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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2023 10:00am-10:30am EET

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the day on the espresso tv channel continues on the air of the news. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. 16 victims per day due to russian shelling of the kherson region. in particular, nine people were injured during the evening attacks on the regional center. among them are four children. the youngest is only two years old - the regional military administration informed. in total, during the day, the enemy fired more than 350 shells in the region. the russian military took aim at populated residential areas. points of the region,
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a critical infrastructure object and an institution vocational schools in the kherson district, as well as a kindergarten, a medical institution, a post office and a railway station in kherson. one person was injured in kharkiv oblast, as a result of enemy shelling of the village of kupyansk-vuzlovy. a 55-year-old woman was injured, a private house was damaged, another russian rocket fell in the village of odradne. there are no victims - reported the head of the region oleg synigubov. and at night , the occupiers attacked kharkiv with two s-300 missiles. it hit a transport depot and a residential building in the saltiv district. according to mayor igor terekhov, the company is completely broken. he did not report the condition of the house. russian terrorists attacked ukraine with 9 suicide bombers last night. only one failed. shoot down our
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defenders of the sky. air defense forces worked in odesa, kherson, dnipropetrovsk, vinnytsia, khmelnytskyi, chernihiv, kirovohrad and kyiv regions. the russians tried to attack the capital as well, but all targets were shot down on the approach to kyiv. this was announced by the head of the kyiv military administration, serhii popko. the drones entered from the water area of ​​the black sea sea, there are no previous victims. the enemy also launched two s-300 guided missiles from the belgorod region of russia at kharkiv region, information about the victims was not received. and some ukrainians are again without a mobile phone. users of kyiv-starost complain about the lack of network. the company confirmed that in the morning there were difficulties with communication in the western and southern regions. specialists are already working on the restoration of services and will do everything possible to eliminate the problems as soon as possible. he assured me of this mobile network operator. are they related?
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kyivstar does not specify the outage with a large-scale failure that occurred in the company on december 12, then, let me remind you, the reason was called a powerful hacker attack from russia, but kyivstar assured that the personal data of customers remained safe. the service for buying and selling cars has been activated in the application, as the authors of the service note, it will be possible to complete the transaction in just 15 minutes, and after some time a new technical license and license plates will be issued. will arrive by mail, you no longer need to visit the service center of the ministry of internal affairs and pay for its services, that's all all that is required is to follow the instructions in the application and experience, and certify the contract with a valid signature, however, only those who sell the car for the first time in a year will be able to use the re-registration service. and due to the lack of ammunition, the russians use low-quality shells supplied by north korea, which often explode. directly in the barrels
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of guns and mortars of the invaders and destroy everything around, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reported. in particular, it is known about such cases in the russian grouping of the dnipro troops, where the commander is general teplinsky. and the armed forces of ukraine are expanding the bridgehead on the left bank of the kherson region, and the occupiers made eight attempts to knock out our units and occupied positions during the day. however , it was unsuccessful - informed the head. armed forces of ukraine. in total, 87 combat clashes took place at the front. the enemy launched one missile and 26 air strikes, shelled the positions of our troops and populated areas up to a hundred times. the situation near avdiivka remains the hottest. ukrainian defenders repelled 26 enemy attacks. the enemy tried to storm the positions of zes also in the mariinsky direction and near the work station in zaporizhzhia, but was repulsed. our. aviation and missile
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forces struck six areas of concentration of enemy personnel, hit an enemy control post and four russian ammunition depots. another 890 occupiers were eliminated in a day by our defenders, so in total almost 349 thousand russian soldiers ended their lives ingloriously on ukrainian lands. also, the armed forces of ukraine converted 16 tanks, the same number of artists, more than 20 armored vehicles and two rocket systems of enemy salvo fire. they destroyed 17 enemy drones and one missile, destroyed about 30 vehicles. the general staff reminds russians that the data are approximate. spress tv channels, together with the public organization baza ua, are collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine to the cold ravine. in
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extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military fights for victory every day, not leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield, but with atvs evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore sha'. save the wounded with bigger ones. in general , our goal is uah 800,000. with your help, we have already collected uah 570,000. so you can see all the necessary details on your screens now, take out your phones and donate. the best thing that can be done is the renewed state strategy of regional development. more than three hundred experts in these areas worked on it. in particular, e- government, human capital, infrastructure and protection to... the updated project focuses on on the implementation of digital solutions, the effectiveness will soon be able to be tracked through a unified geo-information system of regional development. the strategy will become the main planning document in the state regional policy system until 2027. it involves a complete
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review of certain things related to the same, for example, the restoration of our country. and on the other hand, we have a very positive event, which concerns the fact that ukraine has now received the start of official negotiations on joining the european union, and we also need to intensify a lot of processes that are connected precisely with our european integration course, first of all, these are the losses or those changes that affected development and changed the regional identity, changed. to the formation of support from the state, development at the level of regions and territorial communities, and on the other hand, we took into account those requirements, those standards and even those best practices that are already established in the countries of the european union. france will join the training of ukrainian
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pilots on f-16 fighters, it was reported ministry of defense of the country. it is planned that the first pilots from ukraine will arrive at the beginning of next year. after the initial training in france, they will continue their flight training on courses organized by other european partners. let me remind you that the ukrainian defenders have already started training on the f-16 in denmark and the united states, where they have already moved on to flight training. also, in romania, with the assistance of the netherlands , an educational center was opened, which will host ukrainians in particular. and switzerland relaxed the requirements for the export of weapons, which was approved by both ward the parliament of the country. according to the changes, the government in special cases will be able to deviate from the previous licensing criteria for the export of military equipment abroad. at the same time, the protection of the interests of the foreign policy, or the country's security policy, must be preserved. according to the initiators of the amendment, the centrist and right-wing
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political parties, after the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, the situation has changed and the current restrictions are no longer relevant and may harm the national weapons. industry theoretically, new the amendment will allow switzerland to approve the re-export of weapons to ukraine. previously, the swiss side refused such requests, citing its neutrality and legal restrictions. this concludes this episode, read more on our website and also on our social media. join, put your preferences. next, my colleagues oksana vysochenska and roman chaika are waiting for you on the air.
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cosmolot airlines strengthened the units of the armed forces of ukraine with 50 of the latest unmanned aerial vehicles punisher, the quietest, fastest with the smallest the cost of missions in the world, all this is about ukrainian uavs that... strengthen our front, they are modernized punisher drones of a new generation with innovative technology that is resistant to rebs and allows you to destroy the enemy in the deep rear, he can not... the combat unit, these are high-explosive shells, anti-tank shells, the flight range is not bad, it is up to 45 km, the flight time is one and a half hours, well, it is still as beautiful as a bird, it is for reconnaissance purposes. the focus of the cosmonaut company on supporting domestic weapons inventors is an investment in victory and in the future technological power of ukraine. punishers are able to hit targets far behind the front line, because they are silent and invisible. and the effective main goals of the punisher are the disruption of logistical
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chains in the enemy's deep base, that is, vehicles, lines of communication, communication cars, cars rep, e, headquarters, qualified personnel, where they eat, where they smoke, where they live , uh, fuel and lubricants, bulls on open storage areas, crews already more than once. showed the effectiveness of their work, in particular the special purpose aviation unit of the 58th brigade, in joint work with the air reconnaissance group of the strike drone company of the 129th brigade of the luftwaffe air defense forces, reported the destruction of the barsaglebsk-2 enemy electronic warfare complex. according to experts , the cost of such a station is almost 200 million dollars. this mission was accomplished with the help of the new upgraded panicher, resistant to enemy rebs. these were very successful operations. we destroyed armored vehicles, the means of reb, together with very, let's say,
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more effective artillery installations that did not hit, but after that we took off and hit these targets the first time. this is the latest delivery of drones under the cosmolod airlines project. now the front is reinforced with 50 anti-reb shock-resistant panisher uavs. the total amount of help from the company since the beginning of the full-scale invasion has already reached uah 130 million, because the more such birds our defenders have, the faster we are approaching victory. we have new viewers joining ether espresso. oksana and i would like to congratulate you right away. our new interlocutor and guest, military serviceman, head of the reservist
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council of the land forces of the armed forces of ukraine ivan tymochko is in touch with us, mr. ivan, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glad to see you company, then let's start right away with the numbers, probably because this number spoke yesterday at the final conference of the supreme commander-in-chief, says that he was approached about the need for additional mobilization of 450-500 people, half a million. eh, are these numbers real? of course there is, and here it is important to understand that this is not a one-time event, it is a regular event in the long term, in the plans , taking into account the changes in the relevant legislation that are being considered, namely the proposal that after 24 months of service in the army and 12 months of direct participation in the front line, a leave of three months is given, and these are just
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about the terms that are suitable for many fighters now, and if they are accepted as changes to the legislation and the procedures are drawn up, it is clear that the current legislation will have to be observed and it will be necessary to prepare and train people by that time, not only that to train additional ones to replace them, they still need to be given a minimum, at least a minimum at that time. combat experience, the second point, yes, what is planned in the changes to the legislation, after all, about what is the prospect of demobilization, let's say, after 36 months of service and there, too, the same number of months of being on the front line, of course, what again well, if we take into account the fact that approximately... in the same year we will enter this phase of 36 months, well, it will be
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february of the 24th year, well, of course, plus there is time for demobilization and withdrawal, this is also a need to be replaced by people, well, besides that , new military units are being created in ukraine, units, foreign equipment is arriving, it is also necessary to put people on it, the allies give us equipment, but by no means their own people, and that's all really. the situation in terms of the selection of people, training, training will be stretched, because simply the number is one thing, but these people still need to be provided with properly training... centers with proper equipment and many, many other logistical points, and this is all time , these are all deadlines and these are all challenges, and we need them better to perform preventively now, rather than face the so-called alarm later and try not to solve everything technically, relatively speaking, to put out
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fires, especially since we still understand the fact that after all... it is becoming more and more obvious that putin too will carry out mobilization in itself for the next year, well, we are not russians, we cannot take 100,000 people and stupidly throw them to the front in order to cover some gaps somewhere, as they did, so we also need to prepare, and well, the fourth the main point, probably, after all for some reason, everyone is beginning to forget that there is a war in ukraine, the enemy has attacked, and we are obliged to defend ourselves. and if we don't constantly organize mutual help, it can end very badly for ukraine. mr. ivan, is it true that there is a lack, especially a lack of officers now in the armed forces of ukraine, and that it is not so easy to actually build this structure, who can become an officer, who can actually study a little longer in order to
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occupy these positions, these places? yes, there is a need. officers and again, what is this connected with, first of all, so that actually, what you and i let's say, new units are being created, and if people are selected for the soldier sergeant 's ranks, it's still technically, let's say, easier, then when the people who will be directly responsible for commanding units, units, they are especially lower-ranking officers , equal to a company, from a junior rank, or rather, also from... of course , if the same officers are of the middle and senior rank, they need to be trained and taught for a very long time, and it is usually personnel, then, as for the officers there there is also the possibility of a junior links to the primary rank are to take, conduct training, let's say with so-called jackets or
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with people who have military service, have, rather, a higher education, also now with... according to the current legislation, it is allowed that you can assign officer ranks to sergeants who have already have combat experience, but do not have a higher education, but with the condition of their training, this is also very important, also the same military higher educational institutions are now forming the main request in fact for the officer cadre, but again, so that only the officer came to the army, from a military university, well, it’s at least four years, and that’s all the time, and this is again what we say to you, it’s better to work preventively and prepare, than in avral, and then a lot of misunderstandings are removed, say, that it is critical, well, in our country, on the other hand, unlike russia, we also have a very
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serious bet on the sergeant's staff, in fact, we are moving along the surzhan line, as i understand it, there are also problems with creaking, but we are moving to the nato model, and where by and large a sergeant can replace an officer, younger than a junior rank, there is a lieutenant, also a sergeant is a very good specialist and provides very good support to the officer himself, so this link is interconnected in our country, this is what, among other things, is missing. russians and this is what they really envy us about, for them it was simply a shock that, say, in our country, a sergeant can simply call artillery to his support, having set the coordinates himself, or simply asking for support, while in their it can do no an officer of each level, and many other points, of course we have challenges, but this
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is not something that is critical, so much so that, let's say, it seriously affects the... and the ability of the ukrainian army, mr. ivan, in order to have a rotation rest , there must be mobilization, in order for there to be mobilization , the so-called subpoenas must somehow be delivered to her , and this is where the video from ternopil went viral, you must have seen it, where a large gathering of all condominium managers was held, they were gathered and told that they would distribute subpoenas , but it started there the rebellion of the heads of condominiums. should not and will not go around apartments, find out where men of winter age live and hand out summonses to them, this is one of many stories, actually the law itself. we tormented, asked what you write in the law there, even in the specialized committee they still don't fully understand, but there were already many options and by e-mail, and
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now they will distribute osb, in general, how do you see this delivery of the summons to the conscript ? well, in addition to this, as far as i know, according to the current legislation, an elder may also be needed to hand over, as well as the head of the territorial community. well, for this you need to have an absolutely complete analysis, now it’s quite so difficult, you know, you can name the ways to infinity, you need to have a real analysis, and this only has the rate of the supreme commander, actually about challenges, real challenges that our mobilization may face, thing in what we see in media spaces, it's usually a rule of polarity, it's that there's either big... resistance or big support, and this golden, main, huge middle, this 80% is really, real events,
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what is happening, they happen quietly, plannedly, routinely, and that somewhere there are some regional leaders or regional heads of osbb, well, it is clear why, because in the house they receive a salary, actually from the funds that are added to the same residents of osb and of course , few people want to lose the potential income part, you know, even though they can write avatars of themselves on facebook: i believe in the armed forces, i love the armed forces, i bow my head to the armed forces, but in reality they look into their wallets and think, well of course, these points need to be leveled and simplified, because we also have other opposites when faced with... the military, so what is the same story in transcarpathia, when the territorial community there absolutely does not think about the military, about helping them,
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of course, this also has a demoralizing effect, here it is necessary not mutual accusations, mutual support, mutual organization , we need it, the military tell us, we talk to many people, they themselves even return to this topic, they say that we have caught a man with... who fights back with his hands, feet and fights hysterically, well, a very dangerous hand-to-hand fighter in a trench, such a mobilized person can be no less dangerous than a moscow-fascist occupier who , how do you see this solution to this dilemma, well , let's start with the fact that from the moment of mobilization he comes directly to the front line, there is time, there are training subdivisions, there is... cooking, where they also work with them, well, at least ideally the appropriate specialists should work, the same psychologists, the same deputies from the ministry of health, and
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again, i will say that for 90%, 95 this work is carried out, unequivocally, everyone is perfectly interconnected in the army, everyone is perfectly alone they know about each other, and of course, if such a hare appears, as you say, who fights hysterically and charges, how does he end up in some military unit. well, then calls even from the immediate commander at the training center, who you sent me and what you gave me, and there are also many nuances, then questions arise, there is no such thing as a writing, on the other hand, again, it needs to be worked on with people, and this is precisely the task of the same condominiums, the same heads of enterprises, institutions, and it should also be the centers stocking, good explanatory policy to minimize. this kind of opposition, well, we also understand somewhere with you that russia invested its 1.5 billion dollars actually in pouring out a negative information campaign to
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disrupt mobilization, and a lot of such moments happen between, unfortunately, but it is true, for example, itself the phrase that how to slant these words in the literal sense from the army became slightly illegal, hundreds of consultants, lawyers, and practitioners appeared. of all who recommended both real and mythical things, also the same desires took root in many actually caused such a wave, and the military missed it somewhere, because for us it was self-evident that we were attacked, we went to fight, we defend, and somewhere we had our own projection of the vision of the situation, we believed that it would be both understood and transferred society, well, at the moment, this is the situation, so you don’t need... hands, you need continuous communication, work, and precisely for this , changes to the current legislation are called for, so that even this mobilization, or rather not even
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mobilization, this selection, because... to create chaos, and she stretches in time, in fact, she will be very gradual, so we want to confirm your words, we also very carefully see how it is very interesting in the media that it is rusnia who confirms such scandalous stories, disperses them on the internet, that is, it is a small percentage. but this is where the whole information campaign is carried out, mr. ivan, thank you for the explanation, for the conversation, ivan tymochko, a serviceman and head of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine about the selection for the ukrainian army and not only. now we are going for a short break, then we will come back and talk about an equally important matter, in fact times of war, especially when it escalates, about how to work.
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