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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2023 6:30am-7:01am EET

6:30 am
what happened, well, what did the russians manage to do north of bakhmut, actually, well, how did it happen, what is it, is it really a significant advance, somehow, can you describe something to us, what, what is happening there, uh- well , i can’t describe it to you very much because of certain circumstances that still do not allow me to do it, i can only say that i... believe that the russian federation and its armed forces are somehow not combat-capable, or are they not learning, this is a very big mistake of ukrainian society, which is very strong there distributed through the mass media and the internet. the russians managed to accumulate certain forces and means to correctly build offensive assault actions, and they had a certain ee... or rather have
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a certain success, it is not big enough, but it still happened, but i think that in the near future the troops will be regrouped our defense forces of ukraine, and a certain response will be carried out accordingly, which will force the forces of the russian federation to withdraw in that direction. and tell me if there was anything like that the russians used, well, what they didn't use, for example there. in the past weeks , has there been a build-up of any russian forces there, well, that is, it can be explained in more detail that, what they have, the forces of the russian federation are now very well using the tactics of half-runs, that is, they choose a certain area of ​​​​the area where they are going to conduct offensive storm actions, and a very large number of drones are used on positions in such a way that they completely cut off logistics. medvaks,
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any supply, as well as by samimidrons they destroy or damage, they try to completely destroy the positions of the defense forces of ukraine, the fvidron is still a very accurate weapon, it is, if there is a sufficient number of operators in them, and what we see in the situation is that they also have a sufficient number of fpv, there is a sufficient number of repeaters, other means and, accordingly , the forces that start these... drones quite successfully, and this is a big obstacle, because if before they just went there with meat, and it was all clear, enough, well , it was easier, let's say so, to fulfill theirs actions, when in addition to human power, fpv drones plus artillery are also involved, this is such a serious complex that gives certain results, by the way, now we see on video, it is also from the bahamian direction.
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it's like uh, fighters of the sixth company of the second assault battalion and the fifth, no, this, this is your brigade, exactly, exactly, i was mistaken, this is your brigade, hunting for, well, in fact, separate groups of russians, yes, exactly, exactly , that's right, so it's exactly yours that work, look, and tell me another thing like this, how much is it the advance of the russians, what happened there , well, poses a danger in the long term, for example, how much danger is there for the temporal ravine, right now, right now, from these actions that the russians are doing right now north of bakhmut, well, we must understand that any the advance of the forces of the russian federation, if it is not stopped in time, will represent some kind of danger in the medium-term perspective, that is, it does not matter the time or any other direction, and accordingly. but they
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were stopped at this stage, as far as i'm concerned it is known, and they will carry out counteroffensive actions, but as i have already said, the kind of advance, the kind of occupation of some area, the improvement of the tactical position of the position, by the forces of the enemy of the enemy is already a prospect for them, and for us to a certain extent a danger, respectively, depending from the site or the same area, it all has a high value or a low value, but at the moment... it cannot be said that everything has stopped, if, russia has a complete advantage, it does not have such, accordingly, we do not have complete defeat and more accordingly, we also do not have a complete advantage, the dynamics of the battle are high, so it is not worth giving priority to someone, because the actions continue and nothing is over yet, everything will be discussed there when russia is established, well, the forces of the russian federation will be established directly in some area , are they trying to lead. again, after
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fixing the reformatting, the regrouping will try to introduce offensive assault actions again. it's hard to tell at this point. well, you don't see it now, i understand that you are russians. had some idea to get a foothold, now is it exclusively offensive, or how do you rate it in general? i see now in general, you can say along the entire line of the combat clash, the idea of ​​the russians is to carry out offensive current actions to the maximum extent as far as they have the strength and means, well, at the moment , this applies to the entire line of combat reporting, the fact is that in some sections they are stopped sooner, in some later, in some sections they are stopped. our defense forces of ukraine counteroffensive actions, restore the lost position, that is, but in general the goal is that two or three weeks activated the enemy's forces along the entire line by the fact that they want to countertap, if
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they succeed somewhere, they begin to transfer a greater number of forces and means there and push, push, push the defense, well, that is, it can be said that just to the north of bakhmut they after all, they transferred additional resources there, yes, that's how you see it, they definitely use this tactic, where if and as i said, where they have even success, minimal, they feel that they can do something there, they definitely begin to transfer forces and resources from other directions, this is their tactic applies to the entire line of combat engagement and, accordingly, the north of bakhmut is not an isolated case. that the exception is more true, but tell me, is it possible to observe any signs of exhaustion among the russians in something there in drones, in artillery, in people, or it is not possible, however you would evaluate it, it was somewhere three weeks ago, at a certain moment, when they had any problems
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with logistics, what did it concern more, of course, artillery reserves, backup artillery, but at this stage this problem is more so if we do not realize it. we know, they have a sufficient amount of artillery and ammunition for them, and, accordingly, there is a very sufficient number of unmanned aerial vehicles of various classes, from reconnaissance, to shock, to drops, after all, one should not forget that the russian federation is not a country that isolated from the world, that is, if we have a mavic 3t, then in russia there is a similar mavic tritet, that is, the same, here it is the same production, the same company, the same class unmanned... as well as other means that fly in the sky, that is, russia was not isolated, russia definitely receives help from its partner countries, so there is no depletion so far, and as for human resources, they have always been more in terms of population
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, unlike from ukraine and their tactics for the fact that they use convicts in groups of miners who directly equip them with engineering. the positions of the front edge of the second or third echelon, others perform work, and the same convicts also accept participation in offensive storm operations as part of storm z or storm groups, well, storm is already the truth of the majority of groups that served a certain period and signed contracts with the forces of the russian federation, so at this stage there is no such thing, if it had happened before, that russia became really isolated, since the whole world there... pointed out, and sanctions would have happened, then of course they would have had some problems long ago with what with the forces, what with the means, well , at this stage this is not observed, but the fact that there are some temporary phenomena there by logistics in certain directions, well , this is a war, we manage to be in their logistics
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routes, it takes the enemy a certain time to recover, so again, we will then have to destroy these logistics routes, and that means there will be delays, but so that... some they had mass hunger, in bc, they definitely do not have such a thing in bc. well, but is there a parity situation from our side, that we still have enough power of means? a very large number of boys must replenish our ranks, the ranks of the rural defense of ukraine, boys wounded, there are veli. how many dead , those who, the guys who are wounded, some return there within two or three months of combat, some will return within eight to 10 months of combat, some will never come back, because of amputations or something else, more terrible, so we need unequivocally the defense forces of ukraine, this is mobilization activities
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in order to replenish the mob resources of units, and all the more so that even when mobilization begins, it is badly needed there for up to two months. time, i don't think so to prepare the personnel in order for them to come to this training from single to final and ending with, uh, coordinating there under... kind of battalions, that's why we don't have enough mob resources, that's for sure, and bc, no matter how much it is in principle was, in a war you always want more of it, because there is a lot of work, the line of combat reporting is long, and if it was definitely needed more, in relation to artillery, tanks, and also, accordingly, fpv drones and in general the saw would prove its necessity and role, that is why they would also... be very good in mass supply to troops ugh. thank you, thank you for finding
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time for us and for joining us, this was mykhailo kryzhanivskyi, lieutenant colonel, commander of the fourth operational battalion of the rubizh brigade of the national guard of ukraine. he spoke to us from near bakhmut and told us in sufficient detail about what was happening there. well, actually, we are returning with ivan tymochko. let 's continue, you know, now we actually listened to how the fighting is going on now, i would say, in this defense, which everyone is talking about, that it is necessary to go on the defensive and to stand in it, and actually from this point of view, how realistic is this idea of ​​becoming a deaf defense, which they love to talk about so much? to do at the operational and strategic level , well, despite all this
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, the commander-in-chief knows best, because they really see the picture, they really know their capabilities, our capabilities, the capabilities of the enemy, they perfectly assess, let's say, the reserves that can be used, that can come in the future, which are at this stage, and they are actually responsible for conducting this as defense as well as offense, therefore... it is probably best to hear this information from them, those who go into a completely deaf defense, they find themselves, as a rule, on the side of those who take the blow, because the one who passes on the offensive, as always, as a rule, he has the initiative, that is, those who are only deaf defense, as he suggests to us, this means to continuously take a blow and adapt to the tactics, to the strategy of the enemy, well, sooner or later. may lead to very serious and irreparable losses. here you need to react
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relative to each direction separately and localize the forces, be in if there is an opportunity to be in active defense, if there is the slightest opportunity, it is necessary to switch to counterattacks, because deaf defense is static lines, these are lines that one way or another before, one way or another the enemy with sometimes he will investigate, study, he will determine all logistical ways. in fact, the mobility of the troops drops when they are in blind defense, and this gives both pluses to the defenders, but also gives a large number of pluses to the enemy, and if you consider that the russians are absolutely not they do not count on human resources, nor on technical resources, in this regard, even if they too have their own limit, but it is many times more, of course, that they will try to break through, break through and break through, especially now that on line... of the front, i absolutely agree with my brother, who was the first to speak from the national guard, that the
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battlefield is actually now, the battlefield is beginning to change and there are a lot of them and they will grow every time. fpv drones, there are both tactical, operational and strategic levels, as well as the same drones that will carry many times more combat charge , the same missiles, even if there were not enough of his little radio judges at first, but we understand that their range will increase and... deaf defense can simply turn into such a target, which will be constantly hit, hit and hit , therefore, it is necessary to react according to the situation, and they have and will deal with this, i say , the general staff, the commander-in-chief should also do this, because they have the resource, they know where better fortifications need to be built, there is a level of long-term defense, and where enough field fortifications, where... where what forces to use, where the concentration of technical means, where the human resource, it is more important
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that simply, you know, we need everyone to do their job effectively in their place, and according to the range of duties, to spectrum of powers and it will be correct if everyone will teach the commander where to advance and what to do, well, we are not all teams, what plans to make, i agree with you, and tell me, well, i understand, for the coming months, after all , the goal is maximum depletion of the resource enemy, so it's a derivative, no, it's a derivative goal next. and all the events on the front line will be very closely related to the political situation in russia itself, it must be combined and it must be taken into account very importantly, because if we focus only on the military aspect, we can miss many political threats that will later affect our weapons, for our support among international institutions,
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this can seriously harm us in the future, for example, when preparing our offensive operations, this must also be taken into account. putin - this is, in fact, a person who built the state on the triggers of symbols, this is putin - this is a person who put the political component higher, let's say, than the economic well-being of his population, and nothing in his head in the 70s is so sharp do not change , i would like to have time , you know, to discuss one other aspect... which is connected with the fact that on the night of december 13 we had such a powerful enough attack on kyiv, the invaders launched s-400 anti-aircraft missiles and iskander cruise missiles, the general staff reported, the enemy hit 48 h6 missiles, as i understand it, from
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the s-400 complex, which are very, well, they fly fast enough along the ballistic trajectory. and in addition, there were 10 kamikat drones of iranian development, which also shot down our air defense systems, and in connection with this, you know, well, in principle, at this time last year , there were already enough such strong attacks on infrastructure, powerful , now, despite the fact that the number of applied shaheeds seems to be constantly increasing, and this attack is large, but... but these are still not as large attacks as there were last year and not as large-scale, should we wait for more large-scale attacks, and in general, what should we wait for, well, actually, this is precisely what is connected with the resourcefulness of russian air defense systems and russian long-range strike systems, if this was preceded by
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mass strikes by shaheds, they studied ways, they tried to adapt new tactics. let's say, they tried to advance drones along roads, ravines, riverbeds, they tried to attract several shaheds pointwise in one direction, or disperse, change directions, work in a long time, when the plane, this drone was in the airspace for the maximum time before it was shot down, all this was done in order to study our air defense system, exhaust it, stress it, somewhere in ... lead to a loss of vigilance, and then we remember, the next strike was so modest with missiles, now they will be, unfortunately, and this is how many missiles, now there are already 10, well, that is, it is clearly increasing, they will build up, the situation in them is different, that even the number of missiles that the russians are currently releasing, not all they
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can use for hits, that's a lot, here there are many nuances, the first and most important of which i still have to fill in. nz reserves, the second option is that the launchers, and the same aircraft, the planes that they used for the launches, are still depleted, in fact, the russian economy and industry are not fully capable of restoring the wear and tear of their aircraft, we are already even we are not talking about civil aviation, even the same military aviation, and of course russia is faced with these challenges and must adapt and will use them. most likely they will to try to improve now in parallel, or rather import improved shaheds from iran, because this is what the russians are presenting there, that they are improving, it is very, very doubtful, rather iran is improving it according to the conclusions, actually according to a detailed analysis of these planes, drones that are shot down ukraine,
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against which, say, the air defense systems of our allies and european countries are working there. that is, there is a trial and parallel improvement, but this is done at the level of iran, not russia, russia is just a consumer, and plus missiles. well, we have came to an end. thanks to ivan tymochka, head of the reservist council of the armed forces of the ukrainian armed forces. well, there will be news on the espress tv channel in the future, so stay with us. the story of the rise of the legendary nba team. in the hbo series, it's time to win to establish the lakers' dynasty. watch all seasons. not in ukrainian in the subscription, turn on the championship on mego.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war now we will talk more about the war. yuri fizar will speak in more detail about what happened in the world and how the world is living and what has happened in the world. yuri , good evening, please. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sports events by yevgenn postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about the news cultures presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming. and. distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project
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for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts. inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict
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with serhii rudenko, every day from 20 to 22 on espresso .
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les foi is!
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we are looking for 15-year-old vitya, an artist from mariupol. the last time the guy contacted him was on april 1, 2022. then. stayed in place, the situation there was very tense, fierce fighting continued. since then , almost two years have passed, and there was no more news about the boy. where he is now is unknown. therefore, i am asking a lot, especially to the residents of occupied mariupol, who may now see me on social networks. look carefully at the photo of vita khudoshin. if suddenly someone has seen him or knows where he might be, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram, or call our hotline. 1163 calls from all ukrainian countries mobile operators are free, any information is important. we are also looking for
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13-year-old sofiyka nyakiv. the girl lived in mariupol and disappeared on the first day of the full-scale war. all this time , nothing is known about the fate of this child. so i really hope for your help. look at the photo and remember this face. if you see sofia, or suddenly you know about the girl's whereabouts, do not delay and call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from anywhere in ukraine. the operator is free, or write to the chatbottt service of tracing children in telegram. and the following story proves that the search must be continued even when it seems that the situation is very difficult, or even hopeless: the ten-year-old lisa was found after almost two years of searching. for a long time we did everything possible to find the girl as soon as possible, but no information about her came, and only in september of this year we
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received the first, but as it turned out, extremely important call from a witness. to the hotline of the child tracing service 116.30 a woman who lives in poland called and said that she saw our program about the search for liza and recognized the girl. this girl, this lisa, this face, these eyes, these, i am sure that this is this child. the woman said that in the spring of 2022 she was a volunteer at the red cross in barcelona and helped register refugees from... and among them she remembered a ten-year-old lisa, and definitely lisa, and definitely this blonde, these eyes, this her, this this child, it was either march or april, because they were still in their jackets, mrs. liana said that the girl came to barcelona from the kherson region together with two adults, a man and a woman, and they registered as refugees in spain, they are most likely in the territory of spain,
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because... they received the refugee program, they were distributed further throughout the territory of spain, but this they are also not prohibited from leaving with those documents to another state. after receiving such information from a witness, we immediately contacted our spanish colleagues from the international federation of missing children europe, who in turn made a request to the spanish police. a week of waiting and very important details are revealed. girl. was really in spain, went to school in barcelona, ​​in the summer of this year her guardians announced their intention to return to ukraine with the child. and indeed, on october 3 , it was recorded that the girl crossed the border from the polish side together with adults, but on the same day lisa and her guardians crossed the border again and left for europe. of course, we immediately passed all the information we knew to the police, but for now the most important thing is that everything is fine with the girl and she is together
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from their own guardians, who according to our data are most likely her grandparents. and of course, first of all, we have to thank ms. lianna, who lives in spain, who saw our program about the search for liza on facebook, recognized the girl, did not remain indifferent and gave us such important information, which ultimately became decisive in the search for the girl. in general , this story once again proves that one should never lose hope. and you have to continue searching even in the most difficult situations. we have created a resource thanks to which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop.
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greetings, it's news time in etheriso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. 11 people were injured, among them three children, five wounded had to be treated. but. what were the consequences of the enemy attack on odeshchyna, the state emergency service told. as a result of shelling in the region, a car and a farm building caught fire. more than a dozen buildings were also damaged are located next to each other. at the site of the hits , rescuers installed a mobile heating station. psychologists of the state emergency service work with residents there. the red cross also delivers food and warm things to people. i will remind you that the day before, a 42-year-old man died in odesa, who was injured by an enemy.
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shelling on the night of december 13.


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