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tv   [untitled]    December 17, 2023 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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and many say that if the russian military, who are fighting for ukraine, now make such a serious march into russian territory, if the ukrainians destroy, for example, the crimean bridge, this will affect the mood in russia, it is obvious that putin will win the election under all conditions , but moods can change , the moods of the russians will change, if something like this happens, a bridge explosion or people... ponomarov will reach, well, well, maybe not to kursk, but maybe somewhere there, they will reach somewhere, well , tell me, mr. igor, potempanpanev will say, yes, you know, in general, any large-scale , powerful military defeat could change the situation in russia very much , including the ruling elite, and we have already seen that, by and large, prigozhina's riot was the result of those military defeats.
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which the russian army suffered at the end of last year, yes, in the kharkiv region, and then the surrender of kherson, and it’s like the same thing, they’re like spiders in a jar, when they start having problems, they start biting each other, they start collapsing friend to friend blame for failures, they ask themselves to whitewash others and drown them back, and this has happened more than once in history, including a fairly recent one caused by some kind of internal cataclysm in russia, a lost war, that 's all...
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this war, it is in moscow, and the only way to end this war is the destruction of putinism, this is not the liberation of ukrainian territory, sometimes the war will not end if the ukrainian army is on the border there in 1991, this war, just like the war in israel and in the western africa, and in guyana, it will end only when it will destroyed... putin and putinism, this is this regime,
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so here we have a common goal, and in order for this goal to be realized, it is necessary to destroy the hope of the russian elites, what we said that hope, that they can survive with putin, they can only survive without putin, and when they realize that, then the very changes we seek will come. thank you very much, and greidman. russian sociologist, political expert, publicist, oppositionist, ilya ponomerov, deputy, member of the state duma from the seventh to the 16th year, also an oppositionist was in touch with us, as i promised, to the balkans. nataliya ishchenko, head of the balkan columnist project, will now be in direct contact with us and we will start talking with her. good health, natalya, hello, hello. good evening, mykola. well, why is this a choice in serbia? and what does vučić want from these
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elections, and whether it will bring serbia closer to europe, whether it will prevent serbia from entering europe, into the european union, ukraine, for example, in general, all the western balkans want somehow to join europe about serbia, i will not say, but what is happening in serbia, because it is the largest and why , why are the elections scheduled, now, as i understand , these are early elections, please, yes these... the elections that are taking place today, they are early, and they are early not only for the parliament, but also for local authorities, well, in fact, vucic decided to reset the power and thus actually hold such a referendum on the people's trust in themselves, as well as in their power, and in fact, if he gets the vote, he will continue that policy. which was, and this is exactly promotion
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to the european union, european integration, but at the same time maintaining good relations with russia. i will not say that with the kremlin, but with russia, so to speak, such an international institution. if, after all, vucic's power falters, and it does not depend on whether it will be in the parliament, or in the local elections in belgrade, or in the voivodeship, then he will revise his policy. it is a very important point, you said that with russia as an institution, that is, that the serbs are branching out, they say, well... this is putin, and this is russia. russia is our permanent partner, and the management russia, well, how, how will it turn out , to what extent they have different concepts in their heads, because ukrainians have one concept: putin is russia, russia is putin, for serbia, after all, there is
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such and such a division: here is russia , there are russians, and there is power in the kremlin, in the person of putin. but there is a positive, so to speak, separation, and a negative one. for example , vucchich himself demonstrates that, although he is pro-russian, he does not support moscow's current policy, he stopped the regular meetings with putin that he had until february 24, 2022, he stopped this active, so to speak, shuttle diplomacy. belgrade stopped joint military exercises with the russian army, which also lasted until february last year. in addition, putin , for vučić, putin has obviously become such, you know,
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a person with whom it is not desirable to have contacts, he demonstrates this, and even when he met with him at the summit in china, he repeated it all the time. that he literally spoke with him briefly, that it was not a bilateral meeting, because you know that russia attacked ukraine, and russia is under sanctions, so he is demonstrating his not negative, so to speak, current politics , not exactly anti-russian, but so to speak , anti-kremlin, but at the same time , there are many right-wing radical movements in serbia, which , on the contrary, are... precisely putin and precisely his current policy, and they are just very are negatively disposed towards the russian oppositionists, who have made serbia their second, so to speak, home, and that was even before the full-scale invasion, and
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they, for example, threaten opposition russians in serbia, and even these positional russians are forced to write some statements in the police because of... threats, that is, it is divided, but it is not always as common as it is for us. sociologists say that vucic, his people, his parties, his supporters will get 40%. this means that he will form, that is, his forces will also form the government, that is, everything will be fine, is 40% not enough, well, and is it true that sociologists say that he is really popular? well, indeed, after all , vučić's party, his closest partners, with whom he goes to the elections, are indeed leaders, but leaders do not mean winners in the parliamentary sense, so he will have to with 40%, even going to compromises, to
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agreements with other political forces, but with which ones, this is a very big question, because he is in the opposition. there are these guiding forces, which i have already said, which are pro-putin, but also pro-western forces, but also serbian, pro-western, that is, moderately pro-western , they are patriots, so to speak, of serbia, but still more inclined towards, yes he is the most irreconcilable to the teacher, his current policy, there are just pro-western forces, he will probably not go to any agreements with them, what about... radically pro-russian, they have a chance to increase their presence in the parliament , there is such a threat, and vuchich, sensing this, took his party as an ally in the local elections, a radical party, so
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-called radical, which is headed by a former war criminal, well, an active , so to speak, a war criminal, the sentence remains in force, voyislav shev. vojislav šešel is such an odious figure, nevertheless, vučić was not afraid to join a coalition with him, precisely because he was afraid that his pro-russian opponents... would be able to take more with them somehow we will have to come to an agreement, and the biggest threat is precisely at the local level, where there is already open cooperation between the uchicha and the radicals, and first of all in belgrade. it is interesting , such a question, for three days to answer, but i will try to ask, natalya, why for... the western balkans have not entered the european community until now, i am not talking about serbia, i am talking about the rest, what they
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lack, the desire is simple, because they love russia more, this is such a difficult question, really, i will try just a few trailers that will clarify something, probably i i hope, well, first of all, indeed, european integration, the european path for... for the western balkans was opened back in 2003 at the summit in thessaloniki, that is , 20 years have passed, and since then it has joined the european union, here from this region, which country is also included in this region, this is croatia, yes, before that, slovenia became a member of the eu from the former yugoslavia, well, that is , slovenia, croatia. then all of these are candidates for joining the european union or
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potential candidates like kosovo. i must say that in fact, literally three years therefore, montenegro was already literally standing on the threshold of the european union, and just for montenegro, well, all the negotiations had literally already been completed there. all, so to speak, sections are negotiable, open, there was no problem at all, but just three years ago , the government in montenegro changed to a pro-russian and pro-serbian one, and montenegro simply began to slow down its european integration. however, the european union demonstrated that it does not want montenegro to suddenly become the leader and the number one, so to speak, and she also started to somehow slow it down... about this from this side, for example, she united the montenegrin and serbian departments,
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mixed these two countries, and montenegro actually equalized with serbia, which was behind before, it was all controlled by the hungarian , so to speak, the commissioner who was engaged in expansion, well, the hungarians saw that their friend serbia should still go together with montenegro, well, at least not montenegro should be ahead, here... here , after all, the issue of sanctions began to arise, montenegro joined the sanctions, allegedly well, no, well, montenegro is a member of nato, this is important for the audience, it is already in nato, but not in the european union. no, and she, accordingly, as a member of nato, even despite the pro-russian government, she is somewhat declarative, but in the end she still joined all the sanctions. serbia does not do this from the word at all, but... there are no sanctions, for all these years since the 14th year, when
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the introduction of sanctions began, serbia has not joined any sanctions, but there have been no punishments of any kind from the european union and even is not predicted, that is, here you go in general, the picture of european integration, and this is what we are saying about the leaders, that is, montenegro joined... serbia slowed down, well, in this matter of european integration, serbia slowed down due to its reluctance to join the sanctions, which is a condition, so to speak, for the advancement of european integration. now another demand for serbia is to normalize relations with kosovo. well, there is generally a block here, serbia is not going to do it, and the european union is not going to remove this issue. well, that is, if yes... to be continued the accession of montenegro to serbia in the matter of european integration, montenegro will also
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stand still, as soon as these issues are divided, they will agree that montenegro, after all, it is a completely different process, and then montenegro has a chance, and it is the only country, which has a chance to join the european union in the near future, much more complicated issues with the countries that are, so to speak, in the queue for montenegro, serbia is north macedonia and albania. in albania , the situation with corruption and organized crime is very complicated. the majority of the countries of western europe there simply demonstrate their reluctance to have such a problematic country in the european union from the point of view of legal and law enforcement issues, and there is a very strong opposition regarding north macedonia, in fact now its accession to the european union is being blocked
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by bulgaria, which wants the north macedonians to renounce macedonian are identical. agreed that they were invented by stalin and tito , gave up their own history, and when they agree to all this, then bulgaria, probably, well maybe, she will agree that they are, well, i don't know, not even macedonians, yes well, macedonians are disguised as bulgarians, she is ready to see them in the european union, the union, now, as for bosnia and... herzegovina, well, this is a country that still lives under a peace treaty, that is, a peace agreement is in force there, not ordinary laws, a constitution , yes, even the constitution is part of the peaceful dayton dayton agreement, there are peacekeeping forces, well , that is, even the fact that this country is a candidate for joining the european union, of course
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there is no question of any rapid progress, and... as for kosovo, of course, not all the countries of the european union recognized this republic as an independent separate country, of course there is no mention of progress, besides , kosovo is required to make compromises during negotiations with serbia, and by the way, there are no sanctions on serbia in relation to negotiations with kosovo, in relation to sanctions in relation to russia, on kosovo, the european union imposed sanctions on the fact that pristina... does not compromise in negotiations with serbia, this is the picture, well, that is, each country has its own problems, they are purely regional, in them own history of relations with the european union, and the ukrainian issue is not there, so to speak, the one that is the most
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influential, or puts pressure on that situation, the only thing is that if now moldova will be strongly promoted by ukraine. towards joining the european union, all countries without exception will be indignant, and i understand them. i would ask, even before the first world war, someone has already forgotten who said that the balkans are the sick people of europe, that is, in 100, more than 100 years, recovery has not come, i do, i do, i understand correctly, imagine the balkans , where if this subsides... by the amount issues that are sometimes just political issues, and sometimes military-political, and sometimes just military, we cannot wait for the next 10, 20, 30, 40 years, you know, the european union, probably, well, thinking in the same way, they invented there , merkel invented such a system, to close the balkans
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on themselves, such a berlin process. this is such an integration following the example of the european union, so that this region learns to live in peace and cooperation, at least among themselves, before joining the european union. well, everyone laughed that merkel was reviving, well, yugoslavia only in a slightly different configuration, that is, for them to open borders, make customs unions, so that it is possible to visit each other on internal passports. but in fact this movement was supported by, for example, the largest countries such as serbia and albania, but after serbia in this, in this, so to speak, union began to pursue a radical pro-russian policy in some moments, well
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, time, in particular, they refused to introduce sanctions, then they began to turn away from it. and north macedonia, albania, which are members nato, which allegedly said at the beginning: yes, we will cooperate here at the regional level, they said: no, we want direct european integration, we do not need this kindergarten, preparatory group, regional, well , that is, the european union, yes, it is trying, yes so to speak, to find watering cans for this region, but something is really not working out, well , merkel and here... i think, i thought that this kindergarten would exist, and it would be big russian uncle. won't go there and solve some issues there, well, yes, i have a very difficult and very simple question for you: what language does north macedonia speak?
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well, they think that it is the macedonian language. well, who will understand them? serbo-croats will understand them, because i have a very close language there, or bulgarians. what kind of language is this? well, this is a very difficult question, and i can say that i actually read bulgarian and north macedonian sources every day, and i can say that now they are different languages, bulgarian and macedonian, that is, in any case, no matter what happened during stalin's time, now they are already different languages, and of course, now to raise the issue that macedonians do not exist, well, they are... bulgarians, of course, i think that they somehow bend the stick, but either the balkans, or their internal problems. and to take, if languages, well
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, serbo-croatian is also leaving, they used to be called serbo-croatian, but something seems to me that everything that croats do not want their language to be called serbo-croatian, and now serbs don't want their language to be called that, i think that's where our differences lie. so big, but tell me, in general, what languages ​​are spoken there, no, now croatian and serbian are completely different languages, and, both from a grammatical point of view and from a lexical point of view, there are practically all the words that are used in everyday life are used, these are different words, for example, the names of months, croatian months, they are closer... to ukrainian or polish, you understand, there are also november, may, this is croatia, the main thing is that september
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is there, the main thing is that september is there was i know what a month, but in serbia, the serbs, they are based on the latin alphabet, well, for example, and there are a lot of different differences, and the croats have developed, so to speak, their own language, they are for... including consciously, for example, there there is a language magazine that holds a competition for new words that would replace words that have been transferred from foreign languages, there are very cool ideas, so to speak, and every year some new words are added to the croatian language, by the way, for ukraine , it may also be an interesting experience, so to speak, well... and the grammar itself, yes, it is differs, very much, and it has always differed in fact, but during yugoslavia, croats were forbidden to remember their
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grammar, their words, they were actually tried to convince them that the serbian language is croatian, well, in principle, if we say, yugoslavia existed, and all understood each other more or less, today this process of disintegration is also in language. also, that is, conditionally, whether there is a mood in montenegro to differ a little from serbia, although it has been many years, as we remember in the 90s , the leaders of montenegro said, no, we are serbs, this they then mentioned that they are not completely serbs, what language they speak in slovenia, it is still close to serbian, or it is as if they, like the croats, are starting to push away from these common languages, by the way. there was never a serbo-croatian language there, there is its own slavic language, and it is very different, it is rather closer to the czech language than to serbian,
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well, that is, it is a completely different subgroup, so to speak, of slavic languages, and serbs , i don't think that this is how the east can understand slovenes, slovenes and vice versa, the latter questions about languages. once upon a time, when there was a soviet union, i was young, i had more hair and a not so, not so gray moustache, it was believed that novi sad, ukrainians live there, the language is close there, well, for some reason i will call it novi sad, where it is located, i still don’t know if it is croatia or serbia or slovenia, but they said that there are ukrainians there, well hello, or something very ukrainian, with a very ukrainian hint, what... you say, there is novy there sad and whether there are ukrainians there, i talk very closely with one person there in serbia. a resident of serbia,
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he just lives in novi saad, he is just a ukrainian, and he is a very old ukrainian , this is a very interesting story, the fact is that novi saad, part of montenegro, part of croatia, it was all a single country of western ukraine, it was austro- hungary, novisad is serbia, but it is the serbia that was in austria-hungary, and i can tell. that it is very interesting that a huge number of ukrainians, from the western regions, as well as rusyns were resettled to the balkans, and there was a very powerful diaspora, it mimicked and assimilated very much, but the remnants of are still present in bosnia and herzegovina , in serbia, novi sad itself, vojvodina there, and
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also in... croatia, the only issue is that ukrainians and ruthenians are still divided there , different minorities, ruthenian and ukrainian, are officially present, and ukraine somehow, well, it does not respond in any way, but nevertheless, this is the picture there, regarding, again, regarding the languages ​​of the nationality, and in such a way, thank you very much, nataliya ishchenko, head of the process, the balkan columnist project, indeed. here we have examined all the balkans and language issues and ukrainian and so on and so on, i will continue i will say a few words, we should have had a georgian political scientist, he was not there, and we talked about it for a long time, but i was at least very interested, i would like to talk about the austro-hungarian state, the empire and the fact that it was one state, and this novy sad with ukrainians and rusyns and western ukraine, transcarpathia, once a long
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time ago i was in transcarpathia. i heard such a completely ukrainian woman with such and such dressed in ukrainian such and such national clothes calling across the street to another, she called like this, manfrediha and i went to the mayor, well, i had a meeting with the mayor and i said, listen, what is manfrediha, what is manfrediy, they say, but it was one country, and a lot of northern italians moved to... and there are 18 families there at that time with italian surnames, who spoke ukrainian, who were ukrainians , dressed as ukrainians, you see, but there is a reverse process, when a certain number of ukrainians went, that is, to austria-hungary in those regions, it must be understood that it was really one country, from the carpathians and further to vienna and beyond vienna and south to there to the balkans. now a few words about, about... about georgia, which has become
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candidate, until recently we were also candidates from moldova, now we are standing on the doorstep, and they have just become, and i would ask a few questions about these georgian political scientists who have not contacted us, to what extent is it a victory for the opposition or the government, because the government can leave and say: you see, we did nothing for european integration, on the contrary, we loved the russians, loved putin, we are still accepted as candidates for the european union, and that seems to me interestingly, on the other hand, the opposition can say this due to the fact that we went out on the streets , protested, said that the government was bad, the europeans saw this and said, well, you can't take away the possibility of joining the european union from the people, so it would be interesting to talk, but it won't work, why, because my part of the program is over, i think that anna eva melnyk
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is not much. then someone will say worse than me, say even better, tell you what is happening in ukraine and in the world, and i say goodbye to you, good night, good night! what is the current situation at the front, which is why in germany they are calling for the restoration of the mandatory military conscription and how polish soldiers will save the lives of ukrainian soldiers. good evening, anna yavamalnyk is with you and for your attention the final news release. the occupiers damaged an infrastructure object in the dnipropetrovsk region. the enemy during the day.


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