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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2023 4:00pm-4:30pm EET

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there are those, those who supported the actual serbs in kosovo, also say that they are russians. you know, i watched a video of how the former president of the european commission , jean-claude juncker, met this orbán, when there was a summit of the heads of the european union, he raised his hand like this and said: the dictator slapped him on the pike, well, orban started something here, but it was indicative that this is how he is perceived, and orbán was not even offended, he laughed like that too, got it. went on, what am i leading to, well, there is already one dictator in the european union, this is orban, and somehow he himself does not hides everything, everyone understands everything, well, maybe he is not a dictator, in any case, a person who acts absolutely in a pro-russian, pro-russian agenda, so the question of the desire to join the european union, it is obvious, yanukovych also had the desire to join the european union, if to be honest, at least the processes regarding european integration have started, even in his environment, in his business circles, it's just that putin put his language, that's another story, but here... does europe need another
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disaster right now, well, it won't just happen get into it not in the eu, nor in nato, serbia, but in any case, to start this process, realizing that this could be another problem in addition to hungary, and now also to slovakia with fizo. please, it seems to me that without it there is no integration, the western balkans in general, and serbia in particular will have a very difficult time fighting against russian influence there, so we definitely need to integrate, maybe we need to set conditions. and put more pressure on the fulfillment of these conditions, again, as we see, political changes are brewing in serbia, that is, precisely these protests that we see in belgrade, they will definitely lead to a change of power, and i would like to recall the story from the days of milosevic, when milosevic was actually still in power, when there were also protests, and when the world tried, or the western world tried to stop all the wars that in...
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milosevic, and as a result, it was still possible to remove him from power, that is, this means that citizens always have the opportunity to remove from power and elect others. on the other hand , of course, citizens and politicians, especially if it is the opposition or the democrats, always have the opportunity to do something for to move the country towards the european union. in fact , the opposition did not win these elections because it did not come up with a new program. and did not offer a new program to the citizens, this is also a small fault of the opposition, i.e. the opposition should take into account the mistakes they made during these elections and still try to correct them in the upcoming elections, i.e. their proposal to the citizens should be different from the government's proposal , and it should certainly be more convincing. thank you very much for the detailed comments, professional comments, maria gelatii, a balkanist expert, candidate of political sciences was in touch with us, and...
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we talked about the results of the elections and the expected results of further politics in the student and his party in serbia, a country that aspires to the european union, or at least wants it, but it is not yet a member of the european union or the north atlantic alliance. let's go now for a short break, then we'll come back and how it actually fits on the eve of christmas, we'll talk about religious matters, about calendar matters, we'll deal with all this, then... stay with us, turn on well - this is when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and around the world of cinema, then, oh, what is needed, megago, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports , icelandic moss, vitamin c, your power to fight cough and snoring, islantica, there are books on... attention, an incredible new product from rozpak
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glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. we continue our broadcast, we don't have much time left with oksana, but we'll talk about christmas, you know, oksana, i'll tell you this, there's been a lot lately, and by the way, i forgot to mention serbia, we're here told about serbia, european integration, serbia i agreed to play a football match against the russian national team, well, it's so easy to talk about modern serbia, but now on facebook there is such a clash of foreheads of ukrainians, i understand that these are some pages and the people are very strange, as if, yes, about... we succeeded , celebrate christmas on the 25th, and we will celebrate it, well, tomorrow is the holy evening, although i have been celebrating it all my life, but we celebrated it on the seventh, but it has changed, so yes, but it is, and now our grandfathers and grandmothers are starting to we are ukrainians, we should not be like catholics, like rome and, and this hysteria is already starting, well, people are sober
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, they say, listen, well, stop, when you want, then celebrate, but this confrontation is starting, why do you think this is being done , because, well, in my opinion, the ukrainians accepted this story normally, we are coming back to what was before the soviet government. ukrainians accepted it normally, but it is typical for ukraine to always quarrel somewhere, to find, you know, in addition to when to celebrate christmas, the main, main topic of disputes, this kutia should be, the main topic of disputes, this kutia should be thick or thin, here, and i will be thick, but i will also celebrate, but tomorrow the day after tomorrow ukrainian sorry, i will say, in sramsa, not damsa, here there is such a thing in ukrainian where there are two. there are three hetmans of ukrainians, but i will now deal with all these questions, why it is so difficult to unite ukrainians, at least in religious matters. roman nazarenko, director of the uku institute of religion and society. already in touch with us. congratulations, mr. roman. i congratulate you.
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do you have an answer to this question, why the ukrainians, who were actually prepared, who should have already analyzed and understand what is happening. the information campaign was actually very good, large-scale, and it all did not happen all at once, but for years we were preparing for the fact that the calendar will be changed, we will switch to a new calendar and will no longer celebrate it according to the inaccurate calendar that is late for 13 days at the moment, and there in the next century it was 14, then more days, why are ukrainians reacting like this and ready to celebrate now? not only the new year and the old new year, but christmas, the old christmas. you see, if you look at what is done in in ukraine, it seems to me that we should come to the same conclusion that the changes that are happening to us are ahead of our natural development. if it were not for a full-scale
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invasion, it is unlikely that the issues with the russian church would be raised now, or the issues with the calendar and so on. so war, it accelerates, a full-scale invasion, i mean, it always accelerates. there are tens, and sometimes hundreds of times, historical processes of maturation of a particular people, and therefore, you know, to be there for 100 years under the influence of soviet power and in particular under such... well how i would like to say that, with a powerful and thought-out propaganda influence, well, it cannot be changed in one or two days, or in two years, that's why such processes continue, and you rightly said at the beginning that in the end, you know, we are not moving to some the option is new, we return to those sources that were, and what you already noted, at the beginning of the 20th century we celebrated christmas on december 25, that is why it was not a problem, but then the soviet authorities wanted to change these holidays, later... in general i shifted the main emphasis to the new year i remember, for example, my childhood in the crimea, i
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myself am from the crimea, then we always had presents under the christmas tree, this was done for that, well, in my family for nicholas in december, but in general all my friends, then it was under the christmas tree, and it tried , you know, to push out the context of this religious holiday and to introduce as much secular context as possible, well, why did this happen, we understand the non-soviet authorities, especially after the 20s, so... well, religion began to be pushed out as much as possible, you know , that's why it's important to inform people, i'm on facebook there or in other networks, well, there are people in tiktok who write such provocative videos and start saying, well, first of all, i’ll just say, maybe some of the viewers don’t know, december 25 is in the roman empire, it was the day of the invincible sun, and that’s what they decided , that there will be the day of the true sun of jesus christ, december 25, and people say, you pagans celebrate december 25, when it is the day of the sun, and we true christians celebrate... we celebrate the birthday of christ from january 6 to 7, people do not even understand , this is basically the same date, just different calendars, julian and
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gregorian. was it enough that ukrainians were informed about what was happening and that there is no true date and no false date? jesus wasn't born on december 25th, it's just tied to this holiday, and when he was born we don't really know, so in terms of informing people, how well was this job done. moreover, even in individual liturgical texts we have expressions such as to be used to jesus: "you are our sun, enlighten us, enlighten us." that is, it traveled into the christian tradition, and now is not a problem for christianity. look, what before this, it seems to me that it is always possible to do better, but but, but still , a lot was done, well, enough. for example, now the greek-catholic church, the ukrainian greek-catholic church has such a period of the so-called gentle transition on the calendar, which should last until the 25th year, that is, believers are given two years and everyone. parishes who are not ready to move immediately for one reason or another, i.e. a large information campaign is being conducted,
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clarification is underway, councils, synods are held, meetings, clergy, where these or other correct algorithms are adopted, so that later the faithful will be informed about the nature of the celebration on this particular day, and not on another, for now, therefore the issue of the calendar, it now has a multidimensional impact, on the one hand, it is such an internal church issue , ecclesiastical, on the other hand, it is a matter of national security, and we understand that. and this is also a question of geopolitics, and now is such a historical moment that we have a unique opportunity, you know, to look into our roots and move away from all those influences, in particular of the russian church and others that were imposed on us, well, there after the 20th 20s, that's why, if now this issue is gaining awareness, it is becoming even more informed, but at the same time it seems to me that greek - the catholic church and the orthodox church of ukraine, in particular, are synchronized, so there is a difference of a few months when certain decisions were approved, but in general they are synchronized, if
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they came out with this proposal to celebrate christmas together, but never, well, they are not, you know , it is too much to carry out such information in the future accompaniment of this transition, which in the end even you and i are dealing with now, so this issue was being prepared, it was not something spontaneous, solved in one minute, due to a full-scale invasion, commissions were created even before the full-scale... one invasion, but as we talked at the beginning, the war simply speeds up a lot of processes that society is not always, well , ready for changes and maturation, i agree with you, i also always celebrated in january, and it’s not just somehow like that for me, i’m already used to it, but i understand when, you know, you immerse yourself in nature precisely these changes and these and these celebrations, then , well, it does not cause any problem, and very quickly, you know, we will get used to it, i will only insert a remark, regarding people who are afraid that... celebrate the day of the invincible sun and are pagans, i once wrote a coursework on the topic
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of pagan traditions in ukrainian christian holidays in the first year of university, well , we had such a topic in folkloristics, so i can reassure ukrainians, the vast majority of christian holidays, well , there is a plus or minus, these are simply relocated pagan holidays , like say 40 magpies, 40 saints there too, well, john the baptist, john kupala, well, that's why people shouldn't worry, here the essence is not in the form, the essence is in the content, what we, whom we glorify, what we celebrate, what we celebrate. but i'm just curious , if i may ask, they write in such a way that we cannot determine when christ was born , well, but there is a historical date to which this event was approximately attached, the birth of christ in bethlehem, this is the legend of king herod, isn't it no... documents have been preserved, when approximately that census was conducted, well, in palestine at that time, well, we can have a rough idea, at least king herod says various historical chronicles, yes, but he definitely died before christmas, before our era, as it is correct to say, before the christmas of christ, if it did not sound paradoxical, so there is an error of four, or the second, the fourth year, someone says the sixth, but somewhere around
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the fourth year before the christmas of christ, so this is an approximate guide, what to add, you said correctly, it’s well... it’s almost impossible, but you know, here the emphasis is different: i, when the christian hello, at christmas time i use, then i say, christ is born, that is, he was not born, you know , somewhere there 200 years ago in bethlehem, he is born every year, every day, and , again, according to these holiday traditions, we remember each time not his birth, as a historical fact, although he took place , well, at least that's what christians believe, but we remember those processes and we experience those about... which would have resulted as a result of his birth, that's why it's important, you know, when we celebrate christmas, that there are various rites that have nothing in common with christianity, i don't know how throwing cats to the ceiling or something else, it is important that it does not come first, so that we do not forget what exactly we are celebrating and what these days are dedicated to. actually, this is probably another third topic, the one on which
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ukrainians quarrel the most during christmas time, this is the christmas greeting, you are wrong. greeted, not born, born, not born, but born, and this is mabu, or all gives birth, you can still do it like that, this old slavic form is actually from sya, mr. roman, but it will be more interesting later, because the ocu has switched to a new calendar in gcc, but easter is preserved, according to the old calendar in fact, that is, now there will be even disagreements once in a while... for several years , easter coincides in two calendars in roman catholics and in churches of the eastern rite, but in most cases it does not, and there is also this concept with the transition in the 25th year on paschal uh, it's already the way it is in the western
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church, what do you say about it, will it be possible to unify and implement such a single calendar? as much as possible for all christians, yes, you correctly noted, so when we talk about christmas and about these transitions on the calendar, then this refers to the context of the so-called, in liturgical language, immovable holidays, that is, holidays that from year to year are established and determined by a clear date, and the other part of the calendar - these are movable holidays, and easter just before belongs to them, and there they have their variability every year and happen at different times. and here is precisely the test, in the end, for the maturity of our churches, it concerns both the greek catholic church and the orthodox church of ukraine, most importantly, yes, about the fact that, well, how ready are we really, not just to talk about ecumenism , about dialogue, about reconciliation, really, uh , you know, to show first of all to our believers that we are ready, well, that we have nothing to share, and this is a very important thing, you see how the question
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with the tomos influenced orthodoxy in ukraine , the way it collapsed, despite the various nuances of disagreement there, not about that now, but it is important that it helped a simple believer not to have these different, you know, divisions, there is no grace there, there it is there, you can go there, you can't go there, it simplifies as much as possible the life of a basic, simple ordinary believer, and therefore the transition to one synchronous , i would call it easter, and the understanding of the celebration of easter in one day, it absolutely helps and creates logic, then christianity shows how its unity and shows, well, the main meaning, that there is nothing to share, especially for christians in ukraine, and again, i will allow myself, despite the fact that these are church issues, but it has a crazy influence and society, in ukraine, well, one way or another , not close less than 70% of people name themselves religious, we understand that someone is nominally once a year, you know, how to come to
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church and light a candle, someone is more practicing, but still people identify themselves, even if culturally, they are still religious... with christianity in a religious sense, and that is why, if this is also a test of maturity and a test of the fact that ukrainians are well united, if religion will act as another factor in uniting our people, in particular during a full-scale invasion and such great trials, then it is already will justify itself, and more once you have to forget that, well, don't forget that in the end all this is directed and in general the christian idea is to gather people into a heap, and not to divide them because of... some or the other liturgical or calendar issues, they are important, they take their place, but we must not forget that the most important meaning, which is ultimately in christianity, is not lost behind this form, you know how when jesus... came to visit martha and mary, then mary listened to christ, and martha household, jesus said to martha calm down, this is important, of course, but it is definitely not important now, when i came to visit, and in the end i
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just want to ask, according to the results of the survey, 42% of orthodox ukrainians are believers of the orthodox church of ukraine, and only 5% of the uocp, and well, plus, that ukraine is transitioning, has already finally switched to the gregorian calendar, how painful it is now for the moscow church, which actually has enormous resources. from the ukrainian churches, and even now they say that there is a certain tension between this patriarch kirill and putin, obviously he understands that the loss of influence in ukraine is critical for him, well, first of all, financially, financially, it is very painful, as it affects russia's reputation, as it affects their desire to further progress in ukraine religiously, as well as according to your data, according to your information, is this poll, its results, true, because i was surprised by this 5%, i personally thought, catholics, greek catholics, protestants, muslims. i also agree with your opinion, i can't deny or deny it, it is
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is not in the family of orthodox churches, if it is part of the russian orthodox church, then it is a different story, but you understand that they want to distance themselves from the russian church as much as possible now, so they are in a difficult situation now, but again this is a question, well, we have a large, large number of questions for this church. accordingly , the same transition and once again the synchronization of the calendar and the movement, i would call it westward to the civilized world, obviously, which also affects the authorities of the moscow church, but they now choose the following tactics: they strive to turn themselves into a church of martyrs who persecute us, expel us from the lavra, look what is being done to us, and we must prevent these things, because this has a maximum effect on the geopolitical attitude towards ukraine, on the one hand, and on the other there is the supply of weapons and everything else. at least for a while, if you allow me, you know, i hear hot heads who say, here there are special forces to drive to the lavra to clean everyone out of there, and you can imagine that tomorrow it will appear on the
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news columns all over the world, that is, i am in favor of finally , and now we see those movements to suspend the activity of the moscow church, to give exclusively in the legal, yes in the legal field, to show all their violations and corresponding actions, so that they were carried out, because somewhere it slowed down a little, but here we still need to keep common sense. mr. roman, we must say goodbye, thank you for these important words, especially on the eve of christmas. roman nazarenko, the director of the institute of religion and society of the university was on our air. literally in a moment, we will also say goodbye to only we have not determined the question whether it is liquid or thick kutia is more relevant, but in any case, i think that we will find out after the holidays, i wish you, by the way, a quiet holy evening and now here's what... i bring to your attention, the european union has announced a special program for ukrainians, according to the conditions , you can get a number of benefits if you shelter a representative of the lgbt community in your home, this will start arkady nepetaryuk's new tape,
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lessons of tolerance, it will be released on february 14, lina chechenina will ask the director why he decided to describe our society because of such a topic, and will also talk about the loudest cultural event of the week. thank you for being with us, see you soon. friends, my congratulations, today we will dedicate our issue about the culture of victory, mostly because, well, let's start with the super mega victory, i think you have already heard that 20 days in mariupol, the documentary got to two shorts letters at the oscars, well, let’s say, such a simple common name, awards from american film academics, at once in
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two shortlists for the nomination, more precisely in the category of the best international film and the best documentary film. ahead of this tape, getting into the nomination, if everything goes well, and if 20 days in mariupol gets into the nomination, it will mean that on... our cinematographers will go to los angeles, come to this important ceremony and immediately be to claim victory, there is such confusion among many people about the names and how this selection takes place in general, how this oscar race takes place, because it is also very often when only a certain country in our case, ukraine puts forward a ribbon to fight for the oscar, very often. then there is less in the media, but there was such a thing that they immediately called it a nomination, no, friends, it's just a nomination, a nomination is when
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five or six tapes that fight... for victory, and now, go directly to the final i would like to emphasize that in 20 days in mariupol there is only one stage left to get into the nomination, and then god will give a win, so we are cheering for this tape, let's watch it now, i will remind you about it, it was in in the ukrainian box office, you could watch it, i generally encourage such tapes, but to watch it on the big screen, because the emotions from it are simply colossal and... i will tell you that there are many of my friends who were afraid to watch it, but i i don't suggest that you treat it that way, because the film, in particular , is therapeutic, that is, it is so painful, but it will not kill you, it is somehow made in such a way that, on the contrary, it adds optimism, although it would seem that where to take it from in this situation, he tells about the occupation of mariupol,
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the authors, evgeny maloletka and mstislav chernov, happened to be there, they, as internationally famous photojournalists, went there immediately when the full-scale war began, and they filmed there for 20 days, they miraculously managed to leave, of course, the footage that you see now, they 're just extremely emotional, there's just great drama, if you can use that word, this film, which has really become very... and very iconic in the world, it was first shown at the sundance festival in the united states of america, there it won audience prize likes, and if you look at the various platforms where the world audience gives their ratings after watching the film, you will see that 20 days in mariupol consistently has the highest score, and almost all the reviews are positive from viewers in all countries of the world, so it is not so bad for us as for ukrainians, no
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indulgence. ram as ukrainians who said , you know, how many people now think, oh, this movie, maybe it went so far, because this is ukraine, now is the time, no, it's just a very cool movie, and i like that we are finally in these oscar races have reached the level where we're not just presenting a good film that's not to be ashamed of, but a film that's absolutely worthy of a win, let's watch an excerpt, cars. but now they are preparing, getting ready
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to fight further. because, you know, this oscar race, it's not just about the quality of the movies, it's also about marketing, it's about promotion, and you always have to take that into account, because it always takes a lot of money, and you know, every product, and the movie even quality, even the one that can be called artistic, still in some way in a certain sense, it is a product that needs to be sold, promoted, made so that people know about it, and this is very important at these various film festivals. ceremonies , contests and so on, especially at the oscars, and of course you need to work with promotion, you need the film to be at the box office in the united states, you need the audience there to know it, the press to write about it, well, that's about it okay, if we are talking about 20 days in mariupol, then we are waiting and of course we support our authors, cheer for them, and i want to remind you in a few words what was the history of relations in...
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ukraine, ukrainian cinematographers and oscar, well, in general, i will say that there are such specific and skeptical opinions that oscar is not as important as it is portrayed.


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