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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2023 9:30pm-10:00pm EET

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what is it, well, really, you know, now they have launched this phrase, they are saying imitation, imitation of drone attacks, but the question is really what is the imitation, if they do fly to their goal? on december 15, 16, and 17 , raids were carried out on kursk, krym, and volgogradsk. region to the rostov region, the targets were objects of both the russian air force and the energy infrastructure, then 30 drones there, then 30 drones here, the same strikes on morozovsk, where our su-34 is based, in morozovsk several boards of tactical aviation were damaged, they can be patched, they can be repaired, but the question arises that this is blown up in the media, that the russians are again not protecting their boards, from this point of view, because... it hits the most painfully, it is difficult
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not agree, but it is even more difficult to disagree with the fact that the enemy has the opportunity to reach our airfields, and we actually hope that we will continue to reach further, and the further, the more, so we wish them to live such a bright life in this regard , which we have been living for two years, but it turned out to be not only problems with drones, here they suddenly
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put their weapons to... with ukraine , we shoot at ukraine with them, well, they shoot back, so it's normal that you are being fired upon there, and moreover, it's normal, it turns out that there should be continuous fighting on the border of russia, listen to this, well, a great answer. time and time again, the governors of the russian border region say that the armed forces of ukraine, or ukrainian formations , shelled the vicinity of one or another population center . subdistrict
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belgrod, there are demands for a breakthrough in the groivoron city district, there are demands for an offensive on the new tovolzhank and other territories, which are the reasons for the shelling of the city infrastructure, indeed, i may be revealing a secret to someone, but now the populated areas that are being shelled by ukrainian formations are and settlements, which are located directly on the line of combat contact, where it is impossible not to place combat positions, observation points. to the west, southwest, northwest, south of the village, for one simple reason, because village to the state border 500 m, kilometer, 3 km fields, and of course, to equip these areas in order to reflect enemy raids, and this is a normal story. offensive from the armed forces, large. a shooting battle, shelling, but what
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in reality, in reality, is an ordinary shooting battle, of which there are hundreds on the entire border, in every section, that we, that the enemy , we strike at each other, well done, he told the residents of the russian border, and in principle, to all residents of russia, that it turns out to be normal for them to live under shelling, because the russian occupying army pulled a bunch of weapons there to attack and shell the territory. of ukraine. to attack and fire at least from the territory of the kharkiv and sumy regions, which are in the neighborhood, even during the hostilities of 2014-2021, no one has ever fired at the russian border and never conducted hostilities there before. well, but putin fixed it and now the propagandists are telling russians that it's okay for them to live on the battle line if they live on the border with other countries. and judging by everything, soon...
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it will also be normal to live on the line of hostilities, as well as for the residents of the leningrad region, and in fact for everything that is there. literally yesterday, the usa signs an agreement with finland stating that the american military has the right to access the deployment of its arsenals, divided into 15 finnish bases, this is a very serious serious agreement, similar to the agreement with lithuania, latvia, denmark, as putin said earlier in we had no problems with finland, now there will be, we will create leningradsky 1300 km of the border, so that there is an understanding, 1200 is now the battle line. well, indeed, putin threatened finland that because of its accession to nato, it will have problems, he said in an interview with his propaganda team there that he allegedly does not want to fight with nato countries, because
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there are no territorial disputes, however, because that the usa lured the finns to itself, they will now have problems, and russia will be forced to create on the border. with finland , the leningrad military district to send troops there, but i will remind you of such a simple one thing: well, first of all, putin is in trouble again, because they announced the creation of the leningrad military district not now, it did not happen these days, no, it happened last year, at the end of last year, they already talked about that they are creating this military ukru there. in addition, russia did not come up with the idea of ​​sending migrants there either this year, moreover, well, now they are offended there that the finns closed the border, but the finns actually endured
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all of russia's pranks for a very long time, because in 2016, in 2016, yes, putin visited finland . yes, and it was then that there was a conversation about the fact that during the years 2015-2016 , migrants from the russian side were specially brought to the finnish and norwegian borders, in addition , russian planes with transponders turned off were constantly flying over the baltic, that is, they were already threatening there finland, they already had some planes there...
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less than nine years, and nothing has changed in russia's policy, just its, essentially russian, such a threatening policy towards of finland, eventually led the finns to the point that they were forced to join nato, and strengthen border control, and build defense structures, and in the end, they would also supply bases, but to say that it was only such things, you know, in fact everything flies... in relation to finland, it unfolds according to the same patterns and standards that are unfolding against ukraine. as early as the 13th year, the russians started talking about the fact that the finns are nazis, you are not mistaken, that's how it was, they
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said that they were nazis, who are there again they want to attack a russian girl, why haven't they attacked all this time, the question is this. and they want to attack, and they want to take back their territories once seized by russia, and in general to look for different, you know, strange stories, well, for example, the most vivid. the story of the demonization of the finns, this is a story that was pulled again in the 13th year about how the finns created a bunch of camps, just like that , in the occupied territories from the 41st to the 44th year, where they killed many russian, well, what can i say, there is an interesting story, in fact, now you see, for example, the footage, this is a film, which was shot in... the year of the feature film, which was shot with the money of the state government of the russian
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federation, it is about these, as it were, finnish camps. the 18th year, again, not the 20th, not the 21st, not when the finns had already joined nato, no, it was all before that, they had already made films, and the film turned out to be so lying and stupid , that even the russians themselves did not release it for rental, they simply did not release it for rental. what is it talking about? and the story is as follows: after the soviet union took part of the territory from finland, on may 28, 1940 the soviet government adopted resolution no. 896 on the agricultural resettlement of 20,000 families of collective farm workers from belarus and ukraine to karelofinsk of the ussr. the mordovian, tatar, chuvash autonomous republics and a number of other regions,
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and this is what happened next: these people who came to the territories occupied by russia moved in, finnish houses, well, as you know, the liberator, finnish houses moved in, several lived there years, believed that they were so lucky to live in such beautiful houses, well, for example, in arguments and facts... it was so the reminiscences of belarusians who once lived there are also printed, who tell how my grandfather came there, settled in a beautiful wooden house, just beautiful and lived there, how the cheese rolled in butter, and when the second world war began, and in the end such germans attacked their former ally stalin, finnish troops entered those territories that were, in principle, the sovereign territory of finland for some time, well, besides,
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these people who settled there, who were transported there, well, they really interned in the camps, 17 camps were created there, and what to them was to do, because these are the people who carried out sabotage activities there against the finnish army, so what did you expect, how they would behave after you seized other people's property, yes, how you settled there, how they would treat you... to behave in general, and it is actually a great tragedy of the entire soviet people that a bunch of soviet citizens were dragged into all these for, you know, seizing other people's property, looting, seizing other people's territories, eviction of the indigenous population, resettlement, and of course, as a result, ordinary people, who first, the same ukrainians , belarusians, mordovians, bashkirs, anyone, were transported there, and then their fine report... they were put in camps, well, there is also an interesting story in these camps, they
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were resettled there, they survived the war there, then they , well, the soviet army came back , they were released from there, some number, well, the finns call the figure 400 died there during the hostilities in these camps, the russians are trying to tell that there are some cosmic numbers in 50 00, there were not so many of these people in principle. in 2020 , the russians began this story actively to rock, well, first of all, two years before that, they made this film, which did not go anywhere, but the scenery remained from this film, and what are the russians doing, they are trying these scenery. to put the film as if it were a museum of the finnish occupation,
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they tried twice to put these houses in two different settlements, at first they tried to put these houses as such, you know disneyland, in the place where the film was shot. there literally started an uprising of the local population, who said: there was never any camp here. we don't need to cram these fake houses and this fake constable here, the russians said well and tried to put it in another place in karelia. in another slightly larger place, they were also told that you can't sculpt there, there was never any camp there either, well, where are you sculpting, especially since these are not some historical things, it's just a fake, it's completely fake, some there, well, it’s not, it’s not even a historical reconstruction, you invented it yourself, in the end,
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after a few there, well, this whole year they they messed with these decorations. we tucked it into the film, you will laugh at the former pioneer camp in the territory of karelia, well , perhaps the pioneer camp was the best for the scenery of the concentration camp, and again , on the territory of this former pioneer camp , there was also no other camp except the pioneer camp, except for the soviet one some there, because there were enough soviet camps just in karelia, where normal people died. not 4 thousand by any means, but where tens of thousands of people died, and in the end, you know, this whole story turned out to be something like this, you know, this is just an indicator of how the russians falsify history in general, they shoot some films that they don't even show, then they take her scenery for this film, try to put them as something
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like that , which is supposed to be a camp, and now children are taken there to rest in constab. for them to study there and live literally in a concentration camp, like to infiltrate something there, you know, but the biggest extravagance in all this is not even that it was built there for the third time, not that it scenery, and why exactly they can't put it, well, it's on the site of some real concentration camp or something, but it would seem yes, well, there were cicadas there historically. it was a fact , there were such camps, and soviet citizens were actually received there, well, put him in his place, and you know what the problem is, but this is just a beautiful story, the point is that you cannot put him in the place of a concentration camp, because , attention, for example, in petrozavodsk in
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these houses that the finns made to keep prisoners. so-called concentration camps, still live the local residents are russian, they still live in these houses built by the finns, like a concentration camp, you can imagine this situation, the constable turned out to be so beautiful, well, i won’t say anything about that, yes, probably there were also heavy the living conditions are probably not good in konsabur, although those people who sat there later tell how they... walked around the city for a minute, when they went to the city, they begged for food, that is, here they are there they walked here and there, terrible maintenance, that's it, well, that's the story, and that's it now they have pulled out this story again and are talking about it again, another ukrainian traitor is already talking about it on russian television, but
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obviously he will not tell you about the fact that russian citizens still live in these houses of this alleged concentration camp, well, i tell you tell me you now know finland, with which russia, in principle, interacted quite well, starting with the second world war. why? well, because the finns appreciated the nobility of russia, which did not present the soviet union to russia, they did not who presented the finns with the accusations they deserved, because in essence the finns are the same fascists, the finns are the same nazis, and what they did in koreli, occupied by them, even the germans did not think of it. in the 20th year , an article was published in a finnish newspaper, one of the newspapers there, in which they asked...
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well, that is why it was not at all at the nurburne tribunal, because it was simply that there were no crimes there, as it turned out, there were none and that's all. well, that's another story, well, about how they don't threaten anyone at all, that the unfinished prilepin finally spoke, and of course, not only the finns should be interested. in fact, i am still sincerely in favor of the fact that these are the territories where guest workers come to us, so that they can be annexed. it's just that they are already completely on the spot, well, how would they be taught the russian language, so that they are not taught here, but already there - in uzbekistan, let's say, thank you. and we will, i’m serious, i’m not kidding, i’m not fooling around, we’ll further advance the topic, demystify the documentation about the collapse of the soviet union, which will allow us in any
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moment, to actually say that since 2 million of your citizens, since 2 million of your citizens are in our territory, we actually claim your territory, because the majority of you are here, they have already voted even for, well, or some other form of but can it be thought of, who will prevent us from doing anything useful on the eurasian territory after the parade in kyiv? thank you, well, it won't work out, because somehow it doesn't work out with a parade in kyiv, well, it's like that, but you know, that 's it, and then after that, they wonder what their put somewhere in some camps, after they captured the territory of the chusha and expelled them from there, well, you know, you don't have to be surprised that this is happening, it's just a marten, how picturesque, more picturesque. the great russian writers, the so-called bykov and akunin, were scratched this week, thanks to vavan and lexus
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. would accuse such a terry, criminal such russophobia, where now is this person terrorist list? he admitted that he finances the armed forces of ukraine, and now a list of terrorists and extremists has been entered, and i assume that we will no longer see boris akunin's books on the shelves of bookstores in the coming days, because selling books under the authorship of a terrorist and extremist is, i am afraid, legally it will be quite problematic, the books will be banned in the 20th century, well... they will be refused, it is necessary to apply to them the typical, fashionable culture of exchange, cancellations, this is how it is accepted in the 20th century, that is, okunin, this is a pseudonym, he himself did not write, these many
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there, they write literary negroes for this , remove the best books, negroes will suffer again, find these literary negroes, who will put it, and the author’s last name, who really wrote because of chakh khartashvili, he is a businessman, yes of course, you have to leave him money, that's all. well, that is, akunin, boris akunin, a writer, they now have a terrible extremist, they need him, they invent a whole bunch of stories about it, you see, but the best kunina herself answered it, he expressed fears for the fate of those people who took part in the filming of films, according to his books, very worryingly for volodymyr mashkov, he said, who starred in a staunch adviser, for dmytro pivtsov in the turkish gambit, for... yandex, which released the series azazel every day, in the end for konstantin ernst, the head of the first channel, it’s just scary for him, the scariest thing is for my guide
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nikita mikhalkov, who earned the most money from my screen adaptations, and it is not known what he spent it on, akunin commented in a telegram about everything that is happening, well , i’ll tell you, after that there again they are very worried that akunin will be forgiven, everything will be returned to akunin. and that maybe there is even an assumption that maybe somehow the conversations went on so that, god forbid , something extra was taken away from okunin, so it is not surprising that after all this you know, and solovyov is also worried that this is all can roll back, because when they have already started to take on such outstanding writers, well, it probably won't lead to good even those who try to take on him. let's pack. why, after all, it will probably be possible to come to an agreement, the truth is, everything will come back on its own, the west will return,
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the boutiques of milan, nice will return, the southern coast of france will be back again, london, when it will return to you, gentlemen . and you dream about it, you really dream about the defeat of russia, you want a return, well, to that version of the 90s, you want this air, feel it, and you are offended by the west, offended. you hate it, that the west did not see you as its own, how does it hurt you, and you take revenge? and you hate it, but how many
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zhdunovs are there in moscow offices, and how many are there in decent restaurants, and how many are there they worry, watch and sit in a restaurant for a ruble, and somewhere the lunatics of barvikha are gone, they dream that everything will return, they build themselves such an illusion of the west and think that it is necessary to wait, and then... well, of course, of course, this is the impression of the campaign, that solovyov is more afraid that he will be shot or hanged by his comrades, who are sitting and waiting in the offices on the rublev highway, and this, you know, is a very real prospect for him, judging by everything and judging, for example, even by the skives, so what
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is it, we will and we'll see, maybe... it's not for nothing, it's not for nothing, he's waiting for it, it's a new year for us it can still show, so see you later, there are discounts on broncholithin phyto, 15% in pharmacies , plantain will save you money. the traveler knows what helps. there has been an accident, nina galamask, your mother. are there other relatives? but it seems you have a grandfather. the sink is behind the hut, and the toilet is below.
9:58 pm
where is he, and if there are no cigarettes , then what will you smoke, he says, well, if there are no cigarettes, then he will smoke village council, how much time do you need, then you need 10 days, 10 days, this is what you should do, i i didn't come here to look at...
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let's go, where, there, come on, chair,
10:00 pm
i congratulate you, on the air of espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important events of this week, the most important economic and geopolitical signals that our state received from various capitals. our guests today are mark fagin and daniel frith. mark feigin, an activist of the russian position on emigration, a former member of the state duma, and a video blogger, will be working on the air of the tv channel. glory to ukraine, mark, i congratulate you. well, alarm signals are coming, in particular it is said. about the appearance many different publications with a certain leitmotif, so we understand, there may be nothing behind them, but the appearance of this leitmotif is extremely stressful, they write: what will happen, for example, to europe, the world economy and so on, if ukraine loses.


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