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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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design, basic black color and favorable price, only from uah 799. call let's summarize. khrystyna parobiy works in the studio for the informational morning in ukraine on espresso news. in lviv, a minibus killed a pedestrian. as a result of the injuries, the 35-year-old man died on the spot, the regional police reported. the deceased was an employee of the lviv regional prosecutor's office. the taxi driver was detained by law enforcement officers, he faces up to eight years behind bars. one person was injured as a result of the shelling of the vehicle. in donetsk region, this was reported in
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regional police. the russians made nine strikes on the lyman community. the village of progress was hit by hurricanes. they also launched a rocket attack on orlivka. as a result of enemy shelling in the region, 12 residential buildings and an industrial building were destroyed. a 29-year-old man blew himself up with an explosive device in the village of hlushkivka in the kharkiv region. the shell detonated in the yard of the house. the victim was hospitalized in a moderate condition, the head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov, said. last day , the russians attacked 20 settlements kharkiv region. as a result of shelling of the city of vovchansk, the building of an agricultural enterprise was damaged. the occupiers also carried out airstrikes on the village of petropavlivka. restored after the russian attacks. energy workers have finished overhauling the unit at...
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one of the thermal power plants, dtek reported about it. the energy block was damaged by shelling last year, which added power to the ukrainian energy sector. russia has almost completely suspended combat duty in the azov and black seas. so in the first one patrols one vessel, which controls the kerch strait, and in the second, from two to four ships patrol and guard the bases of the russian fleet, - said the head of the union. natalya gomanyuk of the coordination press center of the southern defense forces. she emphasized: "the defense forces are monitoring the situation and are ready to respond to any changes." i bought cannabis in kyiv. the police detained a drug dealer from russia. he illegally crossed the ukrainian border and did not have any documents. the court chose a preventive measure in the form of detention for the suspect. he also has the possibility of making a deposit. passed the intelligence
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data to the russians, the law enforcement officers exposed the adjuster of the shelling in zaporizhzhia. throughout october, the suspect informed the enemy about the location of the armed forces and the coordinates of infrastructure facilities. the man also gave the occupiers data about the consequences of the hit. he collected all the information himself and with the help of relatives or acquaintances. a preventive measure was chosen for the detainee, he is in custody. i reported that there was something else there, and he asked to check, look, count, sent a message, an audio message, after the arrival, they asked me to find out about the hits themselves and... the espresso tv channel together with
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the public organization baza ua is collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the kholodny yar armed forces. in extremely difficult conditions , the ukrainian military will choose victory every day, not leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs, evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chance... to save the wounded is much greater. our goal is uah 800,000. with your help, we collected more 500 thousand hryvnias. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield. so support, do not remain indifferent. you can see all the details on the screen. and the military personnel defending us in the hellish eastern direction thank the viewers and readers of espresso for reliable communication. thanks to your donations, we managed to raise funds. on starlinks for
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the offensive guard tank unit. together we collected more than 80 thousand hryvnias. in memory of the volunteer commander. of the ukrainian corps , the right sector of hryhoriy simenyshin v the eighth all-ukrainian wrestling tournament was held in ivano-frankivsk. about 200 children from different cities of ukraine gathered in ivano-frankivsk for the competition. more in the material of our carpathian colleagues. the purpose of such sports tournaments is to honor the memory of soldiers who at various times defended the borders of the country and continue to do so until now, as well as to support families, fallen heroes and... popularize sports among young people, these competitions are organized every year for children who they live by this sport, just like the fallen frankivite hryhoriy semenyshyn, master of wrestling. the tournament is held so that the children of the village can compete, gain experience, plus
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patriotic upbringing, the younger generation. for two days, real sports are held in the hall. boys in different age and weight categories choose the first place. the geography of the participants is wide, say the organizers. these are chernivtsi, lviv, ternopil, khmelnytskyi and ivano-frankivsk regions. in 2014-15, when we had our first victims, the boys who fought in this hall, who were 14-15 years old, today there are already many of them who are at the front. and i hope that, including for the example of their such heroic struggle, which is happening now. there are also those heroes for whom they fought here as children or teenagers. the tournament is dedicated to defender hryhori semenshin. on january 18, 2016, a 42-year-old man blew himself up on a stretcher in the donetsk region. he was a soldier of the volunteer
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ukrainian corps, fought as part of the right sector, passed through ilovaisk, donetsk airport, debaltseve, opitne and pisky. from prykarpattia for espresso tv channel. protests will resume and demands will be expanded. polish carriers will again block the jagodyn dorogusk checkpoint from 3 p.m. today. local farmers also intend to join them. this is reported by the polish media. the strikers also put forward new demands, in particular, the cessation of sugar imports from ukraine. according to the leader of the protesters, the protests can last until march 8. at present , 200 trucks are in the warehouse. at the border, after the resumption of the blockade, this figure may double. the act will go down in history, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro koleba thanked german chancellor olaf scholz for asking
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orbán to leave the hall at the eu summit. according to koleb, such actions of scholz really helped remove the threat of the hungarian veto. the head of the ukrainian department emphasized that his act was german. the chancellor won a lot of sincere and well-deserved admiration in the hearts of ukrainians. complete isolation. the european union is considering the possibility of depriving hungary of the right to vote in order to approve aid to ukraine, the financial times writes. it is about the allocation of 50 billion euro. last week, hungarian prime minister viktor orbán announced the decision. therefore, it will be discussed in brussels. the application to hungary of the seventh article of the treaty on the european union, it allows to deprive a participating country of its right to vote for violation of european legislation. the european union plans to adopt the 12th package of sanctions against russia,
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politico reported. austria previously opposed the introduction of new restrictions, but later the country changed its mind and agreed to their adoption. the eu will officially publish. appropriate decision after a written signing procedure document us defense secretary lloyd austin has arrived in israel, as reported by foreign media, he wants to hear from official tel aviv a clear assessment of military operations in the gaza strip, and will also demand a change in strategy in the war. the visit comes against the backdrop of an increasing number of civilian casualties in the gaza strip. israel urged to observe humanitarian law. uk after reports of church shooting. according to the latin patriarchate of jerusalem, an israeli sniper shot and wounded a woman and her daughter on saturday seven more people in the church of the holy family.
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ukrainian polar explorers showed photos of the first penguin chicks that were born near the akademik vernadsky station. so far , eight babies have been born from the laid eggs. but this year , a record number of subarctic penguins, more than 500 birds, are nesting near the station. so soon our scientists expect a real baby boom in the arctic. this was the morning in ukraine, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, stay with us greetings, dear tv viewers, on the air of the tv channel, the program studio zahid,
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we will analyze the most important events that unfolded in the united states of america and the european union. our guests today are matthew bryza and valery chaly. bryza, ex-adviser of the secretary of state of the united states, former director of european and eurasian affairs at the national security council of the united states, will be working on the air of the tv channel. glory to ukraine, mr. ambassador, i congratulate you. glory. what is happening? in the world that happens in washington, we don't we just manage to react to extremely different and sometimes contradictory signals, on the other hand, we feel that the kremlin is triumphant, yes, they are preparing to prolong the war, and they feel a certain weakness in decisions on the part of what is called a collective measure, and we in ukraine are extremely strong we are worried, in particular, it is not only about the supply of weapons, but also about money, the ukrainian budget depends too much on american... aid. the situation in washington is something completely
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unexpected for me, and based on our you previous conversations, which i really always love and appreciate, this is something completely unexpected even for the washington political elite, because support for the continuation of military and financial aid to ukraine is very strong in the congress. so what happened is that a small group of extreme republicans, supporters of trump, so-called. maga's group was able to politically blackmail president biden, saying , "ok, we know you want this aid for ukraine, maybe we do too, but we won't give it the green light until you agree to what we want, which is to protect america's southern border. we are talking about the borders of ukraine and we want to protect them? yes, but let's secure the us borders first. i think that. ridiculous, irresponsible and damaging to america's reputation in the world, but this is our
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reality. dear mr. ambassador, what signals are sent from the kremlin to washington and to whom, for example, does putin signal in washington besides trump, and how strongly does this affect american aid to ukraine in general? putin is very happy, he said about it's the other day during his big press conference that he missed last year because... that russia didn't perform well on the battlefield, this year he held a big conference and said that he was sure that russia would win the war because the united states will lose patience in supporting ukraine. i think he's wrong, and the republicans who are causing this political mess about aid to ukraine will suffer politically. however, it is not easier for ukraine. so this great political mess in washington is a great gift. for putin: first, because he hurts ukraine's ability to continue his offensive, and
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second, because he also undermines the leadership of the united states in the world and our ability to be the so-called leader of the free world. and this is the most shameful moment for american foreign policy that i can recall in my entire adult life. mr. ambassador, i am extremely serious about you. forecasts and to your assessments of the situation, and accordingly, i would like to ask you to answer honestly now, what do you think ukraine should expect in the next couple of years months from the united states, does mr. biden have a plan b? biden doesn't have a plan, what he needs to do, and i hope he does, is to go along with what the extreme republicans want, which is to change his administration's immigration policies on the southern border of the united states with mexico and allocate more money for
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the southern border. i am not pessimistic about whether aid will come to ukraine or not. i am concerned about the timing, as the negotiations will continue for several weeks. knowing president biden, i think so in the end, he will accept such political blackmail and give the republicans what they demand in terms of protecting the us border with mexico. to get this help for ukraine. this is a terrible precedent in american domestic and foreign policy. but i think that biden will eventually give in and ukraine will receive this money. the only question is when it will happen. yes, mr. ambassador, quite alarming signals are also coming from the other side, in particular, it is about various military-political-expert environments that say that ukraine should prepare for what? to a deep, deeply echeloned defense. this means that it is possible that we will not receive extremely important offensive types of weapons, additional, yes, for
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which we very much hoped. well, accordingly, we also understand from the other side that... the states, well, maybe they don’t want to raise the degree of escalation, maybe certain consultations took place in third countries, maybe with the help of viktor orban, maybe with the help of chinese comrades, yes, well, where was it said, for example, that quick allocation for ukraine, the f-16 can fundamentally change the situation. i don't think the biden administration cares at all about what the chinese or viktor orbán say. orban in general. very disliked in washington because what he is doing is clearly pro-russian. who knows what kind of corrupt connections are behind this, but he clearly does not enjoy the trust of washington. in some ways, even worse for my country, what is happening is just a sophisticated political case of blackmail
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by the extreme wing of the republican of president trump's party, who has, quite frankly... destroyed the political party i once loved. this is not about strategy, but about a terrible example of the internal political dysfunctionality of the united states. but i am sure that ukraine will get f-16 and longer-range missiles. and it is a pity that the biden administration is delaying for so long the request of ukraine to provide these weapons. if they had secured it at the beginning, the situation on the battlefield... would have been completely different, and of course, in favor of ukraine. well, literally this thursday, putin for several hours in a row told his russian fellow citizens about how cool he is, how he manages to implement all this, in particular, russian aggression against ukraine, and he did not give any adequate signals that he is ready, so to speak, to enter into negotiations of various levels,
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at least in the public part about it didn't happen. your vision. in general, a possible large diplomatic connection. i don't think so at the moment. xinjiang is trying to strengthen its partnership with president putin to weaken the united states globally. and what is happening between xi jinping and putin is similar to what is happening in the united states congress with the republicans. precisely because biden wants this support for ukraine. extreme republicans. oppose, so does xi jinping, who would welcome an end to the war, wants to undermine the leadership of the united states and biden's leadership in the world, so he is going to stay with putin. having said that, i believe that sinjinpin, like erdogan here in turkey, would like the war to end, but for now he is very happy to work with putin rather than
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push him to negotiate. instead , he is ready to push ukraine into... negotiations so that it gives up its sovereign territory, while weakening the united states, unfortunately, it is. anthony blinken talks about unwavering determination, president biden talks about unwavering determination. but who will pay the required amount of money into our budget? yes, we understand that it is not only about the support of our army, and in general it is about the macroeconomic stability of our state, and i see. several problems, well, accordingly, if in the united states a great debate will begin in the states, which may end, for example, with a decrease in funding for ukraine, or in your opinion, how actively paris and berlin will be ready to work to support us, that is, at what level, by 100%, by 120% or by 60% . there is currently a debate in the council of europe about
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money for ukraine, which viktor orban is blocking, it is about 50. or so. i think he will give in eventually. orbán always behaves unstrategically in relation to the transatlantic community and selfishly, i.e. only for himself, only for hungary. that is, he will either give his consent together with other eu members to provide financial assistance to ukraine, or he will have no choice if individual member states decide to do so. however, it is quite obvious that many member countries. in the eu are going to provide aid to ukraine, regardless of what viktor orban says. as you already mentioned, among them are germany, france, great britain, although it is not a member of the eu, but i can provide help, as well as the countries of northern europe. president zelensky recently visited oslo, as did the leaders of the nordic countries european countries have declared that they will provide ukraine
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with the necessary assistance. and i believe that the united states will also provide it. it is simply politically impossible for the united states to end its support for ukraine. they're delaying it because of those silly internal political debates i mentioned. i don't want to play a big conspiracy theory, but i... if there are forces in the west who want to hear, so to speak, putin's idea, to stop funding ukraine, and then, they say, the war will end , it makes me feel creepy, yes, i'm afraid, that certain there are environments, and it is on them that putin broadcasts his false signals and his propaganda, if we talk about the general stability of the west in the ukrainian issue and in the issue of russian aggression. as i said, there are extreme ... republicans in the united states who support trump and who support anything against biden, and they will never change. in addition, throughout the transatlantic family, both
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in the us and in europe, there are unknown political figures who receive bribes from russian services in exchange for advocating pro-russian positions, and we increasingly hear about such cases. i am not saying that any of the american politicians are taking money from putin, but... it is definitely happening in europe and maybe happening in the united states as well. what i am trying to say is that in the end, not only the morality, the rightness and the strength of ukraine's struggle, which lies in its survival, will ultimately unite all of us in the transatlantic community to give ukraine the help it needs, but the strategic imperative will also push us in this direction. . there are people who claim that destroying so much russian. military capability, ukraine is clearly not only doing a difficult, terrible and deadly job of increasing security for us all, but also making it less likely that
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russia will follow ukraine and attack nato territory. smart people realize this, and we just need a little time to sort out this ridiculous campaign politics in the us. what is being said in washington about general zaluzhnyi and what... for example, president zelensky could discuss among themselves and president biden. in my opinion, the scandal surrounding general zaluzhny's use of the term "stalemate" not only in washington, but also in ukraine, fuels the debate about whether president zelenskyy is not voicing an unrealistically positive assessment of the situation on the battlefield. social networks are really good sources of information about ukrainians for the us and its allies. and it is clear that... now the counteroffensive is not advancing on land, although it is in the black sea. the creativity of ukraine, its sea and air drones really made a big impact
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damage to the russian black sea fleet, forcing it to relocate away from ukrainian territory to novorossiysk. the media is not talking about this story loudly enough. but on land, the russians managed to pay off in their defensive positions, making it much more difficult to dislodge them. after all, we in the west are not helping ukraine as it should be, because we still haven't given ukraine what it has been asking for for so long. namely , f-16 fighters and long-range missile systems, which are absolutely necessary for the success of ukraine. ago i believe that it is important for president zelensky to be as honest as possible with the ukrainian people, with the united states, and with our nato allies that ukraine is fighting bravely and effectively. and a single nato military wouldn't even dare to do what ukraine is doing without air superiority, which means ukraine should get f-16s and
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longer-range missiles. prospects for the introduction of lendlease as a certain insurance mechanism. i hope that the american legislation has already taken all the necessary steps so that in case of something start lending us weapons. i think it is possible. that's how it developed. the political situation in the us a year ago, but now that we are entering the crazy circus of the us presidential race, everything is unpredictable and depends on negotiations like the ones we talked about about biden changing his policy on protecting the southern border of the united states , in exchange for the agreement of extreme republicans to help ukraine, so at the moment only god knows what will happen with. you guessed it, several we talked to you months ago, mr. borkowski, and i said that the fate of aid to ukraine largely depends on who is elected as the next speaker of the house of
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representatives. in the us congress, then two candidates and neither of them elected, the speaker of the house became mike johnson, an ardent supporter of president trump, who is determined to force biden to take such a politically humiliating step and change his policy on us immigration in exchange for support of ukraine. and this struggle, unfortunately, will continue for the next few months thank you very much, mr. ambassador bryza for this honest and extremely informative conversation on the air of the tv channel, i want to remind our tv viewers that matthew bryza, ex-adviser of the secretary of state of the united states, former director of european and eurasian affairs in us national security council. glory to ukraine and heroes. glory. tingling and
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smoke, he says: well, how come there will be no cigarettes? then i will smoke salt, how much time do you need, you need 10 days, that's what you have to do, i didn't come here to look at old farts who collect pine cones in the forest, what will be your vacancies, vacancies, novels. to god, please drink, and tomorrow fly to your sunny italy. nikola, don't spill blood on the wedding night, you don't need to, run there,
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come here, well... let's go there, give me a chair! valery chaley, the former extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states , will be on the air of the espresso tv channel. states, former deputy director of the presidential administration for international cooperation. glory to ukraine. mr. ambassador, i congratulate you. glory to the hero, congratulations. we want to sum up the dry results of president zelenskyi's visit. and this story is not about the format.


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