and they hear how vasyl
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and i keep asking this, sir, please , mr. scholz, give us tauruses, we need them in order to... what you are saying, so that we remain an independent ukraine, and by the way, vasyl, today olaf scholz once again reminded that the bundestag has budgeted 8 billion euros for the military and military support of ukraine in the budget for 2024, and more than 6 million more will be directed to help ukrainian refugees who are still are on the territory. of germany slovakia will not interfere of the beginning of negotiations between the european union and ukraine on the beginning of accession to the eu. despite the fact that kyiv is not yet ready for this. slovak prime minister robert fico said this during a meeting with parliamentarians.
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he called the decision to be adopted in brussels during the summit political. and with reality, this decision has nothing to do with reality - says the head of the slovak government, but adds that he will vote for it. well, let me remind you that the summit of the leaders of the european union member states will take place tomorrow and the day after tomorrow in the capital of belgium, brussels. our correspondent nataliya stare pravo will work there, so you will see all the main and most important information on the espresso tv channel, well, i will try to include it tomorrow. or the day after tomorrow in the world about ukraine column to find out what is really happening there, and we are really waiting for this fateful decision for ukraine. the european union is about to. a terrible mistake that needs to be prevented even if 26 people want it and we're the only ones against it, guess who
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could you say that? yes, in an interview with the mandiner publication, the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, said this, this is how he commented on the proposal of the european commission to launch during the eu summit, the beginning of negotiations between kyiv and brussels on the accession of ukraine to the european community. according to... according to the head of the hungarian government, our country is not yet ready for this, moreover, says mr. orbán, it is generally inappropriate to talk about it during the war, therefore it is better not to put this issue on the agenda of the summit, well, that is, for sure we have one vote and against, it is not known what the representative of austria will say after yesterday's statements, most likely it will be the chancellor of austria, karl not hamer, well... we'll see, we have not long to wait. the story, and i'll show you where the attack was being prepared, seems to be ongoing. on the territory of poland
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, seven sabotage groups are being prepared to commit terrorist attacks and capture important objects on the territory of belarus. this was said today by the head of the state committee for state security of the country, ivan tertel. in addition, says the chief kadebshnyk of belarus. so the event is trying to change the constitutional system of belarus, to cause a split in the relations between minsk and moscow, according to him, representatives of the polish special services oversee this process, these subversive groups include many representatives of other countries, belarusians and citizens of neighboring countries, obviously ukraine. and that's how mr. tertel warned them. quote: ukrainian, polish, baltic colleagues should see that this weapon... does not turn against them, wow, what a serious threat, but he said where the attack is being prepared, finally, because lukashenko never told vasyl, it seems
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, where the training is being prepared for him, listen to me, it’s really, well , the guinness book of records should be written down, he started training in the fall of 2022, this training is the end, and then he still had the determination of the union, that's all, and he's been training constantly since that time, and it's necessary to explain to people why training is taking place here on the territory of belarus, because the poles want to attack, seven sabotage groups, that's all clear, tell me, well, well, and finally about the rider without heads, the vast majority of you know, well, at least those who were born in the soviet union and read main reed, but today there was also a horse without a head, an unknown person sawed off the head of a horse on a high-relief victory parade near red square in moscow, and next to put two... red roses. the animal on which marshal rokosovsky is sitting in the high relief was injured, apparently in its paws. zhukov's horse was not injured. it is not yet known who did it and why. russian
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law enforcement officers promised to find out everything as soon as possible, but the very fact that someone managed to do this to turn under hundreds of surveillance cameras in the very heart of moscow, well, let's face it, it's very cool. a headless horse near the red one. the square, where there are a lot of surveillance cameras, cool, thank you to this person, and god forbid that they don't find him. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, all for today only, because by tomorrow there will be a lot of other news, obviously the biggest one will be about the eu summit, and a lot of information in our further broadcast, in particular my colleague oleksandr morshevka will tell you all the latest from the world of money, so don't switch. icelandic moss vitamin c is your power to
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fight cough and wheezing. islantica. 15%, i.e. the roadster is better for you. the traveler knows what helps. watch this. of the week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. prohibition of the maidan, connections with medvedchuk and property of dubious origin. what is judge olena izovitova vakim known for. her mother is the head of the bar council for many years. why didn't the supreme court suspend the judge from administering justice? an adjournment was announced . watch on thursday the 14th december at 17:45, the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks.
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political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboda life, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions.
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yes boy.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, we continue and it's time to talk about money. during the war oleksandr morchevka is next to me, oleksandr, congratulations, good evening. thank you vasyl for his words, i welcome the audience, in the next few minutes i will tell you about energy, as well as the blocking of the border, international aid, wait, the details will be in a moment. i'm oleksandr morshchev, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. so, despite the huge economic downturn at the beginning of the war,
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the ukrainian economy is now. emits positive signals, the head of the government denys shmyhal announced this, according to him, it affects the improvement of the ukrainian gross domestic product, the implementation state business support programs, infrastructure reconstruction, stable operation of the southwestern export logistics corridor. i will only remind you that kristalina georgieva, managing director of the imf , positively assessed the stability of our economy, but noted that the risks do not disappear, there is uncertainty due to... well, also certain political mistakes and, importantly, the delay in international financing. the application for receiving assistance within the framework of the state program is a renewal, it is possible to submit not only through the action application. this service is now available through the center for the provision of administrative services, is it possible to submit an application to notaries, the government portal reported. for this, it is necessary to come, for example, to tsnap or
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a notary. bring an identification code , have a passport with you, usually know your email address, if there is a preferential category, usually provide a certificate of this category that confirms your preferences, persist and recover, representatives of the government, the public sector, business, as well as international the partners discussed the prospects of ukrainian development energy sector, our correspondents were there... they know all the details and subtleties. let's see the plot. resilience and recovery. the issue of ukraine's energy security has united ukrainian, european and american specialists. they talked not only about development, but also about endurance at every level, personal, regional and national. taking into account the experience of last winter, they also discussed the provision of plan b. we are talking about the creation,
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well, in fact, a parallel. energetic, which in case...


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