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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2023 10:00pm-10:30pm EET

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you participated in our program. olga len, natalya ishchenko and maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva were guests of our program today. during the program, we conducted a survey, we asked you, friends, whether ukraine needs a government of national unity. so, 91% of those polled on tv said yes, 9% against. on youtube, 88% yes, 12% against. we put an end to this, i wish. have a good and peaceful weekend, take care of yourself and your loved ones, this was the verdict program of serhiy rudenko, goodbye, turn on well - it's when everything as you want, click, and you are in the world of cartoons, click and around the universe of cinema, then switch on the good. oh, what is needed. megogo, turn on
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of christmas will definitely come to your city. picardy tertia. good health to good people. live sound. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live. my name is vlasta lazur. air force of the armed forces. ukraine was informed that three russians were destroyed today at noon in the southern direction su-34 fighter-bombers. officially , the russian side does not confirm this, but military publications and pro-war telegram channels write that the shooting really happened and not everyone managed to survive. to shoot down several aborts at once, especially such as the su-34, is an extremely difficult task, experts say. the last time something similar happened on may 13. then two fell at once in the bryansk region.
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russian helicopters and two planes. oleksiy danilov, secretary of the nsdc, noted that the hunt for russian fighter jets, which created problems for the defense forces in the southern direction was conducted for a long time. yuriy ignat joins our broadcast. i hope that we will turn it on from minute to minute, the spokesman of the air force command of ukraine, and we will talk with him in more detail about what actually happened and under what circumstances the su-34 fighters were shot down. today. the media wrote a lot about it to me, and now we will try to sum up some results. yuriy ignat is already joining our broadcast. good evening. good evening, can you hear me? yes, i hear, good. yes, great. where exactly su-34 fighters were shot down. i i understand that this is the south, to be more precise, kherson region. this is the south of our country. well, get it right. we said everything that we considered necessary in... the empty post
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of the commander of the air force, that is why we actually have such an excellent result, i think there is no need to detail anything else here, the operation was excellently performed by our servicemen, under the leadership of the commander of the air force, and not for the first time this has been happening recently, do you remember the su-24m plane, which is also in odesa, had the audacity to fly close to our borders, was accordingly shot down, well, so was bryansk. you also remember history, that's why they actually want to turn on the barometer, as they say, then let them fly, but i think that the occupiers will now be more careful about how to strike and in those directions where it actually happens , you say that it was the afternoon, but according to the information of a number of people on social networks and in telegram, it was not far from the wells on the left bank of the kherson region. where is the bridgehead in the zsu,
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can you confirm or deny this information? well, we never do that we don't want to do it now, we always indicate the direction and don't say the type of weaponry that goes astray is... the corresponding patterns that we are working on, i understand that you want to detail everything, we have such information, i think that the occupiers are probably already on everything was painted on their peacocks in more detail, as they do it with the inscription, a rainy day in the history of the vks, as they write there, is it always a new flight , brothers, but in this plan, i think it is possible to find out from the enemy confirmation of the fact that... this is really happened, what were the tasks of these fighters in the south? well, they carry out not only in the south, but along the entire line of battle, and they strike both in the kharkiv region and in the eastern direction, guided air bombs, above all these are cabs, which they use more and more, more and
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more often, they need in order to release them, get closer to the detonation line, well , it's about 50 km away, they fly up, drop these bombs. and accordingly, the bombs plan to reach their target even deeper from the front line, deeper into our territory , they can fly somewhere 20-25 km away, well, when the enemy becomes insolent and wants to do this further, i.e. further strike deep into our territory, they can fly closer, and accordingly can become a target for our air defense, for anti-missile systems of the air force, well, in addition, the missile, you know, x59 is very often used it is also the same. and so destroy the bomber, it consists of two men, these are the pilots and the navigator, who actually set these feats. and tell me, please, is it a big loss three su-34 fighters for the russian army? it a very big loss, it's a really dark day, as
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they write to themselves in the telegram channels of the enemy, so this is one of the newest aircraft, along with the su-35-34, a powerful combat vehicle, modernly equipped with a powerful on-board relay. the weapons that i spoke about, in particular, but also other electronic warfare systems, which are installed on this board, cost tens of millions of dollars, there, if you look at it, i think such a machine costs at least 50, so for russia the loss of such three fighters at once, for a short period of time of time, this is an extremely painful loss and represents losses and a serious blow to their ambitions, let's say so, but were they shot down? well, at the same time in one flight, or did it just happen during today, it happened very quickly, because it happened also in the north then from the bryansk direction, there it was 5 minutes in fact, please tell me, what is known about the crew, what exactly did you say that
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there were two people in the cabin, did they land or what is known about them, well, we cannot know for sure, here you have to look. what will our intelligence tell us, the results of radio intercepts, yes , well, there is various information that someone ejected, but most probably did not survive such a thing, let's hope, well , that way later we will find out from their necrologists there and so on, we will already see that who actually managed to save, well, plus we are counting on the interception of the radio conversation there, i thank you very much, yuriy ignat, spokesman for the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine, we were talking about... su-34. three fighters shot down in the south today countries. russian fighters. thank you very much. russian troops are advancing in the region of avdiyivka and bakhmut in donetsk region.
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this is stated in the current review of the american institute for the study of war, in the latest report of the general staff, it is stated that in the direction of bakhmut, the armed forces of ukraine repulsed seven attacks of the russian army, in particular near bohdanivka, klishchiivka and... what is happening in the east right now , oleksiy tarasenko joins our broadcast , deputy commander of the second assault battalion of the fifth separate assault brigade, good evening, good evening, how are you the situation in the bakhmut direction, you are right there, i will say for our audience, the situation in principle has not changed in the last few weeks, the only thing i can say is that we have been watching for the last few days. a large decrease in the intensity of enemy attacks, perhaps this is due to the deterioration of the weather on duty, perhaps with the fact that the enemy has suffered quite significant losses in their assault units of the first line, and therefore the enemy
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is most likely accumulating for further assault actions, but for now it worked at least in the lane of the fifth separate assault brigade to stabilize... the situation, gain a foothold at the borders and, in principle , build a normal lane for positional defense. oleksiy, earlier it was reported that the russian army... is receiving about 80,000 troops in the bakhmut direction, well , it seems that this is such a large concentration, does this somehow affect the offensive of the russian army, or is it somehow felt, are they now in the offensive is not going particularly well, well, if it is obvious that the enemy's successes, they are dictated in the first place the presence of forces in this direction, in particular, simply banal assault vehicles. infantry , which they do not run out yet, that is, they can
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afford to bear the losses that they bear, very serious, and still move forward, throwing in fresh, fresh units, that is, of course, that this is indicated when the enemy, just in the summer, for example, there was a number, even if it was higher than that of the units of the armed forces in this direction, but still not... practically higher, we saw that he was not able to go on the offensive. currently, the concentration of troops is such that the enemy managed to achieve certain successes, solely due to the fact that he has a very significant advantage in fresh manpower. and russian soldiers are captured there, if so, what do they tell you, what are their moods? of course, they get caught, in principle , the prisoner gets caught. ordinary soldiers , mainly sergeants at the most, who
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have been on a combat mission for several days, whether offensive or defensive, it doesn’t matter, they get into such a state that they have no other mood than to rest and warm up somewhere, so it is difficult to judge general mood of the enemy in this direction, those prisoners who fall. in particular, to me for the first interrogations directly on the same day they were captured, they are very tired, they are always exhausted and they are not, well, obviously not in such a state that it would be possible to adequately assess their mood. oleksiy, the topic of this week, you probably see and heard it from the news, the topic of the week is mobilization. you probably heard volodymyr zelenskyy stated at the press conference that he is thinking about
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mobilizing 400-500 thousand people, or are they expecting soldiers of the new law on mobilization and in general, what is in the army, that is directly your brothers and colleagues, who talk about the needs of mobilization, how essential are these needs? to be honest, we don't have time to follow the news and go into significant details. new draft laws, but this is such an obvious problem in the army that no one even discusses it, it is obvious that the units are exhausted, bloodless, people are extremely tired from one and a half to two years of continuous combat missions, without rotation, without proper rest, so in the army it is it seems obvious and... an irreversible step is a serious, substantial mobilization of, let's say
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, 50-50-year-old men with a lot of health problems, but young men who will really significantly strengthen the grouping of the armed forces and allow both to reliably hold the defense and on certain directions to carry out offensive tasks, that is, you even have in your direction and your units... there is a lack of military personnel, i understand correctly, there is a lack, it is not just a lack, it is a rather critical lack, and the replenishment that comes to the units is non-existent, and it - the first is extremely poor quality, both in terms of training and in terms of , well, as i said, the average age of people who come even to the assault infantry is 50 years old, that is, it is difficult to say that it somehow affects the... situation positively, a very significant lack of people, obviously, and this is the first
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problem that actually exists in the armed forces now, even more important than the lack of ammunition. and tell me, please, what is connected with what you said about low-quality preparation, because they prepare very quickly, or simply people come unmotivated and cannot prepare because of this? probably a lack motivation, yes, first of all, that is , these are no longer the people who... of their own volition came voluntarily in order to actually destroy the enemy there, they do not have this charge of motivation. well, of course, the terms of preparation , they were always short, but they can be used in different ways, when people want to learn, they even prepare for a week and raise their level quite significantly, if the main task is to rest somewhere more, spend less time in
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the cold and in the mud, then of course the quality training falls. thanks for the comment. oleksiy tarasenko, deputy commander of the assault battalion, the second assault battalion of the fifth separate assault brigade, was on radio svoboda from the direction of bakhmut, he tuned in to us live. thank you very much. what if russia wins? with such a headline , a publication in the authoritative british newspaper financial times appeared this week. the authors state that the west, the west restores the 15-year pacification of putin's aggression. the volume of western aid to ukraine fell by almost 90% over the last month, compared to a year earlier. the united states, the european union could not approve additional funds for ukraine, and the voters there were fed up with the war. the financial times notes that the scenario of russia's victory is becoming increasingly plausible and names five dire consequences for the world and directly
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for ukraine. first, russia will rule over ukrainians, as the publication says, it's scary. justice of the victor, continuing mass executions, torture, rape and abduction of children. ukrainian refugees will again rush to europe, but this time forever. secondly, on a free state can survive in western ukraine - said former british diplomat peter ricketts. it may even join the european union - writes the financial times. but at the same time, it will not be protected from repeated russian attacks regardless of the agreements signed with russia. third, russia will control about a quarter of the world. wheat exports and will use food as a weapon. putin's success will encourage other countries that are interested in invading a neighboring state, including china, venezuela, azerbaijan, and russia itself. the kremlin built a military economy, the population tolerates war, so putin can continue aggression against neighboring countries. by the way, the publication advises the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, to think about this, since
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hungary borders ukraine. well , well, the scenario is realistic and... the title itself speaks for itself, if he wins in russia, then a probable forecast of the development of events is still presented not only for ukraine, but also for the world as a whole, and i would say that he even quite restrained in his assessments. ukrainian experts have long been talking about what for it's not only putin's fault, it's the first thing, not a war against ukraine. not for the purpose of conquering e-e lands and territories, but this is a war against the existing world system, in fact in 2014, in 2008 and 2014, putin e-e conducted testing of the world e-e
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system of the international security system that was formed. after the second world war came to the conclusion that it can really be violated, and the harbinger of the invasion of ukraine in the 22nd year was the so-called nato ultimatum, which putin and his camarilla e-e put forward to the north atlantic alliance, where in fact they talked about demanding ee... capitulation not just to ukraine, they did not say, give us ukraine, and then we will calm down, but declared their territorial claims to the whole of eastern and central europe, declared their desire to manage the world not on the basis of international law, multilateral agreements, on
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the basis of the law of force, and well, you should have thought about it even then. it was definitely a strong move that after a long, long enough thought, the western world, the united states , rejected this putin blackmail, but in addition, in addition to the verbal reaction, a reaction was needed and the reaction is effective, and helping ukraine in... in the battle to victory, sorry for the taftology, is just such a practical confirmation of the alliance's position. but mr. lakiychuk, but the amount of military aid has dropped by literally 90% in the last months of the year, this is the amount the kiel institute of economics has calculated, and
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this, it cannot be overlooked, and obviously this also indicates something, well, it indicates, in this case, the comparison goes month by month, in fact, that is, december, december to december of the 22nd and 23rd years, there must remember. that in december of the 22nd year it was the beginning there to such a certain extent of the rise of that aid, which is large-scale aid to ukraine, when decisions were made on the transfer of tanks, the transfer of ammunition of several thousand batches, on the transfer of weapons for the ukrainian counteroffensive, and december in december 2003... we are currently entering such a fairly systemic crisis, when the north atlantic alliance, to a large extent, not
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the european union, sorry, not the north atlantic alliance, has largely failed to fulfill its obligations he took and already admits that somewhere they miscalculated, let's enter when the key partner is security assistance. our united states of america is in such an internal political crisis , in which ukraine has found itself involved, and the result is, despite the fact that many european countries are trying, understanding the situation we are in, the netherlands and sweden and finland are trying to provide such urgently maximum aid packages, realizing that great partners. now they are in an internal political crisis, but for obvious reasons, her help is serious
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is sinking, there is hope, and i don't want to say confidence, but there is hope that the situation will change, perhaps radically, from the beginning of 23rd year, this also applies to eu aid, and... this means that first the european union will overcome the veto on aid those 50 billion, but this is not military aid, that's right, it is not military aid, but in this case we are talking about aid to ukraine as a whole, if we are talking about purely military aid, then talking about what the difference is between december 22. on the 23rd, well, not quite it will be accurate, but if we talk about military, military-economic aid in general, that is, also to the state, in support of the state
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of ukraine, in the billions allocated by the united states and allocated by the european union, then of course we do not have a slump here, well , even a crisis situation, and i think that the government of ukraine is already... thinking about plan b, at least for the next 2-3 months, because the situation is critical. and tell me, please, but the very fact of the appearance of such scenarios in the western press, and what will happen if russia wins, or bloomberg wrote: to what prepare for the event if russia wins. the very fact of such scenarios, what he is talking about, this, this, i apologize, there is such a panic in the media, and very often ukrainian experts eh... prefer to say that this is just panic, don't pay attention, or that's all is this the result of some specific actions and some very
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realistic expectations? well, you see, our ukrainians are all shouting that they forgot about us in the west and don't remember us, then when they start to remember, they start to get scared, what's going on in the west? in fact, it is a reflection, and it is good that western analytical thought... and politicians are forced to follow it, reflects the situation around ukraine and analyzes it, analyzes the course of the war and its possible results, not only in the context of some distant conflict between russia and ukraine on the region of alekumena, and on the results for themselves and... and these results in the case of a russian victory for healthy analysts are not liked by anyone at all, and i will repeat this according to analysts, according to
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er... expert opinion attracts politicians who read this information that are setting the table, not only the intelligence services , but their analytical bodies, well , by and large, a sober assessment of the situation prompts our partners to act, i also consider that part of this information, which is raised in the context of the russian... ukrainian war, is also there non-complementary and, frankly, the russian propaganda machine does not stop, which tries to convince our allies that it is better not to help ukraine, but to leave it to russia, and two such positions are fighting
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with... and false, so to speak, and the last question, it will also relate to the publication in the western media, well, at the beginning of the week bilt also published a publication by a german publication with reference to intelligence data that putin intends to completely seize luhansk-donetsk region by the end of the 24th, by the end of the 26th, intends to seize three more large ukrainian cities: kharkiv, dnipro and... zaporizhzhia, and you know, we recently talked with sociologists here, this interview will be released soon, but they, they, referring to the data economists say that this is not for nothing in fact, this figure came out before the 26th year, because the russian economy now has such opportunities to drag out this war until the 26th year, and then decline, so do you agree with such forecasts, explanations, more precisely, and secondly , well, really, why until the 26th, and
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what does it mean? how much power will putin have and how much will the west allow him to implement, so to speak, realize these plans? well, as far as the economic component is concerned, you are completely on the right track, we also analyzed the strategies of 21, now the russians have economic planning for five-year and according to economics. plans for the socio-economic development of the russian federation, the main financial expenses for the war, they plan this peak for 2024-2025 with a gradual decline further, that is, this shows that they see us today, that they will have to fight for at least two years, and this is taking into account the fact that the budgets can be adjusted later, and
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as for what we saw in bilt, well, you have to understand, on the one hand, bilt is a kind of tabloid, especially, serious, nevertheless, if you remember, when there are many politicians and citizens in ukraine were exposed here, and at least they met with a smile the publication in january 22nd of the year in the bulletin of the russian attack plan on ukraine, it turned out. that there, that map corresponds exactly to 90% with reality, the picture is realistic, here the question is, you know, i would tell the boss, they do not rely on what it is, i would say, give me the document from which you took it, so what are the important details, what is this plan, what is this uh?


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