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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2023 4:00pm-4:30pm EET

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talked about sanctions, and now i want to say briefly that an air alert has been announced in kyiv and the nystia regions, a missile is flying at the corner, the air force is informing about this, well, you will learn more news right now from iryna koval, who is ready to share with you the most relevant, freshest information. iro, we pass the word. martha, thank you, yes, just a moment about the highlights. greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i immediately want to start the program with the fact that in the regions where the air alarm, be alert and careful, stay in safe places, as the air force reports missile launches. and we move on to the most important events
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at this time. ukraine intends to produce 1 million fpv drones in 2024. according to oleksandr kamyshin, minister of strategic industries, in december, ukraine already produced more than 50,000 kamikaze drones. in addition, the production of strike drones continues next year as well. promised to collect more than 10,000 medium-range strike drones and more than 100 large uavs range what possibilities are already ready. the day before , president volodymyr zelenskyi said that ukraine will produce a million drones next year. the czech military and reservists have joined forces to purchase 10,000 drones for the ukrainian military. in the coming days, the association will launch a fundraising drive, during which they plan to collect about 100 million crowns, which is equivalent to 4.5 million dollars. according to the commander-in-chief of the czech army karyl.
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rzegka, this initiative is unique in that, thanks to its soldiers, it knows exactly what the ukrainian army needs the most. the ukrainian parliament has exempted from value added tax and customs duties when importing electronic warfare systems and body armor plates into ukraine, people's deputy yaroslav zhelezniak said. on the basis and in general, 323 nations cast their votes. deputies taxation and customs duties will not be applied to defense goods received by law enforcement agencies, the ministry of defense, the armed forces of ukraine, security and defense forces. the norm will be valid until the end of martial law. eur 150 million excl ukraine received repayable financial aid from the european union. this was reported in the press service of the cabinet of ministers. the funds raised are part of the agreement between ukraine and the eu on financing. support,
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support for the rapid recovery of ukraine. the second tranche of eur 100 million is expected in the first quarter of 2024. the funds will be used both for the financing of recovery measures and for the support of small farms and other representatives of agriculture . joint restrictions: lithuania, latvia and estonia have agreed on the uniform application of eu sanctions against russia. for this baltic countries signed a joint declaration, the government of lithuania said about it. the three states undertook to ensure unified customs control and exchange of information. according to the declaration, the customs authorities of the three countries will require tax documents regarding the transit or final use of goods, additional declarations from manufacturers and exporters, in order to reduce the risk of evasion of sanctions. in the meantime, the european union has started
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preparations to stop the transit of russian gas through ukraine. the eu leadership called on countries that are still dependent on blue fuel for terrorist countries to be ready to give it up. as stated by the european commissioner for energy, katri simpson. brussels expects that the volume of russian gas imports at the end of this year will be half as much as last year, about 40 billion cubic meters. in... for the first time in three weeks, russian terrorists launched an underwater missile carrier into the black sea, which may have up to four calibers on board, the southern operational command reported. in total , the enemy has five ships on combat duty in the black sea and one in the azov sea. the level of the missile the danger is increased. israel is ready for a second pause in hostilities in exchange for the release of hostages. this was announced by the country's president, isaac herzog.
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reuters reports. in addition, herzog emphasized the humanitarian efforts made by israel and called on international organizations to facilitate the process of delivering aid to the gaza strip. let me remind you that during the previous truce between israel and hamas militants , 110 hostages were returned from captivity. according to israeli data , the terrorists are still receiving 137 prisoners the svyatushyn district court of kyiv remanded judge oleksiy tandyr, who is accused of a fatal road accident while under the influence of alcohol, in custody until february 17. the court also seized tandir's land and money in his bank account. account, also limited journalists' access to meetings where military personnel will testify. in may , judges informed tandyr of the suspicion of committing a road accident in which a national guardsman died at a checkpoint. tandyr denied that he drank alcohol while driving.
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espresso presenter lesya vakulyuk handed over more than fifty books for military personnel undergoing rehabilitation in the center of halychyn. who inspired her to take such a charitable initiative? how reading helps to recover, see further in our material. he survived the occupation of his native village in the kyiv region and went to the front. valentyn shumak came to the defense of ukraine in april 2022. he served as a machine gunner in the 14th separate mechanized brigade. he fought in the spring and summer there, then he got his first wound in the shoulder, two bullets in his hands, a month of rehabilitation there or a little less there, and he came back, again. returned voluntarily but also to fight in the direction of kupinsky, and there i was wounded by an explosive mine. now valentin is recuperating in the halychyna rehabilitation center and training at the superhumans clinic, and in between he reads a lot. the soldier swallowed about 40 books. i love barbells, i swing all the time, i train in the gym,
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every day, in fact, i read like that, and i read fiction mostly like this, i like something like this. valentin, viewer and supporter of the espresso host, lesya vakulyuk. he inspired her to collect books for defenders of the halychyna rehabilitation center. wrote valentine's story on facebook, made such a cry, and people who know me decided to respond, the first was my colleague, also the host of espresso, kateryna shirkopoyas. i think that these books will arouse the same interest as they aroused in me and in our defenders who have lost limbs. this is a calming process. and the process that allows us to concentrate and switch, as well as the process of cognition, and when we switch to something else, we to a certain extent, if in our thoughts, in our imagination, when we build the image of a book, we move away from
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those images that can be traumatic, according to the psychologist, regular reading helps to develop discipline, as well as adapt to... life after trauma. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamer, espresso tv channel. a separate brigade of artillery reconnaissance black forest needs repair of special vehicles. a faulty car at the front can cost health or even life. when performing combat tasks, the transport has an important function, but it quickly breaks down and requires timely repair. people hold on, but technology cannot. please you to join the collection of uah 100,000 in order to return it. special vehicles in working condition and continue work on adjusting artillery fire. together with you, we have already collected more than uah 40,000. you can donate using the details you see on the screen now. such were the news at that time. you can read more
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on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks, and of course watch on youtube. literally in a moment, my colleagues antin will continue the broadcast. and marta oliarnyk. we will see you soon, fr the 17th thank you to iryna koval, thank you to the news editor. extremely high-quality information is provided in a timely manner. see espresso. we will pick up the baton and analyze all the most important things. dmytro pletenchuk, spokesman for the naval forces, is now in touch with us. third rank captain of the armed forces of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. captain of the third rank. glory, congratulations, studio, congratulations to the audience. well, i congratulate you. yesterday's presidential conference is memorable, what concerns, in particular, the work of the naval forces. president
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of ukraine noted your work, our american experts note that it was possible to do the almost impossible. in particular , it is about the fact that russian appetites for presence in the black sea basin should be significantly curtailed, they move there in jerks, so to speak, despite the fact that they have a fairly powerful naval group and so on. and so on strikes, but everything is not as they would like, and accordingly they would ask you to share, perhaps some not too secret operative, your word, in fact we have the situation has become quite stable, it has been for quite a long time, i can only confirm that it really is, right now there is no such activity, they go out to sea in several units, but without carriers of cruise missiles, usually it is ... some such daily tasks, there are mini , mini neutrals can go out, anti-mine ships, something
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is moving along the ridge, but such activity, it was before, we don’t observe it now, it’s true, the carriers are further into novorossiya, one of them, this not very successful cyclone they have, perekur , they left this as a cover, that is... it does not work according to the functional, but in principle the situation can be said to have become, of course, there are results, of course, this is the work of many components of the defense and security forces of ukraine, as well as the main administration, the security service of ukraine, all together we have a common result , mr. dmytro, ok south also reported that there are caliber carriers in the sea now, or is there some kind of activism being observed. actually at sea regarding possible preparations for a massive strike? well, in the morning
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, at least there were no seagulls, they are constantly, you can say, in the sea, but in targeting, preparation - this is when they have to go to sevastopol, load calibers on their units, after that you can say that there is some kind of preparation for something. blow, there is generally an understanding of how many of these damned calibers are stored in them, yes, well, we regularly hear one or another, possibly false, possibly half-truthful statements from the russian ministry of defense there from shoigu, how they managed to build up there, but the calibers are highly accurate weapons, and we understand that this would require additional resources, or is being conducted now there is some relevant analysis of how many calibers and not only calibers are produced by russian interventionists. this information is constantly processed, i am not ready to voice the numbers, because there is no need
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to do this, of course the enemy can accumulate this combat ammunition, of course they have problems related to sanctions, with the supply of parts, especially foreign production, which are still sufficient in these missiles , but as of now you see such an operational pause, there may be a challenge to... as it will try to accumulate, given the not too fast turnover of the military-industrial set in this field at least, and in general until the end of the year, in principle, they have a pause regarding training, from the new year begins a new academic year in the marine fleet of the so-called russian federation, it will be necessary to monitor the situation there, let's say, in this regard changes ugh, look, there is
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information that russia has relocated almost the entire black sea fleet from sevastopol to novorossiysk, and here i have a question, should we hope that they will never return their fleet to sevastopol and they will remain there in novorossiysk, do we even have any hope for that, at least, in fact, if they leave it there. they will be forced to solve and most likely try to solve the problem of logistical support of loading the calibers itself, that is, transferring the caliber there is not a problem, in principle, the problem is only in the equipment, if they solve this problem, and they again most likely try to solve it, let's say so, the situation will change a little, they will already have access to their main armament in the black sea, and the caliber... right now is actually their only weapon that they are able to use now, the ships are now out of
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work, sir, mr. dmytro, and what else is happening in the sea of ​​azov now, because there was the information that they are trying to somehow recognize it as internal waters of the russian federation, of course, is in violation of international law, but what is happening there now and are they really turning it now... into a zone of such a location and civilians ships, because we know that they are trying in every way to protect the so-called crimean bridge, what is happening now on azov? the situation is also quite stable, de facto they have turned it into their inland sea , this is what we see now, so of course they are using it as well as for civilian ship plans, because many of their ships are actually used to take out of the occupied territories of ukraine
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, various cargoes, such as grain and metal, in violation of all requirements, both international law and... of security in addition to turning off the ai identification system, in relation to military personnel , in principle , one ship and several more units are directly at sea near the so-called crimean bridge, to say that something is changing from the fact that they are legally trying to arrange it somehow, but within the limits of russian legislation, because... world legislation will not react to this in any way at all, it can only impose sanctions, because a country that has already put domestic legislation above international legislation, what about it at all to talk, mr. captain of the third rank, look, i would like to ask you about
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a political matter, maybe a geopolitical one, well, in any case, the matter is still secret, i think... not registered, well, but in any case, what are the prospects for your opinion, if we really support, sign, ratify, implement, this is what the british zetel writes about, yes, they are talking about an agreement: the ukrainian-british agreement related to maritime security, and accordingly we understand that there is a montrio convention, yes, which does not allow free passage of warships, so to speak to speak, in particular, during the military operations on... so there is, accordingly, the russian aggressor, but there are the british, and we remember very well who first showed, so to speak, this is the symbol that later our glorious muryaks translated into verbal a language with the words in which direction the russian warship should move, well, i will not voice it now, everyone guessed where they should
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go, and the first were the british, yes, who boldly, so to speak, drove around and hinted in russian... intervener, where, what might happen to them if they really start aggression or provocation, and britain is serious, what do you think the british could do to help and what would we want from them? that is, of course, these are different things, because the winsor palace may not agree to something, and so on and so forth. formally, the montreux convention should not, in principle, apply to these ships, they are not a warring country, a participant in the conflict , nothing prevents them, their presence, at least, going through the bosphorus strait, of course, we all remember this case , when the russians before the start of a full-scale the invasion across the bosphorus was started by the big five,
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because they could be said at that time theoretically... were participants in the conflict, although in reality it also looks strange, considering that we have been at war since the 14th year, well, as far as interaction is concerned with our foreign partners, it was up to the 14th year, it was also a full-scale invasion, this interaction is deep, especially with great britain, there were various projects, for example, orbital, personnel training. personnel, now our sailors also study in britain, no only, nevertheless, i can say that one of the main positions of cooperation with partners is from the british side, this is the initiative
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of great britain, they are serious about... their promises, about the responsibilities they took on, they demonstrated it like this even in 1939, that this is a country of maritime traditions, they have a lot to learn, in fact, in terms of providing assistance, specifically, if we talk about equipment, not only about training, mr. dmytro, raise the microphone a little, be kind, because... a little the buzzer crashes, yes, he it is fixed, the person constantly supports us and not only in terms of personnel training. as well as material and technical assistance, so it can be noted that great britain has always been such a driver, one of the main partner countries that constantly helped us,
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and accordingly, it is a country with stable maritime traditions, a maritime state that has a powerful fleet, in which there is something to learn, and we learn. mr. dmytro, and i would also like briefly for you to share in general how according to... now the provision of the so-called of the black sea corridor, our minister and profile oleksandr kubrakov reports that the export of 10 million top cargoes is the result of the work of the ukrainian black sea corridor, and we understand that this is the phenomenal work of our naval forces, which allow us to do this. yes , of course, many components are working, but first of all, these are the naval forces, which provide fire control of the water area, our missiles... coastal artillery forces, which do not allow ships to come here, of course, many components are still working at the highest level space, and we also participate in this
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process, there is also the issue of mine safety , in fact there are many components, we do everything necessary to make this corridor work, there are more than three hundred ships that use it, and so somewhere 10 million tons, in fact, if we take the indicators before... a full-scale invasion, these are already real and significant scales that actually allow our grain to enter the world market, where ukraine is one of the top producers, and also ensure food security, especially in those regions that are now accepted call the global south. thank you, dmytro plytenchuk, spokesman for the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, captain of the third rank, was in touch with us. they talked about the situation in the black sea and not only, in general, the global situation that is currently happening in the sea. we have a break now, a few minutes, the informational marathon on espresso continues, so
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wait, let's take a short break and come back. kosmolot airlines has strengthened the units of the armed forces of ukraine with 50 new drones. the punisher, the quietest, fastest with the lowest cost carrying out missions in the world. all this is about ukrainian uavs that strengthen our front. these are modernized new -generation punisher drones with innovative technology that is resistant to rap and allows you to destroy the enemy in deep rear. it can carry a combat unit, these are high-explosive shells, anti- tank shells, a good flight range, it is up to 45 km, time. the flight is one and a half hours, well, he is still as beautiful as a bird, this is for reconnaissance purposes. kosmolot's focus on supporting domestic weapons inventors is
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an investment in victory and the future technological power of ukraine. punishers are able to hit targets far behind the front lines, because they are silent, stealthy and effective. the main goals of the punisher are the disruption of logistical chains in the deep body of the enemy, that is , these are... vehicles, communication lines , communication machines, rep machines, headquarters, qualified personnel, where they eat, where they smoke, where they live, fuel and lubricants, a bull on open storage sites, the crews have repeatedly shown the effectiveness of their work, in particular , the special purpose aviation unit of the 58th brigades in joint work with the aerial reconnaissance group of the strike drone company of the 129th brigade of tro luftwaffe reported on the destruction of the enemy complex of radio-electronic warfare bersaglebsk-2. according to experts, the cost of such a station is almost 200
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million dollars. this mission was accomplished with the help of a new modernized punisher, resistant to enemy rebs. these were very successful operations, we destroyed armored vehicles, military equipment, jointly, with great effort. let's say, more effective artillery installations that did not hit, but after that we took off and hit these targets the first time. this is the latest delivery of drones under the cosmolod airlines project. now the front is reinforced with 50 anti-reb impact uav pannisher. the total amount of aid from the company since the beginning of the full-scale invasion has already reached uah 130 million, because the more such birds our defenders have, the... the faster we get closer to victory.
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