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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2023 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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watch all seasons in ukrainian with a subscription, turn on the championship on mega. there are discounts on molteren porte of 20% in pharmacies plantain for you and savings. the traveler knows what helps. tingling and crawling sensations arise spontaneously and disturb you. the doolgit antineuralgia complex helps in normalization of the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to usual activities without tingling. and numbness in the limbs, capsules dolgit antineuralgia , help to your nervous system, good evening, we are with ukraine, well, a big fight is going on, it's time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka is next to me, oleksandr, congratulations, please , i congratulate the audience, i thank vasyl for the word, the next few minutes, about international aid, as well as about what the imf requires from the government. what exactly will i tell you
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in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. i'll start with energy, this is an important topic, especially now during the frost for a day and a half without electricity. in donetsk region, due to shelling , almost 150 settlements remain without electricity. this was reported in the ukrenergo company. the russians fired at one of the teploeles in the east. stations damaged their equipment, two thermal power plants in the southern and western regions stopped supplying electricity altogether. in addition, three power units of thermal power plants in different regions of our country are currently being repaired of the state, but they say that there is currently no shortage of capacity in the ukrenergo company, they have not introduced shutdown schedules yet. let me remind you that at the beginning of this week, last week, ukraine asked for international partners, in particular, the countries of eurosoci. to assist in the supply of current. well
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, this is the situation at the moment, but really, international aid continues not only with electricity and weapons, but also with finances. we will receive a new package of military aid worth 80 million euros from estonia. this was reported in the local ministry of defense. this amount includes a large number of anti-tank missiles, machine guns, ammunition for light weapons, various vehicles. from. does not disclose the exact amount of total state support for ukraine, well, for security reasons. but with whom everything is clear and according to plan, it is the international monetary fund. ukraine did receive almost $900 million from the imf. this is already the third part of the loan under the extended financing program. let me remind you that this program consists of more than 15 billion in total. we have to get it to
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the state budget, so the funds will help to finance important state budget expenditures in a timely manner, in general, will ensure macroeconomic stability in wartime conditions. well, indeed, vasyl, 900 million, ukraine worked for a long time to fulfill the tasks, recommendations, let's say our main creditor, and it is interesting that now we still have the so-called structural ones. which one from the imf? it is interesting that the fund is now hinting to the government that it is necessary not only to take grants, specifically non-returnable funds, soft loans, it is necessary to earn money. the imf expects the cabinet of ministers in december, that is, this month will start the implementation of the so-called "national income strategy" program. this was reported by the representative of the imf mission in ukraine, gavin graeme. so he expects that the internal revenue. states should increase from three to 4%
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of gdp. well, vasyl, i don't know how the gdp can grow now, when, in fact, all hope rests on... that medium-sized business, i 'll give you an example, of course you can't trust putin, but he says that the growth of the economy that they have in russia is 3%, well, we are talking about 3.4 in ukraine, that what do we want to achieve now, yes , of course, again, here, to achieve this, we have to invest in it, yes, the russians have their problems, they do not have foreign investment, they lend their production and thus they can lose, so here i'm on my boyish mind, because i'm not very strong in economics, of course, when money is in banks, it's very good, it's probably very good when it's in production. well, vasyl, the imf is also hinting that ukraine should start saving a little on certain programs somewhere, well, the deficit the budget needs to be reduced, i don’t know, there are different options from the expert environment regarding the saving of the state budget , well, of course, first of all it is a reduction
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of some such global programs, infrastructure projects, which can at least wait until better times, well, but we will monitor this, what options will be offered. the government, where it will cut costs, i will talk about it later. the board of the national bank decided today to reduce the discount rate by 1% to 15% per annum. such a decision was made because of the slowdown inflation and optimistic price forecasts. in november, experts say, they decreased even somewhat faster than analysts expected. this was facilitated by the expansion of the product offering. food from the new harvest, well, that is, the vegetable garden essentially supported price stability and did not allow such a moment to spur inflation, well, but they also say that the stability of the hryvnia played a rather important role, the national bank
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arranged fluctuations in the exchange rate, it was from where, because in essence gold and foreign exchange reserves are now at such a high level levels the national bank also advises financial institutions, particularly banks, to create backup communication channels. after the attack on kyivstar. financial institutions are already actively solving this situation, reconfiguring non-working post terminals to work through other mobile operators, or they will work through wi-fi. according to the banks, the vast majority of atm self-service terminals are now in regular mode. are working, serving customers without interruption, as well as bank branches and non-cash payments are also working as usual. but the local authorities of dorohusk refused the polish carriers to block the movement of trucks from
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ukraine. it is about the yagodin dorohuska checkpoint. the initiators of the blockade can appeal this decision in court. let me remind you that the polish carriers asked to allow a repeat protest. on december 18, it would have lasted until march 8 next year, but we see that with the new government in poland , the situation is fundamentally changing, well, i would like it to change as soon as possible. next year , the state property fund plans to put up about a thousand objects for privatization, as the head clarified departments vitaliy koval, all of them will be sold through auctions. the search for effective owners is now in time. because ukraine cannot afford to generate losses during the war. in the opinion of the head of derzhmain fund , small and medium-sized businesses should be at the center of the denationalization process, so he called on entrepreneurs to cooperate in considering objects that will be put up for privatization auctions,
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buy, invest, and develop their own business. well, the dutch authorities are asking ukrainian refugees to think possibility. to rent housing on your own, if you have such financial capacity, accordingly , the statement was published on the website of the ministry of justice and security of the kingdom, currently more than 100,000 immigrants from our country have already found shelter in the netherlands. vasyl, well, we see, the netherlands is also trying to essentially let ukrainians swim freely within their kingdom , to insist that budgetary aid, budgetary support, well, it is capable, capable of providing for itself, integrated into society, learned the language, well, two years have actually passed since the war, and it was full-scale, the same thing happened in the czech republic, in switzerland, in norway,
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ireland now also restricts certain moments, she says, we simply don’t have housing anymore, so be careful when you go to it is, well, it is clear, who did not integrate, just sat on the help and if not... thought about the future, well, then the situation will be different, but again, this is a predicted thing, especially since abroad they see that in ukraine in principle , there are cities to which he flies once every six months, but people live, businesses work, but why aren't you there, why are you here well, yes, in particular, i will add, germany also hints to its business to hire ukrainians as soon as possible, because sitting on state aid is also expensive for the state treasury of germany. well, vasyl is also interested here that we are talking about refugees who continue to stay abroad, and at the same time we are talking about the reconstruction of ukraine, a number of conferences are being held, and funds are being invested. as well as international partners in the reconstruction of both enterprises and infrastructure,
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at the same time the issue of workers who are currently abroad remains open, vasyl, well, mostly people left, or got away from great trouble, who simply had to find somewhere to protect themselves, because there was nowhere to live, we understand that this is kherson region, donbas , kharkiv region, sumy region, chernihiv region, kyiv region, but many people left, who simply decided to take a chance and grab a good job there, being a specialist, learned the language, confirmed the diploma and got a job, you can’t criticize anyone, it’s a human right, but here it’s a matter of choice, because ukraine also needs people, well this is the end of such a traditional consumer section: this year, cabbage is more than half as expensive as last year, and the price has been rising rapidly for the past two weeks. this is reported by analysts of the eastfruit project. whitefish already costs almost uah 12, and in some places even more per kilo. therefore, the reason for the increase in the price of the vegetable was the general reduction in the supply of rice. analysts say there is less supply now as farmers hold back existing stocks in anticipation
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of higher prices during the winter, early spring, so that's when there will be more supply, but prices will also continue to rise. well, here it is there was information for today's economic day, i will say goodbye to you, but the big broadcast continues. vasyl zima will continue it, watch us! there is already a statement on twitter from charles michel, the head of the european council regarding ukraine and the european union, but i will read it a little later, and now i will give the floor to serhii rudenko, he will tell about what will happen today, the speech will be in the verdict program, which will start at 20 and. sergey, good evening, please, good evening vasyl, that's right. let's talk about the decision of the leaders of the european union, because we just received a message from charles michel
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about the fact that the european union is starting major negotiations with the countries of eastern europe, in particular ukraine and moldova, regarding the accession of these countries to the european union, about what is being thought in europe, in particular in the european institutions, we will talk with our special correspondent from strasbourg. tatiana vysotska, let's talk about the special opinion of viktor orban, because today is not only the day of ukraine and moldova, today is also orban's day, because today the leader of hungary was literally in the center of attention during the summit of the leaders of the european union. orban tried to negotiate with the european union. orban set the conditions for the breakfast, and scholz and other european leaders went with him. in order to convince that it is necessary to give ukraine the green light for negotiations regarding the accession
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of the european union. so today, during this evening, we will talk about how this decision was given to ukraine, and most importantly, whether we will reach the accession to the european union as a result of these negotiations, and we will talk about this in the second part of our program with people's deputies of ukraine. solomia bobrovska and people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi. in addition, in the first part of the program, which will start in 16 minutes, we will have roman tsimbalyuk, the former correspondent of unian in moscow. let's talk about what vladimir putin spoke today for four hours, four minutes, because he had a big final press conference, usually roman attended this press conference, but already since the 21st year, tsymbalyuk lives outside
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moscow, his simply forced to leave russia even before the start of a full-scale war, but he knows exactly what is new or what is new old, said vladimir putin, and he will definitely tell us about it on the air, another guest of our studio, which will start at 8:00 p.m. ihor lapin, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, special prize. who understands exactly how the underfunding of the armed forces of ukraine by our american partners can end, because the congress, despite everything, did not make a decision to provide ukraine with financial assistance in the amount of 61 billion dollars and went on christmas vacation, what does this mean for ukraine and what does it mean , if this solution will be adopted only a month later, that is, starting from january 15. we're talking about all this during our
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big verdict today, and vasyl's big winter broadcast continues, so vasyl, you have a word. thank you serhii, well, actually serhii said what he will talk about today in the verdict and voiced this news from brussels from charles michel, that we can really congratulate each other on the fact that the leaders of yest supported the opening of negotiations with ukraine, despite to orban's protest, how can we not mention here, you know, how that old woman was against, and was one who did not shoot, well, in any case, we thank our partners for their comprehensive and powerful support, it is important now, we will not be eu members tomorrow, of course, we understand, but this is a continuation of the path, a continuation of the path. theatrical boom, the site of the ivan franko theater, could not stand it, it is in kyiv, could not stand the influx of visitors, this morning until lunchtime, it was almost impossible to access this resource, all because the management of the theater announced that there would be tickets for performance, the konotop witch based on the work of the famous flower artist osnovyanenko. lina chechenina
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will tell more about this phenomenon, let's watch and listen. ukrainian theater actors are really excited, as it seems to me , because again, in my opinion, we have never had such a grandiose boom for their industry, for theater, for ukrainian drama. of course, there were productions for which it was difficult to buy tickets, but now such productions have increased several times. it's this morning, and i wanted to. to go and buy tickets for the konotop witch, which premiered very recently with great success at the franko theater, but i was unable to do so and not even because there were no tickets, but because the site simply collapsed. all people are under the impression that they just got up in the morning and started going to this site to buy tickets, so it just went down. i have never heard of a theater website going down because of too
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many people going there to buy tickets. well, actually, there was a lot after the premiere of this play. positive reviews, well, mainly theater critics and ordinary viewers expressed their incredible admiration for the visual part of the play and they said that it was probably one of the most spectacular performances they had seen, despite all the other advantages, unfortunately, i did not see the konotop witch directed by ivan oryvskyi, because when the site started working, i went and saw that by the end of january all the tickets are already sold out, by the way, the same story is happening. with another production by ivan uryvskyi, this is the owner of the theater in podil, with whom there was such a small scandal, because one of the characters there was renamed from zelenskyi to zaluskyi, but hey, people, who are generally very interested in the theater, they say that it did not depend, that is, the hype did not depend on this scandal, because as
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a rule, for the performances of ivan uryvskyi, and this is already true, i will also say from myself, usually this is how ... tickets are sold , because his productions are usually quite resonant , respond to the audience, so you know, follow, follow the websites of ukrainian theaters and understand that for such performances you need to collect, not collect money, but track them in advance and it will be very cool, i think, that you will be very lucky if you buy a ticket, for example, in two months, it will be a success, well, now let's move on to cinema, cinema is also pleasing us so far, although many people from the industry say that we will still see some films in ukrainian cinema, but then it will become on pause, because funding has also been paused, but so far we have precedents and they are quite good, for example, the lessons of tolerance by arkady nepetelyuk, we will see this film on april 14
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- february 14 on valentine's day, but so far we have been shown a trailer, there is a plot interesting enough. in general, in the style of arkady drunk, who in general likes the issue of tolerance, and here the family is described as being so homophobic, with such russomir slurs, but they learn about the state program, when you can shelter a representative of the lgbt community in your home, you will have some benefits for this, because the family is worried certain financial crisis, they agree and a gay man moves in with them, who constantly surprises them because he does not match that stereotypical image. that they have in their heads, i suggest you watch the passage, and now bend your legs a little in the lap, but where is the homosexual? if you are comfortable, we can switch to those. by the way, i 've been dreaming of something new and unusual for a long time, dotsa , please give me something from my head, sorry, i 'm used to sleeping without underwear, well, i'll also say that
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the day before, they gave out another ukrainian music award, a relatively new one, because it it's being awarded for the second time, it's called the megagogo music awards, and i want to tell you that i'm very satisfied with the musical level of our musicians. cants, how many of them there are, many people argue that there teenagers still listen to russian music and we don't have what to contrast, you know, just in the music industry there is something to contrast, and also a lot of people say that there are events like award ceremonies, something more or less glamorous, it's out of time, but i want to say for myself that it's just a part the development of the music industry, and it should develop so that teenagers do not listen to russian music, to listen to ukrainian, and by the way, there were very... a lot at this ceremony, as at any other music ceremonies, there were references to the war, certainly, constantly, and yet they were even awarded for
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the most creative collection is volunteer comedian vasyl baydak, because he really does it very creatively, records various videos, and i would like to say that very often volunteers now complain that the collection is falling, people are not so actively donating, although the opposite is now necessary donate more, and they have to come up with some different... inventions, let's feel sorry for our volunteers, who stay awake at night, inventing to get a little money out of us, and we will donate them without extra tips. well, keep an eye on ukrainian culture, ukrainian theater, music, i say goodbye to you and stay with espresso. it is not at all surprising that there is such an interest in the theater, it always is during the war. there is this desire for art, for culture, as for reflections, as for an artistic reflection of reality, even here in lviv, in the theater of the zankuvetsk performance, it is called enemies, i
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will definitely go, i read it, i really liked it, plus there it is other performances as well, people need it, and it is very cool that the theaters are full, that the actors are involved, they also have a certain mission, and during this war for people, it is very important, now we will listen to the weather forecast. to ukraine in ukraine on friday, natal kalidenko will tell us in detail, and then i will tell you one more important thing. we look, we listen. synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers. we are talking about the weather that is expected in the whole of ukraine in the near future, but considering the current weather, i think it will be appropriate to talk about tea, because now... uh, it's almost all the time gloomy, brings some sad thoughts, such weather, eh whether rain or sleet, it’s not at all clear, it’s foggy underfoot
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, what, in a word, hot tea is a real comfort, already digested teas are very much loved by ukrainians, and today we’ll talk about whether they are really very useful, and you should just drink them in liters and tons, actually no, of course, if it doesn't harm you and there are no contraindications, drink for your health, but here are some interesting facts: well , first of all, everyone advises and recommends buying mainly herbal teas, herbs 'yani fees, or if you know for sure that they are collected in enough in an ecologically clean place, somewhere near the highways , maybe they collected, for example, the same linden flowers, where the gas pollution is strong, of course you don't need to clutter your body too much, well, here, for example, such herbs as comfrey, sedge, and sedum. dubrovnik, etc., these can generally be toxic, poisoned herbs, if not, that is, it is only on the instructions of a doctor, well, in general, you should not brew too strong tea. of course,
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the leader in teas is chamomile and mint, and chamomile tea is the most famous, of course, it soothes, helps to lower the level, to things, blood sugar, improves digestion, they drink it for colds, coughs, bronchitis, and i found a fact that some studies have shown that chamomile... tea can reduce the death rate by almost 29%, well, we drink chamomile tea tea, tea with mint, perfectly copes with the gastrointestinal tract, its problems and needs, improves digestion, it is recommended for heartburn, well , it is clear that it is soothing, but, for example, men are not recommended to be too fond of mint tea , well, we do everything wisely, we always pay attention to everything let's remember that every benefit has... perhaps its own disadvantages, so balance and harmony are above all. well, we move on to magnetic storms. let's see what harmony and balance there will be tomorrow. tomorrow is expected.
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magnetic activity is increased, that is, magnetic storms, so please listen to yourself, to your health, take care of prevention, because the combination of such not very comfortable weather and magnetic storms can lead to some such violations in the work of your body, and we will move on to the actual to most importantly, to the weather for the next day, tomorrow, december 15, hooray, already the middle of the first winter month is almost behind us, and we are talking about the weather that will be expected tomorrow. e cyclone, which determined the weather with precipitation named vanya, will go away and supplant him, provides, so to speak, rear guards, anticyclones of the west named much more beautiful fiona, e, and therefore in the west tomorrow no precipitation is expected, the air temperature will vary from two frosts to two heats, traditionally higher in transcarpathia, in the north of ukraine also fiona will be called mainly, not i will say that dry weather, still cloudy, but still without precipitation, without significant precipitation -2 +2 in
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the eastern part of ukraine, the atmospheric front of the cyclone will still leave precipitation, it is mostly wet snow, rain in some places , the air temperature will also not change significantly, in there should be no precipitation in the central part of ukraine tomorrow, december 15, although the weather will be cloudy, the humidity on the roads will be icy and wet, dear drivers, be especially careful, the southern part of ukraine will be the warmest, traditionally +3-+7° to +10. precipitation is unlikely, maybe in zaporozhye and crimea the rains will still pass tomorrow, these are the remnants of the atmospheric front. well, the weather without precipitation will prevail in kyiv tomorrow. the maximum air temperature will range from 2° of frost to 2° of heat. what about the near future? the coldest night, the coldest such a period in the near future, is the night of saturday to -5 -9°,
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and sunday and the next. a thaw will prevail in ukraine for weeks and such warm weather will continue until christmas, of course , clarifications are possible, so keep a close eye on the weather forecasts on the espresso channel. here they write in the chat, ms. natalka, show tarasik and tatyanka, these are new kittens, ms. natalka posted a photo of herself on facebook, so look at tarasik and tatyanka, and i'll talk to you now. what an important piece of information, now just a second, therefore , the press conference of the head of the european council , charles michel, and the head of the european commission, the president of the european commission, ursula fondelein, should start in the near future, based on the results of the first day of the european union summit, which started today in brussels, we will broadcast for you, it is translated into ukrainian, live, on youtube and facebook, the espresso pages , don't miss it, this
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press conference is going to start soon, and i'll... i'll tell you briefly about what has actually been achieved, now, as of now for all those people who had some prospects regarding the european union, so i will voice what was written by charles michel, the president of the european council, the european union granted candidate status to georgia, and the european union will start negotiations with bosnia and herzegovina as soon as the necessary level of compliance with the membership criteria is reached and invited the commission to prepare a report until march with the aim of making such a decision, well, besides, for ukraine and... moldova was given, they were given the right to conduct negotiations on joining the european union, this again concerns two states, countries, ukraine and our closest neighbors, moldova. well, thank you for being with us on this difficult day, take care, the shaheds are flying in from the south, there could be another alarm in a few hours, so be careful and safe, and keep an eye on the news and events
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on espresso, because you will always be have more information in a few moments verdict let's watch together. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine and the world. about war, about victory, and about our successes in the euro-atlantic direction, because today the leaders of the european union at the summit in brussels approved the recommendations of the european commission on the opening of negotiations on the accession of ukraine and moldova to the european union. enough today was a busy day in brussels and it started with the fact that orban, prime minister of hungary


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