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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2023 10:00pm-10:30pm EET

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european donors, others - at the expense of the central government. 97 objects in the kyiv region are being rebuilt with funds from the fund for liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression. this is vokzalna street in the city of bucha. she is one of the most famous. and here's why. this photo went around the world. it was made exactly on this street. one of the first completely destroyed columns of the russian army. payback for resistance. the invaders executed civilians and destroyed their homes, like this building. this is the floor in which the projectile entered between the second and third floors, and led to significant destruction, therefore, we had to do a complete dismantling, and now we are engaged in restoration. now in bucha ponivyshtina, the buildings look like new two years ago. many local residents rebuilt
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their homes on their own, others waited for state assistance. everything was restored, windows were installed, everything, balconies were glazed, everything is so good, only that, of course, look at all this, we remember. the situation with reconstruction in irpen is worse. the occupiers destroyed 3/4 of all infrastructure facilities in the city. the damage was estimated at 750 million dollars. this district in the city was probably the most affected by russian aggression, residential complexes here were shot with hail and aerial bombs. estimates for reconstruction were approved only in 2023. two years ago , there were high-rise buildings here, now it is a continuous field. banksy's graffiti is all that remains of the phosphorus-burned high-rise.
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meanwhile, the country's authorities have made the buchan district a living proof of russian atrocities, foreign delegations are constantly brought here to open the world's eyes to the true face of the russian federation. we are here to hear the ukrainian people, and then return to indonesia and tell our society what happened here, because the russian... kanta is powerful, even in the media of indonesia, so we will make efforts to show at home what is really happening here, how we can help. artem logutenko, oleksiy kutsuk, espresso tv channel. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click, and you are in the world of cartoons. click and around the universe of cinema, next? oh. what is
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issues of mobilization, military registration and military service. it happened the day before. as my colleague from the liganet publishing house yury smirnov noticed, the bill was registered late in the evening on christmas day in in the best traditions of typical inconvenient laws. what's more, as our colleagues from ukrainian pravda found out, deputies from the servant of the people faction were advised not to comment on the draft law, they say, let the military do it. all that is currently known about the mobilization in ukraine, which is proposed by the draft law. what the military is counting on and why politicians prefer to remain silent, my name is vlasta lazur, we begin. so, against the background of the new bill on mobilization, valery zaluzhnyi gave a press conference today. among other things, he said that they, that is, the general staff, will be happy with any method that will provide the need for people, answering the question about the possibility of an electronic summons - said zaluzhny. he said that he was not satisfied with the work of the tc. among the people, the military leader said that
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if he was satisfied, there would be no need for a law, he said that there was no question of a one-time mobilization, someone said that it would be mobilized in january, someone even in december, and said that... inquiries about the required number he did not mention the mobilized, i did not say a number in my speech in any way 500 not 400, i'm talking about the general need, i can't talk about any numbers from the word at all, i don't want to help our enemies, we take into account, of course, when forming the need of the people we lost, the people we can lose in next year and the people we need to form these or that parts and units, all this together is formed into a total number, and not only in people, by the way, but also in ammunition, and in the equipment that we need to launch hostilities . i will remind you that volodymyr
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zelenskyi during his final speech at a press conference on december 19, he said that the general staff of the armed forces proposed to mobilize an additional 400-500 thousand people. well, now about... the bill on mobilization, which the cabinet of ministers submitted to the verkhovna rada the night before. among other things, he proposes to lower the conscription age from 27 to 25 years, the ability to send summonses to the military through the electronic office of conscripts, conscripts and reservists, or to e-mail. in case of non-fulfillment of duties, conscripts and reservists are offered to contribute to a single the register of debtors and what restrictions should be applied to them, in particular, prohibiting travel abroad... limit transactions with property, limit the right to drive one's own vehicle and limit obtaining a driver's license. debtors are also offered to suspend benefits and services from the state and limit their credits and loans. the bill also proposes to provide servicemen who
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have been released from captivity with an additional leave of 90 days with the preservation of financial support. it is proposed to introduce basic military training for up to three months for all citizens aged 8 to 25 years, and the new draft law also expands the powers of local authorities, in particular it is proposed that local state administrations, ova, vtsa, and will also take an active part in the mobilization of ukrainians, and it is also provided that the corresponding full powers will also receive the national police of ukraine. you write in the comments what you think about the new draft law, according to the latest data, it can be adopted at the beginning of next year, most likely, it will be... somewhere on the 10th of january, well, we are in our conducted a survey among the residents of kyiv, what do they think about the new draft law , do they agree with possible innovations, listen to their answers that we received, i support the fact that people who have been there for a long time, that they have a normal
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rehabilitation and that there is rotation, so they can rest and not come back for a while , it's not clear yet, they were offering something specific there, it's one thing after another today, so i think if they didn't all run away at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, i'm here was at the beginning and went to fight at the beginning of the invasion, but if everyone had been here, then probably fewer would have been released abroad, those who had to take up arms, well, actually, that 's why we would have more answers, today and understanding, about the prisoners... well, i agree with them, they should have been involved from the beginning, well, i don't know, maybe it's not the european type, but i'm sorry, we have a war and russia uses all means and it doesn't have any humanity and nothing, who would
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take on such a mission, the director of the prison, no then no one will sign under the fact that he is not there with someone. weapons, something that is not negative , first of all, it is necessary to mobilize those who have been living there for ten years with our taxes, those who sit in the tsk, those who constantly feed themselves with our funds, for some reason they sit for tens of years, and then mobilize those who gives them these funds, that's why i'm directly indignant, there is a penalty for non-compliance, for not coming to the tsc, but there is no, well, certain reward, that is, perhaps for most people it would be... easier to accept it if there was a clear system of rewards and a clear, perhaps position on our strategy, and what is your attitude to the possibility of serving summonses by e-mail or through the recruiter's personal account? well, on the one hand, it can be effective, because now everyone
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has access to electronic networks and , accordingly, that it can happen to everyone, but i believe that there may be problems at the stage when the punishment for not performing these actions, such as to prove that a person has read this or that electronic message, if you have already been summoned, then you must serve, i believe, but well... i don't know, people are afraid, they are afraid of death, i don't know, they are ambiguous, i 'm in favor of it all ending, i don't know if it's possible to order those who are simply afraid for their lives, that's it, maybe she is afraid to leave her children, well, i have two children, i would , for example, well, well, i don’t want to, frankly, i won’t say what i am there, i think that this bill is in my opinion, timely, and of course , are debatable. opinions in society, but you can also listen to those who are already on the front lines, we must win the war, we
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must win for ukraine, and therefore everyone protects his country as best he can. well, before we begin to discuss in more detail all the ideas and proposals that are voiced in the bill on mobilization, i will also share some more information, some information that valery zaluzhnyi announced at the briefing today. by the way, this is his first... in almost two years of full-scale war in front of ukrainian journalists, before that he only actively, well not actively, but twice at least, but it was quite noticeable, added to international publications. so, he stated today that he believes that russian aggression can be stopped only by a constant increase in the losses of their army, although until now the leadership of the aggressor country did not pay attention to the number of killed and wounded russian citizens in the war, he said this at the briefing, i will quote. it is difficult to predict how many more losses will need to be inflicted before it all stops. i believe that it is necessary to do this
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constantly, right up to the moment when the war does not end, until the enemy refuses to conduct hostilities against our country, - said zaluzhny. i should add some context here, i would like to remind you that in 2024, in march, russia will hold elections or something like elections, where putin will most likely be re -elected. dent and here are a number of political scientists , political observers who study russia and understand russian domestic politics, they say that just after the russian presidential election , mass mobilization will begin in russia, or at least its pace will accelerate somewhat, and maybe, and now if zaluzhnyi says that it is possible that russia will be stopped by the loss of their wounded citizens or killed citizens, well, many here express sadness. most likely, it is unlikely to stop, because there are a lot of people in russia, and there is a much larger
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mobilization resource than in ukraine, and all the more so because in russia there is also recruitment for private military companies, so-called private ones, which in fact everyone works under the umbrella of the russian authorities and the russian government, and well, actually now we can only assume or predict that to some extent the mobilization processes that... now want to start in ukraine, maybe it is himself, including preparation for what will happen in russia next year, how the mobilization there can affect the front. this is all up for discussion: iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity, representative of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, joins our broadcast. good evening. good evening. so, how did the bill make an impression on you? i understand you already had the opportunity. get acquainted, perhaps during the preparation, will you and will your faction vote for him? let's
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let's start with the fact that the bill, which , let's say, the matrix, which was discussed during the working group in the parliament, for three months, it has significant differences from the bill that was introduced by the cabinet, in particular, the norms that violate the constitution, limit the rights even ... the post-war state due to violation of the constitution, norms that contain corruption risks, this is about expanding the powers of the shopping center, this is the issue of reservation, then in the way that it is prescribed, and other norms that are subject to very careful analysis and adjustment for compliance with their current legislation and the basic law, i would like to emphasize that the issue of mobilization is clearly regulated in the constitution. and the law on mobilization, it is the president who must determine what method, volume and by what
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means it will be carried out, and it is possible, yes it is possible, please, that this is a draft law that has been discussed in the verkhovna rada for so long since it was submitted by the president's office, but was introduced in a completely different form by the cabinet of ministers of shifting responsibility from a sick head to a healthy one, because in fact this... from my point of view, the draft law should be introduced by the president of ukraine according to the current legislation and the constitution , including, he determines the order, scope and types of mobilization, but in fact. but the government, it is managed one way or another from the president's office, it's not a secret for anyone, why, why, do you think, why is the government responsible for this bill? i think that the artificial transfer of responsibility for such, you know, dangerous for personal ratings issues as mobilization, continues directly to
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the military, and this is a disservice to the state of ukraine, because the introduction of... similar draft laws, which contain amendments to the current law on mobilization, which should contain clear algorithms for demobilization, should, from the point of view of the president, not use the fact that he really has the right to be under the full scope of subordination the executive branch of government is the cabinet of ministers and has its monomajority in the verkhovna rada, in this form, i think that what the cabinet of ministers submitted from the submission of the office of the president, as you say, absolutely has the possibility of being approved with the support of its monomajority, i i am sure that all the adequate factions , who will read in detail these norms , which were registered tonight, will have many comments and will demand the improvement of this document,
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at least until the second reading, in the form in which it is presented now, vote even in the first reading. and only her supporters of the government can, ms. frize, you said that the draft law in its current form has corruption risks and contains violations of the constitutional rights of citizens, could you go into more detail so that there is more is clear to our audience on both the first and the second. conventionally speaking, corruption risks are 1 2 3, violation of the constitutional rights of citizens is 45-6. yes, let's start with corruption risks. in the law, the issue of reservation, which concerns 50% of civil servants of category a, as well as other categories b and b, is prescribed in such a way that there will be corruption risks, because we will make this decision about them by those who will not have any controlling factors , this is
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the first corruption risk, the second corruption risk is discretion or expansion powers of representation. of tccs, which, according to their submission, will now enter information into the unified state register of debtors, which contains certain restrictions. i would like to emphasize that the procedure of how and in what manner persons who are subject to registration are entered into the unified state register of debtors is clearly prescribed in the current legislation. violation, one way or another, by a citizen of ukraine. in this case, by the decision of the representative of tsc, a person can enter this register. moreover, according to the decision or submission of the representative of the tsc, a person can be deleted from this register. this is an absolutely absurd and corrupt norm that should be
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changed in this form, it simply cannot have the right to, has no right to... existence, the second, the second aspect, which concerns the limitation of rights, here we are talking about those rights that even on the implementation of martial law cannot be limited, this concerns the issue of providing housing, and those restrictions that apply through the unified register of debtors, regarding blocking the ability of ukrainian citizens to buy or sell housing, are absolutely antique constitutional and should be deleted from this draft law in the form in which it is submitted, these are the two key ones, but if you look further, the too great powers regarding mobilization, demobilization and mobilization training are now transferred to local self-government bodies, absolutely unrestrained and
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contradictory is the aspect, when an electronic register is entered on the one hand. electronic office, a single register of conscripts, recruits and conscripts, that is, everything is transferred into electronic form, on the other hand on the other hand, we leave paper records to the local self-government bodies, yes, which should be kept at the primary centers, this is absolutely absurd, because if we are to move towards the creation of a single register of conscripts, then we should move in this direction, and not invent it by the way, you know , there are some problems that we will support the register, when it becomes operational , as of now, but here is such a clarification, you talked about electronic registers, i apologize, but why is the action not suitable? in order to separate some section there and make the conscript or reservist's office is directly in action. the other day, mykhailo fedorov,
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the deputy prime minister, said that summonses will never be issued in the act, why so and why the actual act cannot be used, but an electronic register should be introduced by a separate law? well, look, you cannot oblige all citizens of ukraine to install an application of action in themselves by the initial legislation of ukraine. ugh. basis, that is, therefore, any notifications through the action, they will not have the general scope of informing about, for example, the need to appear in the shopping center, yes, during mobilization, therefore, in this case , it is necessary to really work on a higher-quality algorithm, which is linked to the created single register, the electronic military register. knitters will be able to use modern technology to notify, again, you definitely need to put in a confirmation, because if
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they now offer via email, i'm sorry, email is not available 24 hours a day and not 24, well, not 7 days a week, yes, that is, to introduce sanctions for the fact that it is electronic the summons, let's say to... was sent to e-mail, in the way that is currently prescribed here, is a completely non-working mechanism, that is, it is a dead norm, which, above all, in principle, is aimed at, you know, from my point of view, intimidating ukrainians , so that they will be sent some electronic messages to e-mail, now everyone will start changing their e- mail, you need to move in the direction of civilized, creating an effective. effective electronic register and the ability to provide algorithms for communication with everyone conscripts through the electronic
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register of conscripts. today , the minister of defense rustem umerov was actually asked: well, if the number of soldiers increases, where will the money for their provision be taken? so let's see what he answered and talk further. everyone planned for the 24th year, as already said. glavkov ngsh, we have planned everything, we do not want to go into the details of what we planned, how we will do it, look, people who are already going to uvizkomti, we have seen it even on the roads of kyiv, all the same, they will find out where to get the money, well , the minister did not agree, it was taken away, but the question remains relevant, and there is an idea where. to take money for such a large army, if we are talking about 400-500 thousand, we do not know for sure, but volodymyr zelenskyy voiced exactly such a figure at the press conference.
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money must be taken from the state budget, for this it is necessary to provide in the state budget, if there is a figure, or, say, the president approves the mobilization plan by the opening law, then the president must foresee the expenses and give instructions. government to prepare the redistribution of the budget, which has already been approved for the 24th kind of year in the form in which it is, about the redistribution of budget revenues from providing for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine to providing for the needs of the army, that is , all this is prescribed in the actual legislation, the only question is the presence of political will for approval to protect the national interests of ukraine. and not personal ratings, to transfer the responsibility for mobilization to military personnel, to the general staff, to the commander-in-chief, i consider to be
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a completely wrong practice, which in fact carries risks for the state, for the defense capability of our state, artificial confrontation plays against us, i thank you very much for your comment, iryna fries, people's deputy of ukraine, european solidarity, representative of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, european solidarity, if i understood you correctly , will make amendments even in the form in which the draft law is now, you will not support it, thank you very much, and now in detail about the restrictions, therefore, as i mentioned earlier, the government of ukraine proposes parliamentarians to impose a number of restrictions on those citizens who have not fulfilled their obligations regarding mobilization preparation, and indeed mobilization itself. according to the message of the head of the tsc, among the people of the military, violators are proposed to be entered into the unified register of debtors and to apply restrictions to them: a ban on traveling abroad
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, a ban on transactions with real estate and... property, restrictions on the right to drive one's own vehicle or obtain a driver's license, restrictions on the right to use and dispose of funds and other valuables, refusal to conclude a credit agreement or loan agreement, suspension of receiving benefits and services from the state. zaluzhny, by the way, he was asked about these restrictions today, and in fact we can say that he distanced himself from these ideas, listen to him. we are the army, we are the armed forces of ukraine, we have to... fight, we have to get resources, carry out tasks, and in no way can we even think about somehow interfering in the civilian life of people, and again, i repeat, there are appropriate central executive bodies authorities that can do this, we did not make such proposals, because we cannot do it as such, firstly, and secondly, believe me, we have enough trouble to come up with ideas some restrictions
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for civilians. well, what do lawyers think about such restrictions, how acceptable are they, even taking into account that ukraine is under martial law? gennadiy druzenko, lawyer, public activist and co-founder and head of the first voluntary mobile hospital named after mykola, joins our broadcast. perohova good evening, good evening, what do you think of the debtors' register, to what extent it can be a working tool, is it a violation of constitutional rights, as our interlocutor from european solidarity just suggested. on the frieze, well, this is, first of all, a sign of the flagrant incompetence of those who prepared the bill, because the debt to the homeland is definitely not a reason for inclusion in the register of debtors, i.e. debts, if it is a register of debtors, we are not living in the moscow mirror, where the war roared - this peace, and evil is good, then debtors should be included, when you have some debt,
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also included in... in the register of alimony, so here if it is not clear to me why tools that were created for a completely different purpose are proposed to be used for those , who evades the draft, especially since they criminalize the evasion of the draft, that is, at least the draft law proposes to criminalize it, it is rather due to a lack of expertise, the government currently has a terrible shortage of... people who are good at writing a high-quality draft law, and - the second, from desire attract any means to serve , i don’t know, in front of the president, who probably gave this instruction that the mob reserve should be provided, it would be better if they were engaged in reforming the armed forces, so that people would want to go there, and not run like hell, it was would be the best incentive for people, well, to make up
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for the losses that actually exist today, what needs that actually exist today in the defense forces of ukraine, and to catch people on the streets, there are roadblocks on the road today, i saw it myself, it turns into i don't know russia, well , i haven't even seen such a thing in russia, they released those who didn't want to fight, that is, did i understand you correctly, that this is the idea with the register of debtors , there is no such experience anywhere in the world, if ukraine implements it , this will be... this will be the first such example of know-how, yes, well , it will be a lousy example, firstly, this example is very far from the rule of law, secondly, it really violates constitutional rights, because, well, you cannot conclude the fact that i evade one punishment with an instrument intended for another offense, and thirdly, it will once again create a huge wave of court cases that the state will
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lose. then it will not implement these decisions, there will be lawsuits in the european court of human rights, and again, we as taxpayers will pay for the unprofessionalism and stupidity of the government, which submitted to the council a completely raw bill on the 71st page, and if we distance ourselves from the register of debtors, in general there is something positive in this document, if not how, as i understand it, it was worked out for a very long time, both in the government and in the office of the president, and apparently there were proposals from troops immediately, everyone contributed a little bit, in fact, who wouldn't go to the press today? well, of course, if the subject is legal , if the draft law is submitted by the government, then it is created just like that, that is, there is a relevant ministry that prepares it, then it is agreed between the central bodies of the executive power, then it is considered at government meetings and finally.


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