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tv   [untitled]    December 17, 2023 6:30am-7:01am EET

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from the president of ukraine to correct the strategy, that is, what i said, after all , next year, maybe not until the summer, maybe later, but to force putin to negotiate, well, there are two scenarios, everything else is additional elements, yes here are some factors that will appear in the next few days, will show where, where this pendulum will swing, and unfortunately, the decision i see has not been made yet, and that's good, because it can be ... as positive and bad as possible, that in these conditions, there is still no final vision, well, who is about what, and i am about money in this case, and not only about american money, about european money, and in general about the so-called big game and perhaps coordination secretly, not advertised in brussels, berlin and washington, this is how it is said in particular about this, that is, we got an extremely powerful geopolitical signal from the european union, it will be passed on the start of negotiations. and so on, and we got a minus,
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in particular, when we talk about the macro-finance, we cannot draw up the budget and endure the next year without clear help from the european union, and here i wanted you ask, is this orbán's individual game now, what we've seen is all his , you know, grasshoppers that he's been throwing out, whether he's been doing exactly what he's been allowed to do, yes, well, maybe orbán is now playing the role of part of the republican trumpists, yes, which in a to speak, do what they are allowed to do? first of all, this is a very good decision and a timely political decision, and i first of all congratulate the europeans for finding the strength to look strategically, it is not often that europe looks strategically, now they have played correctly and made a political decision to start negotiations with ukraine. first of all, this is a signal to the kremlin and putin, you remember that he blackmailed both ukraine and the eu until the 14th year.
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precisely european integration, and this became the cause of euromaidan, the stoppage of european integration, that is, it is a good political signal. second, it is a clear reform plan for ukraine. you can actually forget about any government innovation strategies for seven years, economic development for 10 years, everything will now develop in the negotiation process with the eu, and this regardless already from the ukrainian authorities, this will be a process, the ukrainian people will not allow it to be reversed, and every next ukrainian president, will be falsified in the program of reforms , it is important, they have found a way to bypass the requirements, that is, this is a good thing, the third is that it is very blocking from the side of a separate country , well orban specifically, now you ask how coordinated it is, it is about money, different points, yes, i think that moscow had such a desire, and it seems to me, orban, he actually, because of that , that... they gave him what
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he asked for, well, he is, you know, a trader from geopolitics, he squeezed 10 billion from the european union, and i will tell you this, the first such tranche of 10 billion is blocked for now, and there is a 30 billion program in general, hungary receives 4.5 billion more from brussels every year, and he dumped putin in fact, in this situation, he dumped putin, this is a victory, and we must thank the chancellor of germany, who... and president macron, first of all, these two letters, and this is a good sign, which means that germany and france see ukrainian development further and see that ukraine will be part of the european space, that's why i most likely respond negatively to this story, because orbán spoiled it, what they wanted to play like that, block it completely in the states, block it in europe, the game is not over yet, because it's just a political adviser.
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stated, orban is also the last name, stated that they will continue to block finances, that is what you say, that is, the game is like this, politically, well, okay, we failed here and they would have blocked our money, but then everything about finances, we will to block, but here there is a solution, in fact, a financial solution after the political decision of the eu the solution can be found at the bilateral level, it is a little more complicated, but the bans are longer, more complicated, yes, and it will have an impact. on the intensity of our, well, let's say this , the capacity of our defense, because the defense now, it seems to be on the front, and even more so, but next year it will be a somewhat different war, it will no longer be only a physical front on land or there in black at sea or in the air, it will still be the capacity of the country, institutional, society, that is to measure the counteraction, the opposition of two systems.
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this will be a serious challenge, which has not been seen before in recent months, in principle, so vividly, and therefore money matters, absolutely, and there will be a lot of it here. a lot of efforts are now being made to block it both in the states and in europe, and wherever possible, and putin is counting on it a lot, he is saying it directly now, he is counting on the fact that aid, both financial and with weapons, will decrease, and this will lead to to the loss of ukraine's opportunities as much as possible, well , to restore the asymmetry, let's say, to overcome with russia, because he threw in all the resources, in fact. i believe that the situation in russia is not is much better than ours in this regard, and they threw all resources and opportunities for the 24th year, however, they calculated somewhere until the month of november, before the elections in the usa, and we, well, europe and the usa, still have to accept this challenge, and
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europe, europe must show and is showing the example of the usa that it is necessary to continue the support, let 's now try to analyze how we should... act wisely so that we can, maybe there are still some prospects for helping our friends of the democrats to influence the trumpists, so that money after all, they went and the right decision was made in our favor, and here the key story, as the americans see the formula for their success, is in the support of ukraine. it is unlikely that we will be interesting in terms of the plan if we say that our situation is deteriorating, complicated. in fact, she is not the type to expect changes. we have already seen difficult situations when russia advanced actively, and then there were successful actions and not only at the front. i think that the republicans
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are now squeezing the white house there and joseph biden, where he did not want to go? and it should be on in mind to do the issue in ukraine or the issue of opposition to russia. issue in their part of their election campaign, they actually do it, they had a choice, they could criticize the opponents of the democrats and joseph biden for not giving enough help to ukraine, they chose another, unfortunately for us, they generally, if frankly i see, mike johnson leads to not providing aid to ukraine, not providing it, and the fact that they all started talking about migration policy again all of a sudden in connection with precisely helping ukraine is a very bad sign. bad sign because you can explain 50 times that this is how it is done in america, that this is the approach in congress, it is true, they, they trade issues, by the way, a very wrong approach and very strange for european politicians, in america, they consider it normal to trade in congress
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various issues, including us national security, this will lead america, lead it in a very bad direction, in my opinion, this has happened, especially in the last 10 years or so, such an approach. therefore, it seems to me that not everything is decided if joseph biden accepts this challenge and makes ukraine 's success an issue of his election campaign, partly because the main internal issues are a good sign for us, and this is the pressure of the republicans and their full, well , even opposition to aid to ukraine, i believe that opposition, until recently, was still a dilemma between traditional republicans and this marginal group, now that... look at what lancey graham, who came to ukraine, met with zelenskyi, told about the fact that mccain's associate lancey graham, who has done so much, says that he said, i don't want to sit in washington for another week, i'm going to my district, it
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's a disaster, i just couldn't expect such words from lancey graham, that is, they took a joint position, to squeeze joseph biden's political rating, to lower it. his on the issue of migration, this is a political struggle in its purest form, but where the national interests of the usa are safe here, i do not see at all, the only explanation i have is that they have some cunning plan, and this plan is known in the white house, i do not i know that they will still squeeze out the package, this 61.4 billion for israel, ukraine, taiwan and the border, and that it may decrease there, perhaps by some amount, but it will be the main one for the whole year. this is the only thing that i can explain, everyone now. yes , pro-ukrainians, including graham and the mcconnell republicans , there is something else, by the way, the senate is now trying to somehow correct the situation and continue for a week, well , according to the information, for now there to continue its work and still make a decision
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, pushing the house of representatives and the same mike johnson to change his approach , but mike johnson will not change his approach, in it donald trump is behind him, who is behind donald trump? we do not know to the end, because his decision in principle, well, we can say, is supported by that part of americans who are in favor of isolationism and the reduction of the external. up to leaving nato, for example, so why is such a signaler not very pleasant for me? i found in the adopted new military budget, the military budget of the united states, i found a new clause 1250a about not allowing the president to unilaterally decide to withdraw from nato, it is written exactly like that, not there international organizations, everything from nato, this is a signal from me... what about the possible arrival of donald trump in the white house, but it was inconsistent
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from the point of view of the us constitution, you can appeal to the supreme court, in my opinion, hardly by this law alone it can be banned, but the americans will decide, at least the fuse, maikrubi and others made it there, but i didn't find it, well, i 'll say it now for the time being, until the president of the united states, landley, has signed it. nba, i didn't find it there, i've been following for a long time actually, every day for the last two weeks, item paragraph 1224 on the continuation of the law on lendis, in the 22nd year, i, the law on lenis never came into force, by the way, the law was signed, but they did not launch the model, and maybe they didn’t launch it for nothing, they didn’t launch it, and and why now... it's bad that this clause is not there, i still have to look for it, there are almost 200 pages,
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but until i found this clause in this law, it fell out yesterday, well, it fell out before the signing, before the vote of the senate, why did it fall out i don't have one yet, well, there is no exchange with the american ones in washington, maybe someone else does knows it more, but right now it's a very dangerous thing, why, because... that it could be an alternative just an option in case the congress doesn't give the funds, the white house and joseph biden says, okay, you're not giving me the funds , i am launching a lendlis, which i did on may 9 of last year, well, we accepted the republicans on your initiative, yes, there will be more in terms of technology, in terms of everything, but now i take this tool on the table, i have it, if you do not want to give money, i use this tool. and if there is no tool, and if now the democrats and the white house have agreed to this
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, i want to understand in general, first i will find out, maybe someone will help finally, whether this clause will appear after the signing by the president of the united states, if there is no clause on the continuation of the law about it, it is very bad a signal, a very bad signal, it means, it means, and what i refuse... this is the white house, in fact, from this type of program of intensive supply of weapons to ukraine, because there is a high probability that the finances will be cut, this is a bad option, but you know, the medal has two sides, now the second option, which we do not know, maybe , i say again, joseph biden knows that he will push the finances, then all my arguments are removed, then the package of finances for 61.4 you... so also for military issues, well, there somewhere less than half, but it
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will be enough according to what the germans also give us, european countries will be enough, and the budget of 11.7 plus japan, plus others is enough, that is, now finishing, if we do not see by the end of january, the beginning of february, as a result of all this no package. climb, then i can you to say, predictably, what choice the united states made. the fight is on today. and in this struggle, unfortunately, the arguments of the president of ukraine are already there, they are already useful only from the point of view of what we will do. yes, well, if everything goes well, then we know what to do, the key story, what and how and when we should do it already, in order to be safe in case the republicans really succeed. to fill the macro-fund of aid for ukraine, in particular, it is about aid and military,
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so we place great hopes on european union, but in this situation can we already be sure that the europeans will cover all our internal needs. well , it's no secret that the government of ukraine counted on these funds in planning for the 24th year, and they see them as official. as a catastrophe of not seeing us funds, they even officially declared that without these funds we will lose the war, but i am categorically against such things. pessimistic sentiments pessimistic, very wrong approach, swing right away, first we go counterattack, then we are fine, don't worry, bipartisan support in the us, when i said 2.5 months ago that the scenario may not be complicated, it is the most profitable, but it is being implemented, why don’t they listen 2.5 months ago, i don’t understand why then the landing
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at the last moment, when it could be done system work, we had three months. it took three months, no, let's show inside ukraine, who made what efforts, who raised it deeply, yes, everyone is doing pr on this, as a result, pr, soon it may happen that, god forbid, it will all fall apart, and then will do pr, this is the emotional part, now the part positive, it means that you have to sit down, and as always, i did this in my work, several scenarios, and i do not exclude the negative, and what i do in case of a certain scenario, i have answers to what, what, how now there to plan, while everyone in the government is still waiting, maybe something will come, some kind of manna from heaven, i don’t know, i would, for example, look at the options, i think they in the ministry of finance are looking at what can be cut not in terms of salaries there and pensions, so that this will have a very
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catastrophic impact on motivation in ukraine, and even more so, these funds are usually tied up. well people who receive small salaries and pensions, they do not carry this money in a bucket, in a store, or pay, or contribute to the army, so we need to think about what to do with local programs, which, in principle, the personal income tax is now taken from local budgets, but nevertheless, when i see this discussion, let 's be honest in kyiv 77 billion budget. yes, there are literally 74, well, this number is more than 70 hryvnias of the budget, from this budget, hryvnias are allocated to the purchase of needs for the army there, yes, that is, it is not a task of the local budget to finance the armed forces, no, but when there are statements and they have already been refuted in fact, that
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local budgets should not drag the war, but the central budget should do it, you know? people don't care what budget will be drawn , people understand, it goes again, it's not a question of victory, but a question of defense and survival of ukraine, so in these conditions there is room to tighten the belts a little, well, for example, i saw a program, next to bukovel another is being created one ski complex, 560 million, now 800 is already hryvnias in my opinion, the local community gives... the businessman knows the last name, well, i know it too businessman, well, maybe i respect the fact that he is in ukraine, and he is trying to develop the economy of ukraine, this is very good, but not now these funds, well, there is not currently more than half a billion for this road of 18 km, in kyiv i see, it is possible to give more from the kyiv budget, if we don't deal with the roads around kyiv right now, and
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the district roads, we don't need it, we can, everything will go to the metro now, mr. ambassador. everything will go to the metro now, the metro is possible and necessary, because it is a matter of time, the efficiency of people's work, i am not against it, but the district can suffer, after all, tanks do not go there, you know, according to the district, and i, this is what i see , as a kyivan, i see that pirova boulevard could not be covered with asphalt again, and this is a lot of money, so a billion, it will be distributed to roads, i see a nationwide tender , ukrzaliznytsia opens trains from to... express slavske, well, that is, if i, if poles were driving, they were being taken to the country there, i would still understand, well, in principle, the people of kyiv, who will take this money there to bukovel, it no, nothing will change, well, i'm not a specialist, i'll say this, these are my subjective reactions, after all a person who was in the public service, i understand what it is and where resources are taken from,
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so you can search here and there, but this will not really close all the questions. will not give unfortunately, i have to end our conversation, i am sincerely grateful to you, mr. ambassador, for this not too optimistic, but honest conversation. and i want to remind our tv viewers that valery chalyi, the former extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states, now an extremely well-informed political scientist and internationalist, was working for them on the espresso broadcast. time of our program is exhausted, stay with the espressu tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. the story of the rise of the legendary nba team in the hbo series, it's time to win the formation of the lakers dynasty, watch all seasons
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we are looking for 15-year-old vitya khudoshin from mariupol. the guy contacted as late as april 1, 22, then he remained in place, the situation there was very tense, fierce hostilities continued. since then, almost two years have passed and there was no more news about the boy. where he is now is unknown. therefore, i am asking a lot, especially the residents of occupied mariupol, who may be me now seen on social networks. look carefully at the photo of vita khudoshin. if suddenly someone has seen him or knows where he might be, write in the chat. the code of the child tracing service in telegram, or call us on the hotline 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, any information is important. we are also
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looking for 13-year-old sofiyka nikiferova. the girl lived in mariupol and disappeared on the first day of the full-scale war. all this time, nothing is known about the fate of this child. so i really hope for your help. look at the photo and remember this face. if you see sophia, or if you happen to know the girl's whereabouts, do not hesitate to call us at the magnolia children's helpline at the short number. 116-30. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, or write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. and the following story proves that the search must be continued even when it seems that the situation is very difficult, or even hopeless. ten-year-old liza was found after almost two years of searching. for a long time, we did everything possible to find the girl as soon as possible, but
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no information about her was received. and only in september of this year we received the first, but, as it turned out, extremely important call from a witness. a woman living in poland called the 116.30 children's search service hotline and said that she saw our program about the search for liza and recognized the girl. this girl, this lisa, this face, these eyes, this, i am sure that this is this child. the woman said that in the spring of 2022 she was a volunteer at... the red cross in barcelona and helped register refugees from ukraine, and among them she remembered ten-year-old liza. and definitely lisa, and definitely this blonde, these eyes , this is her, this is this child, it was either march or april, because they were still in jackets. mrs. liana said that the girl came to barcelona from the kherson region together with two adults, a man and a woman, and they registered as refugees in spain.
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they are most likely in spanish territory because they received the refugee program and were distributed further throughout the territory spain, but it is also not forbidden for them to leave with those documents to another state. after receiving such information from the witness , we immediately contacted our spanish colleagues from the international federation of missing children europe, who in turn made a request to the spanish police. a week of waiting and very important details are revealed. the girl was indeed in spain and went to school in barcelona, ​​in the summer of this year her guardians announced their intention to return with the child to ukraine. and indeed, on october 3 , it was recorded that the girl was with adults crossed the border from the polish side, but on the same day lisa and her guardians crossed the border again and went back to europe. of course, we immediately passed all the information we know to
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the police, but for now. the most important thing is that everything is fine with the girl and she is with her guardians, who according to our data are most likely her grandparents. and of course, first of all we have to thank mrs. lianna, who lives in spain, who saw our program about looking for a girl on facebook, recognized the girl, did not remain indifferent and reported us such important information, which ultimately became decisive in the search for the girl. in general , this one. history once again proves that one should never lose hope and one should continue searching even in the most difficult situations. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal.
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stopcrime ua. congratulations to the best viewers of the espresso tv channel, news time, kateryna works in the studio shirokopoyas in... at night, russia attacked ukraine with rockets and missiles. first, the explosion rang out in kropyvnytskyi. there, the air force warned about the missile danger. according to preliminary information , the anti-aircraft defense functioned successfully. later, explosions were heard in odessa. the enemy hit the city with attack drones. the consequences have not yet been reported. the russians shelled kostyantynka in donetsk region.


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