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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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with a full stop from yevgenia, i immediately remembered the joke about mum, when when she said to my mother in dog language gerasim for что, for что, i think that we will end our discussion on this humorous note, maybe there is still time for questions, i don’t know, unfortunately, there is no time for questions, time is inexorable, time is up, i am sincerely grateful to you, dear panelists. thank you very much, greetings to all viewers of espresso, i am the owner and the team. will tell about the most relevant at the
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moment. officially, there were shaheds on board the great landing ship novocherkask. this is reported by rbc with reference to the center for strategic communications. in addition to the vdk, another russian vessel could have been damaged. information about this is still being checked, said the head of the united coordination press center of the defense forces of the south natalya gumenyuk. russian propagandists assume that both ships were delivered to the boya peninsula. supplies so as not to endanger the kerch bridge. so the supply opportunities will now be reduced. defense minister of the russian federation shoigu has already informed putin about the attack armed forces to the fleet and recognized the damage to novocherkassk. the defense forces of southern ukraine posted a photo of the damage on social media. it shows that the ship is destroyed. according to the air force, it was attacked with cruise missiles with the help of tactical aircraft. those
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who spoke of a stalemate in ukraine are wrong, british defense minister grand chaps said after the defeat of novocherkassk. over the past four months , ukrainian forces have destroyed 20% of russia's black sea fleet, and the russian federation's maritime supremacy is now under threat. a new coalition naval forces led by great britain and norway helps ensure ukraine's victory on the water. impressed deep rear in the temporarily occupied berdyansk , powerful explosions rang out, the first in the morning, the second at noon, says melitopol's mayor, ivan fedorov. people on social networks write that in some areas the light has disappeared and there are problems with internet connection. the occupiers have already traditionally declared the cause of the explosion - the plane's transition to supersonic. i remind you that the espressu tv channel together with the public organization baza ua is collecting funds for quad bikes. for
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evacuation of the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the kholodny yar armed forces. the ukrainian military fights for victory every day under difficult conditions, leaving no wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs, evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the injured are much greater. our goal is uah 800,000. with your help, we collected 685,000 . you can donate using the details you see on the screen. "i was aware that there would be a war, ex-people's deputy, now a military man stepan barna changed his pen on weapons our correspondents will tell you why and what a warrior dreams about. stepan barna, now a sergeant of the 10th separate edelweiss mountain assault brigade, and until 2023 ukrainians knew him as a people's deputy, ex-head of the ternopil regional state administration." stepan
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says: being a politician is not a choice, a vocation, but now he calls it his duty service in the army. i was aware that there was going to be a war. all the time i was convinced that this war would be full-scale with russia, i did not believe that russia would calmly put up with... put up with the fact that the ukrainian state exists. 10 years ago, when the first shots rang out in the east of ukraine, stepan barna was engaged in politics, while actively helping the front. he says that he always understood that the priority for the development of ukraine is a strong army. it was then, in the 14th year, that my brother oleg barna volunteered to fight. instead, stepan became a reservist. this was during the formation of the brigade in order to, while still in the status of the head of the regional state administration. i tried
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to popularize the service in the reserve, already after i left the post of chairman, i went to meeting of reservists, and there he signed the contract of the operational reserve of the first line with... i think edelweiss. and accordingly, when the war began, there was a full-scale attack, there was a presidential decree on the mobilization of reservists, well, he was mobilized in his part. he remembers that he was most worried about how he should fight in winter, because he does not like the cold, being in a position in the middle of winter is the most difficult for a soldier, but the man has been wintering at the front for the second year. in the first days, our brigade was transferred to the border with belarus, and then already in march, at the beginning in march we were in the area of ​​zhytomyr and kyiv regions, that is, i met the war already
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in zhytomyr region, and from may 2022 the brigade was transferred to donbas. the fighter says that his main motivation is to ensure peace and finally. to separate from russia, and if this does not happen, then there is a possibility that this is not the extreme generation that fights with the aggressor, the worst - dies. stepan's own brother, oleg barna, already gave his life fighting the aggressor, a well-known politician and an ardent defender of everything ukrainian, always distinguished himself by patriotism and categorical attitude towards russia. in the future , stepan barna sees ukraine as a full-fledged member of the european union, in the unified nato collective security system. will choose so that children have the opportunity to develop here, learn, get an education, get housing , create a business, work in a field that will be comfortable and interesting for them, and that the country
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is for life, from the new year he expects a peaceful sky and ukraine's victory over the enemy, a peaceful sky? faith in the great future of ukraine, faith in the fact that ukraine will be an independent, cathedral state, that we will become full-fledged european country, i believe that this land will be the best for our children and for our future. stepan barna has been in the war for 21 months, and most of all he dreams of returning. home, he says, his relatives are waiting for him here, and at the same time there is a lot of work on the consequences of the war, which must be eliminated. the conquerors of hoverla, in transcarpathia, border guards detained two tourists who allegedly wanted to admire the mountain scenery. one of the detainees is
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a 19-year-old from kyiv. he had neither appropriate equipment nor warm clothes with him. the second man, a 34-year-old from kharkiv, is fine prepared for... a wet stay in the fresh air. during the detention , both men admitted that their goal was to cross the border with romania, the state border service noted. during the day , six people tried to enter the neighboring country illegally. in the dnipropetrovsk region, near the village of vasylivka, dnipro district , a massive car accident occurred. five cars and one truck collided. according to rescue data. oblast, as a result of a car wreck, six people were injured, three were hospitalized, emergency services managed to escape spillage of fuel and prevent fire. law enforcement officers are establishing the circumstances of the collision. not just a war crime, but
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genocide. the kharkiv human rights group created a submission to the international criminal court with arguments why the forcible deportation of ukrainian children to russia is a genocide of our people. let me remind you that in may 2022, vladimir putin passed a decree simplifying the procedure for obtaining russian citizenship for minor ukrainians. according to official data of the children of war portal, the russian federation is violent deported more than 1,900 children from the occupied territories. that there are significant signs to believe that this is genocide, that this decision was made by the highest political leadership of russia, this is their specific policy of extermination. of the ukrainian state, to destroy the ukrainian national group, and of course, bringing these people to justice is the main goal, but it is very difficult, and again depends on many aspects, and first of all, on how it will develop then the war in ukraine. for the first time in 20 years, ukrposhta
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delivered international parcels by rail, three wagons with almost 80,000 customer parcels arrived. they are already being taken to the ukrainians, ukrposhta reports. now. truck blockades at the borders with poland and slovakia will not affect the delivery of international orders. such a logistics solution was implemented in cooperation with the estonian national post. and the slovak company interport. unlike delivery by car, parcels cross the border by rail in one day. these are the cases for the moment, i'll see you at 3 p.m. we we follow what is happening in ukraine and the world. we will tell you about the most important things, marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii will work for you further.
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christ is born, dear tv viewers , the big christmas holidays are going on, and the informational and analytical day of tv channel 11 continues . for the next hour, we will analyze internal ukrainian and not only internal ukrainian. the situation in the espresso studio martolyarnyk and antin borkovsky work in the espresso christmas studio, we , our viewers, remind you about the collection at the station velstrum for the 108th dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of the territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine and our task with you is to collect uah 122,000 in order to be able to purchase such necessary charging stations with solar panels , and we ask you to join us by chance, if you are still celebrating at festive tables, are with your relatives, don't forget. do a good deed, donate to the needs of the armed forces, you have the opportunity to do this with a bank card in
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a monobank, if it is more convenient for you the ability to scan a qr code, or the card number, you also see on the screen, so let's do everything we can in every place so that our armed forces have what they need, that's important, and we're now adding to of our marathon victor yagun, major general of the security service of ukraine zapas, former deputy head of the security service. ssya ruzhday, mr. general, we congratulate you, praise him, good health, happy holiday to you, to each other, god grant, health to you too, and to all our soldiers. so, sir general, well, starting our conversation, well , i would like you to comment on these strange publications in the foreign press, in particular , there are regular reports of one or another pseudo-readiness, fake, lying readiness of putin for one or another negotiations, so we understand that. .. it's not for nothing that the whole business is starting up, now we understand how difficult the psychological atmosphere is
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in our country, and so on and so forth. so, in your opinion, what do these information leaks about putin's pseudo-readiness mean? because the western press publishes? in fact, it is clear that they are published at the request of certain political bodies, both russia in the first place and ... western ones, which, well, if unaffiliated, then at the very least have contacts with the russians, and they send messages through them , that we are ready, ready to communicate, but there is a nuance, the nuance is that, first of all, they are ready to communicate with the west, they long ago, by the way, said that they were ready for negotiations with the united states, with nato, no i know, there with brussels, with anyone, not only not with ukraine, eh, the concept is very simple: ukraine does not decide who ukraine is. what should we talk about with her, we will talk with you, we will decide the fate of ukraine, in the last resort
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we will divide it in half there or along the dnieper, as they are trying there, and we will forget this conflict and we will continue to live happily in our cooperation , no one will go for it, well, with consciously, consciously normal politicians of the west, but there is a certain political group that promotes this, because, well, why, because every war ends with negotiations, yes, but on at what stage and whether the other side is ready for these negotiations, that is, they can talk about it, despite the fact that we warned that there is nothing outside of ukraine about ukraine, but i think that this is one of those moments, well, this is this, too negatively, yes, and from the positive, that... i understand that the 24th year is the last year when they are still able
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to conduct military operations at the rate we are seeing now, they uh, they have are able to mobilize a certain category of people, they are able to use the remnants of their technology that they have, they are are still financially capable of doing something, but all... experts agree on one thing that the 25th year is critical for them, and they do not want to enter that critical year without realizing that they have some chances. stop the war, agree on something there and get at least some kind of conditional apron. is the 25th year critical or the 24th? the 25th why? well , because many people, including kyrylo budanov , often talk about certain conditional deadlines: the 26th, 25th year. i would like
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our viewers to understand more, including why these years will be critical for the russians. the 24th year, it is complicated by the fact that there are a lot of elections, in particular critical for us, we understand, in the territory of the united states, which putin hopes that with the arrival of another president, some approaches to this war may change, there will be elections and certain changes in our allies from in european countries, maybe possible. some other situations will open up and some internal processes will begin in ukraine, they hope for this, that is, they hope that the 24th year will be positive for them, we, as i understand it, must push hard, get through this year, prepare for other fights and hold on to those positions without
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losing anything, hold on, hold on to at least the positions that we're in, i think that... that the tiring defensive battles that he's fighting now our army, they are the prerequisites for the fact that victory will be ours. mr. viktor, today ukrainians could watch a very good video from the crimea, from feodosia, there today a russian amphibious ship was burning brightly, on the ship of which it is already officially said that there were shaheds, which the russians are shelling regularly ukraine, and actually we are talking about already 20. the black sea fleet of the russian federation has been defeated by ukraine this year, at least that is what the british defense minister grand chaps says, what can you say about this attack on the russian large amphibious assault ship novocherkassk, and actually it is interesting to understand, perhaps you have some certain guesses as to how this strike could have been delivered,
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they say that it could have been cruise missiles, which we will not be convinced of, we probably don’t need to know this, but the most important thing for us is that the result... you know, it was good, and the rest are details, well, from what everyone knows, it is with the help of stormtroopers, missiles that are launched from our bombers, that is, these are the actions of the weapons , well, the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine, they worked out this, well this one on a raid, made a successful, successful hunt for this, amphibious... problems, that's a pretty powerful blow to the enemy, it's actually the second that we can clearly say, amphibious ship that's been destroyed, and that confirms that their capabilities decrease in this regard, ee
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one of the not-so-old amphibious ships that were once produced in ugdansk. vers the version in poland, if i am not mistaken, nova cherkas, 87 years old, er , launched, that is, these are ships that are not manufactured in russia, and what to replace them with, they haven’t found yet, well, maybe there somewhere something is being reworked, but this is quite a blow for them, for their so-called, once they used these ships in the so-called syrian express. they actively use them to overturn certain arms from the russian coast to the crimea, so that they don't use, well, so that they don't use the crimean bridge, that is, for their military purposes, this is quite a strong blow, how can this affect their combat capability, well, we have successfully shown that we
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are capable of destroying their ships, and both in ours... in crimean ports, and their ships on the coast of the black sea in russia, that is, this is a continuation of the same tactics of destroying the black sea fleet in its bases, and this is a reduction in the capabilities of their fleet to exert pressure on as tel as as and on ukraine, as well as all the black sea countries in general. dear mr. major general, well, look, two issues in one, everything is as we like it, we like it, on the one hand, we understand that mobilization is increasing in our country, additional mechanisms are being worked out, the legislative base is being adjusted, and so on. on and on, on the other hand, you know, well, i don't want to evaluate the yellow press positively, but at one time we remember the publication of a bill in which german journalists,
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let it be a tabloid, but indicated approximately in which directions it would unfold a full-scale russian invasion, well , accordingly , alarming publications also appeared in biel, and gitana believes that the president of lithuania believes that russia can go to aggression against the state. in nato we understand, well, in the baltic countries, first of all , they try something like this on themselves, well, i don’t want to repeat the expert opinion at the expense of the fact that it is suicide for russia, but we know that, well, no one, no one, believed that with such forces, with such means they will climb on a full scale from the four sides in ukraine and they get what they got, but we didn't keep a certain part. on our territories , but at the same time, we have shown the ability to resist them, even without covert weapons, as it was at the beginning of the 22nd year, i do not
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simply imagine their capabilities, where they accumulate those forces that can cross the border and enter in the battle with the nato countries, in particular finland , the baltic countries were indicated there, well, this is some kind of, well, just suicidal, such an operation, which uh... well, i don't know , i just can't imagine how they can, they with ukraine now and they need to take the avdiyivka, they need to clean it up and go as they wish to the borders of its donetsk region, and for them so far it is not an exit and thank god there is no exit, our boys hold on, what they see in whose direction nato countries, well, it 's just some, i don't know, i understand the desire... to disperse certain troops and try to enter again from some other sides, in particular from the north on the territory of ukraine, but it's just as crazy, because they
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failed us there it is in the 22nd year that they will try to do through those constructions which the fortifications that we have already built there over the past two years, it is difficult to understand where they will take those forces, they will connect the belarusians, well , i don’t know, we will see... amphibious operations without amphibious ships, we, we saw it today at night, well , well, let them try, that is, that’s all, i understand, you know, it ’s somewhere around, their peasant, mr. major general, they used to let their ryazan peasant, you know, for minced meat, that is, the losses they suffered on the same avdiiv direction, they do not fit into the canons of normal normal military logic, for example, the western ones... but they went for it, we remember how they abundantly killed two hundred, well, a lot of their, their military personnel, and accordingly, now, as far as we
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understand, they went on a psychic attack, that is, they are trying to use a living resource in such a number, so convince the west that they are ready for anything, do i understand correctly or not? i think so, because look, they are in a critical situation now, they are in connection with the elections and... not having the opportunity to conduct a full-fledged mobilization, they are doing it covertly, and they receive, well, somewhere plus or minus up to 30,000 people a month, count with us according to approximate estimates, how many they lose per day, it is also plus or minus 1,000 people, but we do not take into account sanitary losses, there are sick, frostbitten, this much more, that is, they are currently losing more than they will be able to replenish their ranks, if they do try to do something,
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it will not be before, not before, probably, april, that is, spring, after after those so- called pseudo elections, where earlier in the spring of the 24th year, but for this you need to have time for recruit these people. somewhere to train them, and i emphasize once again, the problem is not the number of people, the lack of armored vehicles, weapons, modernization, if they are able to come up with something, we will see what to do, we are not given anything else, they have a mobilization reserve, well, many times more ours, but their ability to arm and use this reserve is limited and thank god, thank you, mr. viktor, for the detailed answer, viktor yagun, major general of the armed... forces of the sbu, i apologize, reserve, former deputy head of the sbu in the 14th - on the 15th was in touch with us for years. now we have a few minutes of pause, after that we will go
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to our next guest. we will discuss the situation regarding the bill on mobilization, we know that many people are worried about this issue, so we will discuss it with the people's deputy, so wait a few minutes and we will return. attention, incredible novelty from unpack tv. super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska stayle have a universal design and practical black color, so it will suit both men and women. sizes range from 36 to 46, so get two pairs at once, for you and your husband. eternal zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg. eco futro insulation perfectly retains heat and wicks away moisture, and the top is made of water-impermeable and wear-resistant raincoat fabric and reinforced with eco-suede. alaska stayle boots can be worn both in wet
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weather and in very strong weather. frosts. high-quality, light and warm alaska stayle boots. they will provide comfort both in the changeable wet autumn, and in the frosty winter, and in the unpredictable spring. you will always be warm, comfortable and dry. universal design, basic black color and good price only from 799 hryvnias. call 93 separate mechanized brigade, bolodny. has an urgent need for fivi drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier, to bring closer the victory that the whole of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. the war created a lot. challenges for
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us ukrainians and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for communication of persons with disabilities. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe, here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things, together we grow! join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family! with
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the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, let's discuss, the draft law has been submitted to the verkhovna rada, which concerns mobilization, demobilization and the introduction of additional enhanced fines. therefore, the government of ukraine proposes to parliamentarians to impose a number of restrictions on those citizens who have not fulfilled their obligations regarding mobile phones. the price of training and mobilization for violators of the rules of military registration and defense legislation, to increase fines, and for refusal to undergo medical treatment, to deprive of liberty in the same way as for evasion of mobilization, projects laws numbered 10378 and 10379, introduced by the cabinet of ministers to the verkhovna rada, about this and other things, mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on social policy and protection of veterans' rights, lieutenant general
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of the police. and glory to ukraine, sir!


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