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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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ukraine was. the next option is actually what happened globally, this is the event. but when ukrainian drones began to regularly visit russia, the propagandists, it must be said, were very impressed. a blow to the kremlin is a symbolic blow, it's something common, by the way, since september 11, somewhere.
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bryansk region, the train went down a slope, we see how drones are flying to the moscow region, enemy drones are almost flying to moscow, drg is coming, that is, belgorod region is also located under fire, that's all part of the war , which we already have to accept as our current life, i'm just asking this terrible question, but for now, as we are now, it seems that the bandera underground has already been operating. ukrainian in moscow, finally we admit that it was already full of it in our country, until february 24 last year, they know how to wait a long time, very long, the task is to sow fear, the task is to terrorize the population, you will be killed everywhere, you will go to turkey, they will kill you in turkey, you will go to egypt, they will kill you in egypt. but most of all
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the chairman of the defense committee of the state duma and his deputy deputies kartopolov and zhuravlov were psychologically affected. reserve colonel-general oleksiy kartopololov, chairman of the state duma committee on defense. at one time, he was the deputy chief of the general staff of the russian federation, not just anyone. and he is like that in his own way. for example , a professional suggested to a business to buy anti-aircraft systems in the military market and install almost a kind of private anti-aircraft system at its facilities. another propagandist, mardan, commented on this, that now he is finally really getting sick of himself, and i am so sorry that they are not made this beautiful such thing, because just imagine how many russian planes would be shot down by these private russian ppus.
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the size of our state is such that there is always a loophole through which some drone can fly, it is clear that we have the means, we have military means of air defense, they are focused on covering important state military facilities, but we also have a lot of others important objects, these are oil depots, gas distribution stations, gas stations, substations of all bridges, bridges, overpasses, factories, it is possible to list them for a long time, but look, because there are fairly inexpensive means of combating unmanned aerial vehicles, which are generally produced and which, in my opinion, every self-respecting corporation can well buy and put on its facilities. there are more exotic ways to fight drones. deputy chairman of the state duma committee on defense aleksey zhuravlyov.
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the day before, he suggested using a squadron of specially trained eagles. ornithologists have been connected, it is possible to train an eagle to shoot down a drone or not guys, you 're all right, right? do you have any brains at all, in what form did your parents conceive you? what eagles, cedars, what are you carrying? well, what is it, well, people were scared, but why... this is an interesting opinion of the proverbial deputy zhuravlov, why not, in the end. the next number of our program and its fifth step is how the propagandists decided to praise north korea. this is, of course, an absolutely epic story, because somehow such an unexpected love was born in everyone at the same time, and that's right no, there is nowhere to hide from her. such love. terrible, all this love, it rested
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on two things, the fact that there was a great desire for korean shells, and also, as it turned out, a great desire for korean military personnel, or at least construction workers. well, it seems that the shells came , or they didn’t come, or not as much as they wanted, it’s unknown, in short , but the builders somehow didn’t work out, but in the course of all this, everyone managed to distinguish themselves there, but still especially distinguished themselves, as always solovyov and skabieva actually, skabieva went to north korea and in north korea began to tell what freedom there is, the internet and how everything is wonderful in general. how she feels great there, look, just look and enjoy, the minister of defense of a great country is coming , a concert is being given in his honor, people in korea are singing in russian in
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honor of the russian delegation, which is headed by the general of the army, the hero of russia.
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there is the internet, he is not standing next to me, comrade major, no one controls our actions at all, we went out with cameras, filmed north korean people, they do not look gloomy, and now i just decided skabeev to tell that there is no comrade major, when comrade major appeared, no one is accompanying us, moreover, no restrictions were issued for filming, immediately after these words, outwardly, the state security service is as friendly as possible.
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after all, a man in a strict suit appears and begins to move parallel to me, absolutely ordinary, normal people who are not dressed in the same clothes, do not move according to the shape, bright multi-colored clothes, he does not seem to come close, but then he still clarifies russian with almost no accent, what exactly did i say, why are we filming, and here he is asking not to film north korean people, now wait, wait please, there is europe or the usa, which she is used to, with well, what did skabieva want, it is not some other side, let her get used to it , because soon this kind of thing
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will completely, completely take root in russia, well, on the next rung of our hit parade , the vice-speaker of the state duma, peter tolstoy. the vice-speaker decided to explain that the russians are called incorrectly, not like that, not those and not there, we ourselves are to blame for the fact that such a term "russians" appeared when it was necessary, therefore, some word for yeltsin so as not to offend the tatars, or i don't know who he didn't want to offend, the helpful burbulest offered him from the dali dictionary, this is the word "russians", since then we... russian people have россии , we continue to pronounce this absolutely unintelligible adjective, and pay attention, all those who want to express themselves in some way against the russians and against russia, namely ukrainians, individual nationalists in kazakhstan, in other countries of the former ussr,
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they use the word "russians" . and certainly, our brothers, avars, chechens, tatars, bashkirs, all russians. well, you know, everyone heard it, in that, well, in particular , the tatars in kazan, and tolstoy, of course, all this was expressed, and after that, of course, these people tell that they, they have someone there, some there cia agents are inciting inter-national enmity within russia, and no, no, not someone and not cia agents, although it is possible that tolstoy is some cia agent, well, it is unknown. but you know, it's not surprising, because this very idea that everyone around is russian,
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it has long and reliably captured the cities of the russian population, that's beautiful the reviews were in the stream of the people's front, they have such a pseudo volunteer initiative, where it seems like people just call, apparently there are a lot of people, you know, they are already very well prepared for the recordings and tell everything...
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the historian and archbishop of the armenian apostolic church gabriel aivazovsky, was born in the family of armenian kramer. moreover, i will tell you, even more, when his family moved from galicia in 1812, they were not yet called the evazovs and were not even considered russians, they were armenians, and when anton pavlovich came to visit him, he also said that he used to go to chess, the kaivazovsky estate is 25
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miles from feodosia, and maivazovsky himself , a cheerful, 75-year-old man, is a somewhat average good-natured armenian and a greedy bishop, these are the memories, but there is no way to do that, there are only russians around. margarita simonyan succeeded even more than everyone else. well, in autumn, around the kremlin. the propagandists launched a whole campaign to normalize nuclear war, they of all tv channels, the biggest studios told that a nuclear war is not scary, you can win it and even after that somehow live, well, but i must say that margarita simonyan surpassed them all, i am not a military expert, i know that if hundreds of kilometers on our... somewhere over siberia, a thermonuclear explosion, for example,
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a nuclear explosion, then nothing will happen on earth, nothing so terrible, i will even be happy, that is, this option remains, and it is also the most humane, samaya takaya, you know, herbivorous option, i don't see any other outcome approximately and of course it was absolutely not such an unexpected statement of hers, because all year russian propagandists discussed how to conduct a nuclear explosion, a training one, some kind of test, in the end, even the beauties on this occasion suspected that they really wanted to detonate a nuclear bomb on the territory russia, where we can throw a nuclear bomb, i think that they have... one criminal idea is itching in their brains now: if we drop
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a nuclear bomb on a foreign state, they will throw exactly the same ones at us, of course, they don't attack them , so i'm afraid, no matter how bad their thoughts are, they'll drop a nuclear bomb on their territory, and isn't that why we retreat in the belgorod region, letting them advance, to throw at someone else's... it's scary, and in our own way, let's show what kind of mentally ill handsome men we are, you see, the ssu will stand in some small village, and we will be there, like a tactical nuclear weapon, with a large...
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had absolutely unexpected consequences, because after that the promotion of a nuclear explosion over russia somehow, well, they abruptly stopped, had to somehow stop talking about it at all. the eighth step of ours, our military parade, was actually prigozhin's mutiny, and the march of wagner's communist party towards moscow, with the capture of rostov and all that. well, these large-scale actions began on the evening of june 23, 2023, after the statements of the leaders of the wagnerites that the internal troops of the russian federation and russia were trying to do something there, either to kill or
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to fire at the camp of the wagnerites, after that they went to moscow. walked, walked, walked for a short time, in fact, on the evening of june 24, after the talks between oleksandr lukashenko and beautiful, it all somehow stopped, but as the russian propagandists were scared, in russia there is an armed rebellion, and at first it seemed to me that this is a dream, that this cannot be, what is happening now does not fit in my head, we have a war . it has been going on for a year and a half already, our frag is not in moscow, not in st. petersburg, nor in rostov-on-don, nor in voronezh. i write down these words in the trinity-sergius lavra, in the same place where the relics of serhiy radovyshsky are located. there is a historical moment when personal, internal
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the feeling of even 100% correctness should be put on the back burner.
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they were not just scared, they could not decide for themselves for a very long time how to treat this, there were different conversations, who to punish, who not to punish, to let go, to forget everything, to forgive everyone in general, well, that is
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, such, you know, getis, there were it can be seen that they are simply stupidly demoralized, i was yesterday... in which all the equipment was not bought with private money at all, what is it possible to go to a tank, what is it possible to buy tanks, an air defense system, take a trip, now we... we are discussing a lot, well, they started a criminal case, and then he was released, so he left for belarus, this is a mockery of legal norms, i just want
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to remind you that legal norms are not the commandments of christ and not the tablets of moses. now, political scientists have been discussing for two days what it was, which means that russia looked into the abyss of a civil war and was horrified, russia looked nowhere... and no one really asked russia, no one held a referendum, whether russia wants a civil war or not , russia simply froze in horror, watching this march fury, which for some reason they decided to call it a march of justice, and they didn't even wait for the name, but just listened to the ticking... well, in fact
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, prigozhin's plane blew up, finally everyone calmed down and somehow it ended, but it must be said that all this history, well, this is a key moment, in general , of everything that happened in russia this year, because he changed putin's policy very much, he changed the savoga. putin, after all , he made it clear to putin that, well, no one will do anything, under any conditions, and on the other hand, that putin himself can now to do anything, there is no clear opposition, nor any possibility that someone will take him somewhere and drop him, so in fact, in the end, it helped to strengthen putin's position, well, before. the rear, let's say, the echelon of our military parade is, in general, i believe, a spectacular display of russian propaganda, one month in may, russian propagandists
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inflated the story about the wounding and death of the head of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny. during this time , not only all the propagandists, but also, in the end, putin himself showed themselves to be idiots as much as possible. very interesting information about zaluzhnye and posirsk, which had not appeared on the air for a long time, passed... one of the pieces of information was that we struck not only at warehouses, but also at headquarters, and that perhaps the command was located in one of these headquarters , they are somewhere, they may have been injured, they cannot simply physically participate in nato meetings now. zaluzhny was seriously wounded on may 8 in the dnepropetrovsk district and is now in the kyiv military hospital. valery zaluzhny, chief of the ukrainian armed forces , will probably not be able to perform his duties responsibilities due to injury. according to the media, zaluzhnyi was caught by a russian missile near kherson. yes, yes, i caught it and not even on the front line. this visit is also connected with the fact that wallis wanted to make sure that he lived as the head of the zaluzhny armed forces. ria novosti
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reported today, with reference to an unnamed source, about his severe shrapnel wound near kherson and treponization of the skull in the hospital, after which he will not be able to return to the army. the cavalry is enlisted, wounded, and will hardly be able to continue their work in the army. valery zaluzhny received a head injury and multiple injuries. pokrovskaya near kherson. today's news about zaluzhnyi: injury, treponization of the skull, connected, not connected, what is there now on the fronts? first, it confirms the quality work of our air defense systems in the decision-making center, in the enemy headquarters. there was a feeling that they wanted to throw him, as they say, on the battlefield, when he was...
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in the back, i asked where general valery zaluzhny was, there was no firm answer, but i understood that there was information, what died, here but putin said so, it is necessary to check, there was also a closed part, in this closed part a question was sounded, and what is more important, the answer to it, which immediately spread on the internet feeds , where is zaluzhny, yes, here is vladimirich, and where is zaluzhny, we thought , the whole channel is such, where is it necessary? moreover, even when they were shown a living hard worker, they could not
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calm down for a long time and somehow could not ... calm down, well, it happens, well, in the end, in tenth place, i believe that this is the main problem, and after all, the main , perhaps such an element that explains everything politics to putin, this is what putin told about himself, and this is what i believe psychiatrists all over the world should consider in order to somehow understand why putin is here. vladimir vladimirovich, tell me, please , what is the most good memory from your childhood related to your family, you have a family, you know, it’s such a thing, in general, intimate things, i ’ll tell you only the beginning of this story, my mother put me in a corner, no more i remember why,
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that's it... somehow, for some time , i walked around, looking at everything so menacingly, asking: you will ask for forgiveness or not, but how did this story end, i will tell you one by one, well, i will just skip the part, in short, it ended with the fact that she began to kiss me, pulled herself out of this corner and that's it, the whole story ended, but how she did it is a separate conversation. what can i say, freud would cry. well, for creators, books about lighthouses and films, this is probably a source of inspiration for many, many years. see you
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try flebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. phlebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any pain. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zim, we are starting. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. many important topics are discussed with you today. we have been talking for two hours to learn about the war , right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now yuliy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy good evening, please word, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talking about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about culture news,
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presenters, who have become many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day, as well as the studio's distinguished guests, andriy parubiy, a people's deputy of ukraine who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast winters, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. kobzar, tatyana shevchenko received such a lawsuit on the front line, even before... february 4, the woman signed up for the lviv teroborona, and on the first day of the full-scale invasion , they went to the location of the brigade to defend ukraine. i remembered that one of my professions is a medic, so i decided that i could be useful, i would learn all military things while in the reserve, leaving for training. in the past , mrs. tetiana worked as a nurse in lviv
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hospital, that's why she was hired as a sled... to help, treat, not only, let's say, not only physically, but also morally, and simply be a spiritual support for the team, for the staff. in june 2023 of that year, a medical company was created at the base of the 103rd brigade, the command decided to appoint tatyana as the head nurse, a medical reception room, a 25-bed inpatient unit and an evacuation department were set up in the basement near the front line, and the evacuation department is engaged in evacuation, interception, departure , works with more than wounded and the medical ward, in
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which... they are forged like our boys, who do not rub'.


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