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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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how will the tactics of the war change in the next year , the illegal sit-ins of the defenders of ukraine in the quasi-dnr and another dark day for the russian fleet. i congratulate the viewers of espresso with you, anna. and the news team recaps today. they are not far behind the armed forces. the course of the war will change next year. this statement was made by commander-in-chief valery zaluzhnyi at a closed briefing. the development of technologies will also lead to changes in their application. russians cannot be underestimated. from the ukrainian military in the use of those or other types of weapons, they are not far behind - said the general. 24th year it will not
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just be different, it must be different in the 24th year from the 23rd year, because otherwise we will face what i wrote about in the article, accordingly, we have found these problems and found probably 90% of the solutions to these questions , which must be resolved in order to act more effectively next year, and most importantly - to keep people on... we are working on this, our partners, who are also interested in this issue, absolutely agreed with us, and i can to assure you that next year will be different. another war crime of russia, the so-called court of the dpr terrorist group convicted six ukrainian prisoners of war, the fighters of the azov regiment, rustam gochaliev and vitaly kokorika received 15 years of explanation, the case of damage was falsified against them. houses in the village
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of lebedynske in 2017, and servicemen from the 36th marine corps yevhen yakubenko, dmytro latyshev, volodymyr kucherenko, and serhii balytskyi received life. the occupiers filed a case against them for allegedly shooting of 14 people in mariupol in march 2022. the so-called verdicts of the fictitious dpr court grossly violate the geneva convention. no new stations. kyivskyi. netropolitan has terminated the contract with kyiv-metrobudo for the construction of a branch to the vineyard, the procurement page states transparently. the contract expired on december 11 of this year. the reason is the disruption of work deadlines. according to the terms, the customer has the right to withdraw from the agreement and demand compensation for damages if the contractor does not start work on time or performs it slowly. the metropolitan made it to pay uah 4 billion after all. after all, part of the advance must be
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returned. one person died, three were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. mykilske came under fire again, a 70-year-old man was killed, another local resident is in the hospital, doctors assess his condition as moderate, said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. a 56-year-old man received minor injuries in kherson. he will be treated at home as a result of the shooting of a wide beam injured. local. previously, there were also victims in stepanivka and chernobaivtsi. the information is being clarified. military journalists, it is thanks to them that we learn operational information with the cutting edge. yes, taras gren is working at the front. how does he see the war? let's see. taras gren - officer of the armed forces of ukraine, military journalist and photographer. since 1994, a correspondent of the western operational command newspaper. army
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of ukraine, completed military service in various positions in military press units, later joined the armed forces in 2014. when the maidan began, even earlier, i was one of the such a military journalistic team, which predicted the invasion of russia even before, and we saw simply from the information leaks in the information work, that russia is very strongly pursuing an aggressive policy. and washes the cities of its citizens. today, the profession of a military journalist is extremely important, because thanks to its representatives, we learn quickly and verified information from the front. i have been serving in the army since the very beginning of the creation of the ukrainian state. and here it is more realistic to say that i was motivated not to leave the army, because ukrainian society, to put it bluntly, simply wiped its army before 2014.
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wiped her feet, no one paid attention to the problems of the army. taras gren brought unique artifacts collected by his colleagues at various points of hostilities. the journalist accumulated them in order to pass them on. then to a museum or a research library so that future historians can study the history of the war based on these documents. now, with my new place of service in the military medical and clinical center, i see guys who, with their health, themselves, in fact, closed us from this scourge russian, you know, i have no moral right to stop in front of them, i have to show and explain to people that the war is not so far away from us. according to... a military journalist, during the great war , the structure of weapons and the power of the armed forces of ukraine changed significantly, and this is exactly what will allow the ukrainian army to defend the country. they were able to switch to the training of non-commissioned officers as well as to open many more such faculties, where they carried out
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retraining and improvement of knowledge, which made it possible to quickly switch to new models weapons, this is what the russians could not understand in the 22nd year, how the ukrainians could master it so quickly. samples of weapons that come to them. taras hryn believes that our victory is possible thanks to the cooperation of the army, civilians and authorities. we have to get used to the fact that we are members of the great, beautiful , strong ukrainian nation, and our state is our state, not someone else's state, that we rule here, we dispose of our taxes, which we paid, and the money which we earn, and... with our freedom, where we are we will live, we have to understand it. i would like to remind you that the espresso tv channel, together with the public organization baza ua, is collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the kholodny yar armed forces.
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the ukrainian military fights for victory every day under difficult conditions, leaving no wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs, evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the injured... are much higher. our goal is uah 800,000. with your help, we collected 695,000. you can see all the details on the screen. please support this collection. officially, there were shaheds on board the great landing ship novocherkask. this is reported by rbc with reference to the center for strategic communications. in addition to the vdk damage , another russian ship could have fallen asleep. information about this is still being checked, the head of the union said. natalya humenyuk of the coordination press center of the southern defense forces. russian propagandists assume that both ships delivered ammunition to the peninsula in order not to endanger the kerch bridge. so the supply opportunities will now be reduced. the minister of defense of the russian federation, shuigu, has already reported to putin
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about the attack of the armed forces of the russian federation on the fleet and noted and acknowledged the damage to novocherkassk. the defense forces of southern ukraine posted photos of these damages on the network, they show that... the ship was destroyed, according to the air force, it was attacked by cruise missiles with the help of tactical aviation. on the day of the fire in feodosia in the occupied crimea, the russians are looking for informants, also after hitting the vdk novocherkassk, muscovites are watching the port more closely and trying to prevent the leakage of information about the state of its damage. according to the center of national resistance, after the destruction of the ship, the enemy surrounded. the central district of the city and increased the checking of people on the streets, while the representative of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, iskander bariev , said that the illegal authorities there are trying to fight with the numerous video materials, on which the moment of hitting the ship is recorded, they are looking for those who
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made these videos public. the images on the ammunition boxes, a cycle of 11 icons, dedicated to the fallen soldiers of 112. tro of kyiv and kyiv region became part of the exposition sophia kyivska national reserve. the works are written on the boxes from under the weapons that remained after the battles during the defense of the capital in the fall of 2022. from now on, they complement the paintings of the times of kyivan rus and the images of the iconostasis of the baroque era in the church. requiem prayers for the heroes will also be heard there. who defended our country, turning death into life, death is a box of weapons, life in our tradition is an icon. this is a prayer and not just a prayer, it is a prayer on the terrible essence of the saints for humanity before christ. in
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in our case, it is a prayer for the dead ukrainian soldiers. we inscribed these names in the icons, they are inscribed forever. and i am placing these icons, we placed them in sophia of kyiv, in our central church of our country, and now there is a church on the territory of the national reserve where priests will pray for the dead. it is very important for us, because we show, we show relatives, we show the whole country that our brothers who died for the country are very important to us and very important to the country as a whole. that's how he was this day in the presentation of the news team, i tell you see you tomorrow, i will wait for you in this studio at 2 p.m. and leave you not only in the pleasant, but also useful company of my colleagues from the big broadcast.
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the economy during the war, the stressful state in which our country has been living for 10 years, after a full-scale invasion, the situation worsened many times. however, the enemy did not manage to break us. our courageous defenders hold the front, and business forms a reliable rear. in the second year of the full-scale war , metallurgical production is gradually being restored. the banking sector turned positive. already this year, thanks to the help of our partners , new models of ukrainian armored vehicles are appearing. after all, among minefields and under enemy fire, we collected a record. harvest espresso analyzes the business results of the year. uah 735 million is the amount of taxes
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paid by ids ukraine for 10 months of this year. despite all the challenges of wartime, the enterprise not only continues to work and provide jobs, but also actively develops, launches new products, increases state support with taxes and provides great social assistance to ukrainians, says the head of the ukrainian board of directors of ids bilas. compared to last year, this year was more successful for business, because, well, there are several reasons for this, we have already adapted to those conditions, and there has been a better understanding of the situation, certain apparent rules of work have been developed, er, and we are in this increased sales by 10%. increased sales enable the company to do more to help support the armed forces, we continue to be the largest paid... taxes in our industry. the social component became the most important priority business the company has established cooperation with
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more than two hundred charitable foundations. thanks to this interaction, it helps the military, hospitals and civilian ukrainians who suffered from russian aggression, in particular, for the closure of the office of the president of ukraine and military administrations, the kherson region received more than 5 million liters of drinking water for a total of 35 million uah after the detonation of the hydroelectric power plant. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, in general. we gave more than uah 200 million, and the total amount of all donations is about uah 300 million. providing social support to others, the company continues to worry about its employees who are currently serving in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. we support our colleagues who are in the armed forces, we fully equip them despite the difference in the law, so we left them the average salary. for more than 25 years , the company has been producing bottled water, known as podtor'. morshynsk and myrhorodsk brands, but it does not stand still and invests resources in development. over the past 5
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years, the amount of capital investments, in particular in production, has reached 2 billion 300 million uah. in during the war, we continue to invest in production. we invested almost uah 440 million in launching a new aseptic line, we launched new products, including a lemonade-based carbonated drink. of natural juices, we released an energy drink with different flavors, it is already a will , we give this drink free of charge, to our defenders in huge quantities, effective management of a professional team allows the business to stand, the management of the company has almost not changed for about 15 years, in next year, the ids ukraine company is planning remain the industry leader and increase product sales to pre-war levels.
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the city was struck by the large landing ship novocherkask, which was on board and what remained of this ship itself. said about the mobilization, whether he demanded that the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopt changes to the law and recruit 500 thousand more to the army. we will talk about this and other things for the next hour and 43 minutes. this is the great ether program. my name is vasyl zima and we start with an announcement about the collection. so, i remind you that the espresso tv channel and the human and law charitable foundation have announced a new collection. together with you our viewers, we are raising funds for powerful portable welstrom battery stations with solar panels for 108 dnipropetrovsk. of a separate brigade of the territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine, in order to effectively destroy the enemy, military equipment must be systematically charged. the stations can replace generators and provide soldiers with energy even in the field. our goal is uah 220,000. so far we have collected only 370 thousand. do not join, give it to win, you see the details on your screens. well,
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actually, we will start the conversation with the situation on front, and in particular we will talk about the kharkiv region. direction leonid polyakov, senior lieutenant of the armed forces of ukraine, officer of the legion of freedom. mr. leonid, i congratulate you. congratulations to the studio, congratulations to the company. glad to see and hear. well, let's talk in general about the situation in the kupien direction, it has not been easy there for a very, very long time. from what you can say, please describe the efforts of the enemy and the opposition from the armed forces of ukraine to prevent the advance of the enemy hordes. well, the enemy does not stop trying to, ah,... enter the outskirts kupyansk, the main effort he is now trying to accumulate his forces in the area of ​​the settlement of synkivka, this is a strategic settlement right at the entrance to the road to kupyansk, there can be from 5 to 20 assaults per day, and quite
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a large amount of artillery is also concentrated here. .. quite a large number of personnel, especially recently observed, as well as motorized infantry divisions, and here recently one prisoner was caught like that, so to speak, and he told that well in their circles the army has such conversations that they have... well, at best, until the new year, in general, before the elections, when putin will be re-elected there, if only to go to the outskirts of kupinsk, well, in general, it is better to capture him, also the enemy of the last time somewhere well, for a week or two, you don't regret using cabs, and they are used
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all over the city. uh, it can be 5-10 cabs per day, and they are also used at the positions of the enemy, at the positions of our defenders, and therefore the situation is difficult, but the guys are holding on, but holding on hard. tell me, please, what is lacking , again, without revealing secrets, we know that an order was given by the president of ukraine, the supreme commander-in-chief, to... fortify, well, in particular, kharkiv oblast was discussed, i don't know where , where it is being built, but in general, are there any works on the construction of suitable fortified districts, and again, what is the situation? with support, well, i don’t know, each direction probably has its own needs, somewhere we need more shells, somewhere we need more drones, somewhere we need more of something else, so it is difficult for me to judge now, but
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from what you need and the provision , mainly, who covers it, volunteers, the state, please, well, look, in principle, the needs everywhere on all areas of the front are approximately the same, my brothers from the legion of freedom will be lied to, of course, that drones, drones now... play a key role, and they compensate for the lack of artillery ammunition, both ours and, of course , the enemy's, ah, this is again the need for fresh units, for good reason today they are already leaving talk about the mobilization of about 400 to 500 thousand people, yes, well, at least there... although valery zaluzhny denied that there were such plans, but i think that a certain number of military personnel who need to be
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mobilized and trained, definitely a certain number, and it should not be small , ah, well, in principle, in principle, as for fortified districts, accordingly, there is preparation, i will not say exactly where and how, but... such works are being carried out, although, to be honest, not i would like, like, well, for example, the same one sorovikin's line , well, this is actually the second full-fledged winter of the great war, of course, the participants of the so-called anti-terrorist operation survived more than one winter, both in the trenches and in the combat zone, there on the first or second line, but now, of course, a much larger number of people is going through this great war on the battlefield, how is this winter going in terms of providing the most necessary for... as they say, let's say this, the rough functioning of the human body of a fighter on the battlefield , it's from the necessary nutrition to the appropriate medicines, again, well, there eyes
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chemical heaters, all that we saw , you remember, i think you also saw, you didn't see, you probably experienced all this last year, when the fingers were frozen, and everyone held those positions there, guys and somewhere something was missing, it looked very unfair to the soldiers, who are dependent on the state for support. so that they can do their work on the front lines , like this winter, that's right , december has literally already passed for us, it is possible, i think, even more so, the beginning of december was very frosty, so it is possible, i think, to knock down certain such intermediate results, well, i will say that, in principle, not much has changed since last year, and the lion's share of what is needed, of course , is provided by volunteers, but nevertheless, the state also gives something. and as for frostbite, i am just a military medic myself, i will say that the problem is as much in the frosty weather
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as in the temperature changes, because the situation was the same in bakhmut, the winter company in that year, when the temperature there was from +5 to -20, and this, of course, affects the health of military personnel, and this causes... such a phenomenon as trench foot , which reduces the combat effectiveness of the soldier himself and the unit as a whole, and again, i already said in one of the broadcasts that in a great war, unfortunately, there are not many resources, war is it is always a resource eater, therefore , of course, what we lack from the state, everything is taken care of by volunteers. i am not revealing any secrets to you here. i would also like to ask you to comment as a person, exactly, who is fighting in this direction. the statement was made by oleg senigubov, the head
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of the kharkiv regional military administration that they received information from ukrainian intelligence that the enemy plans to take kharkiv again. from your point of view, i understand that these are certain strategic points that have to be considered from many angles, but still from your point of view, now the enemy that is standing against you, is he able to decide on a ... new attack on kharkiv, well , let's start with the fact that the moscow empire wants to capture all of ukraine in general, to destroy everything that lives here, and what about kharkiv, well , first of all, for this we need to buy huge resources, which, despite the fact that the army muscovy is quite large, and let's be honest and we won't, well, let's tell the truth, it's quite powerful, you shouldn't underestimate it. certainly there are such plans, but at the moment, at the moment, well, in order to go to kharkiv, it is necessary to concentrate quite...
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a lot of human resources, again, for their tactics of the so-called barrage of fire , a fairly large number of shells are needed, which , although the enemy now has a lot, but nevertheless they are enough, not enough, that is why there are definitely such plans, but at the moment, in the present period of time, this is unlikely, thank you very much, take care, leonid polyakov, senior lieutenant of the armed forces of ukraine, officer... of the svoboda region of the wake of the military service at the front, briefly told us about the situation in the kupyan direction and about the possibility of the enemy going again to the multimillion city, to the millionaire city kharkiv. well, now we will talk about the political topic, but of course with reference to the military. oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. congratulations, christ is born. let's praise him. has the government introduced a bill on
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improving mobilization to the verkhovna rada? did you manage to see, i read yesterday that it allegedly disappeared, somehow appeared, then disappeared, did you manage to see the main provisions of this draft law, and can you comment on what is proposed by the cabinet of ministers of ukraine? of course, i read it, there are 72 pages, so maybe there are some details that need to be read further, but today i devoted a lot of time to it, because this draft law, well, it is about the fate of people, it is in every tape, it is the fate of people. and the general impression in it cannot be accepted in this form, and it must be significantly revised, there are very correct things in it, finally, for example, i fought for it for a year, demanding demobilization for our military and replacement, i submitted a bill to establish the term of service at 18 months, and the authorities did not refuse to talk about it for a long time, even in may zelenskyi
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, after my... petition gained the required number of votes on the president's website, said that he was against demobilization during the war, in principle, and here is finally the position changed, and the government submitted a bill that provides for the establishment of the term of service and demobilization, but not after 18 months, after 36 months of service, i am very much in favor of the very idea and finally, but 36 is too long, it is too long, it is unrealistic, so it is necessary to reduce this figure, i... consider the figure of 18 months to be optimal, i will continue to defend it, and i can say that such a step is very big in this direction after all, and i believe that it is the right step, but i repeat, the term not at all what it should be, there is also an important topic about the release of conscripts, the guys are already serving for the fourth year, the fourth, and by the way, just at his briefing
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, zaluzhnyi said that... conscripts, i am quoting now, conscripts of the army are no longer needed, and they must be released, and finally this law appeared, in which it is provided for, but you know, there is a good thing in every point, but, but in every pot of honey there is a spoonful of honey, and sometimes, excuse me, a whole bucket . it is to spend... months for their release, seven, what, it is not known when it will be the law is adopted and will enter into force, after that another seven months, why, it can all be done much faster, the correct norm, to give the opportunity to the disabled people of the first and second groups to be released from the army and those who were captured, but why did they forget the disabled people of the third group, and on the contrary, they want to recruit disabled people of the third group into the army, what will they do, what do the disabled people of the third group
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of the army need for, i don’t understand, so... well , that’s how it is in this law, so i repeat, it requires very significant revision in such unacceptable in appearance, but in the whole series directions there finally, well, you know how they say that the flight touched down, how would you comment on today's appearance on the air of a single marathon, in general, in the information space of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general valery zaluzhny, who said first that this was not their request. 450-500 people to the army, because in principle the numbers of mobilization should not be announced at all, it is a military secret, he said, and that they need people in order to complete the sanitary losses, and taking into account the fact that it can develop in different ways the situation at the front people are needed, but when it will be, how many there will be, in what period they will be recruited, this is all an open question, so he slightly refuted what bezugla, arahamia, and certain people said before that, this was more of a political solution mr. general,
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did he still fulfill his duties and explained how? it should be, and besides, he said i didn't submit anything.


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