tv [untitled] December 25, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EET
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during the pain of war, sadness, suffering and tears, we so need a sign that the lord god is with us, on our side. in the holy scriptures, such a sign that god is with us is the birth of a child. and here we celebrate christmas. birth in human. in the body of god himself, whom the prophet isaiah calls the prince of peace, a wonderful counselor. god is with us on christmas day. to all of you, i wish you a merry christmas, a good christmas, a blessed, happy, victorious new year for all of us.
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oh lord, how many are my enemies, many of them have risen against me, many who say to me, we have no salvation in god, but you, lord, my shield, around me, you are my glory, lift my head up. i cried aloud to the lord, and he heard me from his holy mountain. i lay down and fell asleep and woke up, because the lord protects me. i am not afraid of the multitude of people sitting around me. rise up, lord, save me, my god.
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you hit all my enemies with your jaw, i grow my teeth the wicked, salvation is in the lord, and your blessing is on your people. o lord, do not rebuke me in your anger, do not punish me in your drilling, for your arrows pierced me, and your hand came down on me. there is nothing healthy on my body, because of your anger there is nothing in my braids because of my sin, because my sins have exceeded my head like a weight. the burden that weighs on my strength, my fetid rotten wounds, because of my stupidity, i am humiliated and bent down, every day i walk sad, because my insides are full of heat and there is nothing healthy on my body, i muttered broken beyond measure from the conifer to my heart, o lord, all my desire is before you and my cry is not hidden from you, my heart is torn apart, my strength has failed me, and even...
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the light of my eyes, and that is no longer in me, my friends and my friends are far from my wound, and my relatives stand far away, and those who encroach on my life will be warned. and those who wish me misfortune, speak of destruction , all the time think evilly, i cannot be deaf, i do not hear, and as the poor man does not open his mouth, i have become not like a man who does not hear, in whose mouth there is no answer, for you, for, o lord, i hope, you will hear me, my lord, god, i say, for do not be comforted over me, as my foot stumbles, let them not rush against me, i, for behold... now i must fall and fall before me forever, because i confess my guilt and mourn my sin. and those who fight for me for no reason grow violently, many who hate me without reason, and those who thank evil for good, they are against me, because i care for good. do not leave me, o
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lord, do not be far from me, my god, hurry to help me, lord, my salvation. god, you, my god, i am looking for you diligently, you, my soul, longs for you, desires you, my body, in the dry, thirsty and waterless land. this is how i look in your sanctuary, to see your power and your glory, because your mercy is better than life, my mouth will praise you, so i will praise you, while my life in your name will lift up my hands, my soul will be satisfied with honey and oil, my mouth mine will praise you with a cheerful voice. when i remember you on my bed, during the night vigils i will think about you, because you came to me with help and in the shadow of your wings i will heal. my soul yearns for you , your right hand upholds me, those who wait for my soul will go down to the bottomless pits, they will be given
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to the sword to die, they will be jackals of prey, and the king will rejoice in god, everyone who swears by him will boast, mouth , because those who tell lies will be closed. glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit now and always and forever and ever. amen. hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to you god. hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to you god. hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to you, god. god have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy. glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit now and forever and forever. amen. lord, my god, my salvation. by day i cry and by night i complain before you, let my prayer come before your face, incline your ear to my plea, my soul, for my fire has had its fill and my life has drawn near to sheol, i am numbered among those who go down to the pit, i have become like man, that there is no help, among the dead, my
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bed is like the slain, that lie in the grave, that they are no longer remembered, that they are cut off from the hand yours, you put me in a deep pit in... your anger weighs on me and you oppress me with all your waves. you have estranged my friends from me, you have made me a weapon for them, i have been locked up and i cannot get out. my eyes are exhausted from sadness, to you, lord , i call every day, to you, i stretch out my hands, do you do miracles for the dead, do the shadows stand to praise you, do they announce your mercy in the grave, in the deep abyss your voice... ness, will your miracles be known in the darkness, and your grace in the land of oblivion. here why, lord, to you i call, and my prayer in the morning goes to meet you. why, lord, have you rejected my soul, why do you hide your face from me. i have been talentless
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since i was a child, i was afraid of you and i am humbled. your burning anger swept over me, your terrors destroyed me. all the time they surround me like water, all together. entered, you have distanced a comrade and a friend from me, and from acquaintances i have only a shadow. bless my soul, o lord, and all my inward parts, his holy name, bless my soul, the lord, and do not forget all his good deeds never. he forgives all your sins, heals all your ailments. he frees your life from the pit and crowns you with grace and mercy. he is us. whether your old age is good and your youth is renewed like an eagle, the lord creates justice and judgment for all those who are killed. he showed moses his ways to the children of israel and his deeds. the lord is merciful, and kind, slow to anger, and very merciful. he will not be
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angry forever and will not be angry forever. he did not deal with us for our sins, and he did not repay us for our iniquities. because how high the sky above the earth is so big. mercy on those who fear him, he knows what we are made of, he remembers that we are dust , his husband is poor, like bees, a flower, like a flower in the field, the wind will pull over him and... he is gone, and the place where he was will no longer recognize him. the mercy of the lord is from age to age to those who fear him. and his justice over his children, the children of those who keep his union, and his commandments are remembered in order to fulfill them. the lord established his throne in heaven and his kingdom owns everything. bless the lord, all his mighty angels, you who fulfill his word. obedient to the voice of his words. may the lord bless all his heavenly forces , his servants who do his will, bless
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the lord, all his works in all places of his rule, bless my soul, the lord, o lord, hear my prayer, to your faithfulness, incline your ear to my prayer, hear me in your truth, and do not enter into strife with your servant, for no one alive will justify himself before you. yours, because the enemy chases my soul, he tramples my life into the ground dwells me in darkness, like those long dead, my spirit is troubled within me, and my heart is terrified within me, i remember the days of old, i will ponder over all your deeds and over the works of your hands, i stretch out my hands to you, my soul, thirsty earth i long for you, listen to me soon, lord, because my spirit is weak, do not hide your face from me, so that i do not become, that... go down into the pit. let me feel your mercy in the morning, for i trust in you. show
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me the way in which i should walk, for to you i lift up my soul. save me, lord from my enemies, because i run to you. teach me to do your will, for you are my god. may your good spirit guide me on level ground. live me, o lord, for your name's sake in your justice, bring my soul out of sorrow. and in your anger destroy my adversaries, and destroy all the enemies of my soul, for i am your servant. glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen. hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to you god. hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to you god. hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to you, god. peace to the lord, let's pray.
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lord, have mercy. salvation of our souls. let's pray to god. church connections of all to the lord. the pope of rome, and for our most blessed patriarch sviatoslav, and for our god-loving bishops, cyrus, joseph, cyrus, andriy, cyrus, stepan, the honest presbytery, the christiakonstva for the unrepentant people. let's pray to god. lord, have mercy. let us pray to the lord for the protection of our people, for the government and the entire army. lord have mercy. it is for the city and for
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every city, village, country and for those who believe and live in the lord. let's pray. lord, for a good harvest, for a harvest of earthly fruits and a time of peace. let's pray to god. for swimmers, travelers, for the sick, suffering, captives and for salvation. let us pray to the lord, lord, to free us from all sorrow, anger, grief and need, lord, let us pray, intercede, save, have mercy , protect us, god , with your grace, the most holy, pure, blessed, glorious burden of our mother of god, and sweet mary, with all the saints, having remembered ourselves, each other, and give our whole life to christ god. to you, lord. because you belong
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all glory, honor and worship to the father and the son and the holy spirit. now and forever and forever. amen. o lord, bless you, blessed one, it goes in the name of the lord. praise the lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever. lord, he made his way to us, blessed will he pass in the name of the lord. and those around me surrounded me with the name of the lord, i will overcome them. the lord has appeared to us,
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blessed is he who finds me. lord, i cannot live and tell about the deeds of the lord , the lord appeared to us, blessed be there in the name, lord, whose memory is ash-like respectable, from the lord, it happened, and it is strange in our eyes. he appeared to us, blessed, will go in the name, lord, your favor, christ, our god, enlightened the educational light of understanding, in his being, that the world served us,
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learned to worship you, the sun of thirst. and get to know you as much as possible from above. lord, glory to you. lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy. glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen. the lord, my light, and my savior, whom i fear, the lord, the defender of my life, whom i'm scared when criminals approached me to devour my body, my oppressors, my enemies, they became weak and fell. if a regiment is armed against me, my heart will not be afraid, if a war will arise against me, i have hope in him. one thing i asked from the lord, and i will look for him, that i may live in the house of the lord all the days of my life, to see the beauty of the lord
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and to visit his temple, because he hid me in his dwellings. in the day of my calamity he hid me in the secret city of his abode on a rock he lifted me up, and now he has lifted my head up my enemies, and went around and brought vasel his sacrifice of challenge, i will praise and sing to the lord, hear, lord, my voice, with which i called, have mercy on me and listen to me. my heart said to you, i am looking for your casting, i will look for your casting, lord, not from. turn your face away from me, do not retreat in anger from your servant, be my helper, do not forsake me and do not despise me, god, my savior, for my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the lord accepted me. give me the law, lord, in your way, and lead me to the path i pray for my enemies. do not deliver me to the will of my oppressors, for
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unjust witnesses have risen up against me, and slander has spoken falsely to itself. i believe that i will see the good things of the lord in the land of the living, trust in the lord, be strong, let your heart be strong, and put your hope in the lord. glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen. hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to you god. hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to you god. hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to you god. again and again, in the peace of the lord let's pray lord, have mercy. save, have mercy and protect us, god, by your grace. lord, have mercy. most holy, most pure , most blessed, glorious ruler of our theotokos and most holy virgin mary, with all
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the saints, remember yourselves and each other, and... give our life to christ god, lord, for yours is a flaw and yours is the kingdom and power and glory to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. amen. tolerate for a long time. you saved us, like a baby, voluntarily surrendered to speechlessness. slo and shepherds with angels sang calling to you, glory and praise on earth to christ,
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our god, who freed human nature. glory to the father. and to the son and to the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever, amen. long-suffering, you saved for us like a baby, willingly laid down in a wordless manger, and... the shepherds and the angels sang to you, calling, glory and praise to christ our god born on earth, to
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deify human nature, i bless the lord. at all times his praise is always in my mouth, my soul will praise the lord, let the quiet hear and rejoice. praise the lord for by me, and we will exalt his name in the heap. i sought the lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my wanderings. approach him and be enlightened, and let not your faces be ashamed. he cried out to god and the lord heard him and saved him from all his sorrows. become an angel. the lord surrounds those who fear him and will deliver them. taste and see that the lord is good , blessed is he who trusts in him, fear the lord, all
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his saints, for they do not lack, those who fear him, the rich are poor and hungry, but those who seek the lord will not be deprived no good come, children, listen to me, the fear of the lord, i will teach you. who is the man who desires life, is still happy to see. you are happy days, keep your tongue from evil and your mouth from speaking deceit, turn away from evil and do good, seek peace and go straight to it. the eyes of the lord are on the righteous, and his ears are to their prayer. and the face of the lord is against those who do evil, to destroy the earth's memory of them. the righteous cried out, and the lord heard them, and delivered them from all their troubles. the lord is close to those who are broken. heart and humble he will save with his spirit, the righteous will have many sorrows , but the lord will deliver them all from them, he will protect all their bones, not one of them
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