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tv   [untitled]    December 16, 2023 4:30am-5:01am EET

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caring people from the tiyak mental health program and their friends from unicef have collected tips on how to help yourself and your child cope with stress. oh, i almost killed myself. generators will be installed here. put on the balcony. the generator emits carbon monoxide, so only outside 6 meters from windows and doors. safety rules are followed, they save lives. chevorony, who are approaching victory, drove normally, nothing broke, that's all, mom, come on, i'll dial later. sir, what are you
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doing, be careful, i’m so gentle, it’s a trick in the cans, and to be honest, i’m not very good at all, mom cooked for you, i'll come, if you don't eat, i understand, plus, come on, we're going to leave, and we modified this a little, it's a really powerful thing, a mattress,
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step by step, they move from one danger to another, step step by step, they are freeing our land, fields and forests, houses that have been visited by evil from invisible death, life will not return here without sappers, without the courage and dedication of these people, we will not return home. we thank the sappers of the state emergency service of ukraine for your work and our safety. 1+1 we continue the national telethon, with you night watch, we talk about cyber security, how hackers work, how they penetrate protected networks, how to protect against it, and in the studio. and with us is kostyantyn korsun,
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cyber security expert, ex-head of the sbu unit for combating cybercrime. thank you again for stopping by, we ended in the first part by saying that you started to talk very interestingly about how these units work, there is intelligence, there is an infiltration team, after they infiltrate, the third level of these cyber warriors begins to work, yes so to speak that is, the group is already, well, let's call it conventionally. its distribution or elevation of privileges there , that is, if there is an infiltration group, it has already gained access to the corporate mail of one of the employees, so they pass this information on, and the next group already enters through this email, very often the user has no idea about it, and they come in and...
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they look, but where, where did we get to, because in most cases it is difficult to understand the level of the employee, the level of his access, they come in through the corporate chalk, go into the corporate network, look the rights of this, if you are an ordinary user, and then , accordingly, the network is analyzed internally, yes, where you can tap and try to get more rights, that is, to increase the privileges, it is called, and try to take it. under the control of a local network, and in large companies there may be several networks, they may be there somehow, there should be a distinction between them, and if it is, let's say there is a marketer there, yes, or an accountant, i don't know, well, an accountant is already like that a high target, there if the money wants to steal, but very often the accountant has access to which sensitive data, and... then he is already studying
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the technical work here, there is no social engineering here, but even though it may be, hackers are already looking inside the company. who is the head of our department, who is the head of the department, who is the chief accountant, who is the director, well, of course they already know from the previous, from the first stage, but this is already from the technological one, what is his address, what resources does he have access to, and again, it is possible to use social methods of social engineering to form a letter there from a subordinate to a superior, a report yes, please quickly look at the report he. does not expect any dangers, tyts, that’s all and the hacker has already reached the level of the boss, the question that our viewers probably also have, what do hackers see on the screen when they do all this, well, usually users see there windows, some folders, there are some internal chats there, what is on the screen of
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the hacker, what is on the screen of your computer or something or something else, it is no longer your computer, it is the hacker's computer, that is, he has... your rights , he saw exactly everything and everything the same as you see, plus more that you don't you know, what you can get through your computer, if you're just using excel, word there and sending some information to your colleagues or your boss, a hacker can still run a network scan from your computer there, you won't even be able to to do it yourself, in most cases, yes, it is, and to hack your boss. quietly, and then already having higher privileges, go further along the hierarchical structure, and at this stage, the maximum goal is to get administrative rights to the main, well, roughly speaking, to the main server, yes, that is, if it is there
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many networks, they are connected to each other, it is a hierarchical structure, and it comes down to some kind of controlling network and in it there is some kind of core where all the data is stored, right? and from which the networks are controlled and yes not, they can be stored completely somewhere on the periphery, but here is the brain center, well, you know, how can you compare the human body, there are arms, everything is in place , there are legs, but the brain is turned off, a similar case happened with kyivstar, because in principle the entire infrastructure, well, there the russians claimed that they destroyed something there, in fact no, no computers... they did not destroy and they could not destroy it, but they turned off the brain, and so the goal of this last group is to increase privileges and reach superadmin rights, and after receiving such rights, you can do absolutely anything with
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the network and with the entire structure of the company, and already having such super, how close did they get to this goal? unfortunately, in this case, they were as effective as possible, that is, they got into the very heart, into the very center of the brain, and in such cases, well, this is a great luck, yes, if hackers are like that, they succeed in such a way in a large company, and usually they say that it is not very smart to take and destroy everything, that is, this is a very suspicious situation, we will wait for clarification on it, but usually. thai, if you have absolutely access to everything, you can monitor, you can monitor there transactions, there, you can get access to the accountant, to the chief accountant, you can make payments, you can go to the bank, you can download internal documents of some kind and so on,
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but it's completely unwise to spend months of preparation, to use very expensive... hacking tools that can cost there are millions of dollars, in fact, some exploits can cost theoretically, although tens, hundreds of thousands of dollars are used there, these are the keys, and the so-called pre-packaged software products that use discovered vulnerabilities, let's say this, that is, already inside the network, modern networks of networks, they consist of many technologies, protocols, algorithms, and these are different technologies, they... very often conflict with each other, there can be many vulnerabilities between the nodes of these technologies and they are, that is, the manufacturers of these technologies they release updates, they need to be seen regularly and constantly, but still, still , gaps between them always remain, and hackers look for them and find them, and
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using them, they can post, it's a slow process really, and you can't rush here , because any anomalous activity can be detected by the internal ki... security and the corresponding accesses or even entire networks are blocked, and therefore it is necessary to conduct internal intelligence within the network. very carefully and taking into account psychology, taking into account what is on you they are hunting that you are on someone else's territory, you are a spy , you are illegal, and the local counterintelligence is very powerful, well, in fact, it is, and that's why it's very strange, because it's not surprising, and it doesn't often happen that a seriously protected company, after all but she missed such a goal in her goal, and this is a powerful, serious goal. if we talk again about this attack, keystar declares that
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the personal data of kyivstar subscribers were not compromised. on the other hand, there were such rumors that allegedly in this way hackers could gain access to those financial instruments, to those of our payment cards that are tied to phone numbers, to phones, please tell me how possible and whether it is worth it now. to worry about your cards, about money, should you take any additional measures to protect yourself, is there even a connection between the phone number and bank cards for this level of access, because now the scarecrows have appeared, well, or can and is it possible to somehow protect oneself, if the risks really exist, and let's divide them like that the question is, first, should we be afraid of something in us? here is the incident with kyivstar, the fact is that the kyivstar databases
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store information about the subscriber, only that which is necessary for the functioning of the cellular network, if it is prepaid, nothing is stored there at all, only the phone number and some traffic, there is data about calls, about sms, whether the limit has been exhausted, how many megabytes have been used, and so on and so forth, if it is a contract subscriber, respectively, well, there are personal data, some passport data. surname, address and so on further, and i just, well, why do i doubt that they were able to take this base, because they have been trying to take it away for 15 years in some way, and it is still not there, it is not, in fact, if the base of the private bank there, for example, has long been on in the darknet on the black market, and according to the kyivstar database, i do not remember such cases and... mobile operators generally have a very serious security system and it is built
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in such a way that every request to this database for some question is logged , that is, all data is stored, who came in, when i went in, i wanted to know how many there were about which subscriber, then this story can be unwound and looked at, turned to an employee, why come? well, he will say: this is for this, yes, yes , this is how to download the entire database, i doubt that there is even one employee in the kyivstar company who has such super access, whose actions are not logged there, and that he can take there and download, why download the question, yes, and if it is all online, then i don't think that you can download more than one or two data there. system, it does not provide for the technical possibility to implement
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it, regardless of whether you are a hacker or even an employee of the company, so i don’t know for sure, but i think that somewhere approximately it is arranged like this, plus additional controls, that is, when you you go in, you turn to information about some opponent, in addition to the fact that all your moves are recorded, you still cannot know what other controls are applied, who else is controlling you, who else, who can do it? to see what additional measures have been taken, that is, simply and again, many people, if there used to be some opportunities for other operators, but in the old days i remember that it was the most difficult task in general to somehow get information, you know, because there are businessmen there, one after the other competitors , men after women want there, many people want to have information about another subscriber and ready. to pay for it, and it was always very difficult, it was necessary to look for ways to some
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law enforcement agencies that do not write requests, that write there, well, for example, investigate criminal proceedings, yes, it is possible, but well, just technically, such cases have been recorded, i have not heard of such a thing, that is , there is no need to block the card in a hurry, but to block the card or unlink it from the phone and so on, see also, but about bank cards, the operator... is stored , here, if you are a contract subscriber, well, your data, which you enter in the contract there, and the passport number, address, and so on, nothing more, but for... the data about your card is not stored by the operator, he does not need it and he additional servers are needed there to store this information, but he does not you need it, and this information is stored by your bank about your card, there is a similar story with the storage of customer data, it is even cooler there, the protection system, and when your
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phone is also used, the phone number is used as an identifier, that is, the bank sends a request, there is such a number , is not? there is such a subscriber, he is active, yes, active, that is, as an identifier, the operator does not store bank card data at all, he does not need it for his work, and it is too much trouble for him , why does he need it, it is on the bank’s side, that is, banking systems, they are pinging there they contact the phone number, and everything regarding payments, bank payments, and cards is processed on the bank's side, therefore... technical reasons that put some bank card transactions at risk due to a failure in the work of kyivstar, well, i don't are not obvious, and i don't really understand how it can be done technically, the only thing is that, using this kind of hype and excitement, in
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such cases, fraudsters are always activated, activated, that is, they know that people are ... upset, people are afraid, people expect troubles, and therefore they form such a one ask and see these messages again, short wave, yes, follow the link to get compensation, follow the link to check if your data has been stolen, follow the link to secure your bank card, let's just say, don't follow these links , generally a general rule, regardless of what happened to the mobile. operator, and if you receive a short link from an unknown subscriber with a strange text that you do not know, it is better to delete it altogether, or you can even inform the cyber police there, if you have time and inspiration, but there are cases when strange situations happen from
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contacts you know, then you receive a signed subscriber, here comes... the very link, it is you in the video, i had such a case, and my friend the person sends that yes, what should be done, you need to call another messenger, or just as you like, but for calling and asking, you sent it to me and why, in fact, in my case, the person said: no, i didn’t do anything i sent it, everyone is calling me today, i am everyone i am sending something, yes, i was caught. i was hacked, but there is also a third option, if , for example, it was not possible to get through for various reasons, yes, then you need to right-click this link, without opening it, yes, copy it with the right mouse button, open there is such a resource as, there are collected all existing anti-virus and non-security solutions,
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paste this copied link into the appropriate field. press enter there and in one minute all the world's anti-virus solutions will check it to see if this link has already appeared in some fraudulent companies or some friends , remember, write down, well , the link is really important and then i can send the link, because it is important to infect the scammers again with something from this scammer, that would be good. for professional cyber security, but as you describe this architecture, the question immediately arises as to how interested in this work, well, at the state level, that is , the military services of the united states, china, russia, ukraine, britain, germany,
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japan, any which countries, to what extent they use these at the state level tools for conducting well, not public operations, which would not concern, for example, there mobile networks, banking institutions, but for hacking state institutions to penetrate the military it infrastructure, well, we see how more and more war, this is a war precisely on such it- level, in fact, yes, various communication systems are being implemented, coordination of the work of the troops, drones are constantly hanging, which are seen on the screens hundreds of kilometers away. at this level does this hacking work and is cyber cyber war going on? definitely definitely even more so cyber armies are created in... many leading countries of the world, they are in great britain, they are in the usa, they are in china, and
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i will take almost any leading developed democratic country, and not quite a democratic one, they have had cyber armies for a long time , however, in the usa, for example, it is public and official, us cyber command is an official unit of the us armed forces, and not all countries advertise this, but there are a dozen or so of them. already 10-15 years, so ukraine has not yet come to this, but let's get to the formal the creation of cyber troops in the armed forces , but all the special services of all countries are engaged in this without exception, because modern intelligence, counter-intelligence, it can no longer exist without cyber, without cyber operations, let's say, they are used both for counter-intelligence and for... espionage for enemies and for friends, by the way, and for communication with agents, and for the formation of disinformation, well, that is, the special services
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always work in the modern field of technology, if it was there 100 years ago, there are some pigeons there, there is a post office and something else, then everything that is now, everyone means, all available technological capabilities have been actively and for a long time used a... and by special services, and armies, and governments, and the police, and everyone, that is, well, without it , you simply lose, that is, it is a full-fledged segment of any, and the army, and any state government system there, well, not just any, but a developed one, yes, thank you very much for an incredibly interesting conversation, kostyantyn korson, cyber security expert, ex-head of the sbu unit for combating cybercrime. was a guest of the night watch, take care of your gadgets and don't, go for by any links that come to you in the messenger or in the mail, the night watch was with you, see you soon!
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the chevrons that came on. victory, dear dad , thank you, mom, thank you, my brother , thank you, sergeant aunt valya, thank you, very, very , thank you for protecting me, mom and our dog, our home, our country, and i ask you, very- very, zahy'. saint nicholas, so that he would bring gifts to me and all the children. thank you for isa, that ukraine can celebrate
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holidays. dear, how are you? now it is so difficult for many to relax, and especially when you are at school alone when i'm really stressed, i do an exercise that always helps me. i open my mouth. like that crocodile and i yawn sweetly, the first time i can make an effort, and then the jaw relaxes and opens by itself, it becomes easier and i even want to sleep, do like mom to relax or fall asleep. on the website, the caring people from the tiyak mental health program and their friends from unicef have collected tips on how to help yourself and your child cope with stress.
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chevrons approaching victory. before we went, we drew lots, and pretend to me every time the devil came across, but i didn't know something, i wanted to be an angel. and we also went, i was the oldest, i gathered myself, i said, well, who will be the king, they say, well, who, who is kolya, well you, well, well, well, well, the king, coal, and you, who did you want to be, who did you want to be , a miner, come on, what are you doing, good evening, we are from ukraine, generous. generous , generous, a little swallow flew in, became herself, on...
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step by step, they move from one danger to another, step by step, they free from invisible death our land, fields and forests, homes that have been visited by evil, without sappers will not return to life here. without
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the courage and dedication of these people, we will not return home, for your work and our safety, we thank the sappers of the state emergency service of ukraine. a historic decision. knows the process of entering the european union, that with financial aid, the american senate postpones the holidays to support us, what are the chances, russia goes berserk and increases shelling and attacks on the front. information summary of friday, december 15 in the reports and live broadcasts of tsn journalists. channel 1+1 works in the marathon of single news. i congratulate you, indomitable ukrainians. historical a decision in the adoption of which they did not believe until the end. i congratulate all of you, each and every one,
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on the fact that... it was successful and the beginning of long negotiations on the way to the european union, this is a very powerful political signal. how did ukraine manage to win in the political arena in brussels and what's next? fierce battles in the south of bakhmut and the heroic defense of avdiivka. a city that the occupiers bombard every day with hundreds of shells, hoping to gain control, but in vain. we have started our assault, we are helping neighboring units to contain the assault. what is the line of defense 500 m from the enemy in exclusive report of tsn from avdiivka. school equals propaganda. why and how , instead of lessons, russian schools teach children to hate ukraine and nato, and high school students are given courses of a young fighter. so, the historic eu summit is what ukraine
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is fighting for. already 10 years ago, it started to come true, the door was opened for us to join the eu. until recently, western and our experts had many doubts whether the leaders of the 27 eu countries would be able to reach an agreement. how were you able to convince hungary what we will do next, what with the money, because it is an aid package for ukraine could not pass. the correspondent of ktsn in brussels, oksana tkachenko, will tell about it a little later. don't miss it. well, russia is reacting to ukraine's success by increasing shelling. peaceful towns and villages. two women were wounded by russians in kherson. the occupiers hit the high-rise building and the city market. the windows in the house were broken and the gas pipe was damaged. the injured women, who were in their apartments, were taken to the hospital in a moderate condition. there are dozens of commercial premises on the market. a 16-year-old girl and her grandmother were injured as a result of the shelling of nikopol in dnipropetrovsk oblast. the russians pounded the city four times a day with heavy artillery.
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a shop was broken into in nikopol. 14 private houses, electricity grid and gas pipeline. from aviation, tanks, hail and artillery. the occupiers shelled 10 settlements in donetsk region. most of the destruction was in teretsk. the russians dropped two air bombs on the city, seven administrative buildings, a cafe, a bank, 10 houses and cars were damaged. in the chasovoyarsk community, two high-rise buildings, private homes and industrial facilities were affected. in zaporozhye, she is russian drones attacked novodarivka, red. and poltavka dropped an aerial bomb on the preobrazhenka, shelled machka and robotina from the rocket systems of salvo fire and molotov artillery. in general, almost a hundred times the enemy raided the territory of polugiv and vasyliv districts, destroying human housing. the russians hit kharkiv with rockets that night. in the kyiv district of the city, near residential buildings , a sinkhole 7 m deep was formed by the arrival of the plane. shops were damaged by a non-residential building.


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