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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2023 6:30am-7:01am EET

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ukraine: as a volunteer, at first, i traveled, helped the boys, got to know the boys, and somehow everything started to spin. feel the christmas miracle, feel the power of the unity of caring people. volunteer christmas, december 24 at 6:15 p.m. at espresso. 93 separate mechanized brigade cold ravine is in dire need of drones. for effective hitting of povorakh. and increasing the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier, in order to bring closer the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. so, from the chronicle of the war, let's continue the conversation, to us andrii huk, captain of the medical service, assault guard brigade, joins in. boreviy, neurosurgeon, candidate of medical sciences, i congratulate you. mr. andriy, good evening
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, but actually the russians have been trying to storm in the direction of senkivka and serebryansk forestry for quite a long time, well, actually, this is the front, which is tentatively called lymano-kup. yanskyi, and we know more about the fact that they enter in the direction of synky in armored groups there. and somehow, those who still can come in and out, to put it mildly to go out, but what exactly is happening in the silver forestry, we know a little less , could you tell us in some detail about it, i can tell you exactly what i can tell, i congratulate everyone once again, by the way, everything is very simple .
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it is understood that there is a significant preponderance in manpower, and in resources, in equipment, including in arterial support, and this, i am not talking about drones, that is why the situation is difficult, on... our defense forces, and you know that not only the armed forces, but also the national guard, the national police and special operations forces are doing everything in order to, unfortunately , neutralize, i would say, dispose of, by the way, that's what our offensive guard brigade is called, it stands for storm, it's a disposal brigade, disposal. of the russian
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military, which we are doing successfully , i can’t tell you anything more, because they are attacking with all possible types of weapons, and unfortunately, they do not stop trying to capture as many of our positions as possible, well, as for sinkivka, the russians still tried to do until 14 in december to putin's press conference , but they didn't succeed, and even on the 14th there was such an attempt by revka's company-tactical armored group with the support of tanks from the forest, it's not exactly your direction, but at least it's kind of related, and here they are on december 15-16, we continued these attempts, changing our advanced positions with the aim of encircling them.
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an occupied village, they tried syankivka, it did not work, they destroyed 90% of this armored group, and in the future, every reinforcement, including assault groups, was basically destroyed, but this does not mean that the russians did not manage to make a little progress, they managed, i must say, no, no, not significantly, and here, however, from your point of view, these attempts of the russians, here on these... and in srebyan forestry and in the direction of senkivka, they have been going on for a long, long time, well, since the summer , in fact, what is, well, you know, the reason that they are not succeeding, is it the successful fortifications there or their insufficient number, after all, their efforts are insufficient, how would you like to say described it, well, i described it from the beginning, from... february 24, 2022, you
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you know that all reputable analysts gave one hundred percent predictions that kyiv is not you. stands at most, if not three days, then a week or two weeks, and kyiv will be taken, because it is no longer a secret, and leading analysts have really admitted that only thanks to the frantic resistance that is taking place on the part of our defense forces, and at the expense of that this is our land, and it is not a banality, we cannot. to give not a single meter, not even a single 100 m of our land, because, unfortunately, we understand very well, and the whole world understood it, that even conditionally in the sick imagination of a muscovite dwarf
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, the exit on the territory of donetsk, luhansk region, this can only be imagined by a sick imagination, today i talked with our brothers. everyone is ready to stand as long as there is such an opportunity, and such an opportunity, thank god, still exists, due to the fact that there is still an inner core, due to the fact that we still understand what we stand for and why we are at war, and i recently really liked one such collage, if you haven't seen it, you will be able to see it on the ground when social networks. ukraine now a bean that covers all of europe is imagined. so it is, and now this direction on which we are standing, this is an umbrella that closes our entire state and further from going further, and they work according to the same
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tactics that were from the very beginning, trying to destroy our anti-aircraft forces, anti-aircraft forces. do not give us the opportunity to use drones , here, unfortunately, the situation is not in our favor so far, only thanks to our fp operators we are extracting drones, because well , again, this is not a computer game, this is a game on survival, so everyone who is currently in the trenches understands this perfectly, who knows from my brothers, i feel it myself. instead of three days, you have to be seven and 10 virgins, 10 days at the positions, but it is worth it, as our brothers tell me, you are coming to a completely different space, to the space of a free
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person and a free ukraine, it is worth it, thank you, we were joined by ihor varchenko, also a serviceman of the armed forces, an expert on national security issues, and... and let's continue this conversation a little, we've already started to talk about the actual battles in the kupyan-lyman direction and now we have already talked a little about the avdiiv direction and in particular about general ternavskyi's assessment of what is happening there, he is responsible for this direction and with the previous guest they talked about what ternavskyi's statement means regarding the shortage of soviet-style ammunition. but i would like to ask you a different question, mr. ivan, to take a slightly different aspect, ternavskyi also emphasized that today we have certain difficulties with the personnel that we have on the front lines, they are not so fresh, not so
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rested - he said, and most importantly, he said, every commander should have a reserve, and i understand that there is a certain problem in this, because we see that the russians... have accumulated reserves of manpower and enough , yes, you know, mercilessly towards their fighters, but nevertheless, they maneuver them, they use them, and well, there were such estimates that, unfortunately, we really have, and ternavskyi is right about it also mentioned that we have a problem here, what exactly is the problem, can you explain to me words when he said that the commander should have a reserve. why did he mention it like that, well, not only ternavskyi mentioned it, i have to admit it here, yes, good day to you all, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, it is mentioned, it is mentioned repeatedly by all ukrainian military commanders, commanders,
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commanders who we need, we need people, we need fighters, we need military personnel who are able to hold... weapons in their hands to fight now, as well as those that are needed to ensure a number of other tasks, which are not necessarily with a machine gun in... in the forward trenches, and this is a large number of tasks, including those that give the opportunity to hit the enemy, for example, the same operators of both fv drones and other strike drones, reconnaissance operators, after all , artillery requires fighters, i.e. a number of military professions, this is what is now hoped for and... what ukraine must provide for the further effective protection of its territory, it is not surprising during the war that
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people get tired, and in the end we suffer losses, and that too, harsh the truth of war of course, it is necessary to have the opportunity to rest, those fighters who are on the front lines had the opportunity to take a breather and then rush into battle with new forces, and of course. this also requires additional fresh forces, whether a lot or a little, you asked the question like this, why is this a question in ukraine, attracting additional reserves, mobilizing additional reserves, and compared to russia, yes, russia is simply a larger country, almost four times larger , than ukraine in terms of population, and it is clear that russians have... that cynical attitude to life and the health of their citizens, of course they
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partly enable us to be effective and very effective in destroying their manpower, it is good that we value our fighter, it is good that we are not tempted by the commanders to try to play the same game, women and what is dangerous, in which the russians are constantly playing, we value our soldiers, we understand that the highest, that... the highest value, namely, ukrainian soldiers, must survive and win in this war. therefore, of course, there is a question, the question of mobilization, it is always on the agenda daily, we will not have the opportunity to compensate for it in any other way than to carry out these mobilization measures now, but within the limits of mobilization measures, of course, first of all there must be arguments that call people to defend their homeland, and this must not be due to fear, it must be due
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to the understanding that it is your forces that ukrainians need now at the front, if you have the opportunity to hold a weapon in your hands, or have the opportunity to be directly involved in the defense forces of ukraine in another way. mr. andriy, you are a doctor and you know, i would like everything well, ideally, you should somehow... explain, well, even with the example of where your brigade actually stands, that of the silver forestry, how many people can be there, for example, on the front lines, for days, a week, how many, after how many people it is necessary to take it to some deeper rear so that it rests, after how much a person should be allowed to go on vacation and how much, somehow you have some idea how it should be in general. i not only have an idea, but i also have
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a scientific basis for this, and taking advantage of the opportunity of our cooperation with the nato army, the israeli army, other countries of the world, i can say that it is already from a psychological and a physiological point of view that the term rotation is defined, it is two. and you know that according to, for example, by the way , according to israeli standards, i am talking about military medics, the rotation period can be increased to three months, that is, after three months , a person must change his situation to a more comfortable one than the one we have now we are talking about advanced units that are in the immediate vicinity or on the line of contact, if necessary, it can be located before
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victory, well, it cannot be located, but anyway, when she is sitting in the trench, everything flies at her, it is some, well, probably days, after all , well, i said about it, it is 60, 90 days, huh, but we already have units that are already on 60. days here, and you understand, this is a purely physiological situation, when there is a certain reserve of the body, which can be maintained for 60, maximum 90 days. then not when uncomfortable in a state of chronic stress, everyone is in a state of chronic stress, the influence of adverse factors, especially now the weather has been added, now you know that there is always the use our enemy uses chemical weapons,
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including phosphorus ee bombs using phosphorus, as well as poisoned... substances, at least the use of chlorpicril, gas has been proven, all this leads to the fact that the adaptive capabilities of the body are sharply reduced, plus low air temperature, plus high moisture, and this leads, unfortunately, to very serious consequences, which we encounter every day, that is, from 60 to 90 days, this is a physiologically justified term. stay in those conditions, in combat conditions, after which at least one month, preferably two, if the situation allows, the advanced units should be rotated, ugh, and look, mr. ivan, then it will be a question for you , rather, when we are now talking about the need
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for additional mobilization of people, we understand that even that... would now made this decision politically, finally everything was signed there , what was needed, there was some additional mobilization, these people will not appear on the front line tomorrow, because we need at least two of them, preferably a little more, and maybe a lot more time to prepare in general in order to enter some, well, units, in that case , how would it be possible to organize this rotation, which ... andriy was talking about, that is, what, perhaps, would make sense to do now to strengthen our advanced units, which are in the hottest points, there is avdiyivka, also exactly the kupyansk-lymansk direction, well , in fact, take any line that starts from kupyansk and ends there in the south there in a circle, well, the question is, what
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should be done, how it was still possible to strengthen them. we have the classic ones examples of how rotation is carried out, in particular, of combat units during peacetime, there are enough of these examples both in world practice and in ukrainian practice, we have certain standards determined by statutory documents, in particular nato statutes, which are verified from a scientific and psychological point of view. from a medical point of view, as a colleague tells you in more detail, and from all other physiological and, uh, all other circumstances that determine the amount of time a person is able to stay at the front, well, during hostilities, of course, during those or other those or
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other situations that require stress and are associated with a risk to life and health, as... may threaten combat actions, or are essentially combat actions. when we talk about today's ukraine, of course, these are constant hostilities. and of course, we can talk about classic examples and about any ideal constructions, which should be used to throw 100,000 people there, and throw other 100,000 people in the other direction. but now we are probably not talking about ideal structures, but about the reality in which ukraine lives. and the reality is this: we have a certain number of people. who have taken up arms and are currently carrying out certain actions in the interests of the defense of ukraine, these are the defense forces of ukraine, and there is a part of people who are in the rear, who work for the front, there is, unfortunately, a part who are hiding from their tasks, performed by the country, trying to avoid
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getting to the front and so on. another thing, i would share your question, after all, and the answers to what the training should be, we differ very well from russia in that they have, after getting into a military camp in one day, already a week later, he dies on the ukrainian front, despite the fact that, unfortunately, there have been cases when an unprepared and uncoordinated person quite quickly got into combat operations, direct combat. actions, but these were rather exceptions, and at the moment we understand that there is a standard approach to training, just recruits or newly created units, there is... a period of adjustment within the unit for a fighter, and accordingly, fighters who join the army have the opportunity for a month- two to prepare and then already prepared
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go to the place of hostilities and have the opportunity to further gain additional experience there. we do not come from ideal structures. i now understand the burden on our military commanders who force, are forced to act in the conditions. lack of all resources, including a lack of human resources, and of course we would like to say goodbye, our time has run out, thank you andrii huk and ivan varchenko, thank you for joining our broadcast, and stay tuned to the spresso tv channel, we have more news for you and many other useful things. the story of the rise of the legendary nba team in hbo series, it's time to win, establish
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the lakers dynasty, watch all seasons in ukrainian with a subscription, turn on the championship on mygogo. there are 10% discounts on lisoba in pharmacies plantain for you and savings. the traveler knows what helps. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now about what what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to be. courses of economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sports events by yevgenn postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite
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presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day to come and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. volunteer christmas at espresso. famous childhood carols and completely new author's carols performed by sofia fedyna. and also the stories of people who devoted themselves to the defense of the country. as a volunteer at first, i traveled, helped the boys, got to know the boys and... somehow that's it spun around, feel the christmas miracle, feel the power of the unity of caring people, volunteer christmas, december 24 at 6:15 p.m. at
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we are looking for 17-year-old denys smirnov from odesa. the boy disappeared on st. nicholas day,
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the 6th. i know that he was in the hospital and voluntarily left it around 12 o'clock in the afternoon. the boy never returned home and no one knows where he is now. the police say that denys has never run away from home before and they really hope for your help. so, pay attention to the photo: denys smirnov looks a little older his 17 years. he is slim , about 175cm tall, with short dark hair and dark eyes. if suddenly someone sees. the boy, does he know where he might be now, do not delay and immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, or write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram , any information is important. i also want to remind you about the search for 16-year-old karina kanivets from the kherson region, about
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the girl's disappearance. her mother told us. imagine, a woman does not know anything about the fate of her daughter for six months. i turned everywhere i could, i'm already screaming as much as i can, this is how they tied my hands and told me to swim, so i 'm in such a situation at the moment. it so happened that karina's parents separated long before the start of the war and lived separately. the girl lived with her mother on a permanent basis, but on the eve of the full-scale invasion she was with her father and... the russians entered the occupied territory, from time to time, the woman says, she corresponded with her daughter on social networks, but in april the connection with karina mysteriously broke off, the girl stopped logging into her accounts and no one knows where she is now, i have already written everywhere, even here on this territory to search for the child, because i don't know where they are shouting already, how
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i can't find a child, i'm adequate. the girl's mother is now also in the occupied territory, but continues to do everything in her power to find her daughter. i want to appeal to everyone who has seen or knows anything about my child, who is missing and stopped publishing since april 2023, this is karina igorevna, a horsewoman, her date of birth is 9.080. if anyone has seen karina kanivets or knows anything about her possible whereabouts, do not delay and immediately contact the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from of any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i have told you only
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two stories of missing children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals about help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed. where it is impossible to leave and there are problems with communication, anyone can help find missing children. take just a minute of your time and visit the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help them find them. we have created a resource thanks to which you can report any crime
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against. anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. we are starting an information day on the espresso tv channel. news is on the air. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the sky defenders shot 34-of-35 on the night.


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