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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2023 9:30am-10:01am EET

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we see that not everything is so simple here, but it will give us the opportunity to drive them away, even on these planes our pilots do a lot, let’s say, and these are new capabilities, they need to be mastered and gradually increased efforts, it is being done, it is very it is important, although it is clear with what difficulties , and the prospects are also not the same, which you have to work hard on, i wanted to return once again to those... knocked down three three dry from the point of view of the psychological effect, because i look at what a garmider is in one others the accusers, the competent base , the ze-bloggers and warmongers themselves, the most ignorant, as they say, the information, that is, let it fall to itself, but it is about whether there will be a lesson for the dropping of guided air bombs, because we understand that it is a distance well, the closest, this is the maximum they fly to
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the contact line 40 km, and they try to launch these bombs on a controlled trajectory even further there 50-60 km, will the lesson of the work of avax in the sparsity with the patriot force them to somehow reconsider the number of these attacks guided aerial bombs, that is, they will no longer be risk flying up, or will they simply fly up with other intelligence and, well, that is, they will modernize their attacks. yes , well, you have chosen the criterion well in itself, i.e. when they have fire, it means that we have achieved an effect in the information sphere, and now, in fact, in the military sphere, i was just saying, the first part is an achievement three at the same time, this in itself is a significant achievement, and the other, it affects in such a way that, as i say, they will still sort it out now, move away from the application, and here are all these tactical changes
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they will definitely make use of their aviation , and this is also an achievement in the military sphere, because it will be less, well , the nearest time of corresponding attacks, the use of the weapons that we talked about with you, these are guided air bombs, that means missiles, which have tactical aircraft of tactical aviation, it is clear and definitely, and it is also very important that... what you see, they showed such an essence of information support for this activity due to, for example, avax, this is a flying radar and a flying automated distribution system management, it is very important, i.e. timely information on fire means, i.e. it is such a reconnaissance-strike complex, targets are identified online, tasks are set.
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on means of impression and online these means of impression strikes these goals, it is as if the future is a qualitative future into which our defense forces of ukraine are advancing, that is , it is difficult for us to compete with a resource state, and that is, our approach is not quantity, as it is done by the russians , that we are also increasing quantitative indicators on weapons, but our approach is qualitative, and this is... such technological support of hostilities and the introduction of hostilities themselves. ugh, mr. igor, look , we have been talking about this since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, because the russians are constantly threatening, constantly saying that they are preparing, they are ready to strike something , they are also a direct threat to nato, and to their air bases and their accumulation.
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military and so on and so on and so on, are they really ready, can they seriously dare and take this step, well now we are talking in the context of the same broadcast f16, as if we are crossing another red, some kind of imaginary red line, well, this is a propagandistic information message, here you can draw an analogy, how they scared that the fathers hubs for the supply of weapons, technicians... that are there in poland , in romania, other neighboring countries, well, not in hungary, that's for sure, that's what, since there will be deliveries, especially modern ones, it would also be a crossing of this red line, strikes will be made, the second year ends, it's not done , and it's like a bug the way they are putting pressure on the western leadership in...
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they don’t know what to counter effectively so that this doesn’t happen, so that these v16 planes or gripens or whatever don’t come in, so that missiles up to 300 km away are not transferred, so that they don’t ... missiles for heimers, atakams, that is, longer-range and concrete-piercing missiles, and so on, that is, all the steps, especially towards effective technological weapons, they will work out at least
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something informational, which they submit in order to organize this kind of countermeasures and the pressure on such political informational pressure. igor let's talk about a little... another category, now we'll show you the footage in which the old, already worn-out bmw went to the front and became a serious weapon there, and because this car was simply made into an rsv, look how it works perfectly, the car probably didn't expect that she will still have to serve like this, the right tuning, well , please comment how it is... effective and generally inventive, of course, this is not a new idea, it has been around before, the question is how to scale it, and gul at first glance, she is cunning, but now we are not so naked, but let's say, a large number of shells
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are needed for regular means of volley fire, and a small one... and mobile it adds new opportunities in some directions, to some specific units, and that's why supply volunteers do it, but it's a weapon, and that's why it's certified accordingly, if in order to avoid trouble, let's say by using weapons that would bring problems, and that's why such a tool is almost like a partisan order, well , one pipe is widely used in general, it's the experience of the war of the same there are palestinians and so on further, that is, this is such a distant story, but we have improvements, because there are several of these pipes,
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because they are on cars and because they are adapted to these shells, which are in small quantities, that is, there is no ... possibility of a full bay set let it out of the hail, but it is better possible to use it on several such vehicles with such means , and it will be more , basically they put this one pipe in ours in this case, we have a car with a normal volley, as they say. well, there is a guidance device, well, that is, high, we have a professionally high level, enough of all this, it’s not just like that, it’s just a trumpet and just there on a tripod, as they put it, i’m just to the fact that there’s a story, if davena goes, but on our
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perfect, yes, certainly better effectively and made and use efficiency, the question is that it is not easy for us the issue of ammunition falling and... our standard, let's say, means of volley fire that we have there is, or i swear, or like what ours do , mr. igor, i want to confirm one more of your words, which are not military at all, namely in the dimension of propaganda and lies, and show how it works, just show the veracity of all your comments and conclusions, this is a parting gift to you, look, the french correspondent of the new york times from the paris bureau. writes the obvious things that you and i and during these days with oksana and with all of our people spoke, obvious things that are known to everyone, what igor cherniv said, what budanov said, what the general staff says, and all this in new the york times publishes an article called rasha makes small battlefield
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gains increasing pressure on ukraine. russia has small advances along the front and is increasing the pressure on ukraine, so it is called. as our wise ukrainian colleagues put it, you know how, nyuk times, russia seizes the initiative on most of the front. this is how they translate this thing, here is the confirmation of your words , what is the moscow for us, as they say in our eyes, if their nits are so stupid and did not learn english well, well, this is how they disperse treason even with their ukrainian hands in the rear, well , they somehow use propaganda there in their interests, they are trying to use the pasila, to protect our homeland. and in this there is a fundamental difference. well, actually. mr. igor, thank you for the conversation. ihor romanenko,
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founder of the charity fund we will close the sky of ukraine. the deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine was with us. what do you think of this translation in general? well, i'm just talking about translation difficulties - not translation difficulties, it's just some idiocy in general. but the headline of the new york times is completely different. i i want to talk about something else, now actually, not about... the sad thing, but about the thing that gives hope, and in fact i was very impressed and really liked the video that i watched this morning, the ukrainian military, sang, danced and recorded all this on video , famous international english-language christmas songs, symbols of the christmas holidays, this is all that we usually listened to the most on the radio, on television, before the war, it will be... on the ukrainian front, right? yes, they sang everything that we usually associate
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with holidays, but little by little, minimally they changed the lyrics, they literally added one or two words at a time, and there, for example, in lennon's text, they sing about the fact that the war is over, the war is not over, about the fact that lights, when we understand at christmas time, lights as decorations, as garlands, not really so wonderful and not so fantastic, and at this moment we... in the video we see completely different lights, let's be is over that's what i'm talking about, let's watch a fragment of this video together.
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let's hope it's a good one without any fair far is not even if you want it far is now i would like to say what wonderful songs, which turned out so well, but in fact i am absolutely not happy with all this, but this video is not directed at the ukrainian audience, it is primarily directed at the western audience, to explain that the holidays are coming, it is true, but war. we have no end, and we still need both help and support, and we want to draw
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the attention of the whole world to the fact that we continue and continue, these shots, from what i see, were recorded, filmed somewhere in the bakhmut direction, on this let's go for a short break, then we'll come back, more about business let's talk about intra-ukrainian, it remains with espresso. turns on well, when everything is as you want, click, and you are in the world of cartoons, click and around the world of cinema, then switch on the good, oh, what you need, megogogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports, wow, i went for a walk , water, there is not enough ordinary water here, drink reo, i am saving myself, reo, you are ready, dear, ready, i took reo, reo - water for special medical purposes, i will feel... tingling and creeping ants arise spontaneously and disturb you dolgit complex antineuralgia
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helps in normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to usual activities without tingling and numbness in the limbs. capsules dolgit antineuralgia - help to your nervous system. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, which is actually happening on the front. what are the losses of personnel and equipment. on the battlefield, how does the international community evaluate our successes and what is moscow lying about? from the flow of news coming from everywhere, we single out the most important ones: the world is closely monitoring whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders' backs? news, summaries of the week - this is an overview of only important events,
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important, reliable events, this is analytics, fact-checking, professional comments, about this and much more. was in the issue about what is important in simple language, accessible to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. 93 separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar has. for effective hitting on the enemy and increasing the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier, for the approach of victory, which the whole of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine, heroes,
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we meet the first star together. christmas eve at espresso. traditional and not so traditional carols, trips to the christmas cities of our country, very special guests and extremely warm conversations. december 24, let's celebrate christmas together with espresso. events: events happening right now that affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about... them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, one must understand. antin borkovsky and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. good morning,
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welcome to everyone who joins our broadcast, we have been gathering information for you all morning from. military personnel from the front line and from the deep rear from various cities, by the way, at this moment they are flying again to the center of kherson, how sad it is, the power grid has already been damaged there and electric transport is not running, that is, trolleybuses are not running, our news team, probably will tell more about why the lights went out in poltava, and now we will talk about things that we even talked about just now, in particular about freedom of speech, we will talk with... the head of the parliamentary committee on freedom of speech, people's deputy yaroslav yurchyshyn. mr. yaroslav, congratulations, glory to ukraine. let's play slava. mr. yaroslav, let's probably start with the most important and tangible, both for our viewers and in general. in principle, there is a long, ancient history when three tv channels of ukraine lost the opportunity to communicate with the audience through
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t2. god, there's a whole detective story, some pointed fingers at others, shouted, sometimes not us, sometimes not us, disconnected. tv channels from eter, and in the president's office this is also disowned, and in all these services that receive money for broadcasting licenses, they even ran away to volyn, they were searched there, and they also waved their hands and said that's it. that with this prospect of returning three tv channels to the audience on the t2 platform, we are now in contact, in particular with the administrator. this espresso channel has a legal track and is the only one that in such a situation, when it is not really clear what, how and when, the court must determine, in fact, who is responsible for this, the grounds, if there are no grounds, and it looks like the very
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avoidance of taking responsibility for this step is direct evidence that that there are no grounds, respectively. as a result, return to the air, i know that there was a first instance, the court refused there for formal reasons, but now it is in appeal, from what i know, there is a prospect of returning to the first instance, well, we will fight in the legal direction, we after all, the rule of law, no matter how anyone tries to question it, of course, we will also look for... other ways to find adults in power, to understand who is responsible for this, who can, in principle , painlessly make a decision on renewal. well, first of all, the rights of citizens to choose the channels they want to watch, and in the end , if i still have a question, why the viewers
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of espresso, for example, did not unite and file a lawsuit regarding the violation of their rights, compared to the viewers other channels, yes, but i don't judge here, i actually do i just want to note the proactive position. the management of espresso channel itself , will we be able to find this solution quickly, well, if it has not been found for the second year, i am not under the illusion that we will be able to find this solution quickly, but for our part, we will reduce this result of active participation in the processes as much as possible. mr. yaroslav, here, too , the important thing is to provide the audience with the opportunity to watch what they really want to watch, on the one hand. and also ensure the right of journalists, media representatives, to get information where they want, where they can, as long as it
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is legal, and accordingly then convey this information to the audience, that's why this search for adults in power that you mentioned is important, i'm talking about when journalists will return to the verkhovna rada, because we currently receive most of the information from actually such... transcripts somewhere in telegram channels from various people's deputies, and this is actually not an ideal option, because our own observations, analysis and opportunity are somewhere on the sidelines to communicate, to ask questions is very important for the community, you understand it perfectly, and yes, we completely understand it perfectly, and i and the apparatus of the verkhovna rada, but you very correctly started with the fact that there is where possible, and now... we asked the emergency services and special services to find out how many people
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can actually withstand the shelter of the verkhovna rada. the storeroom, something that corresponded to the storerooms, and we also asked if there were any rooms under the dome itself, or of course there are legends about the fact that there are underground passages leading almost... beyond kyiv and it's similar, but in fact everything is much more banal, and that is, the capacity of shelters, because no matter how much they talk about adulthood, about the personal decision of each person, let's remember the arrival during the drone congress in chernihiv initiated by maria berlinska, all safety measures were observed, we were warned in advance, but we have what we have, so it's a safe moment, but... here, regarding the return of the journalists themselves to the verkhovna rada. the verkhovna rada is not only the premises under the dome, but also the premises nearby.
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and i held my briefing this week in one of the premises of the verkhovna rada, where about 40 of your colleagues were present, including a group from the espresso channel, for which i also thank you. actually, ah, we can use what we can now, for now even. we are looking for answers from our services , i know that the apparatus of the verkhovna rada is actively communicating with international partners in order to obtain funds for the construction of a high-quality shelter that will be able to provide an additional number of people, and why is this not done from the budget, it is clear, in principle, that the funds , which it is necessary to send it to the armed forces, here we can only thank the apparatus of the verkhovna rada, literally two weeks ago they initiated it. the council supported the transfer of 22 cars from the verkhovna rada's car park for the needs of the armed forces, there are not only cars, there are also components and everything else, but if the fact is the fact. therefore, first of all, we
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will definitely look for mechanisms for maximum, ah, maximum close contact between deputies and journalists within the security that the martial law has created for us. for my part, i will also communicate with the leadership of the verkhovna rada, this is not acceptable. the situation when the verkhovna rada is not talked about because, in principle, if there is no opportunity to talk about it, but about the fact that journalists receive information from the first mouth where we can provide them, of course we will definitely this is what we will do, mr. yaroslav, in fact, at the press conference you just mentioned, you said that you will work, the committee, your committee will work... for journalists and nothing for journalists without journalists, many journalists are now complaining about the difficulties from accreditations, with access to the
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dividing line. about the fact that there are certain restrictions, some are allowed in, some are not allowed in, it is very difficult to get through, eh, i understand that now there will be phrases that we are working on it, but i am interested in specific, clearer terms, when it is possible, because so do we, all viewers and journalists, we want to receive the most specific and truthful information from the front line as possible, but let's separate the two issues, accreditation and access to the locations themselves, eh? because communicating with venkors, we have no problems with accreditation, c to the vast majority , the system is clear, it is not simple, but as for the state of war , it is normal, another story is access to the actual operational commands, so the zones that are under the operational command, if you take there, for example, the north or kharkiv region, problems of minimal quantity are solved quite quickly , we have
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quite serious problems with... its own access to ram, operational own management of the south. and here there are many components with which we also work. in terms of timing, if it were purely up to the committee, i would tell you as the nearest terms, we will definitely be able to solve these issues in january, february, but in reality, we need to collect, in fact, according to this approach that i spoke about, nothing for journalists needs to be collected without journalists. we still have less than three minutes, and i have one more question, i ask you to summarize and let's run to the next one, in short, we will do our part to resolve it as soon as possible, well, let's hope, but unfortunately, without specifics, and more questions about again, please, i can give specific dates when it is within the authority of my committee, then i will give you up to the hour when we do it, if it depends on, for example, the general staff, then i'm sorry, i
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hardly have the authority, you promised to prepare this formal inquiry on the effectiveness of the operation and funding telethon, what's up with that, is it all ready and, well , actually interested in the results, interested in this analysis? well, the results will be when there is an answer to the request, of course the request is ready and will be sent in the near future, huh. ok, you answered very quickly, so we ask, and you promise that you will inform us about the results of this analysis and this answer, since we have one more moment, and i want to ask about it, whether there is any progress in liberating the ukrainian journalists who are currently in captivity, or how things are progressing in that regard, one minute, we are preparing for january, here i can clearly tell you the terms, the resolution on
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appeals to international... structures, because this is not only a question of ukraine itself , this is the first first of all, it is not a matter of ukraine, we need international pressure, just as it was in the case of oleg sentsov, and most importantly, we need to find out the whereabouts of the four journalists who we know are in the convoy, russia does not confirm this in connection with the blocking of the exchange procedure. thank you, mr. yaroslav, for being with us yaroslav yurchyshyn, head of the verkhovna rada committee on freedom of speech, people's deputy of ukraine. on our airwaves, i remind you to subscribe to the tv channel on this qr code, which you now see in the lower left corner of the screen, will help you pay for battery stations with solar panels for the dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of tro of the armed forces of ukraine. please actively participate, because it is really very, very important. it is reported from crimea that the crimean bridge has been closed again, we will monitor what is happening there, again
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allegedly for... training or something loud, the russians are creating a new pseudo-brilliant battalion in order to involve it in the war with ukraine, and the estonians, on unlike the germans , they promise that if ukraine will ask, if there will be appropriate legislation regarding the extradition of ukrainians of mobilization age to ukraine, then they will contribute, contribute and help to find such people. i say goodbye to you briefly. stay with the espresso tv channel. 10 o'clock.


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