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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2023 3:30am-4:00am EET

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good night to everyone watching the united telethon. volodymyr zelenskyy is confident that the united states will soon provide ukraine with a package of military and financial aid worth $61 billion. ukraine needs this support right now - the president said at the press conference, and washington knows this, as does europe. help is needed now. of course, this has a signal for the european union regarding their opening. ah-ah aid to their package, but i am glad that we all heard each other and that the signals from the united states of america, it will be a signal from the united states states, and europe - it will be europe, europe's decision, i am grateful for this independence to each of our partners in helping ukraine, as for the united states' help, well , i think it will be... very soon. ivan
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os, an expert in international economics joins our broadcast. mr. ivan, congratulations. good night, studio, good night viewers. therefore, we expect billion-dollar tranches from washington and the european union from brussels. but it seems that all this will happen already next year, not as you remember, in relatively peaceful times we were told under the christmas tree. in your opinion, how much margin of safety do we have in ours? economy, if the first tranches will arrive, and they will probably arrive already in january, then do we have this strength to endure until then? and indeed the question of when the united states will finally accept aid, let's say this, who has already understood that this is a question of 2024, unfortunately, they will not have time to accept it this year, in the european union we also see that there is no unity among all 27 member countries, at the same time... it should be understood that
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these are not the only sources that help ukraine, and that is exactly why, according to the media, two weeks ago washington visited the british foreign minister, and the former, by the way, the prime minister of this country, mr. cameron, and there was information that he said that it was okay , we understand that there are difficulties in the us, we see difficulties in the eu. therefore, for the period until the united states of america and the eu are unable to help ukraine, all necessary financial assistance to ukraine will be provided by two countries located in europe, but at the same time not part of the european union union, namely great britain and norway, and i think that the help from these countries, after all, great britain is one of the largest economies in the world, norway is also the last economy in the world, help from them.
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will allow ukraine to go through this period, while neither the usa nor the eu gives us the necessary help, then most likely positive decisions will be made, because after all, in the united states of america they understand that investment in ukraine is an investment in the victory of the western world against everyone in europe knows russia and its allies the results of research conducted recently by the german council outside. their relations, in which it is directly stated that in the event of ukraine's defeat in 6 to 10 years, russia will start a war against the european union, including germany, and in order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary for ukraine to win, and similar studies, they will checkmate europe, help, i mean the european union, help ukraine. well, let's talk about one of the countries of the european union, about our closest neighbor poland, about 750 thousand officially work there ukrainians, but in... in 2023
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, the share of those who are satisfied with their work in this country decreased, which in general, if you know, the situation with the employment of ukrainian refugees abroad, where they are really in demand and will european countries be able to retain ukrainians? well, unfortunately , there are no clear figures, at the same time, as for poland, there has always been the highest level of employment in our businesses, this is partly explained by the fact that, after all, the mentality of poland is... closer to the mentality of ukraine, and this, by the way, a very good example of real european integration of ukraine, when in a neighboring eu country, ukrainians found work quite easily , which emphasizes the readiness of ukrainian society to be part of the european union, as for other countries, the situation there is worse, at the same time, this does not mean that our people did not find themselves there, that is, i understand , that there are various examples, that is, the examples that i know personally in... they are more likely to be successful than not,
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because people found good jobs for themselves, for example, my cousin works in belgium, that is, she got a job there, found a job and if. .. it may be family, but still no less an example of the fact that a person was able to realize himself in one of the is economies. i know that people are even finding a place for themselves in great britain, and there are also cities in germany, that is, this integration is happening little by little, at the same time, we must understand that the more people settle in the eu countries, the more difficult it will be to bring these people back. therefore, the position regarding the employment of ukrainians in the eu countries, it has, as they say, a double meaning. thank you, ivan uuz, an expert on international economics, joined our broadcast. in the level of unemployment in ukraine is decreasing, if in october 97,300 people were
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registered in employment centers, then in november 95,400. at the beginning of the year, this number exceeded 166,000. 40% of those registered receive financial assistance. more than two three'. unemployed women, these are the data of the national bank, at the same time, employers' need for workers is growing, over the last month it amounted to 49,400 people, that is, there are two candidates for one vacant place. according to government forecasts , economic growth at the level of 4.6% is expected in 2024. the unemployment rate according to the results next year will be 18.7%, but will fall until 2026. ilya neskhodovskyi. economist, head of the analytical direction of the ancs network, with us, mr. ilya, congratulations, good day, so we continue our economic topic, if we talk about in the context of supporting ukraine, unemployment, before that we talked about the deficit of the ukrainian budget, is there any understanding,
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what awaits the economy of our country in the next year, well, forecasts are usually made. and such forecasts are made by the ministry of economy, the national bank makes forecasts, it has its own polls about businessmen, about their plans for the next year, whether they are going to expand, whether they are going to increase the volume of production, whether they are going to, for example, in the same way, if we talk specifically about unemployment , to recruit new people or, on the contrary, to reduce, if we evaluate all these forecasts , surveys, gathering information, we can say that... our business has a low positive rating, that is, they all understand very well, we are in a state of war, we have a lot of different risks, but at the same time, based on the fact that they recovered after the capture of large parts of our
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territory, now they have resumed their activities, they already have certain problems related to the volume of sales, there in particular, for example, solvent demand. because a significant number of the population has left abroad, but at the same time they assess their future in 2024 as a whole positively. but if we are talking in the context of unemployment and if there are such data that unemployment, the unemployment rate is decreasing, we cite statistics, tell me how much this indicator can in principle testify to the state of our economy, taking into account the quality of life of ukrainians, which they can... and it, well, according to feelings, it is not growing. regarding unemployment: firstly, as a result of a change in the approach to how official unemployment is calculated, it does not fully reflect the real situation. we take a slightly different approach to estimating
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unemployment. we now have unemployment due to the fact that a significant number of the population has gone abroad, they receive appropriate assistance, they have taken off the burden. internal unemployment, and to date, if we let's observe the number of advertisements, regarding vacancies and resumes that are posted, then they actually went to the pre-war period, in other words, today, accordingly, people can find a job, but at the same time there is a certain category of citizens, in particular, for example, if we will talk about pensioners, then their standard of living is low enough, low enough in connection. with the fact that in 2022 inflation was high enough, and the pension increase in 2022 did not occur due to objective reasons, it occurred only in 2023 year and a further increase in the pension is planned, but for them, the standard of living
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is clearly low, it does not correspond to the level, but a person who is able to work today has the opportunity to find a job and find a job with a level. payment that will be acceptable for her, that is, enough, well , suitable, well, a little too much effort to find it, i do not see it today. and serious problems, based on the objective facts provided by those services engaged in labor recruitment. thank you, thank you for participating and commenting yulyana skhodovskyi, economist, head of the analytical direction of the ans network. on holidays without fires, rescuers warn, it is necessary to install christmas trees in homes carefully and with fire safety in mind, as trees catch fire quickly and the fire spreads to things around. sonia grigorchuk will tell you what to pay attention to when installing and decorating christmas trees, live or artificial with
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toys and garlands. christmas trees are in the homes of millions of ukrainians, but christmas celebrations are due to careless handling can end in fire. it must be installed on a stable base and, if possible , prevent it from being pushed, dropped by children playing, or by pets. emergency workers say that the christmas tree should be placed at least a meter away from flammable items and furniture. make sure all the garlands and lights are in working order, and pay attention to what you decorate the tree with. for the experiment, we, accompanied by specialists , set fire to a festively decorated christmas tree. the fire embraces more and more branches. paper toys - cellulose and cotton wool, as well as artificial dry grass, only help it spread through the tree. considers although windy weather kept the flames from spreading, most of the christmas tree burned out
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in less than 13 minutes. if it so happened that a christmas tree caught fire in your home, do not rush to extinguish it with water. we exclude the garland if possible, well, we need to knock down the christmas tree on the floor. if there is a fire extinguisher, we use it. if there is no fire extinguisher, we use any subke blanket, covered the christmas tree, this will be limited. on the access of oxygen, it will extinguish, then you can use water already. rescuers emphasize that you can put out a christmas tree only if you have the appropriate knowledge. sonya hryhorchuk, ihor dkach, tv channel rada, all-national marathon, only news. citizens of the united states continue to support ukraine in the war with russia. this is evidenced by the results of a public opinion poll conducted in the state. today, according to him, the number of americans who are sympathetic to ukraine has more than doubled. exceeds the number antipathies, 55% against 25, while 65
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% of respondents believe that the united states should support ukraine in the war against russia, although only 49% of respondents specifically agree to the current multibillion-dollar funding package, and 2/3 of respondents also support the tactics of republicans in helping ukraine , that is, provide money only after additional funding for us border security. yehor brailyan, candidate of historical sciences, international journalist, with us, mr. yehor, congratulations, good day, such a trend is changing the attitude of the americans, how would you explain it and can we talk about the fact that it will be even better? in general, after february 24, 22 , more than half of the us population supported. aid to ukraine, so these numbers varied, but we see that the majority of americans
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see that it is necessary to support our state, at the same time, we see that the american public reads their media, not only american media, and they see there texts about based on anonymous sources that the ukrainians allegedly blew up the northern one there stream-2 and... the media play a very important role in this regard, how public opinion about ukraine in the usa is changing in this case, and now the border is the most painful and difficult topic within the states. we remember very well that donald trump, the former president of the united states, promised to build a border to keep out illegal immigrants from latin america, biden is criticized for ... he did nothing in fact about it, and now the republicans are blocking the provision
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aid to ukraine in the 24th year precisely for this reason. and so we see that the usa remain polarized, because some people believe in trump and his supporters, and some people believe that ukraine should be supported, at the same time. it should be taken into account that the overall rating of joe biden is now somewhere between 25-30%, that is, in general, the course of the current american... president is supported by very few americans, and in this situation , biden has no other alternative but to communicate with congress, to approve aid to ukraine there, and after february 24, ukraine began to work for the united states more more active in terms of public and cultural
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diplomacy, there was an interesting project about šchedrik, about the popularization of the fact that... carl zabells' song is actually šchedrik written by mykola leontovych, but this year the support really dropped a little, and here we ourselves have to be active and clarify to american society, that is, each of the polls says that what was the main threat to you before february 24, the main threat to... americans was china, after february 24 it already became russia, then in these polls there are usually questions that you most worries, and people are most worried about prices in stores, prices for utility services, well , general household economic issues, and if
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people are asked, do you generally support that we provide? assistance to ukraine in the future, they say, of course, that it is, but if we delve into the details, the motivation for support may be different. when the war in israel began, many people said that ukraine and israel are now competitors in the queue for aid from the americans, in particular. and as if the events in israel distracted u... from us, for now you do you see this trend continuing? yes, and we can see this from the fact that most of the foreign journalists who worked in ukraine and local producers, ukrainians who coordinated their work in ukraine, told me that most of them went to israel, and
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this is a really serious problem, because here we have to explain to americans and foreigners... in general, that events in ukraine, events in israel are connected, iran supports hamas and hezbollah, iran is an ally of russia, iran supplies russia with weapons that kill ukrainians, and russia carries out genocide in ukraine, in the usa and in the west as a whole, they consider these, these two conflicts separately, and this is a really serious problem, so we... see such a situation in the media that all the attention is on israel, and they seem to forget about ukraine , at the same time, i wouldn't say that they forgot just like that, because it is precisely russian propaganda that manipulates this, showing that the west has already forgotten about ukraine, there is less help for ukraine, no, this is not exactly the case, yes, there are definitely challenges in
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the information field, but i am sure that... that the main lesson for us in 2023 will be that that we have to explain to foreigners why everything is connected in this world, because both the events in taiwan and in the middle east, and the recently aggravated situation in venezuela and guyana, and the same populism in the usa, it is all connected, because russia seeks to change the world order, and she uses anything as ... information, culture, sports. recently, the international olympic committee decided that russian and belarusian athletes will participate in next year's olympics in paris. yes, they will not participate under flags of their states, but at the same time, this is
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an absolutely unacceptable situation. yegor, thank you. yehor brailyan, candidate of historical sciences. an international joined our broadcast. putin will not stop in his aggression against ukraine and, in case of victory, will start a war with nato. the commander of the belgian army, michel hofmann, is sure of this. he also warned against thinking about russia's weakness. we see that russia has switched to the military industry. i think we have reason to be concerned. the language of the kremlin and president vladimir putin is always ambiguous. quite maybe. that later they will have other ideas, either in the south of moldova or in the baltic states. even if moscow's forces now seem weakened by the ongoing war against ukraine, this weakness is temporary. if russia wins the war, it will eventually rebuild its war machine and rebuild its armed forces. oleksiy borichenko, candidate of political sciences, head of the international association of small communities
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joins the broadcast. mr. oleksiy, congratulations. greetings, friends, glad to see and hear. each other so, in belgium, a country not close, yes, to border with the russian federation, there is concern that russia may open a second front in europe. and in fact , how would you characterize the fact that, in fact , in central europe, they are already talking about such threats, because russia's western neighbors have long been worried about this and have long been preparing and enlisting support for the invasion, if indeed they resort to such actions. yes, i 'm partially out of touch, but i understand about belgium, and about the threats of the second front in europe, that's right, yes. question, yes, look, especially after the press conference putin, it is already becoming obvious, even for those
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for whom it was not obvious before, and these immediate targets, poland, the baltic states, finland, the so-called second front, this is not just a threat to the european union , the countries of the european union, it is first '. this is all putin will threaten his ideological enemy the united states or a threat to nato countries, that is, he will try to kill two birds with one stone at the same time, and by the way, we see the closing of borders in the baltic countries and finland, both for people and for goods, this is happening for a reason in the special services western europe, more precisely the european union, they perfectly understand what... gerasimov and how the russian federation can commit acts of internal destabilization in these countries, taking into account that next year every
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third ruble will go to the military industry in the russian federation, i.e. 30% budget, it becomes absolutely obvious that the rearmament and transition to military rails in the russian federation is on the march, so to speak. and that putin is preparing not just for a war against ukraine, but his goal is much more ambitious, and so it was not for nothing that i mentioned respectively, moldova and the baltic countries, and i would add to that, taking into account the question during the press conference of a journalist from serbia, precisely in the direction of the western balkans, which were in the center of europe. never went on the european path, on the way to the european union, in serbia there remains a huge influence on the russian federation, even despite the fact that during
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the last elections the democratic forces gained a quarter of the votes there, but all the same putin is counting on this, on this proxy is already sharpening, so to speak, and sharpening it in such a way of a possible... military hybrid threat through the proxies of serbia to bosnia-herzegovina to kosovo, in order to shove this point under the european union's rib, respectively, and thereby open a second, and possibly a third front, which will finally defocus the aid from the united states and the european union to ukraine. tell me what this second front might look like, will it be a full-scale invasion, or will it still be the same? war, hybrid, i am deeply convinced that it is hybrid, but there are no common borders, it is absolutely obvious, here, but almost everything remains
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soviet weapons, samples, that is, it is necessary to strengthen the military component without, well, without people, yes, well, that is, these are tettanks, a weapon system, ammunition, and of course, to go the way of a serious hybrid. internal destabilization in the western balkans through ipso and all those tools that putin always uses in such hybrid wars, which we have already experienced more than once, but believe me, this will be enough, considering, well, let's say that these are small states, and there is no need for a very large contingent, to kindle a real flame there, this is a small ukraine with a large resource, a large... number of people, a large territory that can take a fight from the russian federation, everything is much more modest there. yes, but we see that brussels
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is actively, in connection with... with this, discussing the expansion of the european union as a security zone, as far as this can be a solution, because now it seems very likely that precisely the central countries of the european union, those that in principle, they invest the most funds in the eu budget, they are ready for eastern expansion, pro which was discussed for dozens of years before, well , at least since the time when ukraine announced its intentions to join the european union. will it be possible to counteract hybrid provocations from the kremlin in this way? yes, you are absolutely right, this is the most realistic countermeasure, it is joining the european union, the union of the western balkans, and moldova, and above all , ukraine. for them, ukraine has become a kind of locomotive that has pulled along, we can see it even on the example of
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moldova, which, well... by and large vaansom also received a corresponding decision to start the negotiation process for full membership, why? because in essence, ukraine and moldova go as a single package and ukraine cannot go, and moldova, which essentially remains between the european union and ukraine, remains in some such hybrid status, also taking into account that transnistria is there, and with a large russian influence. federation, so yes, so in principle we heard it from the leaders of europe, from the same scholz, from chal-michel, from borel, from ursula fondelein from the european commission, that their priority for the security of the entire european union is the priority of expansion, that is, they are certainly evolving and they are certainly aware of all the risks that we are talking about with you now on the air, and by the way, do
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you remember the story with austria. which , on the eve of receiving ukraine's decision on december 14 to open the way to full membership of ukraine, had certain conditions of its own there, it had conditions in relation to bosnia and herzegovina, because it perfectly understood, taking into account the influence of the russian federation, in that including austria, there is a lot of russian capital, it is traditional that this path... in the western balkans, the path of war that putin can unleash is absolutely real, that is why they insisted so much that the western balkans be taken into account as much as possible during european integration processes of moldova and ukraine. thank you, oleksiy boryachenko, candidate of political sciences, head of the international association of small communities, joined our broadcast. chevrons approaching
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victory. this year, more than ever, we felt the great power of help. we proved that by supporting our military, we are getting closer to victory, that there are no large or small donations, any of our... help is important and necessary, that it is by uniting that ukrainians become a force that can overcome everything, glory to ukraine, but we must not stop, we must do more for our soldiers. let's become their guardian angels in the coming year, and make it our duty to protect their lives, as they
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fight for ours. each of us must have someone at the front, whom we need to support and take care of. and even if there are no military personnel among your loved ones, find a brigade or soldier to help. be a support to everyone who is in hot spots, on the protection of the city, villages and on recovery in the body. let's give them love, faith and daily support. a good word or deed, a donation or a treat. it's a gift to yourself too, because it's a step towards victory, the main thing is to do it. helping the military, the best new year's gift.


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