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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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it is possible to make some kind of unification on the basis of them and to circulate them, but first of all it is necessary that they go through the front, receive some very high-quality feedback from the front, does it simply work or not? mr. vadym, thank you very much for your professional explanations for the time you spend on our broadcast, i would like to remind our viewers that it was vadym yunyk, president of the association of drone manufacturers, technological forces of ukraine. these were the main results of this day, and more international... and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the channel espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. thank you very much to sergey zgurts, thank you to his guests. these were the military results of the day, the second hour of velika otero is ahead, a lot of interesting and important things are waiting for you: world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war with oleksandr morchivka.
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also, today there will be culture news from liena chechenina, and of course, the weather from natalka didenko, but i will talk about the most important news for now, i will tell you in detail, there will also be a live broadcast with our correspondent, well , you will find out about which event a little later , in temporarily occupied crimea, according to information from a number of telegram channels, explosions took place on the territory of the center of long-range space communication of the air and space forces of the russian federation. it is reported that the alleged storm shadow missile arrived at the center of the village of vityne of saksky district at 5 am. as a result , one unit of military equipment was damaged. there are no casualties, they also write that in the morning a drone hit the border post of the fsb near alushta, one man was injured, equipment and a satellite antenna were damaged communication from now on, the skies of the kherson region will become safer, said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. according to him, there will be an increased number of mobile fire groups that will destroy russian drones and missiles. today i will pass it on. 21 new off-road vehicles, cars
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were received by units of the territorial defense, the border detachment and the national guard. the pickups are equipped with tablets, binoculars, thermal imagers, charging stations, laser pointers and powerful searchlights, this will help the soldiers to detect and land deliberately, as they say, russian air targets, added prokudin. and the ukrainian parliament exempted from value added tax and import duties. ukraine of radio-electronic warfare complexes and plates for bullet-proof vests - said people's deputy of ukraine yaroslav zheleznyak. on the basis and in general, 323 people 's elected representatives cast their votes, taxation and duties will not be applied to defense goods received by law enforcement agencies, the ministry of defense, the armed forces of ukraine, security and defense forces, the norm will apply until the end of martial law. a complete package of services for unemployment. the state bureau
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of investigation in zaporozhye stole a scheme for evading mobilization from the military service. according to the investigation , the scheme was organized by the head of the district military committee and three of his subordinates. they registered men in the right area of ​​the city, put them on the register and provided falsified medical documents to pass the military medical commission. well, then they were released from military service. more than 300 people used this scheme in two years. the estimated cost of the service was usa for one person the dbr employees searched the places of residence and work of officials of the district tcktsp. at present, investigative actions are continuing, the full circle of involved persons is being established. if 300 people, well , these people earned good money. i hope that all the money will be transferred to the state budget. for the first time in three weeks, russian terrorists launched an underwater missile into the black sea. the carrier,
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on its berth can be up to four missiles of the caliber class, reported in the operational command of the south, in total , the enemy has five ships on combat duty in the black sea and one in azov. the level of missile danger is currently elevated. president volodymyr zelenskyi said yesterday that one million fpv drones will be produced in a year. well, now we have an explanation, ukraine intends to produce 1 million of these drones in 2024, according to the minister of strategic affairs. of oleksandr kamyshin industries, in december ukraine already produces more than 50 thousand kamikaze drones, in addition, the production of strike drones continues and next year promised to assemble more than 10 00 medium-range strike drones and over a thousand drones of the great great radio judge. the production capabilities are already ready , the day before the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said during a press conference that ukraine will produce a million drones in 2024.
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the sviatoshyn district court of kyiv remanded judge oleksiy tandyr, who is accused of a fatal road accident while under the influence of alcohol, in custody until february 17. the court also imposed a lien on tandyr's land and money in his bank. and besides, he limited the access of journalists to meetings when testimony will give the military. in may, judges charged tandyr with suspicion of committing a traffic accident in which a national guardsman died at a checkpoint. tandyr denied that he drank alcohol. well, today there was also information that tandyr asked to be transferred to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine in exchange for the punishment that he may face, well, i understand that... that the answer to his request is negative. common restrictions: lithuania, latvia and estonia agreed on the uniform application of european union sanctions against the aggressor country russian federation. for this, the baltic countries signed a joint declaration. this was reported in the government of lithuania. the three states undertook to ensure unified customs
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control and exchange of information. according to the declaration, the customs authorities of the three countries will require additional documents regarding the transit or final use of goods, additional declarations of manufacturers and exporters. ters in order to reduce the risk of circumvention of sanctions by the aggressor country. israel is ready for a second -to-second pause in hostilities in exchange for the release of the hostages, he said president of the state of israel and isaac herzog. in addition, he emphasized the humanitarian efforts made by israel and called on international organizations to facilitate the process of delivering aid to the gaza strip. let me remind you that during the previous truce between israel and the militants. hamas managed to return from captivity 110 hostages, according to israeli data, currently the terrorists still continue to hold 137 people captive. in lviv , the order for intellectual courage was presented by the independent cultural chronology i.a
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we will learn more details from our correspondent polina karnasyuk, who is now live with us. i congratulate polina, so who was awarded this prestigious award this year. vasyl, congratulations, i will tell you right away that the award was given to four worthy people, this is aldyvas, the director of the institute of the history of lithuania, also the director of the wawel castle from krakow, andrzej batli, this is also a philosopher from the university of vinnytsia, oleg khoma, and political scientist roman shuflik, who is currently in the ... states, so he joined the event remotely. in general, every year laureates of this the prizes are given to writers and public figures who have made some achievements for our
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country. this ceremony has been taking place for 24 years in a row, and we can hear more about it from the organizer. of this event, as well as the editor-in-chief of the gi editorial office, let's hear it directly. the most important thing that unites them is intellectual courage, because sometimes an intellectual must be brave. in general, over these 24 years, more than 50 people became knights of the order, so this is all the information, i pass on the word to you, vasyl thank you very much, our correspondent kalina karnasyuk was included in this important event, and i congratulate all those awarded with this prize for intellectual courage.
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the intellectually brave and infamous yuriy fizar actually talks about events outside of ukraine every day, and today was no exception. yuri is with us, start. good evening. good evening to you vasyl, good evening. to everyone who joined us today, in particular, it will be about the following: russia is a threat to the european union, said the chief european diplomat, jose borel. they want trump, well, they are doing everything to prevent him from going to the elections, at least in one state, and the stalin center in russia, about this and other things in a moment in the column world about ukraine. well, let me start with some not entirely pleasant news for ukraine, unfortunately, the congress of the united states of america will not approve new military aid to ukraine this year, this was announced in a joint statement by the leaders of the ruling
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democrats and opposition republicans in the senate, chuck schumer and mitch mcconnell, respectively , they explained this by the fact that the participants negotiations from the house of representatives. it is already the lower house of congress and the government continue to work on unresolved issues, and this will continue for the next few days, and only after that, say the main republican and ... krat of the upper house of the highest legislative body of the united states of america can we try to solve the problematic issues, but at the beginning of next year. well, after all , many hoped that by the end of this year some kind of compromise would be found between the republicans and the democrats, and i will remind about the fact that the republicans demand to weaken, strengthen, or rather, make changes to the migration legislation and... they demand it from the democrats, of course. butzim democrats and in particular
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us president johnald joe - please excuse me, joe biden butzim made some kind of compromise and even offered something to the republicans, but as we can see, this process is moving very slowly. well, let's move on and continue anyway from the united states. there is no magic pot in the us to keep giving. financial aid to ukraine. about this during the briefing said us state department spokesman matthew miller. at the same time, he emphasized that the white house is waiting for congress to approve president joe biden's request for additional aid in the amount of a little more than 61 billion dollars. according to mr. miller, this remains a top priority and goal of the white house administration. however. the spokesman for the us state department added, further his direct speech.
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what we expect will be a very difficult winter begins. well, i will add that speaking of very he had a difficult winter, the winter he meant specifically for ukraine. it is a great pity, but i really hope that at the beginning of the year we will still receive help from the united states of america, which will be added to the help from. of the european union and we will receive new weapons so that our front-line soldiers can beat the aggressor. russia represents a strategic threat to the european union, therefore the member states of the community should actively stand by ukraine and help it more and faster. this is what the head of the european union said of diplomacy josep borel said during a speech at the zomgrad forum. continent, at the same time he added that it is becoming more and more difficult to do this every day and explained why,
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according to mr. borel, not everyone in the eu now holds such an opinion, so he has to convince skeptics of their wrongness, and even more, of his own microblogging network twitter, ex-x, this is ex-twitter, the chief eurodiplomat added, let's hear what exactly from joseph borel. europe is in danger, if we allow putin to win in ukraine, then european the project may be irrevocably ruined. let's roll up our sleeves and do everything to avoid this. today, before the broadcast, vasyl and i talked about why in europe they say that let 's roll up our sleeves and do something, but yesterday during the press conference of volodymyr zelenskyi, we didn't really want to say, we heard a lot about that. .. somehow rolls up her sleeves, we practically did not hear about the fact that she is going to roll up her sleeves and do something for our
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victory, somehow everyone else was to blame , except the authorities, well, you know, these phrases, let it not sound too optimistic, but this phrase of cherchel's that i can offer you nothing but blood and sweat, we have not heard globally, but still, and also the continuation of the topic of josep borel and what he said at the forum , so he said that lately the politician who wins the elections has gained a lot of popularity, personality, and he meant that populists are winning in different countries very often now, and i will hint at that , that everything will depend very much in europe itself, in particular, in support the european union of ukraine, from the one who will become the next president of the united states of america, and he is likely to be the next one. may become donald trump, who has repeatedly said that he has a lot of plans
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to end the war, the russian war in ukraine, but so far he has not disclosed these plans. let's go further. perhaps the time has come to invite russia to the meeting during which the ukrainian peace formula is discussed. the minister of foreign affairs said this in an interview with the cabs tv channel. of the south african republic on leda pandora, at the same time she emphasized that this proposal was voiced at the last international meeting in malta, followed by a short quote from the minister. it is time to invite russia to these meetings so that we can begin to take steps towards a more formal process of discussing this issue. well, such a naive proposal, vasyl, well, tell me, the russians spoke in a heterogeneous manner about the fact that no ukrainian peace formula exists for them, and
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therefore inviting russia to meetings where this peace formula is discussed is simply a waste of time. ah... i understand, madam minister, she needs to show that she is doing her best to help end the war in ukraine as soon as possible, i remember one moment, i will also say how les tras, then the british foreign secretary , came to moscow on the eve of the invasion, and how she was disappointed that moscow lived a quiet life, and in principle only the snow creaked underfoot, and she left, fully understanding that it would not be possible to agree on anything, well, i think that nothing much has changed there, but nothing. not at all has changed, i will add by the way that such meetings , where the ukrainian peace formula is discussed, will be the fourth, and it is planned to be held in switzerland, before that there were in copenhagen, in saudi arabia, in jeddah, and the last one was in malta. yes, now we return once again to the united states of america and to donald trump. in colorado,
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trump was banned from running in the primaries, that is, in the selection of a single candidate. from the republican party for the presidential election to be held in november next year. the corresponding decision was made by the supreme court of the state, four judges voted to exclude trump from this competition against three, who preferred to allow him to participate in the race anyway. the court made the relevant decision, referring to the 14th amendment of the us constitution, which prohibits officials from holding public office if they participated in the rebellion. and if it's the fifth. when the decision takes effect in january, donald trump will not be on the ballot in colorado. well, but donald trump's lawyers immediately said that they are going to appeal not anywhere, but to the supreme court of the entire united states of america, and if by thursday, well, january 4, he cancels this decision
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of the supreme court of the state of colorado, then trump will still be allowed. to participate in the primaries in this state, but i want to emphasize one more thing that even if trump is excluded from the race for the ticket from the republicans to the presidential elections from the state of colorado, he does not lose anything, because in the last elections that took place in the state of colorado votes for democracy, therefore even if he doesn't run, he still, even if he... runs, he still wouldn't get enough votes to win that state and put him in the electoral college , so here it is, but in any case, this is a huge precedent, so let's see, i will personally monitor what happens next, how trump's lawyers will react next, and what
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will most likely be said in the supreme court of the united states america. the russian government and... and the special services of our north-east, on too bad the neighbors tried to smear the democratic party ahead of the 2022 congressional midterm elections. this is stated in the declassified reference of the report of the national intelligence council. in this way , the russians wanted to undermine, want to undermine the support of ukraine from the united states of america. representatives of american intelligence emphasized that they have a high level of confidence in the reliability of such a conclusion, although at the same time they did not provide any evidence of this, but i am sure that this evidence is there, and how i am sure that the russians tried to do what the american intelligence says, because it is in their blood
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to offend someone very much. russia... is against the involvement of ukraine in nato, even if it happens after 15 years, the president of the terrorist country putin said the day before, speaking at the collegium of the ministry of war of our north-eastern neighbor. according to him, even such a perspective does not correspond to russian strategic interests. the idea that nato itself can become a guarantor of security for ukraine, the main terrorist of the world, of course, rejected it and added that, further, putin's quote, the only guarantor of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine was russia, but from the passages...
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well, please, such partners, they lie shamelessly, he is simply at every step , well, he was still there, but they cut out this sound in this, in this direct speech, but i know that vasyl likes the most, the most, as he says, the only guarantor of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine was russia, that is, i remember , from some old books about putin, which once came out that he was not very, well, i don't know how he is, but he was very impatient with people when in his presence, well, to put it bluntly, they were slobbering, that's why these, these, obscene words, which
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rang out, well, i have even more doubts as to whether it is putin, you understand, vasyl, i didn’t hear that word, i read it when i read it in the transcript that was posted on the page, i wanted to say the telegraph agency of the soviet union, tas, tas on the page tas , and lo... in this transcript this word was when i started listening right on the video, this word was not there, and we watched it later, it is clear that he is saying it with his mouth, but simply , the sound engineers somehow muted this word, well, but in any case, even if not to talk about matyuks, to talk about the fact that russia is the only, was or is, i don't know, guarantor of the sovereignty and territoriality, territorial integrity of ukraine, well, that's just not something. unbelievable another thing is incredible, if we talk about russia. news from potoibich, continuing the "world about ukraine" column. in russian barnaul, it is there
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far away in altai, the stalin center was opened. i will say right away that they closed the yeltsin center, but the stalin center was opened and the russian communists opened it on the 145th-145th anniversary of his birth. stalin, by the way, was born on december 18, according to the head of the regional branch of the communists , sergei matasov, the stalin center should receive the status of a cultural and historical center, it should become a platform for discussing and preserving our history. let's continue to listen directly to this sergey matasov. stalin's internal enemies thundered together. definitely forever, but unfortunately , after his death, a huge amount of garbage was placed on his grave, but the wind of history will disperse it, and we are already close to it, you know,
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there is a meme spreading on the internet that when someone says something bad, everyone so they knock themselves on the forehead, i think vasyl needs everyone to knock themselves on the forehead after that, well , as he says, unfortunately, after his death, a huge amount of garbage was taken to his grave, but the wind of history will blow it away. i repeat everything again, they are yeltsin centers they are closing, but they are opening the stalin centers, they cannot understand russia, and in the end there is no need to understand it, because soon it will simply disappear from the map of the earth. and finally, the space internet is getting faster, nasa has transmitted a 15-second video message with a cat from its psyche probe. the video, by the way, was also initially sent on a probe. but much earlier, this spacecraft is now 31 million km from the earth and is flying towards the asteroid psyche. the video was transmitted not using a radio frequency
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system, but using a laser, so 31 million km the cat in the video covered in just 101 seconds, that is, in 1 minute and 21 seconds, this shows how quickly scientists can receive photos and videos taken by probes or other space probes. in open space , imagine that someone, someone does such a thing, someone puts their people in the battle for, as they say, pile of coal number two near avdiyivka, well, it's just savagery, well, it's just really savagery , and the savagery is also that that this person who puts his people, he does not want to develop his there, for example, the space industry, he develops its own rocket and space. no, they have already bombarded the moon with their probe, that's probably the end of their research. yes, that's the end of my column for today, the world about ukraine ends only for today, because
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there will be tomorrow. there will be much more, i will meet with you tomorrow, welcome to ireland, with that title, a film about the life of ukrainian refugees on the island was presented in lviv, it is told, its characters tell about life together with the people who sheltered them. about similar pages of history. well , by the way, in our country, both ukrainians and irish experienced the famine, the struggle for independence, and the relations between the two peoples who met due to tragic circumstances . natalya, congratulations, you have the floor, please tell me about the atmosphere and about this work. greetings vasylya, greetings to our viewers, we see that behind me the screening of the film that was presented in lviv is continuing, the film,
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welcome. was taken to ireland by radio journalists freedom within the framework of the project "how are you?" it is this project that investigates and documents the lives of ukrainian refugees and displaced persons who were forced to leave their homes. this story itself tells about ukrainians who chose life for themselves in ireland. it is worth noting that the population of ireland is 5 million people and 100 thousand ukrainians currently live there. this is actually quite a large number of ukrainians. the heroes of the film talk about why they chose ireland for themselves, how life continues there for them now, how they will arrange, have arranged a life for themselves, the irish heroes themselves also share their experience, why they accepted ukrainians and talk about the fact that they experienced a similar history, such as hunger, colonization and the destruction of the language. the author of this film admits that it was this shared historical parallel that helped
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to find mutual understanding between the two peoples, even though they speak different languages. next, let's listen to the words of the author. and at the same time, the irish themselves, they warmly welcome ukrainians, one of the reasons why, because this is what is in ireland and in ukraine the past is quite similar, they were also colonized, they also had hunger, they also fought for their independence, and their own understanding of what they are going through... ukraine is one of the reasons for their great empathy for the ukrainian people. we see that today the film was attended by both residents of lviv and guests of the city, friends, comrades who also wanted to share their experience, and also, after the screening of the film, will exchange opinions about what they saw, and the tape
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will be available on ... ursik, in particular on the youtube channel of radio svoboda, so everyone anyone who wants to can watch it, and i'll pass the word on to the studio. thank you very much, let's go with the presentation of the film about the beautiful country of ireland, which in fact has many ukrainian refugees, continues to accept and help us, understanding our plight. now there will be a short pause, and then oleksandra morchevka will talk about the news of the economy, wait, it will be important and interesting. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags, not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with cream as long as you want, i'll pick it up. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. damn it, schidtsii. my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i'm choking. what, there is no health? but what kind of
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