tv [untitled] December 16, 2023 2:00am-2:30am EET
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a whole generation lives, observes the young historian yevhenii moroz, known in the network as morozenko. he records historical discussions with random interlocutors in the roulette chat. 1913 year. i will not show 1913. this is a copy of srebnik vladimir the baptist. ugh. do you see what is depicted here on this assembly? yes. this is what? impressed
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what is happening right now in the chat room, in the comments, in tiktok, well, anywhere in some social networks, it cannot be called history in general, it is ordinary propaganda, people learn to think only by those with the categories given to them, they learn to analyze independently, think critically and draw their own conclusions, everything is already done for them, so there is no need to think, in fact such a function as critical thinking atrophies, the disappearance of critical... thinking was recorded even by russian sociologists. in august 2022, a survey was conducted there to determine the literacy level of the population. 35% of russians were convinced that the sun revolves around the earth. over the past 15 years, the number of supporters of this conspiracy theory has increased increased by seven points. what happened in russia: the share of people who do not think scientifically in the perception of the physical picture of the world, it increased. sociologists
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found out why it increased, it is precisely related to propaganda, it was somewhere around 28%, a little more than in the usa, according to a relevant study, now it is 35%, more than a third, they form a type of personality that is not able to live in a democratic world , which is oriented towards anti-democratic values, the problem is not only in putin and not even only in the putin regime, the problem is that... this policy is supported a significant part of russians, this aggression is disrespect for human rights, it is disrespect for international law, it is precisely because they are dominated by an authoritarian type of person, and so that obedient citizens are ready to give their lives from childhood, for invented state ideals in russian military training is being strengthened in schools. if there was earlier militarization, it was primarily ideological. spheres, now
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the component of providing them with military skills directly is being strengthened, they are strengthening the military training module from the ninth to 11 classes, now in the basics of life safety, there will be four modules of initial military training, this is a mandatory element, this is all the preparation of future soldiers of the empire. fuse, forward. thus, propaganda in russia also becomes an educational experiment, its victims are already children, ukrainians who died from the russian rocket cult, and russians, who are taught to hate and kill, who among you is for what is right, what we are fighting for, there is a war going on, raise your hands, who agrees with this, only honestly, if we don't let's go now and not support our...
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studying in ukraine. let's talk further. only a little more than half of ukrainian schoolchildren can read and understand the text. such are the stunning results of the international assessment of pisa students. it was started more than 20 years ago and at the end of the 22nd was held in more than 80 countries of the world. and although ukrainian education managed to survive despite the pandemic and the war, the 21st century demands new skills from our children and destroys the old ones. what my colleague marichka padelko is talking about. spoke with the founder of this
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study, andres schleicher, their conversation, look now, well, i'll say goodbye to you until 11 p.m., see you soon. chevorons bringing victory near, dear papa, thank you, ma, thank you, my brother, thank you! sergeant aunt valya, thank you very, very much, thank you for protecting me, my mother and our dog, our home, our country, and i ask you, very, very much, to protect st. nicholas, so that he brings gifts
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to me and all the children. thank you for isa, that ukraine can celebrate the holiday. so. sunny, how are you? now it's scary for you, we're not around at school yet. you know what i do when i'm nervous, i remember or pick up my symbol strength it can be anything. a pebble, a memory, a photo in the phone. i look at it, feel how it feels to the touch, or remember everything down to the smallest details. and i'm getting better. i relax, and even breathing becomes easier. do like mom and dad. and it will get easier. on, caring people from the tiyak mental health program and their friends from unicef have collected tips on how to help yourself and your child cope with stress. warm country rules: bathroom. thank you for passing through
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the night at low temperatures, loading the drum as much as possible. let's beat the winter together. the chevrons, which are approaching victory, drove normally, nothing broke, that's all, mom, come on, i'll dial later. what are you doing , be careful, i'm careful, it's kutya in cans, but i, to be honest, it's not very good, my mother cooked for you, i'll come if you don't eat, i understood, plus, come on, 10 minutes, we will cut, and we have modified this a little, it is
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a really powerful thing, a mattress, petrovich, did you order a pizza? no, it's really powerful stuff. kitty, how are you? i think you get anxious, we are not close at school yet, you know what i do these are the moments, an exercise that always helps me, it’s easy to remember, i run the finger of one hand around the palm of the other hand, as if i were circling it with a pencil, i lead my finger
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up and slowly inhale, i lead it down and slowly exhale, do like dad, and peace will return, on the website, cowardly people from the mental health program. yatyyak and their friends from unicef have collected tips on how to help yourself and your child cope with stress. i almost killed myself. generators will be installed here. put on the balcony. the generator emits carbon monoxide, so only outside at 6 meters from windows and doors. follows safety rules. they save lives. these are real special forces, these are those who perform their task in close proximity to the contact line. in our three backpacks, we actually
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bring our operating room, let's go down, boys, at this time the blood is coming out and the patient dies, and dies, and dies. if we don't perform an emergency surgical intervention on the cricket now, there will be no more chances for this pranono, you're fine there, i 'll move on then, yes move on. division of the world level, so we classify them, sometimes death can wait.
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what, what, my leg, i was on the body of the car , where we had an incendiary installation, my legs were already completely crushed, and with this wound i could not get out of this body of the car myself, come on, come on, the fire is already got to me, ours was lying next to me... and i was already ready, so to speak, to die,
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i don't remember anything. the condition of the injured is serious, the right leg is amputated and the left leg is partially amputated, the guys are taking him to the evacuation point, how did he receive the reception? the car has already left, guys, what saved me? turned out to be special forces of the sbu, if not for them, i would, i would have died, the alpha special operations center, in fact, he has been fighting since the 14th year, but with the beginning of a full-scale war in the 22nd year, there were already... completely different challenges, completely different threats regarding the severely injured triplets, and accordingly the situation demanded the creation of
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a corresponding medical department. most the value of our state, our unit, our service is human life, so we pull and keep surgical teams as close as possible to the operation area. and if... our fighters from the special operations center, their enemy, actually is the enemy, the object of our efforts, the application of our efforts, well, it is death, that is , we have to deal with death one way or another . channel did, they saved hundreds of lives, during this time of full-scale aggression, in combat conditions next to the contact line, this hundreds... of people, military men, who returned to their families, to their parents, wives and children. the hospital may be far away, the road to
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it may be broken. our task is to fix all this and save the wounded, no matter what. there is monitoring, there is ventilation, there is an airway, there is a blood pump. each member of the surgical team carries about 25 to 35 kg in a backpack. plus on us. everyone goes separately, this is a container with a supply of blood, there are medicines , there is anesthesia, there are disks, there is a head injury, in our three backpacks, we... actually bring our operating room, these are real special forces, these are those who perform their task in the immediate vicinity of the contact line, in fact, there from 10 to 15 km from the front line, they carry out already complex surgical interventions and bring our brothers back from the other world,
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never once there was a safe place and... but they were working, and if it's not artillery shelling, then it's incoming missiles, if it's not missiles, it 's incoming bplashedino, or something like that. it was necessary to change a lot in the head, from ordinary doctors, which we are not looking for comfortable conditions. we are always doctors, we really want to work where it is convenient for us to work. if i'm an anesthesiologist, i... i want it to be an intensive care unit, instruments laid out, good surgical light. our philosophy is to bring specialized surgical care as close to the injured as possible. being a special officer, a doctor, a special officer, you learn not only military medicine, it's special
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mountaineering training, it's special engineering training, aquatic training, airborne training. a unique team, when what a dozen people do, they divide it into three. we call them cso angels, because in fact they are able to save lives, and sometimes bring soldiers back to life. we must be absolutely sure that we have used all the available opportunities in the world. in order for the injured person to be saved, we must be familiar with the last word in the very protocols of care, in technology and in medicine, they are constantly developing, they are constantly looking, if there is something advanced in the world, if there is something possible in this world, it must be in them, they must be
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able to use it, and they will apply it precisely, with the right equipment. extremely small sizes, in addition, part of the equipment can be called as combiners, that is , when two, three, and sometimes five devices are combined in one device, and if we deploy, where there is some light source, it is one socket, not p 'at outlets, when we expect to have a lot of wounded, one of the... is to deploy in any room where, conventionally, there are four walls, the ceiling does not blow, and it is desirable that there is an opportunity run some electrical network, there is a generator or something like that, it can be a shed with three walls, it can be a truck body or a minivan, an old building is abandoned, but which one has walls left, in
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fact it can be even any basement. the first thing we compete and fight with is death, yes, the next thing we fight with is that the quality of our help must be much higher and better than that of our enemy. yes, it is our training that makes us special. we train really hard. penetrating wounds in the face of the empty. it happens even so that we operate on an imaginary patient, actually at the same time. practice the coherence of our movements, the use of tools. pressure 115 on 60.125, we simulate all medical and non-medical actions around the non-existent object, we tentatively call it a shadow. 100 instant, vitamin shotka. catheter. we always
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find some small nuance, some trifle, talk about it, and next time... we work a little better. medical support and a surgical team is a special and one of the key elements of performing special operations. about theirs existence, movement, must be secret for the enemy. why? because, on the basis of this information, he can understand in which district certain events will be held. that's why we keep them secret, about their existence and about their movement. the information is as closed as possible, everyone should understand that they do not work only for the special operations center, the security service of ukraine, they work with... with all the defense forces and return from the other world all our cossacks who need it accordingly, once
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delivered to us brigadavaka of the patient, who marked as medium severity, he received a fragment of premenium, there was one small wound here, and at first it seemed that... this, that is, small things, he communicated with us, he talked with us, we examined him once, no additional damage found, we should transfer him to the next stage of evacuation, which would last two, or maybe 2.5 hours, but probably the experience of all the members of the surgical team already worked, intuitively, he looked more difficult than... he should have to be with those injuries that we have received information, when he was still brought to us, examining his heart, we saw blood
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around the heart, the picture formed, and we understood that this was the entrance hole. at this point, when the surgeon thinks, if the entrance is here, and the heart is clearly wounded, then what is going on inside? this was the first moment. when you realize that now there will be a big, big trouble. we realized that if we don't perform emergency heart surgery now, there will be no more chances for this wounded man. of all the operating light, these are the lanterns we have on our heads, and there is nothing else. blood supply is that blood supply. that we carry on us and there is nothing else, and no complex devices like an artificial blood circulation device, there are only our
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hands, the set of tools that we have, but we carry a supply of tools with us and in case of a wound to the heart, this is literally as soon as we see the patient has a wounded heart and it is catastrophic, i will count further. minutes we get to the site of damage, these are completely different rules, these are the rules of the game of war, bleeding can kill in a few minutes, how can we save a little time, we can go for surgery without treating the skin, a sufficient amount of antiseptic, without covering the operating field with sterile napkins or gauze pads, it is important to close, stop bleeding, save lives , disinfection. then we can fight. the second exciting moment was inside, already when we opened the chest and reached
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the heart. we have realized that the wounding of the heart is through and through. when this opening was found, into which the surgeon's assistant quickly inserted his finger, at this time, the surgeon prepared the dressing material. this patient had a catastrophic one. bleeding, hemorrhaging in the pericardium, in which the heart is located , in fact, through which the heart could stop, that is, from minute to minute, but he also had a significant puncture wound to the lung with significant bleeding into the chest. here there is a challenge for the surgeon, for the anesthetist, our hearts also beat a little more often, the ballistics of fragmentary tissues is very difficult to calculate and to suspect where he flew after all. and while the surgeon thinks, while he decides how to get to the bleeding vessel, at which point the blood flows out, and the patient dies, and dies, and dies. there was an atypical injury to the chest, a flame or
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a bullet entered from behind, from above, so in one place the surgeon determined that one small suture should be applied to tighten to dermetize this lung, well, then it was jewelry, surgical technique. when you understand that someone's life actually depends on your action, you concentrate so much that you don't notice anything that happens around you, it's a fast, fast job that needs perfect alignment. with the anesthesiologist and my assistant, we can do similar interventions without talking to each other, but i know that i have one of the best anesthesiologists in the country, so i trust them completely, that is, i go back and forth. i don't even look, the anesthesiologist gives me the opportunity to concentrate and do only my work, at this time, anesthesia, anesthesia, and
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blood transfusion are taking place. the way they should happen, actually, it's a joint effort, we had to sew up the wound in the heart to the wound through and through the lung, already for smaller, less significant injuries, we sent him to the calf ostomy, there is only one moment when we provide help to our employees, in fact we accompany them to the next stage, we take them, we know their fate from the moment. injuries, when they got to us and what happens to them after that, unfortunately, we do not always manage to control and know the fate of those wounded who got to us from the defense forces, because after they got to us, we provided our help and sent them to the next stage of the evacuation , it is very difficult to follow their further fate, we did not know if he would survive or not, the situation could deteriorate at any time, the only thing we were
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sure of was that we... did everything possible, what we had to do in this case in those conditions , i came to my senses, yes, well, it was difficult, i couldn't help but move, it was very difficult for me to breathe, i practically could not speak, all i could look at, yes, that's what happened to me my arm and leg were bandaged, and my chest was completely covered with plasters. and when is the next one? i was at the stage of evacuation to the city of dnipro, a doctor came and brought a fragment of a small ampoule, i don't know 5 millimeters in diameter, he said: i congratulate you, my friend, you were taken out of the heart, remember the day when you were wounded, it's your second birthday, and it coincided so interestingly that this is when i got injured, it 's my younger son's birthday on this day, my younger son was born on this day,
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that's... say, i experienced something new my life, i just met people, i don't know, angels, v literally, the vital organs were damaged, this is the lungs and this is the heart, these surgical interventions were performed at the highest possible level, and this care made it possible for the patient to survive and made it possible for the patient to rehabilitate and recover accordingly. as much as possible, our surgeons of the security service of ukraine, almost nothing is impossible for them, they believe so and adhere to this rule, if we see someone alive, this wounded person will live, you need to orientate all your work, your training, our provision for the implementation of this rule, if the wounded has lost a lot of blood, then we have blood with us, if
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the wounded... have severe injuries to internal organs, then we must be able to deal with them. it's a particularly special feeling when you finish working with a specific wounded person and realize that phew, he has a chance, it's a special feeling, it's hard to convey, even to compare, somehow the feeling is close to ecstasy, maybe exactly... this is the feeling, and for more than 20 years i have been drawn to be in this emergency room in combat medicine. many years before i served in the special operations center of the sbu, i worked as a surgeon in a regular hospital. i would never have been as comfortable working from a surgical point of view as i am comfortable working with this team.
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this comfort, this coherence... they are achieved through training and constant improvement of their work. so far , in the entire time they've been around, while they've been doing their jobs, all the people who have been brought to them alive, they've been evacuated alive and continued their lives. this is a psychological principle, they fight for every fighter of the force defense and they save them, with subsequent evacuations, since i have a long route, in every clinic or hospital where i have been, when the treating doctor already took my medical history, opened the diagnosis, then everywhere.
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