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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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to all colleagues in the parliament, because after a year and a half of war, we demonstrate that issues related to the provision of our armed forces, the security and defense sector are voted on by almost a constitutional majority, and after small political discussions we still come to unity, to consolidation, but it is also necessary to consolidate our international partners, here mrs. iryna is absolutely correct in saying that there is no other way to guarantee in the future the prevention of such actions as she did. the russian federation against us is membership ukraine's membership in nato, ukraine's membership in the european union, and again, thanks to the consolidation of various political forces, the consolidation of various branches of state power, we have also received the beginning of the transition to membership in the european union, and we will still make every effort to nato summit in the united states we also got at least some clear signals about our future, but what you asked and what was talked about in your. experts,
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including an english expert, on the air, whether there is a transfer of the economy to military rails or not is this enough or not enough, well, here i agree with mr. yaroslav, that today there is no reason to talk about the fact that the ukrainian economy does not work on military flights, rails, because, well, i do not want to say much now the general public on the air, but a lot of private and state enterprises, institutions, organizations have switched to the production of military products. all and i think that next year we will be a significant net- a significant part due to internal reserves and consolidation again not of the state sector with the state, we will provide our security and defense forces, our armed forces with mines and other ammunition, we are currently working on this, and we see just such a very, you know, clear position of private business, because on the committee on national security, defense and intelligence and in ... public
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and private communication, we see how businessmen are trying to provide our armed forces with what is necessary, just the million drones that you are talking about, i received in closed session of the committee minister of state for national security, defense and information, i can say that already this year we will receive a very large number of drones of various kinds, and next year, i think a million drones, this is definitely not a fantastic number, and ukraine. economy, the public and private sectors will demonstrate this. as for mobilization, unfortunately, it is unlikely that we can win a war with such a powerful, resourceful enemy, which , despite all the pressure of sanctions, maintains a sufficiently powerful potential without mobilization , both economic and human. in the verkhovna rada, our committee is considering a number of legislative initiatives related to the improvement of legislation on mobilization.
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eh, why hasn’t it been brought to the hall yet, because we haven’t yet reached , let’s say, an agreement on all those fundamental points that will ensure, well, the maximum effective activity of territorial procurement centers, all other constituent bodies of state power, local self-government bodies, which, according to to the law should be involved in this process, discussions are still going on, coordination is still going on, and almost every day at the level of committee members, we discuss issues related to od'. therefore, i think already next year in the early days, when we will finalize these texts in the committee, we will be able to offer them to the general public, i think that they will really be able to improve the issue, including mobilization, but the president clearly said here, in order for us to somehow stimulate with various mechanisms, including various incentives, bonuses and so on. citizens before joining the armed forces, we
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should receive clear signals why exactly such a number of future conscripts or military personnel is necessary for the security and defense sector, because here i do not completely agree with your statement that there is a shortage of fighters at the front, well, today, unlike in the first days of the war, the armed forces and, in general , the security sector of the defense increased in number almost five times, and this is a sufficient amount of what provides us today. deterring the enemy and even those successful counteroffensive operations that were conducted in the last year and partly in this one, so you mean to say that 500,000 people who want to mobilize, that they will be somewhat redundant at the front, right? i don't want to say that, the question goes a little differently, because the president also spoke about it, mobilization, it has another side, the people who have been fighting for two years almost, they should have a clear clear understanding that... they will be able
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to return home or on a long vacation or will be demobilized, and for this it is necessary to fill those who will be demobilized with new, well, new people, and these are those problems on which the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, our committee, and the office of the president are working. thank you, mrs. maria, you wanted to add something, i understand , after all, i respect mr. fedir very much, but when we talk about such important segments of our joint victory, we must also be true to say that sometimes the actions of the ukrainian authorities, well they are very significant, there are inconsistencies with the statements, and today's... situation, unfortunately, in the parliament hall, regarding the voting of the new four members of the accounting chamber, is a confirmation of this, because when you and i we are talking about international support , about internal unity, i.e. today's situation, the way the voting of those
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four new members of the accounting chamber took place, is in principle contrary to the public statement of the g7 about the need for reforms, and then to elect new members, that is, it was clearly stated, and therefore, you know, in international relations. well , after all, the question of trust, partnership is also a way to understanding and victories, and when we ignore such cooperation, we drag out those people who are beneficial to the office of the president, that is and again about the arrival of factors of corruption, well, for the country, this is a path to nowhere and definitely not to victory, and i agree here that unfortunately, it seems to me that many of our partners, it is already time to talk about it, very non-publicly let it be known, what where... what personnel decisions, well, they are to the detriment of the country, to the detriment of the state, but we hear from the president, i have five managers, i don't know, there are six and we work with them, but where are all the other people , the whole country is working for this victory, and it is important not to forget about it, we must thank everyone who pro it says, and when we talk about
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the economy, well, excuse me, well, yaroslav, you can also confirm what problems we have in customs policy, in tax policy, and let's face it, after all, there really are... problems, and you you know, these problems are in business, and we also have to show our international partners that we can support our businessmen, our economy, and also provide funds to the budget, and not only be, let's say, only in need of this financial support, because there is a shortage of finances, and you and i know the situation rather complicated, both in the eu and in the united states, this is due to, well, some. pre-election and processes that will take place, but it is still very important to honestly answer the question now that there is no, there is no such long-term, also economic, mobilization strategy, i agree here, when we talk about mobilization, this issue goes together with
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demobilization , and unfortunately, mr. fedir, after all, there is under-decommissioning in some brigades, and you also know it, i am not talking about the part about... unsuitable ones, which are also are fixed and listed in the brigades, that is, there are a lot of issues that, unfortunately, we cannot talk about publicly, but they exist, they must be resolved, because after all, the second year of the war is going on, and we are only in the second year of a full-scale war, rather an invasion, you and i are depriving the vat of those components that are needed there for drones or for rebs or for other stories, that is, it is very important to develop a strategy, taking into account internal and external resources. and honestly build this strategy based on those data, well, what are ukraine, then it will be fair, mr. yaroslav, but ms. maria mentioned zelensky's phrase about five or six people who are the basis of the team, and actually
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everything depends on this team, the future of the country and the future of the air defense, well somewhere approximately such a phrase was said, how do you feel about the fact that... ukrainians are actually hostages of a small group of people who are involved in solving these issues. maybe that's good in times of war when power is concentrated in one hand, maybe that's bad, because if the president doesn't have these five or six people, well, the question will arise, what to do next and what will happen to the war and the front, how did you perceive the fact that this team, well, is quite... small , let's say, and maybe even vulnerable. well , first of all, i, thank god, am not a member of the president's team, but speaking with colleagues who represent the authorities in one way or another, i understand that this phrase played very badly within the powerful team itself, because
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these people with the question arose as to who they were then, because before that they considered themselves the command of the president, secondly, sori, well, equate... shurma, tatarov, yermak and all the other kppo, well, i'm sorry, well, it's a little bit, i think mr. president overdid it, that's for sure. it will be macroeconomic help to get rid of the same shurm and other deputies, well, because, excuse me, they are stealing from customs there, and we are talking to you now, but the plot of the schemes about the head of the energy atom, how he is now on the money that is there, including now in criminal cases , he is building himself a concheza estate with a swimming pool during the war, well, yes, a specific example, well, this is true, yes, we will lose them if we let's release, it seems to me that it's just... economically, we will have a plus, well, this is one of the biggest, probably macroeconomic aid
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that can be in ukraine, so once again i have a hard time understanding who these people are, who are still two there, i would really like to believe that it is someone from the military, but to put it mildly, the management team shows excellent efficiency. as for further personnel decisions, well , look, if anyone has even the slightest doubt that today's story, which my colleague ms. ivanova mentioned with account will come imperceptibly, well, look , considering that we are now fully counting on the money of international partners, including 37.3 in the next year, well... there will be a re-vote here, now it will become a requirement for
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receiving money, and well, shoot yourself in the head the leg is stupid enough, during the war it is also criminal, well, but we saw it today, i congratulate all my colleagues on this rake run, now, as for money and our obligations, look, we are in the best case, but if everything it will be fine, everything will be voted on on february 1, we from... these 50-39 billion, we will actually choose half, and this money is given for 4 years. what do you think, in 2025 we expect a decrease in income, not income, but international support, namely according to the imf, we have a four-year program, we have already chosen almost 10 billion, and we will choose by the end of the 24th year there is more than 15 billion, do you think we will have less money in 2025? year according to the americans, i think that god forbid that at least the amounts
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that were voiced be voted in january. in what we asked for next year, we are now choosing, there in 1 billion to norway, because it is necessary to close the money now, there will be less money from internationals. moreover, in the next year, as, well, we do not understand differently, unfortunately, some representatives of the authorities, each of this money will be in exchange for... a uniform, each, even a dog of the world bank and that will now be according to dpl is condition analytis, and again, today's situation for me showed that we are not yet ready for reforms, that is, we will receive less international money, that is, we will lose on social welfare their money, that is, less money will be spent on the army, and now i have a question, what about mobilizing these additional people, whom we want, and we clothe them and pay them a salary? so what kind of money will we pay for, well, i don’t have math yet, and
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i’m a person who calculates budget numbers quite well, so again, honestly, i listened to the conference, i didn’t like the president’s press conference, this is my personal opinion , it may differ, but what does it matter what people say, i want to see action, and given my specific economy, i i like to see actions specifically on the numbers, i want to see what will happen to my head... an atom is stolen from me through one tender, and there, well, there is no answer, there are only criminal cases, there is a noise, it is obvious, yes, why nothing, nothing to expel, billions are being lost there, what will happen to the people who cut illegal markets, to be with the people who were responsible for the fact that 100 billion were stolen at the customs, this is not my amount, this is the amount announced by the sdb and our the committee confirmed, well, here are the answers for me to... how it is achieved victory, i am not necessarily an expert, here mr. vyanislavsky, as a member of the profile committee
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, knows a thousand times more closed data, but i definitely know the budget data that goes to the military, i definitely see that there are problems, i definitely see not only that there are problems that this creates, even who are the problems that are responsible for it, and unfortunately, these who are the same are probably because among these five or six managers, thank you, mr. yaroslav, after... which pause , let's go back to our studio, don't switch, it will be interesting later. sensation of tingling and crawling of ants. arise spontaneously and worry you. the dolgit antineuralgia complex helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to usual activities without numbness and tingling in the limbs. anti-neuralgia capsules - help for your nervous system. damn the stairs, my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i'm choking. that there is no health? but what kind of
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for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on, in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, more more top guests, foreign experts , inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko , every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. friends, this is the verdict program, we are working live, my name is serhii rudenko , i would like to remind you that during our broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about the following: do you support the idea of ​​mobilizing women in ukraine, yes, no, if you are watching us on youtube, everything is quite simple there, yes, no, choose and vote, or write your
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comment under this video, if you are sitting in front of the tv, pick up your phone and... vote if you support the idea of ​​mobilizing women in ukraine (0800-211-381), the second function is not, 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today we have as guests yaroslav zheliznyak, people's deputy of ukraine from the voice faction, maria ionova, people's deputy of ukraine, european faction solidarity and fedir vienislavskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, faction. of the people, well, since before this pause, mr. yaroslav spoke a lot and ms. maria also spoke about how the voting takes place and why it happened today regarding the new members of the accounting chamber , mr. yaroslav talks about the team that is close to the president, to which there are also a lot of people questions, mr. fedor, do you
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discuss these issues in the faction and in the presidential team? which are socially significant, important, which are, among other things, markers for representatives of the big seven countries, what, what so you can't vote , you can't vote for such personnel appointments, because it will have such and such consequences, that is , to what extent the faction forms its policy, based on what our partners who help us tell us... fight against the russian federation? well, really speaking about the fact that everything is fine in the financial sphere of ukraine , there is no reason for great regret, because 2/3 of the state budget is future borrowing, internal, external, and accordingly we are forced to adopt those or other decisions all, and in including our political power, to be guided
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by the recommendations and the position of our international partners, without a doubt, when voting on some sensitive things , intra-factional discussions are also held in the large faction, in the small faction of the political party , the servant of the people, therefore, all decisions made by our political power in... the parliament, they are discussed in advance and from them such, let's say, a consolidated position is made regarding the future vote, which concerns the vote for the members of the accounting chamber, then i you know, i would not distinguish exclusively the personnel issue from the legal status of the accounting chamber in general, i want to remind you that precisely including the representatives of our political force registered a bill that should bring the legal status of the accounting chamber to, let's say, the highest world standards in financial audit, which is carried out in the field of public finances, i think that the personnel decisions that will be made taking into account the future
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reform of the legal status of the accounting chamber will definitely not be problematic we have a problem in our relations with our western partners, so we are forced to focus on recommendations, on positions, and we do it, and mr. fedor, western partners quite often talk about corruption in the ukrainian authorities or stimulate the ukrainian authorities to fight corruption, you do you accept these criticisms, because if there is a monopoly, then there is immunity , including for the corruption that exists in ukraine? well , i think that the reality itself, the practice itself, which is generally available today. including thanks to activities of journalists shows that the servant of the people political party does not have any kind of cover for corruption, because those members of our political power in the parliament who
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were somehow involved or even suspected of being involved in some kind of corruption , they received suspicions that they were elected precautionary measures and no one covered anyone, so i think that you know, president zelenskyi, i am convinced of this, definitely personally has zero tolerance for corruption. and it has as its goal to minimize any corruption manifestations in the country, i personally have absolutely no doubts about this, so i think that in the future we will continue to adopt those regulatory and legal acts, act and carry out those institutional reforms that will lead to a decrease in the level of corruption and to its, let's say, minimization in all areas of our lives, but unfortunately, this process continued. has actually been 10 years old and the dynamics, although positive, are as much as expected by society and you and me. such
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deputies who are precisely associated with corruption, i am not talking about those who are in charge for judicial law enforcement authorities, like tatarov, that is, they are unfortunately still in office, i'm not talking about the fact that the previous heads of the ministry of defense, who just sold. 17 eggs each, also did not bear responsibility, and if we are talking about the non-capable component, then bakanov catches fish and also becomes some kind of lawyer, that is, where is the responsibility then and where is the president’s zero tolerance for corruption, because, sorry, but unfortunately, we are not we must give no skeptics in the eu countries and our other international partners any skepticism and no problems and bells that could, you know, throw at us. and that reforms are not taking place like that in our country and that we have big problems with corruption, because we will not reach the extremely important segments of our
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victory, these are the eu and nato, and that is why now, when we are talking about the parliament with you, about the president, about the government, well, that is, it is important for us that both ukrainian diplomacy and our western partners are aware, well, that is, we all have to work very effectively on the neutralization of... those bells that are, but we shouldn't give an excuse either , i'm not talking anymore, well, i remarked about next year's elections, we have to understand what kind of wave of populism and anti-ukrainian rhetoric there will be, because it's all about money, it's really vital for us to have financial support, military support, and that is why this has such a negative impact, well, on the level and volume of support, it really affects not only ukrainians. society, namely , first of all, it will affect our army, and we know the situation with you, which is important, well , also take into account the issue of demobilization, because
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when you talked about mobilization. and here you asked a question, mr. serhiy, that concerns, well, let's say this, mobilization, well , excuse me, well, a full-scale war has been going on for 2 years, but the authorities have honestly not yet proposed any such clear, understandable algorithms for mobilization, this is not a question of women or men, because a lot of women also left in 2014 and after february 23, that is , some military personnel, we know with you that... the vast majority also since 2014 and they are so tired, and so you know , it is important, now a lot of working groups also work in parliament, and mr. feder knows about it, he said about it, but it turns out that for the second year we are not able to ensure, well, normal rotation, normal rest and normal rehabilitation, so it is very important, but now there are also, well, let's say, discussions , will it be a bill of the president or of the verkhovna
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rada? or the government, who will be assigned these responsibilities, who will be assigned the responsibility of the supreme commander-in-chief, who in principle should also ask questions about mobilization and demobilization, so i would like that, after all, mobilization is was carried out using such a complex approach, and not, well, you know , everything at once, because well, this matrix and this document that you are working on now, well , you know how... it is complicated, and it seems to me that it is important just like that take small, realistic steps , thank you, thank you, ms. maria, perhaps, mr. fedor, you should answer, one retort, i would still urge not to manipulate and, you know, more or less objectively present information, because when we we are talking, for example, about the ex-minister of defense, then we must remember that his deputy is currently in a pre-trial detention center, he has been remanded in custody, and i do not remember that such a number of people's
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deputies, representatives... of the majority of high-ranking parliamentary officials were suspected of committing crimes, that's it an indicator of the fight against corruption, and not just, well, why bakanov, to be honest, i don’t know if there are any corruption suspicions against bakanov that you mentioned, there are many questions for him, but regarding corruption, i have mr. bakanov, well there is absolutely no reason to talk about any corrupt actions, so let's be more or less objective and not distort any facts, thank you, mr. yaroslav, do you have anything to add, because we... the time of our program about corruption is coming to an end, about the fight against corruption, about responsibility and how all this should continue to live together with the war, well, let's use examples, it will be clear, with all due respect, feder, and naumov, to nipribakan , ransacked the entire customs office and organized schemes there, this is no no no he, it was not with him, and he about he did not know this as a leader, and reznikov did not
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show the whole country in... then he told the jackets that everything was fine there, and then he received, everyone suspected one in 1 billion that he had stolen, and i had, well, the documents that i showed at our joint meeting, it was obvious there, and shurma with his brother in the occupied territories solar stations, he even keeps them, and no one has returned the money 300 million, which they received for electricity in the occupied territories by the occupier, office, deputy office of the president, vice law on corruption. our the program has come to an end, we will definitely continue this topic in one of our next studios. thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for participating in the program, maria ionova, fedir vienislavsky and yaroslav zheliznyak were guests of our studio today. during our broadcast, we conducted a survey, we asked whether you support the idea of ​​mobilizing women in ukraine, so 18% yes, 82% against, these are the results of the telephone survey. it was the verdict program, it was hosted by serhiy rudenko,
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i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, goodbye.


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