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tv   [untitled]    December 15, 2023 12:30am-1:01am EET

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it is possible to allow erefia to win on the battlefield, as this will lead to the risk of further aggression, and the only way from what needs to be done now, he says, is to continue to support ukraine, because, according to him, the stronger the position of the armed forces of ukraine on the battlefield , the stronger the ukrainian position will be before the start of negotiations, if and when they begin. also,... the words are addressed to those, in particular to orban, but to orban they are now only saying that he is probably fed up with so much talk about ukraine with him says, i'm waiting for this moment when the leaders of the european union will go to the journalists and say, after all, whether they persuaded him, moldova will continue to strengthen its military potential, as it is necessary for the security of the country, president maya sandu said this in an interview . portal "voice
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of bessarabia", while the country's government will do it with its own funds and at the expense of foreign aid. well, already this year, the government of moldova increased the military budget by 68% to 89 million dollars, intensified the purchase of weapons and cooperation in the military sphere with the united states of america, the european union and nato, which also increased the supply of weapons and military equipment in fig. the public i wonder how russia will react to this militarization of moldova, whether they will now talk about the fact that the so-called special military operation will continue not only until the demilitarization of ukraine, but also the demilitarization of moldova. well i do not know. belarus and russia have the closest military-political cooperation, which is why minsk has supported and... will continue to support
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russia as its ally, the self-proclaimed president of belarus oleksandr lukashenko said during a meeting with the participants of the meeting of heads of security and intelligence services of the so-called cis. at the same time , hryhorovych added that he never hid such a military romance with the kremlin. and then direct speech from the self-proclaimed. this is our ally. we will not allow the russians to shoot in the back through the territory of belarus, we adhere to this principle. we have supported our ally in every possible way and will continue to do so. well, here's an ally in the person of the terrorist president putin said that there is a civil war in ukraine started by the west and nato. it will continue until russia achieves the goals declared at the beginning of the so-called svo. these are just two theses from today's communication between the world's main terrorist and the russians.
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for several hours, he answered questions prepared in advance, which, how, how, how, should have , excuse me, licked him from all sides, except ukraine, talked a lot about the west, about the middle east and about how russia wants to help everyone and how it wants peace very much, yes he mostly answered russians' questions about life in russia itself, sometimes they were demonstrably uncomfortable for putin, but all this was only demonstrative. i tell you honestly that this year, for the first time since 2015, i did not watch putin's communication with the people live, because i was not going to see anything new there, i knew that he would answer these questions that had been asked in time, prepared, i knew how he would answer them, after all, we all know, and he wouldn't say anything new, he was tired of the flogging, to be honest. this botox
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the president, and i just read the transcript of this speech diagonally after that, that's all, we need to win, and i'll tell you, if there is a second, he said that inflation is not high, the decline in the economy is small, the growth of the economy will outpace the decline, they have a 2% drop, industry is growing, manufacturing industry is growing, 10% growth in investment in fixed capital, and he also said that life expectancy in russia in two years you... up to 74 years, was 71.3, and now 74, as les podrevyansky said, grow the percentage of fats in oil, this is about the same, and he also said that the victory is already one, it is already, it is already on the horizon, because i listened to the first part, to be honest , putin is just all that, what, what he had to say, and in conclusion, businessman donald trump, the 45th president of the united states, launched digital certificates for sale, pictures of his own.
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the cost of one picture is $99, but when you buy 47 pictures at once, you can get not a virtual, but a real photo, and attention, there should have been... a drumbeat with a piece the suit in which he was photographed during the arrest. another bonus is an invitation to dinner with the ex-president at his maralago estate in florida. let me remind you that the famous photo was taken in august of this year in the prison of the state of georgia, where the fourth criminal case against donald trump is being considered for an attempt to review the results of the 2020 presidential election. trump himself spent under arrest then. about half an hour, and he was released on a prearranged bond of $2,000. well, this photo is all of you you saw, the whole world saw this photo, and now donald trump is making money from this photo, and even from pieces of the suit
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in which he was at the court hearing, so trump is trump, nothing seems to change him. well, for today i have everything in the column world about ukraine, everything only for... today, since tomorrow will be more and the most important thing, tomorrow from the very morning watch espresso on the air, and what was decided at the summit of the european union regarding help and support of ukraine, but do not switch, because there is still a lot of interesting stuff on our broadcast, in particular, my friend oleksandr morshevka will tell, as always, in detail all the latest from the world of money. i'll say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow. according to the results of november, the espresso tv channel ranks first among information broadcasting channels. we are the first for the eighth month in a row. i congratulate chas news on the air of the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we have updated the design and sound.
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we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian remain unchanged view. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. verdik even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. well, the big tir continues, it's time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka next to
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by me alexander, congratulations, please. i congratulate the audience, thank vasyl for his words. the next few minutes about international aid, as well as what the imf requires from the government, what exactly, i will tell you in detail in a moment. i'm oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i'll start with energy. this topic is important, especially now during the frosts of a day and a half without light. in donetsk region, due to shelling, almost 150 settlements remain without electricity. this was reported in the ukrenergo company. the russians in the east fired at one of the thermal power plants, damaged the equipment. two power stations in the southern and western regions stopped supplying electricity altogether. in addition, three power units of thermal power plants are currently being repaired in different regions of our country, but they say. the company ukrenergo currently has no shortage of capacities, schedules of outages have not yet been introduced.
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let me remind you that at the beginning of this week, last week, ukraine asked international partners, in particular the countries of the european union, to help in supplying electricity. well, this is the situation at the moment, but indeed international aid continues, not only electricity, weapons, and finances. new package of military aid by 80%. will receive from estonia, this is reported in the ministry of defense there. this amount includes a large number of anti-tank missiles, machine guns, ammunition for light weapons, various vehicles. the agency does not disclose the exact amount of total state support for ukraine, well, for security reasons. but with whom everything is clear and according to plan, it is the international monetary fund ukraine and. received almost 900 million dollars from the imf, this
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already the third part of the loan under the extended financing program. let me remind you that this program in general consists of more than 15 billion, which we have to get to the state budget. thus, the funds will help to timely finance important expenditures of the state budget, in general, will ensure macroeconomic stability in wartime conditions. well, really, vasyl, 900 million, ukraine has been working for a long time to fulfill the tasks, recommendations, shall we say, of our main creditor, and it is interesting that, well, now we still have so-called structural beacons from the imf, it is interesting that the fund is now hinting to the government that it is necessary not only to take grants, specifically non-returnable funds, soft loans, it is necessary to earn, that's it. the imf expects that the cabinet of ministers will start implementing the so-called
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"national income strategy" program already in december, that is, this month. this was reported by gavin gray, the representative of the imf mission in ukraine. thus, he expects that the state's internal revenues should grow from three to 4% of gdp. well, vasyl, i don't know how gdp can grow now, when, in fact, all hope rests on small and medium-sized businesses. i i'll tell you. for example, of course , putin cannot be trusted, but he says that the growth of the economy, which they have in russia, is 3%, well, we are talking about 3.4 in ukraine, what we want to achieve now, yes, of course , again, here , to achieve this, you have to invest in it, so the russians have their own problems, they do not have foreign investment, they lend their production and thus can lose, so here i am on my boyish mind, because i am in the economy not very strong, of course, when the money is in the banks, it's very good, probably very good, when they are in production, well, vasyl is also hinting... in the imf, so that ukraine does start
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to save a little on certain programs somewhere, well, the budget deficit must be reduced, i don’t know, there are different options from the expert environment regarding saving the state budget, well, it’s clear , first of all, this is a reduction of some such global programs, infrastructure projects, which can at least wait until better times, well , but we will monitor this, what options the government will offer, where it will cut. costs, i will talk about this later. the board of the national bank decided today to reduce the discount rate by 1% to 15% per annum. this decision was made due to the slowdown in inflation and optimistic price forecasts. in november, experts say, they decreased even somewhat faster than analysts expected. this was facilitated by the expansion of the supply of food products from the new harvest, well that is... vegetables essentially supported price stability and did not allow
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such a moment to spur inflation, well, but they also say that the stability of the hryvnia is enough played an important role, the national bank arranged the fluctuations of the exchange rate, where did it come from, because in fact the gold and foreign exchange reserves are now at such a high level, and also... the national bank advises financial institutions, in particular banks, to create backup communication channels after the attack on kyivstar . financial institutions are already actively solving this situation, reconfiguring post terminals. that do not work for work through other mobile operators, or they will work through wi-fi, according to the banks, the vast majority atm self-service terminals are now working as usual, serving customers without interruption , bank branches and non-cash payments are also working as usual,
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but the local authorities of doroguska ordered polish transporters to block the movement of trucks from ukraine, it is about the yagody dorohuska checkpoint. the initiators of the blockade can appeal this decision in court. let me remind you that the polish carriers asked to allow a repeat protest action on december 18, it would last until march 8 next year, but we see, with the new government in poland , the situation is changing, and i would like it to change as soon as possible. next year, the state property fund plans to put up about a thousand objects for privatization. as the head of the department, vitaliy koval, specified. all of them will be sold through auctions. the search for effective owners is now timely, as ukraine cannot afford to generate losses during the war. according to the head of derzhmayna fund
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, small and medium-sized businesses should be at the center of the denationalization process, so he called on entrepreneurs to cooperation. objects that will be put up for privatization auctions, buy, invest, and develop your own business. well, the authorities of the netherlands ask ukrainian refugees to consider the possibility of renting housing on their own, if they have such financial capacity. accordingly, the statement was published on the website of the ministry of justice and security of the kingdom. currently, more than 100,000 immigrants from our country have already found shelter in vasyl, well, we see that the netherlands is also trying to essentially let ukrainians go freely inside his kingdom, to strain that budgetary aid, budgetary support, well, it, plus the burden is increasing, now the netherlands has allocated more than a billion in aid to ukraine, the burden is increasing due to the war and they cannot pay for everything, if a person
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is capable, able to provide for himself, integrated into society, learned the language , well, two years have actually passed since the war, so... full-scale, this was also the case in the czech republic, in switzerland, in norway, ireland now also restricts certain moments, he says, we have housing simply there is no more, so be careful when you go for it, well, that’s understandable, who didn’t integrate, just sat on the help and if he didn’t think about the future, well, then the situation will be different, but again, this is a predicted thing, especially for the border sees that in principle there are cities in ukraine to which he flies once every six months, where people live, businesses work, well, why aren't you there, why are you here, well , yes, in particular, i would add, germany. also hints to his business to hire ukrainians as soon as possible , because sitting on state aid, it is also expensive for the state treasury of the federal republic of germany. well, vasyl, it is also interesting here that we are talking about refugees who continue to stay abroad, and at the same time we are talking about
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the reconstruction of ukraine, a number of conferences are being held, and funds from international partners are also being invested in the reconstruction. both enterprises and infrastructure, at the same time, the question of workers who are currently abroad, vasyl, remains open. well , mostly people left, or away from great trouble, who simply needed somewhere to protect themselves, or there was nowhere to live, we we understand, this is kherson region, donbas region, there is kharkiv region, sumy region, chernihiv region, kyiv region, but many people left who simply decided to take a chance and grab a good job there, as a specialist they learned the language, confirmed their diploma and got a job, you can’t criticize anyone, this a human right, but... well, it's a matter of choice, because ukraine also needs people. well, that 's the end of it, such a traditional consumer category, this year cabbage is more than half as expensive as last year. the price has been rising rapidly for the past two weeks. it is reported analysts of the eastfruit project. whitefish already costs almost uah 12, and in some places even more per kilo. so, the reason for the increase in the price of the vegetable
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was the general reduction of the offer on the market. analysts say that... there is less supply now as farmers hold back existing stocks in anticipation of higher prices during the winter, early spring, so that's when there will be more supply, but prices will also continue to rise. well , this was the information for today's economic day, i will say goodbye to you, but the big broadcast continues, vasyl zama will to continue it, see. we can congratulate each other on the fact that the leaders of the estaka under... have received the opening of negotiations with ukraine, despite orban's protest, how can we not mention here, you know, how that old woman was against, and there was only one who did not shoot, well in in any case, we thank our partners
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for their comprehensive and powerful support, it is important now, we will not be eu members tomorrow, of course, we understand that, but this is the continuation of the path, the continuation of the path, the theater boom, the website of the ivan franko theater, will not last , this is in kyiv, could not withstand the influx of visitors, this morning until noon, come to this one. it was almost impossible, all because the management of the theater announced that there would be tickets for the performance of the konotop witch based on the work of the famous artist osnovyanenko. lina chechenina, will tell more about this phenomenon, let us watch and listen. ukrainian theater actors are really excited, it seems to me, because again, as far as i am concerned, we have never had such a grandiose boom in their industry, in the theater, in ukrainian drama. of course, there were productions for which it was difficult to buy tickets, but now there are such
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performances increased several times. right now, in the morning, i wanted to go in and buy tickets for the witch of konotop, which premiered very recently with great success at the franko theater, but i couldn't do it, and not even because there were no tickets, but because the site just collapsed. all the people... it's like they just got up in the morning and started going to this site to buy tickets, so it just went down. i haven't heard that theater websites go down because too many people go there to buy tickets. well really after the premiere of this play, there were a lot of positive reviews, well, mainly theater critics and ordinary viewers expressed their incredible admiration for the visual part of the play and said that it was probably one of the most effective. performances that they saw, well, despite all the other merits, unfortunately , i did not see the konotop witch directed by ivan orivskyi, because when the site started working, i went in
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and saw that by the end of january all the tickets had already been sold out, by by the way, the same story happens with another production of ivan urybsky, this is the owner of the napodoli theater, with whom there was such a small scandal, because one character there was renamed from zelensky to... zalusky, but people who are generally very interested in the theater, they say that it did not depend, that is, the hype did not depend on this scandal, because as a rule, for performances by ivan uryvskyi, and this is already true, i will also say from myself, tickets are usually sold like this, because his productions are usually quite resonant, respond to the audience, so you know, watch, watch according to the websites of ukrainian theaters and understand that for... shows like this you need to raise, not raise money, but track them in advance, and it will be very cool, i think you will be very lucky if you buy a ticket,
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for example, two months in advance, it will be a success , well, now let's move on to cinema, cinema is also pleasing us so far, although many people from the industry say that we will still see some films in ukrainian cinema, but then it will pause, because it paused and financing. but so far we have precedents and they are quite good, for example, the lessons of tolerance of arkady nepetelyuk, we will see this film on april 14, february 14 on valentine's day, but so far we have been shown a trailer, there the plot is quite interesting in general in the style of arkady nepetelyuk, who generally likes the issue of tolerance, and here the family is described like this homophobic with such ruskomir slurs, but they will learn about the state. program, when you can shelter a representative of the lgbt community in your home, you will have some benefits for this, because the family is going through a certain financial crisis, they agree and live with them
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gay, who constantly surprises them because he doesn't match the stereotypical image they have in their head, i suggest you watch the excerpt, now bend your knees a little , and homosexual where, if you're comfortable, we can switch to you , by the way, for a long time i dreamed of something new and unusual, dotsa , please give me something from my head, excuse me, i ’m used to sleeping without underwear, well, and i will also say that the day before they gave out another ukrainian music award for a relatively new one, because it is awarded just for the second time, it's called megogo music awards, and i want to tell you that i am i am very satisfied with the musical level of our musicians. how many of them there are, many people argue that there are teenagers who still listen to russian music and we have nothing to oppose, you know, just in the music industry
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there is something to oppose, and also many people... i say that these are such actions as there are ceremonies awarding, something more or less glamorous, this is not on the table, but i want to say that this is simply part of the development of the music industry, and it should develop so that teenagers do not listen to russian music, to listen to ukrainian, and by the way, there was a lot at this ceremony, just like at any other music ceremonies, there were mentions of the war, of course, constantly, and they even awarded for the most creative collection. cheeky comedian vasyl baydak, because he really does it very creatively, records various videos, and i want to say that very often volunteers now complain that the fees are falling, people don’t donate so actively, although on the contrary, now they need to donate more, and they we have to come up with some different fictions, let's feel sorry for our volunteers, which nights are not they are sleeping, inventing, if they want to cheat us out of a little money, but we will give them without extra hints, well, keep an eye on
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ukrainian... culture, on ukrainian theater, on music, i say goodbye to you, and stay with espresso. it is not at all surprising that there is such an interest in the theater during the war, it is always this desire for art, for culture, as for reflections, as for an artistic reflection of reality, even here in lviv, in the zankuvetska theater, the play is called enemies, i must i will definitely go, i read it, i really liked it, there are others plays also, people need it, and it is very cool that the theaters are full, that the actors are involved, they also have a certain mission, and during this war for people, it is very important, now we will listen to the weather will be in ukraine in ukraine in on friday, denko will tell us in detail, and then i will tell you one more important thing, let's watch and listen.
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synoptic hello to all, dear viewers, we are talking about the weather that is expected in all of ukraine in the near future, but given the current weather, i think it will be appropriate to talk about tea, because now almost all the time it is gloomy, it brings up some sad thoughts, the weather like this, whether it is rain or sleet , it is not clear at all, it is foggy underfoot , what, in a word, hot tea is comfort, ukrainians love already brewed teas very much, and we today let's talk about whether they are really very useful, and you just need to drink them in some liters and tons, in fact no, of course, if it does not harm you and there are no contraindications, drink for your health, but here are some such interesting facts: well first of all, everyone advises and recommends to buy mostly in stores or pharmacies herbal teas, herbal collections, or if you know for sure that they are collected in a fairly environmentally
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friendly place. somewhere along the tracks , they may have collected, for example, the same linden flowers, where the gas pollution is strong, of course, you don’t need to clog up your body too much, but also, for example, such herbs as comfrey, cow’s milk, celandine, dubrovnik, etc. in general, these can be toxic, poisonous herbs, if not, that is, it is only on the instructions of a doctor, well, in general, you should not brew too strong tea, of course, the leader in teas... this is chamomile and mint, and chamomile tea, it is the most famous, of course, it soothes, helps to lower the level, by the way, of sugar in the blood, improves digestion, they drink it for colds, coughs, bronchitis, and i found the fact that some studies have shown that chamomile tea can reduce the mortality rate by almost 29%, well, we drink chamomile tea, tea with mint - it copes well with the gastrointestinal tract, improves its problems and needs
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furnace etching. recommend, well , it is clear that it is a sedative, but for example, men are not recommended to get too excited about mint tea, well, we do everything wisely, we pay attention to everything and always remember that every benefit has its possible disadvantages, so balance and harmony are above all, well, and let's move on to magnetic storms, let's see what kind of harmony and balance there will be tomorrow, tomorrow is expected to be magnetic... increased activity, that is , magnetic storms, so please listen to yourself, to your health, take care of prevention, because the combination is not so good comfortable weather and even magnetic bubbles can lead to some such violations in the work of your body, and let's move on to the main thing, to the weather for the next day, tomorrow, december 15, hooray, already the middle of the first winter month is almost behind us, and we are talking about. ..


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