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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2023 10:00am-10:30am EET

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day on the espresso tv channel. news is on the air. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the fire at the enterprise was caused by the fall of fragments of shaheeds in the kyiv region. one of the warehouses caught fire. the flame covered an area of ​​1,500 m2. the fire has already been extinguished, said the head of the region, ruslan kravchenko. in the adjacent four-story building and warehouses, windows were broken and walls were damaged. eight cars were damaged. elimination of the consequences of enemies.
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the attack continues, there are no victims beforehand. debris of the downed drone also damaged warehouses agricultural enterprises in the mykolaiv region, a fire broke out, no one was injured. in total , 13 russian drones were destroyed in the sky above the region, the southern defense forces reported. and in the myrhorod district of the poltava region, the wreckage of the drone fell on a residential building. residents were not injured, they will receive monetary compensation. promised the head of the region philip pronin. for more than seven hours , our defenders of the sky repelled the night attack of russian drones. 35 shaheds were released by the terrorist country in the regions of ukraine. only one target could not be shot down. air defense worked in 12 regions. the enemy attacked in waves from three directions, launched drones from temporarily occupied crimea, as well as russian primorsko-akhtarsk and kursk. the ukrainian military involved
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tactical aviation, anti-aircraft missile units and mobile fire groups to repel the attack, the air force reported. a ukrainian minibus was involved in an accident in poland, a 30-year-old man was killed and eight other people were injured. the accident occurred at 3:00 p.m. kyiv time near the village of belżec in the lublin voivodeship, about 30 km from the border with ukraine. as reported. local police, a bus with nine passengers crashed into the back of a truck that was standing in a queue at the grebenne rava ruska checkpoint. the route is currently completely closed. the russians injured four people in the kherson region. during the day, the enemy shelled the region more than 130 times, firing 687 shells, including 30 at kherson, said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the occupants were from tents, artillery, hail, tanks,
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drones and aviation, damaged residential quarters in the region and the territory of the plant in kherson two people were injured as a result of russian shelling of nikopol in the dnipropetrovsk region. the men received minor injuries. in the city, 11 private houses, eight commercial structures, a car and a transport stop were damaged. the power line was also damaged - the manager said. oblast serhiy lysak, there is also destruction in myrivska hromada, an economic structure and two cars were damaged. during the day, russian terrorists struck the region five times with artillery and launched 11 kamikaze drones, they also attacked grandchildren with two drones, they were shot down by our forces air defense the russians shelled krasnohorivka in donetsk region with artillery for the second day of fasting in a row. an elderly woman was injured, the regional spokeswoman said. prosecutor's office of anastasia
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medvedev. the occupiers also hit turetsk with an explosive wave, damaged windows, and damaged the premises of the fire and rescue department. fortunately, there are no injured among the rescuers, the state emergency service noted. north korea delivered more than a thousand containers of military equipment and ammunition to russia. the united states has satellite images showing the movement these containers. on cargo ships, us ambassador to nato julian smith said. for weapons, pyongyang wants to receive military technology from moscow, probably fighter jets, missiles, armored vehicles and equipment for the production of ballistic missiles. the united states strongly condemned the dprk for the provision of ammunition by the russians, which the kremlin will use for the war in ukraine. another 1,080 russian invaders were destroyed. of defense per day. thus
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, the number of eliminated occupiers has already exceeded 350,000 since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. our defenders burned another 14 enemy tanks, 30. one armored combat vehicle, 20 artsystems, 53 units of cars and special equipment, four rszvs. in addition, they landed 26 enemy drones and shot down one enemy cruise missile. the general staff reminds that all data are approximate. 99 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the russians tried to break through our defenses in the kupyan direction. ukrainian. the military repelled 16 attacks, the general staff reports. on the left bank of the kherson region, the enemy is also trying to knock out our units and the occupied positions made more than 30 unsuccessful assault attempts. defense forces continue to expand the bridgehead on the left bank, and near avdiivka
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, ukrainian defenders repelled 36 russian attacks. our aircraft struck 16 enemy concentration areas and one anti-missile complex. and... missile forces hit six enemy artillery pieces and five russian concentration areas. espressu tv channel together with the public organization baza ua is collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar of the armed forces of ukraine. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military fights for victory every day, not leaving wounded comrades with atvs on the battlefield. the provocation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded will be greater. in general, our goal is uah 800,000. with your help, we have already collected uah 600,000. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield. so, you see now all the necessary details, scan and donate.
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the swiss government allocated an additional 12 million swiss francs to help ukrainians in winter period the money will be sent to non-governmental organizations. swiss funds have already made it possible to repair a thousand apartments and houses and restore heating in almost 1,500 homes in the frontline areas. the total amount of investments directed by this country to prepare ukraine for winter is about 26 million swiss francs, which is approximately 30 million dollars. viktor orban is afraid of ukraine. he told the index publication about this. the prime minister of hungary fears that if ukraine becomes a member of the european union, the money that would have go to the countries of central europe, they will reach kyiv. according to him, for the first time in the history of the eu , a country at war is applying for membership, and this also worries the hungarian
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politician. an independent cultural journal presented awards for intellectual courage. the laureates of the awards are artists, writers and public figures who actively shape the ukrainian cultural environment every year. the award ceremony was traditionally organized on christmas eve at the potocki palace in lviv. the ceremony has been held for 23 years in a row during this time , more than fifty people became knights of the order. a certain tradition, a certain ritual has already developed. this year we will honor three four. worthy people, we will ask them to accept the order for intellectual courage. the israel defense forces hastily evacuates the population of some areas of the main southern city of smoyagaz, hanyunis. the un office for the coordination of humanitarian
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affairs reports that israel has released maps showing the areas to be resettled. they cover about 20% of the city hanyounis. according to the days of the un, before the start of hostilities . more than 110,000 people lived there, there are also 32 shelters where more than 140,000 displaced persons from the north of the gas strip found protection. and this is the end of the issue, read more on our website, as well as on our social networks, join, put your favorites. next, my colleagues roman chaika and oksana vysochanska are waiting for you on the air. do not switch, remain the espresso team and the ukrainian view of news and the world. good morning to the late risers, but all the same with us, let's remind you, it was
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a hot night, with a massive drone attack and our air defense gods, which destroyed 34 out of 35 strike drones, besides... massive shelling of front-line cities in donetsk region, plus the most destructive in the center of kherson, we have already talked about all this all morning, in a word, the aggravation at the front. and it is clear why the russian-fascist occupiers are so brutal, in addition to the set goals, here is the confirmation: the ambassador of the united states of america to nato, julian smith, said that the american intelligence has information and satellite images, including confirmation that large cargo containers are sailing from north korea to russia, this is in addition to the railway, when more than 2 million shells were delivered artillery, now it is not known what is in the military... containers, but there are more of them thousands, this is what the intelligence confirms, in a word, putin has
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enough bc to continue such days and nights as the last one. well, but for the sake of justice, it must be said that not only was russia controlled, as if it were its ally, it is increasingly moving away from of the russian-fascist federation, for 30 days they have now banned the broadcasting of radio sputnik armenia. let us remind you that sputnik is one of the... network means of influence on the whole world, so it was banned just after the release of the program friday with tigran kyosyan, and if you don't remember who it is, it's just so lying, as well as his wife, who is engaged in rashi tudei, i.e. such and such, they have intra-armenian pies, but at the same time, we also have such things here. it is enough to read a fresh chapter
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putin's fan club, his name is aristovitch, until recently the adviser to the head of the president's office, and now a big fan of putin's russian world, well , here is our answer to the armenians, yes, well, here is another story of the scheme, our colleagues from the schemes also worked with it was revealed that a former, long-time associate of zelensky, a certain producer naum barul. it turned out that the league - they laughed together, but what did they laugh about? barulya has a russian passport, russian citizenship, a business in crimea, and he re-registered this even in previous years, admitting in fact, russian russia as a territory, as a country that controls and owns crimea, and the attention of his child, the daughter was elected to the council by the servant of the people. and her husband is married, zelenskyi appointed him the head of vinnytsia ova. this is the story. well, we are not very surprised
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if our deputy head of the national police says: "well, i know that she has my wife's russian passport, but i haven't seen it." at least i dodge, we will ask about this and other things from the former chief military prosecutor of ukraine, now our military expert, viktor chumak, in touch with our studio. mr. victor. congratulations, glory to ukraine , glory, well, you very loudly called me a military expert, to be honest, well, we are questioning you, but you are telling this, because you know, yes, but this time we will start precisely with your prosecutorial experience and profession, here on at every step of every day, some kind of canned food with a russian background, a passport explodes, and at this level, that is, at the level of the deputy head of the national police of one. from military efforts during the russian-ukrainian war, well , here are these stories, here are these canned goods, that's it
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will explode until the end of the war , will someone finally try, having all, as they say , means and legislation in their hands, to stop it, well, i don't think that anyone will do it purposefully, because there is no request from the authorities, yes, because this is what the government should do, that is, it should be absolutely. such a message from the authorities that people, all those who have dual citizenship with the country, or hidden citizenship, hidden documents, countries of the aggressor, that is, they must resign from all public positions, absolutely must resign themselves, at least in order not to dress up in principle, and what does this lead to, it leads , first of all, to their ska, well, let's say, to their political death, yes, or official death , or to death and to the risk of weakening or. let's say, the deterioration of the reputation of the people who appointed them, that's why,
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without a doubt, it would be worth doing so, but every time everyone who has such passports, he thinks and believes that this will not happen to him, it can happen with anyone, but i don't know, that's why it explodes one after the other, but we have journalists, investigators who are basically digging, we have some, i don't know, people who know these facts. have these facts, pass on to journalists dripping wasps, and it will all explode, purposeful so far, so far the state policy is aimed at, in principle, to remove from power practically. for all persons who have documents or citizenship of the country of the aggressor, i do not see this. mr. viktor, well, look, it turns out, we already have the 21st century, there is almost a country in a smartphone, information, and that's all, everyone had everything would like to know, that is, there are some registers, some
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database, that is, there is simply a category of people who have influence, have the right to control it all. but they don't want to, they don't have time, they don't give it to them, so why can't it be taken and in one fell swoop according to some algorithm, comb out all the things that can harm our country? look, in these, you say registers - these are not our registers, yes, that is, in principle, those registers that confirm the existence of passports, citizenship, real estate in the country of the aggressor, these are not our registers, they are not ukrainian registers, these registers exactly. aggressor countries, that is, it is necessary to work with those registers, not with ours, who can work with those registers? well, without a doubt, our special services and these investigative journalists i am talking about can also work, in order for the services to work , i would say political will is needed, nothing much is needed here, the political will of the state is needed, a political request
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from the state is needed to clean up practically the entire state department from people who have such. document, er, or these people themselves should to leave under some pressure from the same state, when they will be told, when in principle the state will say that we are starting such inspections, but i have not yet seen such a request from the state, i understand why this is happening, because it is very we have many people, many people who are in power, had either russian passports, citizenships, or let's say real estate , especially real estate in the country of the aggressor, yes it... escaped from different regions, but a lot of them re-registered their real estate in crimea, some re-registered simply from by the desire not to lose there, others thought that in principle somehow they would use it there, well, you can look for any motivation in different ways, but it is there, but it is there today, and now they may be, or the russians there will take this real estate just like that, they can nationalize it, because
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if it is without them, in my opinion, as far as i understand, the legislation allows it. people who are ukrainian with ukrainian citizenship nationalize such and such real estate, we heard about several such cases in the crimea, that is why here the situation is very simple: there is a request from the state, all this is done, there is a task for the state, for the special services, all this is done, there is no such task, it is done selectively, because, unfortunately, our policy so far, including politics, well let’s say yes, state coercion, i will say... law enforcement policy, the policy of various investigations, it is called, i will call it the policy of state coercion, it is currently very, very selective, there are no stable, clear rules, there are no principles that would everything is fixed, ugh, ok, let's take a look on us from the side with the eyes of the american publication bsider, today finally and our zmi
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reprint it, paid attention, there is the former head of moscow. wrote a large article called ukraine's real power broker, a real powerful broker in ukraine, and this is an article about huge amounts of financial military support and huge regulation of flows by the top brass. yermakom of ukraine. this is what it says about andriy yermak, even in the title. the americans write about the new war oligarchs. in this case, how they say, in our realities of the office-presidential republic, where members of the party of opz regions and other useful people for yanukovych, who, by the way,
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today came out of sanctions by a court decision and together with his son, are ruled by hand. so here is the option here and there. here is yermak, there is smirnov, there is shurma, in a word, at least pick up a flag in the party of regions, raise a portrait of yanukovych above the office, hang it. so this, these are the consequences, but after our key strategic partners actually write openly, they no longer choose any in the language of aesop in epithets, they write openly about it, after that there should be some reaction, or will there be silence again? novchenko will be there, i told you about it, i already told you about it, and i want to repeat it again, yes, the president said at the press conference that i have five or six managers there, without whom i can't be there.. . practically can’t do anything, and most likely yermak is number one on this list, yes, even if an insider wrote it there, by the way, the situation here is still the same,
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you know, insiders can write it either to order, or something else , that is, it cannot the information may not be completely verified and available, or it may also be some sources from, you know, now journalists abuse the question very much, here are specific opinions, when you read it, i have not yet read there are surnames, i will be very interested to hear your this article, i understand, i read it , i read the news today about it, yes i read it, but i haven't seen the article yet, that's why i can't analyze it now, i can analyze what you said and just said yes, that's why i want to say that here if you think that this is, well, i don't know how you can be there, let's say, still press for... the president said something about yermik, i understand that this is a person without whom he simply cannot, to this day , he cannot, yes, he cannot, due to the fact that this person,
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as you can tell, took over a lot of his fears, not duties, not powers, but took over a lot of his fears, fears in because he will not be able to solve something, will not be able to implement something, this person basically solves this issue, took it upon himself the solution of these terrible issues, moreover, the form of managerial, there managerial, and there activity of zelenskyi himself, it is connected with a certain authoritarianism, and this, well, it was said by him by and large, all his colleagues there that he, even in his business, he was quite an authoritarian leader in terms of what he basically decided himself, this is a form of such managerial activity, but the state does not foresee such... authoritarianism, centralized authoritarianism, here even dictators, they they delegate their powers to close people , and even to close people, they delegate a lot of powers to
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solve problems, because just one person cannot cover the entire range of these activities that the state must perform, and here and there the situation is the same, you understand, and but in dictatorial there in management models of the authoritarian type, all this is trusted. to people not those who have the appropriate powers and positions for which they are responsible, but to people who have the highest degree of trust, and here there is certainly the highest degree of trust, trust based on personal relationships, and this , this degree of trust, he will hold and glue yermak to the president as much as he wants, but here the situation is different, here the situation is that the president takes on himself not just let's say that, yermak, who will to help him, he takes upon himself the ermak, who will lower and destroy his
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reputation and will lower precisely the trust that he will have from people, both by his actions and by such, including partners, but unfortunately, this will happen, there is another story, there is another story here, we we know about this system of amulets, it is such an electronic register of conscripts, according to which it has not yet been finalized, that is, it does not exist yet. so functional, but the idea is to have one big register, to see where he works, where he lives, where he pays taxes, military service, and accordingly, through his employer, he could be pulled at any time, but there is a fresh application from umierov, he gave interviews to welt, bild and politico, and said that they were planning, it was about germany and possibly other countries of ukrainians living in those countries aged 25 to 60 years old, i.e.... of ear age, first to invite to ukraine for mobilization, the word invitation was sounded, but at the same time later something in the style was sounded: we will,
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we think, we are still working on what mechanisms, what sanctions to apply, what to those who will not return, because yesterday the figure was 600 ukrainians, men of conscription age leave abroad every day during the day, and only 150-200 of them are volunteers under the shlach system. what kind of mechanism is it, how legitimate is it and how effective can it be, if the people have already left, then i think it's simple, you know, sometimes officials just pretend their desire is for some projects that can be implemented, but the desire may be to inform someone there, to establish some responsibility, but we we understand that it is very difficult to do this from the point of view of the existence of the ukrainian constitution. from the point of view of the existence of the principles of law, that responsibility cannot arise for wrongdoings that were committed when this responsibility simply did not exist, that is, it
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was simply lawful behavior. and if they left illegally, then there is a completely different responsibility for illegal crossing of the border or illegal migration laws then, it is absolutely migration, yes, it is a completely different story, you can invite, and here the situation is such that i can’t invite here , i understand that here you can invite, you can set e-mail addresses, telephones, residential addresses there, because those who become standing, have left and are registered with the social services of the same germany, poland. and so on, they are there, there are people who pay taxes there, who are already working, they too there is, that is, the question of establishing their whereabouts does not arise here, but mr. viktor, look, we have to finish, we, we, in principle, the audience surely understood that we really know where our citizens are, migration laws are working, invite them , you can ask to return, but to imagine that tsk is walking the streets of berlin is the kind of bullshit
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that our officials are talking about on tv. and we live in such a television kvn every day. thank you very much for the analysis of the situation. viktor chumak, former chief military prosecutor of ukraine with explanations on many sufficiently resonant moments in the deep ukrainian rear. we'll take a short break now, shall we? stay with us, tomorrow, there will be very important and interesting information. things are getting unreal, heavy bags are not for my back pain, for back pain, try dolgit cream, dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility, with dolgit cream you want to lift, dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint pain and back, there are no potatoes, you will bring them already, aschin, something has caught, i remind you, you have a doctor with a belly bone tysa, you get up to work again, you have
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