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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2023 2:00am-2:31am EET

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justified evil, and there were also a huge number of french philosophers, there was althusser and so on, who were maoists, who were supporters of the mazedun cultural revolution, who watched with great joy how kunwibins kill ordinary people, throw them out of windows, kill professors universities, burning books, all this was justified in the auditoriums of the sorbonne and other french universities, which were carriers of evil. why are we surprised that these bearers of evil? became the universities of the united states of america, these people have always been an example intellectual disability. now masha gasson, who is known for her efforts to fit the russian-ukrainian war into the context of her own political, i would say beneficial, compared the actions of the israelis in the gas attack with the actions of the nazis against the jews. and this , despite the fact that we already know that ... and a large
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number of workers who received work permits in israel could support their families and somehow get out of this poverty brought to them by hamas, were participants in the terrorist attacks on israelis, non -hamas, ordinary civilian workers, killed, robbed, raped, but for mrs. hesson it is absolutely normal, because she speculates on these topics, like all these people, and we have communist ideology and leftist views and all these scoundrels have been defeated, because we came out of... of communism, and then this happened to us, unlike in russia, where the communist party is still part of the landscape, and comrade zyuganov, old peretz, says to putin: you left without a hat, you saw it, you left without a hat, you need to evaporate, evaporate, evaporate the one who let you out without a hat, the leader of the communists suggests someone against, you imagine, the jury in the stable, the leader of the communist party, which beats the protetariat. well, but this is an organic part
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of the russian consciousness, and our communist party of ukraine, which survived after 1991, was also an organic part of the russian consciousness, and the leader of this party, petya simonenko, fled to moscow in his underwear after the russian attack on ukraine, for the russian special forces were sent to this mirzotnik, for whom the pretrial detention center in lukyanivka is crying. then how can we relate to communist ideology, when it failed, it is synonymous with chauvinism, synonymous with occupation, meanness and betrayal of the ukrainian people, which means that we do not have a large number of migrants who could change this landscape one way or another, and we do not have a large number of left-wing people with left-wing views, because these leftist views have compromised themselves by systematically supporting anti-ukrainian discourse, here is the whole answer to your question, that is , we simply have a different political landscape than many others.
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there is nothing strange about european countries, this is not even a story about jews, that's why that we have, don't forget, practically no jews, all the jews that we who live here can be counted on the fingers of several hands, because we know them all personally, starting with the president, but none of us cares, that's why , that this is a great pity, the jewish community, to my regret, as a person of jewish origin, that large jewish community that always traditionally existed here, it disappeared, during the holocaust, most of the people were destroyed, and those who continued to live left for in the late 80s, at the beginning 90s of the 20th century, and make up a significant part of the population of the same state of israel, the united states of america, these are all these people who have now become victims of the war, by the way, many ukrainians feel a deep kinship with these people, because he still lived with them on the same streets and in the same apartments, but there is no community as such. there are
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people who are part of the community, but it is a small community compared to other national communities of ukraine, it is a community, let's say, historical, you understand, historical, but not physical, and this, too, to some extent determines our state attitudes, because you understand that somewhere in france, in germany, there is a jewish population, more temples, more cultural life, more places to go, break windows, relatively speaking , this is not the case with us, nevertheless, again, i would like you to wait, minors appeared in kyiv, minors appeared in kyiv, but there are many people who understand that these are minors, you understand, i was very happy when i saw a minor on the streets of kyiv, as i am always happy, when i see a ukrainian church somewhere in europe or america, that's about it. one
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and the same moment of nostalgia, you know, when you walk somewhere in chicago and see a ukrainian church and you feel at home, and it's exactly the same for me, when i see minora, i feel at home, it's so difficult, i would say. complex perception of reality, although you know that there is also a part of our citizens who say that if ukrainian tridents were placed everywhere in israel, then i would understand what minors are doing on our streets, just your short answer to such a thesis, well, i think i know how to answer, but from your mouth, i think it will be more convincing, i think that in israel, first of all, there is no traditional ukrainian ethnic population that has lived in this territory for centuries, and the most important thing is that in israel there is church. in which orthodox christians and greek catholics and catholics also pray on christian holidays, and by the way, what needs to be done in reality , it is not a menorah - it is not a trident, so to speak , it corresponds to christ as such, it is one of
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the religious symbols, the ukrainian church presence in jerusalem needs to be increased that's it because of the ecumenical patriarchy that's it. an important task. now, when there is an orthodox church of ukraine, we must think about the courtyard of the orthodox church of ukraine in jerusalem. i would very much like it to happen, so that ukrainians, pilgrims who come to jerusalem, could come to this courtyard and communicate with the priests in ukrainian. here's what to think about. and it is then a daily presence, you see, the minora stood, hanukkah is over, and the minora is no longer there. but there is a sy... to which lvivians can come there every day to pray and with from the point of view of the religious importance of the holy land for every orthodox christian and every greek catholic, i would just like, because this is what i always lacked in jerusalem, to come to such a ukrainian
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yard, maybe this ukrainian yard should be organized at to one of the churches of the ecumenical patriarchate, which is there, it is not. simply because the patriarch of jerusalem does not recognize the orthodox church of ukraine, he is one of those hierarchs who read this autocephaly, but maybe we should think about these friendly churches for us churches that have already recognized the ocu, which have their churches there, maybe we should also do some work with them to find such an opportunity so that the priests of the ocu could serve in jerusalem, and that this would also be a part, so to speak, of the continuation. of this church independence, which also determines our, our road to europe, as a country in which the kyiv metropolitanate has been from ancient times, we definitely deserve it, thank you for this conversation, thank you viewers and listeners for being with us , it was a saturday political club, vitaly
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portnikov and khrystyna yatsky were with you, our colleagues will continue the broadcast of the tv channel in a few moments, you should definitely not switch and follow. for our issues and in the future , thank you for being with us on this broadcast, we will continue to talk with you about current events in the world, i think we will see each other next week, that's right, we will definitely see each other, and we are preparing for you, the final issue of our program, which you, despite the fact that it will be almost holidays, but stay with us, do not miss it, thank you khrystyna, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov, all the best!
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subversive deputy serhii batryn will be detained for two months without bail. this preventive measure was chosen for him. uzhgorod city district court, however, batryn will be under the protection of svalyava hospital, after which he will be transferred to a special ward in uzhgorod or mukachevo, because due to his health, he cannot be in a pre-trial detention center. let me remind you that on december 15, a deputy of the keretsk village council of the mukachevo district simply blew up a village council session grenades, as a result of which 26 people were injured, one of the victims died in the hospital. polish carriers will renew the blockade of the dorogutsk yagodin checkpoint. they obtained permission for this through the court. this is reported by the polish media. they plan to resume the strike on monday afternoon. let me remind you that last monday, the head of the polish commune of dorogusk
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, wojciech sawa, decided to disperse the transporters' protest. after their request was rejected for the second time, the carriers appealed this decision, on friday the lublin district court granted their request. and canceled order of the head of dorohuska commune. the israeli military said it had discovered an extremely large tunnel made of... and iron beams designed to transport cargoes of gas militants directly to the border. the relevant video was published by the reuters agency. according to tzahal, the footage shows mohabed sinwar, the brother of hamas leader yahi sinwar, driving a car through a tunnel near the rs checkpoint in gaza. chief military representative daniel hagari called the full length of the tunnel 4 km and noted that this is enough to get to... the night part of gaza city, which was once the center of governance of hamas. according to
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hagari, millions of dollars were invested in the tunnel itself, and it was under construction for many years. the tunnel, diagonally down to a depth of 50 m, is 3 m wide and 3 m high. medical facilities in liman received a three-month supply of medicines, the minister of health, viktor lyashko, announced. it's about treatment. 12 thousand patients with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other non-infectious diseases. the situation in liman with medical care remains difficult, after all most of the medical facilities here are destroyed and damaged. in the near future, we will organize the opening of one of the pharmacies in which residents of the city of leman will be able to receive medicines under the affordable medicine program, because family medicine works, you can write prescriptions, we can do it all quickly enough, organize it. a collection of tips and algorithms.
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the academy of the patrol police presented a new manual on psychological assistance, which was created within the framework of the socially important project, how to take? its purpose is to explain how each person can help his environment and effectively support those who need it most. artem derkachev will continue the topic. in this footage , patrol police officers are trying to shoot down an enemy drone. and here they help to evacuate the civilian population. are there injured? police officers were one of the first to arrive at the house hit by a russian rocket. roman has been working in the police for nine years, tells about how the training
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of cadets changed during a full-scale invasion. they study for six months, they actually go through hard training like experience shows that 25% of us do not receive a policeman's diploma. we are adjusting the police training program to today's conditions, it is very important for them to be able not only to master the situation themselves, but also to help. citizens to support them and provide first psychological, let's say, help. mastering yourself in a crisis situation and also helping others is not an easy task. in addition to professional training at the academy, cadets also engage in self-training with the help of small manuals from the support group. they were created as part of a socially important project how are you bro they have been using our algorithms in their training for more than six months. already several divisions. the national police , the patrol police decided, the people who work there decided that each of their
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employees should have our copies in their pockets, because it is necessary almost every day, for example, how to bring a person out of a traumatic stupor, tips and algorithms for police officers, which will help the injured person, was developed by a team of professional psychologists and psychotherapists, it is like the instructions of a stakmed, so that every person knows how to help those around us, we collect. modern experience of how people cope with psychological problems during the war, and we spread this experience through such practical little pocket guides so that every ukrainian knows how it can be done. the advice guide was primarily created at the request of the military, however, according to philanthropists, it will be suitable for all interested parties. this is a working technique, when there is a book, you are not ashamed of it, and you say something in the text to help other people. and to myself, this is normal, this works, it gives her a resource and an opportunity to notice that something is wrong, to recognize some of her
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limitations, that a person is under the influence of stress, that maybe anxiety is going over the top, that she cannot be productive, and with that to turn to a specialist to date , more than 100,000 printed manuals of various series have been prepared and distributed, you can read their list and get free advice on the project website. artem derkachev, vadim. tv channel rada, nationwide marathon, single news. this was the last information in the release, don't miss the next one at three in the morning. i thank everyone who stays with us. at this time, my colleagues in the conversational studio will continue our broadcast. chevrons approaching victory. but we arrived normally.
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nothing broke. everything, mom, come on. i'll dial later, sir, what are you doing, be careful , i'm careful, it's kutya in cans, but i, to be honest, somehow not very good, my mother cooked for you, i'll come, if you don't eat, i understand, plus , come on, let's leave, and we 've reworked it a little, it's a really powerful thing, a mattress. petrovich, what pizza did you order? no, it is really powerful stuff.
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kitty, i think you get anxious, we are not close at school yet, you know what i do at such moments, an exercise that always helps me, it is easy to remember, i run the finger of one hand around the palm of the other hand, as if i were circling it with a pencil, i lead it upward and slowly inhale, i lead it down and slowly exhale, do it, dad, and peace will return. on, the caring people from the mental health program tiyakak and their friends from unicef have collected tips on how to help yourself and your child cope with stress oh, i almost killed myself. generators will be installed here. put on the balcony. the generator
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emits carbon monoxide, so only outside 6 meters from windows and doors. i will keep safety rules, they save lives. and once again we congratulate all the viewers who are with us at this time, and thank you for your attention, maksym sborovskyi, tetiana goncharova and soon roman yedelev will join our broadcast. let's talk about this: the us senate did not go on christmas break and continues to consider the package. security assistance to ukraine, decision on this adopted by the leader of the majority in the upper house of the us parliament, democrat chuck schumer. it will be recalled that this is a request from the white house for 106 billion in additional security funding. of this amount, 60 billion goes to military and humanitarian support of kyiv. the problem with the passage of the package in the congress arose because of the political demands
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of the republicans. they are pushing for it to include funds to strengthen us border security. and despite... president biden's statements about his willingness to compromise and calls to continue the work of congress, speaker lower house republican mike johnson refused to do so, instead, the senate will continue to work on agreeing the package from monday, and although the final decision requires a vote of both houses, this increases the chances that the us will be able to approve aid for ukraine in early january. roman yedeliev, international lawyer, associate professor of the department of international law of taras shevchenko national university, roman. congratulations, congratulations, please explain, we talk so much about the need for help for ukraine from the united states, but not we consider the subject of the migration issue in the usa in detail, but in fact it has become vitally important for ukraine. please explain why it was not resolved for a long time, why it was raised now, why it was not resolved? that is, explain
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all aspects of this issue. well, look , we... we, of course, look first and foremost to ukraine and to the interests of ukraine, and we blame the united states of america for not providing the amount of support that they promised, that they can provide, and that is necessary for the fastest possible victory of ukraine. but we there has also been much talk of 2024 being an election year in the united states of america. and this is the question of building a wall on the border between the united states. states of america and mexico, this is also a pre-election promise of mr. trump, when he was first elected as the president of the united states, and throughout this term of his... term, this issue was resolved very difficult, very slowly, and i am sure that mr. trump himself thinks, what is connected with this is
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that he lost the election to joe biden, and now that we are back in the election period, of course to mr. trump it is necessary to show that he will be able to press this issue on... even without being the president of the united states, he is already finding ways to finance and build this wall, and in general on issues of migration policy, but what will happen when he becomes the president of the united states of america, well, if he wants it, then in general we will definitely close this issue, and therefore, if you support this policy, then please vote for me in the presidential elections, that is, this issue... you see, it could have been different, well, simply, what a migration issue, here republicans and democrats take diametrically opposite positions, and
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no one wants to give in on these and other internal issues, for the sake of helping ukraine, for the sake of helping israel, and how to influence this, well, there is no simple answer, so we talked with you about the fact that 2024 will be complex. and now they will solve this issue with the wall, with the funding, then some next question will appear: we will not get quick solutions from the united states of america, unfortunately, because it was rightly said, the lower house is controlled by the republicans, they have already left it's the christmas break, and well, the senate will continue the discussion. yes , it is really good for ukraine, because if a solution is found, well, we still understand that even in the senate, yes, if there is
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bipartisan support, then it will also be in the house of representatives, that is, the discussion is good, but for some will have to make concessions, and concessions mean less chances of winning the presidential elections, and this raises the question of whether ukraine should press this issue. if in the future it will lead to a change of the us president, that is, you understand, already here some kind of strategy is needed, and maybe it’s better for us there for 3-4-5 months, well, the administration of the us president says that they will be able to find a solution, even if this project is not supported, then maybe there is a point in this, here, on unfortunately, we have already found ourselves in big politics, so you and i talked for a long time about the fact that there could be war fatigue, thank god and ukraine, ukrainian representatives, this did not happen, but
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, unfortunately, no one canceled the policy, both republicans and democrats want to have their own us president. well, here it is interesting that in the usa stated that there is a way to confiscate and transfer confiscated russian assets to the benefit of ukraine, and this is actually confirmed by the faine publication in particular. they wrote that the g7 countries intensified negotiations on the confiscation of russian assets in favor of ukraine and in the light of the still unresolved issue of allocating 50 billion euros to ukraine from the eu, the unresolved issue of the us congress with the approval of the $61 billion aid package to kyiv, it was would be a good help, but again, a political statement. on the resolution of the issue of transfer to ukraine of confiscated russian assets is a little different than a legally resolved issue. what can you say about
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that, how close are we to that now? well, absolutely right, look, the issue of confiscating the assets of the russian central bank and transferring them to ukraine is a purely legal issue, and if we... look at it from a purely legal point of view, the solution is really quite simple: the russian federation has committed an internationally illegal act in the form of aggression against ukraine. russia for this internationally illegal act the federation can be prosecuted by absolutely all states of the world. it is possible to encourage the russian federation to stop this internationally illegal act. as sanctions. sanctions may consist in the fact that russian assets are frozen and transferred to ukraine. there is no need to have a
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doctorate in international law. to understand that such a way is possible, then there is a difficulty after the victory of ukraine, yes, you understand that this money will not be considered aid from the united states or the european union, so it will be considered as the fulfillment of the russian the federation of its obligation to compensate for the damage, and there may already be some reparations, well, we will consider it after ukraine wins, but there is a political question. plane, because what has changed since j7 stopped discussing this procedure 3-4 months ago, nothing, from a legal point of view there was no new international agreement, nor any new violations on the part of the russian federation, yes, well that all ongoing illegal acts, aggression, political conditions have changed, yes, the eu is blocking. funds in the usa
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funds are blocked, and we see that if there is political will, then again the states return to discussing this mechanism. as for us, at the moment, well , let's be frank, and the president's office says about this absolutely rightly, that we should at least receive those percentages from the frozen assets of the russian central bank, so they say that we can receive up to 15... billion dollars per year, well, this is already some money, and it would help us quite significantly in our struggle with the russian federation, but , you see, without political will there is no the decision to give interest from these frozen funds to ukraine, nor to transfer these frozen assets of the russian central bank, so we are not talking about the money of the oligarchs, this is precisely the money of the russian
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federation, this is what should... belong to ukraine, the same as compensation for an internationally wrongful act. let 's hope, well, you see, there is a solution, it is quite simple, the decision of the united states of america, the member states of the european union will suffice here, other states will step up, and then we will have a real demonstration of what international law works, but here... you have to understand all the complexities, yes, about those political reasons, we also talked with you that states, members of the european union are afraid that other states will not want to keep money later, so in the european central bank or in the central banks of other european countries, yes, mr. roman, that's how we understand the difficulties, you say other countries will step up, but when we look at the foreign parts in the kinjal supersonic missile, we see that 77 components are from the united states, we see eight of switzerland, from japan, six
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taiwan. and we understand the full weight of what is called political will and the full weight of those norms that actually regulate these movements of these constituents or, on the contrary, do not regulate them. roman yedaliv, international lawyer, associate professor of the department of international law of taras shevchenko national university was in touch with us. and then, ukraine has a work plan for the next year regarding the creation of a special international tribunal and bringing russia to justice for war crimes. this was stated by the ambassador on special assignments of the ministry of foreign affairs. business anton korenevich, details below. mr. anton , congratulations, we are now talking about achieving justice, this is probably one of the most important issues facing ukrainians today, bringing to justice all criminals of the russian federation, in particular, this is one of the most important issues next to victory on the battlefield. you spoke in particular about the fact that now the key issue and
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task is to find me. we are creating a special tribunal, tell us how you assess the movement in this direction of ukraine? but definitely when we talk about responsibility of the russian federation and its citizens for all the violations of international law that they commit on the territory of ukraine, then we are talking about the fact that ukraine uses all available international mechanisms and tools to bring both russia and russians to justice. we are in every possible international judicial body where we could file claims against the russian federation, but we are saying that... there are two important gaps to fill that are a necessary task in order for us to be able to talk about what is complete , comprehensive, comprehensive responsibility has arrived, this is the issue of the compensation mechanism, which will be discussed today at the conference a little later, i.e. the mechanism that will be responsible for reparations for the damage caused by the russian federation during its aggression against ukraine and, of course, the issue of the special tribunal, i.e. the issue of creating the mechanism.


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