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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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to move so that the enemy could not touch their points, i have to put a full stop, we have news, thank you very much, ivan yakubets, military expert, ex-commander of the mobile assault troops of ukraine was in touch with us, unfortunately, well but time is time, so we have to say goodbye briefly, because iryna koval has a selection of the most important and freshest information for this moment. so, let's listen and watch together. thank you, oksana, i will tell you about the most important events in a moment, just wait.
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15 o'clock in ukraine, for your attention issue news on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. the russians attacked kirovohrad region with missiles, according to air force spokesman yuriy ignat, the occupiers fired ballistics from occupied crimea. enemy targets, the armed forces of ukraine destroyed over the kropyvnytskyi and oleksandriysky districts. according to the regional authorities, the debris damaged the roofs of houses, fences and cars. there is no information about the victims. also, the defenders of the sky shot down a rocket over the dnipro, reports the head of the region, serhiy lysak. demobilization of the military defending the country since the beginning of a full-scale invasion. in the capital, mothers, wives and children of servicemen went on a peaceful picket demanding demobilization after 18 months of service. their relatives went to the army in the first days of the great war and are still waiting for replacements. so the participants demand the reasonableness of the limiting terms. service and the speedy adoption
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of the law on demobilization. what is in the information space for 36 months is simply a death sentence for our soldiers, those people who voluntarily went to defend their country, they are the flower of the nation, and now this flower of the nation they just want to exterminate him, he has been fighting for 21 months, and i...soon i won't be able to stand it , i want him to be replaced, because we are already tired , we want the next ones to leave, we don't want to lose the country, because to live, well, i know what is it, well, well , i lived in donetsk when putin came, i don't want to live like this, in kherson , trolleybus traffic was restored, repair crews in the shortest possible time restored... damaged
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as a result of nighttime enemy shelling of the contact network. so far, all trolleybuses have reached the routes, the mayor of the city , roman mrochko, said. also, the occupiers continue fight with medical facilities. the day before , they ransacked the building of one of the local polyclinics. the employees of the facility have been trying to cope with the consequences of the shelling since the very morning. the clinic's buildings were damaged, the windows were damaged , the gas pipe was damaged, which was already successfully repaired, the boiler room was idle all night, now it has started, everything is fine, the consequences of the arrival are being eliminated. in the kyiv school , the shelter was restored, where the ceiling had collapsed the day before, this was reported to the capital's military administration, there they added that the premises completely... to use. in addition,
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the city management has started an inspection of all storage facilities in kyiv. in a few days, the relevant commissions must report on the presence of deficiencies in the shelters. the incident happened on december 22. during the air raid , the ceiling collapsed in one of the schools of the solomyan district. the children were not injured. and the strengthening of ukraine's borders with belarus continues. engineering groups of the state border service. despite the weather , fortifications are constantly being built there, said andriy demchenko, the spokesman for the service. the military is setting up trenches, shelters and firing positions, as well as erecting a barrier fence with barbed wire. local residents of the border regions voluntarily join the strengthening of the state border. despite the fact that we are on the very border, none of the residents of our community were scared and everyone stood up to protect our
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community and our state as a whole, everyone is doing something, we are helping the guys there in the trenches, it is difficult, so we too we also try to help people. currently, the state border service is not monitoring of a formed group on the other side of the border, which was ready to carry out a second invasion. also, non-standard situations along the state border are not noted. the situation remains fully under control, but given that belarus continues to support russia, we must be prepared for any situation and the border guarding order will not be canceled. eight citizens were detained in lviv oblast. iraq they tried to illegally leave for europe - the state border service reports. foreigners came to ukraine legally, however, they decided to enter the eu outside the checkpoints. law enforcement officers discovered violators near the border during an inspection of a minibus driven by a ukrainian.
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the passengers, including four children, did not have documents with them. the further fate of the detainees will be decided by the court. that was the news for this time, the updated edition, wait at 17 o'clock, read more on our website espresso tv, a summary of the main points, read on our social networks and watch us on youtube. we don't know if this... yesterday's visit by stikorsky, the time of our daily column, is a fact true or fake checking, maya yatagen joins us. in today's issue, we look at a viral post about volodymyr zelenskyi, the president of ukraine accused
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of buying an estate in florida, and what we know about it. that's right monty, let's look at the post that was made public in the previous tweet. in social networks, it says that president zelensky bought a villa worth 20 million dollars on the beach in florida. such a message spread virally and gained more than 10 million views. some users fear that all this is a cost american taxpayers. you can see beautiful photos of this gorgeous estate in the original post. so we tried to find out using reverse image search technology, if at all. such an estate and we managed to find such a villa, although not on the specified beach, in the north of florida, in the pontevedra beach area, with a total cost of almost 11 million dollars, or 10 million 800 thousand euros. you can understand why the selling price is so high, because if
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you look at the photo, at this panoramic view here, and also at the other photo, you can see how the luxurious rooms there, how spacious they are, and of course, one cannot fail to mention them. that is, the secret of such a high value is in the location, that's what matters. tell me, did zelensky really buy this villa for almost 11 million dollars? if you, like me, dream of such a luxurious house, then i have good news for you. zelensky did not buy this villa. our colleagues from observer contacted representatives of kompas, which sells such estates, and confirmed it there. that there was no such purchase. if you wish, you can look into the open register of real estate owners, which contains all the information about the owners of this estate. as we can see, zelensky is not here. instead, the current owners are daniel and carol. american journalist locrin marquet also
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investigated the story. he wanted to find out where the fake information was first published. and he established that it was pro'. russian site dc weekley. it was already indicated there that the biden administration is going to shelter president zelensky at the expense of american taxpayers, which is also fake, and there is no such plan. the author of this article is jessica devley, and she is allegedly a professional journalist, but we have not been able to find her anywhere, that is, this journalist does not exist, but here we see that the photo of the journalist was simply copied from a real person. the post also says that zelensky recently received american citizenship, what can you tell us about it? in dc wickley and in the original twitter post that we just saw, there was this certificate that was released, you can
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take a closer look at it, this is the certificate, which confirms american citizenship, and it was assigned to zelensky, let's compare two photos to understand whether this is a real certificate, it is a certificate with a seal. of the us navy. there are small differences between the two documents. the main difference is here. take a look at these seals, they are really different. on the left is a gold us seal, it has. glare after printing on the paper, on the other hand , it is simply printed on the right, so there is no shine at all. if you check this photo of zelenskyi, i want to say that he is simple copied from the official website of the president of ukraine. and in general , anyone can download a citizenship certificate template from the internet. even you, monty. although i think you don't need it, because you have it. that's right, thank you mae for this issue. polish
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farmers agreed to unblock the border. we are talking about the blockade of the sheghini medic checkpoint. however, not for nothing, well, that ’s clear, they have three main requirements: subsidies for the purchase of corn, preservation of agricultural... at this year’s level and the continuation of liquidity loans, so no we know whether this is the result of yesterday's visit of sikorsky, the new minister of foreign affairs of poland, to kyiv, or whether some other processes are taking place there, but we frankly like this diplomacy, we still have to deal with the carriers. we will talk about other diplomacy in a moment. yaroslav voydko, diplomat, international expert, joins our conversation. glory to ukraine, mr. yaroslav. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you and our viewers. well, any such
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appeals, indignation, requests to stop the war in ukraine, to stop shelling ukrainian civilian population and so on. we realized in the first days of the full-scale invasion that it did not affect the russians, and for almost two years no one had any influence, in principle, on them... no, but now it seems that they started to get a little scared there, but what, because it is about money, about the confiscation of frozen assets, when they started talking about it more seriously and voiced real options for how to do it, russia reacted and already said that no-no-no, if you do this, we will break relations with the united states of america , frighten, who is this relationship? are more needed in general, well, they scare, of course, how they
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scare the west and nato, that russia will win everything and defeat everyone, and is the only country that can allegedly turn the united states into nuclear ash, as russian propagandists said a few years ago, but it is about the fact that this is a very extreme measure, a break in diplomatic relations, is really like a mini-declaration of war, this kind of blackmail. will continue on the part of russia, just as the processes that have already begun and will not be stopped will continue, that is, not only the freezing of these 300 billion dollars of the central bank of russia abroad, but also not only the freezing, but also the transformation of them into money that will go to help in the reconstruction of ukraine, because there were others. initiatives, let's say, the spanish government once came up with an initiative, it did not find
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such support that, let's say, only percentages of this amount should be given to help ukraine militarily and in the restoration of its economy, but only a trillion dollars in economic losses for these two years ukraine has suffered hundreds of billions in ecological damage, we remember very well how the kakhovskaya hpp was disrupted and in general donbas has now turned into an ecological desert, so this money, which was about 15-17 billion and the spanish initiative, was actually rejected. and now it is about developing real mechanisms to ensure that these 300 billion dollars are not only frozen, but also that a legal basis is created so that later a mosquito does not sneeze and... the money could be absolutely legally, not , as they say that the russians are us
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robbed and, therefore, this cannot happen, the legal mechanisms are currently being developed that will allow them to be used later under normal international control, because there were such voices that we should give this money to the ukrainian side, no, it will not happen, they will developed mechanisms, how this money will be used, i think that this process cannot be stopped, the only thing is that it will take weeks and months. well, speaking in perspective, the $300 billion we are talking about is a significant amount, it's hard to say where it will go, but well... look, the russian federation has earned half a trillion dollars, 200 billion more, just on the trade of hydrocarbons for this past year, just how critical this amount can be in some turning point in the war with the russian federation, not just to hold on for a while and then say, well, give us more money, and then i will say, so where are we going to take it, we have already given everything, well , it is very important to simply understand the perspective of this, and also the support of aid and
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some time frames, because, well, russia continues to earn, continues to cooperate with different companies bypassing sanctions and simply earns banally on what it has on resources. yes, unfortunately, it is, russia has adapted to these sanctions, but in this 12th, let's say , package of sanctions that the european union introduced, there are certain mechanisms that will allow to avoid circumventing such sanctions, and the united states, not so a long time ago, by the way, on december 21, they just started consultations with their allies, to make sure that russia does not circumvent these sanctions. thus, what we call secondary sanctions will be introduced, that is, against those companies, both chinese and turkish, and many others, but turkey has greatly increased, say, the import of oil and petroleum products from the russian federation, that is
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, the united states will now introduce such measures that will not allow such firms... to actually receive dollars in transactions from the united states and from other countries, which are involved in ensuring that these stations are bypassed, therefore, if approached from several sides, the first unfreezing of these funds, which are now in the central bank of russia and their return to help ukraine, in addition, introduce more tough tools that will not allow sanctions to be circumvented, of course, it is better for all of us, for ukrainians, first of all, for the russian federation to be defeated on the battlefield, then it will go, i hope , easier, but unfortunately, we we all see that the war is dragging on, which is why nato, as a defense bloc,
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cannot send its soldiers. to help ukraine, thank you very much for giving us weapons, that's why economic sanctions and tools against their circumvention will continue, and we will see how it will develop information, the situation in the future, the only way out so far is not a military one, it is the continuation of economic sanctions and their worsening, mr. yaroslav, this story with... the shabby and the handsome, which actually came out yesterday, and it turned out that it was not the grenades that were found in the bodies the dead, the explosives were already under the wing, it somehow matters why this information was allowed
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to appear right now, why the wall street journal, and why not from inside russia somewhere and inf'. tion appeared, and it was precisely in this context that it turned out that in the events that took place in in june of this year, putin appealed to tokayev for military assistance, but he refused it, so we see that in the east they also have their own agreements and someone supports someone more or me, what all this can mean, maybe even in the context of the upcoming elections putin? well , it was very important for putin to suppress this prigozhynsky, this uprising or this mutiny, and by what means it was done, he could not stop at any means, how to do it. as for tokayev's position, well, he is just right, if you
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remember, before the full-scale invasion of ukraine by the russian federation. war in january of the 22nd year, there was a situation where russian troops helped there in kazakhstan, in fact, although it was believed that these were the armed forces of the organization of the collective security agreement, they helped to suppress certain uprisings there in kazakhstan, and then everyone was very happy, russian the propagandists said, we showed that the csto is not... a paper tiger, it is an organization that can protect the interests of each other's countries. i think that tokay, he has a great understanding of the implications of that, and... if he somehow provided military or other assistance to russia in suppressing this prigorzhynsky rebellion,
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especially since the claims of the russian federation on the territory of kazakhstan do not stop for a single day, and quite recently there is such a, you know, odious person, zakhar prilepin, he said that we have... on uzbek territory claims, so these countries, which are facing a real threat of losing state sovereignty and territorial integrity, need to be very careful behave, which is what the very skillful diplomat tokayev is doing, who is now focusing more on the people's republic of china, another important neighbor of his, well... we just can't say now, because the mutiny stopped very quickly, whether he would have given such weapons, it seems to me that no, because he is a statesman who
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acts in the interests of his country and would not be so delusional, providing some troops or weapons to the russian federation, i know, you mentioned about putin's election, and oksana said, i wonder what is so a demonstrative moment, it seems like you can laugh at it, but this... you can think about how important it is for putin to obviously not have at all anything but real competitors, in general, more or less conscious competitors in these elections and to take 150% of the votes, they had such a candidate kateryna duntsova, who submitted documents to their tsik in russian , was not registered, well, they found a lot of mistakes, for example, in one of her documents, instead of valerievna, she wrote valerievna, and they say that there are mistakes, that is, i am leading to that , which... well there is probably no one-hundred-percent confidence in the kremlin either, if they blow cold water at this stage on
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the example of mrs. duntsova, it will be a sweaty election, the election will be in quotation marks again, because we understand that it will be rigged, as you said, 150, or maybe even more , will be in favor of this candidate's cabinet and... there are very radical voices there, for example, the deputy of the state duma gurulyov very often appears on the television screens of solovyov, a well-known propagandist, so he said, 80% are those who support putin, these are wonderful people, and 20% of them need to be dealt with, or deported, or in general they can be destroyed there in some way, because... no other candidate except putin can be at the head of our state, and this must to happen for another 12 years, that is, two
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more election terms, as per the new constitution, which was adopted in the 18th year, these amendments were adopted in order for the president of the russian federation to be elected not for four years, but for six, that is why everything is being done in order to clean this... electoral field, this ms. dontsova, she has now applied, she wants to be nominated from yavlinskyi's party, and not as a separate candidate, well, but this does not change the situation of the elections in the usual for us and western democracies, there will be no word there, uh, well, we have , there is no time left for us, unfortunately, 40 seconds, we have to say goodbye, thank you for the conversation, for the answer. explanation yaroslav voydko, diplomat, expert, internationalist, was on the espresso tv channel. we're going to take a short break now, then come back and
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talk about things that can't help but bother, and in the end of anyone, oil and gas, these resources will be in the field of our attention, stay with espresso. the feeling of a bullet. and creeping ants arise spontaneously and worry you dolgit antineuralgia complex helps in normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to usual activities without tingling and numbness in the limbs. capsules doolgit antineuralgia - help to your nervous system. the real you and every touch will be gentle. when the world will open up to you. love yourself a lot now simply. pamper yourself every day. the real you
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we meet the first star together. christmas eve at espresso. traditional and not so traditional carols. christmas trips cities of our country. very special guests and extremely warm conversations. december 24. let's celebrate christmas together with espresso. imagine, a famous czech beer producer, it is about pilsner, refused to support the olympics in paris, why? because russia must be present there. czechs are generally well done. by the way, they were the first to write out this calendar with bloodied russian athletes. today, by the way, i saw another such picture of a russian athlete standing covered in blood, and behind him the flags of russia and... well, they
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say belarus, because the flag of belarus, he white and red, and belarus, he is like that , and this is actually, this, this is a very good step, a very demonstrative step, that in fact money does not decide everything, but there are also some values ​​and issues of support, this is important, we will talk about such things further with andrii zakrevskyi, chairman of the board of the oil and gas association of ukraine, we welcome you, mr. andrii, to our airwaves , good day, mr. andrii, we see you, but unfortunately, we cannot hear you, mr. andrii, but try to talk, no, but i see with to come, with the coming holidays, thank you and to each other, eh, or those holidays will be sweetened by some good news for us, i am not talking about the front now, because there the guys are already doing everything possible and even impossible, but there are also things that concern sanctions and...


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