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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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and the mobilizations, which we see on the screens, in nightclubs, in restaurants, in gyms, in shopping centers, i think that it will be, after the law is adopted, it will be a law, a law on mobilization, where it will be everything, all possibilities, military commissars , together with the police, or to do certain actions independently, i think that such actions, such as their movements, they will become legal, because if a person, well, for example, goes to the gym and trains, if it is not cardio, some indicators, he goes there to undergo some rehabilitation, he makes a beautiful figure, he pulls iron there, and he can serve in the army , but for some reason he does not serve, because he can get a summons, well, this is childish talk, i did not see a summons, well, as far as i heard about how the law will be adopted, these summonses, which they give people, well, detain people for sure, which is not allowed in... in a gym or even in
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a club or somewhere in a shopping center, but a cart is handed over from video recording, i think that they are trying to accept something like that, then everything will be very very it's just that they help you with the summons, you you, if you don't want to take it, you immediately criminal liability, and you went not quite to the armed forces, but you went a little there, well, to the ministry of internal affairs, they will deal with you there, because you have no right not to do this. whether you like it or not, well someone doesn't like it, you have to stand, whether you like it or not, if you don't do it, then you have to be responsible, and after the person has been officially served with this summons, if he starts to run away, that's already, unfortunately, it will be necessary to open a criminal case, and this person is no longer subject to mobilization, criminal liability, because for some reason many... people in our country
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have the idea that service in the army is a voluntary duty of a person, if you want to serve, if you want not to serve, that's how it is , it is voluntary, when there is no war and when you can sign the contract or not, it is your choice, and when there is a war and mobilization is announced, then it is whether you like it, whether you like it or not, whether you are satisfied or not, you have to take into account arms to defend the motherland, if you don't... want to, then you then you have to, excuse me, be imprisoned and answer according to the law, because this is how we enter into tolerance, into the bed of tolerance , some very distant horizons, what is this, man , you look at how other people behave, well, how is it, let's let's imagine another war somewhere, another country, i won't take refia there, well, let's imagine the second world war, eh, britain, churchill, the germans are bombing...
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well, the fascists are bombing london and people are looking, well , let's just visualize it and there is somewhere some people are sitting there drinking beer and the military come in and say yes, why aren't they in the army, and what are you telling us here, that you can imagine what happened to these people, so the point is not that there is a different legislation , the point is that there is public opinion, but in other countries, it has always been like this , that this person would be convicted, immediately convicted, who evades military service, in our country , they appear, they turn out to be the opposite, that is, people already come to the gym, say that they are serving, and many people in our society begin to support those people who in the gym alexey, thank you very much, we just have time, but your point is clear, everything that you
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are talking about now, many believe that it is possible that the information policy of the previous two years was very much in such a victorious such rhetoric that everything is fine at the front , that the armed forces are moving forward, and maybe the people who were in the rear, thought that somehow it would be possible to do without them at the front, maybe this is one of the assumptions, thank you very much, oleksiy hetman, military analyst, veteran of the russian ukrainian war, we talked about mobilization challenges facing ukraine, and he is already writing about it. western media. thank you very much. a record number of deputies remained in the verkhovna rada, only last week three people's deputies voluntarily submitted their mandates. two of them were elected in majority constituencies, so their seats will remain vacant until the end of martial law, or until the next parliamentary elections. what's more, the head of the servant of the people faction, david arahamia, said that the number of people's deputies who wish to resign early is very large, but...
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like, they don't let go. ruksalana bychay found out why deputies are running away from the parliament. as of now, a record few people's deputies have remained in the parliament. this is a historic low. people are fleeing, there are 401 active people's deputies in the council, although according to the constitution there should be 450, it is easier for them to give up their mandate, go about their lives, live abroad, run on the coast or in dubai. deputies must remember the oath they took. most recently, the parliament accepted the resignation of three more elected officials. the decision has been made. in general, yes or no for this convocation otherwise, 51 people's deputies remained without mandates. the most important risk to him is yet. far, so let's not think about him, how many more people's deputies can make up the mandate and how it threatens the main legislative body of the country. dear people's deputies, the verkhovna rada of ukraine received statements from the people's deputies of ukraine about drafting their parliamentary powers, the decision has been made. thus, recently the rada
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accepted the resignation of three more people's deputies of the majority parties, maksym yefimov and dmytro shenov, and a people's deputy from the list of vitaly danilova's homeland. well, look what we have come to? yes, it is flowing from us. people, excuse me, soon we will be voting here in packs, as people are already leaving here , but what to do here in principle, i understand them, the government does not come to us, we accept the state budget, the prime minister comes to us the minister does not come, so what to do here, well, how long will this all last, the parliament is destroyed, in general , during the entire ninth convocation of the parliament , 51 people's deputies terminated their powers in one way or another, this is a historical minimum, earlier in previous convocations of such a number. there was no small one, there were two waves of loss or loss of mandates in the 19th year and after a full-scale invasion, the largest 21 deputies lost their mandates in connection with appointment to other positions, for example in the government, as the newly appointed minister of defense rustemumerov, or andriy kostin , who
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, like his predecessor iryna venediktova, left the deputy to head the prosecutor general's office. another twenty decided to write a mandate themselves, among them, mostly deputies of the banned in ukraine pro-russian... the opposition platform for life party, but there are also those who decided to engage in business and remove the burden of being a deputy, such as ihor abramovich, a former member of the banned opzh. those who voluntarily fill out the mandates, well, here we can take into account the fact that recently after the invasion, a number of proceedings against people's deputies have especially appeared. i think that for such a part of the deputies, it is actually easier for them to give up their mandate and go about their lives. live abroad, run on the coast or in dubai and and not bear any responsibility, reputational damage and so on. another six people's elected representatives lost their ukrainian citizenship and, accordingly, the right to be people's deputies. these are mostly also former representatives of opzh, suspects in the state council,
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such as viktor medvedchuk or vadym rabinovych. the other four deputies died. among them is the servant of the people, the traitor oleksiy kovalev, who assumed the post of deputy chairman in the illegally created uri. kherson region during the occupation, he was found shot dead in a bare pier last year. authority 300 deputies of the verkhovna rada are enshrined in the constitution, even if at the rate of 20 deputies in two years another 100 will be lost, it will take another 10 years at this rate, but i do not believe that this will happen, and i think that our authorized composition will retain its authority . but if deputies who were elected on the list are replaceable, then those who were elected in majority constituencies and... daye loses their mandate, they will not have replacements, and this is seen as the biggest problem now. list deputies will be replaced by those next on the list, but it is not possible to hold elections in majority constituencies it will turn out, due to the fact that the cec has suspended all
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election processes during the martial law, so they will not be represented, either until the end of the convocation, or until the end of the martial law. shpenov, for example, dmytro, he is a representative of kryvorizky. district in the dnipropetrovsk region, that is, there , people would probably like to have a deputy in them, that is, here, well, this is a debatable issue, yes, again mr. yefimov, he represents kramatorsk, it is difficult there now, it is difficult there now, it is very close to the front territory, very close, but there are also many people, they too they would probably like someone to represent their rights, and accordingly this seat becomes vacant, and i think that we already have more than 10 such districts, probably another risk is the brother of... deputies in committees, there are positions that have become vacant, and this may affect the internal work of the board. we simply do not have enough deputy chairmen in the committees. i think that there is only one fuse, the deputies should remember the oath they took is a formality, it is not just a signature on a piece of paper, it is a great
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responsibility that is assigned to the ukrainian by the people in the end, neither the deputies nor the analyst of the movement honestly do not consider the record low number of elected representatives in the council to be critical, because according to research, they make decisions by a constitutional majority, for example, last year there were 40% of all votes, and in some plenary days and up to 80%. roksalana bychay, hanna kudryavtseva, radio. freedom. if you watch us on youtube, please like this broadcast to support our work. well, oleksiy koshal, head of the committee of voters of ukraine, political scientist, joins our broadcast. good evening. good evening. listen, has the verkhovna rada ceased to be a fishing place? why are the deputies fleeing? and rahamiya says that they intend to escape even more, but they are not allowed. well, when the leader is in the pro-government majority in the parliament. says that they intend to, he has to substantiate his words with something, that is, at least i do not see public statements
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that the deputies intend to draw up mandates, and if we analyze, then the problem really occurs, only this year, at the beginning of this year 15 deputies made a mandate, or theirs were deprived of their mandate, say, due to the acquisition of court decisions there or due to the deprivation of ukrainian citizenship, but out of 15 deputies , 11 are former opposition deputies. platform for life, this is medvedchuk, this is taras kozak, this is andrii derkach, this is ihor abramovich, a figure in the investigation, about the fact that he spends a long time on vacation in monaco, there or in the monaco area. there is a reason for this, and this reason is quite understandable, i.e. it is much easier for a person without a mandate to get lost, but simply to stop being noticed. and what does it mean to get lost? this is less attention from the side experts, journalists, it is less. attention to his written declarations, to his electronic declarations, which must be submitted
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in accordance with the current legislation, and all of you and i will analyze, say, the declarations of deputies, ministers, others, yesterday's deputies, they are already such retirees, we are less interested, and that's why many deputies are just trying to get lost, and they understand very well that there are obviously very few chances to return to politics after being in medvedchuk's team, that's why they chose for themselves... such a quiet, calm, a comfortable option, i.e. declaration - this is also one of the reasons why they decide to get lost, open declaration, we see that some deputies even have suspicions that they are separating just so that less attention will be paid to them, but the actual question is of different interest: where did mr. arahamiya come to the conclusion and why was this conclusion made, in my deep conviction, why was this conclusion made, is that there are two deputy groups in the parliament: which should now be dissolved: the first is the group for the future, there
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is a marginal small number of deputies, this is 17, this is the smallest number that can be in a deputy group, and after viktor baloga withdrew from this deputy group and wrote a written statement, he issued a sign of protest regarding the vote on the military personal income tax, the number should have been 16 people, well, other the question of why the speaker of the parliament is delaying things, not making them public, but what is interesting, the second group, which is called the restoration of ukraine, is a fragment of the former opposition platform during his life, now official information, according to the verkhovna rada portal, is 16 people, i.e. in fact, if the speaker will implement the law on regulations, at the next meeting he should announce that the two groups are in a state of dissolution, but the committee of voters conducted an analysis. votes of the fraction of groups, and we saw that
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now the monomajority has two main allies, the first ally is the trust group, the second ally is the already mentioned group for the future, and with a small margin there are two groups of the former opzzh, and that is why mr. arahamia from colleagues registered a bill that provides enough illogical, in my opinion, the rules that let's reduce the number of members of the deputy group and... from 17 to 14, i'm sorry, but i'll clarify, it's just possible that our audience doesn't understand that if the groups disintegrate, then the people's servants lose allies in the verkhovna rada , or that lose , let's say, organized allies , it will be more difficult to negotiate with them, it will be more difficult to conduct negotiations, that is, if the deputies remain, and if they are registered as a separate group, they, say, lose the right to a vote-guaranteed speech during discussion in the session hall, guaranteed participation in the agreement. that is, in reality, their influence will be less, and that is why such
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a bill was registered in order to save the allies, but at the same time, just to prepare public opinion, mr. arahamia for some reason stated that there is a problem with votes, no, in the parliament, by the way, i i don't see any problems with votes, there, if you look at how many decisions are made by the constitutional majority, there is no problem with votes in the parliament at all, and what's more, when it comes to the military... draft laws, so-called military, or when it comes to european integration bills, or let's say the plan regarding nato, then we see that the constitutional majority is a rule, that is... in other words, if the parliament will lose deputies at the same rate, the parliament is not in danger, and there is a margin of safety, thank you very much for your comment, oleksiy koshel, head of the committee of voters of ukraine, political scientist, we talked about the situation in the parliament, we analyzed why, why there are fewer and fewer deputies in the parliament,
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well, mostly because the mandates are are made up of representatives of the banned opz. thank you very much. well, that's all , let's wrap it up, svoboda live will return to you tomorrow, like this broadcast, write in the comments, in the comments what you think, what topics you are interested in raising and until tomorrow, there was an accident, nina galamask, yours mother, mother, there are others.
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and if there are no cigarettes, what will you smoke? he says: well, if there are no cigarettes, then he will smoke village council, how much time do you need, it takes 10 days, 10 days? that's what you have to do, i didn't come here to look at the old farts who collect cones in the forest, what will your vokat soroman? pokantse, pokantse, novels , i ask for god's help, i ask for a drink, and
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tomorrow i will fly to my sunny italy, never...
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a year ago, of course, i really wanted to serve, but i could not imagine that i would be able to... be in such an environment , because for me the army was something very, well, not that scary, but something very unknown. my name is anya, i am an aerial scout in a separate unmanned aviation service of the ukrainian volunteer army. in... in civilian life, anna was a student of the history faculty of the shevchenko national university in kyiv and actively volunteered, and also traveled, then on february 24, she thought about joining the army and continued to help the front. in the winter of this year, i realized that i needed to prepare, because i did not understand what the next phase of the war would be,
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it could be again the same as in february march 22, and you need to ... at least have some basic skills and tactical medicine, fire training. one of the training blocks was working with drones. the girl liked the specialization and joined the air reconnaissance in the ukrainian volunteer army. niniysko can combine frontline work, university studies, and also gives private english lessons. i started teaching a year before i joined the service, and i love my students very much, they love me, and until... i don't bring their course to the end and i don't want to abandon them, so i try my best, of course they go to the meeting, when every time i say that there are some force majeure, i can't get in touch, but they are. value my time, me i appreciate theirs. in august of this year, anya was already at the front, taking part in combat missions during a counteroffensive near the working area in the zaporizhzhia direction. this small
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piece, it is given by effort, maybe it is connected with the fact that the russians managed to get a good foothold in this direction, that is , the zaporizhia direction is actually, as far as we know, the most. more actively entrenched, that is , it was very difficult to break through the first line of defense and it was possible with huge losses, this is a plus, it is the steppes, it is constant reconnaissance, sometimes it is not so it's interesting, but you have to devote a lot of time to discovering... something, but when it brings results, it's very motivating for further work. first of all, you need to study
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the area well, communicate as much as possible with adjacent units, but communication actually, it seems to me, plays a decisive role in principle, both in life and especially in war, ah, so, if... prepare well and understand , which zones to fly into are worth it, which ones are not worth it, then this can be bypassed, but of course, everything depends a lot, and drones are lost very actively, especially mavics, and this is just a resource that needs to be constantly replenished, from the largest, probably, it was the room in which she most likely works. and lived, the enemy air reconnaissance lived, it was an interesting process of their search, search, we found them in the pesadka, and we followed the course,
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followed their movement, and even so we reached with them the house in which they lived, maara intelligence plays a very decisive role now, especially in this war, and i think that from the side of the enemy. it's a big one priority, as well as for us, because we understand that there are so many drones flying above us, many can detect and it is very big, very, very much can be done with a small mavic, in fact, to detect at least any target, equipment, cannon, infantry. well, that is, it is a very universal tool, with which, well, that is, intelligence used to go into the rear of the enemy and search there, that is, get in touch with their troops,
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transmit coordinates, and we do not know, well, when the defeat was carried out, that is, it is unknown, is it happened, now everything can be done, all these things can be done with a drone. anya remains in the army and continues to work with drones, she likes this business, after the victory she dreams of returning to her native odessa and continuing to develop the volunteer movement in the city. maybe even go into politics, into the city council, because there is really a lot of work. i am very happy because a lot of proactive young people are developing in odessa now, and i really root for them as much as possible and hope that i will be able to join as soon as possible and work for the good of my city, because i love odessa very much and i really dream of this city being happy. ukrainian and in all senses of the word, although this full-scale war showed that ukraine is loved in odessa.
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khrystyna porubiy, espresso tv channel. thanks to isa, let's be careful, because today we are rushing, really rushing to lviv, to the lviv premiere, the actress rima zyubina, who modestly says on her facebook page, the author of digital content, it's okay, with the premiere coming straight to us, rima rushing , congrats congrats actually that's not me saying it's there facebook wrote that i am some kind of car. some kind of digital content, i still don't know how to live with it, is it good or bad and youtube star insta mom, no-no-no, god forbid,
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no-no, no, i don't do it, no and.. . this is at the beginning of the great war, i started making streams, i never did this, but i made them at night, no, i’m not there no, i couldn’t go to instagram for a very long time, i didn’t understand what to do there, because my posts without a photo card, without any picture on facebook of any social direction, they collect more of the same likes than any picture, that is, i am really, well, because i have such an audience, such a contingent of people who are interested in me. i can't stand such competition, there are already a lot of people doing it, so i just do something else, i did poetry streams, and then we came up with, i think, my god, what's it called, i called it there between the wails of sirens, sometimes directly from i was leaving the bathroom, because they started with a siren, i understood that i was setting
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an example. people, well, it was a little bit like that in kyiv, and that's why i moved, me i'm just going to set up this little flashlight of mine, everything is all poetry by ukrainian authors and only about love, and here and there it starts, here rockets fly, and rimya zyubin comes out of the bath with poems, well, it's normal, it's normal, you know that, i was recently in warsaw, we presented the book "war 2022" there. in polish, er, and i had a creative meeting, and when i was also moderated by skazarin, the meeting was moderated in the first mode by pasha kozararyn, the author of the book, yes or no, no, no, no, no, not as an author, he did not present the book, but it was simply his meeting with fans, readers, connoisseurs, and i moderated, because i understand that kazarin should be allowed to speak there and
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say something, but he should be guided. and right at the meeting with him, a woman came up to me and said that your streams saved me then, and i have a person with whom i became friends because she once wrote in a comment: it's good that i'm catching you, she's from of the occupied kherson region, stood on a chair and surfed the internet in order to to get only to these streams, and i went out, i don't know what it was, where some strength came from, but it not only saved people, it saved me too, every evening, somewhere around 12 o'clock at night. i went out for an hour somewhere, and what is a stream, some name appears there, and i start to react, then roman chaiko joined us, and now i will tell you the story of our acquaintance or the story of ours, i tell about this person, and then i am already moving on, and therefore those 10 poems that i planned to read about the poet and tell about this poet, they somewhere they dragged themselves there for all the way to the finale of this, but here it is, well, people said that
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it was like that for them... the support is even psychotherapeutic, yes, actually, that i kind of think, how would it be determined later, will determine that for actors like ryma zyubin, it was a military, well, therapeutic war activity, maybe, maybe, well, i, we, we will come back to this, because the war changed us all, especially those who resist and think that the status quo will return immediately after the war, dreamers and... what the first 10 performances are called the premiere, so here's a unique chance on the next, next saturday, that is, tomorrow, it's with us, i don't know when our program will be released, on december 2, on december 2 we have the third performance, the third premiere, the third
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premiere performance of enemies from... love and i realized that this is a performance that i have not seen before, and don't be stupid like me, subscribe to our channel, like and go to the performance, because it's the worst thing to say about the performance, which you have not seen yet, but i have already watched short fragments from rehearsals and performances on the facebook page, read a little about her and i understand that this is a performance, a personal love story during the holocaust, that's right, in one sentence, after, this is the 49th year, after, but it can really be said, because these people remained in that traumatic experience, and even in the 49th year, herman, who already lives in america, he still always expects, and the possibility that the nazis will get to new york, he imagines it all.


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