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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2023 10:30am-11:01am EET

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to play that chess, you don’t need them on the front line, in principle, i think, let me give you a simple example of what is valuable and not valuable, here you can count, in my unit, where i served, there was a person who has already resigned and is engaged in she makes knives, balls, well, those who don't play football, the axes are so hutsul, well, how , how, how, well, he has a bugle, he can fish. they are quite expensive, there, well , i don't, i won't advertise, well, it's not inconvenient, but well, these are expensive, expensive, expensive things, he's very professional at doing, well, this he wears out the art of counting, and we sometimes have our, yes, our bosses, let’s say this, leaders, he made for them, produced these hutsul axes, for example, and it was like a gift, eh, if you count the money, then this it is certain that it is more than 5 €, but how can it be evaluated, as a valuable dep or not valuable, here
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you have to... well, thank you very much for this conversation, oleksiy heitman was with us a reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. well, we're going to take a short break, then we'll have mark savchuk, head of the nabu public control council, there are serious new anti-corruption cases there. usual affairs become unreal, heavy bags. not for my sore back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility with dolgit cream, whatever you want, i will lift. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. ask at pharmacies, we wish you health, and your family's pharmacy, long-lasting cream 150 g with a 20% discount. laughter, physical activity, sneezing, even during such a small stress incontinence urine can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to natural the components
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10:34 am
will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg. eco futro insulation perfectly retains heat and wicks away moisture, and the top is made of permeable and wear-resistant wool raincoat fabric and reinforced with eco-suede. alaska style boots can be worn both in wet weather and in very cold weather. high-quality, light and warm alaska stayle boots will provide comfort in the changeable wet autumn and in the frosty winter and in the unpredictable spring. you will always be warm, comfortable and dry. universal design, basic black circle. and a favorable price of only 799 hryvnias. call vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company.
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favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express yours opinion on the evil of the day by means of a telephone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00. well, ladies and gentlemen , let's talk a little about corruption, more than 80% of ukrainians believe that corruption is the main obstacle to the recovery of ukraine, especially after the war, are they
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right? that's for sure, mark savchuk, head of the public control council, i'll be in touch with us already, mr. marko, good morning to you, good! i know that we were going to meet yesterday to talk to you about this topic, but you had urgent matters that were still somewhat classified, you can now tell me what they were about, and they were just work matters that i could not postpone in any way, and i did not know what they were i will have them for this day, i just know that it is still something about the state property fund and that there are certain machinations related to the fund. please tell me what it is about, it's just an update, well, like, it's not what happened yesterday, it's just an update, but one of the key people of the state property fund scheme, mr. kudin was suspected, and when we saw the suspects the first time, when
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a case was opened in nabu on the state property fund, everything was fine, except for one thing, mr. kudin was not there, and so we asked the nabu, and why mr.... chairman of the state property fund, and according to our information, this person was one of the key people in the organization of the schemes that were shown at the state property fund, because you must understand that the head of the fund is a political position, so the head of the fund spends a lot of time there , you need to communicate with politicians, communicate with channels, talk about reforms and everything else, i.e. work with schemes, usually this is the work of deputies, not the manager, it is work on schemes, here and kudin was absolutely the central figure in this in these schemes, but when the nabu reported the
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suspicions, he was not there, of course we had a lot of questions, why why he is not there, nabu told us that the work continues and... and there will be more suspects ahead, and yesterday we learned that kudin was suspected, kudin is a person who, after the scandal in of the derzhmaina fund, she went to work for the government and she was yulia sviridenko's deputy, this is the vice-prime minister for the economy, that 's it, and of course, that, of course, that everyone knows who mr. kudin is, you must understand that... a corrupt person was actually appointed to the government, and then from the government, mr. kudin went to work for the supervisory board of ukrnafta, now he has suspicions, i think that he will not work anywhere else, he went to work for ukrnafta already after the alienation
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of the property, a share of kolomoisky's property in pat ukrnafta, yes, yes , yes, it was already after the campaign was actually nationalized from if there is another state company, which , sinychenko, by the way, i will repeat myself, i will remind you more precisely that nabu is suspected of actually withdrawing 10 billion, and embezzling budget funds through the state property fund, but when we talk about another state agency, namely about arma, about the return of confiscated , confiscated property, including russian oligarchs, sanctions and... uh, also yanukovych of the time of the people, ah, there is also a suspicion of very serious frauds, but it was recently discovered there that the so-called onlooker, who seems to be tied up with the president's office, a lot is being written about this , in particular, about the scandal that appeared, when
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, as far as i understood from the reports , our money was written down by a person who does not have the authority, nevertheless they say that this is the person who is distributing now. .. all the orders in the army, and a conflict was caught on video camera when he physically attacked one of the army workers, threatening to kill him for not following some of his orders, and after that... this person they say was bigus, the plot on bigusa, i strongly advise you all
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to watch, go to the bigusa channel and look at him, and if a person does not have a position, that is, he is just some advisor, that is, otherwise this person does not have one, he cannot be prosecuted by the acquired sap, because this person does not have the ability, according to the constitution, according to the laws , to order something to someone, even if he clearly can ... to follow only officials, the class of class a statesmen , that's all, that is, if it's some adviser there, and he also gives some advice to someone or something, we can't work on him, we don't have the authority to do that, and it's national politics , dbr, well , to be honest, in this particular case questions, this is a political issue, first of all , that is, even if just this person was caught on camera for... and she just has some
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thoughts in someone's mind that she is responsible for something, in fact there is no such thing, then this is purely political responsibility , that is, the leadership of the country and the authorities should release him here and now, it's just that vadym grona, in fact, we 're showing him right now at this very moment when he, uh, well, this is already a scandal, they, well , this person should be free. or people in authority should answer who this person is or it has some powers, there should be an internal investigation in the army itself, or the sbu, or the police in order to find out who this person is, and here it should also be recalled that on june 28, as yuriy butusa reminds us, there was the election competition commission, when the head of arma was selected, and this competition commission consisted of olena yara, ivan lishchyna, dmytro. ostapenko, serhiy vernedubov, yuriy kisken, mykhailo ivanenko voted for the candidacy of this
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elena duma, who currently heads arma, and whose adviser is considered to be this one, this one a man, vadim grona, who has no authority. it is absolutely true, what i told you, yes, that this person does not have authority, it is just some person from the street who does something there and decides something, that is, it is the political responsibility of the head in particular, here the head... to resign, in general, arma should be disbanded and part of its powers should be transferred to the state property fund. arma is a systemically corrupt state body that was unable to reform itself there and is systematically showing up for the scraps, despite the fact that we through the competition we appoint new managers , there are no results of management there, all we see there are corruption scandals, constant, these are the advisers, it doesn't matter
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who is responsible for something, but should not be responsible, of course, that is, our the conclusion of anti-corruption activists is that arma should be completely destroyed, that is , there is no need to reform it, it is no longer possible to reform anything there, and olena duma, this person who was appointed with a very big scandal, should leave, and arma should be disbanded, but this . the first case on which it is still necessary to take a closer look, to understand now post facto how it happened, because i will remind you that in june detective nabu, for example, serhiy rokun, also ran for the post of head of the army, how did it happen that not he, but olena, this duma became the leader, that is, surely you can draw some conclusions from how it was elected, in particular , the competition commission itself, how it delegated candidates there, were they present? under the influence of whom exactly and so on, because probably in all these questions there is actually an answer and
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she would specifically point to all the problems of creating such corruption schemes, that is the answer, we wrote about this very loudly at the time of elena's appointment to the duma, we already said then that this person, first of all, is connected with people from and with the influence on from russia, and i'm sorry, i just don't remember right now just from... memory, but yes, if i'm not mistaken, this is exactly the person who is associated with her, they said, that she was his lover, or something else, it was the manager. sbuu from the occupied crimea, which was appointed bakanov, and then he brought another person to the sbu, who was generally for mombakanov, who now both have 111 suspicion from the sbu, that is, treason. that is, this person is an acquaintance, or once worked for him, has
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an informal relationship with a person who is currently suspected of treason. of course, the very appointment of this person, whose reputation is zero, already raises, well, it's not a question, it's an answer, you understand, because it was a political appointment, everyone wrote that olena duma could not become a leader arma, and in general, arma needs to be disbanded, but the government made a willful decision, and now we see how this willful decision costs us all, it costs us all, it is not biden for us. and excuse me, something is doing in our basements, yes, this is our decision, this is our decision, biden has nothing to do with it, moscow has nothing to do with it, this is our decision, although elena herself, the thought was a little bit involved precisely in the scandals, at least about it was reported precisely related to biden, since she was also involved in rudy giuliani's activities when he collected
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kompromat in this story with burism, which, by the way, can get out with the impeachment of biden today. in the congress and, but i will remind you that olena duma led, it seems, participated very actively in the election campaign of zelensky in the 19th year in chernia, went to public events, campaigned for volodymyr oleksandrovich, well, we now see that it was some kind of payment, yes for support, that is, that they were appointed to the army, but we can see what results such appointments give, well, and one more point, the last ones. in this story, it really seems important to me, this what you're saying is that naboo can't actually do this business because he doesn't have official status, just like i don't know about a dozen other advisers in the office of the president, the president himself, various government officials there, and so on , don't actually have official status , who nevertheless, as we see, very often have far more influence than
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ministers, actual cabinet ministers , and that's a huge problem because... what if you say it's no longer a prerogative or a nabu parish , accordingly, these are not even acts of corruption, or are they in in such a case, signs, signs , for example, of organized crime of creation in such a case, well, since it is a parallel structure that works in parallel with the state, but uses state funds, yes 100%, well, there are such advisers, i do not think that they receive some kind of salary, but you must understand that... that they are not interested in the salary of a civil servant, that is, of course, that in such cases the sbu is more responsible, and because they have very broad powers, they can actually investigate whatever, and whenever we we see such informal relations, yes, because this person, this adviser, he annoys people
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who have the authority to make a decision, the adviser has no authority. that is, all these problems that we now see in the army are first of all political responsibility, then we go down to the people, well , in fact, what should law enforcement agencies do, but in the case of this person who is an adviser, but has no authority, therefore , nabu cannot investigate him, and the sbu or the national police must open the proceedings themselves about the influence that this person has no right to exert. in the army or in another in another state institution, and they should do nsrd, record, just like these journalists, how he goes there, and what he orders to whom, what he gives, and then when they see that the state suffers great losses for activity of this person
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, they can already pass it on to nab, because this qualification will no longer be based on... but on the official, but on the size of the losses, and it can also be done that way, because if this person causes great losses to the state, then it is possible qualify, qualify as a case in nabu and fix it specifically for nabu and tasap, but it should be done by the sbu and the national police. well, thank you very much for this conversation, mark savchuk, the chairman of the naboo public control board, was with us, and in the meantime, we are moving on to the summit. our tv channel journalist natalka stare pravo is in the european union . congratulations natalya, congratulations andriy, what about you? i will immediately pass the word, what news, will ukraine manage to receive any positive signals this year, in particular at this summit? greetings to our viewers, yes, today actually
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quite a historic day, now i am at the place where the delegation of european leaders is arriving, i must already mention that german chancellor olaf scholz has arrived, also hungarian prime minister orban has just arrived, he has already talked to journalists. we actually have to note that the situation is so unstable as to what the forecasts will be for ukraine, because the situation is somewhat repeated, as it was at the nato summit in vilnius, when ukraine was waiting for this historic decision, whether there will be a place for it already this year in nato, in fact , this a similar situation with negotiations regarding eu membership may also be repeated this year, because we see an unstable such... even i would say a stable position, a stable disagreement of hungary regarding the changes regarding ukraine, about its membership. well, it should also be noted that
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today they will talk about large financial support, a large financial package for ukraine is 50 billion euros over four years, it will be such a stretched financial package, it can most likely be approved, however, whether they will start negotiations, which we are also waiting for in... at the moment it is like this there is a question, a very big question, whether they will be started, because even though the majority of european countries are in favor of expanding the european union, we also see the position of austria, which is for the fact that it is better not to give such a unique, expanded framework for joining the eu for ukraine, instead of starting negotiations for bosnia and herzegovina, that's why we see such a rather ambivalent. situation regarding ukraine. we have literally a minute left, and natalka, i will ask again, politically wrote about the fact that although orban will be in the position of such a
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an outsider or a marginal with his anti-ukrainian, skeptical position, nevertheless, in fact, the leaders of other european union states also have a certain weariness and fear that the war in ukraine is a black hole. which absorbs money, and is it felt now at the summit, does ukraine remain number one on the agenda of today's summit? in fact, i must note that the issue of ukraine, it is not a priority at this same summit, however, everyone is looking forward to it, and all the representatives of ukraine are still waiting for this decision, so that negotiations will begin, so i can actually note that... after all, this is a priority issue for many, both for foreign journalists and for parliamentarians and members of the european union, european countries. a lot, in fact, i must
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point out, the majority of the european council, the european parliament, in order to be sympathetic to ukraine and still call for these negotiations to begin, it must be remembered that the majority is still 486 deputies. voted for a resolution to begin, to begin accession negotiations, negotiations about the accession of ukraine and other countries that expect these negotiations by the end of this decade, and in particular, there is also the question of making it a priority for ukraine. well, thank you very much, natalka starepravo, our journalist, currently working for you in brussels , was included in the summit, which started work today, will continue it tomorrow, the main question for us is whether ukraine, whether the negotiations will start ... negotiations regarding ukraine's accession to the european union, the very impact that, in fact, according to even the most optimistic forecasts, will take
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at least 8 years to harmonize all necessary legislation. at this point, we take a short break, we will return, the telethon on espresso continues. attention, incredible. new from rozpakuy tv: super warm and very comfortable alaska stayle boots. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska stayle boots have a universal design and practical black color, so they will suit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46. therefore, take two pairs at once: for yourself and yours to a man side zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg. ecoputro insulation perfectly retains heat and. wicks away moisture, and the upper is made of waterproof and wear-resistant raincoat fabric and reinforced with eco-suede. alaska stayle boots can be worn both in wet weather and in very
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and warm alaska style boots will provide comfort in changeable wet autumn and in frosty winter and in unpredictable spring. always to you it will be warm, comfortable and dry. universal design, basic black color and a favorable price, only from uah 799. call greetings, it's time for news in the ether. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. all but one of the ukrainian defenders destroyed 41 enemy mines during the night, most of them in the sky over odesa region, the air force reported. there they noticed that the russians started attacking us with a drone.


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