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tv   [untitled]    December 15, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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maybe even go into politics, into the city council, because there is really a lot of work. i am very happy that a lot of proactive young people are developing in odessa right now, and i directly root for them as much as possible and hope that as soon as possible i will be able to join and work for the good of my city, because i love odessa very much and i really dream that it the city was happy, ukrainian and in all senses of the word, although this full-scale war showed that ukraine is loved in odessa. khrystyna porubiy, espresso tv channel.
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greetings to all viewers of espresso, this is news, from annaeva melnyk, and i will start this issue with the following: replenishing the number of good russians. in the temporarily occupied mariupol , 52 occupiers were killed and more than 20 injured as a result of the strike. russian media announced such losses. the rockets hit the location of the russians in the area of ​​the shopping center. together with the occupiers, about 10 pieces of equipment were destroyed, now the city is looking for the so-called enemies, who were allegedly gunners, - the advisor of the mariupol mayor petro andryushchenko reports, in shopping centers russian terrorists entered the shopping center a few days ago, there were special forces among them, some of them were supposed to go to ughledar, and some of them to the avdiiv direction. successful persia: guerrillas blew up
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a freight train in melitopol, on which the occupiers daily transported ammunition and fuel from the temporarily occupied crimea, and on the way back they took away ukrainian crops, grain and damaged equipment. as a result of the explosion , the railway and a locomotive with wagons were also damaged, the center of national resistance reported. two women were injured as a result of shelling in kherson. the russians struck the dnipro district with artillery cities oleksandr prokudin, the head of the regional military administration, wrote about it. at the time of the attack, the victims were in their own homes, they were covered, doctors are providing assistance, their condition is assessed as average. dislike and violation of the law. in kyiv, a security guard did not let children into a bomb shelter, the national police informs. on december 14, when russia launched daggers, a boy and a girl, 11 and 12 years old, were heading to the shelter with... their pet. dog of
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maltipu breed. it was because of her that the husband forbade them to enter the premises and left them on the street. thus, he left them in danger. investigators opened criminal proceedings. good hunting. border guards showed a video of night work on enemy drones. the russians launched 14 shaheds across ukraine. all of them were shot down by our defenders of nebanat mykolayivska, khersonska, khmelnytska. and poltava regions, the air force said. the espresso tv channel, together with the public organization baza ua, is collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the kholodny yar armed forces. in extremely difficult conditions, ukrainian the military chooses victory every day, not leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs, evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances. the wounded are much
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larger. our goal is uah 800,000. with your help, we raised almost 400 thousand. to meet the needs of the armed forces is the least we can do for our soldiers. you see the details on the screen. 26 people were injured, six of them in serious condition. in transcarpathia , a deputy detonated a grenade during a meeting of the karytsk village council. medics are fighting for... the life of the bomber. about this reported in the national police. emergency services are on site. law enforcement officers are investigating the event as a terrorist act, the perpetrator faces up to 10 years in prison. the zakarpattia regional military administration announced that they had convened an urgent meeting of the regional defense council to adopt urgent operational decisions. drones are not for the front. smugglers tried in transcarpathia. brought cigarettes
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by drone to hungary, reported to the bureau of economic security 1,300 packages of duty-free tobacco products found in homemade drone to the package. they glued the light reflectors with cigarettes so that they could be found after dropping. currently, law enforcement officers are identifying a full range of persons, perpetrators. three ukrainian drivers were shot down on the border with poland. the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs, lekhnikolenko, told about it. he noted that the incident happened on the eve of december 14. citizens of ukraine suffered minor injuries. the ukrainian consul immediately went to the scene of the accident. according to the words. the police detained the driver who hit. law enforcement officers have started an investigation. victory diplomacy russia will soon lose its membership in the danube commission, all because of the systematic shelling of ukrainian ports on
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the danube. the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro koleba, told about it. according to him , such a decision was made at the hundredth anniversary meeting of the commission under the ukrainian chairmanship. the russian federation must leave the organization by february 29, 2024, or commission members will no longer recognize their obligations to russia under the belgrade convention on the regime of navigation on the danube. preparing for new year's holidays, not every family will decorate the christmas tree. someone will choose artificial, someone live. how much is being asked for a green beauty in the kyiv region this year and what kind of assortment are offered? her colleagues will tell. this year , the sale of christmas trees in the city officially started on december 1, as the chief forester of the bilotserki forest farm assures, this is due to the fact that for the first time in ukraine, all christmas and new year holidays are celebrated according to the new yulian calendar. last year, more than half
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a thousand trees were sold, and it is hoped that this will be the case in 2023 as well. they are cut down legally on special plantations, where they grow from four to eight years. spruce and pine cost from approx. 200 to more than 500 hryvnias, it all depends on the height, but the hungarians will be more expensive, but the prices, says arena, have not changed at all, at our company we opened a christmas tree bazaar right here for the january breakthrough in the white church, we also opened a christmas tree bazaar in fastovi, skvira, the same tetiiv, stavishche, i.e. in the places where our forestry units are located, spruce trees are sold directly and... people also come, entrepreneurs who also take them legally, uh, take 100, 200 pieces, write everything out in bundles, that is, they sell them in any case on the market, they have permits for that, we provide them, we do not cut them, we just chopped that amount, brought 500
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pieces there and we are waiting for them to be bought there, that is , we prepared them in small portions, brought them, sold them, we are watching the completion of the sale at the yalanka bazaar. we also deliver here. new year's beauties are not accepted yet, because there is usually a rush observed a week before december 31. for example, 10 of them were sold in the oleksandria arboretum. according to the chief engineer, the price was also not raised, so you can buy a christmas tree here from uah 360 for more than 1 m to uah 600 for 3.5 m. they are also grown in a special nursery. the buyer who comes to the nursery chooses his christmas tree. i like it, and the head of the nursery unit already measures its height, and then we sell it through the arboretum cash desk. you can buy conifers in the markets and locally in the city districts, but this year there are still few such places. low christmas trees on stands and
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assembled compositions cost from uah 150, larger trees from uah 300 to uah 600. arriving at one of the sales points, we did not notice the kramer and the tags, but after a few minutes a man approached us. and assured me that everything is legal, pop , see, look, it is specially grown by people, it is written, a christmas pine tree, and there must be some kind of documents for it, of course, well, this is a contract of a natural person, what about the fact that he has fields and grows new year's sauce, ugh, an entrepreneur, that is, these christmas trees came to us from the poltava region, ugh, the entire village of lisne, kobylya territorial community. despite the fact that in the city you can buy a christmas tree for any taste, local poachers want easy money, so they go for unauthorized cutting down of trees. recently , two people cut off the tops of almost 20 christmas trees and pine trees near the suhoyar cemetery, they
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were taken on a sleigh, but the police noticed the pieces in time. an administrative protocol is drawn up on the spot, if it is minor material damage under article 65 administratively. of the code of ukraine, if the significant amount already exceeds the notarial amount damage, then an investigative team is called, and in relation to article 246. illegal felling of forest plantations, a criminal offense is opened. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. the news team is working on the next issue, i tell you, see you at 4 p.m., meet my colleagues antin borkovskii and marta oliyarnyk later on the air. hungarian prime minister viktor orbán
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blocked the adoption of the european union's budget decision, which included a medium-term aid program for ukraine, the bbc writes about it, quoting: orban for the publication of the bbc: results of the night shift: the veto on additional money for ukraine, orban wrote in a former twitter account, the head of the european council, charles michel , confirmed that the leaders of the eu countries could not agree on the inclusion of aid to ukraine in.. . to the budget plan of the european union , according to michel, one country opposed it, he did not name it, but no one makes a secret of the fact that it is hungary, and according to charles michel, the leaders of the eu countries will return to this issue at beginning next year, that is, literally in a couple of weeks. well, we are already in touch with serhii bratchuk, spokesman for the ukrainian volunteer army south glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, glory to the armed forces, i congratulate my colleagues. so, the operational situation. in the south of ukraine, during yesterday's most massive attack on the southern region, the enemy used as many as 39
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drones. in odesa, unfortunately, there are debris that damaged the hostel, and in principle , we see that they have renewed the shelling of the maritime infrastructure. in your opinion, what is the operational situation in the south of ukraine now? do you observe that the enemy has now become more aggressive and intensified their actions? well. always, the intensity of the shelling has really increased recently, the only thing is that we have a certain operational pause this night, unlike mykolaiv oblast or kherson oblast, where shaheds were shot down, there are eight in mykolaiv oblast, two were destroyed in kherson oblast, we have a small respite, because we understand great, the enemy has made their bet in the near future and is doing precisely on the use of kamikaze drones, and we saw that the night before last, because absolutely true. 39 attacked, 32 were destroyed in odesa region,
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unfortunately, debris hit a hostel in odesa, there were also hits from debris on the territory of the port infrastructure, there the warehouses of two grain mills were damaged, the most important thing is that we did not have any in the izmailiv district victims, unlike odesa, there are five people in the hospital, three of them are children, but everything, as they say, is normal, as far as it is... maybe nothing threatens their health, that is why the enemy chose this tactic of using shaheeds, this point one, tries to improve the tactical and technical characteristics of these shaken as much as possible and launches them, this is already the third point, let's say from the main ones, launches them from the evening and tries to keep them in the air, changing the route, literally breakneck there in the air they move, turn in circles there fly and so on and so on. until the morning in fact, if they are not shot down earlier, so we expect that
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there may be another attack tonight as well, the enemy has kamikaze drones, there are more of these platforms from where they release kamikaze drones, namely on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, this will already be the fifth location from the south, precisely in balaklava, so the situation is tense, but it is also controlled, because the defense forces are working, accordingly, and well, here is one more nuance, the enemy uses, of course, weather conditions, currently in the south we have very thick fogs, and the enemy is trying to hide his shahedis behind this curtain of a natural nature. mr. sergey, i would like to ask you yesterday the russian dwarf again gave a big press conference, people came out, there and he told all kinds of lies, and he told all kinds of nonsense, and one of such... nonsense is that he called odessa a russian city.
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you, as a person, an odessan, a person from odesa , how did you generally react to these statements of his, what do you think, what he said that everyone knows about it, but they invented historical nonsense, and after the collapse of the ussr, we were ashamed of it, he says putin, what would you say to him if you saw him, well, i wouldn't hesitate. i would kill him, that's clear, and i can say so, let feathers grow in his mouth, and his ass will come apart at the seams, look, mr. sergey , what concerns the shelling and raids on odessa and odeschyna, the enemy is working randomly, have they already clearly defined for themselves certain goals, certain directions that they want to overwhelm, well , you can see how they say, but perhaps the enemy has some additional strategy, well, if we are talking about the directions of shelling, then of course the priority is the south of the odesa region, it is the ports, it is the port infrastructure,
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the enemy has not invented anything new here, but as for odesa and the odesa district , too on... trying to hit precisely the objects of critical infrastructure, logistic infrastructure, we understand that the enemy is trying, well, let's say, to pass through conditional rear lines, that's why it's a priority, it's that the enemy is trying to hit there, hit massively, and by the way, things have changed here, if you compare with last year, you remember, there were hundreds of these missiles flying really all over ukraine, that is , such carpet bombing, rolling bombing, as for... now they are determining, it is noticeable, they are determining the directions movement, and goals are also determined by the direction of movement, where they are trying to hit, i said about the south of the region, actually about odesa itself and odesa district, including, and these are the main directions of such work, terrorist work of the enemy. and how would you characterize
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our work, we know that yesterday, if i'm not mistaken, balovna was also in the crimea, how are you? in general, the work of our army, yes, of our defense forces in general, in the direction of, let's say, the occupied peninsula, should we hope that there may be more frequent, let's say, indulgences in this region, well here without exaggeration, if very briefly, i take off my hat, because the actions taking place on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, look, the locations are different. well, i personally , as well as a military man, as an odessa citizen, as reshchenko of the ukrainian volunteer army of the south, do not have enough, let’s say this, well, probably strikes on cape chauda, ​​over there on balatlav, where the shaheds fly from, but there is definitely enough time here , i will keep silent even about that crimean bridge for the time being, and this is how it is, that is why these raid actions that
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took place, for example, on the part of the guru, they will be, this is what is happening on the part of of our... strong forces, when the missiles fly there, respectively, destroy the enemy's infrastructure, and look, there were never any hits, or god forbid, even debris does not fly on civilian objects, well, this is not just a super effective job, this is aerobatics, something that the russians don't have and certainly can't have, because there are terrorists there, so they want more, they want faster, they want it every day and every hour there, but they demand all operations. sometimes not even one month so that, if you shoot, then shoot accurately and as much as possible with a larger one damage to the enemy, that is why the cotton season, it does not end, it is such a culture, you can already see how our guys worked on the fact that this culture has taken root in the south of our country as well, i
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mean first of all the temporarily occupied crimea, i hope that by breeding such a cotton that... will be there, well, for example, bryansk one, bilhorod one, well, kursk and so on and the like, it would also be very good, well, a kind of northern variety. look, mr. serhiy, well, the key story now is also the left bank of the dnieper, yes, kherson oblast temporarily is occupied, fighting continues, our fighters, marines, are there, we understand how actively the enemy is now covering the coastal strip with kababs, that is, also. they almost set a record, there were about 20 units of guided air bombs, they dropped them during the last day, what is known now about the left bank, about the battles and in general, how much did the enemy intensify there? eh, it’s not a record, that’s right, but it doesn’t make it any easier, even if one drop flies in, well , of course we understand what’s going on and what
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’s going on there, for today the scaffoldings that are on the left bank, they are noted for... stability and courage, even now i did not use those words to describe what our marines, representatives of the territorial defense, other units of the defense forces are doing there, there are quite a lot of different units there , and they fulfill their task, i think that they fulfilled it even yesterday, for today, especially when they hold back a huge group of russian occupation troops, the dnipro, there now... another motorized rifle is thrown against them division, now the bridgehead 104 russian airborne assault division broke its teeth against them, just as it was created. for this direction, it was created for the commander of this group, general teplinsky, who is a vedvshnik himself, and it is breaking its teeth there, breaking so much that
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there is even already certain information that the enemy will somehow try to bring this division there on a certain rotation, of course the intensity aviation is just huge, huge artillery work is going on, from our side a... reconnaissance, artillery, here you can what to say about the magyar's eyes, the guys themselves praise it very much here, they say that they are so enamored with the destruction of enemy equipment that they have some kind of certain license from god to destroy rusina, namely combat equipment, there is simply a graveyard of this equipment, and of course the efforts that they are working to eliminate these bridgeheads of ours, they are extraordinary , what an effort, i'll be honest, i'll say it like it is, i... i don't know how these guys keep these bridgeheads there, it's, well, i'm ready to stand up for their courage kneel before them, who is there was, who, unfortunately, remains there, the deceased
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, the evacuation is carried out as normally as possible, and those who go there to conduct hostilities are simply really titans, mr. serhiu, there is already a statement from our main intelligence department of the preminov defense that putin at yesterday's... press conference he lied about the number of occupiers who are currently fighting against ukraine. he called the number 617,000. andriy yusov, a representative of gur, says that there are approximately 450,000 occupiers, that is, putin added plus or minus 200,000. if we we are talking about the south of our country, approximately how many occupation troops are there now and what are the forces of these troops in general, are they freshly mobilized, for the most part, or are they still very well trained troops. well, they are training and i will not level the enemy’s capabilities today and it should never be done, i have already said about the new motorized rifle division that is already
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starting to perform combat tasks there, i said about the 104th airborne division, according to the calculations that are available today , then there are approximately 70,000 personnel today in grouped troops of the dnipro. i said about the reserves, about the quality of training , accordingly, too, of course there are mobilized people who are dragged there, and many of them do not even live in this hell, and i don’t know where, two or three days after the battles are fought, there is a lot of equipment they also pulled it, it is clear, as for these indicators that left the bunker grandfather, i would treat them anyway, of course we are trolling them, it is... clear, because he is lying, he does not remember anything, we can see it on the example of odesa, in particular, yes, but about 2000, maybe it's him they put it in his ears, maybe it’s impossible, for sure, it
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was written on that piece of paper, maybe it was voiced that the enemy plans to draw that army there in a certain time, again, it’s not for anyone to have now to be afraid that, oh, they are pulling, pulling, it will all happen, and in order to... understand what and what he was trying to say, although the main version, it lies. thank you, mr. serhiy, serhii brachuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army, was in touch with us in the afternoon. we go further. thank you sir serhiy for always honest and high-quality analytics. transcarpathia yury dzemulych, head of the mukachevo news portal, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. yury, we congratulate you. i congratulate slava as a hero. well, let's announce the information right away. in transcarpathia , a deputy detonated grenades in the building of the keretsky village council, as a result of which 26 people were injured. this is reported by the national police. at 11:37
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a message was received on line 102 that one of the deputies blew up the buildings of the keretsk village council of the mukachevo district during the session grenades according to updated information, 26 people were injured as a result of the incident, six of whom are in serious condition. medics are performing resuscitation measures on the man who detonated the grenades. so. and accordingly , local council deputy serhiy batryn or batryn threw grenades for preliminary information. all specialized services are working at the scene. mr. yuri, what happened, what prompted, prompted the bomber to carry out his terrible terrorist attack. well, no one can name the motivation, what, why, why did it happen, where did the grenades come from? so far, no one has tells, and the deputies with whom i spoke and with the people who were directly in the hall, then... they do not understand why, why, how it happened in the first place, and well, everyone is just in a state of shock, but already here near, well already with witnesses and
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directly with people in the village, it became clear. that this deputy, well, he is such an activist deputy, he had a conflict with the head of the village, and in general, he constantly had such conflict situations, then after going through his facebook page, he also constantly appeals there, constantly some posts about what is happening in the rural community, and we can conclude that he was so conflicted, he used drugs, alcohol, something like that regularly, that... that person, well, in terms of that, no inappropriate actions with there was no part of him, that is, some, well, a normal man, let’s say so, but the fact that, well, it doesn’t enter anyone’s head at all, what happened, mr. yuri, your colleagues inform that a financial conflict may have been the cause of such an incident , let's say, on a financial basis between the deputy and the village head,
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read... during the session, when the budget for next year was considered, do you know any details, what exactly was discussed, what possible amounts were discussed, in general, and why this conflict arose? well, look, the conflict was not only related to a specific session of the budget, that is, the fact that the budget was adopted today is one thing, but before that, i say, he was constantly in conflict with the chairman and with deputies, others, on any other various issues. today the budget was considered, today also, well, according to my information , the appointment of this particular deputy was supposed to be considered serhiy butryn, yes, who, because he wanted to become the secretary of the village council, and he was allegedly promised that today he would be considered for appointment to this position, but this was not included in the agenda, maybe this was precisely the reason why his actions, and...
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and amounts, i don't deal with amounts, but you understand, this is a rural-mountainous community, it 's not about any, well, big funds, eh, it's more like, well, a consuming community, let's put it this way, mr. yuriy , if we talk about the wounded, how many wounded are in serious condition as a result of the terrorist attack, just now the police said that six, six people are in a serious condition in the hospital, well , directly... the undertaker himself, he is in such a rather serious condition, but he is still alive, he is alive, by the way, there was information about one dead person, is this true? so far, the police have denied, here directly on the spot, they have denied that the six are in a serious condition in the hospital, what about them, well , they can, well, the condition is serious, let's say this, because it's three grenades in a closed room, a small one, that's it it's a miracle, it's
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a miracle that there were people... it was not affected at all, which fell on the floor there and they were lucky, there were not even any fragments in them at all, nothing. mr. yuriy , what is the atmosphere in your village now ? everyone does not understand what is happening, but can you describe in general how the locals are now recovering after all this, what are people talking about? and actually do you know where he got these grenades from? well people shop here, there is such a small bazaar opposite the village council, and people, well , it is clear that they are discussing the whole situation, but there are only rumors of any kind of information, those who settle in the villages and tell stories, and there are a lot of law enforcement officers here, i see the deputy head of the regional administration, the head of the district administration of huska and
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well... that is, there are a lot of law enforcement officers who are already directly engaged in investigative actions, there is, well, there is the state emergency service, there is, well, well, that is, work is already underway on, already on this , above the place crime , there is no information about where he got the grenades from, no one, well , none of the deputies knows where he could have got the grenades from, mr. yuryu, and if, for example, we talk about the local population of local officials. how they characterized him , what they said about him and in general, what could have motivated him, well, the position, as you rightly noted, of the secretary of the village council in far from the fattest transcarpathian community, well , it would hardly have become like that, uh, i don't know, the trigger of the situation, especially considering all the terrible consequences that are said about it people? well, he was a candidate for...


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