tv [untitled] December 14, 2023 3:30am-4:00am EET
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primarily from the european union, but also from the united states, demand to pass a law on the decriminalization of this article. it was when yanukovych was still going to the european union and to europe, it was in 2011, what theses were then brought up, theses about the need to reduce the corruption component. because when a criminal case arises, it is a whole series of officials who take part in deciding the issue of taking these funds to the state budget, and it was proposed to decriminalize this article in order to simplify the mechanism. ownership of these funds
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of the state, to the state budget, today we are told, exactly 100% in the opposite direction, that we need to criminalize this article, what is happening today, if contraband is detected, these things or money are taken to the state budget, and then the person goes to court . and tries to return these values to its own property, we are offered to move in the opposite direction, i.e. first prove that this is a crime, then after years charge these things to the state budget, and what will this lead to, it will lead to the fact that the budget losses of ukraine. losses during the war,
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and again, we increase the corruption component, why, because an insane number of law enforcement officers will take up the criminalization of this process, i think so, that is why the batkivshchyna faction will definitely not take part in this, we must not support it. this law is a thank you, please, the floor is given to people's deputy kabachenko, volodymyr kabachenko, faction of batkivshchyna. colleagues, let's go back to history, when this draft law was submitted as urgent by the president of ukraine back in 2021 year, so it's urgent. in fact, it has been going on
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for three years, and right now, for some reason, we are returning to this issue and to the discussion of this issue. according to current legislation, only the illegal movement of cultural values, poisoned high explosives, radioactive materials, weapons or ammunition, parts of firearms, and... as well as special technical means of secretly obtaining information is considered to be smuggling today, this current norm as of december 2023- th year the draft law the criminalization of absolutely the entire group of goods and all commodity groups is envisaged. are we really confident with you today that the current state of customs allows us to pass this bill. in this edition, are we
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sure with you, dear colleagues, that the bureau of economic security, for which we do not even want to allocate an additional budget for next year, is real, it is a real body that will be able to deal with the problem of criminalization of smuggling. i am more than sure that neither the first element, i.e. customs, nor the second element, the bureau of economy. security agencies are currently unable to deal with this issue. we all need to understand that the criminalization of smuggling, as of today, is, in fact, the corruption of customs, customs and related bodies. of course, several positive points were adopted in this draft law before the second reading. i will not repeat them, because colleagues from the faction in...
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have already pointed out that exactly, what these positive points were, but given the negativity and the imbalance that remains in this bill, given that neither... neither the customs office nor the economic security bureau are ready for this norm today, the batkivshchyna faction decided to abstain from voting for this draft law in the second reading. thank you very much for your attention. thank you, dear colleagues, the floor is given to people's deputy mamtsa for up to 10 minutes, after that 3 minutes to bakumov, and after that we vote, so i ask the people's deputies to take their seats already. mother up to 10 minutes, hryhoriy mykolavych, please. dear people's deputies, i would like to draw your attention to the initiatives adopted by the verkhovna rada and to draw the attention of all people's deputies that the law should be clear, both to law enforcement agencies that will
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enforce it and bring charges for its violation, as well as to persons who carry out one or another type of activity, i want to note that previously... commodity smuggling , it existed, and the european union recommended to ukraine regarding the cleaning up of commodity smuggling, please note, and the transition to another scheme, evasion of customs payments, regarding responsibility according to the customs code, worked out in such a way that the issue it also came from foreign... partners about the criminalization of goods smuggling, who will be responsible for those actions when those funds, those contributions, those customs payments were not collected, who is not satisfied with something, but all
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the heads of customs, they are all in place, pay attention, they accept bribes in good faith, they stubbornly do not perform their activities. i would like to point out that it is the law to charge funds to the budget, that is, precisely the draft law in the first reading, and what is the difference between the first reading and what reached the hall, at the moment, that we are at the moment we are considering, these are completely different things, but the legal uncertainty in this draft law, which we are currently considering, has increased by four. 10 out of 100 times , what we are talking about is legal uncertainty, look at the disposition of the article, in the disposition of the article, does the word commodity exist, should it be in the criminal
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code that the law provides for the definition of commodity, what it refers to, it does not exist, who is it will interpret? as if the detective bep, who, which authorized person will give the definition, there is no such authorized person, if there is, there is no definition, there is legal uncertainty, and they will use this law only to abuse, regarding the letters of the ministry of finance, dear people's deputies, we have a cabinet of ministers... you cannot drag the government here to the verkhovna rada for an hour of questions to the government council, but the ministry of finance manages the committee on law enforcement, the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and when you look at the analogy, all changes are made on the recommendation of the ministry of finance,
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definitions are determined by letters to the ministry of finance, committees meet and make decisions, questions to committee members. and also to the speaker from the podium to give an answer, what was 1.3 million before, a criterion, a limit, regarding the crossing of goods, a definition that does not exist in the law, through the customs border of the state, the committees were collecting and again that unfortunate letter of the ministry of finance regarding the increase of the borders , and why 5 million, can anyone answer why? the glaring story about this bill has become, and what will happen to the current 5 million, what is the responsibility? some say administrative, but in administrative it is not mentioned in the code. regarding
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customs clearance, evasion of customs payments, please note that this is another calculation and another evasion, which is controlled by the state. there is no liability up to uah 6 million. dear people's deputies, in connection with the fact that someone wants to deceive someone, or accept legal uncertainty and... report, this only gives us thoughts, and how we will fight and what we want to fight, with smuggling up to six and cracking down on those border crossings, yes it is possible, but this is again a hole, a hole regarding payment evasion, non-revenues to the budget and everything else, why? because according to the recommendations... the verkhovna rada should dance again and accept the date
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of entry into force of the law, if it is so urgently needed by the state, from next year excise smuggling, and from 1.07 next year the introduction of liability for commodity smuggling, and what interferes with keeping deadlines and to put it into effect immediately, only we... we are delaying the process, i want to draw attention to what will be said on 1.07, regarding the continuation of the action, the entry into force of the law, in this way we are saying that we do not want to fight with smuggling, we do not want to charge and record evasion of customs payments, we say that we do not understand what to do, we say that... we are not able to create a mechanism, that is, state rules for crossing
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the border, goods and services. we can't do that, but we'll come up with something. i would still pay attention to the finalization, to the work of law enforcement agencies on this occasion and the implementation or non-implementation of this draft law, but no official answer about this mechanism... that it is ideal, clear to everyone, it does not exist, and here i would like to appeal to the people's deputies that after my speech, everyone should think, as one modern classic said, this is your subjectivity, what you wrote, that's what we vote for, but such a principle, such approaches to... such draft laws and criminalization, this is responsibility, this is the destinies of people and
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everything else, it will not give anyone a plus and a positive, but will create chaos in uncertainty, increase corruption and increase those people who should not create and attract to responsibility for these mechanisms. i still want to address the body to which we entrust the investigation. pay attention, bureaucrat of economic security , there are people sitting in the hall who lobbied, who shouted from the podium that this will be an ideal body, we trust it, we trusted it for two years, as it entered at zero, so it also exits at zero, but the question remains in an alternative jurisdiction, you imagine the jurisdiction of the beb regarding goods, the certainty of which does not exist, but... customs, customs officers, law enforcement officers, this is the jurisdiction of the sbi,
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and again we will get conflicts between the beb and the sbi, so who will really investigate him? and this entanglement says that as part of organized groups , the sbi should investigate the subjects, and in the case of goods, the bureau of economic security, and who will be responsible if we have two bodies, and turn to... the more people will be empowered, the more the opportunity not to ask about the performance of certain tasks, in my opinion, this will not work, it will create greater corruption, uncertainty, and it is still necessary to speak openly and adopt the right mechanisms, not whims. thank you, hryhoriy mykolayovych, dear people's deputies, i am begging you, i am begging you. to take their seats, now, as we agreed, for 3
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more minutes instead of their amendments , people's deputy bakumov will report, as we said, no one will put their amendments anymore, and we will vote for this draft law in the second reading and as a whole, i ask the people's deputies to take their seats, i give the floor to oleksandr sergeyevich bakumov, please, thank you. thank you, dear chairman, dear colleagues, the process of working out this draft law has started for another 2 and a half years ago, when he was the chairman of our committee. denys anatoliovych monastyrskyi. we held dozens of working groups. we worked out this draft law with the ministry of finance, the state customs service, with representatives of all parliamentary factions of the groups. and i do not agree with the thesis that you and i, as the parliament, cannot work out a normal, effective mechanism to combat
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smuggling. for this we definitely need to do. an important step is to criminalize her first, we can ask questions as a profile committee together with everyone interested parties submitted this proposal. i also agree with the fact that the finance ministry has made proposals three times in the last week, and the committee has repeatedly met and revised its position. but why was that? because it is the government that conducts international negotiations regarding ours. regarding those who finance and help to finance our economy, and we, as a borrower, must still take their opinion into account and provide for it in the current legislation, in order not to go against this state, international policy, the specialized committee really took into account the position of the ministry of finance. in addition, i can say that we went to a business meeting,
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foreseeing such a term as intention in smuggling, although it is not needed there. to foresee, because it is a crime with a formal composition, and therefore the desire is an integral part of the act itself and does not need separate proof in criminal proceedings and the process. however , again taking into account the position of the business community, the specialized committee went to the meeting and slightly departed from the academic interpretation and understanding of the criminal code and thus tried to satisfy everyone. criminal charges were raised for goods smuggling, compared to the first reading, 50 times, 50 times from uah 6,710,00, for excise goods 33.3 and a half times, therefore, dear colleagues, if we really want to fight the shadow economy,
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there is no need to talk and divert topics to corruption and the bad performance of the executive authorities, you and i... as the legislative body of the government, the only legislative body, need to make a decision and say that this act is criminally punishable as well will be responsible. i ask you to support this bill. thank you for attention. thank you, oleksandr serhiyovych. dear colleagues, dear colleagues, i ask you all to take your seats. dear colleagues, please take your seats. because now. we are going to vote on this draft law, dear colleagues, please get ready, i propose to adopt in the second reading and as a whole, with the necessary technical and legal amendments, the draft law
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on amendments to the criminal code of ukraine and criminal procedural code of ukraine. regarding the criminalization of smuggling of goods and excise goods, as well as false declaration of goods, registration number of the draft law is 5420. dear colleagues, are you ready to vote? i ask people's deputies to vote. for 248 decisions have been made, the law has been adopted as a whole by factions, so dmytro oleksandrovich, please, razumkov, procedures, procedures, good day once again,
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please tell us, we have draft law 10324 on the agenda, law. the project is in the section on inclusion in the order agenda and making a decision, it was only registered yesterday, how did it get to the agenda today, according to the regulations it is impossible, you, as the chairman of the verkhovna rada, must supervise that the regulations are observed within the walls of the verkhovna rada, i understand that it is someone's beneficial in this room, that's why it was registered and put on the agenda so quickly, but it's not in accordance with the law and i ask you to take it off the agenda, because we will probably be filing alternatives, thank you. i will report on this at our conciliation council a preliminary decision was made on this issue, but one second, i'll finish, but we agreed that if there is, as with... always a letter from all factions of the groups, from all factions of the groups, then this issue, and i understand, the letter no, the factions of the group do not sign, so it will be considered when
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it is considered, thank you, you and i are not fighting over the regulations, i explained, there will be no letter, it is not there, there is no letter at all, let’s move on, the next bill, poroshenko , from the procedure, please, dear colleagues, i and the european solidarity majority faction voted against the criminalization of smuggling, i would like us to hear one word why this law is not working, because already now without the cover of the authorities, the sbu, the prosecutor's office and corruption in the customs, not a single cargo will pass, a simple person will not transport any contraband. and this is a law today in order to increase pressure on business and protect corrupt officials, and what is the procedure here
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based on what you said, what is the procedure here based on what you said, i said for reasons, not for reasons, i vote before by voting, not after. thank you. please, dear colleagues, please, we move on to the next bills. dear colleagues, draft resolutions on the introduction of amendments to the resolutions of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on the election of chairmen, first chairmen, deputies, deputy chairmen, secretaries , members of committees of the verkhovna rada of ukraine of the ninth convocation under registration number 10296, as well as on amendments to the resolution of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on the election of chairmen of the first deputy chairmen , secretaries, members of committees of the verkhovna rada of ukraine of the ninth convocation under registration number 10306. on to the conciliation council, in accordance with the clause of the second part of the first article of the 28th regulation of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, we agreed on... the discussion of the specified draft laws and their consideration under a shortened procedure, therefore, i put the proposal for unification to the vote, for discussion and
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consideration according to the abbreviated procedure of draft resolutions of registrations number 10,296 and 10,306. i ask people's deputies to vote. for 285, the decision was made, we agreed as follows, reports from the speakers and after that two for, two against and we vote, provided that the first resolution is adopted, the second is not voted on, because the vacant position will be filled, please, i invite to speak for a second, people's deputy ustinova oleksandra yuriivna for a report on the first draft of the first draft of the resolution.
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dear colleagues, thank you very much, as the author of the resolution, i am asking you to support it today, on the appointment of yaroslav yorchyshyn as the head of the committee on freedom of speech and information, i have known yarik for more than ten years. years , i can say that he is a very decent person and very professional. he definitely doesn't have one conflict of interests and his tv channels, so you can rest assured that this person will definitely be in his place and will not protect someone's interests. i think that there should be no questions about the decency of the former head of transparency international in ukraine either, so time will not be delayed, i am asking you to support yurchyshyn's candidacy, i think that no one will regret it, and he will definitely be the one who will be in favor. .. the floor is given to the author of the second draft of the resolution, iryna volodymyrovna
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gerashchenko. please. dear colleagues, now the discussion is not only about surnames, but also about principles. even under martial law, there should be no political censorship. even under martial law, it is very important to protect. the right of journalists to the profession, including the right to be on this platform, there are not many journalists here now. even in the conditions of martial law, it is very important to take care of the liberation of journalists, and parliamentary journalist dmytro khlyvnyuk of unian has been in polona for two years, and never once has his name been heard from this tribune by anyone except our faction. you know, it is very important that the freedom of speech committee belonged to an opposition faction that is not running for the president's office. who does not formulate lists of deputies to go to the united states together with yermak, who does not behave at the conciliation council in such a way that she
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is an undertone here, votes are not... and not an undertone, not a voice, this is what is important to talk about, and it is very important that rostyslav pavlenko is a person who graduated from the kyiv-mohyla academy, who fights for freedom of speech, who fights for the fact that uah 2 billion is not allocated for the marathon to oligarchic tv channels, but that these 2 billion hryvnias went to the armed forces of ukraine, they went to the drones, which did not vote for... 170 million to be given to the rada tv channel. and this rada tv channel does not show anything today, except for the ears of the people and those who are with them, well, in one package. therefore, this is a vote for the committee for freedom of speech, for journalism, against political censorship, for the return of truth to this hall, and we ask you to support the truly opposition faction and rostislav pavlenko, who is authoritative, dignified, and independent. in
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which there is no conflict of interest, but which knows that it is necessary to fight for the committee to regain its respect again, and i am proud of that, thank you, one second, dear colleagues, the right to reply is granted , including when the name of the faction is mentioned, so please, and there was definitely an insult here , please, who from the faction will vote, please ustinova. dear colleagues, i would like to remind you that the voice faction is the only one in the parliament that does not have a single committee chairman, so there is no need to tell here who is the real opposition and who is not. and i want to say that if you think that there is training at the kyiv-mohyla academy one of the key principles of appointing the head of the committee, i want to tell you that yaroslav yurchyshyn, a graduate of the kyiv maghlyan academy, so if you evaluate according to such criteria, i ask you to support him as well,
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thank you. thanks, cool! dear colleagues, did i teach at the kyiv-mohyla academy? being a professor of the department. dear colleagues, but not about kyiv-mohyla, not about this, respected institution, but let's move on. dear colleagues, let's register two for, two against. dear colleagues, reply to reply is not provided. replica on replica is not provided, let's move on, dear colleagues, let's move on, and i ask you to sign up two for, two against, dear colleagues, sign up two for, and yes, i apologize,
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it's just... well, some colleagues fill the airwaves with themselves so much, please, the floor is given to buzhansky maksym arkadiyovych, dear colleagues, as the classic said, you cannot stop the appointment, whose time has come, and he said this specifically about mr. yurchyshen, moreover, they say, bohdan khmelnytskyi to kazavskyi, i... the kyiv-mohyla academy precisely for the purpose of graduating her, yurchyshyn could work at least somewhere as the head of the committee from freedom of speech. so let's make this historic.
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