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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2023 4:00am-4:31am EET

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but there are, i apologize, it’s just that some colleagues fill the airwaves with themselves so much, please give the floor to maksym arkadiyovych buzhanskyi, dear colleagues, as the classic said, you cannot stop an appointment whose time has come, and he said this specifically about mr. yurchyshen, more that's what they say. "i preferred to see yurchyshyn, the recorder of the zayzai army, but there is only you, the grave founded the kyiv-mohyla academy precisely so that after graduating, yurchyshyn could work at least somewhere as the chairman of the committee for freedom of speech, so let's make this historic event happen."
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goal and exercise his right to be chairman of the committee, let's demonstrate on this planet that we agree that he deserves the right to serve as chairman of the committee on freedom of speech, he is grateful to us, and that's the only way we can somehow calm this flaming firecracker , we vote for, we give 300 votes, if it is not enough, we will add another 200 after, all in favor, thank you, please, the floor is given to people's deputy yevgeny volodymyrovych shevchenko, the deputy group for the restoration of ukraine, good day, dear colleagues, very the good one spoke so funny, and now just seriously. you are laughing here, yes, the people
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hate you all, all of us, because they do not see what is happening here , what freedom of speech is happening here, and it was strange for me to hear when they are competing for the position of the chairman of the committee of freedom of speech, from the point of view , who are more opposition services, and they, and they immediately slap those who say about it, and i have another question, we have such yurchenko, a deputy, our colleague. about whom the direct channel said that he stole beer, he won the direct channel the court, i have a question, when will the money be paid to him for this, is it for freedom of speech or what is it for, well, the person was defamed throughout the country, they said that he is so-and-so, he won the court, i emphasize, he won the court, that is you have chosen him, please pay the money and then apply for the committee, thank you, thank you, please, the floor is given to the deputy. a faction of the
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batkivshchyna political party. i would like to give the floor to the representative of the real opposition from the batkivshchyna faction, mr. serhiy sobolev, thank you. dear chairman, dear colleagues, you know, i like the pathos of discussing this issue so much, but let's go back to the first sources, and what does the committee on freedom actually do. are you not ashamed that you have now started a debate about the powers of a committee in which there are no issues of freedom of speech? you forgot that during the first session, when the powers of the committees were distributed, these issues were transferred to another committee, well, what are we discussing here, what is freedom of speech, what are you talking about in general, so maybe... maybe we should
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go back to the first question, distribute powers of committees, return those powers to the committee on freedom of speech. well, you can't fool journalists, the people of ukraine, with a beautiful name of the committee, and without adding anything to the essence of this committee. why are you all silent? yes, you are in favor of continuing to... as it is, and we will appoint, and from now on, this committee will deal with anything, except freedom of speech, so what are you fighting for, what is this struggle for, we will introduce a resolution , will the majority of you introduce this resolution, and further stop the cynicism and the bullying of freedom of speech that is happening. our faction made a decision. we do not want to be
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judges between these two people, we support both and let the hall decide who will be better. thank you. thank you, please, instead of the people's deputy, the cat bakunets, please, pavlo andriyovych, one more second, after that they asked for one minute each, mama lozynsky, that's right, and someone else will be there, and who will be from you, you have five hands, i see and, yes , well, and syumar, please, bakunet, dear mr. chairman, dear people's elected representatives, of course, what... in this heated discussion, at least we can say to the ukrainians that the committee for freedom of speech and conscience has at least been cleansed of state traitors, and such a committee cannot be headed by any of
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us, because in wartime, it is a great responsibility, for the freedom of every person, and one must be clean, first of all, in front of so... fight to head such a responsible committee. in fact, metropolitan sheptytskyi said that freedom and a better destiny for the ukrainian people are forged in the fire of this terrible war. actually, reading these words, you are filled with some kind of greater hope that while the best ukrainians are winning for us on the fronts, while they are dying. like my neighbor serhiy gavrylyuk from yavoriv, ​​each of us, on each committee, especially on the committee on freedom of speech and conscience, has a great responsibility, and a person who swore loyalty to god and the people, who is a plastun,
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a person who is decent, one of the most decent among us, mr. yurchyshyn, actually deserves to head this committee and fight during the war. for justice for every ukrainian. thank you. please, mamka hryhoriy mykolayovych. platform for life and peace. after that, two more speeches for a minute and we vote. i ask the people's deputies to take their seats. dear people's deputies. there are ongoing discussions in the hall on two issues. first, the opposition, which is true, which is more honest. look, until there is a law on opposition, say nothing. also. precisely that the coalition agreement, which no one has seen, well, the government is there, this is the first question, the second question, i think that we have a question about the competitive selection of committee heads, let's raise it anyway questions with the participation of experts,
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in order for us to be advised, passed the tests, and then we will not define and make battles from the podium of the verkhovna rada, thank you very much, you know, such a stormy discussion, it has not been like this for a long time, we missed freedom of speech , but because she is not there, first of all, and she is not in the country, the country missed her, colleagues, and this is probably the main problem, we have the only marathon that has lost s... ratings and lost trust. we have a million problems, but we have anonymous telegram channels for each of you tell fakes about who you really are. we have no media literacy, in fact opposition tv channels are turned off, without any explanation, without any reason, we
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journalists are not allowed into the war zone and even into the walls of this parliament. we have a million problems, and we have a committee with three or four people, which has no authority at all. here one stands out. the committee on freedom of speech and conscience correctly said, so i want to tell you, there is no freedom of speech in the country, no conscience here no, the floor is given to lozinsky, roman mykhailovych, faction vote, please , dear colleagues, i think it will be fair to say from the hall of this parliament that this rostrum and this hall have been discredited, discredited by individual people's deputies, their unworthy acts, and that is why it is so important to talk about wisdom in this parliament, about balance in this parliament and about the values ​​of those deputies who, during four years of activity, did not leave any doubts about their activity, honesty and efficiency. dear colleagues, these
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the applause that sounded in the hall when yaroslav yurchyshyn's candidacy was presented, was not for the person who presented him, but for him as the candidate who was being presented. because this candidate has shown with his steps, actions, bills, that this decision, which can be taken now, can become one of the best... decisions of personnel of our parliament. please support the candidacy of yaroslav yurchyshyn. thank you, roman mykhailovych. dear colleagues, well, the discussion of the issue and questions is over. let's move on to acceptance decision. i ask the people's deputies to take their seats. yurchyshyn, please. yurchyshyn, 30 seconds about declaring a conflict of interest.
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stop, one second, i can't turn on two microphones at the same time, we have the first resolution with yurchyshny, i will give it to him, and then i will give it to pavlenko, if he raises his hand. i know this very well, that's why i'm giving it, but the first resolution - yurchyshyn, the second - pavlenko, i can't turn on two microphones at the same time, yurchyshyn about declaring a conflict of interest. then pavlenko about declaring a conflict of interest, please, dear colleagues, how anti-corruption specialist, i can now say that when a deputy exercises his powers and votes, there is no conflict of interest, but since we have such a tradition, i will not participate in this vote, thank you, thank you, please, the floor is given to the people's deputy to pavlenko, rostislav, please, mr. rostislav , thank you, well, considering the parliamentary one... i am also not participating in this vote, i ask everyone to vote for freedom of speech,
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thank you, thank you, dear colleagues, it would be great, yevhen, you too conflict interests, or why are you raising your hand, do you have something from the procedure, what do you have from the procedure, that's all, dear colleagues, listen, put your procedures in order, then we will, dear colleagues, that's it, i put the draft resolution to a vote for adoption as a whole registration number 10,296, on amendments to the resolution of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on the election of first deputy heads, deputy heads, secretaries, members of committees of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, ninth convocation, this is where the candidacy of mr. yurchyshishyn is proposed. i ask people's deputies to vote.
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for 247, the decision was made, as we agreed at the conciliation council, the second resolution is not put forward, let's say hello to the factions, let's congratulate mr. yurchyshishyn on being elected to such a responsible position, we wish you success and adhere to the principles of freedom of speech, good luck to you. let's move on, the next thing, dear colleagues, let's move on, and a frieze of procedures, please, a frieze, ihor pavlovich, thank you, mr. chairman, colleagues, four meetings of our council, we cannot consider the bill. 9226, is a bill which waiting for mothers, children, our fallen heroes,
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regarding the payment of children who were conceived before their death and born after, this is the bill that allows a military person to issue a personal order for payment in the event of his death, i ask you to vote and raise it and consider it now this bill. i understood correctly, you propose to change the order of consideration of the issues on the agenda and now proceed to the consideration of draft law 9226, everything is correct, dear colleagues, i put this proposal to a vote, i ask the people's deputies vote. for 269, the decision was made, so we are now moving on to consideration of issue 9226, which is
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a draft law on amendments to some legislative acts of ukraine regarding the improvement of legal regulation of legal relations related to the appointment of receiving one-time cash assistance and the granting of benefits to certain categories of persons. we are currently considering this issue in the second reading. at the conciliation council, we agreed that there would be 5 minutes of speech from people's deputy honcharenko and up to three minutes of narodny's speech. tsymbaryuk and vote for this law in in general, so i ask that we have up to 8 minutes of discussion and voting. i will give the floor to honcharenko, oleksiy oleksiyovych for up to 5 minutes. thank you. thank you, oleksiy honcharenko. friends, the bill is very important. first of all, i want to ask everyone to support this bill. we should have done this a long time ago, it corrects a huge injustice that exists today. namely, when tragedy strikes and when a serviceman dies, and he
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already has a child at that time, the lord god has already given her, but she has not yet been born, she is still in the womb mom, but then this child actually has no right today, there is a gap in the legislation to receive compensation, if god forbid, her dad died, we need to fix it, it's very right, it's a very important bill, but i when we its consideration, i once again call on everyone to support it, i would like to draw your attention, well, we are with you again, friends, i spoke yesterday, i will say this in every meeting, parliament, except for one, except for the day when the whole our agenda will be about the military, i am asking you why we have today again, like yesterday, there was an agenda , and there was no issue of the military in it, today it is the first issue, look what passions there were, electing the head of the committee, everyone lived it, everyone here is such a struggle, friends,
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but where is the issue of the military , where is the issue of... demobilization, replacement of the military, those who have served 18 months, where is the issue of demobilization of conscripts, where is this issue, which has already been promised from all the podiums, including the supreme commander-in-chief, where the bill on rotation is super necessary, super necessary, because there are units that have not changed there for 20 months, and there are some for two years, those that even before the full-scale invasion of donbas were standing at the front, and they are still standing there today, and this has been happening for two years already , where are all these laws? i urge, immediately, immediately to consider all this, i urge, i urge , dear mr. chairman of the verkhovna rada, the conciliation council, please form the agenda for the next meetings, so that
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on the day of the meeting, we have at least a few questions about the military . because there many questions, i appeal to the chairman of the verkhovna rada to appeal to the president to sign the law on the write-off of military property, which we voted here in early october, the third month that the president has not signed it, this is a very important law that makes life easier for the military and reduces bureaucracy army, i urge you to vote and give instructions to the committee on national security, finally, dear mr. zavitnevich, chairman of the committee on national security and defense, please, finally, you have been in the committee for 8 months the draft law on the demobilization of the military after 18 months of service, the draft law on rotation has been around for a long time, the draft law on the release of disabled persons of the first and second groups , the draft law on giving the right to release those who
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have been captured, that’s all, these are all draft laws in the council, let’s consider them, but today is the first . the question that concerns the military is a tragic question, but unfortunately, yes, it is also there, and we have to solve it, but this is the first question today and the last one on the agenda, and it concerns a small category, once again an important law, but of a small category, and when we consider next to it, next to it, laws that affect hundreds of thousands of people, well, we, well, really, they went to protect... all of us, well, let's protect here them, their rights, today the most restricted category in the state , the most offended category, military personnel, this is madness, people with weapons in their hands, about whom we talk every day, they have the least rights, the least rights in our state, they , at least, they have fewer rights than prisoners,
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in prison, well, imagine. at least they know their deadline, when they are, that's why i call, please, the agenda on the military, include these issues, dear mr. chairman, please instruct the committee on national security and defense to consider the bills that concern consideration, there are more than 100 of them draft laws are lying around, they considered 14 of them, well, this is wrong, you can't work like this, do you have to go, let them pass in time, hold a meeting, everything will fall into place with... su, glory to the armed forces of ukraine. please, mykhailo tsimbalyuk mykhailovych, up to 3 minutes. thank you. mykhailo tsimbalyuk, batkivshchyna. dear. chairman, dear people's deputies, first of all, i want to thank the chairman of the verkhovna rada and the conciliation council that the draft law number 9226 was put on the agenda, it is
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a very important draft law that our citizens expected and are expecting, it concerns all military personnel, as well as members of the rank-and-file leadership civil protection services, employees... employees of critical infrastructure facilities, civil servants, officials, officials local government and police officers, to make a personal will for the payment of a lump sum in the event of his death, and in fact would like to thank the main author mr. fritz igor for writing this bill. written by him in response to numerous appeals from citizens who believe it is unfair, as the distribution
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of this monetary payment exists today. also, this law regulates other issues related to the expansion of the circle of persons who have the right to receive a one-time monetary assistance as a result of her death, which can be received by other family members in connection with her death. this testamentary decree, which goes beyond what is provided for by this draft law, gives hope and a clear list of those persons who are entitled to such payment. moreover, this draft law regulates the deprivation of persons from receiving one-time cash assistance in... in certain cases, guaranteeing the right to receive assistance for minors, minors, as well as adult, able-bodied children, by prohibiting refusal
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on their behalf, from this one-time monetary assistance. dear colleagues, please support this bill, pass it as a whole, and in fact, as my colleague said. goncharenko is one of the many draft laws awaiting voting in the session hall and solving many problems that exist today in matters of demobilization, in matters of improvement, mobilization, protection of the rights of our servicemen and representatives of other defense forces, we vote yes, thank you.
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dear colleagues, we have completed all issues related to the discussion of this draft law, i ask the people's deputies to take their seats, i ask the people's deputies to take their seats. i have a suggestion, dear colleagues, please, it is very important. draft law, very much, so i very much ask everyone to prepare for the vote, i propose to adopt in the second reading and in general with the necessary technical and legal amendments the draft law on amendments to some legislative acts of ukraine regarding the improvement of the legal regulation of legal relations related to the appointment, receiving a one-time payment. help and granting benefits to some, to some categories of persons, registration number of the draft law is 9226, ready to vote, i ask the people's deputies
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to vote, that's all. for 274, the decision has been made, the law has been adopted as a whole, thank you, colleagues, let 's move on, the next bill, i apologize, we had a statement from two factions with a replacement for the speech, i understand correctly, from the faction the voice and the group for the future, the floor is given kiriya oleksandrivna rudyk, 3 minutes, and after 3 minutes we will continue, dear colleagues, thank you, dear colleagues, now that financial needs of our country is only growing, and the capabilities of our partners are decreasing and slowing down, the issue of confiscation of frozen russian assets stored abroad is becoming more and more critical. if
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you think... about the numbers, jose borel, who visited kyiv recently, said that the sum of all the aid we received from the european union was 25 billion euros. so now in the world there are 20 times more funds of frozen russian assets stored in the countries of our allies. a year and a half ago, no one really believed in that confiscation of these assets is possible, there was no legal possibility. there is no political will to do it, and for now i am very happy to inform you that progress is being made, and it is daily, and we hope that next year the first dollar of confiscated russian money will go to ukraine. first of all, i am grateful to the 50 people's deputies who signed the appeal to the prime minister of canada, justin trudeau, in support of ms. ratna omidvar's bill on confiscation of assets. and we
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are grateful to the prime minister of belgium, alexander decro, who made a historic decision to transfer interest that had accumulated on russian assets. this is not a small amount, it is about 2 billion euros, and these funds will be used first in belgium, and then will be transferred to ukraine. this is extremely important, because the money that we need now will not be taken out of the pockets of people who really sincerely... support ukraine and our struggle, and we will make putin and his assistants pay not only for rebuilding our country , and to pay for helping us win. at the moment , legal inaccuracies are being fought in countries like estonia, and we hope that they will make the right decision soon. there is a bill in great britain, in the united states, again a bill that has been introduced
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in cannes. we expect that one way or another our allies will be able to make the right decision, and that requires everyone who is engaged in international activities, everyone who has the ability to influence our allies, to use this argument and work to each his own, because let's face it, the best way for us to get support is to get what's fair, what's honest and true, money. the aggressor's money, which is now stored in the countries of our allies. thank you, and glory to ukraine. he becomes a hero. thank you. dear colleagues, let's move on. the next bill. 10208. this is a draft law on amendments to some laws of ukraine, regarding the improvement of legal regulation of issues related to the prohibition of alienation of objects real estate purchased, including, invested, financed
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using a housing certificate for purchase. i put the proposal to include this draft law on the agenda, dear colleagues, the inclusion of the draft law on the agenda, i ask the people's deputies to vote, on the agenda of the session, yes, i'm sorry, for 236, the decision has been made, i put the proposal to consider it. question by abbreviated procedure, please vote, for 207, the decision has been made, dear colleagues, with discussion, yes, someone wants to discuss this bill, they want, then two for, two against, friends, please sign up those
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factions that want to... speak, please, please, shevchenko, yevgeny volodymyrovych, the group for the restoration of ukraine. please give the floor to volodymyr moroz. volodymyr volodymyrovych moroz, please. good afternoon , dear colleagues, the recovery program is gaining momentum, payments under it have already exceeded uah 3 billion, only according to the latest estimates , more than 167 residential buildings, of which 1,900 multi-story buildings were damaged or destroyed the proposed initiative will make it possible to purchase housing not only for the amount specified in the housing certificate, but also to take out
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a mortgage for the difference. that is, if the apartment or house is more expensive.


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