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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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i see, ready to fire, the gun is loaded , ready to fire, shot, we fired at 1000 m, this is done to test the gun, that is, we just received these tanks, they literally arrived to us three days, four days ago, these very that fired, they are simply checked, the gun is checked and the accuracy of hitting the target is checked. leopard one has four crew members, the loader has 5-7 seconds to prepare a projectile weighing up to 28 kg for firing. unlike soviet tanks, here the gun is of a smaller caliber - 105 mm. here rifled barrel, it compensates. small, namely,
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the small diameter of the barrel, it has greater accuracy and the firing range is also much better than that of the 120th. the hit is very beautiful, because if everything is checked, everything of the gunner of the tank commander, everything is adjusted correctly, the results are beautiful. sharp, he was called a leopard for a reason, sharper and bigger to us these tanks and that’s all, we would fight this racism quickly, we will push it out of our lives and the life of the world, i am a tank commander, i studied a little with us in 1972, well after 1972 i went to germany study. passed
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there is a course in one area, then in another, in general, i stayed there for 3 months, i will tell you, the tanks are good, the speedboats are very cool in management, minus the first leopard, which everyone knows about, weak armor, but the ukrainian military says that in they already have a ready-made solution on how to strengthen it, despite the saturation of the battlefield with drones, tanks continue to play an important role, and some of the leopard 1s received by ukraine have already successfully worked against the enemy from a distance of more than 3 km, as practice shows, they are vital , therefore that infantry vehicles, which are, the same infantry fighting vehicles, the same wheeled vehicles and everything else, they are without the support of tanks, they cannot come to approach the enemy's position, they need cover in any case, they need armor to cover them armor, and in general , it is much more difficult for the enemy to fight back when he sees that
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tanks are coming at him, given the nature of the fighting, the peculiarities of the use of tanks, the impossibility of using these consolidated, integrated armored fists there, about which everyone there has been dreaming of for a long time, this is something that shifts attention, first of all, in my opinion, it is to infantry fighting vehicles, such as bradley, marder cv90, because they, as we can see, show themselves to be more... effective in combat from the point of view the tactics that are currently used by us, in particular, to bring mobile groups to the contact line near the trenches, ensure safe landing and fire cover of our assault units, if necessary, destroy enemy targets there and ensure the evacuation of the group during the execution, after the completion of the combat mission. by according to the calculations of the oryx project, ukraine received close to about 300 western bmps, mostly
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bradleys, but the last deliveries of such vehicles were at the beginning of summer. overall, the total value of new aid packages to ukraine is just over 2 billion euros, and the measure reached its lowest level of support in january 22, according to research data from the kiel institute of the world economy from august to october 2023. as for the usa, in addition to internal political processes , a war in the middle east is imposed. two points that involved compromises: artillery munitions and precision munitions such as switch blades. the usa sent part of them to israel, and what goes to israel does not go to ukraine. there are systems like javelin or stinger. at the beginning , the usa gave ukraine as much as they could. since then, two things have been done. first, there are deliveries of what is produced, it is not much. second, instead of jewels, the us has
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tov anti-tank complexes, there are many of them. so far, israel has not needed these weapons, they have enough of such systems of their own production. but i wouldn't be surprised if... war will drag on, israel will ask for javelin, toph, drones and many other weapons that ukraine also needs. if we talk about internal ukrainian capabilities, in an interview with army inform, deputy minister of defense ivan havryliuk recently announced the priorities for the defense industry. air defense, drones, means of electronic warfare, missile weapons and ammunition, as well as armored vehicles. details for obvious reasons. remain closed, publicly announced agreements with the us to accelerate joint production of weapons, as well as plans by german rain metal to open a plant in ukraine. the ukrainian defense-industrial complex can provide about 8% of the needs of the armed forces there. this
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is exactly what komyshyn said, but i think that this is too general a figure, because according to certain narrow segments, in particular, as the same fpv drones, it may still be higher, according to other indicators, such as the same ammunition it is much smaller, because the creation of ammunition is actually a serious systemic challenge that is extremely difficult to solve, because to create ammunition you need to have a chemical industry, metallurgy and so on, now we don't have gunpowder manufacturing, any kind of gunpowder that goes into ammunition, we don't have explosives now, there 's tnt there or something. variant of the explosive substance used to equip the projectile, we purchase it from our partners, in addition to combat work, at the rate of three sevens today , just a small award
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, by order of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, he was awarded a golden cross, waiting, but there is understanding for service, for a brave deed , which we all do together, that we must win, it cannot be otherwise, smiles and front-line jokes also hide the fatigue that has accumulated during these long months of war, gun, you have to work. and the moral thing is that i want to go home, it is with my family, i want to see my children, wife, friends,
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school, as i am used to it, children and so on, but everything, everything is destroyed for the sake of our future, because if we don't leave, such boys and girls, then... the enemy will reach our borders, and you understand that our children will live under occupation, i don’t want that, and that’s why i decided to leave, the other guys are also fighting from the very beginning, i myself am a physical education teacher upbringing, that's it, i left, i don't regret it, i don't regret it , but it's already difficult, time takes its toll, the main donor of military aid to ukraine remains the usa, my friend. great britain, norway, denmark, poland and other coalition countries follow, but over time there are more and more skeptics on this issue, the government in slovakia has changed, and the netherlands is next, and most importantly, political disputes in the us congress do not end. general richard barons,
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former head of the uk's joint chiefs of staff, recently said that the event should highlight the 75 billions of euros per year for two years. years, and this will allow us to win, although, even in the first year of the great war, this amount was less, this is exactly the really rational approach, because at the current stage , relatively speaking, cynically speaking, it is cheaper for europeans and americans to spend more money and military aid of iron for ukraine, which is now restraining the russian federation, than in the worst case scenario. then act already within the framework of hostilities in europe, where the main burden will be borne by american troops as part of nato, and all the limitations and weaknesses of european armies will be fully understood. the list of weapons and equipment that ukraine invited to the united states
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next year became known to the reuters agency, along with ammunition, drones and armored vehicles, such expensive items as fighter jets are mentioned. f-18, apach helicopters, black hawk, air defense systems. all this, if it is real, will happen soon. and as for the 24th year, according to the new york times, the american military. they advise ukraine to consolidate on its current positions, dig in and build up its forces. it was donbas realities. before meeting. we continue the search for 17-year-old nadia shishkina. the girl disappeared. even on the first day of a full-scale war, and imagine, for all this time there was no news about it. i know
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that when it all started, the child was in the kherson region, in the city of nova kakhovka, which is still occupied. maybe that's why hope doesn't get in touch, so i really ask everyone who sees me to look carefully at the girl's photo. remember this face, if suddenly someone sees nadia shishkina, or someone knows where she can be stay now, don't delay. and call us on the hotline of the makhnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for five-year-old anastasia tolstokorova, which has been going on for the second year, and all this time nothing is known about the girl's fate. i know that... nastya lived with her parents in mariupol on zelinsky street. when the war started,
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the family was in no hurry to leave their hometown. about this was told to me by nastya's aunt, who is also the girl's godmother, who also lived in mariupol, not far from her niece. we have not been in touch since march 2nd, that's for sure, so we went home, well, to visit them. march 8. she saw them for the last time, and her father went to see them on march 10. on march 11, they went to theirs , well, to her parents, well, to her husband, they also lived nearby, on the night of march 12 , the area where the tolstokorov family lived began to be shelled en masse, and at about 4 a.m. one of the shells hit a high-rise building. in which nastya lived with her... parents, we know that on march 11 they did not go anywhere, the neighbors saw them and everything, and
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on march 12, when the flight arrived, there was chaos, people were running everywhere. ms. nina told me that after the shelling, she personally came to the house where her sister lived with her husband and nastya. the multi-story building was partially destroyed and burned. everyone around us was cowering in panic, but nina did not find her relatives anywhere, and in fact, since then there has been no news about the tolstokorov family, maybe they ran away somewhere, maybe they were somewhere wounded, they were taken away, well, we don't know, people, i'm begging you, if you saw them somewhere, help us in the search, if you know any information, call. please 11630 is the short number for the magnolia child tracing service. if you know anything at all
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about the thick-skinned family, call right here. calls from any ukrainian mobile operators are free. here is a photo of nastya's parents. mother's name is olga volodymyrivna, and father's name is pavlo igorovych. they are both 89 years old. five-year-old nastya is very sociable and cheerful active girl looks its age. let 's watch a short video with her, she is a developed girl, she can read poems and sing songs, well, that is, she speaks normally for her age and has a good memory, she remembers very well, she is such a lively girl, thin, er... blond hair, well, a very cheerful child. so, although nastya
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is small, she is very communicative. let's take a closer look at the photo of the girl. remember those big blue eyes. natsya is thin, she has fair hair and looks good a five-year-old child. if anyone sees me on social networks in the occupied territory and knows at least something about the fate of nastya tolstokorova, do not delay and call us at the tracing service. children magnolia by short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the search service. children in telegram, any information is important. naobi filfrey is the real you, and
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every touch will be tender when the world on obbay opens up to you. love yourself a lot now simple, feel free, pamper yourself every day. now feel free - the real you! every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how does the international community evaluate our successes, and what is moscow lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders' backs?
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news, summaries of the week - this is only an overview important events, weighty, reliable events, this is an analyst. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. results of the year from president zelensky, the us congress is on vacation, when to wait for help, ukraine and poland agreed on unblocking the border, about this and much more in the issue today. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and this is the news, the results of the week on
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the espresso tv channel. the counteroffensive in the south did not achieve its goals, however, in the past year, there were victories, and about that for two hours in a row, the president told journalists at the final press conferences. how our soldiers continue to hold the defense, despite the fact that most of them have been fighting for 22 long months. the security service of ukraine is actively engaged in moving the war as close as possible to the kremlin. where in russia was on fire this week. the final divorce from the moscow church. this year , most of the faithful of ocu and ugc will celebrate christmas on december 25. results of the second year of the war from the president. this week's top topic. volodymyr zelenskyi's third major press conference since the beginning of the full-scale
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invasion caused ukrainian society a lot of emotions, discussions and again disagreements. as expected, the main topic was the situation at the front. on one of the most painful questions about rotation and mobilization, the president stressed that he needed a stronger argument to support the decision. a comprehensive plan that includes issues of rotation, demobilization, business trips, vacations and finances, because the mobilization of such a large number of people is an additional 500 billion uah from the budget. many. at the press conference, attention was paid to the issues of international relations and assistance to our country the state more about this in our material. two hours of communication with journalists. fatigue, irritation, jokes. good and bad. three quarters of all questions about the war. results of 2023 and plans for 2024.
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the counteroffensive in the south did not achieve its goals. however, in the past year, there were victories - the president claims. everywhere, in ukraine, who knows, abroad, everyone highly appreciates the almost total deprivation of the russian fleet, their total dominance in the ukrainian black sea and the imposition of a constant, what should we do, what should we do, what export, etc. according to zelenskyi, russia did not achieve any goals in 2023. assumptions that ukraine is going to lose, which can be found in the western press, no, i don't think so, we were in the most difficult situation, and we were almost... completely occupied, at least, at least the central regions of our state, we were in full blockades, we got out,
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people, god, partners, i don’t know who else , all this helped, now we have a different situation, plans for 2024, this is the construction of fortifications and the expansion of the weapons factory, in particular, drones, the president is talking about a million drones of domestic production next year, but in addition to weapons , people are needed, there are plans to mobilize up to half a million more people, the parliament is preparing changes to the relevant law, the document is planned to be adopted at the beginning of next year, mobilization will probably start from the 25th age, but women will not be drafted, the most painful question is demobilization, what will happen to the million -strong army of ukraine, which is very powerful... i think what will happen to those guys who are there every day, at least what will happen to those who have been there for two years protects our state, i have not yet seen
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demobilization there, although i believe that this is the number one issue, the relationship of the president with the head and another point of tension: valery zaluzhnyi has recently become the object of regular attacks by a people's deputy from the servant of the people mar bezuglai, when zelensky is asked about this... he does not defend the headman, but familiarly equates him with the scandalously famous deputy. as for maryana, valera, and they have several other people there, it is very difficult, they all love to comment, like, and on facebook, they are very they often communicate there, they have dialogues, they are from the first days, then they go to the front together, then they quarrel, these are difficult questions, if i am honest. the president radiates confidence in the west, in particular the united states, despite the fact that congress was unable to pass an aid package of more than 60 billion
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dollars this year. zelensky has no doubt that the decision of the americans will be positive, and this will also be a signal for the european union. i am confident that the united states of america will not betray us and that what we have agreed upon with the united states will be fulfilled fully. i think i found an understanding with president biden and the senators, and we met with both parties, the question is again the dates. finally, the question that most worries ukrainians today: when will the war end? in the 24th year, will the war end? i think that no one knows the answer, not even those respectable people, commanders, ours, or western partners, when they say that this is... a war for many years, they do not know. zelenskyy emphasized once again that ukraine will not give up its territory, so negotiations with russia are not an issue today relevant so the president confidently declared that
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the us will not betray us and fulfill its promise of support. meanwhile, the us congress went on vacation. the leader of the democrats in the senate, chuck schumer, asked to extend the work of both chambers of congress for a week. in order to have time to approve additional funding for ukraine before christmas, and speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson did not support such a proposal. the vacation should end on january 8, and as reuters notes, after returning to the us congress, difficult tests await. legislators must decide and agree on the financing of military aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. regarding changes in migration legislation. white house national security representative john kirby also spoke about helping our country this week. he told reporters
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that the white house plans to provide another package of military aid to ukraine by the end of the year. but he warned that it could be the last until congress decides on the allocation of additional funds. in the white house once again emphasized that... they understand the importance of help, since it is impossible to liberate the territories occupied by the russians without it. the situation around avdiivka, which is in donetsk region , is difficult. battles for the city continue. the occupiers have changed their tactics, and now it is extremely difficult to evacuate the civilian population in a day. the removal of residents from the city was forcibly canceled several times. the occupiers are shelling hundreds of ukrainian positions. times a day, continue to carry out active assault operations with the support of armored vehicles, have increased the number of airstrikes and artillery
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shelling from the very beginning. the russians stepped up their assaults in the avdiivka area. they are trying to surround the city and take it under their control. for these few months, ukrainian defenders have been defending the city and preventing the plans of the occupiers from coming true. read more about the situation at the front. see further. the operational situation in the east and south of ukraine remains difficult. combined forces in the kupyan direction. repel enemy attacks in the area of ​​synkivka settlement, kharkiv region, where the invaders tried to break through the defense of our troops. inhabited positions near the contact line are covered by artillery and mortar fire. over the past few days , the invaders have almost constantly attacked the tick in the bakhmut region. they are trying to break through from the north and in the direction of the road from ivanovsky. the sections
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of the front near avdiivka remain the most difficult. and maryinka in donetsk region. this week, the russians entered the avdiyivka industrial zone and consolidated their position. there, they entered the fortifications that our military had previously secured and then tried to move towards avdiivka itself. but for the last two days of this week, i can talk about a certain, let's say, situation where our military received reinforcements, and about the intentions of the enemy. to provide the surroundings of avdiyvka is impossible. in the zaporizhzhia direction, the defense forces of ukraine repulsed all the attacks of the zachinosheverboi and robotiny, where the enemy tried to dislodge our units from the occupied lines. in the kherson direction , kherson, lviv, tyaginka, ivanivka, and ochakiv of the mykolaiv region were hit by artillery fire. also, the enemy launched an air strike near the wells on
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kherson region. the invaders tried to knock out our units from the left bank of the dnieper. however , the ukrainian troops gave a decent rebuff and inflicted significant losses on the attackers. in recent weeks, ukraine has been on the defensive along most of the front. this is happening in response to the calls of the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, to speed up fortification works in key sectors. at the same time, the enemy conducts aerial reconnaissance, which complicates matters. to the soldiers, the construction of the defense line, we are talking about the lines of the second there and the third, which are, let's say, behind our troops in certain directions, because we can take into account different scenarios of combat and combat actions, and there may be scenarios that in particular in such directions as avdiyivka, there maryanka, bakhmut, there, in particular the same kupyansk, may be situations when we will have to withdraw to positions that from the point
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of view of defense will be more... advantageous and there we must have sufficient protection. our soldiers continue to hold the defense steadfastly, despite the fact that most of them have been fighting for 22 hard and long months. according to dictator putin, russian troops are improving their position at the front, and kyiv has failed to counterattack. the president of the aggressor country also recently held a press conference on the results of the year. his main message is that there will be no peace in ukraine until it is de-nazified and demilitarized. there will be peace when we achieve our goals, he said. so it is clear that despite the heavy losses of soldiers on our territory, putin will continue the bloody war. also, in his characteristic manner, he once again accused the west, which, in his opinion, uses a strategy of containment
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in relation to russia and ... aggressive goals in ukraine, so we are not going to give up our svo goals either, - said putin. meanwhile, the security service of ukraine does not let the invaders relax and sends them surprises. it was hot this week in the bryansk, rostov, kaluga and moscow regions. so , see our review for more about cotton in russia and the temporarily occupied territories. where did it burn in russia? on the night of december 17, the security service of ukraine and the armed forces struck a russian airfield with drones in rostov region. the russians traditionally lied that all the drones were shot down, but our forces inflicted significant damage on the enemy's equipment. it is known that there were up to 20 su-34 aircraft and three radars at the airport at the time of the attack.


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