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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2023 4:30am-5:01am EET

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honestly make it impossible to predict what your pension will be, so the point system is a mechanism that is widely used in other countries, for example, in germany, it has been in use since 1957, and since then it has shown itself to be a very effective system of fair and clear pension calculation, and we believe that the use of such a mechanism for... determining the size of the pension and its recalculation will simplify the approaches to calculating pensions, make them understandable for citizens and ensure the correlation between how much you have you paid the amount of contribution to the pension system and what amount of pension will you receive in the future? i understand, thank you for the clarification, daria marchak, the first deputy minister of social policy of ukraine, joined our broadcast. the government approved. the decision on additional assistance
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to de-occupied and war-affected communities, as well as improved the mechanism of compensation for the reverse subsidy by the local budget and compensation for the shortfall from personal income tax. local self-government bodies will spend the received funds on salaries of state employees and payment of communal services. more than uah 473 billion, or 18% of all expenditures, went to pensions and assistance to our people who need it most. we finance these... in full, and the capacity of communities remains in the center of our attention. as of mid-december, the state has provided local communities with more than uah 178 billion in transfers. ukraine managed to overcome the transport blockade by russia in the black sea, as the minister of community development, territories and infrastructure oleksandr kubrakov reported, the ukrainian corridor has already managed to export 10 million tons of products to 24 countries of the world. mothers from ukraine.
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302 vessels competed. in general, since the start of operation of the corridor in august, it was possible to increase the turnover of products from 278 thousand tons in the first month to almost 5 million tons. the government official thanked the armed forces and international partners for the opportunity to carry out the transportation in the conditions of the kremlin's military aggression. denis marchuk, deputy chairman of the all-ukrainian agrarian council, is with us, we congratulate. i congratulate you. mr. denis, 10 million exports bypassing russia. a corridor that ukraine arranged, organized, provided for itself, say, it's a lot is it little, and how much would you like? well , speaking gradually, and taking into account that this is really happening under the pressure of russia, because russia's aggression in the black sea has not disappeared anywhere, this is really a very good result, probably more than half of this export component is agricultural products, which also additionally embodies a certain optimism towards that it will...
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spread, and i wouldn't say that we ourselves, because really, apart from the armed forces of ukraine, which have done a lot in this regard, have made efforts, we are helped to coordinate this the work of our neighbors, the romanians, the bulgarians, because the ships move along their coast, they also help to ensure the safe passage of ships, they are also connected to the demining of the black sea, so if you look at such teamwork, these indicators are really quite good, especially , i will repeat myself, but they give... such an encouraging situation for the 24th year as well, that the number of such flights that will be exported from the territory of ukraine will increase, but most importantly, that imports can also enter by ships without any obstacles, and most importantly - here, of course , ensuring security in this context, everyone is working on this, starting with the armed forces of ukraine and the president of ukraine, among others. mr. denys, if we compare during the time when the black sea grain agreements were in effect, how much grain was ukraine able to export? if...
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we look at the last year of the grain initiative, it was possible to export more than 32 million tons of grain, it is natural to not compare such things now, because in fact then it was possible in august-september to export about 4.5 million tons of grain in just one month, but again , the circumstances were different, the security issue was stipulated, it was stipulated that the infrastructure would not be shelled, that no aggressions would be carried out against commercial... ships, now we we understand, this is not all, everything happens exclusively at the personal fear and risk of the owners of the ships, and those obitsinkas given by the armed forces of ukraine, and that is why we actually cannot see such a large flow as was the case with the grain initiative, nevertheless, we work independently, and this is a very big plus, because no one slows down the ships, no one checks them, and the ships can move freely, i say, if the same issue of safety is guaranteed even further, then the ships 20... in the fourth
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year the plan for them will be much more than for these four months in the 23rd year. denis, if we talk about dry land, then polish transporters and farmers blocked the passage of trucks through to... yagodin, which losses will potentially suffer even more, ukrainian agricultural producers have already suffered, and which further risks? also, president zelenskyi said at the press conference earlier that poland is also suffering losses, can we say how much that side will also suffer? well, actually, the losses are borne by both sides of the business, i mean, both from the side of ukraine and countries not only from poland, because the imported goods that go outside the territory of ukraine are not only polish trucks, they are... forrs of others countries of the european union, which have the opportunity to sell their products, and every month, in fact, the losses already reach significant amounts, to be honest, such an exact number it is difficult to say, but for the period of the first month of november, we remember the statement of the federation
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of employers of ukraine, which analyzed that the slowdown leads to losses there of about 400 million euros, i.e., accordingly , we understand that these are current losses that are now for this period, but we must understand... that without the possibility to export, and our contracts are suspended for the 24th year, that is, additional losses will be calculated with the lost opportunity to sell our products, i know several cases and when due to idleness of two or three weeks of cars , people lost contracts with retail chains, because of course, retail chains are interested in timely supply, quality supply of products, when you are idle, you accordingly provide all these things. you can't read, that's why today we really see a situation where losses are being incurred, and i would divide this situation into two parts, economic, political, political, unfortunately, even after consolidation and the creation of a new coalition, we see that certain ambitions, which today is warmed by protestants,
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protestors, including they may continue to be warmed up by the russian special services, and this economic direction is due to the fact that today in... even in the extremely difficult conditions of the war, the ukrainian farmer is today a potential competitor who, despite the difficulties of presenting second logistics on european shelves, and since the period when the program without duties and without quotas has been operating, already one and a half years, we have significantly increased our presence, so we see the interest of european colleagues in our products. the question arises, where will the poles, who are also actively working, for example, in the western direction of the european union, sell their products, this is one question, the second is the distribution of subsidies, after the political decision on negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu, we understand that a significant share funds, which
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are allocated today to subsidize commodity producers, should be directed to ukraine as well. to date, in the latter question, yes, the amount is significant, but in the last question it is just a transitional period. laid down in brussels in order to soften this distribution. thank you, denys marchuk, deputy chairman of the all-ukrainian agrarian council, joined our broadcast, and it continues. volodymyr zelenskyi does not know whether the war will end in 2024. at the same time, ukraine cannot lose - he said during the final press conference on december 19. this year, the enemy on the battlefield did not achieve a single goal, even after changing half, the main, or rather... goal to the exit to the administrative borders of the ukrainian donbas, russia did not achieve any result this year, i do not characterize the last year, the 22nd, i am talking about the 23rd year, with any of these goals,
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by the way, this proves the fact that the kremlin's messages have not changed , that they have unchanging svo goals, and the goals were clear. of our country, dmytro vasiliev, a political consultant , joins our broadcast, we welcome you, i welcome you, mr. dmytro, we will discuss the press conference of president zelensky, his meeting with journalists lasted more than two hours, which did you remember theses? well, i think that the first thesis that you said, the second, i think that it was important, in the statistical numbers, the message that per one'. there are six non-military men who are supposed to work in the rear. i think that this thesis can also be developed by the fact that everyone who works in the rear should clearly understand that he is working, or he is working to provide our military for our victory, and the bottom line is that ukraine
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must win, ukraine cannot lose, here i would, i would single out this, this key tonality, which, which was in this press conference, plus, of course, our euro-atlantic aspirations and, in particular, european integration, that's what i would focus on in this press conference, which... well, it was important, yes, because there is a sense that the two years we are tired , we do not understand how the war will develop further , and such direct communication with journalists, especially since journalists have not directly communicated with the president for a long time, it was extremely important, tell me, what do you think of the questions from international journalists representing various foreign editions, yes, because this is also probably an indicator that they are interested in, yes, i paid attention. to the question about communication with orban and other leaders who could offer the ukrainian president
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peace, well, so-called peace, i cannot call it peace in exchange for territory, and i think that they are really interested in how to end the war, and if they is interested in the end of the war in such matters that a peaceful exchange for tebin in the territory, it means that these journalists, or their mass media and... maybe someone in the governments of these countries is not quite well understands what russia is , what russia's real goals are, and i think that the president gave them, well , once again tried to give them an understanding that they still do not understand, that ukraine will not be the last to fall in this war, if will happen because russia will go further, that is why ukraine cannot be given the opportunity. lose, therefore ukraine must win, because if ukraine wins, the civilized
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world wins, law wins, all the countries of the european union win, which will not feel any impact of the war, when ukraine wins, and the entire democratic world will benefit from this , which is not really that big, it is powerful from the point of view of the economy, so many people, but the people who live under authoritarianism, there are many more countries, so democracy must win and... from this it will depend on the future for centuries to come. tell me, if you were at this press conference and had the opportunity to ask your question, what would you say? well, i, i would probably repeat what i just said, but i would ask a question, well, you said what i would say, but i i understand that at the president's press conference, i can only ask questions, yes, whatever you ask, i would ask the president what words... he still wants to find in order to convince all western leaders and
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partners , in that ukraine is fighting not only for itself, but ukraine is also fighting for them. yes, well, we see that this thesis and this position resonates with many of our partners, and many support it, but probably, perhaps, some have already moved away from it, especially, the further from... ukrainian borders, let's talk more about what is happening in the temporarily unoccupied, temporarily occupied, excuse me , territories not controlled by ukraine, so the russians are strengthening the security of the so-called heads of election commissions, this is reported in the center of national resistance. in general, from a political point of view, what is russia trying to achieve by holding these so-called elections? well , they continue to create the legal illusion that this is all iskcon. they are russian lands, well , listen, after the occupation they very quickly
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bypassed common sense and the concept of legal law in general, well, they are these territories for some reason they decided that they are already russian, in the russian constitution they are fixed for russia, and they are trying to somehow convince the people who live in these territories, and the rest of the world, of course, that... they will not convince the rest of the world in any way, but the authoritarian one we just talked about, they want to convince that there is russian power here, that there is law here, that this is also russian law, russian, more precisely, law, and that, well, it is forever, so i think that they that's what they do it for, and it's such a legal illusion, which, well, repeats, repeats this terrible thesis about what really is. what putin is doing, he is destroying international law in order to try
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to build his own, based on his ideas and allusions about this world and how it should be organized. tell me, how will they look for candidates for these or other positions, considering that in particular , it is necessary to look for the heads of the election commissions, considering the elections that were held, well, pseudo-elections , that took place there, because we know. that the resistance movement is actively working, actively working partisans, our special services are actively working. well, first of all, russians work very actively with money, so you know, unfortunately, well... there is a phrase that will be mentioned here, everyone has their own price, this is the first, second, russians work very well with bags, that's why there are always a lot of traitors and collaborators, and well, not very many, but they are always there, they can be found, and that's why i think that these two tools will be used and someone
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will be found, of course, and what kind of reaction can we expect from ? civilized world on such elections, after all, pseudo-elections, because this is not the first time that this has happened, and we can remind our viewers, viewers, that at one time the legitimacy of the state duma was in doubt, at least the ukrainian people 's elected officials asked it, they asked such a question, because there were candidates from the occupied crimea, you know, you just said a very good idea about the fact that ukrainian legislators adopted previous ones. decisions that could be precedents for imitation by our partners and their legislative and regulatory institutions, including in judicial system, so i think that ukraine should create such a list of things that must be done, show an example of how to respond to the outrages of the russian federation
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in relation to international law and ukraine, as well as its own russian law, by the way, huh. and to offer this list of both real actions and potentially possible actions that will be recorded in the legislative bodies of our partners, that will go to the mass media, they will talk about it, eh , i think that ukraine should do this and in what way rather, in order for the democratic world to develop such common positions, not just concern there, as is very often the case, or implement those sanctions that do not work, i wish... there were some effective mechanisms that would strike powerfully on the legitimacy of russia as such in general. dmitry, thank you. dmytro vasiliev, a political consultant joined our broadcast. serhiy brychuk, spokesman for the ukrainian volunteer army south, joins us. congratulations glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces. congratulations, colleagues. glory to heroes. mr. serhiy, we are little by little
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summing up the results of 2023. can we say that the situation is in the south, in odesa region, in particular. has become more predictable in recent months, and yet, what remains a danger now, and what can already be successfully dealt with? well, first of all, we are talking about the fact that the threat of a russian landing, a naval operation, which the enemy threatened during the last year and at the beginning of this year, and even to this day dreams of in certain of his statements, in certain of his plans, on today this operation is simply impossible. the defense forces managed to do this south, to the armed forces of ukraine. in particular, we are talking about the fact that today, despite the fact that the most important threat, of course , remains missile threats, it is attacks by kamikaze drones, but we are talking about the fact that the black sea fleet of the russian federation today can only threaten with calibers, and then from a long distance , of course, for missiles
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, as they say, it’s not the distance, but none the less, but today we don’t see such... ships on the horizon, we don’t see enemy aircraft, because they can’t fly to the territory directly in the odesa region, in particular, we are even talking about zmiyny island, where the enemy quite often used and probably will continue to use remote bombardment, remote mining of our export corridor, navigation corridor, which was created by the forces of the military sea, naval forces of ukraine, armed forces of ukraine, so i think this year it is really predicted. at least for odesa, the war continues, the enemy is constantly trying to attack, it is difficult because it was necessary to survive, it this is the word, i am using now, to survive and our ports, after the russian federation made a demarche, it was necessary to find opportunities, to open the export corridor, well, and most importantly, to repel as effectively
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as possible those attacks by the enemy, now their intensity has increased, in fact every evening , every night , and yes... drones communicate, but we see that the effectiveness of shooting down and destroying such shaheds is at a very high level, very often it is also a one hundred percent result, so the threats are known, if the problem is known, then of course it is possible and work to solve it, yes, but what actions do you think russia might take, say, this winter, or maybe in the spring, given that the other day satellite images were published that... now in the bays of crimea, the russian fleet dangerous and, accordingly, he moved to the russian territories. well, this is a normal way , as it was indicated at the beginning of the great invasion, where the russian black sea fleet should go, at least its dominance in the black sea is definitely gone now, and you see, the initiative of ukraine, which
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came out of odesa, by the way, about the demining of the black sea area, they should already pass the practical plane, i hope that at the beginning of the year on january 11, it was announced that bulgaria, romania and turkey will sign, in particular, the agreement on demining the area. of the black sea, we understand very well that this is an expansion of opportunities for our exports, because more ships will enter the ports of greater odessa, well, actually , in terms of threats and risks, we are talking about the fact that the enemy is accumulating certain forces, we see now the bet is on kamikaze drones, but the critical infrastructure and above all the energy infrastructure, maybe they are waiting for frost, maybe they are waiting there for the deterioration of the constant deterioration of weather conditions to ... hit our substations, as it was last season, winter, heating season 22- oh, in the 23rd year, we understand this very well, that is why the work that is taking place prior to this, regarding
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the physical protection of energy infrastructure facilities, and the improvement of the air defense system, the enemy will attack, we understand this, there is a problem with ballistics, this is also clear, but you see, practical steps are announced and there are practical steps to strengthen the defense in the air defense system, i hope that we will be able to fulfill the most important task of this winter, to withstand again, to save as much as possible everything that we have, well if it will be necessary to restore, then restore as quickly as possible. well, you see, the enemy is not sleeping, they are stealing technologies, in particular they tried to repeat our drone, all babies are above water, only they called theirs dandelion, they created their own above water uav. we saw what goals they worked for. our surface drones, and why can they beat the russians with their dandelions? well, if i were to say now, there is some truth in this, let's say
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it as you want to call it, so he and pomo about the trouble that was in russia, about the name, of course, but as for these dandelions, the enemy does not dare to hit missiles, and of course we understand that nothing can stop terrorism in the country. in order to use these dandelions, including against civilian ships, but again, we understand that our defense capabilities today have increased, in particular in the black sea , they are an order of magnitude higher, so i think that we may, i emphasize, perhaps await such a certain stage of the fight against drones, i hope that taking into account the creativity of the ukrainian and special services that take care of this, including of our navy, will still allow us... at least to keep this situation in parity, and as the best result, i think that it will attack more and the objects of critical infrastructure, namely maritime
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infrastructure both in sevastopol and in novorossiysk, because novorossiysk is the same a legitimate military objective, yes, well, any russian object that participates in this illegal aggression against our country, mr. serhiy, and they all take without exception, yes, well, that is, russia... introduces what it declares it is the russian leadership that has put its economy on a war footing in order to continue its aggression against us. and if we talk about the confrontation in general, as it is now in the south and about the involvement of our partners, we expect the signing of an agreement on security guarantees between ukraine and great britain, also a number of countries, well, at least in the media , it was discussed that they could join the protection of the trade route, which ukrainian forces. defenses provide, how much do you think it can work and in what way? well, it is obvious that we will not
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see american destroyers in the black sea, they are showing themselves well in the mediterranean sea, in fact, yes, and there is a sufficient distance for them to monitor the situation there, but what might be missing or what would be desired in your opinion from the partners, well, first of all, it's great that... britain is leading this naval coalition because we know the great traditions and national security of the sea, especially in britain, this is of course a huge plus, and here i would be surprised if it were another country. as for the reinforcement, well, let 's look at such things, just these days a neutral minesweeper passed through the bosphorus, which yesterday belonged to britain, flew under the royal flag, today it is a minesweeper that already belongs to romania. and actually, i said about the agreement that should be signed, and i understand very well that this one is british, and now it is romanian minesweeper, he will also work on maritime security for ukraine. whether
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there will be a convoy of our corridor, of our ships that will pass, this is of course a question, probably still rhetorical today, hardly, but i think that the help that britain will provide together with other countries of the maritime coalition, i think that it will be invaluable, and moreover, we also know about the great achievements of britain and our other allies, partners in the creation of naval drones, we have already discussed this issue with you, so i think that... here robots will be enough and it will certainly bring a positive result, so i hope for the best, and i say again, i am very impressed that britain is leading this direction. all the same, when this agreement is signed and when great britain begins to act, what volumes can our export potential reach, because now we are talking about 10 million tons, which ukraine exported thanks to its own forces, the corridor that itself itself.
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laid, well, it's hard to say, run ahead, that there it will be two or three times more, but i think that the potential capabilities that ukraine has, well, they will definitely be there, i think that they should be two times higher, and the security situation in the black sea will allow this. thank you, serhii bratchuk, spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south. chevorony, who are approaching victory , but they arrived normally, nothing broke, that’s all, mom, come on, i’ll dial later, sir, what are you doing, be careful, tyu, yes, i’m kind of gentle , it’s kutia in banks, and i, if honestly, not
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so much. then mom cooked for you, i'll come if you don't eat, i understand, plus, come on, 10 minutes, we're going to leave, and we've reworked it a little, it's a really powerful thing, a mattress, petrovich, did you order a pizza, but no, it's really powerful. for now, when we go to bed, i'm scared, and i don't sleep, i... need
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your attention. do you hear what this is about? free psychological assistance to children during the war at the children's voices charitable fund. call 0800 210 106. strengthen the borders of ukraine without pilots. join the border guard gathering. congratulations! this is the only news marathon, the tv channel team is working for you council. we keep our finger on the pulse and summarize the main points for you. together we are a force. the only news, in the center of events. 5th in the morning in kyiv, in the free and invincible capital of our ukraine. thank you to our defenders for the opportunity to work for you. my name is olena morozova.
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the rada tv channel team is currently working for you. glory of ukraine. last night , russia attacked ukraine, fragments of drones fell on a residential building in the poltava region, the head of the poltava ova, philip pronin, reported this. according to him, there is destruction, however no one was hurt. to assess the damage, a specialized commission will come in the morning, russian drones were shot down this night over sumy region and dnipropetrovsk region. the local authorities reported on four destroyed shaheds, according to the information of the air force, they were attacked in several waves, drones came from the south. the activity of rossvodokanal is blocked. this is the result of the work of ukrainian hackers who may belong to the sbu. this is reported by our sources. we are talking about the black jack group, which probably, with the support of sbu cyber specialists, carried out a powerful cyber operation as revenge for kyivstar. hackers destroyed the it infrastructure of rosvodokanal, managed to encrypt more than 6 thousand computers and delete more than 50 necessary.


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