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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2023 7:30pm-8:00pm EET

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these are beautiful and representative of modern ukrainian literature, those books that were on the long list, in short, i admire the work of my colleagues, and it is an extraordinary honor, because in previous years, in fact, those in the works that i learned to write, they were laureates, yes the very figure of yuriy shevelyov is extremely important for me and in general for the history of ukrainian literature and culture. the author started working on the book on the first day of the full-scale invasion. the work lasted 13 months, in it he talked about his experiences, and also about his parents, who were forced to stay in the bush under the occupation. many people in this country recognize themselves in this book, and it was very important for us to choose a book not only for its aesthetic, aesthetic qualities, there were many such books, but still a book that resonates with many people. this year, several special
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honors were awarded: andrii gudym, who died on july 4 near bakhmut, and his work 69 spices for the heart, were posthumously awarded for his zest for life and words with deep gratitude to the hero of the initiative. by the virtuoso continuation of the tradition of ukrainian neoclassicists in essay writing was awarded to andrii sodomora and his book under a stranger's shadow. special award for skill and innovation in the essay genre. culture for the book africa was awarded to andrii humenyuk. the purpose of each special award is to emphasize the importance of the essay genre, to emphasize the contribution that a certain person makes to the development and growth of this genre in ukraine. yuriy shivelyov became the founder of modern ukrainian essay writing, so the award named in his honor recognizes the contribution of ukrainian authors in the values ​​inherent in the essay genre.
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ukrainian authors should be heard in the world, ukrainian authors and women authors, our culture is very strong, very interesting, no less interesting, strong, like all other cultures. shevilyov really cheered for this, and it seems to me that we are our own prize, this is a prize for essay writing, for such a very non-standard way of thinking, we also try to contribute to this. the yuriy prize... was founded by the ukrainian pen, the kyiv-mohyla business school, the spirit and litera publishing house, the center for judaica, and the ukrainian scientific institute of harvard university, since 2013 it has been awarded to the best ukrainian essayists, artists whose words touch the soul. kateryna galko, oscar jansons, espresso tv channel. problems with... joints restrict movement, it is unpleasant and
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dolgit cream, what do you want to lift, dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain, good evening, we are from ukraine, let's continue, and now it's time to talk about money, oleksandr morchivka is next to me, oleksandr, i congratulate you for the floor, i congratulate the audience, thank you vasyl, in the next few minutes. well, hot news, the new package of sanctions, what it includes, as well as international aid to ukraine, money is given, but our state needs reforms, what exactly, all about this in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchivaka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. so, the european union approved the 12th package of sanctions against russia. therefore, it provides, in particular, a ban on imports. russian
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diamonds, and it is forbidden to transfer secret goods and technologies to the aggressor through third countries, as well as chemicals, lithium batteries, thermostats, engines for drones, machine tools, and parts for them. at the same time, the eu limited the import of pig iron from russia and approved a gradual reduction in the purchase of liquefied gas. good news, only now it is necessary for these restrictions to be implemented and work. well, it is important that the ukrainian energy sector is being restored after the enemy attacks, the capital energy sector has been restored repairs were carried out on the block on one of the heat power plant reported in the dtek company. the power plant was damaged by shelling last year. this has now added power to the ukrainian power system. but they renewed the protests and expanded the demands. polish
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carriers are again blocking the jagodyn dorogusk checkpoint today. local farmers intend to join them, polish mass media reported. say that ukraine needs to suspend the export of sugar to the territory of the eu, according to the leader of the protesters, protests can continue until march 8, currently 200 trucks are standing in line at the border, after the resumption of this blockade today , the number of trucks may increase, unfortunately, this issue has not yet been resolved, and we continue to talk with oleg penzen, executive director of the economic discussion club, he joins the broadcast, good evening, evening, good, i am sincerely glad to see you, mr. oleg, well, last week there was fresh, hot and important long-awaited news that ukraine received another share of the loan under the program of
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the international monetary fund for 900 million dollars, it's nice, but you just need to use your professional words to explain to the audience that not all the money that our state receives from international partners is... grants, it's non-refundable, it's charitable funds, it's also loans that need certain solutions, not only interest payments for debt service, but also need reforms, for example, by providing funds under the extended financing program, the international monetary fund requires a number of reforms, but what caught my eye is that our state must find additional tax or non-tax revenues, it is fifty percent of the gdp and price. the issue of uah 40 billion, it seems to me, both the verkhovna rada and the government have already searched, are searching, continue to search for these revenues, where to get them, and will we fulfill this structural beacon, as they say in the imf? and i think that we will do it, we just need to understand
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that we take money from the international monetary fund at 7% per annum, so that we understand that it is very expensive there now, that is all, that is, the general risks that ukraine has today have led to the fact that that even the international financial organization gives us under 7%. next point, you're absolutely right, they are demand an increase in state budget revenues by uah 40 billion. well, as a rule, this happens due to increased tax pressure on business. probably, this is waiting for us next year. in addition, there are requirements to restart the bep, economic security bureau, there is you. a clear separation of functions between bep and nabu, there are a bunch of other demands regarding anti-corruption judges, the creation of a separate judicial unit that will accept lawsuits against state bodies, the cabinet of ministers, the ministry of departments,
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well, that is, there is a huge bunch of new lighthouses, in in principle, they are there, they do not contradict the interests of ukraine and ukrainians, so in this situation i do not see any... extremely big problems in this regard, but one must understand that nothing comes for free, and one more thing must be remembered, for the next year, we have to give it to the international monetary fund somewhere in order, well, so that you and i understand, at the level of 3 billion dollars for previously taken loans and for interest on those that are currently available, so in this situation it is also very difficult and not without... do the americans give us through the guarantee mechanism of the world bank, and the europeans lend everything they give, and 18 billion, and preferential for 30 years , there is a 10-year holiday for the first payments, but it will have to be paid back after 30 years, count,
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so there are also problems, well indeed , there is an opinion that with funds from the international monetary fund and the world bank, without other infusions, the state can last only a few months. well, if we talk about these structural beacons, about the reforms that await ukraine in the next year, it is interesting that the fund derzhmaina has already announced that it is going to sell more than 100 such objects next year. which are only losses for the state, indeed one of the structural beacons of the international monetary fund is privatization, revenues from privatization, this is the management of state property, now in the conditions of war we could not effectively manage state property before that, will it be possible now and is it really one thing from sources of income to the state budget? oh, listen, we need 1, the state property fund will succeed in the best case if it sells everything it plans to. well, count 3-4 there billions, and so he gives a maximum of 500 million to
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the budget, this is tears in relation to what is really needed, well, really, so i think that not only the fund, not the state property fund alone, mr. olezh, how much should the belt be tightened here small and medium-sized businesses, now the european union through grant programs, well, is doing a powerful job with entrepreneurs, new e. well productions are opening, especially processing, but it will really be possible to shake off this situation by filling the coffers next year, especially small businesses, what is your opinion? listen then what is happening today with the blocking of borders is precisely a blow to farming, to small and medium-sized businesses, and it is there in those trucks that the products of small and medium-sized businesses that should be in europe, should fill the ukrainian... budget, but it is in the queue and it is not known when it will be passed, that is, it is a way to fight against
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the ukrainian competitor, using non-competitive methods, and this is an extremely big problem, because our progress in the european union, for the eu, will seriously depend on it optimists, i want to remind you that turkey has been in the status in which ukraine has found itself recently since 1998, and... its advancement into the european union is not fast, so it is always necessary to understand that there are ukrainian interests, it must to follow very clearly, solving first of all issues related to the entry into the european market, ukraine's place in the european division of labor, that is, those things should be discussed as much as possible taking into account the ukrainian interest, taking into account the interests of ukrainian business, ukrainian small enterprises, ukrainian farmers. thank you for your expert assessment, indeed, without money from international donors, without the activation
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of ukrainian economic forces, it is difficult to fill the budget, oleg penzyn, the executive director of the economic discussion club was in touch, i continue to talk about money during the war. indeed, ukrainian farmers have now done the impossible, everything impossible, in just one year they have restored the cultivation of vegetables destroyed by the occupiers, these are the conclusions drawn by the analysts of the east froot project. we are talking about full coverage. losses agricultural production in the southern regions of kherson region, the sector has also recovered, despite the fact that the enemy almost completely destroyed the cultivation of vegetables in the region, which had been created for decades, by blowing up the dam in kakhovska , destroyed irrigation systems, mined fields, now vegetable production is really rising to the pre-war level, experts say, well, just for comparison, in the 30 years since the collapse of the ussr, russia , having fertile land, was also unable to ensure... the cultivation of vegetables, vegetables, fruits precisely for its own population, there are no such
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they have such a pace, experts say. but despite everything, since the beginning of the year, ukraine has sold a little more than 19 billion dollars worth of agricultural products. this is 7% less than last year, mykola pohachev, deputy director of the institute of agrarian economics, said. he analyzed the customs data. however, in spite of this, the farmer still saves. dominant position in the general export of our country, but there are challenges, which oleg penzyn also spoke about, that blocking the border prevents the growth of exports of vegetables, fruits, food, in general, and also carries threats for the state budget. due to the destruction caused by russian shelling, it will be impossible to restore the avdiiv coke plant, the general director said in an interview with forbes. company metinvest yury ryzhenkov. it is unlikely that
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the plant should be rebuilt in the form in which it was touched - says the top manager. let me remind you that the largest consumers of this enterprise, the customers were azovstal, zavodycha. the general director of metinvest adds that the company plans to restore the territories of azov steel later after the liberation, but it will be completely another factory. indeed, modernization will take place in ukrainian. industry after the victory, and it will already be modern, not the same as it was in the days of the soviet union, when such powerful large enterprises as the avdiiv coke plant were built. well, i'll be on that. to finish the column about money during the war, but a big broadcast is going on , there will be more to come, watch us, thank you to oleksandr morchivka for the information about money, i am serhiy rudenko at 20:00 the verdict program will start, what will be discussed today, and who will be the guest program, serhiy, please tell me,
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good evening, greetings to vasyl, at 20:00 oleg hrybachuk and general serhiy will be visiting us. onos, we will talk about the secret service that was tried to be installed in the office where the head of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhnyi, was supposed to work, everything related to eavesdropping, and especially those who tried to do it, all this will be in the center of our attention, of course, we will also talk about how the mobilization of the armed forces of ukraine is currently taking place, because we know that in the first months of may... of the 24th year, the verkhovna rada of ukraine will consider two draft laws on mobilization, on demobilization. a lot has been said over the past week, and especially in the past few days, about the ineffectiveness of the current state of mobilization, that drastic
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steps need to be taken in order to attract more people to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. people, they are talking about it publicly and the head zaluzhny, the leaders of the ministry of defense of ukraine are also talking about it, what it means and how it will affect the armed forces and the ukrainian economy, where now working men who will be mobilized to the armed forces of ukraine, this will all be in the center of our attention, of course with oleg rybachuk we will... discuss the topic of the future accession of ukraine to the european union, because on december 14, the summit of the leaders of the european union gave the green light to the beginning negotiations of the eu countries with ukraine, and it is important for us to understand in which period we will hold these negotiations, and who is
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the weakest link in these negotiations, well , all at once. but about hungary, maybe not only hungary, these are the countries that will be hinder ukraine's accession to the european union, and what we need to do to prevent these problems from happening. we talk about all this in the first part of our program, in the second part of our program, which will start at 21:15, there will be political scientists, viktor boberenko, volodymyr fesenko and igor reiterovych, we will talk about the current indicators of sociological... services regarding the trust rating of zelensky and zaluzhny , because it so coincided in time that this whole story with the maid of the residence or, let's say, the premises where the commander-in-chief of the armed forces was supposed to work by the forces of ukraine, unfolds against the background of ascertaining the fact that the rating of zaluzhny is
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high enough, the rating of trust in zaluzhny is high enough and... over the last year, it has fallen, but not as rapidly as the trust rating of volodymyr zelenskyi. we know that tomorrow volodymyr zelenskyy has to hold a big annual press conference, he will obviously talk about this as well, but i hope that in the club where we will have political scientists, we will be able to model or predict how the future will develop events in the political plane, how zaluzhnyi's rating will... affect zelenskyi's rating and vice versa, and whether these ratings will interfere with our victory, that's all, we start at 20:00 in literally 10 minutes, so the big broadcast of winter continues, and the big verdict will be in 10 minutes on the air. vasyl, you have a word. thank you, serhiy, we are waiting for serhii rodenko and his guests at 20:00, and
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now about sports news, what is the ukrainian wall in european football now. already understood even those who did not understand, and did andrii lunin prove his worth to karlandti yevhen pastukhov will tell you about real madrid, simply and in detail. the donetsk miner found out who he will play against in the 1:16 final of the europa league. as a result of the draw , the opponent of the miners was the french olympique marseille. according to the format, the third-placed teams in the champions league groups, such as shakhtar, will play head-to-head matches against the second-placed clubs in the europa league quartets. marseille became second in group b. the winners of the two-match confrontations will advance to the 1/8 finals of the tournament, where they will automatically advance group winners let me remind you that shakhtar is the only representative of ukraine who will continue his performances
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in the so-called euro-spring. other pairs of opponents in 1:16 - fey north-roma, ac milan-ren, lance-freiburg, jan bois sporting, benfica toulouse, braga karabakh and galatasaray sparta. the first stream matches will take place on february 15 next year. participants 1.8 will be determined. after the return matches, which are scheduled for february 22. today, the pairs of the eighth finals of the champions league became known. as a result of the draw, porto will play arsenal, napoli will meet barcelona, pesz received from rival real sociedad. inter will face atletico madrid. psv will play against borussia dortmund. reigning trophy holders manchester city will continue their title defense in a duel with copenhagen. and real ma'. will meet with leipzig. specific match dates will be confirmed later. the first games are scheduled for february 13, 14 and 20-21.
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return matches on march 5-6 and 12-13. exhibition game for charity. shakhtar donetsk played a match in japan, drawing with the local club avispa fukuoka. consisting of danylo sikan and maryan shvet scored for the miners. the donetsk people first opened the score, but on the move. the meetings were forced to replay, as the japanese responded to sikan's goal with two goals. according to the press service of hirniki, all money collected from the sale of tickets and advertising during the charity game will be donated to help ukraine and ukrainians who suffered as a result of the full-scale russian invasion. the french national team triumphed at the women's world handball championship. in the final of the tournament , the french beat the national team norway. 31:28. in the first half, the game was even, and only before the break did the french women pull away from the score. in the second half of the match, france managed to maintain a small
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advantage. thus, the norwegians failed to defend the title of world champions, and france won the world championship for the third time in history. the danish national team became the bronze medalist of the tournament. the danes defeated shvedok in the match for third place. 28:27. i thought yevgeny would tell, he didn't, andrii trubin, the goalkeeper of benfica, who yesterday was simply called the ukrainian wall in european football demonstrated an enchanting, enchanting level of football in the frame, i hope that he will also play for the national team in the spring, so we have finished with sports news, and now he will tell us about the weather, what it will be like in ukraine tomorrow, and in general during this week natalka didenko in detail. ms. natalie, good evening, please. you have a word. congratulations to vasyl. greetings, dear viewers. now let's talk about the weather, the synoptic situation and even folk signs. but literally in a second.
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once again, i congratulate everyone, and of course we are talking about the weather, which is expected not only for the next day, but also for the whole week, this week is special, it is before christmas. but first , we're going to talk about... omens, which you know i don't like, but there's so much talk about them, and there's actually so many of them that you can't ignore them, so you have to pay attention to them all, uh, and tomorrow - december 19, er, last year or so we usually celebrated mykola earlier, he is so old, so we will assume that tomorrow is old mykola, and here i looked - the omens, if on there will be a lot of snow in st. nicholas, so there will be a lot of grass, well, that is, a lot of green on st. nicholas, and this is may 22, i don’t know if may 22 will also be moved, if the snow fell by
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december 19, the winter is expected to be frosty, well , it snowed and it is almost the entire planting season, so it's hard to say here, probably the weather will be so changeable after all, it will rain on nicholas day on december 19, well, according to the old ones, we will already consider it a sign of a good harvest, well, tomorrow. by the way, rain is predicted, and it's very interesting, i found it, i think it will be, well, interesting many young people, especially, on this day it was customary to marry, and if a girl, well , dreamed of meeting her lover and marrying him, she read prayers to st. nicholas, well, prayers do not interfere, whether in the old style or in the new style, this counted, this is a good thing, we move on to... the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, and now for your attention is a forecast chart, from which you will see that here you can already see that at the beginning of the day at night there will be some activation.
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it will be more active, well, i won't say what stormy, but noticeable, so please pay attention to your well-being and dinner , do not overexert your body with excesses, well, let's move on to the actual weather, what it will be like tomorrow, december 19, in every region of ukraine, we traditionally start from the western regions, so tomorrow in the western part of ukraine, well, i want to say right away that it will be warm, as you can see +4 +9°. but it will rain in places, it will not be so total, small, but none the less, and there will also be a gusty wind, so uncomfortable, with a speed of up to 15-18 m/s in the west of ukraine. on midnight tomorrow also, rain is expected in some areas of zhytomyr region, kyiv region, chernihiv region, and sumy region. the maximum air temperature, as you can see, is high +2 +5°, there may be some wet snow in sumy oblast. carefully,
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carefully. in the east of ukraine. cloudy weather will prevail tomorrow, but without significant precipitation. the maximum air temperature during the day is about 3°c. in the central part of ukraine also, without any special precipitation, dense cloudiness, well, maybe from this dense cloudiness there will be some mist or a little rain and will appear the air temperature is also high, as in most regions of ukraine, +3 +6°. no precipitation is expected in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow, i won't say that such a total air mass will be dry, because both the fog and the humidity are quite high, but the temperature is +7 +9° in the south of ukraine. and in kyiv. in kyiv , the capital is expected to have cloudy weather tomorrow, with a little rain in some places, but warm weather. +3, +5, +3, +6° and a gusty wind is also expected in kyiv tomorrow. well, it is uncomfortable, but agree that this is a combination of such a high air temperature and m... such a gusty,
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rather strong wind, reminds us a lot of march and the air smells like real spring. in just one or two sentences, i want to say that the whole week will be mostly warm and humid. a slight cooling is expected on the 22nd-23rd, just before christmas eve, but it will still be warm on christmas day on december 25 , that is, with slight fluctuations, relatively warm weather is expected in ukraine in the near future. well, this kind of information is not very comforting, but it is expected, it was understood, and you know such bad news just keeps coming and you have to somehow live and not just live, but act. so, the pentagon is putting pressure on the us congress to allocate aid to ukraine. the pentagon, headed by lloyd austin, is well aware of what
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it can lead to. lack of ammunition and weapons in general for ukraine, they understand it perfectly. so, already on december 30, in fact in 12 days , the us ministry of defense will run out of funds to replace the weapons sent to ukraine. this was stated by pentagon comptroller michael mccourt. bloomberg reports. and edition clarifies that, in fact, the pentagon has for the first time indicated an exact date when it will exhaust its aid funds if congress does not approve new funding. the ministry of defense spends the last billion. for the purchase of new weapons, well , further, further, a big question mark, straighten it into an exclamation point, this is the task of american politicians first of all, but also ours, well, thank you for being with us, this was the great ether program, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, take care of yourself and stay with espresso, because then the verdict program and serhii rudenko prepared an interesting, rich broadcast, let's watch together good evening, we are from ukraine.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. they listen to their own or others, a servant in the office of a servant, what is known about it and how does she react. himself: there were no problems, but now there will be, what do putin's new threats to finland and nato countries mean, and what should the alliance prepare for? farmers joined polish carriers in blocking the border, what are their requirements and how to find a compromise in the end? about this and about another?


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