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tv   [untitled]    December 25, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EET

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give it back, because yours is the power, let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war that was unleashed by russia.
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christ was born, we praise him, we congratulate everyone who celebrates, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we talk about such topics on this broadcast. this year, for the first time , ukraine celebrates christmas according to the new julian calendar. christmas calls for a rethinking of life's values ​​and reminds us of eternal christian values, faith, love and truth. this was said by the head of the ocu epiphany in the holiday applications the day before. let's talk about what changes have taken place in the orthodox church of ukraine and how the beautiful people react to the new dates. how is christmas celebrated and is it celebrated in front-line cities? we asked people in odesa, kharkiv, sumy and zaporizhzhia, and whether
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there are traditions, ukrainian refugees who are abroad, we will tell some stories, from abroad, wait. well, do they celebrate christmas at the front, and if there is an opportunity to celebrate, how do they do it? some soldiers published photos of what a festive evening was on the front line, we will show you these shots, and we will also talk live with the military from the kupinsky direction and with the military chaplain. wait. in the meantime , you can write in the comments whether you celebrate christmas, how? if so, how in the comments on the radio liberty channel under this video, let's discuss this topic as well. on christmas night , russian forces again massively attacked ukraine. the air force reports 28 downed drones, including two kh-59 and kh-31 missiles, as well as two destroyed russian su-34 bombers in donetsk and su-30 over the water area of ​​the black sea. as for the massive attack by drones, it is known. that drones
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shot down within odesa, kherson, mykolaiv, donetsk, kirovohrad and khmelnytskyi regions. in total, russian forces released 31 drones. the defense forces of the south reported a hit in the berislav district of the kherson region, and debris from the downed drone damaged technical premises in the port infrastructure of odesa and in the rozdilnytskyi district. no people were injured, the south's defense forces say, noting that the massive drone attack that night continued more than 6.5 hours. the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine yuriy egnat joins our broadcast. mr. yuri, i congratulate you. thank you for joining, christ is born. let's praise him. thank you. we are starting the broadcast, therefore, on the topic of the night attacks of russian forces on ukraine . tell us about what is known now, what are the results of this attack? well, actually, we made the results public, as we do every morning, it was 28:31. er, in different regions,
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this is primarily the southern region and countries where mobile fire groups have worked, and anti-aircraft missile units , some air force aviation was also involved , well, this air attack was repelled in this way, of course there is some damage, some hits, which was already announced in the south, and in the end , an kh59 missile was also shot down in the eastern direction, as well as direction of odesa. the kh31p missile against the radar missile, which, after all , is an analogue of the american harmimis in which we work, it was also destroyed, well , you already said about the planes, that is the su-34, which we reported on yesterday, also the su-30 cm from the airport saki, this is how today is such a christmas harvest day, let's say so, well , the report implies that we really have serious, serious gains. such serious e-e
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forces and means of air attack of the enemy were destroyed this night, mr. yuri, and what can you tell in more detail about the downing of the su-30 and su-34, what are the circumstances, or? shot down, well, actually, we never say that, this is unnecessary information to be made public, well, after all, the enemy himself is already there making certain guesses in his telegram channels, making such posts, with in colloquial words, it seems clear that what, where, when in which direction this or that plane could be shot down, we traditionally do not make it public, let... the enemy does not receive information from us, well, let them draw certain conclusions, we will monitor for by their actions, let's say, after the downing of three su-34 planes in the kherson region in the kherson direction, you know that the enemy actually stopped combat
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operations there with the use of bombers and the task of striking with guided aerial bombs, instead drove a herd of drones there... i mean a scout in order to look for a place and means, what shot down their planes, well, of course, what is studied there, they study the range, they make certain other signs there in order to assume that it was there or a patriot or other equipment , that's why detailing here will probably be superfluous, yes, but the news is good, you look at how many russian sameli have already been destroyed in the last week. such, mr. yuri, i cannot help but ask you, you have been asked this question many times, but nevertheless there is information from western analysts that ukraine can receive the first batch of f-16 before the end of the year, what can you tell us? well, i often use western analysts
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as a source of information, because they are very dubious, sometimes they give things that our people really do not need to be told and give some vain hopes. a telephone conversation took place. the leader, the leaders of the states of ukraine and ireland, where it was announced that the first batch may indeed already be, in a word , it may be delivered, it is ready, the process is ongoing, what is the point of delivering the planes here, so that they stood here under the crosshairs of the enemy, well , we have to wait until everything is 100% ready, the infrastructure, the pilots who are currently undergoing training with instructors, as well as the engineer, the navigation team, this is... this is one of the main things that, what is needed in order to complete the process of preparing everything in general, because the engineers will not only maintain the aircraft, but also deal with the armament, we take the aircraft to fight on it, not to have it standing, therefore, aviation
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armament also needs appropriate knowledge for to adjust and inflict with it blows, that's right, but knowledge, time and preparation are needed for this, but the occupiers, but the occupiers. i will conclude by saying that the occupiers have already found our planes in telegram channels and are destroying them a couple of times a day . the f-16 will soon be in the west and it will not remain like that until now. to ukraine, the russian telegram channels really write about the fact that they are already destroying them, i thank you, mr. yuriy, for joining our broadcast this morning. the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, yuriy ignat was a guest of svoboda ranok. celebrate christmas at the front, the ukrainian military publishes photos and videos on the internet of what christmas eve was like on the front lines, where possible and where the combat situation allowed, the military gathered at the table, prayed, had dinner together and caroled, some of them just returned from positions, it became quiet
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and rang out, christ is born , let us praise him, all the rage became evil... the soldiers began to carol, christ is born, let us praise him, the video of the tenth separate mountain assault brigade edelweiss became especially popular, and the carol is heard in the video , a sad saint evening, it was sung somewhat, the military showed the loneliness of a ukrainian soldier who is forced to celebrate christmas far from his family, the brigade called to remember those who are now in the fields and trenches, to respect their courage and bravery and to... help bring victory closer. in less than a day, after publication, the video gained 146,000 views only on the official facebook page, and was shared by more than 5,000 users. a sad holy evening in the 46th year, autumn for our
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ukraine, crying for... at every step sat down to dinner, and the children ask, mother, mother, where is our father, what are they having dinner with, our father protects the children a little, he walks somewhere with us, he remembers the fifth evening. in addition, the photos taken during the filming of this video were printed and now they are playing a whole batch of these photos with the signature
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of the brigade commander of the hero of ukraine roman nedarmograi stryzh. those who make a donation for the needs of the 10th kremohirsk assault brigade from uah 1,500 can compete for them. ukrainian military personnel from the kupinsky direction are now joining our broadcast. leonid and roman. i greet you, gentlemen, christ is born. let's praise him. thank you for joining. good morning. to leonid and roman, tell us how this christmas night took place at the front, how it passed, where you are now, what can you say, whether there were shellings, whether it was possible to celebrate at least in some way, or was it all wrong? good morning ukraine, good morning studio. well, in our direction, in the kupinsky direction, at the present time, the enemy continues offensive actions. that night there were a couple of assaults in our direction, but the repulsors repelled the assault and
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now everything is under control at the moment , that’s how briefly you said it, but tell me about whether the day before, when it’s a holy evening there, was there an opportunity somehow, together with your brothers , to devote at least a little time to some traditions, as it was for you, yes we don't forget such holidays, and we had a kutia yesterday... we prepared it ourselves and with the boys, we, of course, want to join in, we try, we try, because here we can say that we have a family here too, in a family style, dinner, just like at home, only a little from a different family, although the enemy does not give us no way to fully rest, if we talk about kutya, were all the necessary ingredients for it, how do you like it? er, yes, of course, and honey, nuts, poppy seeds, everything was
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there, everything was prepared, so, for this, yes, yes, yes, yes, of course, what were they talking about at this festive table, what, what in general, what are you talking about with your brothers these days, on such an evening, you didn't want to talk about anything bad, you mentioned your families at home. who are also celebrating, but without parents, sons, er, well, daughters as well, they they are celebrating there, we are here, so we try to remember our family at home , did you receive greetings from civilians , perhaps from children, postcards, any greetings, for christmas, yes, of course, of course, i even want to say this is probably the first time they caroled. on the phone, my son sang carols to me on the phone, it’s wonderful
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, it’s interesting, these are probably incredibly exciting moments, but how do you and your brothers feel now about such celebrations of christmas until the new year, isn’t there such a feeling of detachment that civilians live it's a completely different life there, that you have completely different realities, well, it's simple for us. now it will be the time of the second christmas tree, which we are doing , this is otaku, here is our christmas tree right now, here is this one, ugh, our thoughts, our thoughts are directed only to victory, and we don’t even think about it much now, how are civilians, how are everything is happening because we are heading towards victory and our independence, but at the front it is important for you to preserve traditions. it is important to fix the eyes of the holiday, i understand that when there are heavy battles and when there are combat tasks, then there
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maybe there is no feeling of such a holiday, but when there is such an opportunity, how important it is to feel, to celebrate, to make a wish there, for example, i would like, i would like to do it more often, but we are here at the front, we do not have this festive mood, we try , we try but that's not there, what maybe christmas wishes do you have that you could voice, about what, what wishes, maybe you talked to... then, what maybe you talked about with families, if you can share it, share it , please, i would like to have such for the next one such holidays, all our captives returned home, and so that sons, fathers, mothers returned home, alive and unharmed, we are all talking about this at the moment, i thank you very much for
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joining from kupyansk. direction leonid and roman, ukrainian military personnel joined this broadcast, thank you very much for your inclusion, for finding time. you can share in the comments and your impressions of what you hear on this broadcast, from those guests that we add to this broadcast, and also tell about those traditions that do you manage to save and where do you do it, maybe you live in a front-line city, maybe you are now directly... on the line of combat, or maybe you now live in ukraine, in a more or less calm city, tell us about your traditions and your manners. well, ukrainian cities and villages near the front line, for example, in zaporizhzhia, in the south near kherson and odesa, or near the borders with russia - this is kharkiv oblast, or in the north it is sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast, these cities are shelled
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almost every day, are people ready to celebrate there? christmas despite the proximity to the front and constant... air raid signals, and whether there is an opportunity and mood to celebrate and whether christmas is now at all, maybe not at the right time, our correspondents asked the residents of these cities, let's listen to what the people there say, celebrate and on the 25th and the seventh, well, such holidays are needed now in the family circle, yes, but how to go somewhere for a walk, no, probably not yet. there is no such mood, there is a war in the country , what could be christmas, if, to be honest, it is not on time, because we are very worried, we will sit down purely in the family circle, we'll congratulate the little one , we'll give some kind of gift, it's a family holiday, it's a tradition, we always celebrate such holidays, if we're talking about some large-scale ones, yes, then i
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think it's not quite on time, if it's just in the family circle, in the circle of your loved ones, then... i think we still have to respect the traditions, yes, so i think this is not the time. children abroad , it's sad, it's a pity, but a holiday is a holiday, he wants some traditional dishes, a holiday, well, a christmas tree, well, not the right holiday, well, what can i say, not the right holiday, i will refuse to celebrate christmas, since what is being done in the country now is not celebrated at all. i want the war to end as soon as possible, and what should be done now, first of all, and then i think, we will decide about the celebration, communicate, i don't have all my family in ukraine now, and that's why i'm trying to make my family happy and to spend time with them, as it were - to improve their emotional state and to improve my emotional state and to be happy
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every day that we are now able to gather together in... in a warm family folks, thanks to our boys protecting us now, are you planning to celebrate christmas this year? of course, from the 24th to the 25th, the celebration is not on time, but at home there are no grandiose events, but at home , of course, the family should sit, well, if there is nothing to celebrate at all, it is only for the joy of our enemy, do you think that now is the time to celebrate , well, i mean to celebrate at home, like there... what's there, what's in the family circle? well, it's not exactly a celebration, it's for me personally, christmas is just getting together in your circle family, that is, it's just to sit with the family for dinner, and an extra reason to see everyone, how timely is the celebration now? eh, well, we create our own mood, so probably
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more modestly than usual, since it's war, but yes. planning to celebrate the 25th? probably not, but why? well, the mood is not very new year's , festive, so i think, well, i'll turn on the tv, watch some news, i guess i'll see how people celebrate and everything, are you planning to celebrate your coming of age, how and when is it? in the church, it's all in time, thank god, yes, so that we believed in god, so that we pray, cry out to god, everything on... i believe that this is the choice of each person, because unfortunately, unfortunately, in our days, if we all lie down and do not celebrate any holidays at all, so... we won't change anything with our attitude to the holidays, so i believe that if you want, you should celebrate, if you want to lie down at home and sleep, look at
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the village, then you should do exactly that. on the eve of christmas, chaplains visit ukrainian soldiers on the front line to give gifts, gifts and share the feeling holidays one of these chaplains is gennadiy mognenko, he is the chaplain of the mariupol chaplain battalion, and he visited the military from... the armed forces of ukraine in the zaporizhia region. prayer, yes she ran, kneeling, to pray, artom. lord, we thank you very much for our boys, and especially on these christmas and new year days, we ask you to bless them, their families, lord, bless our motherland, lord, and let the enemy go, let them run from our motherland to their own, siberia lord, let them leave us alone so that the day will come when we will be under peace celebrate christmas in the sky of a free country. please, lord, let it happen as soon as possible.
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gennadiy mohnenko, chaplain of the mariupol chaplain battalion joined our broadcast. welcome, thank you for joining. christ was born with holidays and you and your radio listeners. let's praise him. thank you for joining and such a special morning, especially since i know you are on the road these days. where are you, can you tell us about your routes these days, where are you now, where were you yesterday, where are you going next? well, the day before yesterday, we worked for a couple of days under bakhmut in to the bakhmut region, yesterday we already worked in the zaporizhzhia direction, right now we are packing the cars, and in a few minutes we are also going to go to the gulyai field area, well, zaporizhia, zaporizhzhia. direction , we try to bring some kind of christmas mood to the boys, to support their spirit, because the time is such that it is very necessary for hearts to have such
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a positive influence, this christmas tree here in our country is very controversial, christmas tree time is necessary, there is no need to celebrate, i rent a house in which the christmas tree has not been dismantled for two new years. it's hers they put the 201st there, and it is still not disassembled, so i did not have this question, but i congratulate everyone on the holiday and it is very important that the spirit of our people does not break, that is why the chaplain's work at the front - this is important in many ways, right now all these days my chaplains from our chaplain battalion in mariupol in... are rushing around the front with gifts, one of the schools in zaporizhzhia, the children collected money with their mothers, we bought such medicines, hot teas,
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eyes for colds, a lot and we deliver to the boys along with all kinds of sweets and such, v i have 11 children at the front, 10 of my sons and even my daughter went to fight. five of my sons were wounded, thank god, four very lightly, one lost a lion, a lion, a limb, and only two fingers, a lens, an eye remained on the right, i lost her daughter, she lost a lot of friends in mariupol, but not let's shake christmas to our kremlin eyes... guys, in the year when putin came to power, in 2000 , such a children's movie was released, very similar, the grinch
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stealer of christmas, and there the little green man is so bad, he almost stole christmas gifts and asked to destroy the christmas mood, but putin is such a green little man, the kremlin does not... to celebrate, thank christ, let's celebrate, christmas, and keep the order and we will definitely win, do not lose hope. hennadiy , if we talk about this one, you know , the presence of such a christmas spirit, which is in the souls of ukrainian soldiers in general, when you talk to them, what they talk about with you and what they talk about among themselves, well, first of all. .. right now there are guys, we are going to the unit, they really asked for chaplains came to them at this time, they say, well, at least somehow feel christmas.
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it is very interesting to see, when yesterday we dressed up our cars, decorated them a little, sprayed some snow from a spray can, stuck something there, but immediately turned from the asphalt to our guys who work in such a mud, yes ukrainian , well, there is literally half a meter of mud and our cars are decorated with a smear on top of everything. not just mud, but when you break through there, guys, open presents, and at least a little bit of that mood, and they are very, very happy that someone will bring a little bit, maybe even two, we pray together with our soldiers, we share with our hearts, hope, hope that she will win, i
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want to tell everyone, here is one such phrase, i am very i often repeat to myself, my city mariupol has been destroyed, 100 thousand civilians have died, there is no city, russian soldiers are sleeping in my house, in my house, yes, they are sleeping in our orphanages, in the cribs of my children, who are now scattered all over the world, i have 39. children 36 nice, and my family, like millions of families scattered around the world, but, i repeat to myself and to all people the phrase of martin luther keener, a very interesting phrase, that's what he said, the moral arc of the universe is long, but it always leans towards justice, before this phrase martin
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luther king said, very... it is often said that evil wins, here is christ crucified on the cross, and herod is in the palace, well, it is not obvious that evil won, but time will pass, and herod will be remembered as a scoundrel , a scoundrel who did bad things in the era of christ, and his reign will be reported from christmas, and so on after that. he says: the moral arc of the universe is long, but it always leans towards justice, we will definitely see how the light, the light of christmas, the light of victory will come to ukraine, no matter how long this story is, we will see, thank you gennady, it is such inspirational words, and for ukrainian soldiers, i understand that you talk about this with them a lot, and i also think that for our viewers, these are important words, for all ukrainians who, of course,
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are waiting for victory. in the war to the end of the war and the just end. thank you for that joined, gennady mohnenko, chaplain of the mariupol chaplain battalion, was a guest of svoboda ranok. this year , for the first time in the last 100 years, that is, since 1917 , ukraine celebrates christmas on december 25. the postponement of the holiday reflects another cultural departure of ukraine from russia, where christmas will continue to be celebrated on january 7. kyiv's transition to the new calendar is another step towards... rapprochement with europe, but in september the orthodox church of ukraine and the ukrainian greek catholic church switched to the celebration of religious holidays according to the new julian calendar, but for those who wants to celebrate as usual in january, there are no restrictions either, that's what the ocu says. the day before, i had a conversation with the new acting vicar of the assumption kyiv-pechersk lavra, archimandrite avraamiy of the ocu. i asked him how the believers of ocu feel about the new dates, what is the situation in the lavra and is it possible
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to find a language? with representatives of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate. let's listen to the conversation with him further. father, my first question is this, christmas in 2023, is it different, has it changed to yours opinion, attitude towards this day, given that the date is now different and unusual for ukrainians? i congratulate you, first of all, of course, that... we are in a state of war, the war continues, and a lot has changed in our country, a lot, and in particular, it is in the church environment, and of course the fact that the kievochar lavra, november 15 with the blessing of our holy archimandrite of the assumption of the holy kychara lavra, the blessed epiphanius, came on the new julian calendar.


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