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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EET

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i don't have time, i don't have time for daily, daily and daily these unnecessary dialogs, without results, and as for maryana, valera, and they have several other people there, it's very difficult, they all like to comment very much , like, on facebook , they... communicate there very often, they have a dialogue, they are from the first days, then they go to the front together, then they quarrel, these are difficult questions, to be honest with me, that's why i told you, it seems to me that we all need to give results to the state, every day, and we will have time for a selfie. mr. alexander, or this answer is enough to say that there are no issues at all between zelenskyi and zaluzhny, well at least such fundamental ones that would... simply prevent them
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from cooperating, or at least that we see this conflict between the civilian and military leadership there, about which, by the way, was also written by zaiconist? no, well, there are questions , there are working relations, as the president said, and obviously there are also working questions, and well, you heard that in fact , yesterday, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, general zaluzhnyi, spoke about mobilization. as for me, well, let's say, somewhat contradictory , the statements about the need to return the old system, well, let's say so, especially, probably, to mention the odesa military commissar, i would not like to return such professionals in quotes, well, and today we heard from the president ukraine needs a mobilization plan, it is necessary to agree certain working points, in my opinion, it seems to me that there are certain... points are not agreed,
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and it is clear that when it comes to what needs to be called up, to mobilize 500 thousand citizens , then it is definitely necessary to explain under what are the specific objectives of the tasks, and it is not necessary to explain it to maryana bezuglii, nor to me, nor to anyone else, it is obviously necessary, although the president also told society, i think so, but it must be explained at the level of the supreme commander-in-chief, under which goals, objectives and the plan for the use of troops, i understood that there are questions about this... and there is no one hundred percent agreement to date, you heard that the general staff was named, the commander-in-chief was named, and the commander of the operational-strategic command was named grouping of the troops of tavria , as far as i understood, there may be some questions from the point of view, well, in general, you understand, now there will be questions, because now in any case it is in the interests of everyone, and the supreme commander, and the commander-in-chief and...
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the ukrainian army and us ukrainian people, obviously, that the professionals, the people who are responsible for this, conducted an analysis of counteroffensive actions, which was done very correctly, because there are successes, in my opinion, in at least two of the three elements, this is the counteroffensive, this is the exhaustion of the russian troops and not giving them the opportunity to carry out large-scale offensive actions, i think that is a success, as well as the war at sea, but of course, that there is the question of the liberated territory ... it did not turn out , i guess, as expected, and so now, i think that there are many questions surrounding this, plus the west asks to explain, you know that now for the purpose of coordination and improvement of cooperation, the united states is sending a corresponding mission to us, because they were obviously somewhat dissatisfied with the coordination and communication that was on our side the general staff and them, about which i wrote washington post about it, so there are certain questions, but i would... say that they really,
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in my opinion, have such a working nature, everything, and everything can be worked on, it's real and normal. mr. oleksandr , i also wanted to ask you about putin's statements today, because today putin and shoigu talked about the success in the war against ukraine, and of course, for the second time in a few days, putin is saying that russia does not want. with nato countries, although our western partners, joseph biden, the president of the united states, constantly talk about it states of america, and the minister of defense pistorius of germany says that it is necessary to prepare for war with the russian federation, let's hear what the president of russia said, the state says: if nato is here, if it is in ukraine, then russia will win, next nato countries . why are these countries given to us,
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we never needed them, they were not needed, now they are not needed, they will not be needed in the future, and why do they say that, to encourage them to pay money, that's why? putin, i always repeat, always lies, but when he lies, these are still some signs for the world, because a person, which has nuclear weapons , a person who has an army, a large army, maybe it is not so modernized, although shoihu talked about the fact that their army is now the most armed and the most modern, because they are going through the war in ukraine, so in your opinion, are there reasons now for the europeans... to take care of their security and take certain steps, that is, focusing on what pistorius says for 5-7 years, but during this period, as the german minister of defense says, we need to prepare for possible attack, or to possible conflict with the russian federation? i think
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so, now there are real steps that need to be taken, what impresses me is that the minister of defense of germany, he also talks about what is now very important to support. a country that, as a matter of fact, today europe has to play a certain role in order to be ready, that if the united states suddenly reduces support for a certain period, to provide this support and at least partially compensate, this is a very important point, and this transformation is actually essential approaches from germany, it is very important from the point of view that the security of nato's eastern flank is being directly strengthened. germany also plays a role in this, because literally on december 18, the day before, the relevant protocol was signed on the plans to deploy another german brigade in lithuania, and it is very well received in lithuania, and let's just say , they expect it, well, it should happen within
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2024, and in general, from what is visible, today finland is being strengthened very significantly, you can see that the finns are parallel with the entry into... nato, it turned out to them is not enough, and in addition they signed a separate agreement with the united states, which gave, this agreement gave the opportunity to use finnish airfields and ports for american planes and ships, respectively, that is , to strengthen in this way, and in the end , this is what russia is trying to form in for the leningrad district there and so on, it is... to a certain extent, if they concentrate their forces there, the troops, where in what way even to their advantage, because they can concentrate less on the war against ukraine, but in general, what can be said, on today i see the threats to nato countries are of a hybrid nature , what are they today, well, the kind that we
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saw about six months ago from belarus to poland, wagnerian terrorists who were practically ready to cross the border and raise... under the guise of illegal migrants to enter the territory of poland and then commit sabotage there, various terrorist acts, for what , in order to cause a disjointed reaction and discussion within nato, whether it is russian aggression or an attack by terrorists. now they are trying to implement something similar in finnish border, and therefore finland is forced to close all checkpoints already in fact in the second or even in the third, and thus it can be said that they are in fact. oppose the fact that russia is trying to send someone there under the guise of illegal migrants, but let's look at the general trajectory and strategy, the very fact of moving russia's nuclear weapons to belarus
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is in many ways an aggressive step towards nato. the very statements about finland and the very statements in general are just as aggressive actions in relation to nato, and in my opinion... it seems certain that there will be a reaction from the north atlantic alliance, and once again it must be understood that these are simply these aggressive attacks of russia, they do not stop and will not stop in ukraine, and the germans about they also say this, and others talk about it openly, the americans, so i think this is an excuse for europe to invest more, do more, and now it's just probably clear where to invest, it's ukraine, because the more russians are destroyed.. troops, here the closer the victory of ukraine, the less threats to nato, it is obvious. by the way, david cameron, the minister of foreign affairs of great britain, said that the support for ukraine will last as long as it is needed, and compared the war to a play, let's listen to what david cameron said. the first act was
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russia's stunning failure to achieve its goals. the second act was ukraine's counteroffensive in the summer of 2022. year, the brilliant success shown by the ukrainians, repelling the russians, returning half of the lost territories. the third act was more difficult on land, but the fourth act is not yet written, and we must... make sure we spell it right, together with our friends and partners in the western world. mr. oleksandr, if we use this terminology of actions and plays that are not unwritten, in your opinion, what should be the fourth action of ukraine and the western partners? i think that, let's say, part of the answer, if we're talking about britain, was given to us by zayla's telegram today. who wrote about the fact that a pact could be concluded between britain and ukraine, in fact
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about long-term defense and security support, which would provide that britain will strengthen our capabilities, in particular at sea, together with norway, now we are talking about a maritime coalition, and this is very important, by the way, the minister of foreign affairs, lord cameron, he visited both kyiv and odessa, which demonstrates, let's say yes, separately interested. in the successful implementation of the black sea strategy by ukraine, this is a very important point, so it seems to me that in this direction they will help us and work, just as far as the black sea is concerned, and why i am talking about this, because it is, at least part of this act, and a separate action of this act, if we speak in theatrical language, in the course of which there must be this war at sea, the continuation of this war at sea and its reduction. the capabilities and capabilities of the russian black sea fleet, then of course this is the continuation of support, which should now include this fourth
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action not just the transfer of weapons to ukraine, but an increase in the production of weapons for ukraine and an increase in the production of weapons by ukraine, which is also an important point that should not be forgotten , because it is our duty as well to increase the defense capability, i think that this is what this next action should consist of. well, to use this theatrical terminology, if a weapon is hanging somewhere, and a gun is hanging, then sooner or later it will fire, well, i hope that this gun will fire in the direction of the russian federation. thank you, mr. oleksandr, it was oleksandr musienko, director of the center for military legal studies. friends, during this broadcast, we ask you about the following: do you trust president zelensky? yes, no, if you watch us on tv, get your hands on it phone or smartphones. vote if you trust 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all
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calls to these numbers are free, please show the intermediate results of this survey, i will also say that on youtube we also conduct this survey, i trust 32% at the moment, 68%, no, there are 15% discounts on broncholithin phyto in travel pharmacies. 93 separate mechanized brigade cold yark has an urgent need for fivi drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier to bring the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for closer. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, this is
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me estoy muy bien
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greetings friends, live broadcast of the tv channel. the verdict program continues, my name is serhiy rudenko. a big press conference, volodymyr zelenskyi's annual press conference, took place today. let's talk today about what the supreme commander said armed forces of ukraine, and even today in the program about this. another year of war, the final press conference of president volodymyr zelenskyi. key statements from the head of state. control over europe and the collapse of nato, putin's goal in the war against ukraine and the forecast for 2024. ukraine is on the way to eu membership, what steps have already been taken and what still needs to be done? in the course of our program today, we ask you the following question: do
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you trust president zelensky? yes, no, if you watch us on youtube, it's pretty simple, two options, yes, no, or yours. write a comment please under the video, if you watch us on tv, during the telecast, you can pick up the phone and vote: yes 0800 211 381, if you trust zelensky no, 0800 211 382. we conducted such a survey a few days ago regarding the head of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhnyi, you know, friends, that there are a lot of similar polls about trustees... trusts are conducted by sociological services, well, we decided to conduct this survey as well. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, they are people's deputies of ukraine. victoria syumar, faction european solidarity. victoria, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. elizaveta yasko, servant of the people faction. mrs. elizaveta, i congratulate you and thank you for being
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with us today. good evening and thank you. and yaroslav yurchyshyn, the voice faction, head of the parliamentary committee. committee on freedom of speech. mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. so, ladies and gentlemen, zelensky's big press conference was held today, many comments have already been made, this press conference ended an hour ago. did you hear answers to the questions you had, do you understand what messages he came out with in the annual messages, with the final and forecasts for the next year, with which... volodymyr zelenskyi came out, let's start with yaroslav yurchun, please, let's go let's start with the fact that the press conference was held, it is already a fact that the president communicates with the press, and this should be noted on the second year of a full-scale
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invasion on the 10th year of the war, the value of freedom of speech for society is so much. that the government should maintain the constancy of tradition, and of course, there will always be a desire for more, of course, there will always be a desire for more depth, to be honest , the press conference resembled pre -war press conferences, you always want more depth on acute issues , on issues that hurt society, the issues were very, shall we say, of a wide range , as well as from there... comments about the war, and here you can rather understand why there are no specifics, and to specific questions about... about the probable facts of corruption in the environment, so there was a very revealing answer to this question, which is small
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the selection of managers in the president's team, and , accordingly, the loss of at least one of them carries great risks, and that is why the president will not go for it, and here is the question, are there really only four or five in the country. managers, so does the so-called hr team in the president's team work well, well, there are probably big problems with this, ah, there were, let's put it this way, i would like more specifics, especially in matters that do not relate to the sphere of national security and defense , where in principle it is possible to assume certain aspects there, but the press conference happened, there is food. for reflection, i would like to have more, well, even a demonstrative one, but the unity of the military and civilian command, but once again i want to emphasize,
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let's appreciate what we have, yes, we, as a society, have actually achieved what, having all the possibilities of implementing strict censorship, ah, being in the 10th year of the war, we have press conferences with... the president, he is forced to answer, whether he wants to, he doesn't want to, but he answers uncomfortable questions, the quality of the answers, the list of journalists to the discussion, but she, we have her, this a demonstration of the stability of our own ukraine and the accountability of the ukrainian authorities. thank you, mr. yaroslav, ms. victoria, mr. yaroslav mentioned this small team that volodymyr zelenskyi mentioned, about six or seven people, thanks to whom... we have everything, as he said, and we can simply not to be an anti-aircraft defense, or there was such a phrase somewhere, or in this case, isn't ukraine a hostage of these five or six
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people, if during the war only these five or six people can solve many issues, and what will actually happen if these five or six people are not will be around president zelenskyi? and i think that ukraine will definitely not lose, even if there are not five or six people, because everything really depends on... national unity, and we did not hear an answer about this today, and it is really a pity, a pity that there is no understanding that in the coming difficult year, when unpopular decisions will have to be made, after all, surely a government of national unity could be one of those decisions that would unite a society that supports completely naturally different political forces, and it could add impetus to the work of the parliament, and in particular, again, in the adoption of unpopular decisions, what i saw today, the president obviously does not want to take on these unpopular decisions, says that the decision on mobilization is the request
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of the military , first of all, to our great regret, did not hear answers to questions , for example, about strategic plan a and plan b, for example, for the country, given the geopolitical challenges facing the country today, the next elections in america next year and in ... the european union and in many countries of the european union, all this really needs such good communication with society, when people would understand how we should hold on, what we should be based on and how it should all move, well, we heard about marijana and valera, it would be better if we of course, they didn't hear about it, because after all, any such hints about the contemptuous attitude towards... those towards the commander-in-chief, they definitely do not add optimism to ukrainian society today, well, since you have already mentioned these hints about valera and maryana, we
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let's listen, we have this synchronicity, i would also like to ask you, mrs. elizaveta, what are your impressions, whether zelensky answered all the questions of society and journalists, and whether you understand what is what, what is next. .. will be, what is now, are there clear answers to the questions that you personally had? it seems to me that president zelensky raised quite a few topics at this press conference and gave answers to very difficult questions that concern not only our internal processes, but international ones, i want to draw attention to his answer about nato, about what unfortunately, we are not invited there yet, these are his very sincere answers regarding
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the situation with poland. where he honestly talks about problems and about progress, also everything related to, for example, the exchange of prisoners, about which countries help us in matters of returning children, our prisoners, where there is progress, where there is not, i think he is quite clear outlines the situation, that it is not easy, that it is difficult, and it seems to me that this is very important, and indeed. in a country where mobilization, wartime, we understand that there can be a lot of restrictions with freedom of speech, nevertheless, he really answered uncomfortable questions, and it seems to me that ukrainians, every ukrainian , received certain...
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answers to the questions that were asked, i think that this is very important at the end of the year. thank you, well, since we have already mentioned zaluzhny and the cornerback that president zelensky was asked about, then president zelenskyi said that he trusts zaluzhny and that zaluzhny is part of a team, a big team, and he has a working relationship with zaluzhny, we will hear this fragment. "working in i have a good relationship with him, he should be responsible for the result, for the result on the battlefield , as a commander, together with the general staff, there are many questions there, there is also the commander of tavria, who, well, was engaged in operational command, look, this is a difficult issue, offensive, something there was, something didn't happen, something happened, something is missing,
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or maybe..." he won't be there, well, that is, it's a complicated, very complicated story, i believe that we can afford to live in ukraine with daily results, that's what i believe, if we are ready to bring this result, each of us, and this, you know, it's not a sacrifice, that's what i 'd like to say, i think that... being a boss is an honor. we asked zelensky about maryana bezugla, as well as about these posts that regularly appear on the page of the people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, and what the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine said, we will hear. mr. zaluzhnyi is also my representative, as well as all those whom i have appointed.
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or who came with me, someone, thank you very much to someone, shame on someone, and as for any facebook comments, i'm sorry, i don't i'm doing this, i don't have time, i don't have time for daily, daily a... daily these redundant, fruitless dialogues. and as for maryana and valera, and they have several other people there, it is very difficult, they all love to comment, like, on facebook, they communicate there very often, they have dialogues, they are from the first days, so they are together go to the front, then they quarrel, these are difficult issues, to be honest for me, that's why i
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told you... it seems to me that we all need to give results to the state every day, and we'll have time for a selfie. mrs. victoria, i will ask you you, doesn't zelensky remind you of such a class teacher who says, well , maryana, valera, what, what kind of familiarity is this with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine during the war, why does he call him valera, maryana? they are sharing something with each other there, taking selfies, collecting some likes, well, that is, did you expect such an answer from zelenskyi regarding the tyrant? i think the first answer was much better about working relationships, let's say this, i will not now assess the level of general culture and education of someone, whoever was not, i would still talk here about the need for unity between the highest leadership.


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